General anesthesia: preparation, risks, cat behavior after anesthesia. Sterilization of a cat: consequences of anesthesia and care after surgery How many hours does a cat recover from anesthesia

Neutering cats is a surgical procedure to avoid painful estrus and solve the problem of reproduction. The recovery period largely depends on the type of surgery:

  • Ovariectomy is the removal of a cat's ovaries. An abandoned uterus does not function and often causes health problems.
  • Ovariohysterectomy is the most traumatic intervention. Both the ovaries and the uterus are removed.
  • Tubal ligation - the operation preserves the possibility of mating, but pregnancy does not occur. At the same time, cats continue to go into heat. Another disadvantage is the increased risk of ovarian inflammation.

Surgical removal of the uterus/ovaries is carried out using open (an incision in the abdomen) or laparoscopic (small punctures) methods. At the same time, laparoscopy is the least traumatic, and animals tolerate such an operation more easily and recover faster. Interrupting each estrus with pills or drug sterilization (hormonal injection lasting up to 3-6 months), as opposed to surgical removal of the uterus/ovaries, increases the likelihood of developing endometritis, ovarian cysts and oncology in cats.

Important! During castration, male cats' testes are removed. Typically, males undergo surgery quite easily and recover quickly.

To avoid unwanted consequences after sterilization, you need to know:

  • Veterinarians recommend spaying cats between 6 and 9 months of age. Early sterilization will allow you to minimize your pet's health problems in the future.
  • The last feeding is 12-16 hours before surgery. Water is allowed to be given 3-4 hours before a trip to the veterinarian.
  • A preliminary examination of the cat in a good veterinary clinic and the use of modern anesthetic drugs virtually eliminate the development of complications.
  • The safest type of anesthesia is gas anesthesia (drugs isoflurane, sevoflurane). Inhalation anesthesia has minimal impact on internal organs and is approved for operations on pets with heart disease.

How long does a cat sleep after anesthesia?

The question of how long it takes a cat to recover from anesthesia after sterilization can only be answered accurately by the veterinarian who operated on the animal. The length of time a pet remains under anesthesia depends on the type of surgery, the dose and method of administration of the anesthetic, and the characteristics of the body. Usually the cat is under the influence of anesthesia (completely immobilized, eyes open) for 1-3 hours. Over the course of 7 hours, the pet periodically comes to its senses, and then falls asleep again. There is no need to worry, this is a normal condition.

Condition of the cat immediately after surgery

For some time after the operation (usually several hours), the animal is in the clinic under the supervision of a veterinarian to monitor cardiac activity. The postoperative period, when the animal is still under anesthesia, has its own characteristics:

  • After sterilization, the cat must be wearing a special blanket to prevent licking of the operation site and sutures from coming apart. This is not necessary for cats.
  • Often, under the influence of an anesthetic, the animal’s body temperature decreases by 1ºC. It is better to put a bedding in the carrier, and at home arrange a soft place on the floor, avoiding drafts.
  • In a state of anesthesia, the animal does not blink. To prevent your eyes from drying out, you should regularly instill eye drops and close your eyelids every 30 minutes until your pet begins to blink.
  • The animal must be placed on its right side to facilitate the work of the heart.
  • Do not give drink for 3-4 hours after surgery.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use a heating pad to warm an animal. Active warming can provoke inflammation and increases the risk of developing other complications (bleeding, etc.).

The first days after sterilization

When asking the question “how long does it take a cat to recover from anesthesia after sterilization,” owners usually mean the length of time their pet remains in an inadequate state. Some furry lovers call this pet behavior a “high.”

When waking up, the cat may jump up sharply. And since orientation is disturbed after anesthesia, the animal can fall off the sofa and get bruised. Therefore, a place for the pet is arranged on the floor. The cat may twitch its paws, run erratically, stagger, and collide with objects. However, disorientation is only an external manifestation of a temporary disruption of brain function. The main thing is to protect the fluffy from accidental injuries and seam divergence. A food bowl and tray should be placed next to the bedding.

It is worth considering that after sterilization, a cat may experience sudden mood swings: from plaintive purring and strange sounds to aggression and growling. In this case, the pet can seriously scratch a person.

