Oil for massage before childbirth. Preparing for childbirth: how to avoid ruptures? Intimate massage

Childbirth is often accompanied by severe pain and troubles such as ruptures, which take a long time to heal and cause a lot of trouble to the woman who has become a mother.

To avoid such negative consequences, there is a special intimate massage technique perineum, which will help prepare the body for the birth of a child.

Perineal massage - what is it?

Massage of the perineum before childbirth is a procedure that it is advisable to start doing already in the second trimester, so that the vagina is ready by the time labor begins. The massage is carried out using special oils and is necessary so that the woman can give birth without gaps. This procedure is the best preparation of the body for a physically difficult process, so it should not be neglected.

You should not do intimate massage if the pregnancy is multiple, with placenta previa and with the threat of miscarriage. It is also necessary to refuse the procedure if there is any inflammatory process in the vagina, including thrush. You should start developing muscles no earlier than the 17th week, since before this time pregnancy is overly vulnerable.

Performing a massage during pregnancy will help make the muscles and skin more elastic and pliable. This quality will be especially useful at a time when the head and shoulders of the fetus will pass through the birth canal - at this time, as a rule, ruptures appear.

Besides, prenatal intimate massage will help the expectant mother learn to relax during pain and not interfere with the naturally occurring process.

Massage should be done regardless of the upcoming birth. Moreover, if the birth is repeated and in previous cases there were complications in the form of ruptures, massage is simply necessary - since after healing of the ruptures, scars remain on the tissues that do not stretch well, there is a high risk of getting similar complications again.

You can try to avoid this if you start preparing for the birth of your baby in advance, preparing the perineum for childbirth by regularly massaging the intimate organ.

Massage procedures should not be started from the first days of conception- firstly, it is dangerous, since it can provoke an abortion, and secondly, it is not advisable - you can prepare the vagina later.

  • up to 16 weeks procedures should not be carried out;
  • beginning from the second trimester You should get a massage once or twice a week;
  • third trimester- this is the time to gradually increase the number of procedures; several weeks before giving birth, they should be carried out daily.

Massage is recommended in the evening, before bedtime so that the woman can relax after the procedure. Ideally, before the procedure, take a 10-minute relaxing warm bath, which will help relax the muscle tissue as much as possible.

Massage technique

An intimate massage should be performed exclusively using oil, which is necessary to soften tissues and prevent a variety of unpleasant sensations and consequences in the form of cracks, dry skin, damage and other similar troubles. Olive, chamomile, and rose oils are suitable for the procedure. You can also use string, calendula or wheat germ oil.

If it is not possible to purchase one of the above products, you can use pre-boiled and cooled vegetable oil. It is strictly forbidden to use castor oil for massage - it activates uterine contractions and can lead to premature birth.

For a long time performing the procedure is problematic, so it makes sense to contact a professional massage therapist or involve your husband in the procedure.

It is important to keep the massage therapist’s hands clean, since the vagina during pregnancy becomes extremely sensitive to any infections.

Algorithm The procedure is simple:

  • Before the procedure, a woman should empty your bladder and intestines, take a warm bath.
  • Then you need to sit in a comfortable position and spread your legs bent at the knees as far as possible.
  • The masseur generously lubricates the perineum with oil. The vagina is also treated with oil, but not deeply - only 2-5 centimeters.
  • The main place of massaging is posterior vaginal wall. You should press it with your fingers, noticeably, but not too hard, for a minute, and after that the pressure stops for 10 seconds. The procedure should take from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After completing the first stage of massage procedures, you should perform massaging in this way: rhythmically press the fingers on the vagina, gradually moving to the perineum, and from there to the anus. This massage lasts at least 4-6 minutes.

Such a massage will help make the perineum elastic and the woman in labor will not experience excessively painful and frightening sensations during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Complete the procedure it is necessary to re-oil the vagina and labia.

