How can you enlarge your breasts without surgery? How to safely enlarge breasts using a modern home method. Visual shaping

You can get breasts of the desired size through plastic surgery. But is there a chance to increase the size at home, read in this article.

Beautiful and lush breasts have always been a subject of admiration among men and envy among women. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to have a third bust size. There are also tribes on the planet where the standard of beauty is a flat-chested woman. Fortunately, this is not about us. But the main characters of films or TV series, with revealing outfits with gorgeous breasts, are increasingly driving small girls into complexes.

How to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Plastic surgery has advanced so far that it is possible to change a person beyond recognition by following all his wishes. Breast augmentation surgery will be no exception. This is so far the only effective way to get breasts of the desired shape and size in a short period of time, but it is also the most expensive. But what to do if going under the surgeon’s knife is very scary, and the inferiority complex has developed so much that it does not allow you to live normally?

  • The easiest way to enlarge your breasts is through pregnancy and breastfeeding. True, this method gives only a temporary result; more precisely, after lactation is completed, the breasts may decrease in size even more and lose their shape. And the question becomes relevant again
  • On certain days of the monthly cycle, the breasts increase slightly in size. This is due to hormonal levels. Thus, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy, and if this does not happen, the breasts return to their previous size
  • You can gain a couple of extra pounds, because adipose tissue is the main component of the breast structure. It’s only after sudden weight loss that the reverse process occurs, volume and shape are lost. A strict diet and curvy figures - these things are incompatible, you have to sacrifice something
  • Have an active and regular sex life. This promotes the body’s active production of female sex hormones, which also help enlarge the breasts by several centimeters. Thanks to intimate caresses, blood circulation in the mammary glands improves, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on volume

If none of the above methods are suitable, you can try to increase your breast size using:

  • Physical exercise
  • Traditional medicine
  • Massage
  • Creams and gels
  • Special diet
  • Medicines
  • Following certain techniques.

Let's look at them in more detail.

How to enlarge breasts using folk methods?

In order to enlarge your breasts, you can seek help from traditional medicine.

  • A decoction of mallow roots will help increase the mammary glands by one size in at least three months, and maximum in a year. It all depends on the body. For this you will need: dry flower roots, 3 tablespoons, and 3 glasses of water drawn from the tap. Place all this in a saucepan and boil, after 15 minutes remove from heat and strain. You should take the decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals, 0.3 cups. The course of such treatment is one month, after which you need to take a break for one week and you can repeat the appointment. It is recommended, while taking the decoction orally, to make compresses on the chest. This effect of mallow roots is explained by the content of the hormone phytosterol, which has a positive effect on breast enlargement.
  • Hop cones contain the female hormone phytoestrogen, which is responsible for breast enlargement. It is recommended to take it orally, in the form of an infusion. To do this, boil one glass of water and pour it into a tablespoon of plant cones. Wrap the dishes well, or use a thermos, and leave overnight. The infusion should be taken three times a day, 0.33 cups each, for 21 days with a break of a week. The expected effect occurs after approximately three to six months of use. You should be prepared for the fact that the infusion is very bitter, and the effect does not occur immediately, but gradually
  • You can drink cabbage juice, only this method is suitable for young girls during puberty. This method does not work on adult women.
  • To enlarge your breasts, you can use linden, nettle and wormwood. To get medicinal tea you need to: pour one teaspoon of the plant with one glass of boiling water. After this, place the container with the plant in a water bath and boil for 20 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. After this, strain the tea and take 0.3 cups 3 times a day. The course of such treatment is one month, with a week break. You should choose one of the listed plants and make tea from it for 3 months, after which you can use another plant, and then a third
  • A more delicious folk recipe: take honey, nuts and lemon in equal quantities. Grind the lemon and nuts, passing through a meat grinder, then add honey and mix. You should eat this mixture 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, for 6 months.
  • You can try to enlarge your breasts with oregano, hop cones and licorice root. All these components are taken in the amount of 50 grams and mixed. After this, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of hot water. The dishes with the collection are placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. And it infuses for another forty minutes. Be sure to cover the dish with a lid. For a month, take 0.3 cups of infusion, three times a day. Take a break for a week and repeat

IMPORTANT: All of these recipes have contraindications. The doses and quantities of infusions, decoctions and mixtures taken should be strictly observed. It is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of enlarging your breasts in this way.

How can you enlarge your breasts with iodine?

There are quite a lot of enthusiastic reviews on the Internet about breast enlargement using an iodine mesh. To do this you need:

  • Using a cotton swab, apply iodine strips evenly to the skin of the mammary glands, avoiding the area around the nipples
  • Before doing this, take a shower or bath to keep the chest area clean
  • After application, let the iodine dry, after which you can put on a bra made from natural fabrics
  • The manipulation must be carried out once a day
  • The promised effect should occur after three months of use.

IMPORTANT: Breast enlargement occurs due to increased blood flow. But this method has a huge number of contraindications, although it seems that it may be safer than iodine.

  • Girls and women should take into account their place of residence and possible iodine deficiency in the body. In this case, the iodine mesh will be quickly absorbed into the skin, thus the body will replenish its reserves. But this cannot be turned into fanaticism
  • The most harmless side effects may be dry skin, allergic reactions and, if used fanatically, burns
  • If iodine is applied to the chest for a long time, malfunctions of the thyroid gland and health problems may occur.
  • A constant individual increase in temperature due to the iodine network can lead to tumors

IMPORTANT: Iodine should not be used to improve the shape of the mammary glands in women after cessation of lactation; this can only seriously harm their health.

