Class hour September 1st name of Kuban. The name of Kuban. Class hour

Scenario of the all-Kuban class hour in 8th grade

Class teacher: Olga Konstantinovna Dolgaya

Target: instilling in students a sense of patriotism, love for their native land, a careful and reverent attitude towards the past of the Krasnodar region, its glorious history, a sense of pride in the people who glorified Kuban.

Equipment: multimedia, exhibition of books by Kuban poets and writers, symbols of the region, drawings by students, diary of a Kuban schoolchild.

Progress of the class hour:

    Teacher's opening speech, heuristic conversation:

Here they are - the last pages -
and the whole Kuban stands before you.
You see how the wheat turns golden,
you hear the surf hitting the shore...
And even if you’re not originally from here,
Once you visit us, you will understand
what kind of nature our spring land is famous for,
what beauty is especially good.
Our region is rich in gardens and grain.
He gives cement and oil to the Motherland...
But the most valuable capital of Kuban is
simple and modest working people.

Victor Podkopaev

These lines contain boundless love for Kuban, which our fellow countrymen glorify and work for the benefit of our small homeland.

And today I invite you to remember the past of our glorious homeland of Kuban, talk about the present, get in touch with the future... Of course, in today’s class we will talk about those people who glorified Kuban. After all, the theme of the traditional unified all-Kuban class hour is “The NAME OF KUBAN”.

And the DIARY OF A KUBAN SCHOOLBOY will help us with this.

Guys, what do you know about the symbols of the Krasnodar region?

I suggest you open the flyleaf of the diary and pay attention to the symbolism of our region (also on the stand).

What can you say about the coat of arms of the Krasnodar region?
- What do you know about the color symbolism of the flag of the Krasnodar Territory?



This is the first name that glorified our region.

What do you think makes up a good and glorious name, which is spoken about from generation to generation?

Of course, from the history of heroic names and events of our region.

What is the name of Kuban? Patriotic. Labor. Combat. Spiritual name of Kuban.

    The main part of the class hour:

The path to the formation of our region was long and difficult. This is a whole tape of times that had its own events and heroes. So, an excursion into the past of the Cossack region, to the beginning of the twentieth century...

Kuban is a powerful, developing outskirts of the Russian Empire. The backbone of the state is the Cossacks, real warriors and workers.

Guys, which of the glorious Cossacks do you remember? (students answer, they should remember Anton Holovaty, Zakhar Chapega, Savva Bely).


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the wealth of Kuban, according to historians, is obvious: endless fields. At this time, seaports were built and railways appeared. But the revolution and civil war involved the region in a fratricidal battle, reversed its peaceful life of grace, and put the Cossacks before a serious test.

After the civil war, Kuban becomes Soviet, builds a new life, achieves success, and overcomes difficulties.

Guys, do you remember when our region was formed?

Let's continue our timeline... In the summer of 1942, the Nazis invaded the territory of our region. Kuban people heroically defended the country and their native land. In the fall of 1943, the Germans were expelled from the Kuban land. We know about those difficult years from books and from the memoirs of glorious fellow countrymen.


Your great-grandfathers were among these heroes.


They began to restore the destroyed economy from the first days of the liberation of Kuban.

Years have passed. Our Kuban has become a fertile, generous, flourishing land. Its modern beautiful cities, expansive fields, deep rivers, and high mountains are known far beyond the borders of the region. And how many people have glorified our region! Cossacks, military men, scientists, athletes, artists, agricultural workers and even astronauts...


Guys, who, in your opinion, glorifies our Kuban today? Maybe these people live next to us, in our village of Pavlovskaya? (Students answer).

One cannot help but recall that in 2014, the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Sochi hosted participants in the Winter Olympics. This was another glorious page in the history of Kuban, because its young heroes appeared . And at the Olympic Games in Rio, 20 athletes representing the Krasnodar region competed.


