How to make your period end sooner. Taking ascorbic acid. What are the dangers of prolonged menstruation?

Most women strive to speed up the process of menstruation for the same reason as to bring their onset closer. This “lifelong”, exclusively female “duty” brings a lot of trouble, not to mention painful sensations, mood swings and a passionate love for the refrigerator. A long-awaited meeting with a lover, vacation time or an important business trip, during which you will need good health and absolute self-confidence, are reasons for shifts in deadlines. Of course, you cannot constantly adjust the cycle; this can seriously disrupt the natural mechanism. However, in case of emergency, several known methods can be used. They will help “slow down” the “red days”, or make your periods end faster.

Read in this article

Traditional medicine to solve the problem

The following herbs have long been famous for their hemostatic properties:

  • barberry,
  • raspberries,
  • wild blackberry.

In addition to the “inhibiting” properties, poisons from these plants can be useful for blood vessels, because contain serious volumes (of the same ascorbic acid that we are used to buying in tablets).

In order to shorten the duration of the next bleeding, people start drinking decoctions from the first day of menstruation. As more experienced ladies note, the next period, as a rule, lasts longer than usual. This is how the body compensates for the contractions of the current month.

Plant Recipe
Nettle We make an infusion from it like this: put five tablespoons of the herb in a container, pour half a liter of boiling water into it. Keep on medium heat for twenty minutes. There is no need to bring the broth to a boiling point. Remove from the stove, let stand and cool. To make the taste of the tincture more attractive, you can add a little sugar or honey to taste. It is recommended to drink the resulting decoction up to five times daily, three tablespoons.
Shepherd's Purse The tincture of shepherd's purse should be prepared as follows: two teaspoons per glass of hot water. You need to drink the resulting decoction, dividing the daily dose (two glasses) into several times.
Burnet If the question of how to speed up the end of menstruation is relevant, you need to take a decoction of burnet. However, it is worth understanding that this herb tends to harden stools and cause constipation. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons and heat for half an hour in a water bath.

You should not experiment with your health, trying to reduce the duration of menstruation with the help of hormonal drugs. Moreover, without the supervision of doctors. Medicines can lead to problems with blood vessels (thrombolembolism).

Physical education to help

Sports will help you get your period faster. And not just physical education, but long-term classes, as well as Pilates and bodyflex. By practicing regularly, you can achieve constant control over the natural processes occurring inside.

Training has another pleasant side: if you do it systematically, pain will soon cease to accompany you during this difficult period. The problem with delays and cycle failures disappears.

Special preparations to end the “red days”

Taking pills to make your period go faster is also an option. It is quite possible to shorten this unpleasant and troublesome period to a couple or three days with the help of hormonal drugs, for example, “and others” may well fulfill the desire to quickly “get rid of” the boring “red days”. But it is better to conduct such experiments with your health with the permission of a gynecologist, and even then after an appropriate examination.

A specialist can recommend drugs “” and “Silest” - pills that speed up menstruation. Specialists usually prescribe these medications to relieve painful menstruation. The drugs "Norkolut" and "" are also prescribed to correct the menstrual cycle. However, the doctor must select the dosage and prescribe the regimen.

The fact is that unauthorized use of hormonal drugs has a known side effect: arterial hypertension, causeless headaches, vomiting (or nausea), depressed mood, rapid weight gain. Although the worst thing is, of course, the suppression of reproductive function. In other words, infertility. Naturally, modern medicine does not stand still, but are you ready to pay such a high price for such pranks to “accelerate” your periods?

Diet is an equally effective remedy

In order for your period to pass quickly, you need to eat little. Those representatives of the fair sex who have been on food for a long time have probably noticed that strict restrictions on food “freeze” natural mechanisms. gets shorter.

Of course, starving yourself is stupid. In order to deceive the internal clock, it will be enough to give up eating meat. If you need to reduce the duration of menstruation, it is enough to become a vegetarian for a while. Fruits and vegetables are now the ideal diet, and in general it will be useful to know which foods speed up your periods.

It seems that quite familiar products, such as everyone’s favorite and even onion broth (one to one with water) will help you quickly become free from critical days.

Other means

By the way, not only medications can speed up the course of menstruation. The common stereotype about the beneficial effects of sex, both on menstruation and on the reproductive system as a whole, is not a stereotype at all, but a fact confirmed by science. Menstruation actually becomes less painless, and its duration is reduced by several days.

