Reviews for misoprostol. Misoprostol Tablets for abortion of early pregnancy misoprostol


To prevent the development of ulcers or erosions during long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, the pharmacological drug Misoprostol, which contains an analogue of prostaglandin E, is prescribed. Find out the mechanism of action of these tablets, the features of their use and combination with other drugs.

Instructions for use of Misoprostol

Misoprostol tablets are an artificial analogue of the hormone prostaglandin E. It stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles of the myometrium, the expansion and opening of the cervical canal, which promotes the removal of the contents of the cavity. Due to stimulation of contraction of the muscular element of the gastrointestinal tract, large doses of the drug Misoprostol reduce the production of gastric juice and have an antiulcer effect.

Composition and release form

The pharmacological drug Misoprostol is available in tablets packaged in an aluminum blister of 3 or 4 pieces, which is placed in a cardboard package with instructions for use of the medicine.

Mechanism of action of Misoprostol

The medication has a strong cytoprotective effect, which is associated with an increase in mucus secretion, as well as bicarbonate secretion by the stomach lining. Misoprostol inhibits the basal, stimulated production of hydrochloric acid, creatinine and pepsin. In addition, the active component of the drug induces contraction, strength and frequency of the smooth muscles of the uterus and dilates the cervix.

The action of the pharmacological drug Misoprostol begins 30 minutes after oral administration and lasts on average 6-8 hours. At a dosage of 50 mcg, the effect is weak and short, but taking 200 mcg of the drug promotes a pronounced effect. When administered orally, the drug is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 12 minutes. The bioavailability of the drug Misoprostol is 70%, binding to plasma proteins is 90%. The half-life is 10-12 hours.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Misoprostol are the prevention of the development and exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, which are associated with long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Ibuprofen). In addition, the tablets are used in combination with Mifepristone for artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42-43 days of amenorrhea).

Directions for use and dosage

To prevent the development or exacerbation of ulcers with NSAID gastropathy (pathologies of the mucous membrane that are caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and to eliminate gastric erosions, tablets should be taken orally during meals. The standard dosage is 200 mcg (1 tablet) 3-4 times a day. In the presence of chronic kidney disease, the dose of the drug should not exceed 100 mcg. The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually by the attending physician.

Misoprostol for abortion

The drug Misoprostol in combination with Mifepristone for artificial termination of pregnancy should be taken according to the following regimen:

  • in the morning on the first day you need to take a small tablet of Mifepristone, after about 12 hours - a tablet of Misoprostol;
  • on the second and third days - repeat taking the medications at the same hours;
  • on the fourth day in the afternoon, take 3 large tablets of Mifepristone;
  • after bleeding is completed, prolactin and progesterone drugs are prescribed to quickly normalize the normal menstrual cycle.

If after using both medications bleeding does not begin within two days, further self-administration of any medications is prohibited. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a gynecologist at an antenatal clinic, clinic or hospital to determine further treatment measures (surgical, vacuum abortion or additional medication).

special instructions

Misoprostol should be used with caution in patients with coronary heart disease, pathologies of cerebral circulation and arterial hypertension, epilepsy, and increased individual sensitivity to prostaglandins. The use of medication for artificial termination of pregnancy should only be carried out in combination with Mifepristone in specialized medical institutions. It is not recommended to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within a week after treatment.

It is not recommended for people who suffer from bronchial asthma, diabetes and glaucoma. Before terminating a pregnancy, you should make sure that it is not ectopic (i.e., the fertilized egg is located in the uterine cavity). If simultaneous use with thyroid-stimulating hormones, gonadotropin, thyroxine or cortisol is necessary, adjustment of the single dosage of the drug may be required.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Misoprostol increases the muscle tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage. If it is necessary to use it for treatment in women of fertile age who are sexually active, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test, which must remain negative for 14-16 days. You can start taking the drug on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle. Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with antacids, the concentration of misoprostol in the blood plasma decreases due to a significant decrease in absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and when taken with magnesium-containing drugs from this group, diarrhea may increase. When used with Diclofenac and Indomethacin, the side effects of these medications increase.

Side effects

With prolonged uncontrolled use, the drug can cause the following side effects:

  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspepsia;
  • flatulence;
  • chills;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • convulsions (during the postmenopausal period);
  • stomach ache;
  • rash;
  • asthenia;
  • angioedema;
  • hypermenorrhea;
  • hyperthermia (fever);
  • enteritis;
  • dysmenorrhea.


The clinical picture when a single or daily dosage of the drug is exceeded is expressed in the appearance of drowsiness, tremor, increased body temperature, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, and increased heartbeat. In case of an overdose of the drug, the blood clotting rate may increase due to the acceleration of platelet aggregation, which can become an indirect cause of stroke or myocardial infarction.


