Boar, Pig. Eastern Chinese horoscope for Pig, Pig. Chinese horoscope boar, (pig). full characteristics of the sign. compatibility with other signs

In the year of the Pig, people are born who are kind and optimistic. It is very easy to communicate with them, and their honesty and openness captivates you from the first minutes of communication. Thanks to their sociability, representatives of this sign easily get along with people and find a common language, which is confirmed by the eastern horoscope of compatibility of signs by year.

Compatibility of Pig with Pig in love

The compatibility of a man and a woman born in the year of the Pig is quite high, and their mutual understanding often moves to the mental level when they do not need words.

Pig Man cheerful, active, passionate in a good way. He is simply bursting with different ideas and makes many plans for the future, so he is cheerful and gentle. Pig woman he is very impressed. She, in turn, knows how to be an excellent diplomat, make the most favorable impression on others and does not create scandals over trifles, which is very valuable for her man.

Their love does not tolerate falsehood and self-interest; all they can give each other is tenderness, care, attention and dedication. They also feel good in bed, because both love a variety of sex, especially in unusual places and unusual situations. Despite the amorousness, such the couple is faithful to each other, as he values ​​honesty and trusting relationships above all else.

Both in the Pig + Pig pair prefer a slightly secluded lifestyle, especially over time when they begin to live together. This could be a problem in their relationship because both tend to obsess and not desire any other communication. They should communicate more with other people and go out more often.

Compatibility of Pig with Pig in marriage

Having created a family, the Pig man and woman begin to gravitate towards solitude, and their life can turn into a monotonous routine.

Pig Man takes on the responsibilities of a breadwinner and copes well with this, providing the family with a decent life and a comfortable existence. Despite this, the Pig husband is always ready to help his wife around the house, thus showing concern for her. The Pig woman, in turn, always supports her husband in everything, especially when it comes to his career growth or new projects.

Pig Woman not only a good wife and a wonderful housewife, but also a reverent mother. Together with their husband, from early childhood they instill in their children love and respect for traditions and family values.

Relationships between all family members in a pair of Pig woman and Pig man are based on mutual trust and respect. Even after quarrels, they quickly make peace, and in difficult times they work together to find a way out of the current situation.

Sometimes it happens that in an emotional outburst they can say harsh words to each other or make a careless joke, and this greatly hurts their sensitive soul. Fortunately, this rarely happens, so compatibility in marriage between a woman and a man of this sign is very high.

Compatibility of Pig with signs of other years

People born in the year of the Pig are particularly kind and responsive, so they have good relationships with almost all representatives of the eastern horoscope.

Compatibility of Pig and Rat

Against the background of complete mutual understanding, the Pig and the Rat develop excellent trusting relationships, and their compatibility can be considered quite successful. Both strive to start a family as soon as possible, but at the same time they do not seek benefits from each other. The Rat wants a partner who is more liberated in sex than the Pig, so at the initial stages of the relationship, slight contradictions in the relationship are possible.

Compatibility of Pig and Ox

The Ox is by nature very practical and far-sighted, so for the Pig he becomes reliable support in life. The Pig, in turn, helps the Ox open up and become more liberated. Long-term relationships and strong mutual feelings are possible between representatives of these signs. Their compatibility in love can be called very high, especially if the woman is a Pig and the man is an Ox.

Compatibility of Pig and Tiger

The compatibility of the Pig and the Tiger is not very high. They are interested together, and they understand each other well, but the Tiger should learn to reckon with the Pig. From constant concessions to the detriment of himself, the Pig can very quickly become unhappy, especially if the Tiger uses their relationship for his own benefit.

The compatibility of Pig and Rabbit can be called ideal without exaggeration. From the first minutes of meeting they feel strong attraction to each other, and over time they find mutual care, respect and understanding in this union. In such families there is no place for scandals and insults, and in their home there is always prosperity and comfort. The best combination for the compatibility of these signs would be a Rabbit man and a Pig woman.

Compatibility of Pig with Dragon

The vain Dragon really likes the kind and open disposition of the Pig, who does not skimp on praise and compliments. In a relationship, both give each other freedom of action and know how to trust. They can agree and find a common solution, and this reduces the number of quarrels and disagreements to a minimum. Both Pig and Dragon are happy with this, so they can live their whole lives together.

Compatibility of Pig and Snake

The Snake is too selfish, so the Pig regrets the time spent on their relationship. Their relationships are difficult, therefore, compatibility in all areas between the Pig and the Snake is very low. The only possible option when both will be happy is in the “father-daughter” relationship model, namely when the Snake woman is much younger than the Pig man.

Compatibility of Pig and Horse

The Boar and the Horse have different types of character and temperament, so their mutual understanding and compatibility tends to zero. These signs do not have common goals, so they fail to make common plans in life. The Horse is ambitious and active, while the Pig adheres to a calmer rhythm of life. Very soon his patience runs out and he breaks off this relationship.

Compatibility of Pig and Goat

Pig and Goat feel very comfortable together. They can be wonderful friends, and if feelings arise, then great lovers. In the family they lead a closed lifestyle and are very happy about it. The Goat disinterestedly and touchingly takes care of the Pig, and he does not abuse her kindness. The Boar in a couple is always the breadwinner, and the Goat is an assistant and reliable support.

The Boar and the Monkey do not get along right away. They study each other for a long time, but having decided on a relationship, find true love in such a union and mutual understanding. The Pig is able to understand and accept the Monkey with all its shortcomings and does not try to change it. Such a tandem is comfortable for both, so they have every chance of finding happiness together.

Compatibility of Pig and Rooster

The active and very sociable Rooster considers the Pig boring and uninteresting, and the Pig lacks attention. These signs uncomfortable together, because their scale of values ​​is so different. The Rooster loves company, fun and an idle life and often spends money unwisely. The Pig does not feel protected with such a partner, and he is not very comfortable, so he is the first to break off the relationship.