Today we tried to create a portrait of Kuban in the names of famous people. It echoes history and modernity, the past that we are proud of, and the present that we are creating.

Do you think we need to know the names of Kuban? (children's opinion).

Collective project:

Guys, this year the region is hosting the “Name of Kuban” campaign in several areas:

1. “The young name of Kuban.”

2. “The patriotic name of Kuban.”

3. “Labor name of Kuban.”

4. “The fighting name of Kuban.”

5. “The spiritual name of Kuban.”

You, too, can take part in this action and cast your vote for the hero of Kuban, who, in your opinion, glorified our Motherland.

You are 13-14 years old... And in the future you will be able to glorify Kuban? How? (students' answers).

What is needed for this? (students' answers)

To achieve high results, to become a hero of your time, you probably need to set goals, objectives, and then the result will come. I suggest you today make a symbol of Kuban - a sunflower (each child writes his name in the center of the sunflower, a single field of sunflowers is assembled - the names of Kuban). On each sunflower petal, the children write down suggestions about what they need to do to glorify Kuban.

And it depends on us what our beautiful land will be like tomorrow. The name of each of us can glorify our home, our home street, our village, and even the entire Krasnodar region. After all, your work today - good studies, helping loved ones and people in need, activity in sports, strong friendship - is a contribution to the future of the Krasnodar region.

Final word:

1st presenter: Each of us is the heir of our beautiful Kuban land: its history, its culture, all those priceless riches that were created by the hands of older generations.

2-th presenter: It is not for nothing that Kuban is called the pearl of Russia. Its land is abundant and fertile, its folk culture is unique and original, and the military and labor feats of the Kuban people are glorious.

3-th presenter: We, the heirs, must carefully preserve the generous fields and meadows, the sonorous Cossack songs, the memory of the workers and defenders of Kuban.

4-th presenter: We must increase the wealth of our native land and its wonderful traditions, work in the fields and factories, improve scientific discoveries, write poems and songs about our native land.

Teacher: Very few years will pass and you will proudly say: “I am a citizen of Russia.” And then, with no less pride, add: “I am a native of Kuban.”

Municipal entity Gulkevichi district

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 4

"Name of Kuban"

Class teacher 8B class

1. Purpose, objectives, form of the classroom, technical and other support, structure of the classroom.

2. Development of a Unified All-Kuban class hour “Name of Kuban”.

3. Presentation of the Unified All-Kuban class hour.

Target: nurturing patriotic feelings and pride for one’s country and compatriot heroes using examples of historical events and personalities. Formation of moral values, moral guidelines by promoting in students a sense of love and respect for relatives and friends, for their family, as well as developing the ability to trace the historical relationship between phenomena and events of the past and present of Kuban.


1. develop in students the ability to analyze the history of the Krasnodar region, the achievements of Kuban residents in various fields.

2. cultivate a sense of patriotism, a respectful attitude to the study of the history of their native land, the Cossacks, and the history of their family.

3 to form a communicative culture of students.

Classroom format: interactive conversation with slide viewing.

Technical and other support:

Multimedia projector, computer, screen;

Presentation, videos;

Didactic materials;

Class hour structure:

Updating the information available to students about the names of famous people of Kuban;

Motivating students to actively master new information.

Showing the connection between historical figures and the history of the development of Kuban.

Summarizing the information received.

Stimulating students to study the role of personality in the history of Kuban by studying the history of their family.


From different peoples, from different times

A lot of favorite names came to us.

And our duty is to live in accordance with the name,

It is an honor to cherish and love him.

Progress of the event

(Kuban anthem plays, slide No. 1)

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to the first class hour of this school year, which is dedicated to our land, our Kuban. The theme “The Name of Kuban” was not chosen by chance. You and I live on Cossack land, you attend a Cossack class, let’s think about where this so often used word “Cossacks” came from?

(Students answer)

That's right guys! Our Kuban became Cossack after Catherine the Second granted these lands to the “faithful” Cossacks.