In order to properly prepare the body for childbirth and avoid unpleasant consequences, in addition to massage, you can perform Kegel exercises- maximum contraction of the muscles of the vagina and anus alternates with their relaxation. The following exercise will not be amiss - one by one, starting from the lowest part of the cervix, squeeze the muscles, and when you reach the maximum height, do the same, but in reverse order.

Such exercises will help give the vagina additional firmness and elasticity.

Pregnancy is a special state of the female body when you need to treat yourself with special attention. That is why before perineal massage and performing exercises to strengthen muscle tissue, you should consult a gynecologist. If there are even minimal contraindications, such procedures should be abandoned.

All women expecting the birth of a new life really want the birth process to be without any ruptures. In order for everything to turn out the way you want, it is important not only to listen to the advice of a specialist during the birth process, but to engage in preliminary preparation of the birth canal before the upcoming event.

Perineal massage is very suitable for this purpose. This option makes it possible to make the tissues that will be involved in the birth of the baby elastic. As a result, they will be able to stretch well and not tear. Let's figure out exactly how such a procedure should be performed.

Benefits of massage

The perineum is muscle tissue that is found in the pelvic bones, as well as in the area located between the vagina and anus. It is this place that needs to be massaged, since it is on it that the strongest pressure is applied during labor, and the muscles in question are not particularly strong.

There are many cases when women tear them during childbirth and have to be stitched up. Some experts consider it necessary to perform a small incision beforehand during the birth process. They do this so that there are no difficulties during childbirth. But if you are serious about your health and do not want to have such incisions made, then you should prepare your muscles during pregnancy.

Perineal massage makes it possible to make the muscles highly elastic; if you do it, this will make it possible to avoid cracks and tears.

Many women think that if they had a uterus after the birth of their first baby, then the sutures will come apart when the second baby is born. In fact, this is not the case, because due to massage, the scars also become elastic and they will not rupture again.

Massage significantly improves blood circulation in all organs. Also, your nerves will be strengthened, your psycho-emotional state will improve.

How to massage the perineum before childbirth?

Doctors emphasize that massage can not be done in the first stages of pregnancy. You need to wait a little and after 28 weeks begin the procedure. It is recommended to massage once every 2-3 days, not more often. And after 26 weeks - every day. If you want to enhance the effect of the procedure, you can do Kegel exercises at the same time.

The optimal time to perform the procedure is evening. Take a warm bath and get started. Before starting the course, you will have to buy some oils - chamomile, rose, grape seed, olive oil are suitable. Before using the oil, it must be boiled.

Cannot be used as it can provoke uterine contractions. In addition to the oil, you will need gloves; make sure they are sterile. If you don’t have them on hand or you forgot to buy them, but you want to do a massage, then wash your hands very well with soap, preferably antibacterial.

Although this massage is very useful, it cannot be performed on certain categories of women. So, this manipulation is prohibited for future mothers who have vaginitis, herpes and other genital infections. This rule is mandatory; it is necessary to prevent infections from entering the vagina. In addition, manipulation is prohibited if there is a risk of miscarriage, allergies, or high body temperature.

How to massage the perineum correctly?

If in the earlier stages of pregnancy a woman can cope with a massage herself, then the closer she gets to childbirth, and the larger her belly becomes, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises on her own.

In this case, you can ask your husband to help you. So, take a position that is comfortable for you so that you can feel comfortable. So that the stomach is not compressed. If your loved one is giving you a massage, it is better to take a semi-sitting position. So, the first thing you need to do is wash your hands and lubricate them with the boiled oil of your choice.

Apply the same oil to the skin of the perineum. The finger must be inserted into the vagina (about halfway). Lightly and carefully press on the desired area. Movements should be directed towards the anus. At the same time, you should try to relax your muscles as much as possible. This massage lasts about 2-3 minutes.

Of course, during the first procedures it will be a little difficult for you to relax your muscles. But after 3-4 manipulations, the muscles will get used to it and will be able to be relaxed. This will indicate that their elasticity has increased.