Compatibility of Pig and Dog

Compatibility between Pig and Dog is one of the highest in the horoscope. Both are open and truthful, have common values ​​and the same worldview. Between the Pig and the Dog, as a rule, there is a strong attachment, which is reinforced over time by deep feelings. In life together, the Dog can be excessively fussy, and this irritates the Pig a little. They know how to find a common solution, and any, even small, problems no longer disturb the harmony of their relationship.

Who suits Pig
Fine neutral Badly
GoatRatThe Dragon

Please note that even with the most ideal compatibility of two signs, small quarrels and disagreements are possible, but the main thing is to understand their reason and be able to make concessions. Tell us in the comments about your relationship in the Pig + Pig pair, what, in your opinion, is the best compatibility of this sign?

Horoscope for the year Description of the sign

Horoscope for 2019 for the Year of the Earth Pig (Yellow Earth Pig)

For Pig, 2019 will be fruitful. The patron of the year, Yellow Pig, will always support his relatives, giving them a lot of chances to become richer and happier. Try not to pass them by.

Activity and ingenuity will help you achieve even greater success in all areas of life. Although you are used to making decisions slowly and carefully, this year you should try to change your tactics. And don’t be afraid to take risks, the owner of the year will always have your back.

Pig's altruism towards others will return a hundredfold, but you shouldn't forget about yourself either. This year is ideal for starting a family, giving birth to offspring, strengthening family ties, solving housing issues, and expanding business. There is enough money for everything.

The horoscope stars advise Pig to stop not caring about his health. Don't be physically overloaded and don't get nervous over trifles. The ability to relax, enjoy every little thing, timely rest, optimism are the best healers.

In this final year of the horoscope, it would do well for everyone, especially Pig, to look back to analyze what has passed. Victories and defeats, right decisions and mistakes - all this is experience that teaches us how to live. The patron of the year will help you draw conclusions and choose the right life vector in a related way.

Boar (Pig)

The Pig has inner strength and power, but is very kind, often even to its own detriment. A somewhat naive view of the world, openness and gullibility make him vulnerable. He is honest - so much so that it is difficult for him to understand that people often deceive each other for a variety of reasons. Incapable of lies and betrayal. He is peaceful and sociable, very loyal and compliant, which many try to take advantage of, considering him a mattress. But the point here is not in natural softness, but in the fact that he himself does not consider it important to insist on his own. At the same time, the Pig is rather indifferent to his own mistakes, and the shortcomings of those around him are of little concern to him. What really worries him is his own loyalty to others. In order to be sure that he is doing the right thing, he will harass himself and others with a lot of questions, and may even resort to deception. But he rarely manages to outwit someone, he is too straightforward and honest.

The Pig is talented and enjoys learning, but his knowledge remains superficial. He is rather erudite and knowledgeable about a variety of things in a variety of directions, but is not able to see any kind of system behind it. The information in his head is chaotic and fragmentary, but his natural intelligence allows him to use knowledge sufficiently. In addition, he constantly replenishes their stock - he reads a lot, learns something new, looks for a wide variety of information, the intellectual side of his nature pushes him to do this, but he does not have a penchant for analysis and synthesis, which does not allow him to become a researcher. It is limited to the application of knowledge in practice.

The Pig loves life, he is a great connoisseur and connoisseur of all the pleasures that it can provide. This is a real hedonist who knows a lot about everything - from food to works of art. Sometimes it can even reach the stage of promiscuity if it is not stopped in time. But this rarely happens, mostly Boars are merry fellows and jokers who are very good-natured towards everyone. However, behind the apparent weakness of character lies a strong will, ambition and desire to dominate. The Pig goes headlong towards its goals, stopping at nothing. He overcomes life's difficulties easily. The decision-making process is much more difficult for him - here he will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, find different arguments and look for the optimal solution that would suit everyone. But once he made this decision, there was no stopping him.

Male boar

The Pig is a materialist and usually knows how to get things done in life. He wins over people, and he is often given help in getting a job or getting a loan. He is able to succeed in various fields and has a penchant for business and finance. If desired, he can even reach great heights if he does not indulge in wild life. The Pig is never an ascetic and will never live in poverty - he loves pleasure and comfort too much. His emotionality can awaken in him a craving for art, where he is quite capable of excelling or becoming a passionate art collector. He is very sensitive and sentimental, capable of strong emotions and knows how to look after beautifully. The nature is noble and generous.

Pig woman

Women of this sign are impulsive and emotional. They have a soft, flexible character, but are quite stubborn. They are friendly, sociable and open, but only with those who are pleasant to them. They are polite with others on a formal level; they will neither argue nor prove that they are right, preferring to remain silent. These women tend to give in, but not because of weakness, but quite the opposite - because of strength.

They don’t need to prove anything to anyone, that’s why they don’t get involved in conflicts. They hate shouting, swearing and quarrels and try with all their might to avoid them. They know how to run a household, make life joyful and enjoyable, often come up with various rituals and family holidays, and love to tinker with children. They make exemplary wives and mothers - they succeed everywhere and know how to do everything joyfully and with inspiration.

Element: Water.
Energy: yin.

Years of the Boar:

  • from February 4, 1935 to January 23, 1936;
  • from January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948;
  • from February 8, 1959 to January 27, 1960;
  • from January 27, 1971 to February 15, 1972;
  • from February 13, 1983 to February 1, 1984;
  • from January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996;
  • from February 18, 2007 to February 6, 2008;
  • from February 5, 2019 to January 24, 2020.

