Why has my hair lost volume and thickness? The story of my hair or how to get my hair back to its previous thickness. Hair restoration after childbirth

Homemade hair care products
(I am the most beautiful)
I am the most beautiful:: hair care

To strengthen hair and improve the skin of the scalp, take 100-150 g of stale rye bread, finely crumble it and pour boiling water over it. Wash your hair with the resulting bread gruel, then rinse with clean water. - The following mixture has a beneficial effect on your hair: egg yolk, lemon juice and a few drops of cognac. Once a week, rub this mixture into your scalp and hair, then rinse your hair thoroughly with water and lemon juice or vinegar.

You can use infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants for hair care. “Grandma’s” remedies are still relevant today

A mixture of equal parts of oak bark and onion peel has a beneficial effect on the scalp and strengthens hair. A glass of the mixture is poured with one liter of boiling water and kept on fire for one hour.

Brew a mixture of nettle leaves half and half with coltsfoot leaves in one liter of water. Rub the resulting decoction into the scalp 3 times a week.

An infusion of birch leaves is useful for dry and brittle hair. A tablespoon of birch leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and rubbed into the scalp after washing.

You can try to eliminate excess greasiness in your hair using a decoction of oak bark (boil three tablespoons of oak bark for 15 minutes in a liter of water). The cooled and strained broth is used as washing water. The procedure must be repeated every three days for several weeks.

A decoction of hop cones is useful for strengthening hair roots in case of beginning baldness. Pour a tablespoon of hop cones into a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes and, after cooling, rub into the scalp.

To improve your hair after washing your hair, you can use nettle infusion: pour a tablespoon of dry crushed nettle leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for an hour. After the infusion has cooled, strain it and rub it into the scalp 1-2 times a week.

The following recipe is also useful: a handful of crushed dry nettle leaves is boiled for 30 minutes over low heat in a mixture of 200 ml of water and 200 ml of vinegar. After cooling, strain the broth and wash your hair with it daily without shampoo.

For oily scalp and dandruff, you can use a mixture of 10 parts of calendula alcohol tincture and 1 part of castor oil.


Vitamin complexes

The most effective and popular vitamins are the following complexes:

  • "Perfectil";
  • "Fitoval";
  • "Revalid";
  • "Vita Charm";
  • "Pantovigar".
Perfectil contains vitamins, various microelements and plant extracts

“Perfectil” contains all the necessary nutrition for curls and scalp, so if you take it regularly, you can achieve good results if the process of losing curls was triggered by vitamin deficiency or hormonal changes during pregnancy. In this case, hair loss should not be regarded as a pathological failure in the hormonal system, which cannot be solved with the help of vitamins.

The good thing about this drug is that it can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications for use are hypervitaminosis and hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients.

Fitoval shows good results

“Fitoval” includes all the vitamins and amino acids that can restore life and former beauty to hair. Also, one of the main components of the drug is medicinal yeast, which plays an important role in such a process as the restoration of curls. The complex helps strengthen the roots, due to which hair loss stops, and weakened strands begin to gradually recover.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of serious renal pathologies and allergies to the medicinal substances included in the composition.

Revalid gives visible results quite quickly

“Revalid” is a fairly popular vitamin complex, prescribed after undergoing antibacterial therapy, for vitamin deficiencies, and frequent stress, which could trigger the process of baldness. The drug helps restore the damaged structure, restores natural radiance and prevents the appearance of premature gray hair.

Like other vitamin complexes, it should not be taken if you have hypervitaminosis or have allergic reactions to its constituent components.

Vita charm includes all vitamins B and A

"Vita Charm" copes well with its main therapeutic tasks, which are as follows:

  • strengthening roots;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • growth activation;
  • return of natural shine;
  • eliminating dry scalp.

With regular use, the first results of the drug appear after a month.

The use of the drug in pregnant and lactating women is not recommended.


