Differences in outdoor advertising in different countries. Features of advertising for different countries

To begin with, it is worth saying that advertising characters in Western Europe and Asia are very different! This can also be understood from Chapter 1 of my course work. If you go deeper, you can understand that in Western European countries they spend more time on the product itself, its appearance, and so on and so forth, and in commercials in Asian countries you can often not even understand what exactly is being advertised, because the emphasis is there goes more towards the character who advertises the product itself.

Several criteria for the differences in advertising presentation in Western Europe and Asia:

1) Traditions

1.1. reflecting the historical events of the country

1.2. reflecting their involvement in any area of ​​human life:

· Household traditions are traditions associated with the things that surround a person, with his habits and everyday behavior. An example of an advertisement that demonstrates this type of tradition is an advertisement for Fairy dishwashing detergent, which shows a common everyday phenomenon such as washing dishes. And in general, these are almost all advertising messages related to demonstrating the everyday component of a person: cleaning, cooking, eating, hygiene procedures, etc.

· Family traditions are traditions associated with family values, customs: spending time together, communicating, maintaining relationships, etc. An example is the advertisement of a dairy product manufacturer “House in the Village”. Where the relationship between grandmother and grandchildren is shown. The connection between generations is shown through caring for them. In advertising messages for this product there are such stories as grandchildren came to visit their grandmother in the village in the summer, or she sends gifts to her children and grandchildren, or grandmother came to visit her relatives and prepares a family dinner for them. The advertisement for Yubileinoye cookies reflects the tradition of family tea parties that gather the whole family around the table.

· Traditions associated with certain events - significant dates and holidays in a person’s life. As a rule, advertising uses traditions associated with certain holidays. On the New Year's holiday, a "New Year's" mood is created, and the feeling of the holiday increases significantly. Cultural traditions such as giving gifts to family and friends, meeting with family and friends are shown here.

The same product can be advertised in completely different ways in different countries. Often, when creating commercials, their creators make every effort to try to take into account all national characteristics, which can differ significantly from country to country.

The most striking example of recent times can be considered the popular “pair” - Intel videos for the USA and Japan, as well as other videos.

I looked at several of those presented on the Internet and now I will present to you my opinion on this matter:

Germany VS Japan (Apple iPhone advertising) In the first video (in German) we see only the advertising product itself and a handsome male voice-over talks about all the delights of this Apple product, clearly demonstrating each of the listed functions. In Japanese advertising, I didn’t immediately understand what they were advertising at all, as I said at the beginning. We see 1000 faces that change with each new frame, all of them are talking on the phone, and in the video there are not only people, but also animated characters, anime and computer game heroes. A lot of attention is paid to these characters, not a word about the product! Only at the end is it shown on the screen and a modest inscription appears in the direction of Apple IPhone.

In this regard, we can list further differences in individual countries that require adaptation of advertising:

1. differences in the economic, political, social system

2. differences in the level of technical development

3. differences in the development and use of media and advertising channels

4. differences in culture and traditions

5. differences in attitude

6. differences in semantic, sound and other associations

7. Differences in color perception

8. language differences

9. Differences in Lifestyles

10. differences in the desire to achieve an appropriate lifestyle

12. differences in needs, tastes, preferences and preferences of consumers

13. differences in consumer patterns, values ​​and opinions

14. Differences in product functions

15. differences in product life cycle stages

16. difference in determining the position of the goods

17. differences in the degree of readiness to purchase

18. differences in consumption methods

19. differences in the competitive environment

20. differences between legal and business systems

The differences are political, social. For example, in Scandinavian countries, advertising products as luxury goods would be considered in poor taste, since the political systems in these countries promote socially just ideas.

Differences in culture, traditions. For example, Procter & Gamble's advertisement for Wash and Go shampoo in Poland failed to take into account that in this country families have virtually no swimming pools and mostly take baths, and its advertisement showing a woman emerging from a pool and washing her hair in the shower , turned out to not meet the requirements of consumers in this country.