(slide number 2)

Teacher: This is where the traditions that we observe and honor take their roots; this is how the Cossacks appeared here. Do you think Catherine’s role was important in the formation of the Kuban Cossack army?

(Students answer)

Of course you are right guys! In history in general and in the history of our region in particular, the role of the individual who leaves a mark and changes the destinies of the people is immeasurably important. What personalities do you think influenced the formation of the Cossacks in Kuban?

(Students answer)

Well done! You remembered a lot of names that went down in the history of our region! This is Anton Golovaty, a military clerk, Zakhary Chepega, a chieftain of the Cossack army, and Grigory Potemkin, who favored the Cossacks and assisted in their resettlement to Kuban.

(slide no. 3) (slide no. 4)

Teacher: The history of Kuban is made by people. It is with their minds and their hands that creations of spiritual and material culture are created. These are famous scientists: - the “corn dad”, - the “grain dad”, who created new varieties of sunflower.

(slide number 5)

The names of many famous people are associated with the Kuban land: some were born and lived here, others studied, rested and worked.

You guys know that 2016 has been declared the year of cinema. In this regard, one cannot help but recall that: People’s Artist of the USSR, actor and director Sergei Bondarchuk made us famous throughout the world. His film "War and Peace" was watched by many people. No wonder this film was awarded an Oscar.

(slide number 6).

The famous fellow countrywoman, People's Artist of the USSR Nona Mordyukova, is recognized as one of the best film actresses of the 20th century.

(slide number 7).

And the famous Soviet actor Sergei Nikonenko starred in the film “Tryn-grass”, some scenes of which were filmed right here in the city of Gulkevichi at the Venets Hotel!

(slide number 8).

There are countless famous Kuban residents. They glorify our small homeland not only on earth, but also in space. The famous conquerors of space were Viktor Gorbatko, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Anatoly Berezovoy, Gennady Padalko, Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

(slide number 9).

During the occupation, six-time world champion in classical wrestling Ivan Poddubny lived in the city of Yeysk,

(slide number 10).

Only here, in Kuban, does the water smell like the steppe?

If you touch your lips, you won't go anywhere!

From this dear land that is given to us by fate

I can’t leave, I can’t part with you!

Wonderful words, right, guys? How much pride and joy they have for their native land.

Teacher: Tell me, guys, when we hear the words “hero”, “memory”, “history” what is remembered first?

(Students answer)

Of course, this is the Great Patriotic War. You all know about the feat of the Soviet people during the war, about the enormous losses our Motherland suffered on the fields of fierce battles and in enemy-occupied territories, about the unparalleled resilience of partisans and underground fighters, about the selfless work of women, teenagers and children who were in the rear , for 1418 military days and nights they fought for the sake of the future, making their contribution to the Victory.

(slide number 10).

(listening to the anthem of the “Immortal Regiment”)

The years of the Great Patriotic War are moving further and further away, but the names of those great, heroic years will never be erased from people's memory.
Bow to all our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended our right to live!

The Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is not only a holiday of Memory, a holiday of the victorious people, but also the “cutting edge” of the current battle for our future.

You yourself, almost all of you, carried out search work on the traces of the war left in your family: these are the works “The Order in My Family”, and “Portrait of My Grandfather”, “Thank you to my grandfather for the victory!”, You participated in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. Raise your hands who participated in this work. Well done! After all, they say correctly that a person loves and appreciates his Motherland if he loves and appreciates his family and knows its history. Let's each of you prepare a story about the heroes of your family. And now I will ask you to attach a piece of paper to the memory tree with the name of the person who, in your opinion, made the greatest contribution to the history of the development of Kuban. (slide number 12).

(The guys attach pre-prepared sheets of paper to the tree model)

(Summarization of the information received)

Teacher: Each of us is concerned by the fate of our big home - our Russia, and our small home - our native Kuban. All this is ours, the closest and dearest. Our region has a glorious past and an equally glorious present and future; we have something to be proud of, something to preserve and develop. I wish you guys to add your own names to the list of the best names in Kuban. New victories and discoveries!