The most important thing is to know when to stop everything; don’t overdo it. You should feel comfortable during the manipulation. You should not feel any pain. Only in this case will massage be useful and make it possible to avoid ruptures during future births.

Let's talk about oil for perineal massage before childbirth. Modern preparation for labor necessarily includes perineal massage. Therefore, in this case, embarrassment can be discarded and think about how to give birth without complications and ruptures, naturally and safely for the baby. Why do gaps happen? When being born, the baby's head is under constant tension, and the unprepared perineum experiences enormous pressure and is easily torn. This is followed by painful suturing and an equally painful process of tissue healing.
To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to prepare the perineal tissues in advance, increase their elasticity and extensibility with the help of proper prenatal massage using oils.

Choosing oil for perineal massage before childbirth

Preparing the intimate area for childbirth is easy. Use regular pharmacy oils such as:
  • olive, with a pronounced antimicrobial effect, to increase skin firmness and elasticity;

  • apricot– for nutrition and hydration of tissues. The oil contains fatty acids, has an antiseptic effect, increases skin elasticity;

  • jojoba– oil with a high content of vitamin E. Has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect;

  • grape seed oil- stimulates blood flow, makes the skin firm and elastic;

  • almond– effectively heals microcracks and wounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect;

  • sunflower– recommended for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, for regeneration and increasing skin elasticity.
We recommend purchasing high-quality oils on iHerb:
The pharmacy chain today offers special preparations - intimate oils for preparing for childbirth. Weleda products are especially popular. The composition contains active ingredients of natural origin - almond oil, wheat germ and sage.
Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use castor oil for massage! There are cases where, after a massage with this oil, pregnant women experienced involuntary contractions of the cervix, which led to premature birth.

Read the label carefully before making a purchase. Give preference only to natural oils that do not contain any chemical additives.
Be sure to check the expiration date of the perineal massage oil before giving birth; if it expires or the product is expired, do not purchase. There will definitely be no benefit, so don’t risk your health. If you have previously used any oil and find yourself having an allergic reaction, stop using it and consult your doctor. Because such a massage, in addition to terrible itching, can cause significant harm to your child.

How to make intimate oil for childbirth at home

You can make oil for prenatal massage at home.
You need to buy any good quality vegetable oil and pharmaceutical packaging of St. John's wort herb. It is important that you are not allergic to these ingredients.
Pour the herb into a liter jar, pour in oil so that the herb is completely immersed in it. Warm the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the mixture cool completely. Next, close the container with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 7 days. The oil for prenatal massage is ready.
You can use the oil to massage the perineum before childbirth without adding medicinal herbs. In any case, the oil for perineal massage should be sterile or calcined over a fire and, of course, cooled. Hot oil must not be used!

Perineal massage technique with oil for childbirth

You are unlikely to be able to perform the procedure on your own in the later stages of pregnancy, since a large belly does not allow you to take a comfortable position and perform the necessary manipulations. Take help from your partner. It is recommended for a pregnant woman to lie on her back, placing a low pillow or cushion under her lower back.
Attention! The person performing the massage must have clean hands, washed with soap! Let's consider the order of further actions:
1. Apply a small amount of oil from a container to massage the perineum before childbirth.
2. Moisten the perineum with the part of the vagina adjacent to the exit with oil.
3. Gently insert the index finger and thumb into the vagina at about 2 joints.
4. The perineal tissue and posterior vaginal wall are slightly pulled towards the posterior sphincter. Maintain this position for at least 1 minute. Then release your finger and repeat the manipulations after a few seconds. This exercise must be performed for 5-7 minutes.
5. We begin massaging all the walls of the vagina. We do this delicately and rhythmically for 2-3 minutes.
6. Let's return to the first exercise.

