Ultrasound of leg vessels. Ultrasound of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities: what does the examination show? What does ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities show?

Blood constantly circulates in the human body. It reaches every cell, supplies nutrients and oxygen. Sometimes the blood slows down when it encounters small obstacles.

When transporting blood, the hard work is done by the heart and blood vessels, which, like a network of roads and highways, envelop the body. Arteries drain and veins carry blood to the heart. A network of small capillaries carries fluid throughout the tissues.

In the human body, the circulatory system must work flawlessly. Difficulties begin when obstacles arise in the veins and arteries - plaques or blood clots, which at any moment can break away from the vessel wall and block the path of blood flow. This can lead to stroke, heart attack, and pulmonary embolism. To avoid such tragedies, it is important to detect even minor changes in the condition of the veins in time.

Which organs can be examined with ultrasound?

Ultrasound is used to diagnose:

What does ultrasound show?

The doctor who performs the ultrasound sees where the flow speed and direction of blood slows down and speeds up, where the venous valves do not close. Additional equipment makes it possible to measure blood flow speed, giving an idea of ​​the condition of the vessel walls and the length of the veins. It is possible to detect narrowing of the arteries caused by atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other diseases of the blood vessels in the abdominal cavity, neck, arms and legs.

Ultrasound examination methods:

Common disorders of the circulatory system of the lower extremities

The most common diseases of the veins in the legs are varicose veins and thrombosis. The impact of various external and internal factors: heredity, uncomfortable clothes and shoes, pregnancy, excessive physical activity, uncomfortable working conditions and bad habits - contribute to the development of diseases.

When varicose veins occur, bluish veins and red networks of blood vessels first appear on the legs, then, if you ignore the first sign of the disease, whole clusters of ugly swollen veins appear on the surface.

Due to the influence of the described negative factors, the veins begin to lose elasticity and become deformed. The walls become thinner and weaker, leading to stagnation of blood in the vessels. Rapid fatigue in the legs, aching pain, and a feeling of heaviness appear. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, a serious complication can develop - thrombosis.

Thrombosis, or venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis), develops not only due to untreated varicose veins. The causes are hormonal changes, the consequences of surgery, changes in the walls of blood vessels due to a previous heart attack or stroke, changes in hormonal levels, asthma, chronic leukemia.

Stagnation of blood forms a blood clot on the walls, interfering with the free flow of blood, slowing down the speed. Blood begins to stagnate in the problem area. The formation of a blood clot does not threaten a person’s life, but its detachment from the walls of the veins can lead to pulmonary embolism and death in a matter of seconds.

Sometimes the blood clot breaks down on its own, but often, if the blood flow is abnormal, the formation of new blood clots becomes a matter of time. When the body does not destroy the clot, the formation grows, closing the veins like a plug.

Symptoms of a blood clot include severe pain and the inability to stand or walk. The pain is accompanied by swelling. Thrombosis forms in certain areas of the legs: the ankle, around the lower leg or thigh. The process is often accompanied by fever and tachycardia. Removing thrombosis requires serious treatment and surgery. Such leg diseases can be asymptomatic.

Primary symptoms should not be underestimated. People think they shouldn’t run to the doctor because of swelling or discomfort in their legs. A person ignores even persistently aching pain. Patients with a progressive disease who have noticed unusual symptoms by accident or as a result of complications come to the doctor for an appointment.

Similar leg diseases develop in adults, regardless of age. With the aging of the body, the risk increases many times, the walls of the veins lose flexibility, the blood becomes thick, leading to valve damage and stagnation.

  • sharp, stabbing pains;
  • numbness, paresthesia (sensitivity disorders, tingling), symptom of “heavy legs”;
  • cramps or swelling;
  • slow-healing leg ulcers;
  • change in skin thickness from brown to pinkish-purple on the lower legs;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • itching not related to another disease;
  • thrombosis.

At the first symptoms, ultrasound of the veins in the legs is performed by people suffering from diabetes, smokers, and high cholesterol levels.

Ultrasound examination process

Carrying out an ultrasound does not require special preparation. When examining the blood vessels of the liver and renal arteries, the patient comes on an empty stomach.