“Experienced” promise a promising result if the sexual contact is complete and “fully” includes the female genital area. This “demanding approach” to quality is explained by the fact that during regular menstruation, prostaglandins are produced by the endometrium (“layer” lining the uterus). The same ones that contribute to the release of the endometrium during menstruation.

In addition, do not forget that sex also has a great effect on the female genital area, reducing the duration of menstruation and its painful course. Try to “indulge in pleasure” at least twice a week to make your period go faster.

Male biological material (sperm) also contains prostaglandins. Once inside, they increase the already existing volume, and menstruation ends at an “accelerated pace.” When using this method, it is necessary to take into account that such “liberties” are permissible for those women who take birth control pills. For everyone else, despite the apparent “safety” of such days, there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy, so not everyone will be able to speed up their menstrual cycle in this way.

What to do if menstruation is delayed?

Often women are forced to look for ways to speed up the end of their periods. After all, not everyone is lucky with a cycle that lasts 28 days, when blood loss lasts a maximum of five days. Excessively prolonged “red days” can contribute to the development of anemia, which means that problems with hemoglobin will soon make themselves felt. Such a pathological course of menstruation does not need to be treated on its own. You should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

In fact, no one will open the bike without warning you of the possible consequences. However, doctors always remind that intruding into the delicate reproductive system poses serious health risks. You can speed up the process of menstruation only with the “blessing” of a gynecologist. And before you take steps of this kind, think carefully about whether “the game is really worth the candle.” Those women who already have “female-like” problems should be especially careful with their bodies.

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  • The presence of menstruation is an indicator of reproductive health. The duration of the discharge period is considered normal if it does not exceed 5 days. Women who want to know how to make their periods end faster must understand the specifics of their physiology. Let's consider the most effective ways, the implementation of which will help speed up the process of completing critical days.

    Factors such as poor diet (for example, eating a lot of citrus fruits), stress, long-term use of antibiotics, etc. can affect the duration of menstruation.

    If menstrual discharge continues for a long time over several cycles, it is recommended to inform the gynecologist about this, since the factor that provokes this deviation may have a pathological etymology.

    So, in order for menstruation to pass faster, you need to influence the body in a certain way. for a couple of days you can use medicinal decoctions, take medications and exercise. These methods require separate consideration. Below we will describe simpler methods, the implementation of which will help reduce the duration of menstruation.

    1. Sex. To make your period end faster, you should have sexual intercourse frequently. But to achieve the desired result, 2 conditions must be met. First, no contraception should be used during sex. And secondly, sexual intercourse must end in orgasm. The completion of the critical days is facilitated by the prostaglandin contained in the sperm, which, interacting with the uterine epidermis, stops its separation.
    2. Hormonal drugs. Medicines in this group will help stop monthly bleeding. Gynecologists often prescribe hormonal oral contraceptives to women. They should be taken only after consulting a doctor.
    3. Vitamins E and C. Have a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening them. They also reduce pain during menstruation and help it end faster.
    4. . These hygiene products are the best alternative to sanitary pads. According to many experts, using tampons during menstruation reduces their duration and the amount of menstrual flow.

    What you need to know when trying to stop your period

    The basis of the female reproductive system is the menstrual cycle. Its function is to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. Yes, this is, of course, a very important period, but its passage brings a lot of trouble.

    During critical days, the body is significantly weakened, so it is easier for pathogens to enter the mucous membranes of internal organs. Based on this, there is a need to take measures aimed at reducing the stage of monthly discharge.

    Complete cessation of menstruation is unrealistic. This physiological stage is necessary for the female body to maintain reproductive and cleansing functions. But taking appropriate measures will help them pass faster.

    If you competently approach the issue of shortening the period of critical days, then the body will not be subject to negative influences. For example, menstruation will pass faster if, on the advice of a gynecologist, a woman begins to take oral contraceptives. But if she prescribes them for herself, there is a risk of increased menstrual bleeding.

    When reducing the duration of your periods, it is important to pay attention to your well-being. If the measures taken lead to nausea, fever, dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to stop self-medication.

    So, to make your period end faster, you can use one of the tips below.