The drug is contraindicated for use in cases of severe liver dysfunction, inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestines, during breastfeeding, with severe renal failure, endocrine diseases, in childhood and adolescence, with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

The medication is dispensed from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. It should be stored in a dark place that is inaccessible to children and animals.

Analogues of Misoprostol

If there are contraindications to the use of Misoprostol, medications similar in composition and action are prescribed:

  1. Peaceful. An analogue of Misoprostol, contains a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E. It is used for the treatment of ulcers, termination of pregnancy up to 42 days from the beginning of gestation.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Misoprostol. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Misoprostol in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Misoprostol in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of stomach ulcers and termination of pregnancy (medical abortion) in combination with Mifepristone in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Misoprostol- a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1. It has a cytoprotective effect associated with an increase in the formation of mucus in the stomach and an increase in the secretion of bicarbonate by the gastric mucosa. Having a direct effect on the parietal cells of the stomach, misoprostol suppresses basal, nocturnal and stimulated (food, histamine, pentagastrin) secretion. Reduces basal (but not histamine-stimulated) pepsin production.

Induces contraction of myometrial smooth muscle and dilates the cervix. Increases the frequency and strength of myometrial contractions, having a slight stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

The action begins after 30 minutes and lasts for at least 3-6 hours. At a dose of 50 mcg, the effect is moderate and short, at 200 mcg it is pronounced.


Misoprostol + excipients.


When administered orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed (food delays absorption). Plasma protein binding is 85%. In the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and liver it is metabolized to pharmacologically active misoprostolic acid. Does not accumulate with repeated doses. Excreted by the kidneys (80%) and bile (15%).


  • prevention of the development of gastric ulcers associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with an increased risk of ulcer formation;
  • treatment of exacerbation of duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer.

In combination with mifepristone: termination of pregnancy in the early stages (up to 42 days of amenorrhea).

Release forms

Tablets 200 mcg.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The dosage regimen is determined individually, depending on the indications.

For the prevention of stomach ulcers caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the treatment of erosive gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum: 200 mcg 2-4 times a day (last dose - before bedtime); daily dose - 400-800 mcg. If tolerance is poor, the single dose may be reduced to 100 mcg. In case of renal failure, the daily dose is reduced by 50%.

To terminate pregnancy (in combination with mifepristone): 400 mcg of misoprostol is prescribed 36-48 hours after taking mifepristone.

Side effect

  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen associated with contractions of the myometrium;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • polymenorrhea;
  • menorrhagia;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • skin rash;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • change in body weight;
  • asthenia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • convulsions (in pre- or post-menopausal women).


  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • severe renal failure;
  • enteritis;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to misoprostol.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

It must be taken into account that misoprostol increases the tone of the uterus and can cause miscarriage when used as a gastroprotective agent.

If use is necessary in women of childbearing age, a serum pregnancy test should be performed first, which should remain negative for 2 weeks before starting misoprostol therapy. Treatment can begin only on the 2-3rd day of normal menstruation. During the entire course of treatment, reliable methods of contraception should be used.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

special instructions

Use with caution in patients with arterial hypotension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, coronary artery sclerosis, epilepsy, enterocolitis, diarrhea, hypersensitivity to prostaglandins or their analogues.

Use for termination of pregnancy is carried out only in combination with mifepristone and only in specialized medical institutions with appropriately trained medical personnel and the ability to provide emergency gynecological surgical and blood transfusion care. The drug is not sold in a regular pharmacy.

The use of the drug requires the prevention of Rh conflict and other general measures accompanying abortion. Before prescribing misoprostol, the patient should be informed in detail about the action and possible side effects of the drug. The patient should be observed in a medical facility for 4-6 hours before taking the drug. During and after taking the drug, the patient should be provided with timely medical assistance in case of massive bleeding or the development of other complications. After taking the drug, patients, as a rule, experience slight vaginal bleeding, and in some women it is very prolonged. In very early pregnancy, abortion is possible after taking mifepristone, but in this case it is also necessary to take misoprostol tablets to optimize the results of medical abortion. After taking misoprostol, approximately 80% of women experience abortion within 6 hours and approximately 10% of women within 1 week. The patient must undergo a re-examination in the same medical institution 8-15 days after taking the drug. If necessary, an ultrasound scan or determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood serum should be performed. If you suspect an incomplete abortion or continued pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive medical examination in a timely manner. In case of incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy, assessed 10-14 days after taking mifepristone, vacuum aspiration must be performed, followed by histological examination of the aspirate.