How to take oil to prepare for childbirth

In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to use the oil internally to prepare for childbirth. This increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues. The most beneficial is olive oil, rich in vitamin E. It is recommended to take polyunsaturated acids, which will have a positive effect on the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which provokes the onset of labor. The source of these beneficial substances are fish and fish oil. It is convenient to take oil preparations in capsules, for example, evening primrose oil, after first coordinating the use of the drug with your doctor.
It is quite possible to make childbirth easier and less traumatic for you and your baby if you use oil to prepare for childbirth. Having mastered the simple technique of massaging the perineum, and correctly taking the oil inside, you will take care of the birth of your baby without unnecessary complications.

How else can you reduce the risk of rupture during childbirth?

After 7 months of pregnancy, salt should slowly but surely leave the mother’s diet.
The less salt in the body, the more elastic its tissues

This does not mean that you need to switch to a salt-free diet - hardly anyone can stand it, but you can easily reduce the amount of salt.
Products containing a lot of calcium (in particular, hard cheese and cottage cheese) are sent after salt.– excess calcium leads to the baby’s head becoming too hard and with small fontanelles. This does not allow it to contract sufficiently as it passes through the birth canal. The likelihood of ruptures and other injuries increases.
Listen to your body: most likely, giving up these and some other products will happen on its own. If you can’t refuse, don’t force yourself, trust your feelings.

Honey will also help increase tissue elasticity. If you drink a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach with ½ -1 glass of warm water, it will additionally promote better bowel function, and if you drink milk, green or chamomile tea with honey at night, you will sleep better.

During the birth of a child, various ruptures of the internal and external female genital organs often occur, and all expectant mothers really want to avoid these injuries. One way to prevent ruptures is perineal massage.

A little anatomy

If you look at an anatomy textbook, you can read that the perineum is the place between the pubis and the tailbone. The perineum is also called the pelvic floor; it consists of several layers of muscles and supports our internal organs from below. The perineum is located at the bottom of the body, where the external female genitalia (clitoris, labia minora and majora) and the vagina, urethra and anus are located.

In obstetrics, the term “perineum” refers to only a short distance between the vagina and the anus. This is exactly the place that obstetricians and gynecologists have in mind when they talk about a rupture or incision in the perineum.

During labor, the baby's head moves through the birth canal and reaches the pelvic floor, stretching the muscles and skin of the perineum. The maximum load on the perineal tissue is experienced during the second stage of labor, when the baby's head emerges. It is at this point that the perineum may rupture. In order to remain unharmed, the perineum must be elastic and pliable.

Massage: when and why?

What are the benefits of perineal massage?

  • Massage stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism in the tissues of the perineum, making them more elastic.
  • Massage prepares the perineal muscles for proper relaxation.
  • Massage reduces the likelihood of surgery - episiotomy (perineal incision).
  • If there has been an episiotomy before, the area in the area of ​​the old suture may not stretch well, and massaging the perineum will help restore its elasticity.

Massage begins in the second half of pregnancy, approximately 1.5 months before the expected date of birth. For example, according to this scheme:

  • s - once every 3 days;
  • s - every other day;
  • s - daily.

But even if you think about a massage right before giving birth, it’s not scary, it’s never too late to start doing it.

Any natural oil is suitable for massage. It is better not to use synthetic or mineral oils, as well as creams and lotions containing alcohol.

The main rule of massage is that it should not cause a feeling of discomfort, and ideally, even be pleasant.

Not all women have a positive attitude towards perineal massage, so do not try to perform this procedure if for some reason it is unpleasant. If you have any doubts about perineal massage, talk to your OB/GYN.

Massage technique

It is good to perform a massage in the evening, after a warm shower, when the body is as relaxed as possible. Hands and crotch should be clean.

    Find a comfortable position - you can put one foot on the edge of the bathtub or on a chair.

    Lubricate the outside of the perineum and labia with oil, then insert an oiled finger (or two fingers) shallowly into the vagina, about 2-3 centimeters.