It is allowed to feed the pet one day after surgical sterilization, with the usual food or specialized food (produced by the brands Royal Canin, Hills, Eukanuba and others). During the period when the cat recovers from anesthesia after sterilization, owners often note that the pet refuses food and water. There is no need to force feed the animal; refusal to eat is due to a sore throat after anesthesia.

Water must be given forcibly with a pipette or syringe (remove the needle!) only at high temperatures (measured with a special thermometer in the anus). Vomiting on the first day is a normal reaction to the anesthetic. Place the bag in a visible place in advance; before vomiting, the animal begins to lick intensively.

Involuntary urination in operated pets is normal. You should not punish your cat for this; already on the second day she will start going to the litter box.

Sometimes operated cats experience a slight rise in temperature for 3 days. External signs of hyperthermia are a dry and hot nose, rapid breathing. It is necessary to monitor the volume of liquid the pet drinks and, if necessary, give the animal a drink using a syringe.

Important! The most significant period is the third day after surgical sterilization. It is on the third day that the first signs of complications appear: increased temperature, increasing swelling and redness in the area of ​​the sutures, bleeding from the wound.

Rehabilitation period

Already on the third day, the cat’s condition becomes familiar. Moreover, especially active fluffies are already starting to run and jump. In this case, the cat can hit itself, catch its blanket on the furniture and hang. This behavior is fraught with premature separation of the seams, so if possible, you should not leave your pet alone at home and limit movement. Also, while the cat recovers from anesthesia after sterilization and recovers, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The blanket should only be removed to treat seams. As an antiseptic, ordinary brilliant green, antibiotic powder, or a drug prescribed by a veterinarian are used.
  • Minor swelling and redness usually disappears on the 5th day. Non-absorbable sutures are removed by the veterinarian on the 10th day. You cannot remove the threads yourself!
  • If your pet has constipation (no stool for 3-4 days), you should give a mild laxative (Duphalac or Forlax) or contact a veterinarian.

Complete recovery of a pet after surgical sterilization takes 2 weeks. Cats do not need stitches during castration, so there is no need to use a blanket, and the animals recover quickly.

Possible complications

Negative consequences after sterilization, although extremely rare, do occur if a preliminary examination of the cat was not carried out, the rules of asepsis were not followed during the operation, or the pet owner did not follow the instructions given by the doctor for postoperative care. It is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic in the following cases:

  • On the third day, the pet's condition did not improve. The cat is lethargic, constantly sleeps, and purrs pitifully.
  • The fever persists for more than 3 days: the cat is hot to the touch, the nose is dry and hot, and the heart beats rapidly.
  • The cat refuses food for more than a day, the animal constantly vomits.
  • Blood is oozing from the surgical wound and signs of internal bleeding have appeared - a lethargic state, cold paws and ears, pale or bluish mucous membranes.
  • The sutures on the wound are swollen and red for more than 5 days.

To ensure successful cat sterilization, you should contact only experienced veterinarians. After surgery, the animal requires increased attention in the first 3 days. If you strictly follow the recommendations for home care, the operated animal will quickly recover, and the risk of complications is minimized. Sterilized fluffies are prone to obesity, and therefore it is necessary to adjust her daily diet. Cat food manufacturers offer a wide range of dry and wet food for sterilized cats. wet food for sterilized cats. wet food for sterilized cats.

During castration, an animal's testes are removed. Sterilization can be performed regardless of gender. But mostly sterilization is indicated for cats. After the procedure, the animal will no longer be able to give birth. How long a cat recovers from anesthesia after sterilization, the rehabilitation period is described in this article.

Description of sterilization and its types

This operation is done to limit the functioning of the genital organs responsible for reproduction or to completely remove them. There are many ways to sterilize an animal:

  • In an ovariohysterectomy, the ovaries are removed through an incision in the abdomen or side.
  • During laparoscopy, organs for reproduction and bearing offspring are cut out through small punctures in the abdomen.
  • In an oophorectomy, the ovaries are removed through an incision in the abdomen. In this case, the uterus is not affected and turns into a useless organ.
  • Using a chemical (radiation) method, the animal is irradiated. The functions of the ovaries are impaired.
  • During medical sterilization, sexual functions are suppressed through medications.
  • With tubal occlusion, the reproductive organs are not removed, only tubal ligation is done. At the same time, sexual desire and cycle are preserved.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes. The sutures heal within a week, and the rehabilitation period can last up to 14 days.