Taking the drug as a gastroprotector should be stopped if diarrhea occurs (mild diarrhea is not considered a reason to discontinue treatment, the drug is discontinued in case of severe diarrhea - approximately 2% of cases), skin itching, vaginal bleeding, decreased blood pressure and increased transaminase activity.

Within 1 week after taking misoprostol, acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs should not be prescribed.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with antacids, the concentration of misoprostol in the blood plasma decreases.

When used simultaneously with magnesium-containing antacids, diarrhea may increase.

When used simultaneously with acenocoumarol, a case of a decrease in the anticoagulant effect of acenocoumarol has been described.

When used simultaneously with diclofenac and indomethacin, the side effects of diclofenac and indomethacin increase.

Analogues of the drug Misoprostol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Misoprostol HPMC;
  • Peaceful;
  • Cytotech.

Analogs by pharmacological group (medical abortion drugs):

  • Pencrofton;
  • Resonant;
  • Enzaprost F.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Dosage form:   tablets Composition:

Each tablet contains:

Active substance: misoprostol HPMC powder (1:99) contains 0.2 mg misoprostol and 19.8 mg hypromellose;

Excipients: carboxymethyl starch sodium salt 10 mg, castor oil 1 mg, microcrystalline cellulose 160 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide 8 mg.

Description: Biconvex round white tablets. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Labor stimulator - prostaglandin E1 analogue synthetic ATX:  

G.02.A.D.06 Misoprostol

G.02.A.D Prostaglandins


Misoprostol is a synthetic derivative of prostaglandin E 1.

Induces contraction of smooth muscle fibers of the myometrium and dilation of the cervix. Misoprostol's ability to stimulate uterine contractions facilitates cervical dilatation and removal of uterine contents.

Side effects:When used in early pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lethargy, and pain in the lower abdomen are possible. Extreme cases (1 in 10,000) of a “flush” of blood to the face, increased body temperature, itching, and allergic reactions have been noted. Overdose: Misoprostol has not been shown to be toxic in humans. Clinical signs that may indicate an overdose are drowsiness, tremor, convulsions, abdominal pain, fever, palpitations, hypotension or bradycardia. Interaction:

Long-term use of rifampicin, isoniazid, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, cimetidine, acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin and barbiturates, smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day stimulates the metabolism of misoprostol, reducing its concentration in the blood serum.

Within 1 week after using misoprostol, you should stop taking acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Special instructions:

1. When used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, it should be used only in combination with mifepristone.

2. In combination with mifepristone, it should be used only as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician and only in specialized medical institutions that have the capabilities to provide emergency gynecological surgical and blood transfusion care.

3. Before prescribing misoprostol, the patient should be informed in detail about the action and possible side effects of the drug. The patient should be observed in a medical facility for 4-6 hours before taking the drug. During and after taking the drug, the patient should be provided with timely medical assistance in case of massive bleeding or the development of other complications.

4. After taking the drug, patients, as a rule, experience slight vaginal bleeding, and in some women it is quite prolonged. In very early pregnancy, a miscarriage is possible after taking mifepristone, but in this case it is also necessary to take misoprostol tablets to optimize the results of the drug. After taking misoprostol, approximately 80% of women miscarry within 6 hours and approximately 10% of women within 1 week.

5. Patients must be re-examined in the same medical institution 8-15 days after taking the drug. If necessary, an ultrasound scan or determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood serum should be performed. If you suspect an incomplete abortion or continued pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive medical examination in a timely manner.

6. In case of incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy, estimated at 10-14 days after taking mifepristone, vacuum aspiration must be performed followed by. histological examination of the aspirate, since the formation of congenital malformations in the fetus is possible.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:After taking the drug, special care should be taken when driving or engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, as the drug can cause dizziness and other side effects that can affect these abilities. Release form/dosage: Tablets 0.2 mg. Package: 3 or 4 tablets are packed in an aluminum blister with an aluminum coating. The blister and instructions for use are placed in a paper box. Storage conditions:Store in sealed packaging in a dry and cool place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Best before date: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: For hospitals Registration number: LS-002019 Registration date: 22.09.2011 / 12.12.2016 Expiration date: Indefinite Owner of the Registration Certificate:China Resources Zizhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Mifepristone – Methods and means of treating diseases

The tablets contain the active ingredient mifepristone, as well as a number of additional components: microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch, lactose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, magnesium stearate, carboxymethyl starch.

Mifepristone is produced in tablets that are light yellow in color and may also have a greenish tint. The tablets are contained in packages or in polymer jars of 3 or 6 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Mifepristone is a steroidal synthetic antigestagenic drug. Under its influence, the tone and contractile activity of the myometrium increases.

