Contraindications for ovarian cysts. Ovarian cyst. Contraindications for this disease, as well as its types and treatment Contraindications for ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is a neoplasm that is located on the appendage in the form of a sac filled with fluid. It occurs if the follicle does not rupture in time, but becomes overripe and filled with fluid. A tumor can form for various reasons; it is impossible to prevent its appearance. When diagnosing this disease, it is important to constantly monitor the size and condition of the cyst.

The cause of ovarian cysts can be hormonal imbalances in the body. The development of the disease is influenced by the woman’s age. The reasons influencing the development of the disease include:

  • smoking;
  • frequent stress;
  • abortions;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • excess body weight;
  • surgeries on reproductive organs;
  • infertility;
  • failure of menstruation.

Types of ovarian cysts

According to the nature of their occurrence, cysts are divided into functional and corpus luteum cysts (they disappear on their own in a short time). Organic species require medical intervention. Organic are divided into:

  1. A serous cyst is a sac of light yellow fluid. Located on the inside of the ovary.
  2. A dermoid cyst has thickened walls and is filled with various particles of body tissue. Slowly increases in size. It may have a twisted structure and fester.
  3. A paraovarian cyst is formed from the epididymis. May be located between the fallopian tube and the ovary. Occurs due to disturbances during embryonic development.
  4. An endometrioid cyst occurs as a result of a complication of a disease such as uterine endometriosis. It is formed from tissue similar to the endometrium. Such a cyst can be detected by ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  5. A hemorrhagic cyst forms inside a cyst due to hemorrhage.

The appearance of a right ovarian cyst is often influenced by previous surgical interventions. But there may be other reasons. The occurrence of a left ovarian cyst can be affected by inflammation in the large intestine. Due to the close location of the organs, the pathology spreads in both directions.

Cyst symptoms

Symptoms indicating the presence of a cyst:

  • menstrual irregularities. Menstruation does not occur regularly or disappears;
  • Nausea may occur;
  • the occurrence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of discharge streaked with blood.

With an ovarian cyst, pain may occur during urination and during intimacy. If such symptoms are detected, you should consult a gynecologist.

Symptoms for emergency hospitalization:

  • heat;
  • jump in blood pressure;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • vomit;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms may indicate a ruptured cyst and require immediate medical attention.

Symptoms that appear with torsion and rupture of the cyst

Cyst torsion occurs when the weight of the ovary due to the cystic fluid becomes too great and the ovary twists around the supporting ligaments. This twisting can occur when lifting something heavy or during sudden movement. This is a complicated condition that requires specialist help.

Cyst rupture is a rupture of the capsule walls, during which the cyst contents spill into the abdominal cavity. As a result, internal hemorrhage and painful shock may occur.


  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • acute pain;
  • loss of consciousness from loss of blood is possible.

Contraindications for ovarian cysts

If you have an ovarian cyst, there are contraindications:

  1. Heavy physical activity associated with tension in the abdominal muscles.
  2. It is necessary to avoid all procedures associated with high temperatures, namely: visiting baths and saunas, taking a hot shower.
  3. You cannot do massages and wraps, as these procedures accelerate blood flow and provoke tumor growth. The cyst may rupture.
  4. It is not recommended to sunbathe or be in direct sunlight.
  5. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take hormonal medications on your own. You can cause irreparable harm to your health.

You cannot neglect these prohibitions, as it is dangerous to health and poses a threat to life.

Ovarian cyst during pregnancy

Before planning a pregnancy, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination. The development of a cyst during pregnancy is rare. This usually happens in the first trimester due to hormonal changes in the body. There may be no symptoms. With this diagnosis, there is most often no treatment and the woman is prescribed a cesarean section in the third trimester.

Diagnosis and tests of ovarian cysts

To diagnose a benign ovarian tumor, the following methods are used:

  • laboratory diagnostics include blood and urine tests, hormone tests, pregnancy tests, and tests for malignant tumors;
  • instrumental diagnostics are performed using transvaginal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and laparoscopy.