What needs to be done before surgery?

To alleviate the condition of the operated cat, it is necessary to prepare in advance. It is necessary to place the bedding in a warm place on the floor to avoid falling from elevated positions. It is necessary to isolate the room from drafts.

The animal must be taken to surgery in a carrier, on the bottom of which a warm blanket or towel must first be laid. When the cat begins to recover from anesthesia, it will begin to feel very cold.. The animal will feel better on a warm blanket.

The first days after anesthesia

When a cat recovers from anesthesia after sterilization... it can take a lot of time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, proper care and proper nutrition. After completion of the procedure, the fluffy beauty becomes adequate in approximately three hours. Symptoms:

  • weak movements of the limbs and tail begin;
  • periodically the animal will fall asleep again;
  • it will try to raise its paws, make attempts to stand up;
  • will begin to stand up with effort;
  • all movements at first will be clumsy, uncoordinated, shaky;
  • after a few steps the cat will lie down;
  • the fluffy beauty will begin to bump into corners and walls and waddle;
  • after anesthesia, the cat will make plaintive and uterine sounds that are unusual for it;
  • Repeated sudden urination often occurs.

This behavior of a cat after anesthesia is observed within 24 hours after the anesthesia wears off. It is very difficult for the animal at this time, so the owners must help their pet survive the difficult period. You should carefully monitor your ward, do not let him poke into corners or sharp objects, and do not lift him to heights.

It is best to keep the animal on its right side to reduce the load on the internal organs.

Since the cat is under anesthesia with its eyes open, their mucous membranes dry out greatly. Therefore, you need to periodically instill moisturizing drops and close your eyelids with your fingers. These procedures are performed until the animal closes its eyes on its own. It will not be able to drink water on its own during the day, so you need to drop it into your mouth a few drops at a time or constantly wet your pet’s lips with a wet cloth.

Animals often feel sick and vomit after anesthesia.. This can be predicted by their behavior. Before vomiting, pets begin to lick themselves intensively. In the first 24 hours after surgery, cats are not fed, but they must be given water. They need help to stand on their feet.

Until the cat begins to drink on its own, it must be held in a standing position near a bowl of water. To make it easier for the animal to go to the toilet, the tray is placed not far from the bed. If it is difficult for a pet to stand on its own, its owners should support it.

Rehabilitation period

Caring for a cat after sterilization continues after it recovers from anesthesia. In a day you need:

  • start treating stitches with antiseptics daily (once every 24 hours);
  • control the holding of a special blanket or collar;
  • Sprinkle bleeding sutures with bactericidal agents.

The fluffy beauty recovers completely from the operation, most often on the fourth or fifth day after surgery. During this period, the cat returns to activity. She begins to get out of the lounger, jump, and run. On the street he can easily climb a tree.

Due to such violent activity, the seams come apart, so you should try to limit your pet’s movements. Postoperative wounds usually heal within ten days. If the sutures were protected with absorbable threads, they are not removed. Otherwise, you need to contact a veterinary clinic. Sutures should only be removed by a doctor so as not to harm the animal.

Complications after sterilization

If the cat passes away without any problems after the operation, that’s good. But it happens, although extremely rarely, that sterilization is accompanied by complications. The animal's cardiovascular system may be impaired during surgery or after recovery from anesthesia. Inflammations most often occur due to the surgeon’s oversight or as a result of the negligence of the animal owners.

For example, lack of treatment of sutures, antibiotics or other medications prescribed by a doctor. A cat may also have an acute allergic reaction to anesthesia.

If there are any signs of illness in the animal, it is necessary to take it to the veterinary clinic for an examination, without waiting until the pet is in a deplorable condition.