How to enlarge breasts with exercises?

Physical exercise will help improve the shape of the mammary glands, make them fit and beautiful. But enlarging your breasts by two sizes is therefore more a myth than a reality.

You need to start the exercises with a minimum number of approaches, gradually increasing the intensity. You can perform them at home, in a familiar and comfortable environment:

  • While standing, press your hands against the wall as hard as possible. You need to stand in this position for 15 seconds. Do 10 approaches
  • Push-ups, like in physical education class, only the right ones. If it's very difficult to start, you can lean on your knees. Ideally, there should be 15 repetitions in one approach, but you can start with two, increasing the number every day
  • Lying on your back, lift the dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. The weight of dumbbells is from half to two kilograms. You should do 15 of these exercises in one approach.
  • With dumbbells in your hands, make movements like when skiing. This must be done for one minute. When finished, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. This should be done six times in one approach, and there should be three approaches
  • While standing, lift the dumbbells perpendicular to the floor. The weight of the dumbbells and the number of exercises are the same as for the exercise lying on your back
  • While standing, press your palms into each other, they should be at chest level, and your elbows should be spread to the sides. This exercise must be done for 5 seconds, repeated 10 times.

IMPORTANT: Exercises should be started with a minimum amount, gradually increasing the load. The key to success is regularity and intensity. The result can be seen only after three months of training.

Breast enlargement gel

As an alternative to plastic surgery, gels can be used for breast enlargement. They are:

  • synthetic, do not dissolve in the body
  • natural, dissolves

Gels are injected into the female breast using a syringe and needle.

IMPORTANT: Synthetic gels are prohibited for introduction into the body; the consequences of such breast enlargement are very serious. The breast tissue becomes jelly-like, and the gel may move to another location. And it is extremely difficult to remove it from the body.

Natural gels based on hyaluronic acid will help you get one and a half breast sizes larger. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect will last from six months to a year and a half. After this, the procedure must be repeated.

IMPORTANT: If a decision has been made to increase the size of the mammary glands by introducing a gel into them, then the choice of a specialist must be approached with all responsibility. You can only trust experienced and professional doctors.

Breast enlargement cream

Many women try to change the shape and size of their breasts using cream. The composition of the cream can be:

  • Natural
  • Hormonal

IMPORTANT: Using natural cream, breasts cannot be enlarged. The medicinal herbs included in the composition will only help improve the condition of the skin, but no more.

Hormonal creams will help achieve breast enlargement by one size only if used regularly. If you stop applying the cream to the area of ​​the mammary glands, they will quickly return to their former shape. A more lasting effect can be achieved only if the drug is applied regularly for six months. These creams contain vitamins and medicinal herbs, which have a positive effect on the skin.

Doctors are extremely skeptical about this method of breast enlargement. Constant application of hormonal drugs to the skin can affect the overall hormonal background. And it can lead to a delay in menstruation and the occurrence of serious diseases.

IMPORTANT: Such creams should not be used by girls during puberty, women who have reached the age of forty, and young mothers who have lost their shape after breastfeeding.

How to enlarge breasts with oil?

A safe way to give your breasts a beautiful and firm shape using essential oils. Their effect has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, which, in turn, adds several centimeters in volume.

You can use the oil:

  • for massage
  • in the form of tonic or lotion
  • make masks or compresses with it.

IMPORTANT: A positive effect can only be achieved with regular use.

Essential oils should not be used alone. A few drops of oil can be mixed with sour cream, kefir, baby cream with a fatty texture, almond and vaseline oil. You can use only one oil to achieve results, or you can use a mixture of oils, which is more effective.

For breast enlargement you can use the following oils:

  • From flax seeds
  • Olive
  • Geraniums
  • Verbena
  • Camphornoye
  • Fennel
  • Vinogradnoe
  • Anise
  • Hops
  • Ylang-Ylang
  • Lavender
  • tea tree
  • Orange
  • Sage
  • Evening primrose
  • Wheat germ
  • Jojoba.

IMPORTANT: Oils must be applied carefully, avoiding the nipple areas. Before starting use, you need to make sure that the oils are generally tolerable and that there are no allergic reactions. If it is quite difficult for you to decide on the choice of oil, you can seek help from an aromatherapist.

Mask for breast enlargement

By regularly applying masks to the décolleté area, you can give your breasts a beautiful shape, improve the condition of your skin, and even increase their volume. This may be several centimeters, because for the third and fourth sizes at the first, you need to go under the surgeon’s knife. You need to wash off the masks with cold water, but not too much, otherwise you will only get sick.

  • Grate one apple with cabbage. Mix one tablespoon of this mixture with one teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of butter, at room temperature. This mixture should be applied after the massage for 15 minutes.
  • Cocoa butter should be applied to the armpits and décolleté. After this you should do a massage. There is no need to apply oil to the breast itself.
  • Yeast, in an amount of 20 grams, should be dissolved in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. This mixture should be applied for 20 minutes

When applying masks, you should avoid the nipple area. You need to make masks regularly, alternating them every day.

Exercises for breast enlargement

You should be aware that exercise will not help to enlarge your breasts, but it will improve their shape. But, if you exercise regularly over a long period, there may be some increase in the volume of the mammary glands.

