How to treat blue veins on legs

Among possible vein diseases, the most common are varicose veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. The symptoms are quite typical, and treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Painful sensations in the vessels of the lower extremities (or on the lower leg) are more disturbing to middle-aged and elderly people. There are a number of predisposing factors leading to the development of venous diseases. What are these diseases and what to do with them?


  1. High growth.
  2. Overweight.
  3. Hereditary factor (there were symptoms of venous disease in close relatives).
  4. Occupational hazards, such as prolonged standing (salespeople, hairdressers, surgical doctors).
  5. Carrying heavy objects, walking for a long time with a heavy bag (postman, traveling salesman, loader).
  6. Excessive exercise, including professional sports (athletics, lifting and throwing weights - in this case, the knee joints and the veins behind the knee are especially affected).
  7. Hormonal disorders (including pregnancy).

Symptoms of venous insufficiency increase gradually, that is, the patient is not always in a hurry to see a vascular surgeon (for example, the vein does not suddenly swell, but slowly expands). It is this insidious feature that leads to late diagnosis of various diseases of the venous bed and certain difficulties in their treatment.

A symptom that has arisen once, for example, a reddened and clearly visible vein under the knee at the back, which is swollen in comparison with others, will not disappear spontaneously, but will only grow, taking over previously healthy areas.

Modern methods of treating diseases of the venous bed, including surgical ones, make it possible, if not to completely cure such a patient, then to significantly slow down the further progression of the disease.

Possible vein diseases

Venous insufficiency can manifest itself in different ways; symptoms can appear suddenly or grow rather slowly over several years. Among the most common diseases of the veins of the lower extremities are:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombosis of deep (less often superficial) veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.

The final answer to the question of why the veins in the legs hurt and which treatment method is preferable in a particular situation, what exactly needs to be done and what should not be done categorically, can be given by a vascular surgeon (phlebologist).

Development mechanism

  • swelling of the legs suddenly and sharply increases, which does not disappear after rest;
  • legs hurt more;
  • the affected vein (or several) is swollen and may be hot to the touch;
  • The area under the knee most often suffers - in places where tissues are naturally compressed.
  • limited motor activity for the entire acute period;
  • heparin-based ointments to reduce blood clots;
  • anti-inflammatory (“Troxevasin”) ointments;
  • vitamin complexes.

Timely treatment within a week will eliminate all symptoms.

Vascular thrombosis of the lower extremities

Its peculiarity is rapid and sudden development. A thrombus from a vein or any other part of the body completely or partially blocks the lumen of the vessel and disrupts blood flow. Its possible signs:

  • sharp pain in one place (for example, behind);
  • the pain only intensifies and is not relieved by anything;
  • increasing swelling and numbness of tissues;
  • the thrombosed vein is swollen relative to the others.

The main thing to do is to go to the hospital as soon as possible. With prolonged disruption of blood flow, tissue necrosis develops, which may be irreversible. In the case of thrombosis of a large vessel and prolonged cessation of blood flow, there may be talk of the need for limb amputation.

You should understand that (on the lower leg or behind the knee) is not a reason to think about the worst, but you shouldn’t put off a visit to a vascular surgeon for a long time either.

The main deep veins of the thigh: part of the popliteal vein, femoral vein, deep femoral vein. The popliteal and femoral veins often duplicate to form a plexus (Dodd and Cockett 1956).

The deep femoral vein connects with the femoral vein in two places, the lower connection with the plexus in the adductor canal, and the upper one 5 cm below the inguinal ligament. These veins receive venous branches from surrounding muscles and perforating veins, the largest tributary being the great saphenous vein.

The upper part of the popliteal vein lies on the lateral surface of the popliteal artery, and passing through the m. The adductor magnus becomes the femoral vein. This vessel intersects with the femoral artery behind it from the lateral to the medial border, and passes through the adductor canal and the femoral triangle. The femoral vein can have up to 6 valves, but usually 3. One of them is immediately distal to the junction with the deep bodiline vein, the other just below the inguinal ligament.

