Causes of postpartum depression in women. Predisposition to postpartum depression. Common symptoms of postpartum depression

The hardest part is over - you successfully survived the birth and are now at home, and the baby is fast asleep in her crib. Your husband is crazy with happiness and loves you even more. Relatives and friends pour in congratulations and gifts. In a word, live and be happy. And you want to cry. You feel anxiety that comes from nowhere. It seems as if something is about to happen, and all the good things will dissolve like a dream. Don't be alarmed, you are not the only one this happens to. All women experience such sensations in the first few days after childbirth.

However, in ~50% of women this depressed state drags on and ceases to resemble ordinary sadness or worry. This condition is called postpartum depression. In women, it can manifest itself to a lesser or greater extent, for a short time or last for many months. Postpartum depression occurs in 50% of women, and in 13% it is severe.

Postpartum depression- a painful condition of a woman after childbirth, characterized by a depressed mood, tearfulness, reluctance to see her child, and reversible mental disorders. In most cases, PD is not too severe, but in severe cases, the mother may even have a desire to kill herself or the child. Such women require treatment in special institutions.

Video No. 1: About postpartum depression

Signs and causes of depression

All of the above exhausts a woman and makes her irritable. Internal emptiness and indifference to everything that previously gave pleasure and joy appears. A woman becomes indifferent and indifferent to her husband; it may seem to her that her love for him has passed. Moreover, all the men in the world become disgusted with her.

Apathy reaches such a degree that it manifests itself in indifference to the child, reluctance to care for him, even to the point of hostility.


  • sharp hormonal changes that occur during and during childbirth;
  • psychological unpreparedness for motherhood or reluctance to do so;
  • physical exhaustion of the body, fatigue, overexertion, difficult childbirth, financial or family troubles;
  • hereditary, age (after 40 years) or personal predisposition to depressive conditions.

Somatic symptoms can also be added to everything else.

Somatic symptoms:

  • common headaches or migraines;
  • increased heart rate, dizziness;
  • indigestion (decreased appetite, constipation);
  • neuralgia;
  • skin itching;
  • insomnia, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, desire to harm yourself or the newborn;
  • menstrual irregularities or disappearance of menstruation, frigidity.

Video No. 2

Psychologist Anna Galepova talks about postpartum depression, anxiety, and fears for the child:

Fighting depression

If you have mild postpartum depression, you can get rid of it on your own. The most important thing is for the woman to understand that this condition is temporary and in order to get rid of this condition, a certain attitude is required.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  1. Remind yourself often that a miracle has happened in your life, something many can only dream of. Remember what you had to go through for this miracle to happen. Thank God (fate) that everything went well, everyone is alive and well. Feel the peculiarity of your situation, then your home routine will seem like a small thing in life.
  2. Think about how much your baby needs your love now that he is helpless in a new world. Take the baby in your arms more often, stroke him, talk affectionately. Tactile contact and breastfeeding contribute to the production of “happiness hormones” that will help you fully experience the joy of motherhood, tenderness and love for the baby.
  3. No matter how the circumstances develop, try to understand that you are not alone now. There is a person in the world whose well-being depends on you.
  4. If possible, be sure to allow yourself to be alone with yourself. Every person should have a personal life and personal time, otherwise he loses his individuality and becomes depressed. Give yourself a day off when your husband is home. Many women are initially afraid to leave their babies with their fathers - get over it. An increased sense of responsibility will only drive you into even greater depression. Take your phone and go shopping, to the cinema or to the hairdresser. If things get tough, they will call you. Even breastfeeding should not interfere with a full life; a breast pump is your good assistant in this matter ().
  5. Don't be ashamed of being overweight - it's a temporary, natural phenomenon. The extra pounds will leave you within a year, especially if you are breastfeeding, because the fat accumulated during pregnancy goes into milk ().
  6. Get enough sleep. Don't take on all the worries; leave some of them for your husband, grandmother, grandfather or nanny. You must have an assistant. If you feel tired, choose rest rather than cleaning and cooking.
  7. Do not listen to those who give you advice to go on a diet to lose weight or eliminate a bunch of foods from your diet, fearing that your child will have allergies. If you are a nursing mother, eat whatever you want and as much as you want, excluding obvious allergens. Right now you need to eat well and gain strength after stress ().
  8. The person closest to you is your husband. Do not move away from him in silent mystery. Men have a poor understanding of a woman's emotional states. Talk to him and tell him specifically what is happening to you, what you feel, what you are thinking, ask for help. He will only be grateful to you for your trust.
  9. Don't get lost in loneliness. Chat with other mothers, have heart-to-heart conversations. Surely, you will meet women with the same problems. Perhaps one of them managed to solve them or you will become like-minded people in this struggle. In any case, this will be of support to you.
  10. Many relaxation and meditative techniques (aromatherapy, bath, massage) teach how to cope with depression on your own. At first, newborns sleep a lot, so you have time to relax, read, and simply do nothing.

When you need specialist help

What to do if all this does not relieve depression, and you no longer understand how to get out of this state? It may be worth contacting a specialist. It is better if it is a perinatal psychologist or psychotherapist. First you will need to remove your anxiety and fears. The doctor will help you relax, normalize your mood, and return to your natural perception of life. Different techniques can be used: NLP, psychoanalysis, hypnosis or others, depending on the skills of the specialist and the factors that caused postpartum depression.