The gym is perfect for intense workouts. Under the guidance of a trainer, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Push up the barbell, the weight should increase gradually and reach 80% of body weight
  • Lift dumbbells
  • Exercise on a machine, training the pectoral muscle group

IMPORTANT: Training should take place regularly, three times a week. If you practice more often, there will be no harm, but no benefit either. Muscles grow after exercise, not during exercise.

Breast enlargement products

  • There is a popular belief that if you eat cabbage in large quantities, you can get gorgeous breasts. But, as practice shows, this is another myth. Girls and young women from 13 to 19 years old have a chance to prove the opposite, but such a food product will not help older women
  • Questionable advice includes raw dough. Apart from problems with the digestive tract, no further results should be expected.
  • It is believed that if you drink beer, your breasts will increase in size. This is probably just another publicity stunt. After all, modern beer is not nearly as natural as it was in the last century. Apart from health problems and weight gain, this drink will not bring anything better.
  • Fatty and junk food, out of a kilogram of weight gained, only 20 grams are transferred to the décolleté area. It is better to include healthy fats in your diet: lard, olive oil, fatty fish, seeds, avocados. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mammary glands and on the body in general. You just need to know moderation in everything; uncontrolled use can lead to breast enlargement due to extra pounds on the waist and hips
  • There is a myth circulating online that you can enlarge your breasts with mineral water. You need to drink water, and in the required quantities, but this does not affect breast size. Is it possible that if you drink too much liquid, it can lead to swelling?
  • Among the food products that enlarge the breasts by several centimeters, we can name those that contain natural female hormones. And these are primarily legumes and soybeans. They can really help fulfill your cherished desire, but this does not mean that you should eat only them; you should observe moderation in everything. Excess hormones can only harm the hormonal system. It should be remembered that if you stop eating foods containing hormones, the breasts will return to their normal state.
  • Honey with nuts will help with various diseases, as well as improve the condition of the mammary glands. With regular consumption of this sweet mixture, your breasts will become more rounded and firm.
  • For a beautiful décolleté area, you need to eat right, including fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet, rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, they will help improve the condition of the skin in general. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to obtain large volumes

When trying to increase breast size with the help of food, do not forget about physical exercise, adding a light massage to it.

IMPORTANT: You should get rid of bad habits. The main enemy of a beautiful bust is smoking. In women who smoke, breasts quickly lose their shape and become saggy. Abuse of caffeine and alcohol also does not benefit the mammary glands.

Breast enlargement drugs

Among the drugs that promise to enlarge breasts by two sizes, dietary supplements can be noted. These are dietary supplements containing natural female hormones or stimulants for the production of sex hormones in a woman’s body. By taking these drugs you can achieve breast enlargement for a while. After stopping the treatment, the breasts return to their original size.

IMPORTANT: Taking such drugs without consulting a doctor, and even more so uncontrolled, is dangerous to health. It can cause severe harm to the body, and long-term treatment can be very expensive. Much more expensive than jars of dietary supplements.

Breast enlargement pills

IMPORTANT: Pills that promise breast enlargement contain phytoestrogen, a female hormone. But it is worth remembering that you cannot start taking hormonal pills only on the advice of a friend.

If the reason for the small size of the mammary glands is a low level of female sex hormones, a doctor should find out. Using special tests and examinations.

By enlarging your breasts with hormonal pills, you can get:

  • Absence of menstruation, up to infertility
  • Tumors
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Changes in the size of the uterus and vagina
  • After discontinuation of the drug, a new restructuring begins in the body; nodules and cysts may form in the mammary glands

IMPORTANT: The promised result occurs only if the tablets are taken continuously. After stopping taking hormonal pills, the breasts become normal size.

Japanese breast enlargement technique

You can try to get breasts of the desired size using the Japanese technique. This technique was developed by the Japanese Mieko Yoshimaru, who initially had the first breast size, and as a result received the fourth. There is nothing complicated in this technique; you should regularly perform a set of exercises and massage.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is the internal state. You should tune in only to a positive result, let go of all grievances and negativity, and look at the whole world with love.

  • When getting up in the morning, you need to rest one palm on the other, while keeping your hands at chest level. Take a deep breath and begin to press with the bases of your fingers as you exhale. In this case, you must count to eight. The same exercises should be done by moving your arms to the right and left of the body. Such regular exercises will help strengthen your chest muscles.
  • The second exercise can be performed at a convenient time. To do this, you need to massage your forearm. After warming up, you should grab the fat deposits in this area with your hands and push it towards the chest. According to the Japanese woman, they are the ones who will help enlarge your breasts. You need to do this one at a time, for each hand for five minutes
  • You can also fill your breasts with belly fat. To do this, before going to bed, you need to massage the abdomen, in its upper part. Using similar movements as in the arm exercise, try to push fat from the abdomen into the chest
  • To improve the effect of exercise, it is necessary to stimulate biologically active points. They are located on the thighs, on the inner sides. According to Japanese medicine, stimulation of these points promotes the body's production of female sex hormones. Which, in turn, helps to increase breast size

IMPORTANT: To fully achieve a given goal, you must sleep only on your back and believe in a positive result.

  • The woman is beautiful with her natural beauty. You should not sacrifice your precious health by trying methods that are not confirmed by science.
  • Self-hypnosis plays a big role in breast enlargement using folk methods. It seems to a woman that her breasts have really grown, but very often this turns out to be self-deception
  • By following the rules of a healthy diet, doing physical exercise and caring for the skin in the décolleté area, you can improve the shape of your breasts and make them firmer.
  • Girls under twenty years old should not try to increase the size. During puberty, you can seriously harm your body.
  • A simple and effective way to visually enlarge your breasts is to have a slender posture. You should keep your back straight all the time, and your breasts will appear larger.
  • A properly selected bra will help cope with this problem. You should be able to choose the right clothes that emphasize and visually enlarge the chest area
  • You can use the secret of Hollywood stars who do not have curvy figures. With the correct application of foundation, your breasts will appear chic and arouse admiration among others.
  • If the desire to get a fourth size is very strong, then it is better to use the services of a plastic surgeon. None of the traditional methods will help achieve this result.