    Use of folk remedies

    You can reduce your periods using traditional medicine methods. Women who drink decoctions of medicinal herbs reduce the amount of menstrual flow and its duration. The best folk recipes:

    1. . Dry leaves are poured with boiling water. They need to be simmered over low heat for 7 minutes. This product should be drunk after it has cooled.
    2. Water pepper decoction. To speed up the completion of menstruation, you need to make a drink from dry raw materials. To do this, pour a spoonful of plant seeds with hot water and leave for 1 hour, then boil. The liquid is filtered and cooled.
    3. Parsley decoction. A bunch of fresh parsley is washed and chopped. Then you need to fill the workpiece with hot water and leave for 30 minutes. The product is filtered.

    So that healing decoctions help speed up the completion of menstruation, You need to take them a few days before it starts.

    Medicinal ways to shorten periods

    Contraceptive pills will help shorten the duration of your critical days. Their action is aimed at stopping internal bleeding. Taking contraceptives helps normalize the frequency of menstruation. These products also help relieve menstrual discomfort.

    You cannot stop your period using oral contraceptives. These medications will help speed up their completion.

    In order for menstruation to end faster, you need to take hemostatic agents such as Tranexam and Dicinone. The action of these medications is aimed at preventing internal bleeding. The positive effect is achieved by normalizing the resistance of capillary walls.

    Diet and exercise to change your cycle

    In order for your period to end faster, you need to maintain physical activity. Most doctors insist that it is contraindicated. However, as practice shows, with the help of diet and some exercise, you can reduce the amount of menstrual flow.

    In order not to harm your health, it is important to remember that sports training during critical days should not be intense. If you make sudden movements, the bleeding will only increase.

    As for the dietary method of reducing the duration of menstruation, its main rule is to avoid meat. It is recommended to give preference to vegetables and fruits these days. Lemon will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the frequency of menstruation.

    It is impossible to stop menstruation, since this process resumes systematically for physiological reasons. But you can take measures to ensure that your critical days end faster and the amount of menstrual flow decreases.

    Menstruation is an integral part of every woman's life. Its regularity indicates the health of the reproductive system, the absence of pathologies, and the ability to become pregnant. For women who are not planning on replenishment, menstruation signals that they are not pregnant.

    The onset of menstruation often interferes with the usual course of life. It can spoil upcoming plans (trips, trips, etc.). Is it possible to influence the course of menstruation to make it shorter? What can you do to make your period go faster? Is it possible to reduce their intensity?

    Is it possible to influence the menstrual cycle if menstruation has already begun?

    Sometimes menstruation begins at the wrong time - on the eve of a vacation, sports competition, or an important date. In this case, any woman wants her period to end as quickly as possible.

    Is this possible and how safe is it? Doctors do not advise interfering with the menstrual cycle, because... any illiterate actions can lead to serious problems.

    If you do not abuse methods to speed up your periods, this will not affect women's health. The woman is trying not to move the cycle, but only to speed up the bleeding to stop it as quickly as possible.

    Once menstruation has already begun, it is impossible to stop it completely for physiological reasons. By taking some measures, you can speed up the process - finish it in 2-3 days and make the discharge less abundant.

    The average cycle length is 21-35 days, and the duration of menstruation is from 3 days to a week. The cycle has two phases - follicular and luteal.

    The cycle begins with the first bleeding, when the outer functional lining of the uterus peels off. At the same time, the follicle matures. The luteal phase ends at the moment of ovulation. When the follicle ruptures, an egg is released. At the same time, the content of estrogen and other hormones in the blood increases significantly.

    The body is preparing for possible fertilization. If this does not happen, menstruation occurs.

    What can I do to make my periods end faster or become less heavy?

    Dear reader!

    This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

    There are several methods to reduce the length of your periods:

    1. physical activity (abdominal exercises);
    2. special diet;
    3. drug stimulation;
    4. ethnoscience;
    5. unconventional ways to solve the problem.

    It is almost impossible to predict your own body’s reaction to such methods. Each organism is individual, and it is difficult to say which remedy will be effective. For some, sports and a special diet are suitable; for another woman, folk recipes or medicines will help. You need to find your own recipe, but you shouldn’t resort to it too often.

    One of the most common ways to speed up your periods combines almost all of the above methods and is quite safe. For example, when a wedding falls on the date of your period. Its essence is that the discharge is strong, but ends very quickly.