Next, the psychotherapist may suggest that you undergo family and cognitive psychotherapy sessions, during which internal family problems, childhood complexes, grievances and everything that can return you to a depressive state after some time will be worked out.

Treatment is consolidated by analyzing negative scenarios and changing the woman’s life attitudes and views on problems.

In severe cases of depression, women are prescribed antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications. But due to their high toxicity, they are taken in exceptional cases. If it is impossible to refuse medications, you have to sacrifice breastfeeding.


Prevention of depression involves informing a pregnant woman about possible changes in her emotional state after childbirth.

In most cases, a woman, understanding the cause of a depressive mood, is able to control her emotional background and get out of this state after some time. The support of loved ones and spouse during pregnancy is important. Healthy, warm relationships in the family are the key to a successful postpartum period for a woman. Women whose status is already burdened by depressive episodes or some kind of trouble should be especially closely monitored.

When it passes

Women wonder how long postpartum depression lasts, because it is easier to cope with any condition if you know its timing.

A mild form of depression can last only a couple of months, but it can last for six months. Severe depression without treatment can last for years.

But when the depression passes, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the happiness of the family directly depends on whether the woman is happy. Having overcome this condition, many women then remember with a smile all their whims, tears and obsessive thoughts, and forget what they went through. No one is immune from illness; the support of loved ones and a psychotherapist will speed up recovery.

Video stories


Postpartum depression: myth or reality?

Is postpartum depression a really serious condition of body and spirit or just an invention of hysterical mothers who cannot control themselves? What are the causes of postpartum depression and how to avoid it?

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Expecting a baby and the day of birth are very important moments in the life of every mother. And finally, a little angel appears, so long-awaited and beloved! Then the pleasant chores around the house begin. However, over time, a woman may feel very tired and apathetic, especially if there is no support nearby, and she has to do all the work on her own. This is when the question arises: “How to cope with postpartum depression and return to normal life?”

  1. How long does postpartum depression last normally?
  2. How depression manifests itself after childbirth and when it happens
  3. Postpartum depression: causes
  4. How to get rid of postpartum depression without a doctor
  5. Postpartum depression in men: is it possible?
  6. What to do if depression after childbirth lasts
  7. Advice from a psychologist on how not to fall into postpartum depression

How long does postpartum depression normally last?

It must be said right away that not all women feel this malaise; for the majority, a similar condition does not occur at all. Those mothers who are less fortunate begin to feel increasing anxiety and tension some time after giving birth. Sometimes it happens that this condition begins during pregnancy, and after delivery the condition worsens even more.

Most often, symptoms of depression do not appear immediately, but several months or weeks after the baby arrives in the house. On average, this condition usually accompanies a young mother for about 6 months. This suggests that the woman suffers from a mild form of depression. If the mother’s well-being does not improve after six months, then we can talk about a protracted form of this condition, which can last more than a year. In this case, the woman is characterized by frequent nervous breakdowns and depressed mood.

It is difficult to say exactly when postpartum depression begins, since this condition can be influenced by many factors, the main of which are family relationships with the husband, their character and the general atmosphere at home. In addition, the peculiarities of everyday life, the absence or presence of help from loved ones, relatives, as well as material wealth are important.

How does postpartum depression manifest? And when does it happen?

Depressive symptoms after childbirth do not necessarily occur immediately, and certainly do not always manifest themselves in a complex manner. Sometimes a new mother may experience only one or two symptoms.

Below we consider the main signs of postpartum depression in women:

  • Reluctance to have sex with your husband or even complete aversion to sexual intercourse.
  • Various sleep disorders, including insomnia and disturbing awakenings for no reason.
  • Constant anxiety, a feeling of inexplicable fear, sometimes panic attacks.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Low self-esteem and feelings of shame about your figure. Strong dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, denial of natural attractiveness.
  • The child no longer evokes warm feelings; on the contrary, his crying constantly irritates him.
  • Extreme irritability, which can easily develop into rage.
  • Tearfulness for no particular reason.
  • Touchiness and vulnerability. Sometimes this is accompanied by withdrawal into oneself and a reluctance to communicate with the usual circle of people.
  • Criticality, reaching the point of extreme pessimism and even loss of the meaning of life.
  • Feelings of loneliness, abandonment and dissatisfaction with one's own actions.
  • It suddenly seems to a woman that there is no one who supports and understands her, and the hassle of caring for a baby becomes a burden.
  • Advice from relatives begins to be perceived as annoying moral teachings that irritate more and more. This forces a woman to protest all the time even when she feels that she is wrong.

Thus, the signs of depression after childbirth can be very different, the main thing is to notice them in time and eliminate them. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that a woman may begin to have problems communicating with people around her, and in severe cases, thoughts of suicide. First of all, this concerns misunderstandings with her husband; there are even cases when a similar condition of a young mother led to divorce. In addition, there is a threat of disruption of ties with relatives.