Video: How to enlarge breasts? Misconceptions and working methods

Or the needle is not so easy, and not always justified. ELLE found out how to enlarge your breasts without fear.

Naturally, the breasts become rounded and increase in size during pregnancy and lactation, due to weight gain, a couple of weeks before the onset of menstruation. Since breast enlargement is a burning issue for many, many women, let’s start by finding out the “composition” of this subject of complexes (or pride). The female bust consists of the mammary gland and the surrounding fatty tissue. It is supported by only one muscle - the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, running from the area of ​​the second rib to the lower jaw - and a triangle of skin from the base of the chest to the chin. With age, under the influence of gravity, due to diets, and during breastfeeding, the skin stretches. Therefore, the correct answer to the question “How to enlarge breasts?” comes down to two points: taking care of the firmness and elasticity of the “triangle” plus working with one single muscle. ELLE chose simple ways to enlarge your breasts.


Despite the presence of pectoral muscles, it is the subcutaneous muscle of the neck that needs to be given maximum attention in the gym. The pectoralis major and minor muscles, despite the name, are responsible for the movements of the shoulders, shoulder blades, and arms and do not greatly affect the beauty of the chest. Moreover, with a low position of the mammary gland (female type), having pumped up this muscle, the gland will hang down, like in bodybuilders. If the position is high (male type), excessive power loads will indeed give a visual enlargement of the chest, but the entire chest will become wider. Therefore, the choice of exercises depends on individual anatomical features. Before you rush into battle, you need to find your coach and create an individual program. Of the general minimum, the most effective are push-ups and presses with dumbbells, breaststroke swimming, and rowing. But it is important to understand that fitness does not affect breast size, but its shape and height.


An equally important role is played by the elasticity and firmness of the “natural bra” (the term was coined by the founder of the Clarins brand, Jacques Courtin), as well as the skin of the décolleté and chest in general. The easiest way to enlarge your breasts at home is to use beauty products. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose ones specially designed for this zone. But not all body creams are suitable for breasts. If they promise hydration, nutrition, elasticity, feel free to apply it on your chest. If these are anti-cellulite products, it is better to apply them to other strategically important parts of the body. The fact is that some burn fat, others use cold and relieve swelling: both options are not suitable for the bust.

In addition to moisturizing essential oils and vitamins, creams, lotions, gels, and oils intended for breasts most often contain ingredients that have one of two actions. The first are all kinds of phytoestrogens (substances of plant origin, related to the female sex hormones of the same name), which are obtained from soy, ivy and some other plants. There is absolutely no need to be afraid of them, Yana Zubtsova and Tiina Orasmäe-Meder prove in their book “Beauty Myths”: “Their action is aimed at supporting our sensitivity to our own hormones. The one that greatly declines with age.”

The second group of ingredients enhances microcirculation and ensures a rush of blood to the mammary glands (blue clay, kigelin). A quick but short-term effect from their use will be a slight swelling of the mammary gland. With regular use (at least two months), they not only maintain a positive level of bust firmness and skin elasticity, but also significantly increase it. As a result, the breasts rise, which visually gives the effect of enlargement.


The effectiveness of bust care products will be enhanced by a special application technique. This self-massage causes blood flow to the treated area and increases tone, preventing sagging. Here are some of the most effective techniques.

Manual massage is based on the softest strokes and pats. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the mammary gland and stretch marks. Warm a small amount of cream or oil in your palms. Circle the right breast with your left hand from the outside in, and the left breast in the same way, but with your right hand. Now turn your palm horizontally and perform pressing movements from the chest to the chin. Give massage 10-15 minutes a day.

Water technique comes down to treating the chest and décolleté with a cool or contrast shower (hot water is one of the reasons for loss of elasticity). Make smooth circular movements with the stream of water towards the outside of the cleavage, avoiding the nipple area. Repeat for 2-3 minutes on one side, then on the other.

A proven salon technique is the ancient oriental method of shiatsu - reflexology with influence on certain points. But it’s better to go to a specialist for shiatsu, and not do it on your own. Why? Because it’s difficult to find the right points, and if you make a mistake, there will be no effect or a completely negative one.

After any type of massage, it is recommended to wear a bra for additional breast support. By the way, the push-up effect remains a proven and fastest way to get closer to ideal shapes.

and smoothing the skin. Don't like these legumes in their pure form? Try soy meat or drink soy milk.

Work on your posture

Watch your posture. When the body is positioned in a comma shape, the breasts look smaller and not as attractive as they really are. Pay attention to celebrities during social events: straight back, straightened shoulders, elongated neck and tucked in stomach. Stand in front of a mirror and try to repeat after them. You will clearly see that correct posture provides instant lifting.