Celebrities born in the year of the Pig

Alain Delon, Albert Schweitzer, Alfred Hitchcock, Arkady Raikin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Blaise Pascal, Vasily Livanov, Valentin Gaft, Vanga, Van Dyck, Vladimir Nabokov, Wolf Messing, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hector Berlioz, John Rockefeller, Giuseppe Cagliostro, Carl Jung, Marc Chagall, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Nostradamus, Otto von Bismarck, Prosper Merimee, Ronald Reagan, Francoise Sagan, Ernest Hemingway.

Love and marriage among the Boars

The Pig is open, naive and emotional, often gets carried away and is deceived in his feelings. Pig is easy to deceive; he does not believe that anyone can pretend to be in love. Caution and foresight will not hurt him, but he rarely shows them. Getting carried away, he forgets about everything in the world.

Pig Man - Rat Woman

Both value beauty, comfort and coziness. Both know how to make money. They have a lot in common, only the assertiveness of the Rat can sometimes harm the relationship.

Pig Man - Buffalo Woman

The boar will be comfortable, but a little bored. Therefore, he will start looking around, and the Buffalo will not tolerate this.

Pig Man - Tiger Woman

The Tiger Woman attracts and fascinates the Pig, but it is difficult for him to understand her desire to rise upward; the Pig wants something more earthly.

Pig Man - Cat Woman

The union is not bad, but both signs tend to hang out on the side. And if the Cat woman is able to keep her mouth shut, then the simple-minded Pig finds it difficult to hide his adventures.

Pig Man - Dragon Woman

The Pig knows how to care and admire, and the Dragon loves signs of attention. The union is strong if the Pig remains faithful.

Pig Man - Snake Woman

The Snake attracts and fascinates the Pig, but this is the type of union where one party becomes overly dependent. The Snake knows how to wisely use others, especially the naive Pig. The boar risks losing more than gaining.

Pig Man - Horse Woman

Although the Pig appreciates pleasure, the Horse’s passionate nature worries him. He cannot stand a long relationship - for him it is fraught with emotional stress and breakdowns.

Pig Man - Goat Woman

A wealthy Pig and a gentle Goat, accustomed to luxury - what could be more harmonious than this union? The Pig is delighted, and the Goat is pleased.

Pig Man - Monkey Woman

A difficult alliance. But the Monkey is too cunning to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the Pig’s location. In addition, she appreciates his financial wealth.

Pig Man - Rooster Woman

An alliance is possible if the Pig shows loyalty and does not get into disputes.

Pig Man - Dog Woman

Not a bad union. Mutual respect and understanding of related signs will help them overcome the difference in attitude towards material values.

Pig Man - Pig Woman

It’s easy for them to find a common language, but it’s difficult to get along together.

* * * * *

The Goat, a sophisticated aesthetician, suits the Pig more than others. Tender and vulnerable, she delights Pig.

He can find a common language with the Cat, who understands a lot about pleasure, does not like quarrels and discussions, preferring to create comfort in his nest.

Relationships with the Monkey should be avoided, since the Pig will be a loser here.

The Tiger can fascinate the Pig, but it will be incomprehensible to him and almost inaccessible.

The buffalo will turn out to be a loyal and reliable comrade. Both signs are materialists, which makes them similar.

Drawing of the Boar's fate

The fate of the Pig depends on the period in which he was born. The closer his birthday is to Chinese New Year, the less luck awaits him in life and the more adversity he will have to endure. All other Pigs are happier. In general, the Pig is a lucky sign; they often manage to avoid trouble due to their gentle nature and ability to be a faithful and devoted comrade.

Pig's childhood and youth are often calm and cloudless. They love boars for their easy-going nature and undemanding character. They are friendly, open and cheerful and do not cause too many problems for their elders.

The second phase is more problematic - Pigs turn out to be not very faithful spouses. But everything is forgiven to Pig for his light, cheerful disposition.

The last phase of life, as a rule, is peaceful - he has few friends, but all of them are tested and remain friendly to the Pig until old age. He is very caring and attentive to those he loves, and he is reciprocated in kind.

Combinations of Eastern and Western signs

Combining the year and month of birth gives a more complete and accurate description of the individual and helps to understand the hidden characteristics of nature.


This Pig is characterized by emotionality, enviable vitality, health and some straightforwardness. Such a person can give the impression of a village bumpkin. But this impression is deceptive. It’s just that Pig finds it difficult to behave in society, and he is not one of those who sees his own shortcomings. He considers himself an ideal in everything and cannot stand those who criticize him or make comments to him. But, one way or another, such a person is perceived rather kindly. He is valued for his gentle disposition and optimistic attitude.

Pigs are cheerful, do not dwell on failures, and are not characterized by deceit and skepticism. They keep an even and slightly familiar distance from everyone, which, oddly enough, gives good results - there are no interpersonal problems in teams under their leadership. Such people are reliable and do not let their partners down, both in business and in the family. They have a big and, in general, kind heart. Sexually, the Pig-Aries is attractive, although he is prone to a certain treachery. Paying attention to details even in intimate situations is not his principle.


The most painstaking and focused of all Pig. The well-known slogan “a penny saves the ruble” was most likely invented by the Pig-Taurus. The ideal bank employee. Such people give the impression of being simple and balanced. But it's not that simple. Outwardly, Pig-Taurus is always calm, but difficult passions can boil inside. Which ones exactly - it’s better not to know. As a rule, no one knows, because these passions manifest themselves only in exceptional cases, when he is very angry. Pig-Taurus is a typical representative of the middle class. It’s good to start a family with such people - she will be behind him like behind a stone wall. A silent, reliable and patient wall. Silence, however, is not characteristic of all varieties of this type. Some of the Pig-Taurus, having escaped from their characteristic state (for example, during a dispute on an issue that interests them), cannot stop. Over time, such people, to the complete dismay of those around them, become the toastmaster and the soul of the company.