Postpartum depression: causes that affect it

There are quite a number of factors that can contribute to the occurrence of depressive symptoms. As a rule, this disease affects mainly two categories of women. The first are those women in labor who have already been registered with a specialist on the issue of psychological depression caused by other circumstances. The second category of women suffers from a similar illness due to problems with their own mother, with whom she may have had serious conflicts in childhood. However, according to statistics, girls who had a baby at a very early age, before 18 years, usually suffer from depression after childbirth. Let's try to highlight the main reasons for the development of this condition in women:

  • Lack of moral and physical support from the spouse, inferiority of family relationships.
  • Difficult financial situation, material distress.
  • A sharp change in hormonal levels after childbirth, which can be perceived by the body as severe stress.
  • Changes in intimate life. Temporary abstinence due to the physiological characteristics of a woman can negatively affect her moral state.
  • Serious conflict situations, strong feelings about any negative changes in life.
  • Temporary disability can be very difficult for a woman, since in this state she sometimes begins to feel helpless and unnecessary.
  • The birth of a child with various pathologies or developmental disorders.
  • Forced separation from a newly born baby.

In all these cases, treatment for postpartum depression is necessary. Otherwise, the woman’s condition may worsen significantly.

How to get rid of postpartum depression? Without a doctor

Usually this disease gradually goes away on its own, however, this can be significantly accelerated. The main thing is to know how. Many books have been written about how to deal with postpartum depression. However, it is not necessary to read them all.

In order to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, there are several simple but effective methods:

  1. The main thing a mother should focus on is her baby. You need to understand that he is helpless without her participation, and that this is the greatest happiness that fate could give. After realizing this fact, many everyday things will seem trivial, and it will become easier to perceive reality.
  2. To get out of depression as quickly as possible, a young mother needs to get a good night's sleep. This way the body will not receive additional stress, and recovery will be faster.
  3. It is very good if a woman, during this difficult period for her, finds relaxing activities that she will like. For example, this could be yoga, massage, meditation, or just a regular warm bath.
  4. It is also important not to refuse the help of family and friends. Let your husband take on some of the housework.

To understand how to overcome depression after childbirth on your own, you must first find out the causes of this condition, and only then begin treatment.

Postpartum depression in men

Is this possible and why? Yes. Sometimes not only the mother, but also the new father has to deal with depression after childbirth. After all, often a woman’s internal mental state is transmitted to her husband. Most often, the following reasons contribute to the development of this condition in the stronger sex.

For example, a man simply turns out to be not ready for the changes that have occurred in his life. Perhaps reality and expectations are very different. After all, with the birth of a baby, responsibilities and roles within the family change greatly, and this is always stressful for both spouses.

Jealousy is another reason that causes depression in a husband. The fact is that after the birth of a child, a woman can no longer pay as much attention to her husband as before. And now she spends most of her time on the baby, while her husband may feel unnecessary and superfluous because of this.

To make postpartum depression easier for women and men, it is important to know what a husband should do in this situation. During this period, the husband must behave in such a way that his wife feels his support at all times. It is important to share childcare responsibilities and take care of everyday life together. Then the young mother will not feel too tired, and the risk of conflict situations will decrease. If a woman does not want intimacy at this moment, the husband should not be too persistent. Perhaps a woman needs some time to adapt to the new condition.

Depression after childbirth lasted

It happens that the period of childbirth is long past, and the symptoms of depression still do not go away. And no matter what the young mother does, she cannot avoid these unpleasant sensations. In this case, symptoms of depression can accompany a woman for more than one year, becoming chronic and turning into a real illness. It is especially dangerous because it can lead to suicide attempts or abandonment of one’s own child. The reasons for this may be serious personal problems or difficulties in the family.

This condition is considered a deep form of depression and requires medical examination and treatment. You won't be able to cope with this on your own. The support of relatives, close friends and husband is especially important during this period.

Effective tips on how to avoid postpartum depression

  1. Despite the fact that a woman has become a mother, she should not forget about her own needs. You should definitely devote at least an hour a day to yourself personally. For example, meet your beloved friend, go shopping, get a manicure, etc.
  2. Sharing responsibilities around the house and caring for the baby with a husband or close relative.
  3. A young mother should also carefully monitor her appearance. A pleasant reflection in the mirror will greatly lift your spirits!
  4. Walking in the fresh air is another important “medicine”.
  5. Proper diet and sleep.

If you feel that you are unable to get rid of the symptoms, then you need to consult a psychologist and undergo a rehabilitation course.

Thus, overcoming postpartum depression is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know the main causes of its occurrence and effective methods of getting out of it.

During pregnancy, the woman had a lot of worries, but now the birth is over, and it would seem that she needs to calm down, take care of her recently born child and enjoy her new life. But some women after childbirth experience specific changes in brain activity and the functioning of the nervous system, leading to a disturbance in their state of mind and loss of peace, constant depression and anxiety. Often, such a state of anxiety develops into postpartum depression - this is a medical term, a serious pathology, and should not be perceived as a young woman’s way of shirking her responsibilities.