From some stars you can learn not only bearing, but also attitude towards yourself. Instead of focusing on perceived shortcomings, take an example from actresses who proudly carry the minimum that nature has endowed them with. Emma Stone, the Olsen sisters, Nicole Richie, Emma Watson and, who have repeatedly spoken out against “extensions” using Photoshop, are in no hurry to meet with a plastic surgeon. Instead of breast enlargement, try improving your self-esteem. A positive effect is guaranteed.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

In an effort to improve their appearance and add attractiveness, women are looking for methods on how to grow breasts. The fastest way is to use plastic surgery. However, there are techniques that you can use at home.

Is it possible to enlarge the mammary glands without surgery?

The desire to please men often pushes women and girls to resort to surgical breast augmentation. This method is radical and expensive, but it helps solve the problem in the shortest possible time. However, surgery does not always go smoothly and there is a risk of injury. Therefore, today women are trying to find methods to enlarge the mammary glands without surgery.

If you want to achieve results for free, without harming your health, experts recommend the following: sports, proper nutrition, constant breast care. Such methods are especially important for adolescents and women who have been breastfeeding a child for a long time. Breast enlargement procedures at home will require some effort, but will not cause problems with health and appearance, but will bring tangible benefits to the body as a whole and will help increase volume.

Breast enlargement methods

Experts recommend simple ways to actually and visually enlarge your breasts, which you can try on your own, without causing damage to your body, at home. Many plants contain phytoestrogens, which help give a feminine figure. Based on fruit and herbal extracts, oils, masks, creams and ointments are created to enlarge the bust. It is useful to eat vegetables and fruits with this natural component to grow breasts (eggplant, soy, walnuts).

An important role in the process of how to enlarge your breasts at home is played by physical exercise. They will strengthen the pectoral muscles, which will favorably emphasize the size of your mammary glands. In the salon you can use the mesotherapy procedure. The injections penetrate deeply, so you can get a quick increase. If only the visual component of the issue is important to you, wear special underwear that will visually highlight your breasts.

Breast enlargement products

Women and girls who want to make their mammary glands attractive using conservative methods need to think about how to enlarge their breasts without surgery. You can arrange special care in a beauty salon or at home. Breast enlargement products can be found in pharmacies. There is a wide selection of creams based on natural ingredients on the shelves. You can make masks and ointments for enlargement at home. Pleasant procedures will help keep the mammary glands in shape.

How to enlarge breasts at home

Heredity plays a major role in determining the size of the mammary glands. However, if you create certain favorable conditions, you can organize breast augmentation at home. A complex consisting of the following measures will help to achieve the desired result:

  • regular special gymnastics for breast enlargement;
  • a balanced diet, excluding too strict diets;
  • control of posture, since stooping leads to sagging breasts;
  • wearing quality underwear;
  • the use of cosmetic procedures to maintain elasticity and tone.


Eating for breast enlargement will help improve the contour of your body. It is useful to eat the following foods:

  • Cabbage. Including this vegetable in the diet during adolescence promotes the growth of a beautiful bust. For adults, it is useful for improving the functioning of the digestive system and cleansing the body of harmful substances.
  • Walnuts. The kernels contain a large amount of phytoestrogens, which has a positive effect on breast enlargement. For the product to work effectively, chop the nuts and mix them with honey. Eat the resulting treat three times a day. Eggplants are also rich in natural estrogen.
  • Mix milk with 1 tsp. turmeric. This spicy cocktail should be drunk before meals to increase the volume of the mammary glands. Cheese is also a useful dairy product.
  • Another way to enlarge your breasts at home is to eat flax seeds. The product is rich in a large number of substances that are useful for bust enlargement with regular use.


An effective technique for maintaining firmness and tone is massage to enlarge the mammary glands. You can carry out this procedure yourself at home or go to a specialized salon. Self-massage can be performed in several ways:

  • Use gentle, soft and smooth movements to stroke and pat your breasts. To improve the effect, use massage oils. Carry out stroking clockwise, apply massaging pressure in the direction from bottom to top. Each session of this procedure should last about 15 minutes.
  • Do a contrast shower. Alternate treatment of the décolleté and mammary glands with warm and cold water, being careful not to touch the nipple area. Use medium pressure during the procedure. The treatment time for each breast for the enlargement effect should be 2-3 minutes.
  • For massage, you can use a special device - a vacuum pump. When the device is applied to the chest, blood flow occurs, which contributes to an increase in size.

Exercises for elasticity

Physical activity is also useful for forming a beautiful, voluminous bust. Try some exercises to tighten your breasts at home:

  • Stand straight, raise your upper limbs parallel to your chest. Fold your hands together as if you were praying. Squeeze your palms for 10 minutes. Do the exercise 8 times. A small ball that you should pick up will help increase efficiency.
  • Take a straight body position while standing. Stretch your arms forward, make movements reminiscent of breaststroke swimming. For more resistance, grab dumbbells. Repeat 8-10 times, do 2 approaches for more effective breast enlargement.
  • Stretch your forelimbs forward, clench your palms into fists. Make a scissoring motion with your hands, keeping them parallel to the floor. Do the exercise for about 10 minutes.
  • Place your hands behind the back of your head and lock them together. Try to pull your elbows harder, first forward, then back. Do 10 repetitions. You can perform the exercise with the help of an assistant so that he stretches the muscles.

Exercises to enlarge the chest

Exercises to enlarge your chest will help you visually make your bust larger. They are based on a set of push-ups, which should be done by changing the distance of the hands from each other. Such exercises do not require special skills or equipment. Start with classic push-ups. The next step is to spread your arms as wide as possible - this will put more stress on your chest. Then lower yourself to the floor as deep as possible so that your sternum touches it. For the last version of this exercise, place your palms close to each other. You should do 3 sets of 30 movements.