    To make your period end faster, you need to adhere to the following plan:

    1. start acting about a week before the expected 1st day of the cycle (in order to have time to “drive away” menstruation);
    2. drink a decoction of bay leaves every 3 hours (will speed up the onset of bleeding);
    3. on the 1st day of menstruation, take as much vitamin C as possible (lemon, ascorbic acid), while drinking a lot of water;
    4. if bleeding is usually observed for at least 5 days, you should take Aspirin 1 tablet twice a day (the bleeding will be very heavy, but will end quickly);
    5. also, from the 1st day, it is necessary to engage in sports to increase the volume of discharge (abs, squats, jumping);
    6. on the 2nd day of menstruation in the evening, you should start taking coagulants (Vicasol, Dicinone), intended to improve blood clotting and stop bleeding;
    7. on the 3rd day - take 2 tablets of the drug (one piece in the morning and in the evening).

    By this point, the bleeding has stopped completely. There may be a slight spotting brownish discharge.

    Physical exercise

    Abdominal exercises, jumping, squats, weight lifting or inverted yoga poses are only applicable in combination with medications. On their own, heavy loads will only increase bleeding and can significantly prolong it (if menstruation previously lasted 4 days, it can last up to 7-8 days).

    To make the discharge go away faster, yoga is recommended. Smooth, static exercises without sudden movements for stretching and balance are good for health. Inverted poses should be avoided, because the effect may be the opposite.

    Nutritional Features

    If “special” days have already begun, it is impossible to stop them with diet. You can temporarily adjust your diet by giving up meat (if there are no medical contraindications). The diet will consist of vegetables, fruits and a small amount of grains.

    Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Include foods containing ascorbic acid in your diet or take it in tablet form. After finishing the selections, return to the usual menu.


    Hemostatic drugs (coagulants) promote thickening and rapid clotting of the blood, which can reduce spotting. However, such medications are not intended specifically for menstruation. You should definitely consult a doctor, because... Some drugs have strict contraindications and a number of side effects.

    Medicines used:

    1. Vikasol. It is administered intramuscularly and contains concentrated vitamin K. The effect occurs no earlier than 10-12 hours after the injection. Prohibited if you are prone to blood clots.
    2. Tranexam. Tablets based on tranexamic acid. Accelerates blood clotting, has an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. Should be taken from the 1st day of menstruation. Contraindicated for kidney disease.
    3. Dicynone. Helps increase the number of platelets in the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You need to start drinking it about 5 days before the expected start of your cycle.

    Unconventional methods and folk recipes

    There are several effective traditional medicine recipes; they are safe, but you must first make sure that you are not allergic to their components:

    1. Bay leaf. This is a strong remedy that should not be used frequently. The decoction provokes bleeding. To prepare, you need to take 10 g of dry, slightly crushed leaf and 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture over low heat for about an hour, cool and strain. Drink no more than 1 tbsp. a day, several tablespoons every couple of hours. The remedy is bitter, but effective.
    2. Water pepper tincture. It is sold in every pharmacy and is cheap. 30-40 drops should be diluted in a small amount of water and drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals. Helps make discharge less abundant.
    3. Nettle. For the decoction you need to take 2 tbsp. dry raw materials and 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink 100 ml every hour, but not more than 1 liter per day.
    4. Shepherd's purse. 4 tbsp. dry herbs should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours, then strain. Drink 1 tbsp. no more than 4 times a day. Shepherd's purse is a powerful coagulant, so it has contraindications.

    Unconventional methods include red wine, hot baths and sex. When having sexual intercourse, it is important to remember about hygiene and be sure to use a condom.

    Precautionary measures

    The most important thing is not to harm your health and not disrupt your cycle. The consequences can be extremely unpleasant. Physiological processes are laid down by nature, which does not like outside interference.

    If you need your period to pass as quickly as possible, you should consult a gynecologist - the doctor knows what can be done in such a situation. Do not experiment with unknown methods that have no basis and do not inspire confidence. You should not resort to stimulation too often - it is indicated only in emergency cases.

    Sometimes women need to reduce the number of critical days and are interested in what to do to make their periods go faster. A whole system of actions has been developed that will help speed up menstruation. Normally, menstruation takes 5-7 days, the average duration is 6 days. Special methods will help reduce the duration of menstruation by 2 days. If usually a woman’s symptoms went away in 6 days, then as a result of certain actions they will go away in 4 days.

    Safety precautions prohibit:

    • speed up your periods every month;
    • apply acceleration of menstruation until a stable menstrual cycle is established;
    • use these products for irregular menstrual cycles in adult women;
    • accelerate menstruation at elevated body temperature (more than 37.5 ºС);
    • make your periods go by faster if you have an acute infectious disease (ARVI, bronchitis, etc.);
    • speed up menstruation in case of food poisoning.

