Conflict situation - Case study. Practical work on conflict management. (An example of a conflict and its analysis)

Barkowski Christina group 7300


Description and analysis of a specific conflict situation


    Brief summary of the conflict situation

    Analysis of a conflict situation

    Conflict classification

    Structure of the conflict

    Dynamics of conflict

(The conflict is taken from personal experience.)

    Brief description of the conflict.

It was morning. A young girl, Yulia, was driving her son to kindergarten. The car was a Honda Civic, right-hand drive. Son Vladik was sitting behind his mother in a special chair. There was an uncontrolled intersection on the road (no traffic lights, no traffic controllers).

Yulia was driving along a secondary road. A taxi driver was driving along the main road. He signaled a right turn. Yulia had to turn left, seeing the taxi driver’s signal, she calmly went left, knowing that there was no one in her way.

But the taxi driver gave a false signal and still drove straight, and thus crashed into the right side of Yulina’s car. On this side sat a girl and her child. Vladik began to cry. Julia was very worried about her son. People around immediately called an ambulance. Julia called the traffic police. At this time, the taxi driver was in no hurry to get out of the car, somehow help and understand the situation. Yulia and the child were not injured because the speed was not high. The taxi driver got out of the car and started cursing. Julia became hysterical from the incident. Most of all, she worried about her son, about his psychological and physical condition.

The traffic cops have arrived. They immediately recognized the taxi driver and explained that this taxi driver had not slept for two days, he was constantly working, of course, not because of a good life. They also explained that according to traffic rules, Yulia had to give way to the taxi driver because she was driving on a secondary road, and the taxi driver was driving on the main one. They also explained that people usually don’t do this, i.e. are not inferior to those driving on a secondary road. The traffic police said that the taxi driver gave a false signal and he was to blame, but this cannot be proven because there were no video recorders, witnesses, etc. Therefore, according to the law, Yulia is to blame for not giving way.

The traffic cops sympathized with Yulia and expressed their dissatisfaction with the taxi driver. The case did not go to court. Therefore, insurance will not cover car repairs.

As a result, the taxi driver and Yulia agreed and parted ways “amicably”, i.e. Everyone pays for their own repairs, and no one owes anyone anything. Negotiations were conducted with the help of the traffic police.

    Analysis of a conflict situation.

    Conflict classification:

A) By composition of subjects:


B) Based on the results of the conflict:


B) On the subject of the conflict:


D) By scope:

    Legal (travel)

D) According to the degree of normativity:

    Partially institutionalized

E) By number of sides


G) By dynamics:

    Stormy and fast-paced

H) By direction:


I) By the nature of the reasons:


K) By scale:


K) According to the psychological state of the parties:


    Structure of the conflict:

A) The main parties to the conflict:

  • Traffic police (mediator)

B) Subject of the conflict:

    Who is to blame for the accident

C) Object of conflict:

    Who should pay for car repairs?

D) Motives of the parties:

    The taxi driver understands that he is to blame, that he was careless and gave a false signal, but he is not going to pay. Yulia believes that the taxi driver gave a false signal and that he is entirely to blame for the accident.

D) Initiator:

    Dynamics of the conflict:

A) Open conflict

    Yulia and the taxi driver understand that a conflict has arisen - an accident

B) Incident:

    When the taxi driver crashed into Julia's car

B) Escalation:

    Hysteria, swearing

D) Balanced interaction:

    Negotiations with a mediator (traffic police)

D) Ending the conflict:

    The parties agreed with the help of a mediator that no one owed anyone anything. Reconciliation through negotiations.

    Behavior style in conflict:


Yulia and the taxi driver agreed that no one would pay for someone else’s repairs, but each would only pay for their own. I think it was a good solution to the situation.

The conflict was resolved through negotiations with the help of a mediator (SAI). The conflict could have been resolved in favor of Julia because she is the injured person, and the taxi driver understands that he is to blame, he gave a false signal, he could pay for at least part of the repairs, some kind of compensation. Then Yulia wouldn’t have had a bad feeling after the accident, and she wouldn’t have had to look for such a large sum. It would also be possible to go to court and prove there that Yulia is not guilty (if she found witnesses), then she would not have to pay for repairs, but this would waste a lot of nerves and time.

Conflicts are an integral part of people's lives.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to calm and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

Concept and psychology of conflict management

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

Conflict not stopped in time may lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come first.

As a rule, as a result of a conflict, there are no losers or winners, since all participants expend effort and ultimately do not receive positive emotions.