Postpartum depression as a social problem

Due to personality traits, the influence of various external factors or health problems, the birth of a child does not always become an emotionally bright and joyful event for a woman. Acquiring a new social status, many mothers experience, instead of joy and tenderness, the enjoyment of motherhood, constant worries, anxieties, etc. Continuous tension, worries, fears and poor health turn into a depressive state. This is medically called postpartum depression.

The older generation, and sometimes the woman’s husband, may take serious symptoms for a whim, whims or character traits, fatigue, and do not attach importance to what is happening, do not sound the alarm and do not force the mother to see a doctor. And then all this can lead to tragedy both in relation to the life and health of the child, and the young mother herself, right up to

It is important that relatives and the woman herself know that postpartum depression is a serious psycho-somatic disorder that requires attention and control, and sometimes active drug treatment. For most mothers, this disorder has a short duration and a favorable outcome, but for some it requires close attention and consultation with a doctor.


If changes in the psycho-emotional background and negative moods last more than 5-7 days, there is every reason to suspect depressive disorders. If the mother shows negativism, detachment or indifference towards the desired and long-awaited child, it is important to immediately seek help.

How long does postpartum depression last?

Without proper help, such a condition can drag on for many months, seriously affecting the quality of life and attitude towards the child. A mother with a similar disorder experiences apathy with loss of interest in any manifestations of life. Over time, the manifestations may smooth out, but the course of depression itself becomes chronic.

The biggest difficulty for success in treatment is the fact that the woman is not ready to admit her problem and take any action to eliminate it. At the same time, her family and husband silently agree with her decision and also do nothing about what is happening.

Statistics on the incidence of such a disorder are inexorable - every fifth mother who recently gave birth suffers from various manifestations of depressive disorders during the first two years after birth. Psychological and emotional disorders after childbirth are typical for approximately 60-70% of women, but severe problems that are dangerous for others, oneself and the child are typical for 2-3%, and not everyone goes to the doctor with them.

Who suffers from such problems?

According to experts, postpartum depression is included in the category of major depressive disorders due to the similarity of symptoms, manifestations and consequences.

Interesting fact!Postpartum depression can haunt not only the mother, but also the father of the child. Although the psyche of men is relatively more stable, the birth of children can also negatively affect their emotional background, but for them this condition usually lasts relatively short time, and the symptoms are not so clearly expressed.

Such conditions in a father are associated with a change in his usual life and the imposition of new obligations, a high degree of responsibility not only for himself, but also for his wife and baby, who depend on him. This is their new role, which not all men are ready to happily accept. In men, depressive manifestations can be both active and passive. With active ones, aggression and irritability are manifested, while with passive ones, isolation and detachment from the situation are typical.

Types of postpartum depressive disorders

Not every psychological state of a woman after the birth of a baby can be attributed to depressive disorders, and attacks of apathy or melancholic mood, which occur occasionally in each of us, do not require concern or immediate treatment. However, there are also situations in which it is important to consult a doctor and seek help, and sometimes even hospital treatment:

Causes of depressive disorders after childbirth

Even among those women whose children were very desired and long-awaited, postpartum depression is quite possible, and approximately every fifth mother has some signs of it. There is no single reason for the formation of such a disorder, but often a whole complex of provoking and irritating factors, negative events and conditions act simultaneously. Often, both mental and physical negative factors influence simultaneously, which lead to an exacerbation of depressive moods and neuroses.

Purely physiological factors

Childbirth is a serious test for the female body, including the emotional one. A woman experiences severe pain, the balance of hormones changes dramatically, which leads to the fact that organs and systems, body tissues, and the nervous system work in a special mode. This creates physical ailments in the first days and in the future, creates fatigue and ailments, which makes it difficult to combine this with full-time caring for the baby and constant household chores.

Surgery may have an effect. Moreover, among women who gave birth quickly, there are usually more problems with emotions and psyche than among those who gave birth themselves. This is due to hormonal changes and fluctuations in hormone levels. During the natural birth of a baby, due to oxytocin, a hormone that performs leading functions in childbirth, the sensation of pain is dulled and lactation then improves faster. In this way, some of the factors that provoke postpartum depression are eliminated, and during a caesarean section, the restructuring of the body is not so rapid, which leads to a disruption of the natural balance of hormones.

Initial problems with breastfeeding, physical difficulties with breasts and milk deficiency can also influence the formation of depression. This creates a conflict in the head between the mother's desires and capabilities regarding what she can give to the baby.

Psychological reasons

Often after childbirth, especially if it did not go exactly according to the expected scenario, completely unpleasant feelings and emotions may arise, as well as a feeling of guilt that the image of ideal parents was not fully realized.

Children are not always born with perfect health, and everything in the maternity hospital goes according to the books, and then the expectations and reality in the mother’s head diverge, which leads to psychological imbalance. Sometimes there is no time to fully restore physical strength after childbirth, not to mention the emotional and moral costs.

Often, feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself can be formed due to other reasons:

In addition, depression is typical for those mothers whose children were born with developmental abnormalities, serious problems and require special care and rehabilitation. The mother subconsciously feels guilty towards the baby for the fact that he was born special, and worries about his life only aggravate depressive moods.