    Not a single gynecologist will say that it is useful for a woman to accelerate her periods. However, life sometimes presents unexpected circumstances in which having periods becomes undesirable.

    It is for such events that the technique of quickly ending your period will help you prepare.

    Medicinal plants and precautions

    Collecting herbs yourself requires skill, so for a city dweller it is safest to buy a ready-made herb at a pharmacy. All herbs are affordable and sold in most pharmacies in the city. Recommendations:

    1. You should never buy herbs from strangers (in passages, at bus stops).
    2. Poor quality raw materials can cause severe poisoning, so you need to inspect the plant before use.
    3. If blackening, mold, or damp stems or leaves are noticed, all raw materials should be discarded. It is dangerous to use such a fee.
    4. Pharmacy products have an expiration date. You need to make sure that the herb is not expired. You cannot use it after the expiration date, even if it looks normal.

    The most dangerous thing that can happen when buying a herbal mixture from someone else is replacing the plant. Some older people pass off some plants as others, and often they themselves do not understand what exactly they have collected and put up for sale. Before purchasing, you need to look in a botanical reference book to see exactly what the plant looks like, so as not to purchase a completely different collection. If a woman is not a specialist in botany or traditional medicine, she needs to purchase herbs only at the pharmacy.

    Plan to speed up the process

    Scheme for quickly ending your period:

    • take bay leaf, this will trigger the onset of menstruation 2-3 days earlier;
    • the next day, take plants that accelerate blood clotting;
    • replenish the supply of vitamins in the body;
    • give the abdominal muscles light physical activity;
    • take coagulants until bleeding stops.

    For example, if you need to prepare for your own wedding, and the wedding date falls right on the time of menstruation, then 1 week before using laurel, then 1-3 days before in an accelerated mode to drive away bleeding. If a woman usually has a heavy and long period of menstruation (5-7 days), then in addition to bay leaves, you can take Aspirin and water with lemon juice or ascorbic acid. This will cause heavy bleeding. Only after 24 hours can you start coagulants; if the timing allows, then it’s better even after 2 days.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Recipes to help make your period end faster:

    1. Bay leaf. This herb helps to induce menstruation after a delay. But it can also be used to help your period end faster. Bay leaf increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus, it begins to actively contract, as a result of which menstruation begins. The product is strong, using it every month is harmful. How to make your period end faster? Take 10 g of bay leaf, add 500 ml of water. You can first break the leaves into small pieces. Simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Strain and cool. The decoction is very bitter. Maximum dose: no more than 1 glass, take 2 tbsp. l. with an interval of 30 minutes. Cannot be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    2. Nettle. It is sold in the pharmacy in crushed form. 1 tbsp. l. Pour nettles into a ladle or pan, pour in 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml), simmer over low heat for at least 5 minutes. Cool. Drink half a glass at intervals of 1 hour. Daily dose: no more than 4 glasses. There is another dosage option: 5 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of boiling water. Take 4 tbsp of strong decoction. l., a safe dose of strong decoction is no more than 1 glass per day. To make your period end faster, you need to use this method in combination with others. Nettle contains vitamin K and other substances that accelerate blood clotting. The herb reduces the amount of bleeding and helps to quickly restore the integrity of the endometrium. Taking nettle is contraindicated for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, as well as for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
    3. Burnet. The Latin name of the plant is Sanguisorba officinális. Sold in herbal shops and most pharmacies in the form of dry crushed raw materials. How to prepare the decoction: 2 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the herbs, cover with a lid and steam in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool and strain. The resulting decoction is very strong, so it must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. To make your period end faster, you need to take 1 tbsp of decoction. l. with an interval of 30 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 6 tbsp. l. The plant contains a complex of vitamins and minerals (more than 20 items), which help menstruation pass faster. Do not exceed the dose. Allergic reactions are possible.
    4. Water pepper. It is best to purchase a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy. To end your period, you need to take the drug 40 drops 3 times a day, add to drinking water and drink 30 minutes before meals. This remedy is quite mild and has no contraindications, but it does not work on all women.
    5. Shepherd's purse. Sold in pharmacies in dry form. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours. Strain, take 1 tbsp. l. Maximum daily dose: 4 tbsp. l. Accelerates coagulation, so it should not be taken for thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, hypotension and heart disease.