If the hair has lost its thickness for reasons such as taking medications, nutritional deficiencies, aggressive effects of external factors, in addition to vitamin complexes, the doctor may recommend the following procedures:

  • mesotherapy;
  • laser beam treatment;
  • darsonvalization;
  • phototherapy.
Physical therapy can also help restore hair

Mesotherapy is considered a relatively modern treatment method, which involves the subcutaneous administration of therapeutic injections. A solution with vitamins and other nutritional components is injected into the scalp. As a result, the lost hair is not lost forever, since a hair follicle remains in its place, which, under the influence of nutrients, is restored and gives life to new hair.

Laser therapy, darsonvalization and phototherapy can provide additional nutrition to dormant bulbs by improving local blood circulation. Procedures after completing ten to fifteen sessions give good results after some time.

Physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated in the presence of tumors of any nature, hypertension, blood pathologies, as well as the presence of damage to the skin of the head.

Local preparations

Ampoules, shampoos and other products are used as additional therapy

It is impossible to save a hair that is falling out, but you can strengthen and awaken the remaining hair follicles, which will promote the growth of new hair. For this purpose, the following topical drugs are used as additional means in the complex treatment of baldness:

  • ampoules;
  • lotions;
  • balms.

The most popular drugs of this type include Rinfoltil, Aminexil, Derkos, Booster Concept, Dixon, etc. Also under these names a series of medicinal balms, shampoos and lotions are produced, used in combination with ampoules.

Using masks

You can make hair masks at home

As additional measures in the treatment of intense hair loss at home, medicinal masks that you can prepare yourself are popular. Often their main medicinal components are the following ingredients:

  • egg yolk;
  • blue clay;
  • mustard;
  • kefir, etc.

From the above components, masks are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • For one chicken yolk, use a spoonful of liquid honey and the juice of one large onion. The healing mixture is applied at the roots, and for the best therapeutic effect, the head is covered with a cellophane cap. After half an hour, the product can be washed off.
  • Blue clay is mixed in equal parts with mustard powder. Add a little water and a few drops of any essential oil to the mixture. The mask is distributed at the root system of the hair, rubbing in with gentle massaging movements. After twenty minutes of exposure, the product must be washed off.
  • For a glass of yogurt or kefir you will need two large spoons of blue clay. The consistency is distributed over all strands, including at the roots. The top of the head is covered with polyethylene so that the mask can work at full capacity. After a thirty-minute interval, the mask must be washed off.


Causes of hair loss

Do you know the feeling when you look at your old photos and realize that your hair was much better before? Why does the hair on your head become less and less over time? There may be several reasons:

  1. Endocrine diseases. Many of them do not make themselves felt for a very long time. A slight weight gain or, conversely, weight loss, changes in skin elasticity and gradual hair loss. To exclude this pathology, you will have to go to the doctor and take several tests.

  2. Hormonal disbalance. Not every change in hormonal levels can be considered a disease. However, increased levels of adrenaline or, for example, glucocorticosteroids can lead to hair loss and other cosmetic problems. An increase in sex hormones in the blood explains why there is less hair on the head after adolescence.
  3. Avitaminosis. Vitamins are necessary for all body functions without exception. They are also needed to maintain the beauty of hair, nails and teeth. You can suspect vitamin deficiency if, in addition to hair loss, symptoms such as dry skin, brittle nails, and frequent depression appear.
  4. Stress. If you often worry or are constantly in a tense state, you can also lose most of your hair. The life of a modern person is full of stressful situations, but it is important to learn how to cope with them. In psychology this is called “coping”. If you think that you need to identify your coping and learn to deal with stress, you should consult a psychologist.
  5. Incorrect care. Why did everyone have gorgeous, voluminous hair in childhood, but now it has become dull and lifeless, having decreased in volume by half? Previously, we did not have the need for constant styling, dyeing from tomato to eggplant and back to blonde, curling hundreds of curls and perms every month. As a child, they braided their hair, put on bows - and they were already beauties. It's simple: minimum impact - maximum density.

  6. Environmental impact. Previously, we had to wear a hated hat in winter and always hide from the rain under an umbrella or hood. No one makes sure that an adult takes care of his health and insulates himself. On the one hand, it’s good that you don’t have to wear a hat. However, there is also the other side of the coin - cold, wind and rain have a detrimental effect on hair, making it brittle, dry and contributing to hair loss.