In order for the sterilization to proceed normally and the animal to quickly rehabilitate, a preliminary examination is carried out before the operation. In cats, the recovery period is faster, in 3-4 days. They do not need to wear a blanket, unlike the opposite sex. Cats recover within two weeks. If complications arise, the animal’s rehabilitation can last up to two months.

To prevent a cat from bringing unwanted litter home, owners often resort to sterilization of their pet. This is a routine operation in any veterinary clinic. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is carried out under general anesthesia, so the owner will receive the cat in a strange state. It is in the arms of the owner that the cat comes to its senses. Her behavior at this moment is very strange and can frighten the owner. In order to prevent a frightened person from having to return to the veterinary clinic, we will analyze the condition of a cat that has recovered from anesthesia after sterilization.

Features of cat behavior immediately after recovery from anesthesia

  • The cat is half asleep. She is practically inactive, nods and wants to sleep;
  • The cat has completely lost coordination of movement. When she tries to stand on her paws, she sways, rests against furniture and often falls on her side;
  • The cat's breathing is somewhat irregular and heavy;
  • She tries to get to the dark corner and stay there, in complete peace;
  • The cat may have involuntary excretion of physiological waste (feces and);
  • There is drooling from the kitty's mouth.

What happens to a cat's eyes?

For some time, due to the incomplete removal of the drug with a muscle relaxant effect from the animal’s blood and its effect on the muscles, including the muscle that constricts the pupil, the pupil remains dilated even when exposed to bright light.

This condition is allowed for up to 24-48 hours. During this time, the reaction of the pupils to light should return to normal.

What is the situation with the animal’s body temperature?

After surgery, hypothermia or hyperthermia that deviates from the norm by 0.5-1˚C is considered physiological. If the difference between the animal’s body temperature and the normal limits is greater, this is already a reason to sound the alarm, since not everything is in order with the animal’s health.


If the owner is afraid for the health of his pet, he can leave her in the hospital for several days until the girl comes to her senses.

How long does it take for a cat to come to its senses?

As a rule, after surgery the cat can sleep for up to 3-5 hours. This is fine. Then she will be unsteady, she will have other oddities (she will refuse the treats that she loves very much, she will drink a lot). However, your favorite mustachioed beauty will come to her senses around the second or third day.


Until the cat returns to its previous life activities, it should under no circumstances be left unattended!

Coming out of anesthesia

Many inexperienced owners have a desire to give the furry beauty something to drink and feed immediately after recovering from anesthesia. However, this is prohibited. Next, we will tell you why it is not possible after anesthesia and when you can try giving her something tasty.

Why is it forbidden to give food and water immediately after recovery from anesthesia?


For the first meal, it is better to choose specialized food for post-operative recovery or a treat that is familiar to the cat.

What behavior is normal for a cat after surgery?

After surgery, the cat should behave like this:


If the cat’s behavior has not changed (she is still lethargic, her gait is disturbed, and she practically does not eat), then an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic is necessary!

Useful video

In the video below, the veterinarian explains how you can independently help your cat recover from anesthesia after sterilization.


Sterilizing a cat is a rewarding endeavor. The owner will always be calm that he will not have to kill newly born, but unnecessary babies. But anyone who takes such a step must understand that they will have to endure a little strangeness and help their beloved cat in the postoperative period. The purr will especially need support just after leaving the state of medicated sleep.

Sterilizing a cat is a complex operation that is performed under anesthesia. After its implementation, a decrease in immunity and various complications are possible. In order for your pet to quickly regain strength, constant monitoring of its health is necessary. For several days after anesthesia, the animal requires care and attention from the owner.

Sterilization of cats

Sterilization is an operation that results in the animal losing its ability to reproduce. This procedure is performed under anesthesia, so it is considered a serious and responsible step. However, sterilization is recommended for the following reasons:

  • The number of stray cats is decreasing. If you sterilize street animals, there will be fewer offspring who will have to grow up without warmth and care. Reproduction is controlled in a similar way.
  • Estrus in cats is a very common occurrence. To prevent the pet from suffering, the owners take it to a specialist for surgery.
  • The problem of finding a home for kittens is being solved, because not all people can afford to have a large number of pets.
  • You can safely let your cat out for a walk without fear of attracting the neighbors' cats.
  • Sterilization - prevention of mammary gland diseases.