There are no age restrictions - diagnostics can be done on young children. It is allowed to repeat it as many times as necessary. The method does not involve surgery, is painless, and does not require anesthesia. A person experiences mild discomfort only when applying cold gel to the skin.

The patient removes clothing and jewelry from the legs that could interfere with an accurate diagnosis. Before performing the procedure, the ultrasound specialist examines the patient’s medical history and complaints. A special gel is applied to the examination site to improve the conductivity of the ultrasonic wave and the movement of the device’s sensor.

Ultrasound diagnostics of veins is carried out first in a lying position, then in a standing position, the doctor asks the patient to inhale and hold his breath for a short time. This is required to check the movement of blood from superficial vessels to deep ones. In selected cases, the doctor recommends that the patient lie on his stomach for a segmental examination of the veins.

After the diagnosis, the doctor describes each vein, its condition, the presence of wall thickening, the presence of blood clots, and the functioning of the valves. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is performed in the prone position on the stomach, in the area from the groin to the ankle.

During an ultrasound, the doctor changes the frequency of the emitted ultrasound. The result is visible immediately. The doctor first describes the visual conditions of the vessels and their location, the presence of plaques, their concentration and location. Next are special indicators: type of blood flow, flow velocity, blood pressure value, LID index, pulsation index, resistive index, percentage of stenosis. Depending on the type of examination, a map or color drawing is attached to the ultrasound description.

The duration of an ultrasound examination of the legs is 10-25 minutes, depending on the anatomical characteristics of the patient. The price depends on the type and complexity of scanning.

Human upright posture, formed in the process of evolution, has brought not only numerous advantages, but also vascular diseases of the lower extremities. According to statistics, every fifth woman and every eighth man suffer from pathologies of both deep and superficial veins.

To determine the extent, characteristics and localization of affected areas, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is used - a simple, non-invasive method that allows one to identify the presence of abnormalities in the blood flow and structure of blood vessels. The absolute harmlessness of the procedure makes it possible to carry out it as many times as necessary.

Features of ultrasound examination of the lower extremities

Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities provides a detailed study of the anatomy of the blood vessels, the state of the valve apparatus, the characteristics of blood flow and the localization of its disorders. The Doppler effect, which is the basis of the procedure, allows us to identify not only abnormalities in blood circulation, but also blood clots and inflammatory processes formed as a result. Dopplerography is a technique that involves reflecting ultrasonic waves from red blood cells moving along the bloodstream.

When performing it, the doctor receives a complete picture of vascular formations, blood flow speed and other nuances necessary for studying the veins in the legs. The emergence of this method was the reason for the appearance of a second name for ultrasound of the vessels of the legs and other parts of the body - “Doppler”. There are currently three types of Doppler ultrasound.

Ultrasound Dopplerography (USDG)

This method is the most common two-dimensional ultrasound diagnosis of blood vessels. Ultrasound ultrasound is used:

  • to assess the patency of deep and superficial veins;
  • determining the functional state of venous valves;
  • diagnostics of typically located valves of perforating veins.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in this way is considered an outdated technique, but in terms of screening examination it is quite informative. When performing it, the doctor is able to recognize the first signs of vascular disorders. Therefore, the method is used mainly for preventive medical examinations or when it is not possible to conduct a more informative ultrasound of the legs.

Duplex scanning (USDS)

The technique is the most widespread today due to its high accuracy and information content in diagnosing the condition of the venous system. The essence of the method is to combine ultrasound scanning with online scanning. Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities allows the doctor to determine:

  • condition of vascular walls and valves;
  • patency of superficial and deep veins;
  • the condition of the perforating veins, regardless of their location;
  • presence of blood clots - their location, size, mobility;
  • the degree of damage to the vein section due to formed thrombosis.

Ultrasound scanning of the legs is a quick and informative procedure

Duplex scanning makes it possible to assess the functional state of not only the deep veins of the lower extremities, but also the arteries, which as a result shows a complete picture of the vascular network of the legs. This procedure is an integral part at all stages of vascular research, therapy with subsequent monitoring of dynamics, as well as for monitoring in the postoperative period.