List of used literature and online resources:

1. http://www.nsportal. ru›…shkola... znamenityekubani

2. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Home_page

Krasnodar region Vyselkovsky district Beisug village

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 8

named after Alexander Nikolaevich Bliznyukov, Beysug village

municipal formation Vyselkovsky district

All-Kuban class hour

"Name of Kuban"

Virtual trip

primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 8 Beysug

Chub Natalya Alexandrovna

Unified all-Kuban class hour

"Name of Kuban"



instilling love for the small homeland and involvement in the history of the Krasnodar region,

to instill in students a sense of love and respect for the historical past of their small Motherland,

cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride in one’s native land.

Tasks: draw students' attention to the originality and uniqueness of the history of Kuban.


Symbols of the Krasnodar Territory, a poster with an image of an outline map of the Krasnodar Territory, colored pencils, colored paper, scissors, glue, projector, presentation.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, today we are going on a trip. Want to know where?

Then listen to the poem:

Slide 2

The distance of the steppes is through,
Mountain eagle span -
Native side,
Our land is poplar!
You are wonderful in spring
In summer he is generous, like in a fairy tale,
The land of bread and songs -
Our land... (Krasnodar)

What you can use to travel around the Krasnodar region.

(By train, by plane, by ship).

Justify your answer.

(The North Caucasus Railway passes through the Krasnodar Territory, there are airports, and our region is washed by two seas: the Black and Azov) Slide3

And our stations will be unusual.

So, let's hit the road! I suggest traveling by plane.

First station “SYMBOLS”

Name the symbols of the Krasnodar region. (Coat of arms, anthem, flag)

What colors does the flag consist of? (Blue, crimson, green)

A poster appears on the board showing an outline map of the Krasnodar Territory. Children paint it in the colors that are present on the flag.

What words does the anthem of Kuban begin with? (You, Kuban, you, our homeland, our age-old hero!)

Students performing the Kuban anthem.

Second station “My Small Motherland”

(An excerpt from Veniamin Basner’s song to the words of Mikhail Matusovsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” is heard)

-Teacher: Where does the Motherland begin for each of us?

(Children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, for each of us, the Motherland begins with the hometown or village in which we were born, with the noise of the trees on the street, with the sea of ​​wheat in the endless Kuban fields, with a cheerful Cossack song... Walk along familiar streets and paths, look into the faces of people. Which surround you. All this is your close, dear, dear. And even if, by the will of fate, you find yourself far from these places, you will still strive here with all your heart. This is your home, your roots - your homeland begins here.

Today we will talk about a small corner of our vast Motherland, about our small homeland, where we were all born. Our region is divided into municipalities. There are 44 municipalities in the region. (We look at a map of the regions of the region Slide 4).

-Teacher: What is the name of our area?

( We live in the Vyselkovsky district)

Teacher: Correctly, our Beysug settlement is located in the Vyselkovsky district. The Beisug rural settlement consists of three settlements - the village of Beisug, the village of Novodonetskaya and the village of Aleksandronevskaya.

(We look at the map of Beisugsky rural settlement Slide 5-6).

Speech by sixth grade students with information about the history of the village.

Sixth grade student: The village of Beysug was founded in 1901 and began to grow and develop. The Bursak station was built in the village. (Slide 7) The construction was supported by the daughter of Ataman Bursak (Slide 8), after whom the station was named. In 1928, a machine and tractor workshop was built. Equipment worked in the fields, new lands were cultivated, people lived happily until the Great Patriotic War broke out. Our village suffered from the bombing of German planes. The elevator and the railway station were bombed. The bombing killed a teacher who lived in the school building.

On February 1, 1943, our village was liberated. And the construction of a new, peaceful life began. A grain elevator was built in 1953, and a new building was built in 1970. In 1965, a new modern House of Culture was built, and next to it there is a monument to the national hero, our fellow countryman A. Kochubey.