According to statistics, depression is more typical for young mothers and those over 35 years of age who have problems communicating with their own mother, spouse, or those women who previously, before pregnancy, had emotional and psychological problems.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Depression in the postpartum period does not begin in one day, it gradually increases in severity and severity of symptoms, and its first manifestations become noticeable a few weeks after returning from the hospital. These include such alarm bells as:

It is not necessary that all of the listed manifestations must appear in the presence of depression; three or more in various combinations are quite enough, and for the last point, one is enough to seek help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Depression often develops in women due to the fact that their rosy expectations from motherhood and their own feelings run counter to the ideas and thoughts that they had before and during pregnancy. This is quite normal, but not all women can realize and accept the “imperfection” of their motherhood. Many women think that they will immediately, in the first minutes of the birth of a child, have maternal feelings, and they will immediately get used to the role of a mother. But in reality, connections between the baby and his mother are established gradually, over several months.

You should not reproach and scold yourself for various emotions regarding the baby, sometimes they can be negative, we are all living people. It is also possible to feel disappointed, irritated, tired, especially when combined with constant lack of sleep and lack of time. Experiences can be fertile ground for the formation of complexes and the development of depression, especially if the mother takes only full responsibility for the family and the baby. You should not refuse outside help, you need to take care of yourself and give yourself rest, this will not make any woman a bad mother, and will not result in physical and emotional exhaustion.


The pre-depressive state is complemented by isolation from the previous social circle and the outside world, constant sitting at home and concentrating only on motherhood, you need to remember yourself as a woman, spouse, friend and also pay attention to these areas of life.

Critical periods of depression after the birth of a baby

Psychologists identify certain critical periods, during which all emotions and experiences are the strongest and most dangerous by transition to depression.

The emotional background will be most intense in the period from the fourth to the ninth month of the baby’s life, when the feeling of irritability and dissatisfaction and the feeling of continuous anxiety will increase.

This is the first critical period when postpartum depression is likely.

The second period, when late symptoms are possible, is considered to be a period of nine to 15 months, when pessimism about the future and the disappearance of the desire to do even basic housework are possible due to isolation from society and concentration on the worries of the baby. Often the situation will be aggravated by the fact that the mother is not aware of her problems and does not want to make any attempts to correct the situation.

How is such a pathology diagnosed?

Unlike somatic pathologies, where in addition to complaints, one can rely on data from analyzes and additional studies, in the diagnosis of pathologies related to the mental sphere there is only a detailed questioning and heart-to-heart conversation, as well as some information that can be obtained from relatives. Therefore, in identifying depression after childbirth, a special role is played by clarifying anamnesis data (the life history of a woman, her family and data on her pathologies and diseases).


An important indication of possible problems will be the fact that there was depression among close relatives or the patient herself before pregnancy. It is a known fact that in half a percent of cases, depression tends to relapse or worsen due to changes in life, including motherhood . A single episode of depression in the past increases the likelihood of it recurring by 50%.

In the diagnostic process, additional methods are used such as:

  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Identification and Severity
  • Examination and questioning, identification and careful recording of all mother’s complaints
  • Laboratory diagnostic methods to exclude somatic pathologies
  • Screening studies, smears, cultures to exclude infections, including hidden ones, which can lead to constant fatigue and stress.

If there are signs of depression during pregnancy, or if there is a history of depression, diagnosis is needed already in the first weeks after birth.


It is important to distinguish depressive manifestations from postpartum infections; against the background of them, development is possible; therefore, in the clinic, obvious mental disorders require urgent hospitalization and differential diagnosis with the necessary treatment in a hospital.

You also need to remember that psychosis in the postpartum period can be a phenomenon of a special psychiatric diagnosis - bipolar disorder with affective attacks (previously this condition was called manic-depressive disorder).

It is usually expected in mothers with mental illness or schizophrenia, which were simply not previously diagnosed. Unlike classical depression, postpartum psychoses appear a couple of weeks after the birth of the baby, they start as severe depression with the manifestations listed above and various psychiatric symptoms - mania, hallucinations, phobias, delusional thoughts and ideas. Therefore, with the early start of such manifestations, the mother needs consultation not with a psychotherapist, but with a psychiatrist and a thorough examination, otherwise she may be dangerous for the child, herself and others.

How is postpartum depression treated?

When a diagnosis of depression is made, a treatment plan will be drawn up based on its severity, developmental characteristics and leading syndromes, as well as what methods are available for treatment. Thus, nursing mothers should not take certain medications that may affect the baby.

The main goal of treatment is to reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms of depression and its progression, help the mother restore lost social connections and bring her mental state to a stable state, preventing repeated episodes of depression.


Mothers are rarely admitted to hospital for treatment, only if depression combines psychosis, severe somatic disorders and suicide attempts.

Applicable in treatment:

  • Psychological correction (cognitive techniques, consultations)
  • Psychotherapy in group and individually
  • Family help and environmental support (family psychotherapy).

Such techniques will be effective and applicable if you are aware of your situation and diagnosis, desire for treatment and correction, motivation and the mood for a long course of treatment. In addition, psychotherapy is needed for those women for whom antidepressants and other medications are contraindicated due to various circumstances.