After sterilization, cats recover from anesthesia for a long time. With improper care after surgery, complications and inflammatory processes may occur. The pet requires constant observation, regular food intake and comfortable conditions to recuperate.

The cat recovers from anesthesia

Cat owners are concerned about how their pet will recover from anesthesia after sterilization. After surgery, the animal's behavior may change, which is a normal reaction of the body to medications. A cat, like a cat after castration, should recover quickly if it is provided with proper care. But this does not always happen this way, so the owner should be aware of the pet's health status. If the recommendations of the veterinarian are not systematically followed, complications on the operated organs and various inflammations may occur. During this period, the cat requires special attention, because it depends on how quickly and without consequences it recovers from anesthesia.

Cats recover from anesthesia after sterilization in different ways. In some cases, the animal immediately regains consciousness, in others, a long recovery period is required. On the first day, the pet will need increased attention and care. The cat's temperature will drop significantly after the operation, so you should try to warm the cat's body using a warm scarf or towel.

It is strictly forbidden to place a sterilized cat on a heating pad. Such actions pose a danger to the pet’s health, as there is a risk of complications.

The time it takes for a pet to recover from anesthesia depends on the following factors:

  • animal weight;
  • conditions for the operation;
  • drug dose;
  • the nature of the behavior and age of the animal;
  • the owner's level of knowledge in the field of care.

Typically, the veterinarian reports the pet’s condition immediately after surgery, but recommends picking it up after a few hours. If the procedure was carried out in the morning, the cat can be picked up in the evening. It is better to care for your pet at home so that recovery takes place in a calm, familiar and familiar atmosphere.

Cats usually sleep for up to seven hours after anesthesia. Near days possible staggering and lack of coordination. The pet may refuse to eat and drink.

Features of animal behavior

The behavior of a cat after anesthesia may seem strange: the pet gets up and falls sharply, after waking up it runs at a chaotic jog and hits corners, crashes into walls and knocks down all objects in its path. In the first days after sterilization, the cat may experience the following signs:

  • useless and causeless movements of the paws;
  • disorientation;
  • aggression, various sounds, scratching;
  • mood swings;
  • involuntary urination, sometimes spontaneously;
  • pain when swallowing food;
  • the eyes are constantly open.

The listed signs are normal. If the owner of a cat has doubts about the state of its health and unexplained behavior, you should seek help from a specialist.

Caring for your pet after surgery

Once the cat has been safely operated on and has fully recovered, it should be taken home. The owner must strictly follow the rules for caring for a cat at home:

  • To prevent the animal from deliberately harming itself, it is recommended to wear a post-operative bandage or blanket, which you can make yourself or purchase in a store.
  • The blanket is put on the cat immediately after sterilization and provides protection to the stitches. The blanket should only be removed to treat the surgical wound. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not try to get rid of it, otherwise there is a possibility of infection.
  • You should not put your pet on a sofa, table, or stool, since he is not yet able to control his actions and may fall. You should stay close to the animal at all times to avoid accidents, since cats, not wanting to be left alone, follow their owner with a bandage throughout the apartment.
  • It is recommended to lay your pet on its side.
  • You can create a secluded place on the floor in the room: put a baby blanket or pillow, and an absorbent diaper on it.
  • If the animal's temperature drops, it is necessary to provide a source of heat.
  • If the temperature has risen, you need to force drink water to prevent dehydration and drying out of the mouth. For this, a pipette or syringe without a needle is useful.

After surgery, the cat sleeps for about one hour, then wakes up briefly and goes back to hibernation. This state lasts up to 7 hours. This is how a cat recovers from anesthesia. It is possible that your pet will feel a little nauseous. In this case, he should not be forced to drink and eat. The pet will get hungry closer to night; you can feed it its usual food. The next day the pet should fully recover. Then you need to treat the seams by dabbing with a swab containing brilliant green. The third day after surgery is the most important. It is on the third day that swelling, fever, and inflammation may begin. This does not always happen, but it is better to play it safe and constantly monitor your pet.