Once in the body, the active substance blocks the effect progesterone at the receptor level.

Does not demonstrate gestagenic activity; antagonism of the substance with GCS is noted due to competition at the level of communication with receptors.

The contractility of the myometrium under the influence of the drug increases due to stimulation of the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells, as well as an increase in the level of sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins. As a result, under the influence of the drug, desquamation of the decidua occurs and the fertilized egg is expelled.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After the drug has been taken orally at a dose of 600 mg, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed after 1.3 hours, amounting to 1.98 mg/l. The level of absolute bioavailability is 69%.

Mifepristone is 98% bound to blood proteins.

The half-life is 18 hours. The substance is eliminated from the body in two phases: first, it is slowly eliminated over a period of 12 to 72 hours, after which the concentration of the component in the plasma is reduced by half. This is followed by the rapid elimination phase of mifepristone.

Indications for use

The product is used in the following cases:

  • for the purpose of interrupting the uterine pregnancy for a period of up to nine weeks (no menstruation for up to 63 days) using medication, combined with synthetic analogues of prostaglandins;
  • for conservative cervical dilatation before surgical termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • to potentiate the influence prostaglandins in the process of terminating a pregnancy, the duration of which is 13-22 weeks (carried out for social and medical reasons);
  • For labor induction in case of fetal death in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.


There are a number of general contraindications for taking Mifepristone tablets:

  • long-term treatment with GCS;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • renal or liver failure in acute or chronic form;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia in severe form;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • hemostasis disorders (also during treatment anticoagulants, prior to taking the medication);
  • heavy extragenital pathology(cannot be taken without prior consultation with a specialist);
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • provided that the patient is over 35 years of age and regularly smokes.

Contraindications for medical abortion:

  • presence of suspicion of ectopic pregnancy;
  • in the absence of clinical confirmation of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy period is more than 42 days amenorrhea;
  • during pregnancy that occurred during the use of intrauterine contraceptives or after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives.

Contraindications in case of preparation and induction of labor:

  • preeclampsia;
  • gestosis in severe form;
  • eclampsia;
  • post-term or premature pregnancy;
  • abnormal position of the fetus;
  • discrepancy between the fetal head and the size of the mother’s pelvis;
  • the presence of bloody discharge from the genitals during pregnancy, the origin of which has not been established.

Patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases should take Mifepristone with caution. bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, heart failure in a chronic form.

Side effects

Side effects that occur when taking Mifepristone tablets:

  • feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of general weakness;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • vomit, nausea;
  • hyperthermia;
  • subinvolution of the uterus.

Side effects associated with medical abortion:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

When carrying out combination therapy, which includes Misoprostol, can develop dyspepsia, vaginitis, insomnia, feeling of anxiety, anemia, leucorrhoea, asthenia, state of fainting.

Mifepristone tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

It should be borne in mind that the instructions for use of Mifepristone provide for the use of tablets only in medical institutions that have the necessary equipment and supervision of specialists.

In order to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, a single dose of 600 mg of the drug (three tablets) is prescribed. You should take the tablets in the presence of a doctor, this should be done 1-1.5 hours after a light meal. Take the tablets with half a glass of water.

The doctor must observe the patient for at least two hours. 36-48 hours after taking the pill, the woman needs to visit a medical facility and undergo ultrasound monitoring. If necessary, prescribe Misoprostol.

It is important to re-examine and monitor the ultrasound after 10-14 days. If necessary, the doctor prescribes the patient to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm the spontaneous abortion.

If the effect of using the medicine is absent on the 14th day (that is, an incomplete abortion has occurred or the pregnancy continues), the gynecologist performs vacuum aspiration and subsequent histological examination of the aspirate.

Mifepristone to induce labor during a full-term pregnancy must be taken at a dose of 200 mg, that is, one tablet once a day. After 24 hours, a similar dose is re-prescribed. After 48 to 72 hours, the condition of the birth canal is assessed. If necessary, the patient is given an appointment Oxytocin or prostaglandins.

When this treatment regimen begins to take effect depends on the woman’s condition. As a rule, expulsion of the fetus occurs within less than 10 hours after applying the treatment regimen.

Mifepristone IV is not used.

Misoprostol and Mifepristone

Often used for early pregnancy termination Misoprostol and Mifepristone together. The medicine Mifepristone promotes softening of the cervix and its contractions, Misoprostol induces uterine contractions.

Despite the fact that there are instructions on how to take Mifepristone and Misoprostol, the exact dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. Tablets can only be taken under the supervision of a specialist and in specialized institutions.

You can buy these medications directly from medical institutions. The price of mifepristone and misoprostol depends on the brand name of these drugs.

Reviews from women indicate that this combination of drugs is effective for terminating pregnancy in the early stages.

Mifepristone and Mirolut

When carrying out medical abortions, the drugs Mifepristone and Mirolut, the active substance of which is misoprostol.

These medications should also be used only under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine how to take the pills. This cannot be done at home.

As a rule, Mirolut is prescribed at a dose of 400 mg 36-48 hours after taking Mifepristone at a dose of 600 mg.


When using the drug in a dose of up to 2 g, negative manifestations do not develop. If an overdose of the drug occurs, the patient may experience adrenal insufficiency.


When using Mifepristone and GCS simultaneously, the dose of the latter should be increased.

Terms of sale

Mifepristone is supplied to specialized medical institutions.

Storage conditions

The product belongs to list A. It should be stored in a dark and dry place, out of reach of children.

Best before date

Can be stored for 2 years. Cannot be used after the expiration date.

special instructions

It is imperative to inform women that if they do not notice the effect of using the medicine 10-14 days after taking it, it is imperative to terminate the pregnancy in another way, since there is a possibility of developing congenital defects in the fetus.

When using the medicine you need to warn Rh alloimmunization and carry out other general activities that are practiced during abortion.

Application is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. It should be taken into account that if heavy bleeding develops, immediate surgery may be required.

Women who have an artificial heart valve or patients with infective endocarditis should undergo preventive treatment antibiotics when taking Mifepristone.

Natural feeding must be stopped for two weeks after taking the pills.

Mifepristone analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogs of this remedy are drugs Mifeprex, Mytholian, Pencrofton, Mifegin etc. The selection of medicine is carried out by a doctor.

Mifepristone or Mifegin?

Mifegin is an analogue medicine that contains the active component mifepristone. This drug has a similar effect and is used in a similar way. Which medicine to choose depends on the doctor's recommendations. Both medications have an extensive list of contraindications and can only be used in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

For children

Not applicable.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of tablets involves stopping natural feeding for three days after taking the tablet in case of medical termination of pregnancy.

If Mifepristone is prescribed to prepare for cervical labor, future breastfeeding is not affected by its use.

Reviews of Mifepristone

Basically, reviews from women indicate that when using the tablets it was possible to achieve the expected effect. When taking Mifepristone, reviews from those who have terminated a pregnancy are mostly positive.

Those patients who used Misoprostol and Mifepristone as pills to terminate pregnancy write that the drug works according to the scheme. In this case, side effects are sometimes observed in the form of nausea, weakness, fever, bleeding. It is noted that the product is also effective during childbirth - it does not cause significant discomfort or side effects.

Mifepristone price, where to buy

Those who are interested in the price of Mifepristone tablets should take into account that it is difficult to buy Mifepristone in a pharmacy. Its price depends on a number of factors.

Therefore, you should ask whether you can buy the drug at a pharmacy, at a specific point of sale. On average, the cost of tablets ranges from 4,000 to 5,000 thousand rubles.

You can find out where to buy Mifepristone in Moscow with delivery on specialized websites.

The price of Mifepristone in Ukraine averages 700-850 hryvnia per pack. The cost of medicine in Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, and Kharkov may vary depending on the place of sale.

For those planning to have a medical abortion, you can go to an online store and find out how much this medicine, as well as Misoprostol, costs in an online pharmacy.

In Minsk, Kazakhstan, you can order medicine with delivery.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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  • Mifepristone 200 mg No. 1 tablet Beijing Zizhu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)

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Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using Mifepristone, be sure to consult with your doctor.


How many mifepristone tablets should you take to terminate a pregnancy?

One of the drugs that is often used to terminate pregnancy today is Cytotec. This drug is second only to Mefipreston in its leadership. There are a large number of analogues of the drug Cytotec, in which the active ingredient is also misoprostol in a dosage of 200 mcg.

This group of drugs includes: Cytotec, Misoprostol, Mirolut, Misonevel. Cytotec, in addition to its abortifacient effect, can also be used to treat gastric ulcers. The peculiarity of this drug is that some instructions for Cytotec indicate in its properties only the treatment of peptic ulcers, while others have information about its use for miscarriages.

Effect on the body

The main active ingredient in Cytotec is Misoprostol, which is considered an analogue of prostaglandin E1. When taking Cytotec, a woman’s body reacts in the form of an increase in the tone of the uterus, which provokes contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterine myometrium.

Also, the drug opens the cervix, as a result of which the fertilized egg is released from the female uterus freely, because under the influence of Cytotec it is not able to stay on the walls of the uterus.

However, in order for an abortion to occur, Cytotec must be taken together with the drug Mifepristone, in this case a quick result will occur.

Features of application

The tandem drugs Cytotec and Mifepristone must be taken 2 times after a certain period of time.

It should also be taken into account that the drugs are used: if there is a frozen pregnancy, a spontaneous miscarriage has not completely occurred and the fertilized egg is still partially located in the woman’s uterus, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Medications must be taken in the clinic


The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 150,000 abortions are performed every day. In low-income countries, about 5% of abortions are fatal.

Such a high mortality rate among women has led to the fact that every year an increasing number of countries began to use Mifepristone as one of the most effective and safe means for medical termination of pregnancy.

As already mentioned on the page describing the section on abortion using pills, successful abortion with pills directly depends on the woman’s age.

In addition to this factor, the gestational age of the fetus, namely the gestational age, plays an important role. The less time has passed since the last menstrual cycle, the better.

Efficiency here means complete abortion (expulsion of the fetus from the womb) without the need for surgical intervention. The need for instrumental abortion after the pills means an unsuccessful termination of pregnancy.

How to take Mifepristone

You should immediately forget about taking pills at home. The entire procedure must be carried out under the supervision of medical personnel. If you have a different opinion on this matter, read the last part of the article about medical abortion.

These include a blood test. It is necessary to establish the group in advance, since blood may be needed for an urgent transfusion, and find out the number of red blood cells (this will allow you to understand whether you have anemia).

Depending on the technical capabilities of the clinic, tests can be obtained on the same day of treatment, which means that an abortion can be performed on the same day.

According to the instructions for use for Mifepristone, the effectiveness of the tablets increases if you combine use with Misoprostol (for more information about the drug, see this page).

Dosages of Mifepristone and Misoprostol

All dosages in our MA complex are selected according to the latest WHO recommendations (link to official World Health Organization recommendations for safe abortion).

Please note that the dosages indicated are current. only for our drugs from the world's leading manufacturers, the quality of which we guarantee!

For other manufacturers (China, Vietnam), the doses may increase significantly; we cannot in any way guarantee the success of the procedure with drugs not purchased from us, and we also do not comment on the numerous side effects and complications that arise after taking untested drugs.

Recently, cases of attempts to use only one drug - Cytotec - in large doses for the purpose of terminating pregnancy have become more frequent.

Secondly, the effectiveness of this method does not exceed 30-40% (in other words, in most cases this is wasted time and wasted money).

There is an official and very effective method of medical abortion, tested in millions of cases. Don't ruin your own health!

Procedure for taking medications for Medical abortion

To begin the medical abortion procedure, the patient must take 200 mg of Mifepristone orally with water (at least 150 ml).

Most often, after taking the first drug (Mifepristone), a woman subjectively doesn't feel anything. THIS IS THE NORM! The main effect begins in the second stage -


They are used for abortion, which is prescribed exclusively in the early stages, if no more than 9 weeks have passed since conception.

Can it be taken at home?

Mifepristone and Misoprostol can be taken at home, but you must first visit a gynecologist. Typically, a woman takes Mifepristone in the doctor's office, and two days later she takes Misoprostol at home.

How to use Mifepristone and Misoprostol?

The doctor advises a more precise time for taking the second tablet, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

When taking Mifepristone, its components penetrate into the blood and promote the separation of the endometrium and placenta, and dilatation of the cervix also occurs. It begins to contract more strongly in order to expel the fetus. Two days after taking Mifepristone, you need to take Misoprostol.

The latter drug is taken every two days to increase uterine contractions, which lead to miscarriage and cleansing of the uterine cavity. Typically, a woman is left in the hospital for 4 hours after taking the first drug, Misoprostol, to avoid side effects.

Two weeks after taking the drugs, the woman needs to undergo a re-examination by a gynecologist so that he can make sure that the abortion was successful. If the pregnancy has not been terminated, surgical aspiration will be necessary to complete the process.

In this case, it is impossible to leave the child, since the drugs cause serious damage to the fetal organs, making it incapacitated.

How to take it correctly? The tablets are taken one at a time. First you should take three capsules of Mifepristone


Mifepristone (Mifegin)

Mifepristone (Mifegin) is a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen agent that does not have gestagenic activity. Mifepristone as the main active ingredient is included in the combination of such drugs as: Mifegin, RU-486, Pencrofton, Mifolian, Mifeprex, Mirepristone, Mifepristone-72, Ginepristone.

Before using medication abortion pills Mifepristone and Mesoprostol, you should consult your doctor and undergo an ultrasound to detect an ectopic pregnancy, in which pregnancy pills are contraindicated.

Emergency post-coital contraception (after unprotected intercourse or if the contraceptive used cannot be considered reliable);

Mifepristone (Mifegin) and Misoprostol are used to medically terminate an unwanted pregnancy, avoiding surgery in the early stages. Early termination of pregnancy with pills is an alternative to surgical abortion, which significantly reduces the chance of developing abortion complications, often leading to infertility.

Before you buy pills for early termination of pregnancy and use the drug, you should consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound to detect an ectopic pregnancy, in which abortion with pills is contraindicated.

Mifepristone instructions for use

Day 1: The next morning, one Mifepristone tablet (small) 30-60 minutes before meals. In the evening, one Mifepristone tablet (small) 30-60 minutes before meals.

In the first 3 days of using Mifepristone, be prepared for bleeding (like heavy menstruation, not everyone experiences it). Stock up on hygiene products in advance.

do they affect the course of pregnancy?
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Abortion pills - the myth of harmlessness - At home

The patient should take misoprostol within 48 hours of taking mifepristone. Tell me what to do, first I took three tablets of misoprostol, and then 48 hours later one tablet of mifepristone and I wait for nothing. Now the pharmacy said you need misoprostol too...

In this case, the doctor monitors the course of the abortion within certain periods established as a result of clinical trials of drugs of this group. The peculiarity of these drugs is that they all contain mifepristone as an active ingredient.

Under the influence of mifepristone, the number of small blood vessels (capillaries) in the uterine mucosa decreases and at the same time the flow of progesterone stops.

As a result, the mucous membrane of the uterus, along with the embryo attached inside it, is torn away and pushed out of the uterus with the help of muscle contractions.

The most dangerous complication of medical abortionMedical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol: how it all happens is bleeding.

If the bleeding becomes heavy (that is, stronger than normal menstruation), it is recommended to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

One of the contraindications for medical abortion at home is the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

After this, the woman is observed for several hours (usually no more than two) in the antenatal clinic (for this purpose, the antenatal clinic has day hospital beds). In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, when a woman has decided to have an abortion, it is better not to hesitate. Mifepristone is taken in combination with misoprostol.

The effectiveness of using mifepristone and misoprostol before the seventh week of pregnancy reaches 92%. As pregnancy progresses, the effectiveness of abortion drugs decreases. Within four hours after taking the second tablet, women usually begin bleeding and contractions, which indicates the end of pregnancy.

Misoprostol tablets come in both oral and vaginal forms. Serious and dangerous complications after a medical abortion occur in less than 1% of women. Do not take aspirin or drink alcohol immediately before and after taking mifepristone and misoprostol. It is strongly recommended not to have sex in the first week after an abortion.

My 3rd pregnancy occurred 9.5 months after a cesarean section and the doctors categorically forbade me to keep this child.

Many people write here, so I went to the pharmacy and bought these medications! Please tell me, I first took one mifepristone tablet, but today I should even take mesoprostol tablets.

Can someone please tell me...exactly everything and in detail (IF IT DOESN’T DIFFER YOU) how many tablets and when should I take them?

I have 4 pregnancies, 3 births. I decided to have a medical abortion. The doctor gave me mifepristone and misoprostol. I drank mifepristone and started bleeding for about an hour, after which everything stopped.

On August 24 at 10 o’clock I took a mifepristone tablet, and the next day I started having discharge with clots! On August 26, I took 2 tablets of misoprostol, lay there for 4 hours, but nothing started, I just had a stomach ache, the doctor prescribed 2 more tablets.

I took one tablet. On Thursday the doctor gave me one tablet of mifepristone and told me to take it on Saturday. I drank it, and she will give me the misoprostol on Monday. Ultrasound 3rd week of pregnancy. And she came to the decision to have an abortion.

I couldn’t sleep at night, my soul was so painful for this baby. Of course it’s terrible to think like that, but I really sighed and went to the doctor for pills. I took one tablet of mifepristone and after 36 hours 3 tablets of misoprostol.

Yes, I did the same, but only because there is no money to raise my 3rd. Maybe this is for the better, and my 2 children will grow up in prosperity, and I will be responsible for this sin. So you want to say that if someone here gives you advice on what you need to do and what you need to take, then you will do it?? This is why there are doctors, not blogs and correspondence on the Internet.

Miranda, what are you doing? Do you even know what the consequences may be? I am shocked by such negligence. If I understand correctly, you didn’t even go to the hospital. Hello, I'm worried that I took the mifepristone tablet for an hour, I've had my period for 20 days now, what should I do? How is an abortion performed without surgery? See more details here. Our drugs allow you to perform an abortion at home.

Action of Mifepristone - The first drug in the complex for MA

Recently, cases of attempts to use only one drug - Cytotec - in large doses to terminate a pregnancy have become more frequent. We strongly DO NOT recommend doing this!