It is necessary to go through all stages of the examination in order to correctly diagnose the type of cyst, rule out ovarian cancer and prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug treatments

If the cyst appears as a result of hormonal imbalance, then the treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist. The patient is prescribed hormonal therapy in the form of single-phase and biphasic oral contraceptives. Additionally, the complex prescribes vitamins K, B6, B1, A, E and C. If you are overweight, the doctor prescribes a special diet and light physical activity. If such therapy is ineffective, then surgical treatment is prescribed.

Surgical treatment of cysts

If the tumor has not yet reached a large size, it is removed by laparoscopy. This is a modern method of surgical intervention that does not leave rough marks or scars on the patient’s body. Only small wounds remain, which quickly disappear over time.

But if the cyst has grown too large and is putting pressure on the internal organs, removal will require surgery with a strip incision.

Traditional methods of treatment

To avoid surgery, in simple cases, the disease can be treated with traditional medicine, but after consulting with your doctor.

Traditional methods include treatment with herbs, fruits and berries and other non-medicinal methods.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • You can prepare an infusion from a combination of acacia flowers and burdock juice. The infusion has healing properties for 10 days. Then a fresh decoction is prepared. Take the medicine for a month.
  • A tincture or decoction of walnut partitions helps a lot. The decoction should be taken two to three times a day, half a glass.
  • Tincture of pine nuts with vodka. It can be an effective medicine for getting rid of cysts. The finished mixture must be left for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
  • Treatment with various herbal infusions is considered effective. Combinations of herbs are used: chamomile, yarrow, shepherd's purse, elecampane roots, string, hogweed and others.

Many recipes can be found on traditional medicine websites.

Tanning – harm or benefit?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what effect ultraviolet rays have on the human body.

The sun is a powerful source of ultraviolet radiation. The main part of solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere.

The skin of the abdomen, lower back and chest is most sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

The effect of ultraviolet rays on the body

Positive influence:

  • synthesis of vitamin D necessary for humans;
  • reduces inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • increases calcium levels in the blood;
  • increases the body's defense reactions and antibody production. The body's resistance to infections is formed;
  • has a bactericidal effect.

If you stay in the sun in the morning and evening hours, and observe moderation, then tanning can not only give you a beautiful skin tone, but also benefit your body.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause great harm to the skin and the human body.

Bad influence:

  • skin pigmentation (appearance of freckles, age spots, moles);
  • increases the risk of developing skin cancer;
  • accelerates skin aging;
  • burns of the upper layers of the skin;
  • reduces immunity.

If you are going to be in the open sun for a long time, you need to use special protective equipment. They will help avoid burns and reduce the negative effects of sunlight on the skin.

Is it possible to sunbathe with an ovarian cyst?

If you have a cyst on the ovary, a careful and careful attitude towards your health is of particular importance. It is important to avoid situations that provoke the growth and development of the disease. If a woman with a tumor on the ovary is going to sunbathe, then she should take into account the risk factors:

  • climate change is a great stress for the body, which negatively affects the course of the disease;
  • exposure to sunlight on the abdominal area;
  • lifting heavy objects, for example, a suitcase with things;
  • air travel;
  • stressful situations.

Vacation outside your climate zone encourages the body to rebuild and adapt to new conditions. If the vacation takes place in a hot climate, then heating of the skin is inevitable, and this carries the threat of rupture of the cyst or the risk of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one. You should consult your doctor before deciding to travel.

Characteristics of the cyst that do not prohibit a trip to the sea:

  • functional cyst;
  • a small cyst, no more than three centimeters;
  • paraovarian cyst of small size.

Any tumor disease is a health risk. If a functional cyst is detected, it is necessary to begin hormonal therapy. If improvements in health are observed, then you can plan a vacation at sea. When diagnosing more complex forms of cysts (serous, dermoid, endometrioid) or suspicion of oncology, you should avoid sunbathing.

An ovarian cyst is a growth in the form of a bubble filled with fluid. Such a neoplasm can be localized both inside the appendage and on its outside. The functional appearance of the cyst indicates the proper functioning of the ovary and does not pose a danger to the woman’s body. All other types indicate the presence of disorders in the reproductive system, as well as the development of a serious disease. In this article we will look at the symptoms of an ovarian cyst, the contraindications that exist for this disease, as well as the types and causes of its occurrence.