Sterilization is an operation that is available and widespread. And although the process is clearly established, it cannot be done without the attention and care of the owner. A person should be aware of everything that concerns his pet, do not forget to treat the seam at the right time and consult a veterinarian. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate or try to use medications. Any actions are taken only with the permission of a specialist. If you follow his recommendations, the animal will quickly recover from anesthesia and restore its activity.

How long does it take for a cat to leave after sterilization?

Before sterilizing their pet, many pet owners are interested in how long it will take for the cat to recover from anesthesia, what will its condition be in the first days after the operation, and what kind of care does it need throughout the entire rehabilitation period? Fortunately, in most cases, cats recover quickly after sterilization, but this does not always happen. If the veterinarian's recommendations are not followed or simple rules for caring for a sterilized animal are ignored, sometimes domestic cats find it difficult to adapt to the new operating conditions of their body, feel unwell and are at great risk of developing complications from the operated organs.

How long does it take for cats to recover from anesthesia?

Before sterilizing their pet, every caring pet owner should ask how cats recover from anesthesia and what changes in their behavior should be expected in the first days after surgery? As a rule, in modern veterinary clinics the operated animal is allowed to be taken home a few hours after the completion of the surgical intervention. If a cat owner has the opportunity to care for his pet on his own, then he will have to follow certain doctor’s recommendations.

Veterinarians hear the question of how long it takes for a cat to recover from anesthesia after surgery every day. Naturally, no one can guarantee that immediately after the animal regains consciousness, vitality and habitual behavioral reactions will return to it. On the first day after anesthesia, the operated pet needs increased attention and enhanced care. Since a cat’s temperature tends to drop significantly after sterilization, it needs to be provided with additional warmth: insulate its resting place, wrap it in a warm scarf or towel while sleeping, and protect it from drafts. It is important to remember that a sterilized cat should never be placed on a heating pad. Such actions are dangerous because the animal runs the risk of developing postoperative complications in the form of bleeding or the formation of abscesses.

Normal cat behavior after anesthesia

The behavior of a cat after anesthesia can hardly be called habitual. She can get up on her paws, take a few steps and fall back to the floor. Waking up after sleep, the animal often begins to run, while its movements are erratic and chaotic: the pet can fall off the sofa, hit the wall, the corner of the door, and the like. Immediately after sterilization, the following actions may appear in the behavior of cats:

  • helpless movements of paws;
  • disorientation in space;
  • shaky and unsteady walking;
  • change from meowing to growling or hissing;
  • involuntary urination;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • rare blinking of the eyes or its complete absence.

All of the above symptoms are a familiar and completely normal part of the postoperative period in cats. Therefore, if one or several of these signs develop, you should not worry, you just need to take care of the comfort and convenience of your pet, providing it with the necessary care, warmth and attention. On the other hand, if a cat owner doesn’t like something about his animal’s behavior, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian and discuss all alarming symptoms with him.

Caring for a cat after sterilization

Regardless of how long the cat recovers from sterilization, such an animal needs special care throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Since the body temperature of the operated animal in the first few days after anesthesia can drop by as much as a degree, the animal should be provided with additional warming. However, you should not place your pet on a bed or chair. Then, as cats recover from anesthesia after sterilization, they may suddenly jump up on their paws and try to run somewhere. Naturally, such actions lead to animals falling from high furniture and causing injury, which is dangerous due to suture dehiscence or internal bleeding.

After anesthesia, the cat will not feel the best, which is why it needs complete rest and a calm, quiet environment. Veterinarians do not recommend feeding operated pets on the first day after sterilization, while the animal can be given some water 3 hours after suturing. After anesthesia, the cat should be fed light, low-fat food for a week. Homemade pates with the addition of vegetables and cereals, as well as special medicinal feeding, which can be purchased at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies, are better suited for this.

While cats after castration begin to feel good already 3-4 days after surgery, cats take about two weeks to recover after sterilization. This is due to technical issues in the procedure for performing the operation in males and females. After sterilization, the latter need to wear a special blanket, which will protect them from gnawing postoperative sutures and thereby improve the quality of the entire period of wound healing.