The Helene Curtis company changed the name of its shampoo in Sweden from "every evening shampoo" to "every day shampoo" because Swedes usually wash their hair in the morning rather than in the evening.

Another example is the mistake of the advertising motif of the Pepsodent toothpaste, when in the countries of Southeast Asia the advertising text emphasized the snow-white color of teeth after using this paste, while in the culture of these countries black and yellow teeth until very recently were considered a symbol of prestige .

Differences in needs and preferences. For example, low-fat varieties of margarine that are popular in the USA and Western European countries, replacing butter and intended for a healthy lifestyle due to containing fewer calories and cholesterol, are not in wide demand among the majority of Russians due to climatic conditions and ingrained dietary habits, and also due to the fact that in Western countries it is mostly used for sandwiches, and in Russia for frying when preparing hot dishes.

In Japan, consumers enjoy sophisticated, high-tech products, but in the United States many consumers are wary of such products.

Differences in consumer patterns, values ​​and opinions. General Foods unsuccessfully advertised Maxwell House coffee in Germany as "the best American coffee" until it discovered that the Germans were disdainful of the American way of making coffee.

The advertisement of Imperial margarine in Germany was also erroneous, since in it royal crowns magically appeared above the heads of consumers, and the Germans consider allusions to the monarchy offensive and honor their long democratic traditions.

The history of the country, its traditions, and the peculiarities of the way of life are visible in any advertising campaign. Advertising in each country has its own specific specifics, based on the rules of behavior in society and mentality. Let's consider the most outstanding advertising campaigns that have undoubted characteristics and national characteristics of different countries.


The most difficult thing to highlight is US advertising. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, American advertising is international advertising. America is the founder of modern advertising, so as its features we can only point out the greatest rationality, logic and traditional adherence to advertising canons. American advertising praises the usefulness and functionality of a product, proving the need for its purchase. Also, advertising in the USA is distinguished by promotion of family values: typical pictures depicting holidays with the family, joint trips and pastimes - a classic set for.

Americans also like to show their loyalty to gay couples, so advertising often goes like this:

Great Britain

UK advertising full of traditional English humor, however, it is more elegant than American advertising. UK advertising is imbued with the English spirit, traditions, and the main roles are played by typical Englishmen. The restraint characteristic of this nation can be seen in advertising.


French advertising It seduces the consumer more than it sells. French advertising is dominated by visualization, bright and impressive images. For advertising this country, words are secondary, so there are usually few of them.


German precision is the main thing that can be said about advertising in Germany. Impeccable accuracy combined with beautiful pictures make German advertising high-quality and interesting.



Japanese advertising is impossible not to recognize. And the point here is not that the main roles are played by the Japanese with their typical appearance. No, it’s just that it’s quite difficult for residents of other countries to understand the main message of Japanese advertising. Sometimes it is even difficult to identify the product that is being advertised. What can we say about describing the benefits of the product. See for yourself:

To summarize the above, it is worth noting that it takes into account the mentality of its inhabitants and is based on their habits.In advertising, the most important thing is that the target audience understands the main message that was intended by marketers and reacts to it.

Differences in advertising between countries are obvious. They are determined by traditions, mentality, trends and society’s perception of certain images, symbols, economic and social realities. Advertisers and marketers from all over the world are inspired by the customs, needs, habits and daily life of the people of their countries. Undoubtedly, advertising is part of the country's collective unconscious.

Advertising today, like hundreds of years ago, reflects the ideals of society and the main values ​​of the target audience. When developing an advertising campaign strategy, the traditions of the country in which it will unfold are always taken into account. Not only outdoor advertising and television commercials need adaptation, but also trademarks. Everyone knows that symbols and even colors are perceived differently in different countries. Therefore, the trademark must be universal and international. To create it, you must conduct market research, studying the perception of the brand in it.

Advertising handwriting

Each state has its own specific advertising style. It is especially noticeable when comparing Western countries (USA, Europe, Canada) and Asia (Japan, China, India).