Special danger represent internal conflicts when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires tearing him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize a beginning conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the conflict from growing and eliminate it at the inception stage.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to extinguish the conflict immediately, it is necessary to be able to build the correct and get out of conflict wisely with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it has been determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

Conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They arise when the participants have any psychological problems, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove one's worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior towards other people caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. The desire to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? True reasons and solutions:

Popular methods for resolving situations

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice to manage conflict:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in the professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve conflict? Similar methods of conflict resolution are more used in communication.

To successfully resolve the situation using constructive methods, it is necessary to form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and jointly determine the root of the problem.

Construction styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be used if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate the negative factors that caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people allows not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without harm to anyone, but also to build long-term communication connections.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out of conflict situations? To get out of this unpleasant situation the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Stop using words or taking actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not react to such behavior on the part of your interlocutor.
  3. Show affection towards another person. This can be done using gestures, facial expressions, and words. Smiling, patting the shoulder, shaking hands, and using polite phrases all help smooth out arguments.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

Best resolved using constructive methods.

For example, neighbors of an apartment building may enter into a conflict caused by the distribution of parking spaces in the courtyard area.

Some neighbors will insist on clear markings, according to which each car is assigned a specific parking space. Other residents will advocate for the possibility of free placement of cars.

In this situation the most effective methods of resolving a dispute will be to build a dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

Residents just need to organize a meeting and decide that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, and the other part remains for supporters of free parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve using structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict due to inability to work together in the same direction.

Each person defines for himself a range of responsibilities that is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and ineffective teamwork.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute needs to apply methods of clarifying requirements, setting goals and assigning rewards.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work and a clear range of job responsibilities. In front of colleagues joint goals will be set, upon achieving which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to resolve conflicts correctly? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of ending a conflict? A conflict of interest can be resolved as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be that the parties desire to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. To finally resolve the conflict, it may be necessary to involve third parties. This is especially true in the field of professional relationships.
  2. Attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the second party does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of the arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of conflict is not always completed, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise and reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. Elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current moment in time and the fact of a conflict of interests automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. This effect is especially often observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always resolution

Does ending a conflict always mean resolving it? It is important not to confuse the concepts of ending a conflict situation with its resolution.

Ending the conflict- this is the moment of completion of the parties’ actions at the current moment in time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, escalation into a new dispute, etc.)

Closing a dispute at this time does not guarantee that it will will not arise again after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict has not been resolved, and the parties have not achieved any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious use of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

A resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​a person’s life. as a result of a clash of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to resolve conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation reaches a serious level.

Learn how to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on certain issues in this video:

In a company, like in any other organization, there are various conflicts. And this is by no means always a negative indicator of any activity of this organization. Something positive can be learned from some conflicts; with their help, you can identify and correct shortcomings both in the organization system as a whole and disagreements between individual team members. Moreover, the changes that the resolution of the conflict entails cannot always be aimed specifically at improving the situation; they can simply normalize it or lead to its original state.

So, let's look at a few examples of conflicts that actually take place in this organization.

Example No. 1.

We all know that the most common problem in any organization is and will be dissatisfaction with wages. The conflict occurs between retail workers and management, in other words, it is a conflict between an individual and a group.

In one salon, this kind of conflict arose; after not even working for six months, the workers staged a small strike. They refused to work, and if their wages did not increase, everyone would ask for payment.

My personal opinion about this: all employees understand perfectly well that the salon is at a development stage, and it only takes a little time to get good results, which the management has said more than once. The prospects are very great, the number of purchases is increasing every month, you just have to wait.

The management held a small meeting in which all problems related to wages were discussed. The following words were said: “As soon as you fulfill the sales plan, your salary will be increased.” But they also emphasized that it is not so difficult to fire all employees, even though they do not want it. They have no problem training new people and working with them.

Human psychology is structured in such a way that pressure, although not in a completely mild form, leads to the fact that he begins to think about the unnecessaryness of the conflict and that “the salary is not so small.”

After two months, the salary actually increased, but the instigators of this conflict were also fired and replaced by people with high performance.

Example No. 2.

The example is based on the “human”, subjective aspect of the conflict, that is, the contradictions are inherent in the people themselves, their actions, deeds and behavior - purely personal unfavorable manifestations. These manifestations include a tendency to insist on one’s opinion, categorical judgments, impulsiveness, inability to listen and persuade, a tendency to blame a partner and many other negative human qualities.