    Relax your vaginal muscles and, moving gently downwards (towards the anus), move your finger inside the vagina. Make movements with different rhythms, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing them down.

    Then, using rocking movements, press on the back wall of the vagina (closest to the intestines) until a feeling of tension appears. Hold this position for a minute, then release and after a few seconds repeat the movements again.

    After this, massage the moistened skin of the perineum for about one minute with your thumb and forefinger (the thumb is inside the vagina, the index finger is outside on the perineum).

    Repeat all movements again. The massage is usually performed for 5-7 minutes.

Perineal massage is contraindicated:

  • if there is a threat;
  • if there are any infectious, fungal or other diseases of the genital tract: in such situations, massage should be started only after treatment, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.


During pregnancy, I kept wanting to get a massage, saved articles on this topic, and then forgot. There was no need to do an episiotomy, but there were a lot of tears. There was a girl in the prenatal room with me, she gave me a massage, ate special foods, even went to the bathhouse as long as the doctor allowed. It's all about improving elasticity and reducing the risk of tears, she says. In general, it was also torn, although it did not heal as much or quickly. And for another 3 weeks after giving birth I couldn’t go to the toilet normally, everything was pinching and it hurt to the point of tears. I still intend to get a massage during my second pregnancy.

Comment on the article "Preparing for childbirth: how to avoid ruptures? Intimate massage"

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And the gynecologist told me on the third day that they don’t prescribe complexes now, only for “asocial” mothers or those who are underweight. In the first trimester, she prescribed folic, vitamin E and Magne B6, in the second, iodomarin and calcium D3 nycomed. Allegedly, it is now believed that from Vit. complexes in children, there is an increase in something there (metabolism or something similar to this word), which then threatens a tendency to obesity and diabetes. And under normal conditions. Mother's diet - the child has enough vitamins...
Although with the first two children they prescribed drinking complexes.

in general, they take vitamins from 12-14 weeks, as well as folic and vit E. And so with the first I took Elevit, with the second Vitrum

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11. During an examination, can a doctor always confidently diagnose premature rupture of water?
With a massive rupture, making a diagnosis is not difficult. But, unfortunately, in almost half of the cases, doctors even at leading clinics doubt the diagnosis if they rely only on examination data and old research methods.

12. Is it possible to diagnose premature rupture of water using ultrasound?
An ultrasound examination makes it possible to tell whether a woman has oligohydramnios or not. But the cause of oligohydramnios can be not only rupture of the membranes, but also impaired fetal kidney function and other conditions. On the other hand, there are cases when a small rupture of the membranes occurs against the background of polyhydramnios, for example, with kidney pathology in a pregnant woman. Ultrasound is an important method of monitoring the condition of a woman who has had premature rupture of membranes, but does not answer the question of whether the membranes are intact.

13. Is it possible to detect water leakage using litmus paper?
Indeed, there is a method for determining amniotic fluid, based on determining the acidity of the vaginal environment. It is called a nitrazine test or amniotest. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic, and the amniotic fluid is neutral. Therefore, the entry of amniotic fluid into the vagina leads to the fact that the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases. But, unfortunately, the acidity of the vaginal environment also decreases under other conditions, for example, infection, urine, or sperm. Therefore, unfortunately, a test based on determining the acidity of the vagina gives many both false positive and false negative results.

14. In many antenatal clinics they take a smear on the waters; how accurate is this method for diagnosing premature rupture of waters?
Vaginal discharge containing fetal fluid, when applied to a glass slide and dried, forms a pattern resembling fern leaves (fern phenomenon). Unfortunately, the test also produces many inaccurate results. In addition, in many medical institutions, laboratories are open only during the day and on weekdays.
15. What are the modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes?
Modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes are based on the determination of specific proteins, which are abundant in amniotic fluid and are not normally found in vaginal discharge and other body fluids. To detect these substances, an antibody system is developed that is applied to the test strip. The principle of operation of such tests is similar to a pregnancy test. The most accurate test is one based on the detection of a protein called placental alpha microglobulin. Commercial name – AmniSure®.