Teacher:- Look at the map of Vyselkovsky district (Slide 9). There are 26 settlements on the territory of the Vyselkovsky district, one of which is our small homeland - the village of Beisug.

Our village is beautiful now. The construction of new buildings is underway in the village, the fertile fields on which our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers worked are being cultivated, and we will work, leaving something for our descendants, making our contribution to the history of our village and Kuban.

Teacher: So, let's go on a flight over our village and see how beautiful it is from a bird's eye view. To do this, we will go to the airfield of our village and board the plane (Slide 10). Now let's fly! Taking off, we see our school No. 8, where you study (Slide 11).

Guys, whose name is our school?

(Alexander Nikolaevich Bliznyukov)

What do you know about this person?


Slides 12-16

Alexander Bliznyukov, our fellow countryman who served in Afghanistan. There was a war going on there. Sasha did not return from this war.

Sasha Bliznyukov was born on September 1, 1960 in the village of Beysug. He was the only son in the family. Sasha was obedient, cheerful and inquisitive. His family loved him very much. Affectionate, kind, he helped his mother in everything. He was one of the first activists at the school. There was no assignment that he would not carry out.

My school years flew by quickly. After graduating from the 8th grade of the Beysug school, Sasha went to study at State Technical University No. 12 in Rostov to become a gas welder. A little time passed, and a summons to the army arrived. He often wrote letters home about his service. He wrote that everything was fine, but he missed his home.

In all his letters, hatred of those who deprive people of life and shelter was clearly visible. Sasha believed that they, together with the Afghan people, would defeat the hired killers. Sasha Bliznyukov was a brave and brave warrior of our Soviet Army.

The command thanked Alexander-Zinaida Nikitichna’s mother for raising her son well. Sasha's mother was waiting for her from the army. I counted the months, days and hours - my son would come.

But she never had a chance to see him alive. Zinaida Nikitichna’s hands are burning with a notice that says “Your son died in Afghanistan while performing a combat mission.” On September 13, 2012, at the ceremonial ceremony, MBOUSOSH No. 8 was named after A.N. Bliznyukov.

This is how, at the cost of his life, our fellow countryman Alexander Bliznyukov glorified our village and his native Kuban.

Teacher: We fly over the village and see a huge building. Did you find out what this powerful structure is? (Slide 17-18)

Students:- Yes, this is an elevator building, cars bring wheat harvested from the fields here. Where will it be stored?

Students:- Yes. We saw Beysug from above for the first time! He is very beautiful!

Teacher:- But our journey does not end here. There are many more beautiful places and attractions in our village. Let's continue our journey and visit the monument to I.A. Kochubey, which stands at the entrance to the village. Kochubey is a legendary hero of the civil war, a native of the village of Aleksandronevskaya. He fought for the rights of the common people, for the land of the Kuban Cossacks. (Slide 22)

I hope that after making this journey through the village of Beisug, you will begin to love your small homeland even more. Now I will read a poem that I dedicate to our village. It was written by our school teacher V.N. Turchinova. (Reading a poem by the teacher).

My Beysug.

Where the Beysug River is lost in the fields,

Where the nightingales sing at dawn,

My native village drowned in poplars,

The best village in the world.

Here you will be met by the dashing Kochubey on horseback

And the road calling to the center,

Here a welcoming light is visible in every window,

And we have a lot of good people.

A combine is running through a wheat field,

Cars are rushing towards the elevator.

The ear asks to leave the field, trembles tiredly,

There is no sweeter picture for the heart.

At sunset, songs can be heard through the streets:

Our people are resting well,

Well, the night comes - in the arms of the river

Until the morning everything around falls asleep.

And as soon as the roosters crow at dawn,

Beysug - the worker will wake up again,

And the shepherds drive the cows to pastures,

A new day will begin for the village.