1. Follicular. Their formation occurs in the absence of ovulation. The size of such formations is from 5 to 7 cm. If these numbers are larger, complications such as ovarian necrosis may occur. They resolve on their own after 1.5-2 months. Oral contraceptives can speed up the process.

2. Endometrioid. They arise due to the penetration of the endometrium into the ovaries. Such a cyst, as a rule, affects neighboring organs, reaching 15-20 cm in size. It can only be treated surgically.

3. Corpus luteum. They arise due to the accumulation of a substance in the ovary that produces estrogen and progesterone. From a size of 6 to 8 cm. They resolve on their own, otherwise physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. If the cyst has reached a huge size or its stem has become twisted, surgical intervention is required.

4. Dermoid. This is a type of congenital cyst that can manifest itself at any time. Its size can reach 15 cm. There is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor of 5-8%.

5. Paraovarian. They appear most often after 30 years in women. They are treated only surgically.


As a rule, it is impossible to detect a bubble of liquid on your own. A cyst in the ovary can only be determined using ultrasound. In some cases, women may exhibit symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sharp pain in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse, tachycardia, frequent urination, fever, and causeless weight gain. In 50% of cases, patients experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle.


A fairly large number of factors can provoke this disease, these include:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • late menopause;
  • inflammation of any pelvic organ;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • smoking;
  • pathologies and disturbances in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system, infertility;
  • early menstruation;
  • high-calorie diets;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Ovarian cyst: contraindicationswith this disease andhis treatment

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after a detailed examination. When diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, contraindications most often relate to sexual intercourse. It is recommended to reduce their frequency. Otherwise, there is a risk of rupture of the tumor, which can lead to large blood loss and the development of peritonitis. But although there are practically no contraindications for the diagnosis of “ovarian cyst”, it is recommended to consult with your doctor and clarify what is possible and what is not. If the size of the formation is small, then hormonal contraceptives are prescribed, otherwise it is removed surgically. A gynecologist will tell you how and how to treat an ovarian cyst.

An ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm that occurs against the background of hormonal disorders and may not make itself felt for a long time. Sometimes a cyst can develop against the background of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. Whatever the reason, a neoplasm always affects the metabolic processes in the body, therefore, in addition to conservative treatment (medical and surgical), it is important to follow the principles of proper nutrition and exercise. In this article we will tell you what diet is needed for ovarian cysts and whether it is possible to play sports with this disease.

An ovarian cyst is an oval or spherical bladder, the size of which can vary. If this disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is not started, then there is a high probability of serious complications. These include pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, problems with conception, and the most serious and dangerous -.

The main methods of treating cysts are taking medications (mainly hormonal), in some cases surgical removal of the tumor is indicated. Whatever treatment method the doctor prescribes, adherence to a special diet is mandatory., since hormonal imbalances are a consequence of metabolic disturbances, in the formation of which nutrition takes a leading position.

Principles of nutrition

The diet for ovarian cysts includes not only avoidance of harmful foods, but is also based on several basic principles:

  1. Fractionation, that is, dividing food into 5-6 meals, 3 of which are main (breakfast, lunch, dinner), the rest are snacks. Such a nutritional system will maintain metabolism at a high level and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Drinking enough clean water (juices, soda, coffee does not include this). There is a lot of controversy regarding exactly how much water you should drink per day. Most doctors agree that at least 1.5 liters. Strong tea, coffee, caffeine-containing drinks (Coca-Cola, energy drinks) contain methylxanthine, which retains fluid in the cyst, thereby increasing its size. This is why it is so important to drink plain, clean water without additives.
  3. Balanced food, that is, a high content of beneficial vitamins, minerals and microelements that take part in cellular metabolism.
  4. You need to ensure that your diet contains a sufficient amount of fiber (fruits, vegetables). Since it can cause difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract, fiber will prevent this.
  5. A woman’s hormonal background is also associated with the functioning of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and gall bladder. Large consumption of fatty foods, too spicy or salty, disrupts the functioning of these organs, thereby causing an imbalance of hormones. Therefore, you should exclude such food from your diet or at least reduce its amount.
  6. The most preferred methods of cooking are boiling and baking in the oven.