It also happens that there are no health problems, stressful situations or errors in care, but the hair is still thinning. Unfortunately, this may simply be an inexplicable fact. Scientists believe that many processes in the body are programmed genetically and hair loss is simply a hereditary predisposition. In this case, you will have to come to terms with the amount of hair on your head, just like with the shape of your nose or the shape of your eyes.

Is there a problem?

Are you sure that the hair loss is due to hair loss? Can you say exactly when this loss started?

It is quite possible that the hair has not become less thick at all, it has simply decreased in volume and the impression of a decrease in its number has been created. This happens if you have been growing a long braid for a long time. The longer the hair, the heavier it is. Heavy hair quickly loses volume and is difficult to create with styling products.

In addition, hair volume is lost when it is excessively oily or dry. In order to rule out these reasons for changes in volume, look at your hair after washing your hair. Is your hair as beautiful as it should be? In this case, the reason for the imaginary decrease in density is not their quantity.

How long has your hair thickness been decreasing? Don't compare your hairstyle now to childhood photos. After adolescence, the human body changes dramatically. Sex hormones contribute to hair loss. At the same time, they become stiffer and less fluffy. This is a completely normal process of growing up.

How to restore thickness to hair

The thicker the hair, the better the hairstyle looks, so these tips will be useful to everyone. First of all, it is worth knowing that you can use those hair products that are in stores, or you can prepare them yourself from available products. The difference, in most cases, lies only in the investment of time and financial capabilities. Companies involved in the production and sale of cosmetics offer both professional hair care products and cheaper conventional shampoos, conditioners and masks.

It is important to focus not so much on the price and the inscription on the label, but on the real effect. The same remedy can be a salvation for one person, but on the contrary, it will harm another. Everything is quite individual. It is important to find the exact line of cosmetics that suits your hair.

Top 5 best products for hair thickness

  1. Ducray Anastim. This is a lotion that helps reduce hair loss and activates hair growth. The product can be applied before or after washing your hair. It is sold in small bottles with a dispenser. Intended for treating hair after stress, hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy. It is quite expensive, one set of bottles is enough for one course - 8 weeks.
  2. Vichy Dercos Neogenic. Hair growth activator, sold in ampoules of 6 ml. There are 28 ampoules in total in the box. For one course, lasting 3 months, you will have to purchase 3 boxes. The product is professional and quite expensive. The ampoules come with a special applicator for even distribution of the product over the scalp. Dercos Neogenic activates hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.
  3. NEXXT Express lotion-reconstructor against hair loss. The product is also sold in ampoules of 5 ml, there are 10 of them in a package. The contents of the ampoules should be applied to the scalp after each wash; there is no need to rinse off the product. The lotion is designed to activate hair growth and strengthen already active hair follicles. The cosmetics of this company are included in the middle price category.
  4. NEXXT Line against hair loss. Shampoo, conditioner and hair mask have a comprehensive effect on both the scalp and hair along the entire length. Can be used separately, but better all together. These products belong to professional cosmetics, but have a very affordable price.
  5. Faberlic Expert Pharma. This line of hair cosmetics from Faberlic includes shampoo, mask and serum against hair loss. It is better to use these tools comprehensively. However, it is worth considering that the company produces cosmetics in series and periodically changes the range of products. Therefore, after one bottle of the product runs out, you may not buy a second one due to its lack of availability.

Home remedies for hair loss

Home remedies are the most budget-friendly and effective option for hair treatment. Firstly, because they are universal. Secondly, such cosmetics are completely natural. You know exactly what your hair mask consists of only if you prepared it yourself. There are several simple and effective recipes:

  1. Burr oil. It is sold in pharmacies. You don’t need to add anything, just apply the oil to the scalp and distribute over the entire length of your hair, leave for 20 minutes under a cap. For best effectiveness, you can leave the oil on your head overnight.
  2. Fat-soluble vitamins. Oil solutions of vitamins A and E can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply them to the scalp and distribute along the entire length of the hair. To save money and ease of application, you can buy castor oil and add vitamins to it. In addition, you can also add nicotinic acid to your vitamin cocktail. The longer this mask stays on your hair, the better.
  3. Pepper tincture. Its main advantage is increased blood flow to the scalp and activation of dormant bulbs. The product is also sold in pharmacies. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol tincture dries out hair, so it is better to apply it only to the skin. Do not wash off for as long as possible.
  4. Kefir. You can use any fermented milk products, but it is better to opt for kefir. Apply it to your scalp and throughout your hair before going to bed. However, be prepared for the fact that such a mask will be quite difficult to wash off.

In order to increase hair thickness, you need to carefully monitor your health and choose the right product. This is always a matter of trial and error, but the results are worth it.

Poor nutrition, improper hair care - all this often leads to loss of thickness. How to restore thickness to hair, and with minimal effort and time? Restoring hair at home is not so difficult, but you need to remember that many women are suitable for various restoration methods. At the same time, you need to give up synthetic detergents, giving priority to organic shampoos and hair conditioners. It is also necessary to systematically use masks to restore hair structure. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Why does hair initially begin to fall out and lose thickness? It's all about the hormonal system. Many women cannot influence the quality of their hair until they turn to specialists. As a rule, those women whose hormonal levels have cardinal imbalances are susceptible to minimal hair restoration. Here you can correct the situation only with chemicals, which can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

Hair can fall out in a number of other cases:

  • During pregnancy;
  • If ovarian function is impaired;
  • When stress and depression occur;
  • Hair loss can be a side effect of an allergic reaction;
  • Hair loss can also be caused by using high-quality shampoo;
  • Dieting can also cause hair loss;
  • If the body lacks calcium or vitamin D;
  • With minimal protein intake.

It is very important that the reproductive system works perfectly, therefore, you need to start the fight against hair loss by visiting a gynecologist and checking your hormones. You also need to include enough vitamin D, calcium and protein in your diet. If you don't use these tips, then no other tips will help you.

Folk remedies for restoring hair thickness

If you have a question about how to restore hair thickness, then be sure to pay attention to traditional methods. They really allow us to get excellent results, allow us to restore thickness and enjoy gorgeous hair.


Burdock is the most wonderful remedy that allows you to quickly restore your hair, making it beautiful and chic. In this case, you can dig up burdock roots yourself and create an infusion from finely chopped roots. You can wash your hair with this infusion. You can use burdock oil, the main thing is natural. It is best to purchase such oils at a pharmacy. The oil needs to be rubbed into the roots of the hair, such a mask needs to be kept on the hair for at least half an hour, and should only be washed off with warm water. Note, just not hot.


An excellent remedy that has been traditionally used by women in our country. It was believed that if you wash your hair with lovage, all men will love you. At the same time, the roots of this plant are an excellent means of hair restoration. In this case, you need to use decoctions. Moreover, you need to wash and rinse your hair with them.

Onion is the basis of chic hair

There are many interesting recipes that allow you to restore hair using onions. In principle, this remedy is unpleasant, but at the same time it helps a lot. Moreover, as a rule, onion masks help restore hair not only for women, but also for men.

  1. Mix grated onion with honey and apply to hair. This mask stays on the hair for more than 30 minutes. Afterwards you need to make a mask from olive oil.
  2. Mix the grated onion with sour cream, add coconut oil and a few drops of tea tree (mask for an hour);
  3. The onion is mixed with honey and burdock oil, vitamin E is added, and the mask is left for an hour.

Such products, of course, can only be used on weekends, because, as you know, hair tends to retain unpleasant odors for a very significant amount of time.

Natural oils – thick, silky, long hair

Natural oils are also very actively used today in the fight for perfect hair. If you want to always look chic, then you need to purchase:

  • Shea Butter;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Mango butter;
  • Palm kernel oil.

All the oils need to be heated a little and a complex of vitamins added to them, after which we apply the mask to the hair and cover with a plastic bag. We keep it like this for several hours.

If you decide to restore your hair, listen to these tips:

  1. Stop dyeing your hair;
  2. Use henna;
  3. Use oil masks every second day;
  4. Use high-quality, organic or mineral shampoo;
  5. Avoid using gels, foams and hairsprays;
  6. Try to wash your hair every day using plant-based masks;
  7. Use burdock and burdock oil.
Why is it profitable to buy an apartment at Monolith Holding Group now? . Minoxidil for hair: mechanism of action and method of use

Nature rewards many girls with beautiful, thick hair. Some people have gorgeous hair, others have soft silky curls, and others become the owner of stunning curls. But every day our hair is exposed to different influences.

Hair thickness is negatively affected by poor nutrition, stress, taking medications, constant dyeing, and changing your image.

But the main harmful factor is laziness. After all, it seems to all of us that we will be forever young and healthy. But in fact, after thirty-five you can already notice completely obvious signs of aging.

Has your hair thickness already decreased? Well, what can we advise you? First of all, you need to change your loved one’s attitude towards you. You just need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

In addition, if you experience intense hair loss, you should definitely go for a consultation with a specialist who will tell you what needs to be done in order to restore your thick and beautiful hair.

Hair restoration after childbirth

Pregnant women are basically distinguished by thick, shiny hair. This phenomenon can be explained very simply: during pregnancy, the body receives a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Changes in hormonal levels do not pass by either. But a couple of months after giving birth, many women, as a rule, have problems with the quality and quantity of hair. But don’t panic – this is a temporary phenomenon and with some effort they will quickly recover.

How can you quickly and effectively restore its former beauty:

  • Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible - hormonal levels return to normal naturally and this contributes to the speedy recovery of your body. This restoration also applies to curls;
  • you need to eat right and take vitamins for nursing mothers;
  • in the fight against lack of sleep and all kinds of stress, involve the child’s father, grandparents, then you will be less nervous, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on your hair;
  • going to the hairdresser is a kind of psychotherapy session. It wouldn't hurt to trim your hair a little;
  • gentle, careful hair care - the use of gentle shampoos, balms, the application of various masks.

Hair restoration after dyeing

Almost every modern girl has at least once in her life resorted to a radical change in her image - coloring her hair.

This method is the most popular because it does not require large investments, but at the same time it helps to radically change your appearance.

But such a procedure has one very significant drawback - with each subsequent coloring, the curls become duller and more lifeless.

The reason for this effect is the fact that any dye, especially permanent dye, gives the hair a painful appearance. And sick, weakened curls fall out more often. And here a completely logical question arises: how to paint and, at the same time, not spoil your appearance.

The main secret is quite simple: just try to use special shampoos, lotions, and make strengthening masks.

Attention! Remember to carefully read the label of a cosmetic product before you buy it.. It’s better to pay more for a more natural shampoo than to have to deal with the consequences of using a cheap and low-quality one for a long time and tediously.

To recover, you first need to reconsider your lifestyle. A woman who eats something unknown cannot have beautiful shiny curls. So, remember about proper nutrition. You should also pay attention to vitamins. All B vitamins found in meat, dairy products, and fish are perfect for hair.

But in order to restore your hair color after dyeing, you either need to go to a salon, where they will wash off the dye with special cosmetics, or wait until your hair grows back on its own.

Some experts advise highlighting your curls several shades lighter over a fairly long period. This way you will make the transition line from the natural color to the painted area almost invisible.

How to restore hair after extensions

How you want to look new every day. Those with long curls have a huge number of options, but those with short hair have a much more difficult time. But these days, this problem can be solved quite simply: you can simply increase the length of your curls. And for this you need very little: a good master and a few hours of free time.

But it is worth remembering that such a complex procedure cannot do without consequences for the curls. So, after extensions, forget about changing the color, highlighting or perm for some period. If possible, do not use a hair dryer or curling iron. Put away curlers, varnishes, and gels. Your hair needs rest and good nourishment.

We will also recommend you an excellent recipe that our grandmothers used. You will need to mix castor oil, yolk, olive oil, liquid vitamins A and E in equal proportions. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, apply to your head and leave for an hour.

Attention! Be sure to warm your head; you can wear a hat or wrap your head with a towel. You need to wash off the mask with warm water, and then it is advisable to rinse your hair with chamomile decoction.

How to restore burnt hair

Coloring with low-quality paints, lightening with peroxide, using hot tongs, curling irons and other not very useful procedures ultimately contribute to drying out your gorgeous curls.

But if such a problem has already happened to you, then you should, first of all, forget about straightening and curling your hair for a while and devote a little time to improving its health.

It may even be worth trimming the ends of your hair a little every 10-15 days to quickly get rid of dry ends.

It is also worth asking the pharmacy for a special multivitamin complex designed to strengthen hair.

Homemade masks are a good solution to the problem in this case. For example, you can mix 1 tablespoon each of burdock oil and cognac with two yolks. You can add a little honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your curls and leave for two hours, after warming your head.

Restore hair at home

Homemade masks and rinses with herbs will help restore and increase the density of your curls.

Almost every girl is not happy with the condition of her hair. And everyone asked themselves and those around them the question of how to restore hair thickness at home. And so that the products are not expensive, salon-store products, but something simpler and more effective. So we decided to publish truly effective tips for restoring hair thickness. The folk remedies used in our recipes are available, and experience with their use goes back centuries.

How to restore hair thickness - general recommendations.

Why does my hair fall out a lot? Excessive hair loss is closely related to the female hormonal system. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and what causes hair loss in another girl or woman may not affect the condition of the hair at all. But some points are the same for many women - hair loss during pregnancy, breastfeeding, ovarian dysfunction, stress, allergic reactions to hair hygiene products, insufficient intake of calcium and vitaminsDwith food, a strict diet with many restrictions, especially proteins.

For a charming appearance, including beautiful hair, it is important that the female reproductive system works like a clock. If this is not the case, external means will not help your hair recover. The same applies to dietary restrictions - if you do not consume enough protein, calcium and vitaminDwith food, it will be unrealistic to restore hair thickness.

How to restore hair thickness - folk remedies.

Traditional medicine offers many means to restore hair thickness; now you will learn several such recipes.

1. Burdock (burdock). It is considered one of the strongest remedies for restoring hair thickness. Either an infusion is made from finely chopped roots, or burdock oil (available at the pharmacy). The hair is rinsed with the infusion and, to enhance the effect of the product, is not washed off. Burdock oil is rubbed into the hair roots and skin, left for up to half an hour, then washed off with warm water.

2.Lovage.Our ancestors endowed lovage with magical properties, believing that lovage should be used to wash hair so that guys would love. Rinse your hair with infusion of the herb after using shampoo. In addition to leaves, the roots of the plant are used.

We have already told you how to restore hair thickness, all you have to do is try the miraculous power of natural remedies on yourself.

Interesting fact.

The average person's head grows from 100 to 140 thousand hairs. Blondes have relatively less hair, while dark-haired people have the fullest hair. The normal rate of hair loss per day is up to 100 per day, in children - 90. Old people lose about 120 hairs per day, but new ones no longer grow in their place, so they appear bald.

The secret of thick hair video:

Hi all! My name is Madina, I'm 18 years old. It’s been a month and a half since I came across this wonderful community, and one month since I’ve been reading your wonderful posts on a regular basis! Your hair stories inspire me. This is my first post, so please don't judge too harshly. So, let's begin!
As a child, I had thin hair (until I was 11 years old), but it was smooth and absolutely straight. As long as I can remember in those days, I always had a fuzz, this fuzz always stood on end. Around the age of 13 my hair started to thicken, the density increased and my hair grew at an incredible rate.

Ridiculous photos. But you can see from them that the hair is quite healthy, thick and shiny. I can say that this is all a matter of genetics. All members of my family have fairly thick hair. True, my father is not so good at the moment due to hair loss, but in his youth he had hair like an Indian actor.

I remember my grandmother telling me that none of the hairdressers wanted to cut off her thick braid, and she had to cut it off herself.

In the end this is what came out. I think it turned out very beautiful! Compared to me, her hair is wavy and voluminous.
At the age of 13, I only used shampoo. If I'm not mistaken, I used Pantene Pro-V. The hair became thicker and heavier. Many of my classmates and friends admired my hair. But my head and neck hurt from hair that only reached my shoulders. And I switched to Pantene Aqua Light. I liked the smell of this shampoo, but after a while I began to notice that my hair began to dry out, but I continued to use it.
I was very thin since childhood, but by the time I was 14 I gained weight. My health has improved. I ate only healthy food and never limited myself. Apparently my hair really liked it, it became thicker and thicker.

I cut my hair every summer. I cut 10 centimeters, and that’s at least. The hair grew back very quickly. At the beginning of the year I might have shoulder length hair, and by the end of the year my hair would be a little past my elbows.
At the age of 14, I transferred to the best physics and mathematics school in the country. The stress was incredible. But due to good nutrition and healthy sleep, it did not affect my hair at all.

The girl in the red frame is me. The tail is quite thick.
But at the age of 15, I went on a DIET. I lost weight over the summer. I was incredibly happy about this, but in the winter I began to notice that my braid had become thin, although before I could braid two thick braids. There was significantly less hair, you could notice that in some places there was very little hair. After taking a shower, the shower was clogged with my hair, and there was my hair on the floors throughout the house. I started to be afraid of scratching.

You may notice that gaps in the hair are visible.

Hair parting has never been so noticeable.
I immediately told my mom about my hair loss, but she said it was just my preoccupation with my appearance. After a couple of months, I was still able to convince her of this. She bought me the first balm for hair loss. It was a Chinese balm with snail extract. It cost 200-400 tenge (35-75 rubles) more than ordinary shampoos. Later I bought a Chinese hair growth activator and a hair growth activator for baldness.

Of course, nothing came of it. I asked my mother to help me rub it on my scalp. Mom rubbed in very little, in order to use it sparingly, but I myself didn’t want to because I couldn’t see where to apply the activator. Later, my classmates advised me to rub castor oil on my scalp. They told how the oil helped them grow their hair after unsuccessful haircuts and make their eyebrows thicker. I got excited about this idea, went to the pharmacy and bought 10 vials of castor oil. It all turned out very cheap. The first experience with him was simply terrible. The desire to use it disappeared almost immediately. Because it washed off just terribly. But still, I used 5 vials. And I decided to switch to burdock oil. I didn't like burdock oil. It didn't wash my hair well. Yes, and I used it poorly. I applied it in the shower before taking a shower. I waited a maximum of 15 minutes. I walked with castor oil for about an hour, maximum 2. After them, I decided to stop caring for my hair; I did not notice any progress. Final exams, university entrance exams, IELTS, SAT were approaching. For graduation they decided to cut off my hair and give me a hairstyle like this:

At the hairdresser, when I complained that my hair was thin and thin, the hairdresser said that my mother and I had escaped from a Pantene commercial. I think that she said this, seeing that another hairdresser braided my mother 3 braids, when usually it’s rare for anyone to braid even 2. But because of this, I calmed down a little and didn’t worry about my hair all summer.
In August 2015, I arrived in a new city (I entered university) and decided to buy Japanese hair care products. In 11th grade, I used Korean shampoos (Kerasys Damage Care, Kerasys Professional Care, Ryo), but they did not help stop hair loss. So this time I decided to try Japanese hair care lines. I bought Shiseido Tsubaki Head Spa Shampoo, Naive Conditioner with Aloe and Grape Seed Extract and KAMINOMOTO TURF MEDICATED IKUMO. Shampoo then cost 3,500 tenge (636.36 rubles), and conditioner cost 4,500 tenge (818.18 rubles). The most expensive item was the last one. It cost 12,000 tege (2181.81 rubles), at the moment more than 17,000 tege (3090.90 rubles). It looked like hairspray. It was necessary to use it like a varnish, only over the roots and rub into the scalp 2 times a day.

Shampoo Shiseido Tsubaki Head Spa

Naive with aloe and grape seed extract

I really liked the shampoo and conditioner! The hair was voluminous, soft and smelled very tasty. After a shower, I didn’t need to use toilet water to smell good, but my hair continued to fall out. KAMINOMOTO TURF MEDICATED IKUMO stopped hair loss. I think that I did not notice its effect because I went on a diet and started doing fitness. Moreover, I cut my hair to this length:

After the haircut:

In the spring I returned to Almaty and was frightened by how thin my hair had become and how much it had decreased in quantity. But after I returned to university, I had no time and closed my eyes to my hair.

In the summer I went in for sports and went on another diet. Hair fell out in clumps. I didn't comb my hair all summer. I used shampoos that were at home. Stopped using air conditioning. In the new school year I had three hairs. In the fall, I began to experience depression and breakdowns due to my studies and diet. I developed anemia and struggled with it until February. Anemia has a very bad effect on the skin and hair, the nails began to peel and tear.





This is just a nightmare!!! But the apogee of horror was in February.

I was ashamed of my hair! The ends of your hair have never been so thin and split.
In January, when I was still at home, I found ginger balm from the Tian-De company.

My younger sister didn't like it because it was too warm on her head. I used it in the bathhouse. My head has never felt so hot. A homemade mustard mask with sugar and pepper never helped me. They only made things worse. This one burned my entire scalp. But, unfortunately, the next time I used it, it didn’t heat so well. Apparently, the scalp is not sensitive at all. It was enough for me 10 times, maximum. I saw the results of this balm in March.

New hair! They look quite funny)
I returned home in March. And I got sick again. Somehow I got out of bed, and for the first time in my life I started taking photos of my hair, how it looks from the outside.

And then the miracle finally happened! I don't want to jinx it! Pah-pah. Recently I was throwing out spoiled food, came across olive and flaxseed oil, and also bought rosemary essential oil at the pharmacy. In the evening I decided to mix flaxseed oil with olive and castor oils. And I seasoned all this with rosemary and rosewood essential oils. I applied it all over my head. I massaged my head and went to bed. In the morning, I washed off the oils from my head and noticed that very little hair had fallen out compared to what it usually was. And when I combed it, not a single hair fell out!!! I've never had anything like this! My hair was so soft and smooth after it dried! Visually they seemed thick.

I do hair masks every 2-3 days. I fell in love with rosemary aromatherapy and head massage. I love that rosemary gently cools and then warms the scalp.
Much less hair falls out!) Especially after combing your hair. The ends of my hair became more hydrated, so I decided to reward myself and get my hair done.

Hair is easier to comb. I feel like my hair has become more voluminous at the roots. Surprisingly, flaxseed oil washes off easily. And the scalp begins to get oily after 2-3 days. The hair at the roots became noticeably darker.
At the moment my hair thickness is 9.5-10 cm. Sometimes it shows 11 cm. But I don’t think that’s the case. The tips are very thin, even after oils. If you didn't know how thick my thickness is, how much would you give it?
Currently I am using Tian-De Master Herb Golden Ginger shampoo. Shampoo without sulfates, based on natural ingredients. I don’t remember the exact price, but I bought it at a very good discount. I use a balm with nettle extract. And at the end I apply Naive conditioner. Yes, it is still there and has not ended) After my hair is dry, I comb my hair with rosemary essential oil. I never use a hairdryer. Now I always wear a hat outside and take calcium and vitamins. I hope that I will be able to regain my former shine, thickness, and rapid growth.
I want to give you some advice. Never neglect your nutrition while dieting. Never use laxatives. They flush almost everything from the body. Better consume olive oil on an empty stomach, and your hair will thank you.
1) How do you photograph your hair so beautifully?
2)What hair thickness do you want to have?
3) Is it possible to restore split hair or is it better to cut it straight away?
Thank you very much for reading my post. I apologize for the inconvenience! Wishing everyone thick and shiny hair with a gorgeous length)