Trains run along the railway,

The song of the wheels echoes.

I travel around the country sometimes,

Only the soul remains at home.

I love returning from a stranger's distance,

The heart beats in the chest, freezing.

You are my home, my haven, and I am your peace

I wouldn't trade it for the noise of the city.

And now we will continue our journey through the territory of the Beisugsky rural settlement and visit the village of Novodonetskaya. The main attraction of the village is this majestic building. This is a temple. Do you know what it's called?

Student:- This is the Holy Trinity Church. It was recently restored and now parishioners not only from our settlement, but from the entire region come here. (Slides 23-24)

Teacher:- Yes, you are right - this temple is not only very beautiful, it has its own history. I want to talk about my small homeland, the village of Novodonetskaya, where I was born. The village was founded in 1812 on the Beisuzhka River. The first to populate the village were natives of Voronezh, Kursk provinces and the Don. The main attraction of the village of Novodonetskaya is the Holy Trinity Church. On the site of the current temple there was a wooden church. In 1850 it burned down. In 1856 a new wooden church was built. The building of the current temple was built from 1912 to 1915. After the revolution, the temple was closed and did not function for a long time. During the war the building was damaged, but survived. Later it was adapted into a collective farm warehouse. Currently, the temple has been restored, is operational and is a source of pride not only for local residents, but also for the entire Kuban.

Sixth grade student:- And I want to tell you about my village, it is also very beautiful and its name is wonderful - Aleksandronevskaya. On the site of the village of Aleksandronevskaya there was previously the Kokorino farm. The first settlers were from the villages of Nivinki and Roshcha in the Stavropol Territory. In 1907, the farm was renamed Aleksandronevsky, and in 1914 the farm was transformed into the village of Aleksandronevskaya in honor of the great Russian prince. Life in this beautiful village was not easy. Its residents had to feel both the hardships during the years of the revolution and the oppression of the German occupiers during the Great Patriotic War. But the village survived. Now there are 349 households in the village with a population of 826 people.

I love my village and believe that its prosperity is ahead.

Teacher:- Our region is rich in beautiful corners of nature, magnificent cultural monuments, and most importantly - good, talented, hardworking people. The workers of the fields of our rural settlement reaped a rich harvest this year and became winners of the harvest in the Vyselkovsky district. You should be proud of the achievements of your fellow countrymen, fathers, and grandfathers. And very little time will pass, you will replace them and, I hope, will increase their achievements. (Slides 25-31)

Bottom line.

Station "Pereulok Tvorcheskiy"

Guys, our journey is over. I am pleased to note that you all are great!

You have sheets of paper of different colors on your tables - red, yellow, blue. I am very interested to know your opinion about our journey. I remind you that red color is a joyful mood, yellow is a bright, pleasant impression, blue is a sad one. Trace your palm on a sheet of paper in the color that reflects the mood this event made you feel.

Let's glue our palms around our card. Let your palms save and protect our region.

Multi-colored palms emphasize that the Krasnodar region is multinational. More than 120 nationalities live in it. And I really want all the nations living in our region to live in friendship and harmony, to respect the traditions and customs of all nationalities living on our Kuban land.


1. Sitdikova N.V. “My Kuban”, Rostov-on-Don, 2005

2. Ratushnyak V. N. “Through the pages of the history of Kuban”, Krasnodar, 1993.

3. Kasyanov V.V. “History of Kuban”, Krasnodar, 2005

4. Song by V. Basner and M. Matusovsky “Where does the Motherland begin?”

5. Poem by I. Barabbas “The land of the fathers is my land”

6. Materials of the school museum “Cossack Kuren”


Unified All-Kuban class hour

Topic: “The name of Kuban.”

Class teacher 5B class

Mostovaya M.N.

The name of Kuban.

Unified all-Kuban class hour.

September 1, 2016.

Target: education of Kuban patriots using examples of historical events and personalities, heroes of modern life in the region; developing the ability to trace the historical relationship between events and phenomena of the past and present of Kuban.