The HR office manager, when communicating with his subordinates, constantly showed his unkind attitude towards all workers and constantly spoke in a rude manner. This behavior of the boss discouraged any desire for retail workers to work and did not contribute to the high-quality and productive work of employees.

Given the existence of certain difficulties in getting a job and due to their modesty, workers for a long time did not dare to voice complaints to their boss. But this situation could not continue in a hidden form indefinitely, and at some point the claims were partially expressed.

Management learned about the negative situation in retail and tried to bring the two conflicting parties to a frank conversation. But this decision did not bring the expected results. The management put its opinion as follows: “It’s not so easy to find a good, trusted boss, and even if another one comes, it’s not a fact that you won’t like him either, so you still have to find mutual understanding and try to work together. The same request to the boss."

From this example it is clearly seen that resolving a conflict that arises due to some personal manifestations is sometimes more difficult than a production one. Since its successful outcome depends not only on the knowledge of the leader and the ability to behave correctly in a critical situation (analysis of the situation, managing it, predicting consequences, making the optimal decision, eliminating negative consequences), but also on the desire of the conflicting parties themselves.

Example No. 3.

The company's sales fell. After using several incentive methods and without achieving any results, the manager decided to create an artificial conflict. At the next meeting, it was stated that management had issued a regulation stating that a sharp reduction in the store’s staff was expected in the near future due to the fact that sales volume had fallen and this had led to the impossibility of paying salaries to all employees. Based on the performance evaluation, a few best employees will be selected and all the rest will be fired.

As a result, an interpersonal conflict arose between employees, which resulted in a sharp increase in productivity and productivity. All employees watched each other and promptly reported any violations to management. At the end of the month, the company exceeded the plan several times. And the employees were told that on the basis of this, management decided not to make layoffs.

Example No. 4.

This example shows intergroup conflict.

Due to sharply increased competition and monopolization of some sectors of the market, it was planned to lay off a large number of employees, redistribute income (limiting the volume of orders, reducing the wage fund and abolishing one of the company’s offices). This was the reason that, at a certain point, the company no longer needed the services of a significant number of specialists. The situation was also complicated by the fact that in addition to the dismissal of employees in the mobile company, a number of management orders came into force regarding the reduction of internal operating expenses, including expenses for food, use of vehicles and others.


"tension" within the company's team;

Decreased efficiency of employees;

Dissemination of various rumors and speculation within the company;

An atmosphere of mistrust in the company's management;

Tendency for good employees to leave;

Spreading rumors outside the company about her allegedly unstable physical condition;

Mistrust on the part of clients;

Actions on the part of competitors that worsen the position of the company (from the targeted spread of rumors damaging the company to economic actions).

As a result, the conflict did not lead to destruction or serious deterioration of the internal climate in the company. The relevant management structures of the company have received the necessary knowledge and skills to predict and possibly prevent similar situations in the future, the company continues to develop normally in the new conditions.

So I looked at a few examples. Naturally, there are many different types of conflicts, but there are still two main ones: those that arose for objective reasons or those that arose for subjective reasons. So, for example, an industrial conflict can develop into an interpersonal one (if, due to an undeveloped labor system, disagreements arise between people, then developing into personal hostility) or vice versa (if, due to personal contradictions, negative changes appear in the organization’s system or constant disruptions occur in its work). Conflicts can also occur between groups of people, entire organizations; they can develop along the line leader - subordinate or subordinate - subordinate; There are also other conflicts. But whatever the conflict, you should not avoid it and you must remember that it is a kind of signal for actions that should change the situation and, as a result, should, to one degree or another, lead to an improvement in the work of the organization, to its improvement as a whole.


To summarize what has been said, we can schematically represent the structure of the conflict as follows (see Fig. 2.2).

The diagram shown in the figure is convenient for describing and analyzing, mainly, those types of conflict that a conflictologist most often has to deal with in practice - interpersonal and group. Of course, she presents the conflict in a highly simplified form. In our diagram, for example, there was no place for other possible participants in the conflict other than the conflicting parties. It also does not take into account the presence of various influences of external circumstances on all elements of a conflict situation. But, nevertheless, this diagram can serve as a kind of guide to the conflict. Let's look at a specific example.