The actions of this Pig are not very clear from the outside, so he is not strong in relationships with others. Finding himself in periodic quarrels with colleagues and even friends, he strives to find understanding and approval in the family, especially in children. For the sake of the latter, he is ready to do anything. But his dynamic character is not satisfied with family life alone, so the Gemini Pig manifests itself in all existing areas of activity. He has enough abilities for any of them, the only question is to stop at one thing. Such people can be anyone - from an engineer to a magician. But the lack of understanding of others forces them to concentrate on themselves and their ambitions. The last factor, if it suddenly starts working, is capable of bringing the Gemini Pig to very serious, sometimes greatest, results. They see many situations from an idealistic perspective, and this point of view makes them not only humanists capable of helping their neighbors, but also very rich and successful people.


This Pig suits everyone with his disposition. He is not prone to intrigue and perceives the world in all its manifestations. He earns easily, but spends just as easily. He does not like to deny himself pleasures, preferring them to other types of leisure. The lightness of nature attracts him to luxury, entertainment and sexual pleasures. At the same time, he is enterprising in business and often succeeds. Among such people there is a high percentage of businessmen. Their self-control in everything that is not related to leisure is at a decent level. At the same time, they are capable of high feelings, but only out of serious affection. Pig-Cancer is a very subtle and impressionable nature. He can be very sentimental and vulnerable.


This combination is one of the most effective. Such people are not flexible, but they have great ambition, strength and the necessary leadership qualities. These traits allow them to achieve success in any endeavor, solve any problem, and participate in the most complex projects. This happens most often due to skillful administration. The ability to give instructions and put everyone in their place is one of the main things for Leo-Pig. The emotional background of such a combination is not simple. Achieving high goals, Pig-Leo remains selfless. He is, rather, a calm romantic, which does not quite fit with his nomenclature coordinate system. Therefore, the inner world of such people is often enslaved. They strive for confidence and comfort, but very rarely receive them and often live with a feeling of dissatisfaction. Only a circle of friends and family can help in such situations. Both are constant for Leo-Pig. He is not a fan of changing partners, friends and company.


This Pig is not quite typical. He is quite complex and is afraid of people to the same extent as of complete loneliness. Someone like him needs someone around, but not too many. This is an intelligent and respectable person. At the same time, he is mobile and efficient, capable of friendship and successful partnership. Possessing a clear mind, he does not require guidance or help for himself, but takes on the most painstaking part of the work. Oddly enough, he likes a long routine; it scares away the curious and those who are able to interfere with him. He can work best in a team that he himself recruited. Recruitment is one of his strengths. In it he is responsible, as elsewhere, and tries to bring any of the tasks taken to the end. Emotionally, he is very different and reveals himself fully only in a narrow circle. Usually this is a company or family.


This combination produces a sensitive and sentimental nature, for which the environment is extremely important. They cannot stand shouting, arguments and disagreements and try to find a common language with everyone. This is where Libra's diplomacy and Pig's desire not to offend anyone come into play. Pig-Libra is balanced and stable, but he is characterized by some passivity - he prefers to be led rather than lead. He is often attracted to art, but he manages to develop his abilities only if he comes across a suitable teacher. Pig-Libra certainly has ambitions, but he has a hard time building a career. He perceives all his weaknesses and shortcomings as vices, although some properties of his nature fully fall under this definition. Pig-Libra knows about this and tries to hide some of its manifestations from others, so when communicating it tries to keep its distance and not reveal more than it should. This is difficult for him - Pig's open disposition conflicts with his internal attitude towards maintaining a secret. He is so afraid that someone will find out about his secret inclinations that even in love he maintains a certain degree of alienation, despite falling in love. This makes him attractive to the opposite sex and creates an aura of mystery around him. He is affectionate and often remains faithful to his partner. This is a sign that is able to be inspired by emotions and sublimate sexual energy into creative energy.


This is a strong and ambitious personality. The Scorpio Pig rushes towards its goal with such tenacity that it is able to work around the clock. He knows nothing about fatigue and other such nonsense - business comes first for him. He is always passionate about what he is doing at the moment, and knows how to lead and give orders. His leadership style is always authoritarian, but he believes that this is necessary for the good of the business. He nips the emotions of his subordinates and their desire to be willful in the bud, which creates problems for him in the team. But leaving such a boss is not easy - if he thinks that he needs this employee, he will never let him go. At the same time, he looks convincing and, what is remarkable, calm and reasonable. But this is only the outer plane - inside he is sensitive, especially to insults inflicted or what he perceives as an insult, and especially if someone gets in his way and interferes with the implementation of his plans. Then he lets go of his emotions and turns into a pursuer - and will not rest until the enemy is defeated. This is how his emotional side manifests itself. He is generously gifted sexually, like all Scorpios, but it is difficult to get along with him. He knows how to find an approach to children and raise them as individuals.



This combination produces people who are balanced, reliable and ambitious. They are conservative, adhere to traditional views and ideas about life. They almost always strive to make a career, are persistent in achieving their goals and do everything slowly but surely. As a result, they often achieve the highest position. They look calm, but if they feel threatened, they become unstoppable and are ready to fight for real. It is better not to bring such a person to a state of anger. They are caring towards loved ones and family; they will never forget about the older generation or distant relatives. They are proud of their family and devote a lot of time to it. They are also attentive to friends and partners, and are always sincerely interested in their close surroundings and the atmosphere in their families. They are generously gifted sexually, but are not prone to fleeting relationships.