Western countries are characterized by an analytical, logical type of thinking; the ideal is an active, proactive, strong-willed personality. All this is reflected in advertising - it is dynamic, full of sounds and takes on the fundamental nature of facts.

Eastern thinking is aimed at searching for unity, the basis of the world; perception is based on intuition and sensations. Japanese advertising is dominated by images, national symbols, and nature.

You need to know all the features of advertising in different countries, especially if you plan to take a brand or product abroad. Each state has its own mentality, traditions, norms of behavior, cultural and psychological subtleties that cannot be neglected.

An incredibly fascinating topic is to learn to understand advertising in other countries, each with its own unique flavor and culture. Advertising tells stories of a particular country that are understandable to an ethnic group, but not accessible to you. Japanese advertising blows your mind bit by bit, and Turkish advertising is quite similar to Russian advertising, only less pretentious. I don’t know how useful this knowledge is, but I’m curious to death. And you can acquire a “superpower” - in two notes you can guess whose country the advertisement belongs to, who knows, maybe people will admire you. To me, it's a fun game of advertising man.


In my opinion, and not only that, advertising sharks work in America. This advertising is clear to everyone from the first seconds of the broadcast and is aimed at consumers from any country. But it immediately catches your eye that advertising comes from America. And all thanks to the beautiful white smile of the main characters, and the constant American flavor: the theme with cowboys or housewives.

Great Britain

British advertising exudes the English spirit; it perfectly combines traditions, the history of the country, the intelligence of society, and the unique and subtle English humor. What you associate with Great Britain will appear in advertising. What should we say about advertising English tea...


French advertising not only brings back memories of Frederic Beigbeder's books, but also plays on your associations with the country. There is romance, lightness, and passion for art in the air. Advertisers in France are artists in their field. The advertising is mysterious and full of bright, memorable images, which is a great pleasure to watch. About how to drink a glass of good and refined wine.



South Africa

Realistic advertising is the specialty of South African advertisers. They show life as it is, filling it with philosophical reflections, a sense of humor and cheerfulness. The problems of society and the difficulties that every person faces are reflected here.


It is probably really difficult for us to understand what is happening in the Japanese advertisement and why it was removed. But one way or another, any Japanese advertising is filled with deep meaning and philosophy. Still, I would not advise looking for this very meaning there, because the brain can be radically broken. We are so different!


I'm just a tourist in advertising and sharing my impressions with you. Not only the sights reflect the culture of the country, but also everything around, people, advertising. If you are eager to study the culture of a country, to discover something new that is not written in guidebooks, then this reflection of everyday life can be easily obtained through advertising.

National culture and traditions. In everything: art (cinema, music), business, relationships - every nation, every country has its own, different ones. Advertising is no exception. It has its own characteristics, determined by the realities of life in one or another corner of our planet, market requirements, and mentality.

Advertising in the USA

The United States is a leader in almost all areas: finance, business, technology. Of course, this is the world center of creativity. The best, largest advertising agencies come from the USA. They look at them, they are guided by them, they learn from them how to do it right, they imitate them. We can say that American advertising is international advertising. That is why it is quite difficult to identify any specific features that are characteristic only of it. Unless... Marlboro?

However, there is something that makes it clear that this advertisement is Made in USA. First of all, it is logic and rationality. If you don’t have to rack your brains over the meaning, the message, if you perceive and understand the idea literally from the very first seconds of seeing the video or poster, this is probably American advertising. It is perfect, ideal from the point of view of the canons, rules, and principles of advertising science.

Advertising in Canada

The proximity to the States could not but influence Canadian creativity. Advertising in this country is very similar to American (in fact, it is), but at the same time, it looks more marginal. Today, it is primarily associated with Viagra advertising from the Taxi Toronto agency.