Situation No. 1

Based on the results of their studies, the 3rd year student group was recognized as the best group of the institute and was awarded a prize by order of the rector. A couple of days after this, the rector of the institute found four students from this group smoking on the landing. Smoking within the walls of the educational institution was prohibited. The rector issued an order to reprimand all four smokers for violating discipline. When the deadline for receiving the award came, it turned out that these four students (by the way, excellent students) were not on the list of awardees. The four were indignant. The group supported their offended comrades and decided to send a delegation to the dean with a request to give them a bonus. The dean said that he could not grant their request. The delegation went to the rector.

The rector accepted the delegation, but refused to grant the request. Some time later, at a pre-holiday institute evening, students in a skit act performed a sketch in which the dean and the rector were presented in a funny and stupid way. Soon after this, the head of the group, Semenov, was removed. The violation charged against him was minor, and the students decided that he was removed in connection with this whole story. Their attempts to get Semenov to remain headman led nowhere.

The conflict is obvious. Let's analyze this situation. It turns out that identifying the components of the conflict here is not so simple.

The simplest thing is to establish what actions are observed here. They are as follows (in chronological order): smoking - deprivation of smokers' scholarships - petitions of the group to the dean and rector - ridicule of them by students at the evening - removal of the headman - attempts of students to cancel his removal (I note in parentheses that in the description of situation No. 1 much is omitted: total you can’t say; but in fact there were some hidden actions).

Next, who are the conflictants here – X and Y? It turns out that this question cannot be answered unequivocally. Let's deal with one side first. At first, four smokers expressed dissatisfaction with the situation. She has become a conflicting party - say X . But very soon other students joined her, and the whole group began to act as X. As we see, the conflicting party may change as things progress. And who acts here as Y - the other conflicting party? Apparently, the rector. After all, the students are dissatisfied precisely with his behavior - with the fact that he deprived four students of their bonuses. This means that the rector became a conflicter without knowing anything about it yet! The situation became a conflict without his knowledge - only due to the fact that the students identified it as a conflict (remember Thomas' theorem!). But with their dissatisfaction, the students first turned not to the rector, but, in accordance with the requirements of official subordination, to the dean. Thus, the dean was drawn into the conflict - and he, too, eventually became part of the conflicting party Y . Therefore, both X and Y turned out to be “variable quantities”.

Let us now move on to the area of ​​disagreement. What's in it? Everything was fine until the smoking episode occurred. All students in the group celebrated and rejoiced in anticipation of the prize. The reprimand given to the smokers was the first blow to their good mood. But an even more painful blow, which from their point of view was an unexpected and blatant injustice, was the absence of their names in the list of awardees. Thus, two points of disagreement between smokers and the rector are revealed: 1) regarding smoking, 2) regarding the deprivation of bonuses. The first incident - the smoking episode - on its own would probably not have had serious consequences. But together with the second incident - the deprivation of the bonus - it became the source of further events. Then the area of ​​disagreement began to increase. In it, one after another, 3) the question of the admissibility of the students’ public ridicule of the institute authorities and 4) the question of the removal of the headman flared up. As we see, the boundaries of the zone of disagreement expanded as the conflict developed.

Let's try to understand the students' ideas (Px). Apparently, since they smoked on the premises of the institute in violation of the ban, then, in their opinion, this ban is unjustified. That’s why it’s possible to violate it (students would hardly take a smoke break near a powder keg). It is unknown whether other students share the views of smokers. From questioning, it turned out that many consider a reprimand for smoking in the wrong place to be fair. But the group reacted negatively to the deprivation of the bonus for this. According to the students, such a punishment does not correspond to the severity of the offense, and most importantly, to the meaning of the award: after all, it is given for excellent study. The smokers were the best in the group, it was their excellent studies that gave the group a bonus - and they were deprived of the bonus! And the reaction of the dean and rector to the reasonable and polite requests of students to restore justice looked in their eyes as a stubborn and absurd defense of the “honor of the uniform.” Isn't there material for satire here? And is it really impossible to laugh at what is worthy of ridicule in a democratic system in our country?

The removal of the headman soon after this once again confirms that the institute authorities are committing arbitrariness, not taking into account the opinions of students and demanding from them only unquestioning obedience. (We dwell in such detail and, perhaps, somewhat exaggerating the colors, on the description of Pkh. in order to show how these ideas, as the conflict develops, become increasingly saturated with negative emotions towards the administration of the institute.)