    With intense bleeding, a large loss of iron, potassium and magnesium occurs. A deficiency of electrolytes negatively affects the functioning of the heart; a lack of potassium and magnesium can cause heart failure. You can compensate for the lack of electrolytes by taking Hematogen. The drug is cheap and is sold in any pharmacy.

    Special exercises

    Physical activity stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs and helps make your period end faster. Recommendations that must be followed for your own safety:

    1. If cramps occur, you should immediately drink water with lemon juice, then increase the dose of Hematogen. Continue classes only after you feel normal.
    2. If you feel dizzy, cancel classes, lie down and rest.
    3. If your heart hurts, cancel further measures, in an emergency, call an ambulance and inform the paramedic about all the actions taken before you feel unwell.
    4. Perform all movements slowly and carefully, without jerking or overexertion.
    5. On average, the total duration of the workout should be no more than 40 minutes. If a woman is in good athletic shape, you can exercise for 1.5 hours once a day.

    How to make your period go away. Workout plan:

    1. Warm up all large joints: cervical spine, shoulder, elbow and wrist joints, then hip, knee and ankle joints.
    2. Slow squats 10-50 times depending on physical fitness.
    3. Exercise "boat". Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, pull your toes, raise your arms and legs simultaneously, hold for at least 10 seconds, then lower, rest and repeat;
    4. Abs pumping. Lie on your back, legs straight or bent at the knee joints, pull your head towards your knees. Do the exercise slowly.
    5. Jumping in place.
    6. Exercise "bicycle". Lie on your back, bend your knees, make movements as if riding a bicycle.

    You can change the sequence of exercises, but a warm-up is necessary. If your muscles cramp, you need to apply ice and drink a few small sips of water with Aspirin, ascorbic acid or lemon juice.

    You can do any other exercises that involve the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. You cannot do headstands or shoulder blades, somersaults, or walk on your hands.

    Taking vitamins

    How to make your period end safely and quickly? Taking vitamins and dietary supplements will help in this matter:

    1. Ascorbic acid. Take 5 tablets per 10 kg of weight of an adult woman. If you are prone to allergies, reduce the dose.
    2. Hematogen. A must-have drug that increases iron levels in the body.
    3. Vitamin E. Protects blood vessels and the heart, increases tissue regeneration, and is needed for the absorption of potassium and magnesium in the body.
    4. Vitamin D. Also involved in the absorption of potassium and magnesium.
    5. Vitamin K and calcium. Needed for the heart and blood vessels, they are often included in one vitamin complex.

    If possible, it is better to buy high-quality vitamins from trusted manufacturers. Take them if you want your period to end as soon as possible. You need to start a course of vitamins 1 month in advance. After menstruation accelerates, when the bleeding has stopped, you need to avoid physical activity, rest, take vitamins and get a good night's sleep.

    There are ways to speed up the end of menstruation, but their use must be approached with caution, otherwise they can cause significant harm to the body.

    What's worth knowing?

    When choosing a way to make your period pass and end faster, it is worth remembering that menstruation is a natural process of any female body and it is not recommended to interfere with its normal course.

    Once menstruation has begun, it is almost impossible to stop the process immediately. Often, the desire for menstruation to pass and end faster is associated with a woman’s natural desire to eliminate painful sensations and speed up the end of the abundance of discharge.

    You should not immediately look for miracle drugs and traditional medicine recipes, since with the normalization of your lifestyle, the menstrual cycle and its duration are regulated.

    The following will help reduce the pain of your cycle and shorten its duration:

    • active lifestyle with exercises, visits to the fitness room, walking;
    • regular sex life;
    • ensuring a balanced diet, avoiding the use of strict diets.

    Scientists have proven that in women who strictly limit themselves in the volume and caloric content of food intake, the period of menstruation is increased by 2 days.

    When should you worry?

    Often attempts to speed up the end of menstruation are associated with excessively large volumes of discharge or a prolonged period. In such situations, you need to understand what is normal for the female body and what is a sign of pathological changes. Normal reads:

    • the volume of discharge for the entire cycle is 40-50 grams;
    • The duration of discharge is from 3 to 7 days.

    If your period does not end within 1 week or the amount of bleeding exceeds the norm, you should consult a doctor. Such failures may indicate gynecological diseases - endometriosis, fibroids, polyps.

    Without timely action, excessive blood loss can cause low blood pressure, oxygen starvation, heart attack or stroke.