16. What is the accuracy of the Amnishur test?
The accuracy of the Amnishur test is 98.7%.

17. Can a woman perform the Amnishur test on her own?
Yes, unlike all other research methods, performing the Amnishur test does not require examination in mirrors and a woman can perform it at home. Everything you need to perform the test is included in the kit. This is a tampon, which is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm and held there for 1 minute, a test tube with a solvent, in which the tampon is washed for 1 minute and then discarded, and a test strip, which is inserted into the test tube. The result is read after 10 minutes. If the result is positive, as with a pregnancy test, 2 stripes appear. If the result is negative - one strip.

18. What should I do if the test result is positive?
If the test is positive, you must call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital if the pregnancy is more than 28 weeks and to the gynecological department of the hospital if the pregnancy is less than 28 weeks. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of avoiding complications.

19. What to do if the test is negative?
If the test is negative, you can stay at home, but at your next visit to the doctor, you need to talk about the symptoms that are bothering you.

20. If more than 12 hours have passed since the supposed rupture of the membranes, is it possible to perform a test?
No, if more than 12 hours have passed since the supposed rupture and signs of rupture have stopped, the test may show an incorrect result.

Questions and answers about premature leakage of amniotic fluid

1. How common is premature rupture of membranes?
True premature rupture of membranes occurs in approximately every tenth pregnant woman. However, almost every fourth woman experiences certain symptoms that can be confused with premature rupture of membranes. This includes a physiological increase in vaginal secretion, and slight urinary incontinence in later stages of pregnancy and heavy discharge during genital tract infection.

2. How does premature rupture of membranes manifest?
If a massive rupture of the membranes occurs, it cannot be confused with anything: a large amount of clear, odorless and colorless liquid is immediately released. However, if the tear is small, doctors also call it a subclinical or high lateral tear, then it can be very difficult to make a diagnosis.

3. What is the danger of premature rupture of membranes?
There are 3 types of complications that can result from premature rupture of membranes. The most common and severe complication is the development of an ascending infection, up to neonatal sepsis. In a premature pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes can lead to premature birth with all the consequences of having a premature baby. With massive rupture of water, mechanical injury to the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord, and placental abruption are possible.

4. Who is more likely to experience rupture of membranes?
Risk factors for premature rupture of membranes are infection of the genital organs, overstretching of the membranes as a result of polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies, abdominal trauma, and incomplete closure of the uterine pharynx. An important risk factor is premature rupture of membranes during a previous pregnancy. However, in almost every 3rd woman, rupture of the membranes occurs in the absence of any significant risk factors.

5. How quickly does labor occur with premature rupture of membranes?
This is largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. In full-term pregnancy, spontaneous labor occurs within 12 hours in half of women and in more than 90% within 48 hours. In case of premature pregnancy, it is possible to maintain pregnancy for a week or longer if infection does not occur.

6. Is it normal for a small amount of amniotic fluid to be released?
Normally, the membranes are sealed and no, even the slightest penetration of amniotic fluid into the vagina occurs. Women often mistake increased vaginal secretion or slight urinary incontinence for leakage of amniotic fluid.

7. Is it true that in case of premature rupture of water, the pregnancy is terminated regardless of the term?
Premature rupture of membranes is indeed a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, but with timely diagnosis, hospitalization and timely treatment, a premature pregnancy can often be prolonged if infection does not occur. In full-term and near-term pregnancies, as a rule, the onset of labor is stimulated. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in this case also make it possible to smoothly prepare a woman for childbirth.
8. If premature rupture of the membranes occurs, but the mucous plug does not come off, does it protect against infection?
The mucus plug does protect against infection, but when the membranes rupture, the mucus plug's protection alone is not enough. If treatment is not started within 24 hours of the rupture, serious infectious complications can occur.