Superficial veins of the thigh - the great saphenous vein and its tributaries. The great saphenous vein begins behind the medial femoral condyle and runs in the medial part of the thigh. It deviates slightly anteriorly and connects with the femur 4 cm below and slightly lateral to the pubic tubercle. Its posteromedial branch (tibial accessory saphenous vein) runs along the posterior surface of the thigh, where it often has a connection with the small saphenous vein, connects with the great saphenous vein at the level of the border of the upper and middle third of the thigh, sometimes higher.

The anterolateral branch (peroneal accessory saphenous vein) begins along the lateral surface of the upper leg, sometimes associated with the lateral branch of the small saphenous vein, or the superior peroneal perforating vein. It runs obliquely up the anterolateral surface of the knee, then runs along the anterior surface of the thigh and joins the great saphenous vein at a point midway between the mid-thigh and the opening of the saphenous vein. Three tributaries flow into the great saphenous vein at the mouth - the superficial circumflex iliac vein, the superficial epigastric vein, and the external genital vein.

The average number of valves in the long saphenous vein of the leg is plus a permanent valve at the mouth of the vein. There is almost always another valve 5 cm below the mouth (Cotton 1961).

The most common perforating veins in the thigh connect the great saphenous vein with the femoral vein in the adductor canal or Gunter's canal and are therefore called the superior, middle, and inferior Gunter's perforating veins.

The upper one penetrates through the roof of the adductor canal in its upper part. The middle one is constant, passes behind m. sartorius. The inferior one pierces the deep fascia above the medial femoral condyle and connects to the knee venous plexus.

There are three other perforating veins in the thigh that deserve mention. The two are connected to the anterolateral branch by the great saphenous vein, at the point where it intersects a vertical line from the edge of the patella. This vessel connects with the venous branches of the lateral circumflex vein of the thigh. At the point where the posteromedial venous branch of the great saphenous vein crosses the tendons of the m. semimembranosus and m. semitendinosus, there is often a perforating vein.

All perforating veins of the thigh have valves that allow blood to flow only from the superficial to the deep veins.

The total length of all veins and vessels in the human body is approximately 100 thousand kilometers. The veins account for almost 600 thousand meters. The entire system is designed to move carbon dioxide-laden blood toward the heart. The exceptions are the pulmonary vein and the umbilical vein in the fetus.

The movement of blood in one direction is ensured by internal valves, the venous pulse and the muscles of the walls. The walls of the veins are thin, which complicates the movement of blood and provokes some diseases.

The structure of the vein walls is multilayered:

  • inner layer (endothelium);
  • connective;
  • muscular;
  • connective tissue.

One of the most common diseases in which veins protrude on the legs is varicose veins. Under no circumstances should this be considered as a simple cosmetic defect.. Varicose veins are a serious disease caused by disruption of the entire system of veins and blood vessels.

With varicose veins, the walls of blood vessels weaken and cannot cope with the flow of blood.

An additional danger of this disease is the occurrence, obstructing the movement of blood.

Blood clots can move and cause blockage of the pulmonary vein, which can be fatal.

If the veins in the legs protrude (as in the photo), then the disease is already quite advanced, and the first thing to do is to immediately contact a specialist - phlebologist. It is possible that the first signs of the disease were not given importance.

Heaviness in the legs and nagging pain in the calves are often attributed to fatigue after long walks. In fact, this may be a signal that .

Causes of varicose veins

There are many reasons why veins protrude on the legs. Below is a list of the most common ones.