A set of exercises to enlarge the mammary glands

Active training in the gym or at home will help those with small breasts. Gradually moving from the simplest movements to the complex ones, you will form a set of exercises to enlarge the mammary glands. You can use the following sequence of actions as a basis:

  • The first exercise will be a preparatory exercise for increasing. It will warm up the muscles and tone the body. Sit with your back to a support: a chair with a back or a wall will do. Position yourself so that your spine and nearby muscles do not experience stress. Place your palms together in front of you at chest level. Apply gradual pressure. Make sure that the pectoral muscles receive tension, so the bust will increase faster.
  • Stand in the doorway, rest your hands on the jamb. Make pushing movements as if you want to move something. At the same time, pay attention that the tension goes to the sternum, and not to the back. Press down on the joint with your hands for 1 minute.
  • Lie down on a gymnastics bench or similar surface, pick up dumbbells and press them to your chest. As you inhale, spread your upper limbs to the sides, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. This rhythm promotes breast enlargement.
  • The bench press is one of the effective exercises to make your chest bigger. Lie on the floor, take dumbbells, press them to your sternum. Tighten your chest muscles, focusing on this sensation, raise and lower your upper limbs. You will need to do 3 sets of 8 times.

Folk remedies

Natural folk methods of breast enlargement are based on 2 properties of herbs and substances: the content of phytoestrogens and improved blood flow. You can make the following simple remedies at home:

  • Pour 250 ml of water into a saucepan, place a few hop cones, a little oregano, sage and linden there. Place everything on the stove, boil using moderate heat for about 6 minutes, then leave for 1 hour. You need to drink a decoction for breast enlargement before meals, 3 tbsp. l.
  • To make a compress, soak a piece of cloth in almond or grapefruit essential oil. Apply to the chest area and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the cloth and rinse off any remaining breast enlargement product in the shower.
  • Apply a mesh of iodine to the chest area. This drug is considered safe, but care must be taken that it does not injure delicate skin.
  • Breast massage can be done with fenugreek oil. Do the procedure in the morning and evening.


Special medical and cosmetic products for making the bust fuller may contain natural hormones, improve blood flow or promote the growth of adipose tissue. You can purchase breast enlargement cream at a pharmacy or salon. Popular drugs are the following:

  • Pupa – contains gardenia extract and vitamin complex. The action of the product is based on stimulating the growth of adipose tissue. The instructions for use say that the effect occurs after 4 weeks of use every day. To maintain the result, you need to use the cream constantly.
  • Eveline - the drug has a rich composition, including placenta extract, which will help change breast size from zero to first in a month. The instructions indicate quick action in case of negative changes after a period of feeding or too rapid weight loss.
  • Harmony Shape - the properties of the cream are aimed at enlarging the mammary glands by a couple of sizes, giving them a rounded shape, elasticity and fit. You will need to undergo a full course of treatment to consolidate the result of the increase.


In addition to pharmacy creams, you can use breast enlargement ointment prepared at home. The products are natural, safe and effective. You can make the ointment yourself using the following recipes:

  • For the first recipe for an ointment aimed at enlarging the mammary glands, you will need the following: classic yogurt - 60 g, chicken egg - 1 pc., vitamin E oil - 1 tsp. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. You need to smear the mixture onto your chest, making massage movements. After 25 minutes, rinse the drug with water.
  • Take a fresh cucumber and pass it through a fine-hole grater. Mix the resulting pulp with liquid vitamin E (1-2 tsp). Apply the ointment to the bust area in a circular motion, without touching the nipples. Rinse off the homemade product with water after 25 minutes.


Water- and fat-soluble vitamins for breast enlargement can be an effective supplement:

  • Vitamin A will help girls and women restore the elasticity of the mammary glands after a period of lactation or other processes when the breasts begin to sag. She will look healthy and fit.
  • Vitamin E is a very important element for the female body, which not only helps the mammary glands grow, but is also responsible for the reproductive health of the female body as a whole. Sold in pharmacies in capsules and liquid.
  • Vitamin C – promotes collagen formation. This element, entering the blood, helps the bust grow.
  • Fish oil – contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Its use will have a positive effect on the growth of small breasts.


Natural oil extracts of many plants are perfectly absorbed and increase the intensity of the production of female hormones. They need to be applied with massage movements, avoiding the areas around the nipple. You can choose the right oil for bust enlargement:

  • rosemary – makes the epidermis more elastic and tender;
  • geranium – affects the adrenal glands, regulating hormonal balance, promotes skin elasticity;
  • ylang-ylang – affects the production and synthesis of female sex hormones, rejuvenates the skin;
  • patchouli – reduces bust sagging, smoothes;
  • juniper - helps smooth out stretch marks and make the epidermis elastic.

Trying to enlarge your breasts naturally, quickly and without surgery in just a week may seem doomed to failure. Especially if you think it's impossible.

How to start? Thinking about a push-up or larger bra cups? What about pills for breast growth or sudden weight gain?

Chances are it will be difficult to make a choice and you will want someone to give you some ideas on how to enlarge your breasts without surgery in 7 days.

Due to low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, girls with small breasts can become so desperate that they will do everything possible to make their breast size larger as quickly as possible.

If you see yourself in this description, then you need to find a quick way to make your breasts more attractive.

So what is the safest way?

There are many options and ways to get bigger breasts quickly within a week, but before choosing any of them, there are several factors to consider. These include future health risks, painful side effects, breast dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Thus, a method that allows you to get larger and firmer breasts should not have negative consequences.

Here's what to avoid if you want to stay healthy.

Unhealthy options

Fat injections

This is simply injection of fat under the skin of the breast to create volume. Some beauty clinics in some technologically advanced countries claim that this method has no side effects.

But studies have shown that only 3 out of 10 fat injections are successful. To maintain your health, do not agree to such an intervention if you are not sure of the quality of the fat used and the durability of the result obtained. It is possible that your breasts will return to their original size if something goes wrong.

Taking birth control pills

Thanks to the birth control pill, women, especially young women, have found a way to deal with two problems in one fell swoop. With the help of the patch, ladies can enjoy unprotected sex with healthy male partners and still get the benefit of rapid breast enlargement.

These pills simply release progestin and estrogen into the blood, two synthetic steroid hormones that can speed up the growth of breast cancer and the development of other women's problems.

Long-term use of birth control pills tends to cause problems such as hormonal imbalance, which is often the cause of infertility and reproductive problems in the long term.

Breast implants

This is one of the most popular methods that give a truly noticeable effect. During surgery, an inorganic material (usually silicone) is implanted under the mammary gland to give it more volume.

It is obvious that any surgical intervention is accompanied by pain and psychological stress. Combined with the fact that your breasts will no longer be able to perform their functions.

So if you think you can't cope with psychological stress or if you plan to breastfeed in the future, then this option is not for you.

How to enlarge breasts without surgery?

Balance of female sex hormones

Breast enlargement, like other areas of the body that are a manifestation of femininity, is associated with the presence of a certain amount of sex hormones.

To achieve a change in bust volume, you need to increase their intake into the body naturally.

Here are some hormones that will help you grow breasts quickly and without surgery.


This is the hormone responsible for the growth and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics. You can trigger a moderate release of this hormone by consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens.

These products are: dried apricots, prunes, crushed flax seeds, sesame seeds, chickpeas, beans, peas, beans, alfalfa sprouts, cereals, soybeans, tofu. The production of this hormone can also be stimulated by certain herbs with phytoestrogens, such as fenugreek.


This hormone is produced every month according to the menstrual cycle and is responsible for the growth of breasts and hips.

Food sources of phyto-progesterone: egg yolk, milk, cheese, chicken, shellfish, wild yam, walnuts, whole grains, fortified cereals.


This hormone is responsible for the development of mammary glands and increased accumulation of fat in the breasts. It is produced primarily during puberty and pregnancy, but its production can also be stimulated by taking herbs or massage with special oils such as lavender oil and tea tree oil.

A growth hormone

This hormone enhances the growth of all parts of the female body, including the breasts.

The amount of growth hormone in the blood depends on age: it is elevated in childhood, reaches its peak in adolescence, and from then on begins to decline.

However, you can support the production of this hormone by following the principles described below:

  • sleep enough hours every day;
  • eat foods rich in the natural form of the hormone;
  • Exercise regularly to stimulate its production.

Foods rich in the natural form of growth hormone include yogurt, fresh fish (such as salmon), and melatonin-rich foods such as raspberries, soybeans, beans, and coconut oil.

Physical exercise

If you can properly stimulate the muscles around your breasts (pectoral muscles), you will see a gradual increase in breast size in the near future.

Through exercises such as push-ups, bench press, swimming, dumbbell lifts, planks, etc. Breast growth will be stimulated.

Breast massage

You can increase the size of your breasts with massage using lavender oil and tea tree oil. Massage increases the size and firmness of the breasts by stimulating the secretion and circulation of prolactin and estrogen, which are responsible for the size of the mammary glands.

Other Safe Breast Enlargement Methods

Wearing a push-up bra

This is a quick option that is popular among young girls. If you're not proud of your breast size, there's nothing wrong with trying to use a push-up or padded bra to improve your appearance.

Wearing clothes that add visual volume

Another quick but harmless way to make your breasts appear larger is to wear clothes that visually add volume to your bust.

Clothes with horizontal stripes and embellishments on the chest will definitely do this. Another important thing is working on your posture. A straight back and good posture will make your bust a little bigger.


Breast enlargement without surgery is not as difficult a process as you might think. Eating the right foods and adjusting your daily routine will help you add a size or two and keep you in shape.

Choose foods that are rich in vital minerals needed to keep your breasts healthy, use natural progesterone cream to massage your breasts, exercise daily and drink enough water.

Breast enlargement should be a gradual process. There is no need to reach the maximum in a week. Avoid pills that promise quick bust growth as they can lead to serious problems such as infertility and hormonal imbalance.

Many women wonder how to enlarge their breasts at home, because not everyone is ready to resort to radical methods in the form of plastic surgery. This can be achieved in different ways, each of which requires an individual and often complex approach. Whether they are effective and capable of helping to avoid surgery will be discussed further.


The topic of how to enlarge breasts at home using folk methods has long been of concern to women’s minds, so it has acquired a fair number of myths. The most common of them relate specifically to foods, among them are established opinions about the use of cabbage, beer and raw dough. In fact, excessive consumption of the listed ingredients will bring nothing but eating disorders. But are there products that can enlarge your breasts at home? First of all, you need to pay attention to food consisting of healthy fats and plant components that contain female hormones. This:

  • vegetable oils, they can enlarge breasts if consumed fresh (for example, season salads with them or drink a spoonful a day);
  • products containing a large proportion of vegetable oils: avocado, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • fish rich in healthy fats: trout, herring, tuna, sardine, mackerel, halibut;
  • legumes: beans, peas, sainfoin, chickpeas; soybeans and products made from it;
  • honey with nuts.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the skin so that it is taut and elastic. A balanced diet including fresh vegetables, fruits and grains will help with this. It would also be useful to take vitamins - they can also enlarge your breasts.

Hormone-based drugs

All medications that help to enlarge breasts at home act the same way - they increase the level of production of female hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin and somatropin) or replenish their missing amount. This can be done in different ways - synthetic or using plant components. Therefore, there are several types of drugs that allow you to enlarge your breasts at home:

  • pills;
  • contraceptives;
  • biologically active additives.

It should be noted that medications have a wide range of contraindications and side effects. They should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.. Also, the use of all means implies complete adherence to the instructions. You need to know that the effect of all drugs lasts as long as it is taken.


To enlarge your breasts at home without harming your body, you can resort to physical exercise. They help strengthen the chest muscles and train the chest. And she, in turn, raises her chest. This method is suitable for both very young girls and older women, toning the entire body and simultaneously enlarging the breasts by 1 size.

  1. Spread your arms in different directions, bend your elbows (they should be strictly parallel to the floor). Forcefully bring your palms together, closing them together, and also forcefully spread them apart, making springy movements in both cases.
  2. Perform push-ups in the following order: one push-up with emphasis on the arms under the chest, the next - spread the limbs as wide as possible. Constantly alternating, do several approaches.
  3. Bench press. Performed on a bench or bar with additional weight. First, the dumbbells are pressed to the chest, then you should straighten your elbows and straighten your arms, pointing the dumbbells straight up, your hands should be at the same level all the time.

These simple exercises can be performed at home, including them in a training complex, or done as a separate physical activity. The training video demonstrates the correct execution and several other exercises.


The main reasons for small breasts include genetics, hormonal imbalance and low body weight. Weak muscles can make even large breasts saggy, visually concealing their size. The elasticity of those muscles adjacent to the chest directly depends on posture. A straight back makes both the skin and muscle tissue stronger and more elastic, and a pleasant bonus is that the flabbiness in the abdomen will also begin to gradually disappear with correct posture. You need to accustom yourself to a straight back as a teenager; with age, this will become more and more difficult.

Through massage

Another effective way that can be easily done at home to enlarge your breasts is regular massage. Its action is based on the normalization of blood circulation in the mammary glands, which provokes blood flow to the breast, giving it volume. All actions should be reduced to rubbing movements over the entire surface of the chest towards and away from the areolas. This massage gives results quickly, but it is short-term, so it should be performed before any event or several times daily.

Tip: you can massage with special creams (Pupa, Eveline, Harmony Shape), to which a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, juniper, ylang-ylang or geranium) are added.

Visual increase

You can enlarge your breasts at home using visual methods. Here are the most common:

  • choose underwear with a push-up effect, this will allow you to increase your breasts by one or even two sizes;
  • A V-neck in clothing can also slightly enlarge the breasts;
  • the most effective visual method can be considered breast enlargement at home using cosmetics - skillfully performed contouring will give the bust an appetizing shape;
  • by choosing clothes with an emphasis on the chest area, you can also increase it; for this, large prints, horizontal stripes, multi-layered details, and ruffles are used.

Step-by-step instructions for breast contouring

In order to make high-quality contouring, you will need foundations with a creamy texture - primary and additional. The main one should be 2 tones darker than the skin color, and the additional one should also be 2 tones darker than the main one. You will also need powder close to the skin color and tools for shading (brushes, sponges).

  1. Using the main tone, draw a line in the shape of a crescent in the area of ​​one of the breasts.
  2. Draw the same line on the other side in a mirror image. Both stripes should be smooth and symmetrical.
  3. Blend thoroughly.
  4. Apply additional foundation along the lower border (inside each semicircle). It's also good to blend.
  5. Smooth out the contrast with powder.

Using improvised methods

Among the folk methods, there are also several recipes that can enlarge your breasts at home.


The positive result from the use of iodine is based on its warming qualities, which improve blood circulation and ensure its flow to the chest. This method must be used taking into account contraindications - dry skin, lack of iodine in the body, pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should also adhere to the following regimen: apply the solution no more than once a day for 3 months. This is how it is done: using a cotton swab or a small swab, iodine is applied to the entire surface of the breast with the exception of the areolas.


Many medicinal herbs and natural ingredients can also help enlarge breasts at home:

  • Pour a tablespoon of hop cones into a glass of hot water. Leave in a warm place for 10-12 hours, strain from the cones and drink 3 large spoons three times a day. The course lasts 3 weeks, after which you need to rest for a week and continue again;
  • Hop cones can be supplemented with other herbal ingredients - oregano and licorice root. All components are taken in equal quantities and mixed together. Pour a spoonful of this mixture into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Take 3 large spoons three times a day. The course is a month with a week break.


You can enlarge your breasts at home using masks made from natural ingredients:

  • Dissolve a packet of dry yeast in warm water and apply to the mammary glands. Leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse;
  • mix the following ingredients: grated boiled potatoes, a spoonful of vegetable oil, the same amount of honey and full-fat sour cream. Apply for 20-25 minutes.

Photo examples

Examples demonstrate that breast enlargement can be done at home without resorting to plastic surgery. The main thing is to approach this issue thoroughly.

In order to enlarge your breasts at home, there are many different ways. But each of them will become more effective if it is used in combination with others, performing all the necessary manipulations of the course.