9. Is it true that the waters are divided into anterior and posterior and the outpouring of the anterior waters is not dangerous, it often occurs normally?
The amniotic fluid is indeed divided into anterior and posterior, but no matter where the rupture occurs, it is the gateway to infection.

10. What precedes a breakup?
The rupture of the membranes itself occurs painlessly and without any warning signs.

Baby clothes*: 2. Thin diapers - 10 pcs. 3. Flannel diapers - 10 pcs. 4. Thin undershirts - 4 pcs. (preferably with closed handles) 5. Blouses with buttons (knitwear or flannel) - 4 pcs. 6. Thin hats - 2 pcs. 7. Thick hats (cotton or wool, depending on the season) - 1 pc. 8. Socks - 2 pairs. 9. Wool socks or cotton knitted booties - 2 pairs 10. Romper with buttons - 10 pairs 11. Little men (slips) 2-3 12. Bodysuit with short sleeves 3-4 pieces (for summer babies) 13. Diapers...

In anticipation of the birth of her baby, the expectant mother must do everything in her power to ensure that the process of giving birth to the baby leaves exclusively positive emotions for both her and the baby. To do this, it is important to properly organize preparation for childbirth, since in many respects its positive outcome depends on how ready the woman in labor is for labor. On the pages of this article we will talk about how to properly treat your body (chest, muscles).

Preparing the body for childbirth

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, the mother’s body is reconstructed in anticipation of labor. The last month of pregnancy presents expectant mothers with a number of new sensations that indicate impending pregnancy. Such sensations appear approximately 2 to 4 weeks before labor, although for some they may appear only a few hours before the onset of contractions.

It must be said that some women do not experience any discomfort at all before giving birth, which absolutely does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of a baby. But the whole point is that every woman’s body is individual. So what should a woman experience before giving birth?

Firstly, throughout the ninth month, active restructuring begins to occur in the body, characterized by the fact that the child begins to descend into the pelvic area. At the same time, for most expectant mothers, such unpleasant symptoms as shortness of breath disappear. However, the baby's head, located near the bladder, provokes frequent urination in the mother.

Often, a few weeks before giving birth, women experience milky-white vaginal discharge that is abundant. In some cases, they may also be accompanied by bleeding. This phenomenon is associated with the so-called “uncorking” of the mucous plug, which closes the entrance directly to the cervix. Thus, the consistency of cork can vary: from viscous to dense or sticky. If spotting appears three to four days before birth, there is no need to worry. The main thing is that mucus predominates in such secretions, and not. If there is more blood than mucus, and the blood is bright red in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For many women, the amniotic sac ruptures before labor begins. When the water breaks, labor can begin within a few minutes or after a few hours. If we talk about the cervix, then, firstly, it becomes thinner, and secondly, it opens up to one to two centimeters.

All of the listed signs are “harbingers” of childbirth, but from them it is impossible to accurately determine the exact beginning of the process itself. So, in some women such signs appear a few days before giving birth, while in others - several weeks. In any case, in the last month before giving birth, the expectant mother should rest more in preparation for the arrival of her baby.

3. Regularly performing Kegel exercises, which provide active contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles, which increases blood flow, thereby increasing the elasticity of the connective tissue of the vagina. In addition, a set of Kegel exercises is a prevention, as well as prolapse of internal organs and vaginal laxity.

4. Carrying out a perineal massage using natural fatty oils saturated with vitamin E.

The massage consists of three exercises:

  1. Simultaneous circular movements (stroking) of the breast with your hands, and the areola and the nipple itself cannot be touched. Three to four strokes per approach are enough.
  2. Stroking both glands, carried out from above and towards the nipple, and then from both sides and below. It is important that the actions are simultaneous. In one approach, 3–4 such strokes are done.
  3. Pressure on the mammary gland, for which you need to lift and support the right breast with your right hand, while pressure is applied from above (with your left hand) (no more than 4 times in one approach). The movements made should be as soft and gentle as possible, they should not cause pain. Similar actions are carried out with the left breast.
If we talk about minimizing the possibility of stretch marks, then you cannot do without physical activity: for example, simple exercises will help keep your breasts seductive and firm. But it should be remembered that an absolute contraindication for any physical activity is the threat, so before you start doing the exercises, you should consult a gynecologist.

