Can the temperature rise after the gym? What causes the temperature to rise after exercise? Sports can help you recover faster

I would be happy if it were pregnancy. But, frankly speaking, the situation has been repeated more than once or twice, this kind of garbage has been going on for more than a month, which is why I fell into frustration.

I won't go to a therapist. After asking one and a half questions, they immediately force me to take pills, but I don’t take them at all. And in general - how many times have I gone to doctors in my life, so many times I have been left in a semi-invalid state. Well, what the heck - I’m treating myself more effectively, if only I could understand what the hell this is and what system is glitching (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I’ve had 37.5 for three years now – the doctors said it’s normal. This is the normal temperature.
Normal temperature is considered to be from 35.5 to 37.5, as they explained to me. In children, 37.5 also does not require any intervention.

In fact, the normal temperature is considered to be 36.6.

My friend had this and had a fever. No symptoms, just fever and weakness. She was examined, of course, and the doctors strained her with tests. Then a disease in the female part was discovered.

In children, 37.5 also does not require any intervention.

Probably any mother will say that the child does not feel well at this temperature.
From the age of 38, a doctor makes house calls without fail.

3 years ago, after a severe cold, I noticed that I was not falling. It was stressful at first, but then I got used to it.
I was also scared, I went for all sorts of examinations (I did everything, I did everything), only they sucked out a lot of money for everything (in paid ones). Until I found a normal doctor, who explained that if there are no other symptoms of the disease, nothing needs to be done and that there are many such people and that a temperature of up to 37.5 is considered normal.

"normal" doctor


"normal" doctor
I just didn’t want to admit that I didn’t know what was wrong
So I came up with an excuse saying “everything is fine, the temperature is normal”

I may not be very knowledgeable about all the medical stuff. But all the tests were excellent, they even checked for cancer cells (I think that’s what they call it).

The jester knows. I don't think this is a normal temperature. In my opinion, 99% of people feel unwell with this. Maybe someone doesn’t care - but someone walks on broken glass - they don’t care either. And someone dives a hundred meters into the depths, where the rest of us have hellish eardrums - and nothing.

By the way, I know the opposite option - a girl a couple of years younger than me, who has never had a fever in her entire life. He gets sick, coughs, sneezes like everyone else. But - always 36.6. Something doesn't work in the body's defense system.
But here I have a false alarm for some reason))

Well, how can the inflammatory process go on for 10-12 hours - and then disappear without a trace? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

what does 10-12 hours mean?

then under load it activates again

Soooo. Logical version. It never occurred to me. Perhaps this is true. Absolutely nothing hurts, really (pah-pah-pah) and there are not even any wounds. Maybe the brain is inflamed from reading the Wec in the evening? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

inflammation is not necessarily a consequence of purulent wounds)))
any infection causes inflammation
in general, it could be anything: from banal sinusitis to joe bone sarcoma)))
and pregnancy, by and large, is also accompanied by an inflammatory process
even Dr. House called the fetus a tumor in some season))))

I could be wrong
but it seems like an inflammatory process
indicates an increased number of white blood cells in the blood
I need to check with someone who doesn’t understand medicine from TV series)))

Scram with your Houses and sarcomas))

I have a different idea. Every time you arrive from the mountains, a day or two of sausage and temperature is the norm. Readaptation to lowland conditions is underway. It’s not just me, it’s like this for almost everyone, it’s a known fact. It is connected with the fact that during acclimatization in the mountains, body temperature drops by half a degree and the pulse becomes slower. Accordingly, when descending, the temperature increases. This is not associated with any inflammatory processes or leukocytes. Rather, with atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration in the respiratory tract. And also with high solar activity at an altitude of more than 2000 m.


the inflammatory process can go on for weeks and months
and if the temperature drops, this does not mean that the inflammatory process is over
just went into a hidden, latent phase
then under load it activates again

This is true.

For several years the temperature remained at 37.0-37.3. I felt terrible. The doctors found nothing, they pointed to chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.
Then a specific disease was revealed.
After treatment with hormones, the temperature returned relatively to normal. But after physical activity, after stress, it rises again.

By the way, there is such a type of allergy - an allergy to physical activity.
Maybe the body understands that it can’t handle four hours of riding and carrying heavy weights?