Ultrasonic scanning with color mapping (triplex scanning)

This ultrasound method of veins and arteries of the lower extremities is one of the latest developments in the world of diagnostics. Triplex scanning involves not only assessing the characteristics of blood circulation in vessels in real time, but also color differentiation characterizing the speed of blood movement. Shades of red show blood flow going towards the emitter, and the color palette of blue shows the opposite direction. The richer and more intense the color image transmitted to the monitor screen, the higher the speed of blood flow.

Recently, this technique has been used more and more often, since only it is able to show the most complete picture of all existing vascular abnormalities.

When is an examination necessary?

An ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities will be prescribed by a specialist if the following manifestations are present during examination and consultation:

  • swelling of the legs of varying severity;
  • dilation of veins, noticeable to the eyes;
  • pain when walking and standing for long periods of time;
  • often disturbing cramps of the calf muscles;
  • tingling or numbness of the lower extremities;
  • the presence of itching in the legs not associated with skin diseases;
  • the presence of trophic ulcers;
  • change in the color of the skin of one or both legs.

If the blood circulation in the leg veins is impaired, the skin can take on multiple shades. This will be related to the degree of damage to the site and predicting the reversibility of the process. Thus, a pink or bluish faint tint indicates a minor degree and a favorable prognosis with proper therapy.

Whereas large areas of dark purple or brown color indicate a dangerous disorder with a high probability of developing tissue necrosis, which requires immediate medical intervention, perhaps even surgical. Modern devices make it possible to save many patients from the development of such complications, because ultrasound of the lower extremities shows almost all vascular abnormalities in the initial stages of their occurrence.

Change in the color of the limbs due to the progression of varicose veins

In some patients, blood circulation is impaired not only in the legs, but also in the arms. Patients with diabetes mellitus often encounter such pathologies, which forces them to undergo an examination of the upper extremities. Diagnostic measures to study blood flow in the hands are recommended if:

  • numbness and weakness;
  • cold palms;
  • long-term non-healing wounds;
  • differences in blood pressure in different arms by more than 20 mm Hg.

Heavy smokers, people suffering from diabetes and hypertension, as a rule, are at risk of developing vascular diseases of the extremities. This list also includes women who are in the 2nd–3rd trimester of pregnancy, which is associated with an increased load on the entire body, including the legs and the vessels that feed them. Compression of the pelvic organs during fetal growth often causes thrombosis of deep veins and even arteries.

What diseases require regular ultrasound diagnostics of the feet?

Indications for regular ultrasound examination are based on a history of:

  • varicose veins - enlarged veins;
  • thrombosis - blockage of a vessel with blood clots;
  • thrombophlebitis – inflammation of a vein due to blockage by a blood clot;
  • postthrombophlebic syndrome to control the condition.

During the examination, the following are diagnosed:

  • blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques – their size, structure and exact location;
  • quantitative and qualitative characteristics of blood flow;
  • the presence of stenosis (narrowing) of blood vessels, and their degree of danger for the patient.

The high accuracy of the method and the possibility of performing real-time ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities makes it possible to perform complex operations, minimizing risks for the patient.

Preparatory process and procedure

Preparation for an ultrasound is not required, with the exception of normal hygiene procedures. Therefore, diagnosis can be done at any time convenient for the patient. If you are planning an examination in a public hospital, you should take a towel or diaper with you. Because ultrasound of leg veins is performed mainly in a lying position, and it will be more comfortable to spread something on the couch. To undergo diagnostics, the patient is invited into the office and given about two minutes to prepare - remove clothes from the lower part of the body and sit comfortably on the couch.

There is no need to remove your underwear - the procedure does not apply to the small pelvis. The legs are examined one by one - first, gel is applied to one and all projections of the vessels are carefully examined, then to the second. During the procedure, the patient does not feel anything - no pain or temperature. If there is an inflammatory process, for example, with thrombophlebitis, then there may be slight discomfort when touching the emitter.

Depending on the depth required for the study, the uzist will change the frequency settings of the emitted wave oscillations, but this will also be completely invisible to the examinee. When examining the arteries of the legs or arms, the doctor will apply cuffs to different parts of the limbs and measure blood pressure during the diagnosis. The examination is carried out in a standing and lying position. When examining the veins of the legs, the limbs are first examined with the patient lying down, and then he is asked to stand, and then the diagnosis is performed while standing.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the venous vessels of the lower extremities is also first performed while lying down and then standing. In addition, functional tests are carried out to assess the blood flow from the superficial to the deep veins. To do this, the patient will need to take a deep breath, and then, without exhaling, strain. Such diagnostics can be performed in normal and color mode.