Basic exercises:

  • Take a small ball in your hands. Hands rise up to chest level. Alternately, the left and right hands throw the ball up and catch it.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to bend your arms, then straighten both arms and legs at the same time.
  • Standing facing the wall and resting your palms on it at shoulder level, you need to do 10–15 push-ups.
  • Hands at shoulder level are spread to the sides. Then swinging movements are made with the arms, while the arms cross in front of each other (so, the left and then the right hand are alternately on top).
  • The arms are spread to the sides, after which three swings are made back with strictly straight arms. Hands are lowered to the starting position.
During exercises, you need to carefully listen to your feelings: so, if discomfort appears, all exercises are stopped. If physical activity is easily tolerated, then each exercise can be repeated five times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 15.

With the help of such gymnastics, you can, firstly, maintain the shape of your breasts, and secondly, prepare your arm muscles for the upcoming loads, that is, for carrying your baby.

Preparing nipples for childbirth

Individual structural features of the mammary glands play a huge role in the process. Some women have breasts that are ideal for breastfeeding, while others may have nipples that are underdeveloped or even retracted. It also happens that the nipple appears quite normal in appearance, but during the process of pressing, it is retracted to the border of the areola.

How can you determine whether problems will arise when putting your baby to the breast? A simple test that will help with this is to gently but firmly squeeze the opposite edges of the areola with your thumb and forefinger. If the nipple is pulled inward or becomes flat, it will be quite difficult for the baby to grab it.

To correct the situation, you need to perform a number of simple exercises, for example, stretching the nipple and twisting it left and right. Such actions will help to somewhat stretch the nipple, not to mention the fact that during such manipulations the nipples will become less sensitive, which means that the mother will not experience pain when feeding the child (and she will not be afraid of cracks).

If your nipples are flat or inverted, you can resort to using a special nipple shape corrector or breast shields (these devices are placed over the nipple and worn daily, first for 10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes a day). After birth, shields and correctors can be worn for 30 minutes (maximum hour) before feeding, which will help give the nipple a more elongated shape.

Important: before any manipulation of the breasts, you should consult a doctor, since self-stimulation of the nipples can provoke premature birth.

A common problem for breastfeeding mothers is the appearance of stretch marks and cracks in the nipples, the latter causing severe pain during feeding. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to prepare the nipples for feeding during pregnancy.

To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • take a contrast shower that massages the nipples,
  • do not wash nipples with soap (it is better to use shower gel),
  • rub your chest with a terry towel after a shower,
  • arrange daily air baths for the chest (in other words, walk more with your chest completely open),
  • wear a special bra for nursing mothers that has detachable cups.
It must be said that in the last months of pregnancy, colostrum is often released from the nipples, which should not be washed off immediately; on the contrary, it is necessary to rub it over the nipple, as well as the areola (this will help soften the nipple and heal any cracks that have appeared). If during breastfeeding your nipples become very chapped, it is recommended to use special healing creams.

To avoid discomfort and disorders associated with the spinal region, it is recommended to wear a bandage from the second half of pregnancy (selecting a bandage and determining the duration of its wearing is carried out exclusively by a gynecologist).

It is very important to choose the right bandage, which should not put pressure on the stomach or press down blood vessels, not to mention the fact that this device should not restrict the child’s movements. If the bandage interferes, leaving behind red stripes on the stomach, you should select a larger model.

By following these simple tips and strictly following the doctor’s recommendations during pregnancy and during childbirth, you can minimize or completely eliminate complications such as perineal ruptures, the appearance of stretch marks and cracks.