Drug correction of maternal depression

Often depression requires medication, without which the symptoms cannot be eliminated. It is usually based on hormonal drugs (estrogens) and a course selected in such a way that they do not affect lactation. Indications for taking psychotropic drugs are determined individually and only by a psychiatrist based on the severity of symptoms and the degree of danger of the consequences. Indications for them will be affective manifestations, suicidal tendencies and thoughts, anxiety and obsessive fears with sleep disorders and somatic functions.


All medications taken during lactation and treatment of mothers are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and only strictly under his supervision. No self-medication in cases of depression and psychosis is unacceptable, including various folk methods!

If necessary, prescribing antidepressants is based on several principles:

For therapy to produce significant results, treatment must be started in a timely manner, at the first alarming symptoms, and you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Depression is a disease like many others, there is nothing shameful or illegal about it.

Often its manifestations can be noticeable even in pregnant women, and in the early stages it can be well treated using soft and gentle means and techniques, and a full course of psychotherapy and medications quickly and gently relieves the symptoms, restoring the joy of life and the enjoyment of motherhood. Herbal and sedatives that do not have serious side effects or contraindications can often help; they can be used in women at risk from pregnancy to prevent postpartum depressive disorders.

Selection of antidepressants after childbirth

It is worth repeating that antidepressant drugs should be selected only in conjunction with a doctor, excluding toxic effects on the baby and suppression of lactation.

If the patient suffers from anxiety and agitation (severe agitation, fussiness), she can use a group of drugs that have sedative effects (Amitriptyline, Pirlindol, and others).

If depression and depression predominate among the symptoms, drugs with stimulating effects are needed (Paroxetine, Citalopam and others).

The drug is taken with the minimum possible therapeutic dose, gradually adding it until a lasting clinical effect occurs. A woman is treated at this dose for approximately 4-6 weeks until her condition improves, both subjectively and based on an external examination. As remission or persistent clinical effect occurs, the drug is not abruptly discontinued due to the possibility of exacerbation, but the dose is gradually reduced once a week with gradual withdrawal over the course of a month.

If the condition has improved, but has not completely recovered, the course of treatment is continued for another 1-2 months, and the results are assessed every 4-5 weeks. If there is no improvement on the Hamilton scale by 50% or more, then a revision of the treatment regimen is needed due to its ineffectiveness with the selection of other drugs.

Why is postpartum depression dangerous?

Without treatment, manifestations of depression drag on for a year or more, can progress and lead to more serious mental disorders. In addition, without treatment, depression can lead to tragic consequences:

  • Attempts to harm the baby or relatives
  • Development of psychosis
  • Progression of depression
  • Violation of family relationships, its disintegration
  • Disorders of the child’s mental development, the negative impact of the mother’s behavior and methods of raising her on his psyche.

According to statistics, depression after childbirth occurs in almost half of the fair sex. The main manifestation of this syndrome is increased sensitivity. Such changes in a woman’s character and behavior are difficult not to notice. The duration of this condition can range from a couple of days to several years. Below, we propose to consider the main nuances associated with this phenomenon.

Childbirth is a huge physical and mental stress on a woman’s body.

Before talking about what postpartum depression is, it should be mentioned that this syndrome can cause the development of life-threatening diseases. It is important to understand that psycho-emotional breakdown disorder should be treated with therapeutic methods. The development of this syndrome is accompanied by serious changes in life patterns.

Often this type of depression manifests itself within several months after the birth of the child. At this moment, a woman needs male support, since a mental disorder leads to impaired ability to perform certain functions. Over time, the main symptoms characteristic of this condition lose their severity.

Lack of understanding and care, as well as failure to recognize the presence of a syndrome that is difficult to cope with alone, can lead to deterioration of physical and mental health.

Many women, faced with this phenomenon, try not to attach importance to internal changes. Such “disguise” of an existing problem can lead to certain difficulties in future family life. According to statistics, in every fifth woman, postpartum depression manifests itself even several years after the birth of the child. Quite often, this syndrome occurs against the background of unsuccessful childbirth and the birth of a stillborn fetus. Often the causes of PPD lie in childhood trauma and conflicts with parents. In this situation, the birth of a child is a kind of mechanism for activating a chain reaction.

How long does postpartum depression last? The duration of this condition depends on the complexity of the syndrome and the severity of the main symptoms. If a woman has a tendency toward “the blues” and depression, this condition can last for several years. If the feeling of depression is a consequence of violations of certain functions in the body, then such a state can last for several decades. When PDD manifests itself due to stress, a few weeks are enough to get out of depression.

During the postpartum period, significant hormonal changes occur in the body, which directly affects the psycho-emotional state.

Causes of depression after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, a lot changes in the life of a young family. Most often, such changes affect women. Changes in blood volume in the body, changes in blood pressure and hormonal imbalance are the main reasons for feeling lost. In addition, the following factors influence the development of depression:

  1. Predisposition. According to scientists, some personality types tend to imitate the behavior of their parents. The hereditary predisposition is most acute during times of stress.
  2. Fear due to feelings of helplessness. Every woman strives to be an ideal mother for her child. However, not every parent can cross a certain psychological barrier. The fear of not meeting certain criteria can give rise to thoughts that life is no longer her own. After all, starting from the moment of birth, she must devote all her time exclusively to the child.
  3. Lack of time. The inability to take time for yourself and put yourself in order can traumatize the psyche of any woman. The recovery period after childbirth is often accompanied by a feeling of pain due to changes in the body. In this situation, a woman finds it difficult to cope with her household responsibilities and child care. Lack of rest and the opportunity to devote time to oneself is one of the main reasons for the development of depression.