I don’t want to croak, but... Mountains are a strain on joints, ligaments, muscles and everything in general. Accordingly, most likely there really is something in the body that is under-treated or weakly ill. Well, as a result, the increased load on the diseased area causes an aggravation and reaction of the body. Listen to your body, maybe you will feel a signal somewhere specifically... But in general, you have to hope that it’s all from lack of sleep)


I wrote in the main post that for me this is not a load at all, just a warm-up. I spend 10-15 days three or four times a year in the mountains, where the daily load is 10 times greater than here. Overexertion can be such that you can’t even eat for a couple of hours until you recover. And nothing - I don’t remember even once that there were any sores after that. I rested, had tea, soup, cognac for bedtime, slept and then off we went)

That’s why I’m offended by my body - it’s not supposed to be sick now at all. Just think - we ran around in the fresh air. They never even knocked out their breathing hole. What kind of whims suddenly out of the blue?

There was such a thought. All previously injured parts were palpated and checked - everything was fine, no sensations. The muscles also don’t hurt one bit - i.e. the load volume does not exceed normal. Everything is fine. The devil knows what's wrong with him...

In short, I thought about it and decided to run up the hill again tomorrow, but in the morning I would drink ascorbic acid and magnesium vitamins. If it helps, then everything is in order, it’s just that the frequent climate makes itself felt. And if not, then you need to look for the source of leukocytes)

Wow... Then the thought ceases to be clear and goes into the realm of assumptions. Maybe when the load increases, the body thinks that it has already been taken to the mountains? And, having discovered that it is not, he is offended and, in retaliation, arranges for me to undergo re-acclimatization? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
By the way, at the end of the third season, House and Cuddy are flying from a pandemic conference
and on their plane one dude develops strange symptoms reminiscent of bacterial meningitis
and in the end it turns out that fever, rash and nausea, convulsions
This is a consequence of decompression sickness -
The guy was diving the day before the flight, surfaced too quickly and got decompression sickness
and low pressure in an airplane flying at an altitude of several thousand meters above sea level
almost sent him to the next world

there is a temperature - it means there is an inflammatory process
maybe in a latent form, but there is such a process

not true. There are people whose fever is normal.
There are few of them, but they exist.
Those. for example, for them 37.0 is the same normal temperature as for the others 36.6.

Temperature in a healthy person

An increase in body temperature without symptoms often remains unnoticed by the patient - and at the same time, even low-grade fever (from 37.2 to 37.9 °C) can be combined with weakness and affect ability to work and physical activity. Mild malaise is not always perceived as a symptom and is associated with stress, lack of sleep, and a changing daily routine.

In order to prevent overdiagnosis, that is, an erroneous judgment about the presence of a disease in a patient, physiological factors should be excluded. Before the examination begins, it is necessary to collect a detailed medical history, which implies a survey regarding lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, the nature of the diet, the level of physical activity, and professional activities.

If at the stage of an oral consultation you find out that an elevated temperature for a long time without symptoms is associated with physiological processes, you will not have to use numerous laboratory and instrumental research methods and medications.

An elevated body temperature in a healthy person is observed:

  • while working in a heating microclimate;
  • in the hot season;
  • in case of clothing that does not correspond to the ambient temperature.
  • during physical activity;
  • when eating large amounts of food with high energy value;
  • when consuming hot foods and drinks;
  • as a result of stress, fear;
  • as a manifestation of daily fluctuations.

Women of reproductive age who have a fever without symptoms should be assessed for possible pregnancy.

If the temperature rises without symptoms in the second half of the menstrual cycle, you should also think about physiological mechanisms.

A heating microclimate is a combination of climatic parameters (ambient temperature, air speed, etc.) that promotes the accumulation of heat in the human body, which is manifested by profuse sweating and increased body temperature. To reduce the intensity of the adverse effect, breaks in work, installation of air conditioners, and reduction of working hours are necessary.

Relaxing on the beach in direct sunlight and staying in a hot room are likely factors that cause an increase in body temperature. Closed clothing made of thick fabric, which does not allow air and moisture to pass through, impedes heat transfer - this leads to a temperature imbalance with excess heat accumulation in the body.

Physical activity includes sports or work loads and leads to an increase in body temperature for no reason that could be determined objectively; with sufficient training, patients feel good, temperature readings return to normal after a short rest.