The calmness of the Pig-Aquarius is deceptive. Just like everything else. He seems soft, homely and balanced, but in fact he is capable of not only spontaneous and reckless, but even shocking actions. The Aquarius nature cannot do without shocking. Although in this combination this does not manifest itself so expressively, rather this behavior causes surprise and creates intrigue and a creative atmosphere around the Aquarius-Pig personality. He may seem simple-minded and even naive, but behind this lies remarkable potential and abilities for logical and strategic thinking, the ability to calculate different combinations and work on mistakes made. He often hides under different masks, which can confuse even close people - no one really knows what he really is. And he himself, like all Aquarians, cannot say anything definite about himself - he is constantly changing. He is efficient, sociable, has the skills to behave in a team - he can unite people and set feasible tasks for them. As a leader, he is very insightful and loyal, but the breadth of views characteristic of Aquarius sometimes interferes with leadership; in some cases, conservatism is more advantageous. Emotionally, the Pig-Aquarius is excitable, quickly gets carried away, but never allows his feelings to rule his life; work always comes first for him. In partnerships, he values ​​freedom above all else.


A combination that gives a stable psyche and high emotionality. These are the type of people who can make you open up, they are responsive and cordial, sensitive and gentle. These are universal “vests” that are very convenient to cry in. They will listen, help and support. Pig-Pisces can even create the right mood in a team, acting gently and diplomatically. He knows how to show his best qualities, express his disposition towards everyone, and people try to unite around such a personality. This is an excellent leader who is adored by his subordinates: he knows how to motivate his employees, create a pleasant working atmosphere, defend their interests before their superiors and prevent conflicts. Reluctance to conflict is a distinctive personality trait of the Pig-Pisces. He would prefer to settle everything peacefully and not start long and tedious showdowns, which inevitably lead to confrontation. He understands people, more intuitively than from the standpoint of logic and psychology, he knows how to find the right tone in a conversation, choose the right words. As a rule, he achieves his goals, knows how to turn any situation in his favor and find advantages in any situation. Sexually attractive, knows how to be gentle and caring. He values ​​his family very much and loves children. Unfortunately, he is prone to depression, which he tries to hide from others.

Boar's secret identity

Depending on the hour of birth, each sign has a satellite sign, which makes its own adjustments to a person’s personality. The day is divided into 12 periods of 2 hours, and the Pig, born during the hours of the Rat, differs from the Pig, which was born during the hours of the Tiger or Goat.

Pig born during the hours of the Rat - from 23 to 1 am

This Pig will be well versed in financial matters. He will always be able to stay afloat and make the right investments.

Boar born during Buffalo hours - from 1 to 3 am

The boar has an independent disposition and is very pleased with itself. Stubborn, willful and more restrained in emotions than others, Kabanov. His main problem is gluttony, which does not have the best effect on his figure and health.

Pig born during Tiger hours - from 3 am to 5 am

Emotional, brave and impetuous Pig. He has organizational skills and the makings of a leader, but because of his loyalty he does not always achieve much, as he will strive to find a solution that suits everyone.

Pig born during the hours of the Cat - from 5 to 7 am

A boar who does not like to make unnecessary movements and tries to achieve his goals in the shortest possible way and with a minimum of costs. He has wisdom and strictly looks after his interests.

Pig born during the hours of the Dragon - from 7 to 9 am

A strong personality with great will and perseverance. Loyal to friends and family, very responsible and proud. He tries not to let anyone down and can act to his own detriment.

Pig born during the hours of the Snake - from 9 to 11 am

The Pig is not so straightforward and open - he is more inclined to contemplation than to active action. Consistent and methodical in achieving the goal, has fewer doubts.

Pig born during Horse hours - from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This Pig is characterized by strength of character and fortitude. He is ambitious, persistent and proud. He is able to rise very high - sociability helps him acquire the necessary connections.

Pig born during the hours of the Goat - from 13 to 15 days

Responsive and soft Pig. He strives to help, sympathize, and support everyone. Unscrupulous people often take advantage of this and begin to squeeze money out of him.

Pig born during the hours, Monkeys - from 15 pm to 17 pm

The cunning Pig is open and simple-minded in appearance, but knows how to pretend. It is not so easy to deceive him, it is impossible to force him to do something against his will. In addition, he is very concerned about issues of material well-being.

Pig born during the hours of the Rooster - from 17 to 19 pm

This is a fighter who tilts at windmills - he will stubbornly defend someone who does not need care at all, and show miracles of heroism. Completely unsuited for life, he needs a practical companion to direct his energy in the right direction.

Pig born during Dog hours - from 19 to 21 pm

The Dog restrains the Pig's emotionality, gives him the ability to think logically and look at life realistically. Such a Pig will act actively, directly and will never stoop to a lie.

Pig born during Pig hours - from 21 to 23 pm

A generous soul, sympathetic and kind. Such a person most often becomes the soul of the company. His home is a full cup, his family is strong and reliable, calm and harmony reign in his life.

Years of the Boar, Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 (element earth, color yellow)
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 (element metal, color white)
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 (element water, color black)
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 (element wood, color blue)
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 (element fire, color red)
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 (element earth, color yellow)

The Pig woman usually enjoys the sympathy of others, especially men. It is not surprising, because a woman of this type is an ideal friend: she will love, sympathize, support any, even the most fantastic, ideas and generously forgive unseemly actions. She is devoted to her friends, showering them with gifts and providing them with support and various services, even to the detriment of herself. She just needs to take care of someone. However, her inherent gullibility and straightforwardness can work against her, making her the prey of unscrupulous people.
The Pig woman tends to over-romanticize love relationships and often naively dreams of a prince on a white horse. It may seem that in matters of the heart, the most important thing for her is love itself. This woman will see only good things in her chosen one until the very end, although due to her inherent artlessness she may fall in love with a man who makes her suffer. At the same time, she rarely takes revenge for the insults caused to her.
The Pig woman is prone to jealousy; attempts to “take away” her lover or friend can really drive her crazy. However, even in extremely tense situations, this woman rarely betrays her simple-minded nature and acts meanly, although she can be belligerent and quite petty. But still, as a rule, she tries to avoid confrontations and disputes. The worst that ill-wishers can expect from her is exclusion from the list of invitees and a lack of friendly disposition on her part.