The procedure can be performed in the following positions: lying on your back, on your stomach and standing

Sometimes, to improve the quality of visualization of deep large veins, not only functional tests are performed with straining, but also with pressure on the area of ​​the veins with different intensities. In some cases, poor circulation of some veins in the legs may be associated with damage to one or another joint, then in parallel, an ultrasound scan of the joints of the lower extremities is prescribed, which allows one to obtain a complete picture of the area being examined.

Interpretation of results

After the procedure, the received data is decrypted. This is done by an ultrasound specialist specializing in vascular diseases, a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon. Thus, when interpreting the results of examination of the arteries of the lower extremities, their anatomical characteristics are assessed: the thickness of the wall of the blood vessels, resistance indicators indicating the degree of patency and the presence of arterial stenosis, features of blood flow correlating with systole and diastole (phases of the heart muscle), blood flow velocity, its dynamic changes taking into account the characteristics of arterial vessels.

When describing venous vessels, a specific research protocol is used, in which each vein is assessed on the right and left sides. In this case it is indicated:

  • is venous circulation in the extremities related to breathing;
  • quality of compression of vein collectors;
  • the presence or absence of thickening of the vascular walls;
  • the presence of blood clots – thrombi – in the lumen of the vessel;
  • consistency in the functioning of venous valves;
  • the presence of pathological refluxes;
  • localization of incompetent perforating veins more than 3 mm in diameter.

A thrombus formed near the valve is dangerous due to the possibility of tearing off and blocking the vessel

When a thrombus is detected, thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, a full description is made of it, indicating by what percentage the thrombotic masses block the lumen of the vessel (if there is an overlap). In the absence of the fact of overlap, the characteristics of the clot are indicated - floating (movable) or wall-bound, and whether the clot is prone to movement when touched by the emitter. The density of the blood clot is also assessed - dense or soft.

Based on all this data, the vascular surgeon develops a therapeutic tactic that is most suitable for each specific case. At the same time, regular examinations and ultrasound examinations of the legs are prescribed to monitor the healing process and avoid complications of the disease. Compliance with all treatment and preventive recommendations for patients significantly increases the chance of a speedy recovery without subsequent relapses.

The lower limbs are an important element of the human musculoskeletal system, which can be susceptible to a number of diseases, pathologies, syndromes and altered conditions. Ultrasound of the vessels and veins of the legs allows us to identify individual or complex disorders of blood flow in the specified location and help in establishing the correct diagnosis.

What are the main indications for the procedure? How do you need to prepare to make leg vessels? What can a diagnostic specialist see? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Indications for ultrasound examination of the legs

Most often, an ultrasound procedure of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities is prescribed by a phlebologist.

The main indications for ultrasound diagnostics are usually:

  • Swelling in the area of ​​the feet, legs and other elements of the legs.
  • Systemic regular paresthesia - from tingling to numbness;
  • Visually visible dilatations of venous structures– spider veins, large telangioxasia, and so on;
  • Change in the shade of the epithelium on the lower extremities, cyanosticity of the skin in different locations - from the foot to the calf;
  • Very long healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers on the legs;
  • Feeling of constant weakness in the legs, a change in their temperature towards a decrease in relation to a similar parameter of other parts of the body;
  • Regular pain and cramps in the legs, appearing both during the day and at night;
  • Other pathological changes - from the disappearance of hair growth on the legs and unbearable skin itching to a decrease in the volume of the lower leg and lameness.

Ultrasound methods of vessels of the lower extremities

For ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels and veins of the legs in modern diagnostic practice, 3 main types of ultrasound scanning are used.

It should be noted that all of the above ultrasound diagnostic methods are used universally for monitoring the vascular system in soft tissues of both extremities and other parts of the body.

Preparing for the examination

Ultrasound examination of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities does not require long-term and comprehensive preparation, and in severe cases it is carried out without it at all.