What not to eat if you have an ovarian cyst

  1. It is necessary to limit drinks with a high content of sugar, dyes and harmful additives, replacing them with clean water or green tea.
  2. You should completely avoid alcohol, as it has a toxic effect on liver cells and disrupts the water-lipid balance in the body.
  3. Products with a high glycemic index are also on the list of prohibitions. The glycemic index shows how quickly a product is absorbed by the body. If this indicator is high, then sugar surges occur and insulin is produced in large quantities. Insulin is also a hormone, so a kind of hormonal imbalance occurs. These products include all sweets (except fruits, which can be consumed) and baked goods.
  4. Fast food products, which include traditional fast food (food in appropriate establishments), as well as products that do not require cooking: chips, croutons, instant noodles, convenience foods, canned food, and so on.
  5. All smoked products (sausages) are also on the list of prohibitions.

There is a list of harmful additives that act as preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers in products. These include:

  • tartrazine E 102;
  • amarzant E123;
  • boric acid E284;
  • Quillaja extract E999;
  • sodium tetracarbonate E285;
  • gluconic acid E574;
  • erythrosine E127;
  • polydextrose E1200;
  • tin chloride E512 and a number of others.

When choosing food products, you should pay attention to their composition. If it contains these components, you should avoid purchasing such products.

Complete exclusion of these foods from the diet is recommended only if there was such a doctor's prescription. This article deals only with the prohibition of systematic use. The diet for ovarian cysts will not be disrupted if you allow yourself a one-time weakness.

Nutrition for ovarian cysts

If an operation was performed to remove a cyst (or another), then you need to switch to a normal diet gradually. In the first 2 days, you should eat liquid foods: broths, cereals, low-fat fermented milk products. Then you can introduce mashed potatoes, cereals, vegetables and meat into the diet, steamed without spices and with a minimum amount of salt. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

The diet for ovarian cysts is no different from the usual proper and healthy diet, which should always be followed, regardless of the presence or absence of any diseases or excess weight.

Approximate daily diet

Breakfast (optional): porridge cooked in milk or water, sugar-free muesli (with honey available), omelette plus fruit. For drinks you can choose green tea.

Second breakfast, snack: low-fat cottage cheese, dried fruits, fruits, maybe a handful of nuts.

Lunch should consist of complex carbohydrates (any cereal or durum wheat pasta), fiber (vegetables) and protein (meat or fish dish, beans).

For an afternoon snack, you can choose a fermented milk product, a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, flaxseed, etc.) or some fruit.

Dinner should be light and consist of fiber (vegetables) and protein (meat/fish). It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. 1 hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir (the so-called late dinner).

Don't forget to drink water between meals.

Cyst and sport

Physical activity for ovarian cysts is divided into two groups:

  • if the cyst has already been surgically removed and there is a postoperative recovery period;
  • if the formation is present, it cannot be surgically removed, it is treated with hormonal drugs.

In the first case, sports are not recommended immediately after surgery. Some people can get up and walk on the first day, others only on the third. Stitches are removed no earlier than the seventh day. After removing the sutures, if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, you can perform simple gymnastics. Any exercises that involve the abdominal and lower back muscles will be prohibited, at least in the first month after surgery. Preference should be given to breathing techniques (for example, bodyflex), as well as walking. Then you can start jogging (in summer), skiing (in winter), bending, and turning your body.

After the stitches have completely healed, you can go swimming and gradually return to your usual physical activities. The main thing is to act gradually, carefully, and not overexert yourself. Follow all doctor’s recommendations and consult with him if you feel the slightest discomfort.

Physical exercises for an ovarian cyst that cannot be removed should be structured in such a way as to prevent its rupture. Therefore, overly aggressive sports that require high loads (crossfit), involve lifting weights (bodybuilding), as well as all types of jumping (including horse riding) should be excluded.