The Pig woman appreciates good food and loves both attending and hosting formal dinners. She is very impressed by meeting famous people. In addition, this lady loves luxury and abundance and most often has enough money to live the way she wants. The financial luck that accompanies her is usually expressed in a generous inheritance or a wealthy spouse.

Elements of the female element Pig.

The Pig woman of the Wood element is very kind to others, delicate, kind-hearted and compassionate. However, she often suffers from shyness and bouts of painful timidity. Because of this, it is difficult for her to take initiative or open up in love relationships; She feels most comfortable at home.

The Pig woman of the Fire element is stubborn, energetic and has her own view of things and phenomena. She may be aggressive, but she is driven by noble intentions. Unshakable idealism often makes her rebel against the slightest manifestations of social inequality. A woman of this type loves to feel like she is the creator of a successful collaboration.

The Pig woman of the Earth element has extremely idealistic ideas about what the world should be like and everything that it contains. Her actions are always dictated by the best intentions, however, when she realizes the real state of affairs, her rage knows no bounds. This lady is capable of making those around her unhappy.

People born in the year Pigs, have a good disposition. They generous, honest, humane. In any situation and in every person, they try to see the positive first. Maybe due to the fact that Pigs often turn a blind eye to the negative qualities of people, they often remain deceived, because... ill-wishers take advantage of their openness to satisfy their own interests. In this aspect, Pigs should be more careful.

People born in the year of the Pig have very few friends. But they value those who do exist very much, friendship with them lasts a lifetime, and for the sake of their friends, Pigs are ready to sacrifice a lot.

Pigs love a prosperous life, they love the rustle of treasured bills in their pocket. Saving and living within their means is not for them. And surprisingly, although money does not flow like a river to the Pigs, there is still a fairly stable stream.

Thanks to his kind soul and openness, the Pig can choose any field of activity. In any business, she will prove herself to be a hard worker or a wise boss.

The Pig easily fits into almost any company, although he speaks little. True, if one of the topics that interests her is touched upon, then a continuous speech will flow from the Pig. And she will not calm down until she speaks out completely.

The Pig has varied interests. She reads a lot, but indiscriminately. This gives the impression that she knows everything, but this is only superficial knowledge.

Beneath the "simple" personality of the Pig lies strength, which helps her implement plans and set new goals.

Pig Man

Sweet, good-natured, funny guy. The Pig man loves to eat deliciously, and the food should be exquisite, and the wine should be the most expensive. In company he is an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener. His natural kindness, on the one hand, helps, and on the other, destroys. Helps out because... without kindness you cannot survive, but it “ruins”, because there are those who try to get by at the expense of the Pig man. But, even being fooled, he will smile and continue to live positively, without getting angry at his offenders. Although, if you take advantage of his kindness too much, sooner or later patience runs out for Pig men. Enraged, Pigs rush into the fray and will not stop until they are sure that they have won.

The Pig man is very attractive in appearance, so he has his own “collection” of fans. He very amorous and passionate, but quickly cools down. His young life is remembered by numerous novels, often unsuccessful, because... The Pig man has been searching for his ideal woman for a long time. And when the search is over and a ring is put on the ring finger, the Pig man becomes a loving and faithful husband.

Pig Woman

She is sexy and charming. For her sake, many men are ready to turn off their path and follow this “goddess”. The Pig woman knows what she wants and knows how to present herself in such a way that all her desires are fulfilled at the expense of others.

She can be an unapproachable prude, or she can be a frivolous libertine. This is why she attracts a lot of attention. Having found her soul mate, the Pig woman will be cold and reserved for a long time until she is convinced that she has not made a mistake in her choice. She needs romance like air: tender confessions, unexpected beautiful bouquets... She really loves with her ears. But when she is convinced that the one who is needed is nearby, she will give herself to him without reserve. The Pig woman is a wonderful housewife and caring mother.

With all this, she will never refuse help. If you are lucky enough to become a friend of a Pig woman, then rest assured that you already have a foothold. But when she herself needs help, she will probably refuse, just so as not to disturb your peace.

The Pig woman is a real shopaholic. She loves to look stylish and fashionable, so when buying clothes, the last thing she looks at is the price tag. She is the soul of a noisy company, because... knows how to have fun and entertain others.

We can say about her that she is the chosen one of fortune. The bird of happiness loves her and luck is usually on her side.

Pig by zodiac sign

People born in the year of the Pig (or Boar) are more good-natured and simple than others, however, the Constellation under which a person was born can have a certain influence.


People born under the constellation Aries are strong, decisive, strong-willed individuals. Aries-Pigs also have enough will, but also additionally, kindness, cheerfulness, a positive attitude and gentleness in communication are added.

Conflicts bypass them. They love to communicate, and they manage to maintain smooth, friendly relations with everyone. Aries pigs attract people with their sense of humor and their affection. It is rare to meet a sincerely kind and good-natured person these days. Aries-Pigs are exactly like that.

Compared to others, it is relatively easy for them to create a team and motivate people, so they make smart leaders. But they cannot stand criticism, considering themselves ideal. If they hear a remark addressed to them, they begin to engage in self-criticism. In order to discharge and throw out excessively accumulated energy, they are recommended to exercise regularly.


A strong, balanced Taurus, although sometimes he shows himself in an unexpected and unpleasant way. Outwardly, he may be soft and calm, but if you just piss him off, you will cause a “volcanic eruption.” He is silent, but this, again, is while he is in a balanced state. At the same time, it is not uncommon to find such individuals at the junction of these horoscopes who make a good career working as a toastmaster or host of entertainment events.