The views of the other side (Pu), of course, look completely different. The rector believes that smoking in the academic building must be combated. Before the smoking ban there was a lot of smoke and cigarette butts were everywhere. Once there was already a fire because of it, after which this ban was adopted. Violators of discipline cannot be rewarded with bonuses, especially since one of the punished four has already been caught with a smoking cigarette before. At the evening, the guys, of course, went too far with criticism. It was rude, flat and not funny. But there's nothing terrible about it. The president of the country is vilified even worse. The rector knows nothing about the headman. The dean thinks about what happened in much the same way. Smokers are talented students, but they are talkative, behave defiantly, and think that everything should be forgiven for them since they study well. As for the headman, he should be an assistant to the dean, but instead he organizes a group to support violators of discipline and daring attacks against teachers. He does not perform his duties very conscientiously. Therefore, there is reason to replace it.

We will not discuss which side is right. A conflict specialist-mediator is not a judge. His task is not to decide who is right and who is wrong, but to resolve the conflict. It is important to understand how conflicters see themselves as being right - and they always consider themselves to be right in some way.

Finally, about motives. The motives of the students (Mx), at first glance, seem to be the desire to return the unfairly taken away bonus. However, if we take into account the content of Px. then the motivation of students’ behavior is not limited to this. Behind all their escapades there is clearly a desire to ensure that the administration of the institute treats them with great respect and takes their opinion into account. Why were they not only not consulted, but not even informed that four of their comrades would be left without a bonus? Why did they remove the headman without saying a word to the students, and then again, like with a bonus, they don’t want to take their position into account? Students want to feel like full members of the institute team and take part in resolving issues in the life of the institute on an equal basis with teachers. As one student said, “We are against being looked at as soldiers standing at attention in front of our superiors.” Mu's motives are already clear enough from what was said above about Pu. The rector was guided by the need to maintain order at the institute.

Orders must be followed. It is necessary to roughly punish smokers so that others will be discouraged. The dean, replacing the headman, was also motivated mainly by the desire for order. Perhaps, somewhere, there was an underlying desire to show students that they should not expose their leaders to ridicule. But the dean himself did not admit to himself that he had such a desire.

Continuation of situation M 1

The dean's office encountered difficulties with the appointment of a new head of the rebellious group. Student Volskaya refused the offer to become a head girl. Her example was followed by Terkin, who then received this offer. In the end, Chertkov, who did not enjoy authority in the group, was appointed headman. The group responded to this with a collective boycott of Chertkov. As a result, she almost completely did not show up for the test with the teacher who worked in the department, the head of which was the dean. The students laid the blame for this on Chertkov. But all those who did not show up were not allowed to take the exam by the teacher. This was followed by their inadmissibility to take other exams (since students who did not pass all tests are not allowed to take the examination session). The students are in danger of being left without a scholarship in the next semester. When analyzing the current situation, students accused the teacher of formalism and cruelty and demanded his replacement. Some strange rumors spread around the institute, in which first one or the other participants in the conflict looked unsightly. The dean raised the question with the rector about the need to disband the group. Thus, the best group of the institute turned into the worst in a short time.

The conflict deepened and became clearly destructive. A split began within X: the “strikebreaker” Chertkov appeared. And the composition of side Y increased: the number of persons with whom the students entered into confrontation included the teacher (a typical phenomenon for conflicts: in a conflict, everything that infringes on one of the parties is regarded as an attack against it, initiated by the other party). In the area of ​​disagreement, educational problems, passing tests and exams were added. In Px, the idea began to develop that “all of them, teachers, are together,” and in Pu - that the group began to turn into a close-knit company of arrogant troublemakers. A new motive also arose (in Mu) - the intention to disperse this company by transferring its members to different groups. This is an undesirable measure, but something must be done to end the protracted conflict.

End of the situation J.V. 1

A group meeting was called and the dean and rector attended. After a heated and frank conversation, the following solution was found. Students are allowed to take exams. They will have to take the failed test and exam in this subject after the end of the session. The teacher will remain the same. The issue of bonuses for smokers will no longer be raised, but in the future, decisions on scholarships, awards, etc. will be made with the participation of student representatives. The former headman will not return to this position, but the group is given the opportunity to nominate two or three candidates, and the dean will appoint one of them as headman. And finally, there will be designated smoking areas in the academic building.

Subsequently, the group's life returned to normal. The group passed the session well and again turned out to be one of the best groups of the institute. There was only one loss: Chertkov transferred to another institute.