You can run (8-9 km/h), walk, perform exercise therapy complexes (physical therapy) with a trainer or on your own at home. A set of such exercises to perform at home can be selected by your attending physician.

Yoga is also useful for ovarian cysts, as it not only helps strengthen muscles and ligament flexibility, but also improves mental health, elevates mood and eliminates signs of nervous tension.

An ovarian cyst is a tumor that is a sac of fluid. This pouch can form due to hormonal imbalances in the girl’s body. There is no warning for this disease. It is very important to identify a cyst in a timely manner and monitor its size. You must also follow all recommendations and instructions. Many people have a question about what contraindications there are for ovarian cysts. Contraindications for ovarian cysts may vary.


What should you not do if you have this disease? Contraindications for ovarian cysts are as follows:

  1. Under no circumstances should you take hormones on your own. Before taking hormonal medications, you should definitely consult a specialist. You can contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist. Hormonal drugs are very different from each other. Some can be beneficial and help to some extent, while others can be harmful to health.
  2. It is recommended to avoid thermal procedures in the lower abdomen. If such procedures are carried out, then in this case a favorable environment is created for the prosperity of the disease. In addition, the tumor can increase significantly and rupture occurs.
  3. It is forbidden to visit the sauna, resort to body wraps, or take hot baths. A sauna not only will not help cure the disease, but can also cause incredible harm.
  4. It is undesirable to spend too much time in the sun during illness. You can’t overheat; you can only be on the beach under an umbrella.
  5. You also need to limit yourself in physical activity. With such a tumor, playing sports is not prohibited, but it is necessary to limit yourself in exercises that involve the abdominal cavity. Experts do not recommend pumping up the abs, lateral and oblique abdominal muscles.
  6. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Firstly, a woman may misdiagnose herself. Secondly, the wrong treatment methods may be chosen, and this will significantly aggravate the situation. Sometimes death can occur.
  7. You cannot carry heavy things.

If this disease occurs, then in no case should you ignore all the contraindications of ovarian cysts. As for sexual intercourse, you can have sex. Intimate relations are not recommended if pain is felt in the lower abdomen and the size of the cyst is more than 10 cm.


Many women do not even suspect that they have an ovarian cyst. Small cysts exist in the body completely asymptomatically. Initially, there is no pain with this disease, and there is no increase in temperature. If the size of the tumor begins to increase, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen. They begin to occur due to the enlargement of the tumor. This puts pressure on other organs.
  2. The occurrence of severe sharp pain during intimate intercourse.
  3. Symptoms of compression of other internal organs.
  4. Violation of the menstrual cycle. Very often, menstruation disappears altogether, but there are times when the cycle becomes irregular.
  5. Frequent nausea.

When this disease appears, the patient may experience bleeding. The symptoms of a tumor of the left and right ovary are the same, but may differ only in the location of pain syndromes depending on the ovary. The signs of the disease in young girls and mature women are identical. If at least one symptom appears, you must urgently consult a specialist.

Symptoms of the disease may also appear, which require emergency medical care:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • jump in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • abnormal blood pressure;
  • severe weight loss;
  • profuse vomiting.

Cyst tests

To diagnose this disease use:

  • computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics;
  • laparoscopy;
  • hormone analysis;
  • tumor marker analysis;
  • pregnancy tests.

A pregnancy test is necessary because treatment for pregnant and non-pregnant women differs. In addition, this is necessary to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.


This pathology occurs during hormonal imbalances and various inflammatory processes. The appearance of the disease does not depend on the age of the patient. If a girl very often finds herself in stressful situations, is infected with sexually transmitted infections, has had an abortion, or smokes, then there may be unforeseen consequences. These include tumors, infertility, and miscarriage.

A factor in the appearance of the disease is overripeness of the follicle. A follicle is a special formation in which the female reproductive cell lives. The disease appears if this follicle does not rupture, but fills with fluid and continues to remain in the ovary.

The risk of tumor formation appears due to:

  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • the beginning of early menstruation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the appearance of a tumor in the past;
  • surgical intervention on the organs of the reproductive system;
  • smoking;
  • excess weight;
  • infertility.