Eating a large breakfast, lunch or dinner, especially if the food was hot, can affect body temperature: the values ​​shift up to 0.5 °C from the normal level. It is also known that temperature changes when a person experiences strong emotions. An elevated temperature combined with a heat wave or heat wave occurs within a short time after drinking alcohol.

Circadian rhythms are evolutionarily fixed mechanisms that cause body temperature to rise in the evening. The difference between the indicators at different times of the day can be from 0.5 to 1 °C.

In addition, it is important to clarify which method of thermometry the patient uses. Sometimes temperature for no reason is the result of an incorrect assessment of the data obtained during measurement. Rectal temperature is higher than axillary (determined in the armpit) and oral (measured in the oral cavity).

Determination errors may be associated with a thermometry device - mercury thermometers are considered the most accurate. Electronic and infrared thermometers are sensitive to measurement technology, so you must strictly follow the instructions; the discrepancy between the actual body temperature and the recorded values ​​can reach 0.5 °C.

Temperature as a symptom

Constitutional fever, or thermoneurosis, can cause elevated body temperature without symptoms. Low-grade fever is observed for several months or even longer, while the patient’s health remains satisfactory.

If pathological manifestations are present, they are quite variable, and the connection with fever cannot always be traced. These include hyperhidrosis, a feeling of discomfort in the heart area, headaches, mood swings, sleep disturbances, a tendency to low or high blood pressure or sharp fluctuations in its levels for no apparent reason.

Temperature without other symptoms is a presumptive sign:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory process.
  2. Systemic connective tissue diseases.
  3. Endocrine pathology.
  4. Vascular thrombosis.
  5. Neoplasms.

Diseases belonging to the listed groups may begin with an increase in temperature with a mild clinical picture, including additional symptoms. In some cases, the patient's complaints and initial examination do not allow any changes other than fever to be determined.

Infectious diseases are a large group of pathologies, many of which can occur in a latent (hidden) form - for example, tuberculosis of various localizations, viral hepatitis B and C.

Sometimes high temperature becomes the main manifestation of infective endocarditis, foci of chronic infection (sinusitis, tonsillitis, carious teeth). Careful diagnosis is required to confirm or refute the infectious nature of the fever.

Systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, etc.) are associated with immunological disorders and are manifested by inflammatory damage to the connective tissue. Fever for no reason in adults may last for several weeks or even months before additional symptoms appear.

The complaint that an adult has a fever without symptoms sometimes characterizes the initial stage of hyperthyroidism. This is a syndrome of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, manifested by an increase in the level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine and an increase in the intensity of the basal metabolism. The development of pathology can be caused by autoimmune mechanisms; hereditary factors are also important.

Temperature without symptoms in an adult with thrombosis is an important diagnostic sign; elimination of fever using heparin therapy in the absence of effect from antibacterial agents suggests the presence of vascular pathology.

Fever due to tumors

In the case of neoplasms, temperature without signs of disturbance in the general condition is recorded at the beginning of the development of tumors of the bladder, kidneys, liver, hemoblastosis, and multiple myeloma. It is believed that the cause of elevated body temperature is the production of pyrogens - biologically active substances that contribute to the appearance of fever (for example, interleukin-1).

The severity of fever does not always depend on the size and location of the tumor; elevated temperature without symptoms at the onset of the disease most often corresponds to subfebrile and febrile levels. After removal of the tumor, as well as with successful treatment with chemotherapy, normalization of temperature indicators is observed.

Fever is characteristic of tumors localized in the cavities of the heart (cardiac myxoma). Before the heart valves are involved in the pathological process, it is difficult to suspect the presence of a neoplasm.

Symptoms characteristic of a full-blown clinical picture of myxoma:

  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in muscles and joints without specific localization;
  • shortness of breath, dizziness, swelling;
  • skin pigmentation.

Fever with cardiac myxoma is resistant to the use of antibacterial drugs. In the blood test, signs of anemia are observed (decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin), increased ESR, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, but in some cases erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis (increased levels of red blood cells and platelets) are recorded.

Infective endocarditis is a possible complication of the pathological process with cardiac myxoma.

Fever without other symptoms occurs in patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy and is called neutropenic fever. There is a sharp decrease in the number of neutrophils followed by infection; in this case, the only manifestation of the infectious process is a fever above 38 °C.