Pig-Taurus reliable and conscientious. Likes to communicate with business people and make important business decisions. This is his environment, in which he usually becomes the life of the party, unless he is suppressed by someone else's stronger personality. He is a good family man. A man takes on the responsibilities of a husband and father with great responsibility, and a woman is a caring mother. The weakness of the Pig-Taurus is his stubbornness.

Gemini Pig

eccentric people who They often surprise others with their actions. Because of their unexpected antics, they often have quarrels and conflicts even with friends. But in the Pig-Gemini family, he does not allow any conflicts. For them, family is an oasis where they can be themselves. They adore their children and actively participate in their upbringing.

Gemini Pig have versatile personalities. They have many hobbies. They do not allow themselves to get bored, which is why financial crises that affect them happen very rarely. The Gemini Pig can be either a businessman or find his place in the circus.

People born under the stars of this Sign need to avoid stress, because... stress undermines their inner strong core.


Sensual people, with an emotional approach to any matter. They are peaceful, but when it is necessary to defend their position at any cost, they can do it quite well. Energetic, with business acumen. They They perform especially well in business. They are not attached to material values, but they know how to make good money. They can spend all the money they earn on pleasure and entertainment. Their “hard-earned money” ends up in expensive restaurants, casinos, fashion boutiques, etc. They love society and noisy companies.

The choice of a soul mate is approached with whim, because... they want to see next to them an impeccable person: financially secure, with taste and external beauty. However, having finally created a family, Pig-Cancer tries to show his best qualities.


The power of the Pig with the power of Leo is something. But they will never be the first to show aggression. They defend themselves well, but attacking is not their principle. Pigs-Lions selfless, value true friendship, sincere love.

The combination of these signs makes Leo even more lazy. However, if he still manages to pull himself together and show his will, then the Pig-Leo will achieve very great success in life.

The problem for Pigs-Lvivs is that internally they feel an almost insurmountable confrontation. They want to be active, purposeful, successful, but an inner call pulls them towards a quiet backwater. Because of this, there are frequent moments of apathy, self-criticism, and self-pity. Pigs-Leos can truly relax only in their family, they especially love to communicate with children.


These are the most responsible Virgos, literally rooting for any cause with their souls. They have real business acumen, and they will certainly complete the work they start. These are realistic people; fruitless dreams and fantasies are not about them. Here and now is their motto.

Pig-Virgo is calculating. This also applies to love. He regains his strength in the circle of his loved ones. But this Pig cannot stay with them for long. Virgos born in the year of the Pig, like air, need their own space. A place where they could think about current goals and outline plans. Pig-Virgos cannot live without plans.


People with these zodiac traits are amiable and sentimental. Their life very much depends on the environment in which they find themselves. The peculiarity of these people is that they cannot stand negativity. If they hear swearing every now and then and observe conflicts, then depression, nervousness, and fear will become constant companions of Libra Pig.

Pig-Libra are very creative individuals. They gravitate towards music and art. For successful self-realization for Pigs-Libra an experienced and wise mentor is needed. Finding your place in life on your own will be much more difficult; it will require enormous willpower and strict adherence to the right plan.

The disadvantage of these people is that they doubt a lot before deciding on something. In love, they are afraid to fall under the influence of their partner, so they remain slightly aloof.

Scorpio Pig

Scorpios hardworking and persistent, and the characteristics of the Pig only enhance these qualities. They go towards their intended goal without noticing fatigue. These are simply tireless people.

Pig-Scorpio knows how to lead, but does it harshly, which is why conflicts often occur in the work team. Although the Pig-Scorpio boss will never let go of truly valuable employees and will do everything to keep them.

Scorpio Pigs have powerful internal energy, but at the same time they are capable of unexpected manifestations of sensuality. They take grievances hard, the feeling of injustice towards themselves unsettles them.

Not everything goes smoothly in the family either. Pig-Scorpio will try to subjugate his partner. In raising children he often shows excessive severity.

Pig Sagittarius

They love society, noisy companies, and bustle. They They are trusting and try to help everyone. They have a big heart, they do not know how and do not like to judge. They approach their work with full responsibility, they like to take on obligations that they certainly fulfill. True, they always expect praise for their work. Without approval they fade away.

Pig-Sagittarius needs love. From it he draws the necessary energy for life. In public, these Sagittarians try to behave in such a way as to leave the most flattering opinion about themselves.

Sagittarius Pigs are perhaps the best family men. They will sacrifice everything for the sake of their family. But here too their weakness lies in their gullibility, which selfish people use for their own purposes.

Pig Capricorn

Strives for high goals. These people have a hyperdeveloped desire to achieve everything in life without particularly straining themselves physically. And many really manage to get to the pinnacle of fame, but only under the condition of developed determination and constant updating of knowledge.

They know how to have beautiful conversations; in the company of Pigs-Capricorns, they are welcome storytellers. Although they avoid noise and fuss, preferring to gain strength in solitude.

In their work, they strive to reduce errors to a minimum, therefore they do things slowly, but clearly and faithfully. They do not remain silent when loved ones or colleagues need help and are happy to take on some of their problems.

Pigs-Capricorns treat older people with special respect, instilling this respect in their children. As for love, here Pig-Capricorn is cautious, too afraid of being tricked and deceived. Outwardly they are calm, but on special occasions you may be surprised at their fortitude.


Unusual people, in the sense that they are capable of eccentric acts at a time when this is not at all expected from them. But they are kind and will not be able to offend on purpose; if this happens, it will only be by accident. The monotony of life is not about them. Aquarius Pig have bright personalities and want to live brightly, in full accordance with their inner world.