The basic rules for preparing ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the extremities are usually considered by diagnosticians:

  • Refusal to take medications. If possible, 3 days before the procedure, it is necessary to avoid taking medications that may affect systemic blood flow parameters. If it is impossible to refuse (vital medications), you need to inform the diagnostic doctor about the regular use of such substances, indicating the active substance and the scheme of use - this information will help adjust the monitoring process;
  • Limiting the consumption of foods that speed up the heart rate. We are talking about strong coffee and tea, chocolate, natural or artificial heart rhythm stimulants. The ban on their use must be adhered to for 24 hours;
  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking. 2 days before the ultrasound, you need to stop drinking alcohol in any form. Smoking cigarettes is prohibited 2-3 hours before the procedure;
  • Personal hygiene. Before ultrasound diagnostics, it is recommended to shave off excess hair from your legs and wash your legs thoroughly.

How is the research going?

The procedure for ultrasound examination of leg vessels takes up to half an hour on average. The patient can be in a lying position, sitting or standing - he takes these positions at the request of the diagnostician, in order to obtain the most complete results and the convenience of the specialized specialist.

Before the event, the lower limbs in the area of ​​future monitoring are lubricated with a special gel - it improves the contact of the equipment with the skin and minimizes background noise.

The medical specialist turns on the ultrasound radiation generator and begins to sequentially move the sensor over the epithelial locations, receiving an information picture about the condition of the vessels in real time.

It is simply impossible to directly study the internal structure of veins and arteries using ultrasound diagnostics.– the technique allows you to assess the overall functionality of blood vessels based on indirect results and identify obvious pathologies, for example, compression by a tumor, the presence of a blood clot, plaques, general spasm of the vascular system, and so on.

To obtain a final diagnosis, the patient is usually referred for additional studies - both laboratory and instrumental.

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What does an ultrasound of the lower extremities show?

The ultrasound examination protocol for the condition of blood vessels, veins and arteries of the lower extremities includes a number of important parameters. The most significant among them:

In addition to the above data and using modern equipment with triplex mode, the diagnostician can examine and interpret general hemodynamic parameters in the veins and arteries. A phlebologist can see:

  • Main blood flows. Diagnosed in the form of the largest vessels (arteries), they are the standard of measurement. In the case of altered blood flow of this type, we can only talk about the presence of a serious pathology;
  • Turbulent blood flows. In places where the lumens of blood vessels are formed, vortices are formed - this hemodynamics indicates places of vasoconstriction, both pathological and physiological;
  • Collateral blood flows. They are located immediately behind areas with complete blockage of blood circulation, which clearly indicates the presence of blood clots.

As mentioned above, the main morphological assessment of the vascular structures of the lower extremities is carried out in the classic B-mode ultrasound.

In the general norm, the venous contour is smooth, with an increase in diameters in the proximal direction with clearly defined uniformity. The walls of venous structures are normally hypoechoic.

It is most convenient to assess the patency of the structures described above with angioscanning, which visualizes the movement of blood particles. Thus, blood clots and post-thrombotic elements are visible as stationary, heteroechoic dense inclusions with fluorescence of varying degrees of intensity.

To obtain additional data (if intravascular pathologies are suspected and blood flow rates are too low), it is recommended to use energy or color mapping.

Vein valves normally have a high level of echogenicity. clearly visible elements (down to the movement of the valves and the presence of the fastening rim), naturally, using modern high-precision equipment.

Using ultrasound in different modes to monitor the condition of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, it is possible to detect with a high degree of probability in the patient:

If the results of an ultrasound examination of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities are not clear enough, or if it is impossible to interpret them correctly, a phlebologist and other specialized specialists may decide to prescribe additional laboratory tests of the blood taken for analysis, as well as to conduct a CT or MRI of the vessels.

The essence of ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities (ultrasound of the vessels of the legs) is that, using a special diagnostic device, ultrasound waves are purposefully sent into the circulatory system of the legs, after which the sensor picks up the reflected waves, displaying images on the monitor. This type of ultrasound is performed with the Doppler effect, which allows you to get a picture of the condition of the vessels, their movement and patency.

Price for ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities - ultrasound of the vessels of the legs in Moscow

The advantage of the procedure is its accuracy, painlessness, as well as accessibility and the absence of contraindications. Due to the fact that the procedure does not have a negative effect on the body, this diagnosis is prescribed to children and pregnant women. Ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities provides a lot of advantages for specialists who have the opportunity to carry out modern detection of various neoplasms in soft tissues.