Cyst rupture

Signs of cyst rupture have an extremely negative impact on the general condition of a woman. Symptoms may include:

  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • bleeding from the uterus with mucous discharge;
  • dizziness and headaches.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, as they are quite dangerous to health. If you ignore the symptoms, the consequences can be very unforeseen.

A cyst is a benign tumor. Knowing the contraindications of ovarian cysts helps maintain a stable condition. It is necessary to listen to all recommendations of specialists to avoid tumor growth and rupture. Timely identification of tumor symptoms will help avoid possible unforeseen complications. It is forbidden to self-medicate, otherwise you may harm your health.

If you have been diagnosed with this, then you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for this disease. About what not to do if you have an ovarian cyst, how to eat properly and what to limit yourself to.

Most often, the cause of ovarian cysts is hormonal disorders of the body, inflammatory processes, heredity, or chronic diseases that lead over time to hormonal imbalance. All this leads to metabolic disorders. Metabolism is directly related to hormones. Proper and balanced nutrition is very important for this disease, because with its help we can positively influence processes in the body and speed up recovery.

Diet for ovarian cysts should be healthy. It is necessary to limit the consumption of canned food, smoked and spicy foods, sauces and spices. Products and semi-finished products containing soy contribute to the dynamics of cyst growth and aggravate the condition. Vitamins and microelements involved in cellular metabolism play an important role in nutrition.

To maintain the body and fight the disease, it is important to eat a lot of greens, vegetables, berries and fruits. A sufficient amount of fiber is needed to remove toxins from the body. The diet must include steamed low-fat fish, fermented milk products, and cottage cheese. Proper nutrition reduces the risk of ovarian cyst enlargement and also prevents its occurrence.

Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have an ovarian cyst?

Any alcohol and an ovarian cyst are incompatible (especially beer), since alcohol negatively affects a woman’s body and hormonal levels, reduces resistance and protective functions, and has a toxic effect on the liver.

In small quantities, it is permissible to use medicinal tinctures (peony or burdock tincture), since in general therapy tinctures have a positive effect on the body and are able to stop the growth of cystic formations.

In addition, it is recommended to limit or completely eliminate the consumption of carbonated drinks, as they provoke the growth of cystic formations. Strong tea, coffee, and chocolate contain a substance - methylxanthine, which helps increase fluid in the cysts. Completely avoiding these products will have a positive effect on your condition.

Water procedures for ovarian cysts

Under no circumstances should you go to the bathhouse with this illness! The same applies to saunas and other thermal procedures. Heat and hot steam lead to rapid heating of the entire body, increasing blood flow to the pelvic organs. As a result of this, the growth of the cyst intensifies and increases.

You cannot warm your lower abdomen, take steam, or take a hot bath.

During the period of illness, the patient needs to take only a warm shower. You cannot do body wraps and spa procedures, since they can have a thermal effect (heating tissues and organs), but they also have a compressive effect on the abdominal area during wraps using thermal blankets. Patients with large ovarian cysts are especially at risk.

Is it possible to sunbathe with an ovarian cyst?

Ultraviolet light, in small quantities, is beneficial for the body, but you cannot stay in the sun for a long time. Especially during peak hours of solar activity. It is advisable to be in the sun for no more than an hour in the morning or evening. Sunbathing in a solarium is also not recommended.

Regarding sports

You cannot perform certain types of sports exercises; you should not engage in strength sports that require endurance: weight lifting, long-distance running, etc. It is allowed to do Pilates, swimming, and light gymnastics, but it is strictly forbidden to do strength exercises or run.

If the cystic formations have reached large sizes, rocking the press, raising the legs while lying down, and all kinds of bending of the body should be excluded. Such loads often cause cyst rupture.

If the ovarian cyst is large and there is pain during sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to be sexually active. Otherwise, the cyst may rupture.


The main thing that a woman who has been diagnosed with an ovarian mass needs to do is not to delay the prescribed additional examination and treatment, and not to neglect the precautions described in this article. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate for ovarian cysts or take hormonal medications without consulting a doctor. Some hormonal drugs increase the growth of ovarian cysts, so consultation with a doctor is required in this matter.