It is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy with monitoring of body temperature and assessment of effectiveness for 3 days after the start of treatment.

  1. Increase a speed . In fact, this increases the temperature to 37.2, as a result of which the body tries to return to a balanced state, for which it spends a lot of energy (including fat).
  2. Transition to fat depot by increasing the load on the cardiac muscle group.

In both the first and second cases, triglycerides are used as an energy source, which, when burned, release 8 kcal per g versus 3.5 kcal per g obtained from glycogen. Naturally, the body is physically unable to process such a volume of energy at once, which leads to additional heat transfer. Hence the effect of increasing body temperature after and after exercise.

In most cases, individually, all of these factors cannot seriously change body temperature, but together, in some people they can cause a significant increase, up to 38 degrees and above.

It all depends on why you have a fever after exercise. If this is a condition associated with a weakened immune system, then training is strictly not recommended, since training is an additional stress for the body.

Like any stress, it has a temporary depressing effect on the body, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

If you are shivering from overload in the body, then you need to pay attention not only to the level of stress and temperature, but also to the complex of drugs that you use.

  • In particular, an increase in temperature may be a consequence of:
  • reception;
  • caffeine intoxication;

effect of fat burning drugs.

In this case, you can train, but avoid a serious strength base. Instead, it is better to devote your training to aerobic complexes and serious cardio exercise. In any case, before your next workout, reduce the dosage of the supplements you use to reduce the occurrence of negative side effects.

If we are talking about a slight rise in temperature (from 36.6 to 37.1-37.2), then this is most likely only a thermal effect from the resulting load. To reduce the temperature in this case, it is enough to increase the amount of fluid consumed between approaches.

How to avoid?

  1. To achieve athletic progress, it is important not only to understand why the temperature rises after training, but also to know how to avoid such a situation.
  2. Drink more fluids during your workout. More fluid means more sweating and less chance of fever.
  3. Reduce your caffeine intake before exercise.
  4. Do not use fat burning drugs.
  5. Keep a training diary. It helps you avoid overtraining.
  6. Reduce physical activity during exercise.
  7. Reduce your protein intake. This will help if you significantly exceed the recommended doses, which leads to inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys.

Fighting overheating of the body

If you need to go to a business meeting after training, or it takes place in the morning, you need to know how to effectively lower your temperature to acceptable limits.

Method/means Operating principle Health safety Impact on the result
IbuprofenNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: stopping inflammation allows you to lower the temperature and get rid of headaches.When consumed in small doses, it has low toxicity to the liver.Reduces anabolic background.
ParacetamolAntipyretic with analgesic effect.Extremely toxic to the liver.Creates additional stress on internal organs. Reduces anabolic background.
AspirinAntipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. It has a number of side effects that are not compatible with taking it on an empty stomach or for preventive purposes immediately after training.It has a thinning effect and is not recommended for use after heavy exercise.Increases, leads to loss of muscle mass.
Warm tea with lemonSuitable if the increase in temperature is a consequence of increased stress. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, hot liquid causes sweating, which reduces the temperature.Tannin in tea can lead to increased stress on the heart muscle.Vitamin C stimulates faster recovery.
Cool showerPhysical cooling of the body allows you to temporarily return your body temperature to normal. Not recommended for overtraining or the first signs of a cold.May lead to colds.Accelerates recovery processes, reduces the effect of stagnation of lactic acid in muscle tissue.
Rubbing with vinegarAn emergency remedy for lowering high temperatures from 38 and above. Vinegar interacts with the sweat glands, causing a thermal reaction that first briefly increases the temperature and then sharply cools the body.An allergic reaction is possible.Does not affect.
Cool waterPhysically cools the body by a fraction of a degree. Helps in cases where temperature is caused by dehydration and acceleration of metabolism, it is considered an ideal remedy.Absolutely safeNo effect except during drying periods.


Can the temperature rise after training, and if it does, will it be a critical factor? If you measure your temperature 5-10 minutes after exercise, there is nothing to worry about a slight increase in readings. But if the temperature starts to rise later, this is already a signal from the body about overload.

Try reducing the intensity of your workouts or giving up fat-burning complexes. If the increase in temperature after training the next day becomes constant, you should consider completely reconsidering your training complex or even consult a doctor.