    To solve problems of this kind, medications will most likely be prescribed, the independent use of which is fraught with complications.


    There is a category of hemostatic drugs that can help make your period go by faster. Any use of such a drug must be coordinated with a specialist, since some of them are associated with a number of side effects in the form of pressure drop, dizziness, anemia of the limbs, and allergic reactions.


    A solution for intramuscular administration that provides better blood clotting properties due to the content of concentrated vitamin K. It is prohibited to take in case of thrombosis, thromboembolism, increased blood clotting rates, a previous heart attack or stroke. The administration of the drug will help speed up the end of menstruation, but the effect can only be expected after 10-12 hours.

    The medicine is taken for 4 or 5 days to stop heavy discharge. For preventive purposes, this drug is used a week after the end of menstruation in order to normalize the cycle in the next month.


    The drug is in tablet form, the basis of which is tranexamic acid. This component leads to an improvement in blood clotting properties, so it can speed up the end of menstruation. At the same time, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the severity of pain.

    The drug is taken from the first day of the cycle, in order to speed up the end of menstruation, its dosage is gradually increased. The effect can last up to 3 cycles. You should not take the drug if you have kidney disease.


    The action of the drug is based on the processes of stimulating the formation of platelets, an increase in the number of which has an effect in the form of blood thickening and strengthening of blood vessels. It is often prescribed to eliminate bleeding.

    Reception begins 5 days before the first days of menstruation in order to speed up the end of menstruation if there is a problem with heavy discharge.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Women have known for a long time how to speed up their periods so that they pass faster and use the possibilities of traditional medicine recipes for this. In order for menstruation to pass and end faster, you can use decoctions of herbs that have the effect of increasing blood clotting. The production of such drugs will take time, but the number of adverse reactions when taking them is much lower than when taking pharmacological drugs. The following recipes are effective:

    • 35-40 grams of dry parsley per 1 glass of water;
    • nettle in the amount of 5 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of water.

    A decoction of parsley or nettle is prepared for 10 minutes using the water bath method, then squeezed out and, after completely cooling, consumed orally in a volume of 0.5 liquid 3 times during the day. Parsley is a powerful diuretic, so it thickens the blood, causing your period to pass faster.

    Nettle contains large amounts of vitamin K and has the properties of increasing blood clotting, so this remedy is worth considering as a way to speed up your periods so that they end faster. Such herbal components contain essential oils and beneficial microelements, so they not only help your periods pass and end faster, but also make them less painful.

    Taking decoctions prepared according to the following recipes per 200 grams of water has a good effect:

    • decoction of equal parts in the amount of 1 tsp. shepherd's purse, raspberries, peppermint, prepare for 10 minutes, use 3 times in one day;
    • remedy from valerian root, nettle, yarrow, bloodroot, burnet, 1 tsp. each of the plants, brewed for 30 minutes, consumed orally 3 times during the day;
    • viburnum 2 tsp. prepares in 30 minutes, use 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

    Today you can buy a ready-made product called water pepper at the pharmacy. As a means to speed up the end of menstruation, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day 3 days before the start of the cycle.

    What foods to eat?

    To make your period pass and end faster, it is recommended to eat foods high in vitamin C. Lemon is one of the most accessible remedies. This is the fruit that women used to use to make the process go faster and the discharge to be less painful.

    3 days before the start of the discharge, they began to take 2 lemons per day until their end occurred. Today, eating sour foods can be replaced with more pleasant recipes:

    • making smoothies;
    • adding to tea;
    • making cocktails.

    Significant amounts of vitamin C are found in foods such as rose hips and currants. If it is impossible to consume natural products, you can drink a pharmaceutical preparation containing vitamin C. It is recommended to start taking the drug 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, 1 tablet per day. It is worth knowing that the maximum dose of the vitamin within 24 hours is 500 mg per day. This method should not be used by people who have problems and diseases of the digestive system.

    Drinking honey will help move the end date of your period. Such a product will allow you to shift the onset of your period to an earlier date, but will not affect the duration of the discharge. In order for the discharge to begin a couple of days earlier, you need to start consuming a beekeeping product a week before the start of your period.

    When thinking about how to speed up your periods so that they end faster, you should remember the safety rules. Such methods cannot be used on an ongoing basis, as a temporary effect can later result in serious health problems. It is recommended not to abuse medications and traditional medicine recipes, but to use the possibilities of physical activity and proper diet to normalize the regular menstrual cycle.