According to experts, the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression most often appear in those women who have previously experienced a similar condition. The category of people susceptible to developing PDD includes people with mental illness or who have experienced stress during pregnancy. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the presence of this syndrome negatively affects the condition of the newborn. Lack of attention and care has a strong impact on the formation of an emotional bond between the baby and mother. According to researchers of this phenomenon, postpartum depression has a certain impact on the future of the child.

It is in the first months after birth that contact with the mother’s body is vital for the child. When a woman is in a state of prostration, she cannot provide the necessary maternal warmth to the child. Against this background, the baby may experience certain difficulties with self-defense and concentration. In addition, lack of maternal care can lead to difficulties in the development of speech.

Symptoms of postpartum depression increase gradually

The reasons for difficulties in expressing one’s own feelings are also associated with the presence of the syndrome in question in a woman. Experts say that postpartum depression destroys not only the woman, but also the child itself. Children whose parents have experienced this condition find it much more difficult to show their own emotions and interest in the world around them.

Clinical picture

The state of depression after the birth of a baby can be expressed by the following symptoms:

Stagnation of milk. Having a self-centered character often makes it difficult to adapt to new conditions. This leads to the fact that the young mother is unable to change her usual ways of life. It is difficult for such people to come to terms with the fact that their lifestyle must be completely revised.

Quite often, such mothers consider their newborn to be their competitor in the struggle for the love of family and friends. The difficulty of correct perception and lack of desire to take responsibility for the child’s life is the main cause of various difficulties and depression. In order to get rid of depression, a woman must again feel needed and desired.

Changes in appearance. A condition comparable to panic manifests itself in young women in labor as a result of changes in appearance. Changes in body proportions, the appearance of stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite only aggravate the situation and reduce self-esteem to zero. The presence of financial problems and attempts at self-restraint only worsen the situation. In order to combat this syndrome, a man must take on some of the household responsibilities. The emergence of free time, which a woman can spend as she wants, significantly speeds up the recovery from a depressive state.

Lack of sexual desire. The birth of a child changes various aspects of family life, including sexual relationships between partners. Some women are disgusted by the mere thought of sexual contact, since it was this that acted as the cause of changes in appearance. In such a situation, coldness and indifference arise between spouses. It is the absence of previous feelings and emotions that leads women to a depressive state.

When examining questions about how postpartum depression manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment of this syndrome, you should pay attention to the fact that a depressive state can have several different forms of severity.

In some cases, the disease does not develop immediately, but only a few months after the baby is born.

Neurotic type

This type of PDD develops in young mothers with neurotic disorders. Most often, this condition is accompanied by uncontrollable outbursts of anger and aggression. Often the development of neurosis is associated with the negative course of pregnancy and the presence of factors such as the threat of miscarriage. Neurotic depression is often accompanied by panic attacks, anxiety, sleep problems and an obsessive feeling of fear.

Melancholic form

This syndrome is accompanied by lethargy and lethargy. Some women lose the ability to navigate in space. Quite often there are repeated changes in mood and behavior. Significantly less frequent episodes of hallucinations and the presence of delusional ideas regarding the baby are recorded. According to experts, this form of PDD syndrome is one of the most complex. According to statistics, this condition occurs in approximately forty women out of ten thousand. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “postpartum psychosis.”


Somatic symptoms in this form of depression are similar to the neurotic form of depression. Patients with this diagnosis experience sleep problems, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss and panic attacks. A woman lives in constant fear that her actions could harm her newborn. Often, a depressed state manifests itself in the presence of a predisposition to psychosis or the loss of a close relative.

Pull type

The most common form of the syndrome in question. According to experts, this form of PRC is observed in every fifth woman in labor. Often, women disguise the depression that overcomes them as difficulties associated with caring for a child. This form of the syndrome is characterized by a feeling of extreme fatigue and lack of pleasure when communicating with the newborn. A baby's tears can be a cause of acute feelings of guilt, due to the obsession that the young mother is not coping with her responsibilities.

Being depressed, a mother cannot establish a deep emotional connection with her baby.

Irritability and an attempt to hide negative perceptions of the surrounding reality can lead to serious mental health problems. Avoiding this fate is quite difficult, since the risk group susceptible to this phenomenon includes a fairly large number of different types of people:

  1. Women who have experienced a lack of maternal love and care. Most people in this category had no sense of security in infancy. Lack of parental affection and attention leads to an attraction to aggression and sadism.
  2. Women prone to hysteria with an obsessive fear of committing certain actions that could endanger the life of the child.

Insufficient self-esteem and lack of understanding on the part of loved ones only increase the likelihood of developing a depressive state. The regression provoked by motherhood has a relationship with memories of conflicts in the family of the mother herself. Public pressure and pressure to meet established standards makes life much more difficult. The danger of this condition is explained by the fact that only fifteen percent of women turn to a psychotherapist with their problem.