They are charming. They have many interests and can teach you a lot. Pig-Aquarius is a very freedom-loving person, which of course creates some problems in the family. Although any conflicts, including family ones, are quickly extinguished by the Pig-Aquarius. He has a talent for this.

They should monitor their weight and appetite, because... gluttony is their problem.


They honor family ties. They stay in their parents' house for a long time, sometimes longer than necessary. They have a lot of affection and warmth. They give more than they receive, and are happy about it. Pisces Pisces are hard workers, but do not put material wealth above other life values.

These are charming and attractive personalities; they create a soft atmosphere in any company. They get bored with monotony and strive for novelty. If Pig-Pisces achieves the leadership position, then under such leadership you will not only want to work, but to work effectively.

Attaches special importance to family and strives for equality. If a partner tries to crush the Pig-Pisces under himself, the marriage will fall apart.

She often resembles a child in her behavior. As the Chinese horoscope says, the Pig woman, this cheerful person with a positive attitude towards the world and people, knows how to enjoy and be happy about literally everything.

True, she is somewhat gullible, so it is quite easy to deceive her or use her for her own purposes. Despite this, she cannot learn caution and does not learn from mistakes made, and is not too vindictive. Even if someone seriously offends her, she can easily receive forgiveness, because Pig never holds a grudge against someone for too long, and her trust can be easily restored if only she sees trends for improvement. It never happens that she is burning with the desire to take revenge, even if this would be a completely justified step.

In her soul there is a lot of sympathy and understanding of human weaknesses, she is ready to justify everyone and is happy to help others, even when, in an objective opinion, these people do not deserve such treatment at all. These are very tolerant people, and you can be sure that they will never judge anyone or point fingers contemptuously.

According to the horoscope, the Pig woman is a very smart, well-read and bright person who often becomes a mouthpiece of public opinion. She always knows and can tell something interesting, and often impresses those around her with this.

Usually the Pig's circle of loved ones is not very large, because quality is more important to her than quantity. There is a tendency to end up in the wrong company because a woman cannot be assertive and often allows people to decide things for her. The latter situation can be quite threatening for her, because the Pig can be easily persuaded to use stimulants, and from here it is already one step to dangerous addiction, especially since this sign has a predisposition to it. But, fortunately, when the Pig notices that he is moving in a dangerous direction, he can stop in time and return to the true path.

Pig woman in love

For a woman born under the sign of the Pig, love is associated primarily with marriage. Most of those born in these years of the Chinese calendar are interested in long-term relationships, which, like in romantic films, must certainly end with a joint trip to the altar.

In love, the Pig woman values ​​loyalty, security and... a sense of humor. Who is the ideal man for a Pig woman? Her chosen one cannot be gloomy, grumpy and greedy. The Pig woman is a homebody for whom family and home are the most important values ​​in life. She always looks at the potential conqueror of her heart as the future father of her children. Therefore, men who openly declare that children cause them irritation and goosebumps are most likely deprived of the chance of reciprocity.

The characteristics of the Pig woman also include this feature: she does not like competition and if she knows that in some area she will have to compete with someone, she simply leaves the battlefield. This is, of course, not very good for her, because because of this she often loses important life chances, in particular, happiness in her personal life.

Pig woman in sex

Despite her serious attitude towards love and relationships, the Pig woman does not shy away from carnal pleasures, has a great appetite for sex, knows a lot about it and is not afraid to reveal her wishes, requests, and possibilities to her partner. In bed with a woman of the Year of the Pig, you won’t have to beat around the bush and pretend to be someone else.

Horoscope: Pig woman in a permanent relationship

Decision-making, including in the area of ​​relationships, is not her strong point, because she often hesitates for too long and has great doubts that she has made a good choice. At the same time, she never goes back on her word, and it is impossible to convince her, so it is better to immediately abandon this idea. Loved ones need to know this when they are going, for example, to dissuade their Pig from a relationship with an unsuitable partner. When she has to defend her rightness, all her tenderness and sensitivity disappears somewhere. Then she eloquently demonstrates how consistent she can be, which often evokes admiration and genuine delight from those around her. Sensitive, sociable and sincere in life and in love, the Pig woman can sometimes lose her natural kindness even under the influence of life circumstances. But in her company a man can almost always feel safe.

If he wins her trust and wins her heart (which, as the Chinese love horoscope warns, always takes time), then the Pig woman will be an ally in difficult moments of life until the very end. She is perhaps the only one who, in reality, and not in words, can still be sincerely friends with ex-boyfriends or lovers.

In general, people of this Chinese zodiac sign have a very strong tendency towards self-sacrifice and are able to give up their own good for the good of others, even if they know that this will not be appreciated or, even worse, may not be noticed. It is not at all important to the pig that anyone sees her good deeds, because she does not do them to satisfy vanity. But this is far from a person devoid of any shortcomings. So, she has a tendency to lie, and she can resort to it, even when she could well do without it.

How to win a Pig woman: first date

The eastern love horoscope advises: men who are terrified of meeting women should date a Pig for “therapeutic” purposes. She is a beautiful, always smiling and cheerful woman with whom you can have a great free time. Her innate goodwill, “correctness,” as well as a tolerant attitude towards the mistakes of others have a calming effect on her partner. And yet, if the question arises of how to win the heart of a Pig woman, then you need to know the following. Despite the fact that she is a homebody by nature, she loves to travel from time to time, especially to be in the lap of nature. Hiking in the mountains, sailing or even fishing together are not bad ideas to win her affection and conquer the Pig woman. One hundred percent female Pig can also often be found in a bookstore, because she is a big fan of reading. Therefore, discussing your favorite authors and books, interesting publications will also help open the way to the heart of a Pig girl or woman.

Women's horoscopes of other signs of the eastern calendar: