Causes, treatment methods and prevention of the appearance of ulcers on the face. How to get rid of purulent acne at home Small pustules on the face at sea

Pimples filled with purulent fluid are one of the most common problems found on human skin. This is not only a cosmetic, but also a physical defect that must be treated. Ulcers on the face can appear for a variety of reasons. The method of therapy directly depends on this.

Purulent pimples appear as a result of the accumulation of subcutaneous sebum in the pores. Due to certain factors, the secretion of the sebaceous glands cannot come out, which ultimately leads to the development of an inflammatory process. This type of acne is one of the most dangerous, as it can cause infection of healthy pores and spread of the disease to the entire face.

It has been proven that this disease most often affects people whose skin is too oily, but pustules can also appear in those who have relatively dry skin. As a rule, they arise unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. Initially, the presence of a small reddish bump is noted; the skin around it has a higher temperature and swells slightly.

Over time, the infectious process continues to develop, causing acne to turn into full-fledged ulcers.

Outwardly, they look like round vesicles, in the center of which there is a rod filled with purulent content.

In addition to a completely unaesthetic appearance, such formations provoke significant pain. The pain goes away only after the abscess opens, the contents are removed, and the resulting wound is completely healed.

Small pustules on the face can be removed mechanically, that is, by squeezing them out. However, it is not recommended to do this at home, since there is a high risk that it will not be possible to completely remove the pus, which is why the infection can spread to neighboring pores. As a result, instead of one small pimple, a person will get several at once, and much larger ones. Incorrect squeezing technique often provokes.

But the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is only a consequence. But there are a lot of reasons that can provoke this pathological condition, and each of them should be studied in detail.

  • Age-related changes

Perhaps the most common reason. Almost every teenager has acne. All this is due to natural changes in the body that occur during puberty. The fact is that during puberty, hormones are significantly activated. Their increased production causes not only the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls, but also the appearance of purulent rashes on the face.

  • Hyperkeratosis

A fairly common childhood disease, which manifests itself especially actively during puberty. This disease is expressed in the accelerated division of epidermal cells, due to which the body does not have time to get rid of dead tissue. This results in an accumulation of dead skin, which clogs the pores. It’s easy to guess that this is an ideal environment for the development of all kinds of infections and, accordingly, the appearance of purulent acne.

  • Poor nutrition

The skin reacts very sensitively to various pathologies of internal organs. Abuse of alcohol, fatty, spicy and salty foods, smoking, etc. contribute not only to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, but also manifests itself in the appearance of significant acne on the face, including purulent ones.

  • Hormonal imbalance

This reason is considered from the point of view of adults. For example, this is relevant for pregnant women or during menstruation. The same applies to menopause. During these periods, the formation of white pustules on the face is more active.

  • Cosmetics

Not all cosmetics are easily tolerated by the skin. Sometimes they can cause the development of inflammatory processes, which result in the appearance of ulcers. This is relevant for such cases as using low-quality cosmetics, touching the face with dirty hands, for example, when applying foundation, or using other people's cosmetics.

  • Stress

Everything is very simple here - stressful situations provoke a decrease in the body’s defense mechanisms. The immune system weakens, making it much worse at fighting various infections, viruses and bacteria. Against this background, the risk of developing inflammatory processes significantly increases. As a result, the skin of the face becomes covered with unpleasant white ulcers.

  • Poor hygiene

You need to take care of your facial skin constantly and efficiently. It must be clean; using special cleaning products seems to be a good option. A person’s inaction when acne appears can also aggravate the problem - as mentioned above, they must be treated.

  • Steroids

Hormonal drugs provoke a deterioration in the condition of the skin, as the hormonal balance changes. These drugs include steroids and antibiotics. Skin problems are especially common among professional athletes.

  • Extrusion

If you do not understand the technique of mechanical removal of ulcers, there is no point in touching them at all. Improper squeezing is guaranteed to make the problem worse. Even if it was possible to get rid of all the purulent contents, tissue damage can leave a mark in the form of a scar. The larger the abscess, the more noticeable the scar.

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on how well the cause of their appearance was determined. In the early stages of the disease, especially during puberty, following simple recommendations will help. They also act as preventive measures.

Girls definitely need to reconsider all the cosmetics they have. It is strongly recommended to remove questionable products. The same applies to other people's brushes and other devices. Please note that it may appear after using a specific product. The cosmetics set should include a cleansing and drying tonic, a zinc-based mask and a scrub.

Avoid touching your face with bare hands. Even if the palms or fingers are visually completely clean, they still contain millions (!) of different bacteria that can trigger the process of formation of purulent acne. You need to wash your face at least twice a day. If you have been outdoors or work in a contaminated workplace, the number of washings needs to be increased. During hygiene procedures, it is advisable to use the above cosmetics. This is equally true for both women and the stronger sex.

Try not to get nervous over trifles. You need to live calmly and measuredly. It is very important to exclude from everyday life any provoking factors that contribute to hassle, from jostling on public transport in the morning to quarrels with your husband.

Treatment with medications and procedures

If small pustules on the face continue to appear, despite all preventive measures, and, moreover, their number and complexity are growing, you should seek help from specialized specialists, in particular, a dermatologist.

What is the treatment for purulent acne:

  • First of all, the patient undergoes a test that will help identify the presence of an infectious lesion in the body. It is on the basis of the results obtained that the course of treatment is prescribed;
  • One type of therapy is antibacterial or antibiotic drugs of systemic action, that is, tablets and capsules. Antibiotics are relevant for complex types of disease. The duration of the course of therapy is an individual parameter. As a rule, it ranges from one week to six months in the most advanced cases;
  • Local antimicrobial and antibacterial agents – ointments, creams, gels, etc. – help effectively get rid of purulent acne. Although they can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription and at an affordable price, it is strongly recommended that you first consult with your doctor. The most common drugs in this group are Levomekol, Metrogyl, Zinc-gel and Zinerit;
  • corticosteroid drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. These are very strong medications that have a significant effect on the human body. They are used in cases where the causes of ulcers on the face lie in hormonal disorders;
  • if problems with the gastrointestinal tract have led to the formation of unsightly pustules, then special attention needs to be paid to diet. A balanced diet must include fresh and low-fat foods. It is recommended to consume active biological additives, brewer's yeast and other substances that promote the breakdown and removal of fat cells from the body. But fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, flour, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes - that is, everything that you love so much is strictly contraindicated.

In addition to drug treatment, there are also special cosmetic procedures that can cope with the most serious defects of the skin, including those on the face:

  • cryotherapy - freezing purulent rashes with liquid nitrogen. As a result of this, they are destroyed, and no traces remain in their place;
  • laser therapy - a narrow beam of light literally burns purulent pimples;
  • ozone therapy – a solution of distilled water saturated with ozone is injected into the affected area of ​​the skin by injection;
  • mesotherapy is a method of treatment that involves the local action of special drugs;
  • Ultrasound therapy - used for deep cleansing of the face, due to which dead cells are removed from its surface, which can lead to clogging of pores;
  • peeling - chemical cleansing of the face with the same result as in the case of ultrasound;
  • Mechanical cleansing is a comprehensive measure aimed at deep cleansing the skin of the face without the need to use chemicals and ultrasonic equipment.

The only drawback of such procedures is their increased cost. Accordingly, a visit to a cosmetologist will cost much more than to a dermatologist. However, in any case, the choice is yours - the main thing to remember is that purulent white pimples on the skin of the face must undergo adequate and timely treatment.

The main indicators of a healthy body are cleanliness and smoothness of the skin. Defects on it indicate the presence of unhealthy processes in the body.

Pustular acne is one of the types of skin lesions that are included in a number of inflammatory diseases. Excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands is the main cause of inflammation.

The fat that the sebaceous gland produces in excess amounts clogs the sebaceous ducts. The result is a painful, purulent pimple. Most often this occurs in the chest area, on the head, face, back, buttocks and intimate areas, in places where profuse sweating occurs. Negligent treatment of skin rashes leads to aggravation of the inflammatory process, which is why scars and cicatrices remain on the skin.

The appearance of purulent acne in the face area

The face is the most common area where ulcers are affected. First, a small bump appears on the skin with reddened skin around it. The inflamed area begins to ripen, hurt and itch, increasing in size. The abscess becomes more noticeable. The focus of its inflammation is called a core neoplasm with a yellow-white tint.

Attention! Abscesses on the face are one of the indicators of a teenager entering adolescence, when the body matures, accompanied by a hormonal surge, so during this period you should carefully care for the surface of the skin.

Why does a pustular pimple appear?

There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of acne:

  1. Disturbed hormonal balance. The period of menopause, pregnancy or menopause is characterized by changes in hormonal levels, so purulent acne in women appears in the face, neck, chest or back.
  2. Unhealthy food. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, alcohol abuse, and fatty foods are the result of poor nutrition. As a result, metabolic processes are disrupted.
  3. Transitional age. Acne is typical for adolescents during puberty, when hormonal imbalances are a consequence of changes in the body. Hormones become hyperactive, changing the body of girls and boys.
  4. Development of hyperkeratosis. This is the rapid division of skin cells, so they quickly become horny and flake, clogging the pores. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat in these places leads to the appearance of purulent bacteria. Hyperkeratosis is a pathological process due to impaired blood supply, as well as a lack of vitamins in the body.
  5. Consequences of improper extrusion. Dermatologists and cosmetologists do not advise squeezing out purulent pimples on your own, citing the possibility of worsening the inflammatory process, after which scars remain on the skin.
  6. Stressful situations. Stress reduces the body's protective functions, so its resistance to the effects of bacteria with frequent nervous breakdowns and depression is significantly reduced.
  7. Poor quality cosmetics. Cosmetics that do not suit the skin and are expired are an excellent provocateur for the occurrence of ulcers.
  8. Steroid drugs or antibiotics.
  9. Lack of proper skin care. Insufficient cleansing of the skin or neglect of existing ulcers.

A papule is an infected acne pimple, which is characterized by painful sensations and the presence of a small reddish bump. Pus is not visible to the naked eye. Scars do not remain after they disappear.

Important! If papules appear multiple times, you should consult a doctor, as this may be evidence of the development of horny eczema, amyloidosis, psoriasis, syphilis and other diseases in the body.

A pustule is a severe form of papule. It looks like a rounded-superficial or deep tubercle filled with pus. A deep pustule forms an ulcer, which eventually becomes covered with a crust. After it falls off, a scar remains at the site of the pimple. The skin around the lesion is inflamed, which is why it is red. The form of pustules is:

  • hemispherical;
  • cone-shaped;
  • flat;
  • spherical.

A follicular abscess of staphylococcal nature affects the hair column and is of streptococcal nature.

  1. A nodule is a papule, the size of which exceeds one centimeter. The deep layer of the skin is affected, so the pain is pronounced. A healed nodule leaves a pigment spot, atrophic or keloid scar of a large size.
  2. Cyst - formed in a severe form of purulent pimple, which consists of several blackheads filled with pus and processed sebum. The cysts form a chain connected by the fistula duct. A cystic conglomerate is characterized by a bluish tint, is difficult to treat, and also leaves deep scars on the skin when healing.

  1. Small comedones, smoothly turning into papules (rarely into pustules), covering small areas of the skin.
  2. Increased area of ​​rashes compared to the first degree.
  3. A large number of pronounced pustules, papules and comedones. The skin is itchy. Healed purulent formations leave marks.
  4. Stage requiring medical treatment. Bluish bumps, the size of which exceeds five millimeters. After healing, scars and scars remain.


Removing acne on your own can lead to inflammation rather than cure it. Treatment of ulcers requires an integrated approach.

The first rule is to contact a specialist in a timely manner. Modern treatment methods in beauty salons make it possible to do this.

Treatment options

  1. Liquid nitrogen – freezing of pustular rashes, their destruction. Cryotherapy is the basis of this method.
  2. Distilled water – ozone therapy technology.
  3. Ultrasound – deep cleaning and removal of dead cells.
  4. Chemical peeling – allows you to remove dead skin cells.
  5. Mechanical cleansing is preventive skin care.
  6. Mesotherapy allows you to individually select effective medications for each skin type, taking into account the degree of disease progression.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of pustular acne

In order to cure this disease, there are many recipes from natural plants. These are decoctions, ointments and other compositions prepared mainly for cleansing and restoring the skin.


The properties of the plant are used to heal the surface of the skin. The treatment is characterized by simplicity, ease and relative cheapness.

Remove all needles from one aloe leaf and cut it in half. The resulting pulp is applied to the purulent wound and secured with a plaster. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, in the evening.


If there are reasons that do not allow you to use traditional medicine, you can use medical ointments:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

These drugs have an antiseptic effect, kill the carrier of the infection, and remove the purulent contents of the pimple out. In addition, after cleansing the wound, it heals faster, since the action of the ointments promotes the regeneration of the dermis. Before each application of a fresh layer of ointment, the affected area should be cleaned.

Important! The use of medications or folk remedies to cleanse the skin significantly accelerates the healing process of purulent wounds, and timely preventive skin care completely eliminates relapses of inflammatory processes.

Sometimes many people develop purulent acne on their face. But every person wants to see healthy skin, especially for the fair sex, since ideally for them, their facial skin should look radiant and smooth. And if any defects appear on the face, the woman perceives it as a disaster. Ladies are very upset about this, because acne not only spoils the appearance, but also creates discomfort for the owner.

Purulent acne usually appears unexpectedly. Moreover, they ripen at a slow speed before appearing. Pimples with pus can appear singly, or several dozen can appear on the face at once. There are several forms of pustules: flat, cone-shaped, hemispherical. A purulent pimple always indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the skin.

Why do pimples appear?

The reasons for the appearance of pustules on the face are varied, but the most common are the following:

  • excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous gland;
  • long-term or frequent use of antibiotics or steroids;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • improper and insufficient skin care;
  • gynecological diseases.

You need to know more about all the points. So, when the sebaceous gland secretes excessive sebum, the pores become clogged. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of pustules. This reason usually occurs in adolescents when they reach puberty.

Hyperkeratosis is an enlargement and increased compaction of the stratum corneum of the skin. Therefore, it is easier for bacteria to get into the sebaceous glands and begin the process of inflammation and suppuration there.

Long-term or frequent use of antibiotics and steroids negatively affects some internal human organs and the skin. In this case, it starts very often.

The cause of pustules on the face can be altered hormonal levels of a person. Their appearance can be triggered by factors such as menstruation, pregnancy, and endocrine disorders.

To avoid pustules on the face, you need to take care of your skin daily. The skin of the face must be washed and cleansed morning and evening. Cosmetics for facial skin must be selected taking into account your skin type.

Any nervous shocks and stress have a very negative impact on the face. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of purulent acne, try to avoid stressful situations.

Very often, pimples with pus occur in those people who eat incorrectly. Pustules also often appear in women with gynecological problems.

Separately, it should be noted the appearance of pustules on the child’s face and lip. They can appear as a result of contact of dirty hands with the skin of the face, because children very often bring their hands to their nose, cheek or eye.

Ways and methods of getting rid of pustules on the face

Getting rid of this problem on the face is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Purulent acne takes a long time to mature and is painful.

Before choosing a method of getting rid of pustules, you need to try to identify the cause of their occurrence and, if possible, eliminate it.

Currently, there are several methods for getting rid of pustules; each person can choose the most suitable one.

  • folk remedies;
  • special medications;
  • deep chemical peeling;
  • ultrasound therapy.

Folk remedies in the fight against pustules

You can get rid of pimples with pus and cleanse your face using traditional medicine recipes. They are very effective and not as expensive as beauty treatments in a salon or pharmaceutical drugs. Traditional medicine currently offers a lot of remedies for this problem in the form of lotions, rubs, and masks. The most popular and effective recipes are those made from aloe juice, mustard, plantain, calendula flowers and nettle tincture.

Purulent acne on the face is well removed by plantain juice. To do this, you need to wipe the pustules on your face with the fresh juice of the plant, or you can add it to anti-inflammatory masks. Plantain juice has a destructive effect on microbes that cause suppuration.

The aloe plant can be a faithful assistant in the fight against pustules. Aloe can draw out pus in a short time. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the bottom leaf of the medicinal plant and remove its upper film and spines. Part of the leaf should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation and secured with an adhesive plaster so that air is simultaneously available to the affected skin.

An excellent remedy against pustules is a decoction of the leaves and flowers of St. John's wort. To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. crushed plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Next, the mixture is put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled. They can be used to apply lotions and wipe problem skin. St. John's wort decoction contains vitamins such as C, A, P, and has tanning properties.

Purulent acne on the face can be removed with the help of homemade mustard, from which the cream is prepared. To prepare, add dry mustard powder to warm water at a ratio of 1:4. The poured mustard should be left in a warm place to infuse for 10 hours. After time, excess water is drained from the mixture. As soon as the water is drained, a little salt and vegetable oil are added to the mustard. The result is a medicinal cream that needs to be applied to the pustules up to 3 times a day.

The medicinal plant calendula can not only cope with pustules, but also remove scars on the site of former acne. An infusion is made from calendula. For this you need 1 tbsp. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the flowers of the plant. The infusion needs 30 minutes to steep. Then it is filtered and rubbed on the problem skin.

Nettle infusion, which must be taken orally, will help cleanse the skin of pustules. The infusion is made from 2 tbsp. chopped nettle and 2 cups boiling water. It will take 2 hours to infuse the mixture. Next, the infusion is filtered and taken 100 g 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

Currently, pharmacy counters are full of various anti-acne medications.

The most effective and popular include:

  • Zenerite;
  • Skinoren;
  • Baziron AS;
  • Dalatsin.

Zinerite is produced in the form of a lotion that does not require rinsing, since after drying it is invisible on the skin. The active substance is an antibiotic. After applying it, you can use decorative cosmetics. If after using the lotion a person sees irritation on the face and experiences unbearable itching, then treatment must be stopped.

The drug Skinoren is available in the form of a gel. If there are too many pustules, then the product is applied in a thin layer over the entire face.

Baziron AC is also available in gel form and is used similarly to Skinoren. Only a doctor can determine the course of treatment.

Dalatsin is an ointment that is applied to cleansed skin. The drug, like Zinerit, contains an antibiotic. Therefore, the drug should not be used longer than it should be.

Chemical peeling and ultrasound therapy in the fight against pustules

Ultrasound therapy is an effective remedy against pustules. High-frequency vibrations can cleanse pores and help them open better. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and effectively eliminates acne.

Chemical peeling is performed only by specialists. Thanks to this procedure, the facial skin is cleansed of dead cells, various impurities, and excess sebum. For peeling, specialists use glycolic and salicylic acid. These acids penetrate deep into the epidermis and begin to affect problem areas of the skin. The course of procedures directly depends on the number of pustules.

Pimples on the face are a problem for many nowadays, especially if they are purulent. Some immediately run to a dermatologist or cosmetologist, while others begin to look for all kinds of recipes in magazines or the Internet. As a result, the former get rid of them much faster, while the latter take longer to treat them or worsen the situation.

What purulent pimples are, their types and how to treat them is described in detail in this article.


There are many reasons for the occurrence of acne on the face, but the mechanism of the appearance of an abscess is the accumulation of subcutaneous sebum in the pores. This fat cannot come out for certain reasons and begins to become inflamed, thereby forming a red bump on the surface of the skin. At this stage, a person can squeeze it out, or he can wait for the rod to mature.

It is important to know! If the pus from a pimple is not completely squeezed out, the residue may cause the abscess to grow larger than it was, and the infection may spread to nearby pores. There is a high probability that several more will appear next to the squeezed pimple.

But still, why do purulent acne appear on the face? The reasons for their occurrence are described below.

  • Age. Girls and boys of school age are often susceptible to acne and all other types of pimples. This period is called puberty. As you grow older and your body changes during adolescence, hormonal imbalances are common. The hyperactivity of hormones changes the body of a child into the body of an adult: boys’ voices become rougher and erections appear, while girls’ breasts begin to grow, menstruation appears and, as a result, acne appears.
  • Hormonal imbalance in women during menstruation or its absence, pregnancy or menopause, it leads to the appearance of purulent acne on the face, neck, back or chest.
  • Poor nutrition, and as a result, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can cause problematic facial skin. This item includes liver problems due to alcohol abuse, fatty foods, etc.
  • Hyperkeratosis is a pathology characterized by the rapid division of skin cells, subsequently causing their rapid keratinization and exfoliation. The skin of the face becomes covered with red bumps, where subcutaneous fat accumulates under them in the pores. The pores are clogged with particles of dead cells and bacteria and then pus begin to appear in the accumulated fat. The causes of hyperkeratosis are pathologies of the body, impaired blood supply to certain parts of the body, lack or excess of vitamins.
  • Ungroomed facial skin. Lack of cleansing of the skin or inaction when acne occurs leads to a worsening of the problem.
  • Squeezing out ulcers. Not a single doctor advises squeezing ulcers, no matter how terrible they may seem. Improper extrusion makes the problem worse. If there is no pus left inside after squeezing out, and the wound after the pimple has healed in a few days, a scar will still remain, which is much more difficult to get rid of.
  • Nerves and stressful situations. The more stressful situations every day, the more the body’s immunity to different types of bacteria decreases. The skin stops coping with inflammation and as a result, an abscess appears.
  • Using inappropriate cosmetics leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes. This also includes touching your face with dirty hands, using other people's cosmetics or special makeup brushes.
  • Taking steroid drugs or antibiotics. Athletes who take steroids often experience skin problems.

Frequent use of antibiotics leads to the appearance of medicinal acne.

Whatever the cause of acne, measures should be taken immediately. To know how to properly get rid of pimples, you need to understand what types there are.

Types of purulent acne

Depending on the time of maturation and shape, several types of acne are distinguished.

  1. Comedo. It appears as soon as the pore is clogged with a sebaceous plug. Can be closed or open. Cutaneous - open, easily removed, it contains liquid and is black in color. In other words, it's an eel. The closed one is formed under the skin and is visible to us as a white ball. This is a wen or white purulent pimple.
  2. If an infection somehow gets into the comedone, then a fast-moving pimple forms papule. This is a fully formed pimple, it feels painful when pressed, and the color varies from red to purple. No pus is visible
  3. The papule may develop into pustule, a more severe form. But it doesn't always appear this way. It can be primary, and they are popularly known as “red pimples.” The difference from a papule is that a white dot appears on the red tubercle.
  4. Nodular cystic acne- This is a severe form of pustules. They are interconnected by fistulous ducts and form conglomerates. Accompanied by painful sensations over the entire surface of the skin with acne. They require immediate treatment, as they leave huge scars.
  5. The most severe form of acne is lightning acne. They are accompanied by muscle and bone pain and tend to change the leukocyte form of the blood. With this type of rash, acne affects large areas of the skin and requires urgent medical intervention.

The presence of any type of acne on a person’s body or face can be called a disease. Therefore, there are several degrees of severity of its occurrence.

  • First degree The disease involves infection of small areas of the skin with comedones, sometimes with the appearance of papules and even more rarely pustules.
  • Second degree severity differs from the first only in the area of ​​the rashes. Papules and pustules are rare, mostly the skin is covered with comedones.
  • Third degree accompanied by comedones, papules and pustules in large quantities. Acne is pronounced, the skin may be a little itchy, and small acne scars remain.
  • Fourth degree requires urgent treatment. The skin is covered with bumps up to 5 mm in diameter, the color of which reaches bluish color. Acne leaves behind pits.

Note! You should not independently diagnose the degree of the disease and determine the type of purulent acne. As soon as skin problems begin, you should immediately consult a doctor!

How to get rid of it?

The above remedies can help during puberty or with the first degree of severity of the disease. If there are no visible improvements, you should immediately see a doctor. Treatment by a dermatologist may cost a little more than using folk remedies, but it will still be more effective.

First of all, you need get tested for infections. Depending on the result, treatment may include antibiotics and antibacterial agents in the form of tablets for oral administration. It also depends on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment can last from 1 week to 6 months or longer.

Be careful! Self-medication can harm your health! You should not take antibiotics or antimicrobials without consulting your dermatologist or other doctors. The components of these drugs can adversely affect internal organs.

Widely used in the treatment of purulent acne antibacterial, antimicrobial ointments, gels and lotions. You can purchase them at the pharmacy yourself or consult a doctor to select the right product. An effective ointment for purulent acne on the face - Levomekol. Zinerit lotion, Zinc gel, Skinoren gel, Metrogyl gel, etc. are popular.

If the cause of the ulcers turns out to be a hormonal imbalance, in this case drugs that contain corticosteroids are used. They are prescribed both in tablets and as an ointment. For example, Hydrocortisone ointment, etc.

As is already known, ulcers still arise due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you should adhere to a diet: exclude fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, smoked foods from the daily diet and eat less flour. Eat only fresh and low-fat foods. To this you can add combined dietary supplements, brewer's yeast, Lactrofiltrum to the diet, that is, drugs that bind and remove fats from the body.

The above drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist after passing certain tests, and, as a result, the treatment is always effective. But there is another option visits to a cosmetologist. Beauty salons provide services:

  • Laser treatment of purulent acne.
  • Phototherapy of acne.
  • Mechanical facial cleansing.
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Ozone therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.

The cost of a cosmetologist's services is much higher than a visit to a dermatologist. There may be several procedures to get rid of acne, depending on the severity of the acne disease, and all of them are paid.

Something to remember! In beauty salons, you should contact trusted professionals who have the appropriate qualifications and documents confirming them.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are really effective remedies for purulent acne that have been used for decades. Among these remedies there are also medications, but doctors have stopped prescribing them for one reason or another.

  1. Remedy for purulent acne on the face No. 1 – aloe. Alcohol tincture or using fresh aloe juice is good for treating purulent acne. This is because the leaves of the plant contain bactericidal properties. Four-year-old plants help better in treatment.
    To prepare the tincture you need to take aloe leaves and 70% alcohol (at least vodka) in a ratio of 1:5. The leaves should rest in a cool place for 10-15 days. Next, grind the aloe in any convenient way, add alcohol and leave for another 10 days in a cold place. The tincture is ready for use.
    Another option is to use aloe. Take a leaf and divide it lengthwise into two parts so that there is pulp on one side. Next, you can do it in two ways:
    Rub your face with the pulp side of the aloe and, without wiping, let it absorb for 2 minutes. Do this at night for several weeks in a row until the acne goes away. Cut a small piece of aloe from the leaf.
    Cut it so that the flesh is visible. Take a breathable patch and stick it to the pulp side of the aloe vera to the pimple. The procedure is done at night.
  2. Iodine Apply to the pimple at night. It has a drying effect and relieves internal inflammation. The course of treatment is up to 7 days. You need to apply a cotton swab with iodine to the pimple. The downside is that small yellow spots remain. They are not easy to hide.
    This treatment option is suitable for people without allergic reactions to iodine.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment widely used in the treatment of large boils, pustules, nodular cystic acne. They have a pus-pulling effect. The course of treatment is up to 5 days, depending on the pimple.
    You need to make a small pad out of a bandage, apply one of the ointments to it, apply it to the pimple and secure it with a band-aid. Leave overnight. The downside of this treatment is the smell.


Skin with many pimples is an unsightly sight. When meeting or getting to know each other, people first of all pay attention to the face. An unkempt appearance causes negative emotions. The condition of the skin depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. Purulent acne on the face is not uncommon, so it’s worth understanding why they occur. Treatment directly depends on the causes of the disease.

Why do acne appear?

Factors that provoke skin rashes can be completely different. Experts identify the main reasons why purulent acne appears on the face.

  • Hormonal imbalance. Disorders begin during adolescence and may also occur during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Hormonal problems affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This causes them to become blocked, causing a rash.
  • Pathogenic bacteria. If the skin is infected with a fungus or mite, then acne appears on the skin. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the disease on your own, so you should consult a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.
  • Open pores. If they are enlarged, they become clogged with cosmetics or dust. Improper skin care causes rashes. To avoid problems, you need to thoroughly clean your pores and keep your face clean.
  • Lipid imbalance. It can be caused by hot weather, excessive sun exposure, or visiting a bathhouse or solarium. Fatty and unhealthy foods also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Allergic reactions. The causes of acne may be a lack of vitamins or the presence of a constant allergen. If immunity is reduced, then the sebaceous glands are disrupted, which causes a rash. Malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs or the endocrine system can manifest as acne.

Types of rashes

Pimples can be different: red, subcutaneous or purulent. To understand how to treat acne on the face, a photo will help determine what type it is.

  • Allergic rash. It appears as watery pimples that may itch. The number of rashes depends on the degree of allergy.
  • Hormonal acne. Most often they appear on the chin and forehead. The rashes are small and red.
  • Acne. A purulent rash can occur due to improper skin care.
  • Rashes of unknown origin. If skin cleansing and topical medications do not help, you need to undergo an examination to find out what is causing the rash.
  • Black dots. It is difficult to call comedones acne; in fact, they are contaminated pores. But blockage can cause inflammation and rash, so the skin must be cleaned thoroughly.
  • White pimples are caused by sebum remaining in the pore. This may be caused by digestive problems, lack of vitamins or poor hygiene. Also, such rashes can appear during adolescence and as a result of hormonal changes. It is very difficult to disguise them because they are voluminous. But if such a rash is squeezed out, then purulent pimples form on the face, which need treatment.
  • Rosacea is a small, red rash. It can be caused by an infection or appear due to the fact that a person has a weak immune system and sensitive skin.

Treatment of non-hormonal rash

When purulent acne appears on the face, treatment may consist of applying an ointment for external application. If the situation is more complicated, then you will have to add drugs for oral administration. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the disease.

In cases where the rash does not appear due to hormonal imbalances, cosmetic procedures help well:

  • Masks based on clay. Vitamins and medications may also be added.
  • Peels. They can be both superficial and deeper. Fruit acid is sometimes used during procedures.
  • Therapy using liquid nitrogen and ozone.
  • Facial cleansing of all types.
  • Procedures at home.

It will be useful for every woman to make masks at home that contain honey, lemon juice and clay. Depending on your skin type, you can prepare various infusions and decoctions, for example, chamomile or calendula. If you add oatmeal, you get a gentle cleansing scrub.

But it is still undesirable to independently determine the causes of acne and fight them. It is extremely rare that this can be done correctly. If you use products without consulting a doctor, the rash may spread to other areas of the skin.

Correction of the facial care system

To prevent purulent acne on the face from spreading, you need to practice an integrated approach. It consists of following an individual diet, cosmetic or drug treatment.

If the rash appears due to skin infection, homeopathic medicines and gamma globulin are usually prescribed. Compresses, masks and special “potions” also help well.


Many people are bothered by acne on their face. Treatment consists not only of taking medications, but also of proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude spicy foods, fatty and fried foods. The main diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, cereals and lean meat.

For any skin problems, sugar is harmful, so you need to consume it in minimal quantities, or better yet, eliminate it completely.

If purulent acne appears on the face, the reasons may be different. As a rule, excessive alcohol consumption does not have the best effect on the skin and provokes rashes.


Equally important is facial care. It is necessary not only to choose the right cosmetics, but also to use anti-inflammatory drugs. It is better to buy products from brands that have already been tested.

Antiseptic preparations in the form of ointments or creams will prevent the development of bacteria, so they must also be applied. Regular use will relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin.

To heal wounds and narrow pores, you should make fruit masks with the addition of clay and medicinal plants. Apple mask and aloe vera, plantain and string help well.

Rash before menstruation

Almost all women notice changes before menstruation, which are commonly called PMS. Nervousness is not the only harbinger; many people experience acne on their face. Their occurrence is explained by hormonal changes.

Cosmetic "weapons"

Today you can purchase various products that will help cope with the problem. All of them contain medications that help not only remove the aesthetic defect, but also eliminate the causes of acne.

What does folk wisdom say?

What will she tell us about? If acne appears on the face, folk remedies will help give the skin a smooth and healthy appearance. But purulent rashes are a serious problem that may indicate the presence of an infection in the body, and sometimes the pimple turns out to be a boil or a blackhead. Therefore, if you have regular rashes, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Traditional methods are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. The degree of damage is determined by the location of occurrence, the amount of rash and other factors. Often, purulent acne indicates that the body lacks B vitamins, so it is necessary to add buckwheat, bran, liver and brewer’s yeast to the diet.

In ancient times, it was believed that purulent ulcers appear on the skin due to the fact that the body is exhausted. Therefore, the patient was prescribed rest and procedures that strengthened the nervous system: long walks, mineral baths, a balanced diet and visits to seaside resorts.

Aloe and iodine

In order for acne on the face to go away faster, the treatment should be as follows: it is necessary to accelerate the maturation of the head and draw out the pus from the wound. The healing process will be more successful if you help the damaged area to recover faster.

For these purposes, you can use aloe juice. The leaf should be cut lengthwise and applied to the pimple at the stage of its maturation. Then the inflammation will go away much faster.

Iodine has long been used to treat acne. It should be applied pointwise to the affected areas at the initial stage. It is necessary to lubricate the rash several times a day. This measure will help remove inflammation, and the process will be less noticeable. When pus appears, aloe should be applied.

Purulent rash in children

If a child has a purulent pimple, parents should not panic, but they still need to keep the situation under control. This is how vesiculopustulosis can manifest itself - this is an infectious disease caused by staphylococcus. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze such pimples; they must be treated with brilliant green and immediately go to the doctor.