While running, you sometimes experience sensations that rarely appear in everyday life. These can be both positive and negative effects of running on a person. Let's consider both.

Body temperature

While running, your body temperature rises significantly. And even for some time after a run the temperature is above normal 36.6. It can reach up to 39 degrees, which is high for a healthy person. But for running it’s absolutely normal.

And this temperature has a generally positive effect on a person. It helps warm the body and destroy harmful microbes. Long-distance runners treat colds by running for a long time - the active work of the heart during running, combined with an increase in temperature, does an excellent job of eliminating all microbes. Therefore, if you suddenly have a question about how to raise your body temperature, then you know for sure at least one way.

Side pain while running

This issue was discussed in detail in the article:. In short, we can say that if while running your right or left side hurts in the hypochondrium area, then there is no reason to panic. You need to either slow down the pace or perform an artificial abdominal massage so that the surging blood into the spleen and liver, which creates excessive pressure in these organs, goes away faster along with the pain.

Pain in the heart and head

If you feel a pounding heart or feel dizzy while running, you need to immediately take a step. This is especially true for beginners who do not yet know how their body works when running.

There can be many reasons why the heart hurts. But if the car’s engine starts to malfunction during a trip, then an experienced driver will always stop to see what’s wrong with it and not aggravate the problem. The same applies to humans. While running, the heart works 2-3 times more intensely than at rest. Therefore, if it cannot withstand the load, then it is better to reduce this load. Most often, heart pain occurs precisely because of excessive stress. Choose, and gradually your heart will train and pain will no longer occur. As for the head, dizziness can be caused mainly by either a large influx of oxygen to which it is not accustomed. As you understand, while running a person is forced to consume significantly more air than at rest. Or, on the contrary, a lack of oxygen can cause oxygen starvation in the head, and you can even faint. The condition will be similar to carbon dioxide poisoning. But experience shows that if you do not give increased load, then neither the heart nor the head of a healthy person hurts while running. Of course, people with heart disease can experience pain even when they are at rest.

Pain in muscles, joints and ligaments

The human skeleton has three main links that create the frame and enable movement - joints, muscles and tendons. And while running, the legs, pelvis and abs work in enhanced mode. Therefore, the occurrence of pain in them is, unfortunately, the norm. Some people have problems with their joints. Someone, on the contrary, overtrained the muscles, which began to ache.

With tendons it's even more complicated. Even if you have strong muscles, but you have failed to prepare your tendons for the load, you can get injured by pulling the tendons. In general, when something in your legs starts to hurt while running, this is normal. It's not right, but it's okay. There can be a lot of reasons: wrong shoes,

0 16045 1 year ago

Training for our body is a lot of stress, which the body is used to dealing with using typical means. That is why, if you get an excessively large load during the training process, you can easily get a number of very unpleasant symptoms: be it nausea or even fever after training. Why does it occur, how to deal with it and most importantly, how to avoid such an unpleasant consequence?

Why does it occur?

For many, it will be interesting to know not only why the temperature rises after exercise, but also how to avoid the harmful consequences of this protective reaction of the body. To do this, it is important to understand the general biochemical processes that occur in our body during heavy loads. The body is a very lazy and closed system that strives to be in constant balance. Any movement and lifting of weights is a serious stress for him, which he can deal with in two ways:

  1. Adaptation. The body launches, which allow you to build muscle mass, and, therefore, become stronger, faster, and more resilient. Adaptation starts when the stress for the body is not very great and it is able to cope with it using internal resources.
  2. Optimization. The body launches processes that, in its opinion, can help avoid such stress in the future. Optimization is triggered if the load is excessive and the body is not able to adapt to it at the current level.

An increase in temperature is a consequence of the launch of short-term optimization processes, which can then turn into adaptation processes. An increase in temperature can be caused by:

  1. Initially, feeling unwell before training.
  2. caused by cardio exercise.
  3. Stressful loads on the verge of overtraining.
  4. The release of heat as a means of thermoregulation followed by sweating.
  5. Taking third-party medications that affect the body’s thermoregulation.


Stress is the main factor why a temperature of 38 occurs, it can start to shiver right during training and other unpleasant factors, including nausea. The protective reaction against stress is the main regulator of the body's optimization resources. Any serious training load causes:

  • Micro tears in muscle tissue;
  • Sharp depletion of stocks in the depot;
  • Formation of lactic acid.