Advertising in the UK

English humor is not understandable to everyone - it is intellectual, subtle, one might even say noble. The situation with advertising is approximately the same - it is high-quality, elegant, and intelligent. It exudes the English spirit: traditions, history, gentlemen, the Queen, red double-decker buses and telephone booths - all this evokes associations with only one place on Earth - foggy Albion, the island of Britain. You can feel all this in English advertising. It is extremely clear, but at the same time, sophisticated and cinematic (if we are talking about video clips). Huge budgets that can compete with creatives from the USA, great scope.

Advertising in France

The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is 99 Francs by Frederic Beigbeder: a novel by a former advertiser and a film of the same name.

The country is special: romance, aesthetics, art, refined taste - all this is typical for French advertising. And while most advertisers in the United States began their careers as copywriters, here most representatives of the creative industry are artists. This is probably why advertising in France is laconic, but instead colorful and filled with images. French advertising is one of those that is a pleasure to see. This one is no exception:

Advertising in Germany

The Germans are, first of all, impeccable accuracy and precision, which is also evident in advertising. Its main characteristic features: logic, appeal to facts, argumentation and beliefs, instead of emotions and feelings. Numbers and characteristics, maximum reliability, which is supported by high quality visualization, design in print and videos. German advertisers know how to surprise with creativity, gradually gaining positions in the world market.

Advertising in Holland

Advertising comes from the Netherlands - something between German with its love of order and cleanliness and English with its respect for tradition. A small European country has managed to become very noticeable in the global creative market. Among the most famous agencies are 180 Amsterdam and Weiden + Kennedy Amsterdam, creators of advertising for Adidas and the European CocaCola market, respectively.

Advertising in Ireland

Until recently, the small island state was represented by only one prominent player, Irish International BBDO, however, today other agencies are entering the scene. Irish advertising is hardly big or ambitious. The national spirit is clearly visible in the work of creative agencies.

Advertising in Brazil

Advertising videos from Brazil are not particularly creative. Print rules in this country! The prints here are made at a really high level, skillfully executed, rich and bright, colorful, filled with life, like the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. It is no coincidence that Brazilian creative agencies take first place at international advertising festivals with enviable regularity.

Advertising in Argentina

Despite its territorial proximity to the previous country, the culture of Argentina, while having something in common, is significantly different from Brazil, and the same applies to advertising. Also emotional, sensual, colorful. At the same time, as a rule, it has an unusual, often tense plot. Traditionally, the color scheme is in pastel, muted, not bright colors.

Advertising in South Africa

Soulful creativity, videos full of philosophical meaning that make you think, along with a sense of humor and cheerfulness. The largest clients of South African creatives are financial and oil companies. Advertising in South Africa is usually filmed in the country, showing life as it really is. South African creatives have a deep understanding of social issues and human struggles.

Advertising in Australia

The location below the equator gives a reason to compare Australian creative with advertising from Brazil or Argentina. However, this country is more dramatic; advertising here is more gloomy than positive. Actually here it is:

Advertising in Japan

Japanese creativity is radically different from everything else; advertising made in this country is instantly recognizable. Centuries-old traditions could not ignore the creative industry. At the center of Japanese advertising is the image. It is filled with deep meaning and philosophy.

One way or another, Japan's share in the global advertising market is huge. It is from this country that the advertising agencies Dentsu, Hakuhodo and Asatsu, which are among the ten largest in the world, come from.

Advertising in India

The whole world “admires” the masterpieces of Bollywood. Indian cinema is one of a kind: unique and inimitable. As for advertising, it is more down to earth, but at the same time, the Indian spirit is always present in it, even where expatriates work on it. In many ways it is similar to the Brazilian one: television advertising from India is hardly widely known, which cannot be said about print advertising - it is impeccable.

Advertising in Thailand

Thai creative is perhaps the only one in the world that can give Japanese advertising a head start in terms of its level of craziness. Their advertising is surprisingly simple, almost always not without humor, but most importantly, the level of its absurdity reaches cosmic proportions.

It is in Thailand that Thanonchai Sornsrivichai, one of the most awarded advertisers in the world, works.