Indications for ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities

An ultrasound scan of the arteries of the lower extremities is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, in preoperative studies, and also to identify a number of diseases:

  • thromboangiitis;
  • development of disorders caused by the presence of blood clots;
  • atherosclerosis,
  • valvular vascular insufficiency,
  • detection of varicose veins.

Ultrasound of the legs is indicated if the following symptoms are present:

  • expansion of saphenous veins,
  • tingling in the legs,
  • cold toes,
  • the appearance of spider veins,
  • swelling, numbness and cramps in the limbs,
  • pain in the legs resulting from prolonged exercise,
  • preoperative diagnosis.

Ultrasound indicators of the arteries of the lower extremities (ultrasound of the lower extremities - normal)

The vessels of the lower extremities normally have the following characteristics:

  • contours are clear and even,
  • wall thickness of the femoral artery – 0.11 cm,
  • the passages of blood vessels are clearly visible,
  • hypoechoic vessels,
  • the structure is homogeneous.

Preparation for ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities (legs)

This diagnosis does not require special preparation. There is no need to restrict food or drink, which allows you to undergo the procedure at any time of the day. If the patient is taking drugs that change vascular tone or pressure, then it is worth informing the doctor about this, since such drugs can change the diameter of the vessels, thereby complicating the correct diagnosis and diagnosis.

Ultrasound examination of the arteries of the lower extremities

The study area starts from the groin and ends at the feet, since the ultrasound effect extends to the following arteries:

  • ileum,
  • femoral,
  • popliteal,
  • tibial,
  • fibula,
  • arteries of the foot.

The larger the artery, the higher the speed of blood flow in it, which means that for the most accurate visualization it is necessary to use low-frequency sensors. Thus, for the aorta and iliac arteries, sensors with a frequency of 3.5 MHz are used, for the femoral artery - 5 MHz, and for studying other arteries - 7-10 MHz.

The procedure begins with the patient lying down or sitting on a couch. The doctor treats the surface of the legs with a special gel, which is used for the best conductivity of the sensor, and is removed after completion of the procedure. Scanning is carried out in different positions and various manipulations of the person being examined, for example, it may be necessary to tie a tourniquet on the lower leg or raise and bend the legs. To examine the iliac and femoral arteries, the patient must be in a supine position, with his knees slightly bent and moved to the sides. To study the popliteal arteries, you need to lie on your stomach and, straightening your legs, place your feet on the couch. The examination of the tibial, peroneal and foot arteries is carried out while lying on your back, with your legs bent at the knees at a right angle and slightly moved to the side. The diagnosis is completed when the doctor checks the results and fills out the protocol.

The fastest way to deal with pathologies such as atherosclerosis or the presence of plaques in vessels that impede normal blood flow is possible thanks to their early detection using ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities. Today, ultrasound of the legs in Moscow is in high demand and has many advantages over other methods: accessibility, lack of radiation exposure, viewing and evaluation of images of internal tissues and organs in real time. In our medical center you can undergo ultrasound diagnostics of the arteries of the lower extremities in absolutely comfortable conditions, because this method has practically no restrictions.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is an accessible and effective diagnosis of the state of the venous system of the legs using ultrasound. Correct ultrasound diagnosis is a key factor in the treatment of various abnormalities, identifying them even in the early stages of development.

There are several types of ultrasound examinations:

  1. Angioscanning

This method is carried out due to the reflection of ultrasound from tissues, displayed on the monitor of the device as an image. Allows you to identify deviations in the tissue structure of the legs, bends, blood clots and compactions.

  1. Doppler scan

Doppler scanning allows you to visualize the blood flow passing in the vessels of the extremities, as well as obtain information about its speed and direction of movement. Detects the presence of deep vein thrombosis

  1. Duplex sonography

Ultrasound of the vessels of the legs in Moscow (studies of the lower extremities) includes the technique of angioscanning and Doppler scanning. Duplex sonography reveals any disorders of the venous system.