Treatment methods

How to cope with postpartum depression on your own? It is impossible to answer this question, since the treatment of PDD syndrome requires complex measures carried out by the joint efforts of specialists from the field of psychiatry and neurology. To determine a treatment strategy, it is very important to undergo a brain function test. Organic lesions of this organ can significantly complicate treatment. In order to find a solution to the problem, you should first visit a qualified psychologist.

In order to overcome this disease, most women need several consultations with a specialist. However, in more complex situations, the use of medications is required to normalize brain function. In this case, women in labor are prescribed a course of antidepressants, which help get rid of the feeling of depression.

It is necessary to combat depression with the help of professionals, namely psychologists and psychotherapists.


Many women do not know what to do with their problem and are embarrassed to seek medical help. However, the lack of timely assistance can cause the development of various diseases in both mother and child. At this moment in life, a woman needs the support of others. Men, as a rule, do not have such problems associated with the birth of a child, and that is why support should be sought primarily from the husband.

Lack of attention and the presence of certain difficulties in adapting to new circumstances of family life can lead to a chronic form of this disease. That is why you should recognize the presence of problems as early as possible and seek qualified help.

After childbirth, the mother’s body is exhausted and lacks vitamins, including “vitamins of happiness.” Taking care of a child takes a lot of energy, leaving no time for rest and sleep. Hormonal levels also have a great influence on a woman’s well-being.

Nursing mothers in the first months of a baby's life are characterized by mood swings and stress, disordered emotions and mixed feelings, severe physical and emotional fatigue. However, some women experience deeper, stronger feelings that later develop into postpartum depression.

According to statistics, postpartum depression occurs in 5-7 women out of 10! It is necessary to treat such a depressed state, otherwise it can drag on and bring many problems. As a result, breast milk disappears and lactation worsens. An advanced disease leads to the appearance of postpartum psychosis.

How long such an illness lasts is determined by the woman herself. After all, the daily routine and diet, the desire to change something in life and the desire to seek help depend on the mother.

Symptoms and signs

Most often, health worsens in the interval 3-9 months after the birth of the baby. A nursing mother may feel depressed, irritable and restless. It is important to correctly determine whether this is normal fatigue or signs of depression.

The following symptoms of postpartum depression are identified:

  • migraine and headaches;
  • fatigue and irritability;
  • sleep disturbance and insomnia;
  • powerlessness and inability to focus on the problem;
  • lack of appetite;
  • despondency and extreme pessimism;
  • mood swings;
  • anxiety and fear;
  • feelings of anxiety and panic;
  • crying and depression;
  • anger;
  • feeling of loneliness and dissatisfaction;
  • feelings of guilt and shame.

The listed symptoms are similar to blues or temporary fatigue. With depression, symptoms last much longer and are more intense. Please note that postpartum depression in women interferes with daily activities. At this time, a nursing mother often loses the desire to care for the baby.

To the doctor!

If left untreated, postpartum depression can last a year or more! In addition, it subsequently becomes severe and even develops into psychosis. Postpartum psychosis is a complex mental illness that includes the following symptoms:

  • hallucinations;
  • confusion of thoughts and consciousness;
  • paranoia;
  • rave;
  • disorientation in time;
  • attempts to harm yourself or your child.

To prevent such a serious illness, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time! Get help if you experience the following symptoms and signs:

  • Depression lasts more than two weeks;
  • A sharp deterioration in physical and psychological condition;
  • Fear of harming the baby;
  • It is difficult for a woman to carry out everyday household chores;
  • The mother cannot or does not want to look after the baby.

The earlier treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications. Proper and intensive treatment will allow you to quickly return to normal.


Often it is not possible to name one reason. The state and well-being are influenced by various conditions that appear in combination. The process of childbirth itself, changes in hormonal levels and serious changes in a woman’s life for which she is simply not ready are also of great importance.

The reasons can be divided into three groups:

  1. Physical, which arise due to a sharp drop in tarragon levels, changes in blood pressure and metabolism, restructuring of hormones and immunity. The result is frequent fatigue, lethargy and depression;
  2. Emotional, when worries, lack of sleep and fatigue, feelings of anxiety and worry overload a woman. As a result, she cannot cope with household chores and cannot take care of the baby;
  3. Lifestyle has a big impact on a nursing mother. Poor nutrition and daily routine provoke problems in health and relationships. Financial difficulties and conflicts in the family also negatively affect a woman’s well-being.

Regardless of the cause, the disease must be fought. Let's figure out how to get rid of postpartum depression.


If you notice symptoms of depression, do not rush to take antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. They will help get rid of the disease, but can cause serious damage to the baby’s health. The compositions of many medications pass into breast milk and negatively affect the baby’s well-being. The substances cause allergies, stomach upsets and intoxication in a newborn baby. In addition, medications can worsen lactation.

First of all, try to adjust your diet and daily routine. Get more rest, get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air. Reach out to family and friends. It will help to communicate with other mothers who have experienced similar problems. Be sure to find time for yourself!

To find relevant treatment and get out of depression, consult a psychotherapist. A properly selected course will help you get rid of stress in a few days.