  1. Signs of varicose veins appear during pregnancy half of the women. Increasing stress and changes in hormonal levels are the main cause of varicose veins during pregnancy.
  2. Heredity. If relatives suffered from varicose veins, then in 70% the disease manifests itself in the next generation. In this case, it is advisable to take preventive measures to avoid problems.
  3. Metabolic disorders lead to the destruction of the walls of the veins, thereby weakening them. Elasticity is lost. Veins become fragile and brittle. Curvatures and ugly knots appear, which protrude mainly in the calf area and on the front of the lower leg.
  4. Bad habits(alcohol and smoking) aggravate the disease. Doctors consider this reason to be one of the most dangerous. According to statistics, smokers have a 45% increased risk of developing bulging veins.
  5. Veins bulge in the legs even when you are overweight. The increased load on the legs when walking and the need to pump more blood impairs blood circulation.
  6. Physical exercise Lifestyle or work-related problems can cause varicose veins. Sellers, teachers, loaders and other professions in which too much time is spent on their feet are at risk.
  7. Passive lifestyle. The reason that the veins begin to bulge in the legs may also be the frequent need to be in an uncomfortable position. During sedentary work, the veins and vessels in the thighs are compressed, causing blood stagnation.

In recent decades cases of varicose veins have become more frequent among residents of large cities. Air pollution, toxic impurities in water and other atmospheric pollutants have a strong negative impact on the condition of veins, blood vessels and the entire circulatory system.

Features of varicose veins in men

Until recently, mostly women suffered from varicose veins; this is due to frequent hormonal changes in the body. However, in men, veins are increasingly protruding on the feet and calves.

Men pay less attention to the cosmetic defect in the form of bulging veins on their legs. That’s why they turn to doctors when the disease begins to cause problems. Unlike varicose veins in women, male varicose veins are dangerous because they spread to the veins in the genital area.

According to statistics, almost 25% of men after 40 years of age suffer from this disease.

And for almost half of those who applied, it is in too neglected a state.

Varicoceles (or varicose veins of the testicle), as well as varicose veins of the penis, differ from this disease on the legs pain and difficulty in treatment. In most cases, surgery is required.

What to do if veins protrude on your legs

If thick blue veins begin to appear on your legs, you should urgently consult a specialist for advice. The doctor will determine the extent of the disease and the possibility of drug treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Used to treat varicose veins venotonics and blood thinners (anticoagulants).

Venotonics have a strengthening effect on veins and blood vessels. They tone the walls and help normalize the functioning of the valves, stabilize the pressure inside the veins. Relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues. The most popular medications are:

  • Detralex - tablets based on diosmin and hesperedin;
  • , the active component of which is diosmin;
  • Troxevasin based on troxerutin is available in the form of capsules and products for external use.

A huge number of remedies against varicose veins makes it difficult to make an independent choice. The phlebologist will select the right medications which will help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and improve the general condition of the circulatory system.

The group of anticoagulants used to stabilize blood circulation includes medications and preparations based on medicinal plants.

Heparin is often used as an active ingredient. It is included in tablets, injection solutions and ointments.

The drugs are divided into direct and indirect heparins.

If the first of them inhibit the action of factors that increase blood clotting inside tissues and plasma, then the second have a weak effect.

Direct anticoagulants:

  • Fraxiparine;
  • Clexane;
  • Troparin.

Local anticoagulants:

  • gel;
  • gel

Do not forget that drugs have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, they need to be selected after consultation with a specialist.

Alternative Treatments

Modern medicine can offer complete relief from the problem. In its arsenal there are means that are less traumatic than surgical correction of pathology.

Laser coagulation

It is performed using local anesthesia. Through a minimal puncture, a special LED is introduced, which affects hemoglobin, increasing the temperature in a limited area. The process of soldering the destroyed walls occurs.

There is no rehabilitation period required after such an operation. The patient can see positive results immediately.


It is carried out using injections with a special solution that causes irritation inside the vessel. Wherein the walls become denser and elasticity increases.

Sclerotherapy is sometimes done to achieve a cosmetic effect in the presence of spider veins and bulging veins due to varicose veins. But the main indications for the use of this method are heaviness and swelling in the legs, convulsive manifestations and burning in the veins.

The number of injections and the time of the procedure depends on the degree of damage to the veins. No anesthesia is required due to the absolute painlessness of the operation. The patient can leave the medical facility almost immediately. Side effects of sclerotherapy may include small bruises at the injection sites. In rare cases, the procedure is complicated by the inflammatory process and the occurrence of blood clots.

Prevention and home treatments

As home remedies, you can use medicinal teas and baths of herbs and essential oils.

  1. Sweet clover has long been known as a unique plant that can thin the blood. The dried herb of this plant can be added to tea and taken as a prophylactic.
  2. Beet juice and dishes made from it help cleanse the blood of toxic components and increase hemoglobin.
  3. Warm baths with an infusion of birch leaves, nettle, essential oil of mint, geranium, lemon and rosemary, it has a calming effect and relieves swelling.

Home remedies for varicose veins are used only for preventive purposes, or as additional means of treatment.


Like any other disease, varicose veins are more successfully treated in the early stages of development. If there is a predisposition or illnesses appear in the form of heaviness in the legs and the appearance of swelling, then you must first change your lifestyle.

Completely giving up bad habits, adjusting your diet to include plant foods, regular walks in the fresh air and playing sports will help you avoid problems with veins.

In contact with

The most common cause of protruding veins, not just on the legs, is varicose veins. Women are more susceptible to the negative effects of the disease than men; 7 out of 10 patients are girls. This is explained by changes in hormonal levels and strong pressure in the intra-abdominal cavity during pregnancy.

The problem is not only a cosmetic manifestation, but also means serious deviations in health, well-being significantly worsens, and in some cases causes death. At the initial stages, the most important thing is to slow down the progress of varicose veins, then bulging veins on the legs will not appear for a long time.

If the veins in your legs are bulging, this is the first sign of varicose veins, you should take this symptom seriously and make an appointment with a doctor.

Symptoms and causes of protruding leg veins

  1. The most common cause is varicose veins; it is characterized by dilation of veins due to any deficiencies in the vascular valves. As the disease progresses, the walls lose their elasticity and can become significantly thinner, which leads to an increase in their volume. If the veins in the legs protrude, then nodes have probably already formed, the veins have become tortuous, and abnormalities are observed in the membranes. Most experts point to congenital causes of pathology;
  2. Hereditary factor. There is a high probability that if the veins in the legs of the parents stand out, the children will also suffer from this disease;
  3. Obesity. In overweight people, blood vessels appear much more often, as excess pressure is created on the veins;
  4. Pregnancy creates many reasons for veins to appear on the legs. The load on the legs increases, quite significantly. Also, due to the difficulty of maintaining an active lifestyle, many people spend time sitting or standing, which creates static loads. A lot of pressure is formed in the abdominal cavity, which inevitably affects the vessels of the legs. Often the placenta presses on certain veins, which slows down the blood flow in it. Hormonal levels play an important role;
  5. Job. Some types of work provoke a long stay in one place in a sitting or standing position, then veins protrude on the legs due to lack of blood circulation, which provokes reverse, or stagnation;
  6. Strong physical stress;
  7. The destructive influence of bad habits.

You should consult a doctor after detecting the first symptoms of the disease. At the beginning, minor manifestations are observed or they are completely absent. Subsequently, the veins stand out and over time protrude greatly. Even in the early stages of the disease, you need to know which doctor to contact - a vascular surgeon or phlebologist.

If you ignore the primary symptoms on your legs, then a feeling of heaviness and increased tension begins. Cramps often occur at night. Next, a noticeable stage of the disease begins, the veins begin to protrude, while they bend and increase in diameter. The presence of protruding vessels is a good reason to start treating varicose veins, otherwise pain will begin to appear over time.

Protruding veins are a stage of varicose veins

The causes and treatment of protruding veins largely depend on the type of disease. In fact, few diseases have such a specific manifestation and varicose veins cannot be confused with other diseases.

For authenticity, you can study the photo. When the veins begin to stand out, it is important to know what to do in this case, what kind of disease it is - varicose veins.

Varicose veins are characterized by an increase in the volume of blood vessels. This is caused by stagnation of blood or increased pressure on the vessels. As the load on the veins increases, they become larger, as the walls lose some of their properties. With significant expansion, the formation of blood clots in the lumen of the affected vein is possible, especially often observed due to the strong density of the blood. In other cases, trophic ulcers may appear.

People seek help not only because of an aesthetically unattractive appearance, but also to prevent the development of the disease. If you start treatment in the initial stages, it is possible to eliminate the disease without surgical intervention or prevent the onset of serious consequences.

Treatment methods for varicose veins

  1. There are several basic methods for removing varicose veins; this greatly depends on the stage of the disease and the type of complications.
  2. Conservative approach. Medications are used, usually tablets or creams. This option for dealing with protruding veins is used in the mild and medium stages of the disease. It can significantly alleviate symptoms and prevent further development of the disease. The dilation of the vein itself is irreversible; therefore, if you want to completely eliminate the vein, you will have to undergo surgery;
  3. Surgical approach. It is used in advanced stages, the conclusion about the feasibility of the technique is made by a specialist;

Folk remedies. They often only supplement therapy or are used when only a little vein is visible.

External preparations Women experience severe discomfort when they have diseases of the feet, legs and thighs, as the aesthetic appearance of their legs is greatly deteriorated.

  1. In such cases, you can reduce the manifestations through a simple approach - applying creams.

    Phlebotonics improve the quality of blood vessels and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Among the best niche drugs are:

  2. Varius, Detralex, Troxevasin and Venoruton;

    Anticoagulants prevent blood clots from forming in stagnant, swollen veins. At the same time, the blood thins, which improves its outflow and eliminates the formation of edema. Recommended for use:

  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to eliminate the infection. The drugs Indomethacin and Diclofenac are used.

Remedy for varicose veins Varius

The latest development of Russian specialists has the fastest possible effect - after just 1-2 courses, significant improvements occur even at an advanced stage of varicose veins. The formula is based on native plant extracts and is therefore available without a doctor's prescription. It is usually impossible to purchase a medicine with such a strong effect without a prescription.

You can buy the product at a discount at Official website>>>


For the treatment of varicose veins, special means are indicated for use; they are used as soon as a vein begins to appear or certain pathologies are detected. The most commonly prescribed tablets are venotonics and anticoagulants. Trade marks:

  1. Detralex has an angioprotective effect and is classified as a phlebotonic. It has no contraindications other than allergies. Use 2 tablets per day, which are consumed 1-2 times;
  2. Phlebodia has a venotonic effect and helps reduce congestion in the body and increases vascular tone. Use 1 tablet 1 time per day, drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Course 2 months;
  3. Venarus includes the properties of angioprotectors and phlebotonics. Contraindicated for use during lactation. Use 1-2 tablets 2 times a day;
  4. Troxevasin acts as an angioprotector. It should not be used for ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, or the first trimester of pregnancy. Drink 1 pill three times a day.

Surgical intervention in the classical view today is carried out only in extreme cases. In most cases, minimally invasive treatment methods are preferred. A simplified operation to remove a vein today can be performed through punctures - this is a miniphlebectomy. After the procedure, there are no scars left and general anesthesia is not required.

Laser coagulation allows you to occlude a vessel by inserting a small LED. Heat affects the blood and it clogs the vein, which prevents the circulation of fluid and gradually eliminates the appearance of the vessel. The radiofrequency method is approximately similar, but a different device is introduced.

To quickly and effectively get rid of varicose veins, our readers recommend the cream " VARIUS"The product eliminates varicose veins in one course, quickly and effectively, and consists only of natural ingredients. VARIUS is completely safe. The product has no side effects.