Being a modern and accessible method, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is widely used among different groups of people:

  • pregnant women,
  • having excess body weight,
  • frequently lifting heavy objects
  • constantly working on their feet,
  • women who prefer high-heeled shoes.
  • weakened pulse when palpating the legs,
  • swelling of the legs in the evening,
  • presence of varicose veins,
  • hereditary predisposition to vascular diseases of the legs,
  • the presence of cosmetic defects (spider veins, enlarged veins, bruises),
  • sudden muscle spasms,
  • decreased sensitivity in the legs,
  • chilliness and chills in the legs.

Also, a number of diseases are the reason for performing an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs:

  • diabetes,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • insufficiency of venous circulation,
  • intermittent claudication.

Venous insufficiency leads to impaired blood circulation, as well as to its stagnation in the vessels. Patients are often referred for ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities after other examinations, since this rather serious disease does not have pronounced subjective symptoms.

Ultrasound is often prescribed when pathologies are detected after the following examinations:

  • functional tests for venous insufficiency,
  • radiography of the lungs and heart,
  • Ultrasound of the heart,
  • Coagulogram indicators (test for blood clotting indicator),
  • Coronary angiography.

Timely examination of the venous bed using ultrasound allows us to identify various deviations from the norm in the early stages, which significantly speeds up the course of treatment.

Contraindications to ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities

Ultrasound is an accessible and fairly accurate method for diagnosing pathologies or a way to assess the dynamics of a patient’s disease, but like any other method it has limitations in its implementation. Limitations include those conditions or reactions of the body in which the result of the procedure will be uninformative:

  • mental disorders,
  • the patient's serious condition,
  • violation of skin integrity,
  • burns,
  • infectious processes,
  • serious condition of the patient (myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident).

The presence of such conditions limits the patient in all diagnostic examinations. In some cases, the patient may feel discomfort associated with the duration of the procedure, during which the patient is constantly in a horizontal position. It is worth considering that the restrictions are temporary; their elimination makes the ultrasound procedure safe and informative.

During the procedure, the doctor receives a clear image of the vessels in real time, and also allows him to evaluate the following parameters:

  • blood flow assessment,
  • measurement of blood flow parameters,
  • establishing the location and size of the thrombus,
  • see venous insufficiency of the valve apparatus of the veins,
  • determination of the size of the lumen of the veins and the presence of narrowings at different levels.

During the study, the doctor compares each vein of the left and right leg, checks for the presence of blood clots, and if detected, examines their size, size, mobility, and also assesses the state of blood flow and the condition of the venous valves.

Preparation for ultrasound of leg vessels

In order to perform an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities, no special preparation is required, which allows the examination to be carried out at any time convenient for the patient. There is no need to limit yourself to any foods or drinks. To eliminate possible difficulties in making a diagnosis and conducting diagnostics, the patient must inform the doctor about the medications he is taking.

Ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is a modern non-invasive method (the skin is not exposed using needles or surgical instruments), does not carry radiation exposure, and can be repeated many times for one patient. The following large veins are examined:

  • femoral,
  • iliac,
  • small subcutaneous
  • greater subcutaneous
  • popliteal,
  • veins of the leg.

A standard ultrasound scan of the leg vessels includes assessment of blood flow, valves, and the condition of the vessels that connect the venous network.

Diagnostics is carried out according to a certain scheme and lasts approximately 40-60 minutes. The subject lies down on the couch, freeing the calves and thighs from clothing, as these parts of the body will be examined. A transparent gel is applied to the area of ​​tissue being examined to promote better conductivity. Next, the doctor examines the legs by moving the sensor over the body. First of all, blood flow in the superficial veins of the thigh is studied. Next, a Valsalva maneuver is performed, in other words, the condition of the valves of the great saphenous vein is assessed. The popliteal vein is examined and the superficial, common and deep femoral veins are examined. The veins of the lower leg and their valves are visible in a standing position. The vessels connecting the venous network in the thigh and lower leg are studied last. This diagnosis can detect the presence of blood clots and their location; often, it is thanks to ultrasound that a particular disease is determined, and treatment tactics are also determined. At the end of the procedure, the gel is removed with a napkin from the surface of the skin, and the doctor prints out the recorded results.

Today, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in Moscow is in great demand, due to the fact that this diagnosis is safe, accessible and does not have a negative effect on the body. Our medical center offers this procedure at an affordable price and in comfortable conditions.