Thus, the conflict ended. What made it possible to untie the whole tangle of issues that had accumulated in the area of ​​disagreement? First of all, frankness. The students, as is easy to see, achieved little. Their initial demands (about the bonus, about the headman) remained unfulfilled. They received a concession only in what had been “screwed up” during the conflict - admission to take exams. However, their main motive was satisfied: management recognized the need to respect and listen to their opinion. For their part, the dean and rector completely “save face”: not a single one of the decisions they made was canceled. But at the same time, the management actually took upon itself obligations, the acceptance of which means a revision of some of its settings.

What are the results of the conflict? The conflict brought a lot of unrest to students. He was also unpleasant for management. The echoes of the conflict to some extent damaged the general socio-psychological climate at the institute. During it, the group’s performance deteriorated, and one of its members left the institute. All this is the negative side of the conflict. But it also brought some positive results: the students gained useful experience and “forced themselves to respect themselves,” the management drew appropriate conclusions and began to listen to the students. And one more interesting touch: as if by the way, the problem related to the “backdrop” against which the conflict played out, and which became its indirect prerequisite, was resolved. This is the situation of smokers. Designating smoking areas eliminates one of the main reasons for violating the smoking ban. Conflict often reveals similar “background” problems that remain in the shadows for a long time, and resolving the conflict “along the way” eliminates them.

How fair were the decisions that ended the conflict? There may probably be different opinions here. What is considered fair is often interpreted ambiguously. But the resolution of the conflict should be assessed not by whether it is fair from some external point of view, but by whether it satisfies both conflicting parties. Enough to They they considered it fair, but the opinion of some “fairness expert” does not guarantee anything here.

Conflict resolution is successful not when it meets some principles of “highest justice”, but when both conflicting parties are satisfied with it and can interact peacefully in the future on its basis

Good evening! I decided to catch student traffic and post my work on Conflictology on the topic Analysis of a conflict situation.
I think I’ll write more about types of traffic. And now on topic:

1. Participants in the conflict

The participants in the conflict were two young specialists working in shifts as system administrators. The first, Ivan, is choleric by temperament, often does not go to work, and tells his partner that he will work next time. He is not interested in the opinions of others and does not think about the consequences of his actions. And in general, he is going to soon change the type of activity to “free”. The second - Nikolai - is balanced, he always tries to avoid scandals, but this does not always work out, because he does not like when he is accused of something. He endures the work and keeps everything to himself.

Both specialists do not like their jobs. Each got a job through an acquaintance in administrative circles.

2. Description of the situation

Nikolai fell ill and asked Ivan to work his shift, explaining that he had a high temperature. Ivan worked one shift alone, but the next time he didn’t go because... I thought that Nikolai should already go to work. Meanwhile, Nikolai was still running a fever. As a result, no one went to work during Nikolai’s 2 shifts. The HR inspector called the specialists “on the carpet.” Only there the experts found out that no one went to work. When asked by the HR inspector why no one went to work, Ivan replied that it was Nikolai’s turn. In turn, Nikolai insisted on his version: I’m sick, I can’t get out of bed, I have a high temperature, I’m on bed rest, and you want me to come administer a Linux server?!! Ivan in the same tone: “Why didn’t you say that you were still sick?!” Why didn’t you tell me to work alone for another 2 days?!” Nikolai’s reaction: “Why don’t you ask me if I have recovered, if I will go to work?” Ivan: “Why should I ask?”

As a result, each participant in the conflict remained of his own opinion: we are both to blame, but my guilt is less. After an explanation with the HR inspector, or, more precisely, a clarification of the relationship between ourselves, we went and sorted out the backlog of emails from dissatisfied server users.

3. Scheme

4. Interests of the parties

5. Reason, occasion, behavior strategy, type and method of conflict resolution

The cause of the conflict was that each of the parties to the conflict wanted to “get away with it” at the expense of their partner.

The reason for the conflict - the HR inspector called “on the carpet” and demanded an explanation, i.e. they are reproached for being equally to blame for what happened.

Both specialists in this conflict situation chose rivalry as a strategy for conflict behavior.

1) interpersonal

2) socio-psychological

3) horizontal

4) open

5) destructive

Conflict resolution method- establishing a norm.

Consequences: reprimand to both specialists.

It is worth noting that the management here also has its mistakes:

It was necessary to control who goes to work and when, and not leave it to “their conscience.”

In theory, you get fired for this, but we have a happy ending.

Received a Pass. Atamovich

If there are any inconsistencies in this text or you have your own idea How you could have played it all out, write in the comments - it will be interesting to discuss! And to help students, in case teachers check the text for “anti-plagiarism”.