Office decoration: Symbols of the Krasnodar region (coat of arms, flag, anthem), presentation.

Equipment: multimedia board.

Progress of the lesson.

1. The anthem of the Krasnodar region is performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Teacher: Now we have listened to a composition known to all of you. What kind of music is this? When does it sound? Dedicated to what or who? (students' answers) What do you think our class hour will be devoted to today? (Kuban)

Absolutely right. Or rather, it is dedicated to the significant topic for us “The Name of Kuban”. ( slide number 1)

2017 will be an anniversary year for the Krasnodar region - 80 years since its founding. The events of the coming year are dedicated to this event. One of them is the “Name of Kuban” competition. (information about the competition)

Over the long years of the existence of the Krasnodar region, its history, culture, economic and sports life were organized and shaped by many, many of our compatriots. We don’t know about all of them, but many deserve to have their names heard today. Unfortunately, we will not be able to cover them all, but some of them will be discussed today in class.

Which fellow countrymen do you know and what do you know about them? (students' answers)

Do you know these people in the photo? (slide 2)

Let's try to guess which one is which.

1) Who might these verses belong to?

Wheat rustles in Kuban

Among the busy fields,

And melts into the yellow ocean

Green sail of poplars.

Which one is a poet? ( slide 4)(students guess)

(Slide 5.) Ivan Fedorovich Varabbas.

Student message.

Russian Soviet poet. Hero of Labor of Kuban. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. He reached Berlin and left a poetic inscription on the wall of the Reichstag. Collected Kuban Cossack songs. He published many collections of poems (“Wind from Kuban”, “Stars in Poplars”, etc.) Contemporaries called Barabbas “Cossack Pushkin”. Many songs were written based on his poems. (slide 6)

What is shown on this slide? (slide 7)(Kuban Cossack Choir)

Which of them has been leading the Kuban Cossack Choir for 42 years? (slide 8)

(Slide 9) Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

Folklorist, choral conductor, public figure. People's Artist R.F. Since 1974 - director of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Recipient of many awards.

Student message . (slide 10)

What period of our country's history do these photographs tell you about?

(slide 11)

Which of them sacrificed themselves during the Great Patriotic War and became a hero? (slide 12)

On October 10, 1942, on the Severskaya - Afipskaya line of the Krasnodar - Novorossiysk railway, an enemy train was derailed, and 2 cars with fascists were blown up on a dirt road (about 500 people died).

Brothers Evgeny and Genius Ignatov.

Student message . (slide 13)

(slide 14) Every summer, a wonderful crop rises and blooms in the fields of Kuban - sunflower. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but it is also a source of a much-needed product – oil.

Who do you think loved sunflowers? (slide 15)

The breeder developed 34 varieties of sunflower and was also involved in agricultural technology for wheat and corn. I set a goal to create a sunflower variety that would have high oil content. And I achieved this. The first such variety “Pervenets”

Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit. ( Slide 16)

Student message

Our contemporaries are still increasing the glory of Kuban.

Here they are our Heroes of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Natives of the Krasnodar region.

Do you know them? (students' answers)

Slide 17.

Beslan Mudranov. G. Armavir Judo Champion

Evgeny Tishchenko. Art. Kanevskaya Boxing Champion

Elena Vesnina. G. Sochi (started training) tennis champion

Slide 18.

Aniuar Geduev. He stands for the Krasnodar region. Silver in the freestyle wrestling discipline.

Stefania Elfutina. Studies in Krasnodar. Bronze in sailing.

Sergey Semenov. Bronze in Greco-Roman wrestling)

Slide 19.

Russian handball team. Gold medal.

Marina Sudakova plays for the Kuban club

Bobrovnikova Vladlena, Anna Sen, Irina Bliznova are natives of the city of Krasnodar.

So many names, so many worthy deeds! Choose “Name of Kuban”!

And remember that all roads are open for you too!