And, of course, we must not forget about such an important factor as liver overload during training. Any of these factors is inflammatory for our body. In the process of micro-tears, the body is forced to fill the damaged areas with red blood cells, and drive lactic acid through the entire bloodstream system, causing intoxication. As a result, to combat these negative factors, the body increases body temperature, up to critical levels above 37 and 38 degrees.

Heat release

Another important factor that can cause the body to overheat directly during exercise is the processes of energy release. The fact is that the body cannot use glycogen in its pure form. To do this, he needs to break it down into glucose. Glucose is subsequently broken down into energy itself. The efficiency of our body is not ideal, as is the rate of breakdown of glucose. Therefore, the excess energy obtained as a result of its emergency release naturally turns into heat.

Acceleration of metabolism

Can the temperature rise after training without overtraining and stressful situations? Yes, and this is the third main factor why it is rising. During the training process, our heart, in order to ensure the normal functioning of the entire body, accelerates 2-3 times relative to its resting state. All this leads to the fact that blood begins to circulate faster throughout the body and all processes also occur faster. The result is the release of more thermal energy and an increase in temperature during exercise.

Is it possible to train with a fever?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If the temperature is a consequence of the factors described above, then care must be taken to ensure that it does not rise further. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the workout, and then, if the temperature does not subside, stop it completely until complete recovery.

If a rise in temperature occurs during running and other cardio exercises, then all you need to do is drink as much fluid as possible. If the temperature does not subside the next day, then any physical activity should be avoided until complete recovery.

How to avoid?

It is impossible to give universal advice on how to avoid fever, since the causes and reactions of the body to various stresses differ from person to person. However, there are a number of simple recommendations that will help avoid fever.

  1. Drink more fluids. Water has a high heat capacity, therefore, it can quickly cool our body through sweat.
  2. Keep a training diary. It helps you control your results and, accordingly, avoid overtraining.
  3. In the summer, try to train outdoors or in an air-conditioned room.
  4. Do not come to training if you feel unwell.

Fighting overheating of the body

Overheating of the body is a rather serious problem, and to avoid harmful consequences, you can use one of the proposed methods.

Method/means Operating principle Health safety Impact on the result
Warm tea with lemon Lemon is a powerful adaptogen, vitamin C has a preventive and healing effect on the body. The acid in it helps reduce the effects of lactic acid on the body. In addition, the caffeine in tea helps optimize the body's resources to combat stress. Completely safe. If you have caffeine intolerance, you can simply drink hot water with lemon. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on adaptation processes and can increase the effectiveness of subsequent training.
Rubbing with vinegar Emergency remedy. Acetic acid affects adrenaline receptors, in addition, it affects the sweat glands, which physically helps reduce fever. Mild intoxication is possible from vinegar entering the circulatory system through the pores. Does not affect.
Cool shower Physical cooling of the body helps reduce the inflammatory factor and physically lower the temperature. Does not affect. Reduces the effect of lactic acid on the body's recovery.
Cool water Water has a high heat capacity, which allows it to physically lower the temperature. Possibility of catching a cold. Helps replenish, increasing performance during the workout itself.
Paracetamol A powerful analgesic that lowers temperature by briefly increasing it sharply. The mechanism of action is not fully understood. Helps reduce severe fever down to 39 degrees. Causes weakness and drowsiness. Serious liver toxicity. It has a negative effect on the training process due to severe intoxication and damage to the liver. Recommended only in extremely urgent cases.
Ibuprofen A weak analgesic with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce low fever. It has virtually no effect on performance and does not cause drowsiness. Mild intoxication, which will not cause harm if consumed once. Virtually no effect.
Aspirin A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a powerful antipyretic effect. Thins the blood. Not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. It is not recommended to exercise after taking aspirin, as the thinning effect on the circulatory system increases the load on the heart and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To summarize

When answering the question whether there can be a temperature after training, you need to understand that the temperature itself is not a problem - it is only a symptom of one of the reasons described above why it may increase. First of all, you need to measure the temperature itself, understand how intensely you trained, and did you come to the training session healthy to begin with?

If the reason is overtraining, then appropriate conclusions need to be drawn from this. If this is a normal reaction to cardio exercise, then it is enough to drink more fluid during the workout itself.