Treatment methods for advanced stages

Treatment of a disease in an advanced stage is not an easy task, because as symptoms and manifestations grow, other life-threatening or health-threatening manifestations may occur. The great danger lies in the high risk of complications, for example, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers. In this case, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Carrying out therapy in the initial stages is much easier, since the use of creams or tablets is sufficient. At advanced stages, you will have to combine many drugs at once, sometimes there is nothing left except expensive drugs. If necessary, surgery is performed, capsules, creams, diets, exercise and wearing compression garments are used.

Tablets with a venotonic effect and anticoagulants, for example, Detralex and Troxevasin, are often used.

Treatment with folk remedies

For treatment, make a tincture or decoction of acacia, nettle, chestnut, and birch buds. 2 tbsp. raw materials are used for 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 2 weeks. Apply such lotions at night.

Apple cider vinegar is considered an effective remedy, diluted with water 1 to 10 and you can either drink it or wipe the skin.

You can prepare a decoction of nettles: 2 tbsp. plants for 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 50 ml twice a day.


  1. Physical education, gymnastics;
  2. Diet;
  3. Do warm-ups at work;
  4. Take vitamins;
  5. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes;
  6. Use compression stockings;
  7. Periodically throw your legs up for a few minutes;
  8. To refuse from bad habits;
  9. Do not use hot baths, saunas, baths.

Do you still think that getting rid of varicose veins quickly is difficult?

An advanced stage of the disease can cause irreversible consequences, such as gangrene, blood poisoning. Often the life of a person with an advanced stage can only be saved by amputation of a limb.

Under no circumstances should the disease be started!

According to statistics, varicose veins are more common among women, especially when it comes to women of the most interesting age after 40 years. However, despite this, young women also need to be more careful, especially as the disease becomes younger. Its appearance is often preceded by pregnancy and long-term use of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

In addition to the fact that the disease is accompanied by pain, it is frightening precisely because of its cosmetic effect. This refers to the fact that varicose veins do not spare the most important part of any woman’s body, namely the legs. Women try to always be in shape, but varicose veins can spoil them for many years. Especially often, varicose veins affect the upper part of the legs – the thighs. Varicose veins of the thigh are the most common and cause the most discomfort.

These are very delicate places and if treatment is not treated promptly, then a disease that begins quite harmlessly can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, try to identify the presence of varicose veins in the early stages, when it can be easily and often completely painlessly treated.

At this stage, you can overcome the disease even without surgery. The main thing is to detect it in time. If you often have to stand still, for example, if you work as a salesperson, or have to work at a computer, when you come home in the evening, you need to listen to your feelings. Pain in the legs, heaviness when walking may already indicate that varicose veins are somewhere nearby.

At first, it manifests itself exactly like this and does not have any external manifestations. If you didn't miss this moment, then you're already in luck. Considering that varicose veins in themselves are not a terrible disease, treatment in your case will be limited to the use of inexpensive medications; diet and rational physical activity will not be superfluous. Varicose veins on the hips manifest themselves differently at different stages.

In the first, initial stages, as mentioned above, it manifests itself only in the form of pain in the extremities. This goes away after a little rest or taking a warm bath.

If you are unlucky and time is lost for some reason, the next stage of varicose veins will already appear visually in the form of an ugly blue mesh. Many still thin veins lie, as it seems to us, on top. This usually occurs on the inner thigh. Local therapy, ointments, compresses and compression garments can also most often cope with this.

The next stage may be the appearance of compactions, swelling of the veins, which is manifested by the formation of nodes of various lengths and shapes. At this stage, sclerotherapy or laser coagulation will help your hips. Both methods are painless and can cope with the disease.

If this happens and you start treating the disease in the initial stages, the skin may weaken and this may result in the appearance of varicose ulcers, which cause a lot of trouble, especially if it concerns the delicate inner surface of the thigh.