Secondly, the effectiveness of this method does not exceed 30-40% (in other words, in most cases this is wasted time and wasted money). There is an official and very effective method of medical abortion, tested in millions of cases.

But after I took misoprostol, I read the instructions and it says on the Internet that you need to take mifepristone first.

Abortion pills at home are actually taken only as prescribed by a doctor and after a preliminary examination. The pharmacy recommended me mifepristone and mosoprostol.

Since there was no money for the full procedure, I decided to buy the pills myself and take them at home.

This instruction is provided only for informational purposes and in no way encourages or encourages you to perform an abortion with pills yourself!

We pay special attention! Before taking medications, consultation with a gynecologist is required!!!

Dosages of Mifepristone and Misoprostol

All dosages in our MA complex are selected according to the latest WHO recommendations (link to official World Health Organization recommendations for safe abortion).

For: Mifepristone – 200 mg

Our complex uses Ginestril (the brand name of the drug containing Mifepristone): 4 tablets of 50 mg.

For: Misoprostol – 400 mcg

Our kit uses Cytotec (the brand name of the drug containing Misoprostol): 2 tablets of 200 mcg.

Please note that the dosages indicated are current. only for our drugs from the world's leading manufacturers, the quality of which we guarantee!

For other manufacturers (China, Vietnam), the doses may increase significantly; we cannot in any way guarantee the success of the procedure with drugs not purchased from us, and we also do not comment on the numerous side effects and complications that arise after taking untested drugs.

Recently, cases of attempts to use only one drug - Cytotec - in large doses to terminate a pregnancy have become more frequent.
Urgently NOT recommended do this!
Firstly, this is fraught with very serious complications.
Secondly, the effectiveness of this method does not exceed 30-40% (in other words, in most cases this is wasted time and wasted money).
There is an official and very effective method of medical abortion, tested in millions of cases. Don't ruin your own health!

Procedure for taking medications for Medical abortion

The drug administration procedure consists of two stages.

First stage. Taking Mifepristone

Before the procedure it is necessary be sure to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to determine the duration of pregnancy and the location of the fertilized egg (exclude ectopic pregnancy).

To begin the medical abortion procedure, the patient must take 200 mg of Mifepristone orally with water (at least 150 ml).

Most often, after taking the first drug (Mifepristone), a woman subjectively doesn't feel anything. THIS IS THE NORM! The main effect begins in the second stage - after taking Misoprostol.

And only in in some cases Minor bleeding and aching pain in the lower abdomen may begin. This is also normal, but much rarer.

Action of Mifepristone

Mifepristone is a progesterone blocker (this is the main hormone that maintains pregnancy). The main effect of the drug during medical abortion is to stop the development of pregnancy. Mifepristone also significantly increases the sensitivity of uterine cells to prostaglandins (in particular, Misoprostol).

Second phase. Taking Misoprostol

36-48 hours after taking Mifepristone, you must take the second drug from the complex - Misoprostol (Cytotec) in the following dose: 2 tablets of 200 mcg.

There are three ways to take Misoprostol:

  • place under the tongue (sublingual);
  • vaginally (deep into the posterior vaginal fornix) and
  • buccally (place the tablet in the space between the cheek and gum).

The strength of the effect is the same for all methods, but we strongly recommend dissolving one tablet under the tongue first, and then a second one after 40-60 minutes. At the same time, the likelihood of vomiting is significantly reduced, and the duration of the effect increases.

Action of Misoprostol (Cytotec)

Misoprostol against the background of the action of Mifepristone stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus, which leads to cramping pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the appearance (much more often) or intensification (if it appeared at the first stage) of bloody discharge. Against the background of these processes, the fertilized egg is separated from the walls of the uterus and released through the genital tract.

After taking medications

Usually, over the next 3-5 days, spotting is observed (usually a little heavier than menstruation). The possible duration of bleeding (with decreasing intensity) is 12-14 days.

After 10-14 days from the onset of bleeding, it is necessary to conduct a control ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If bleeding continues, ultrasound should be delayed.

Briefly about the possible complications of medical abortion. Remedies

General symptoms

The following symptoms may occur during the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol:

  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Feeling of discomfort;
  • Weakness;
  • Increase in body temperature to 37.5 degrees
  • Diarrhea.

Typically, these symptoms are mild and disappear without medical intervention.

If vomiting occurs within one hour after taking Mifepristone or Misoprostol, then you must take the corresponding drug in the same dose.

If the patient has severe early toxicosis of pregnancy (vomiting of pregnant women), then before using the complex for medical abortion, it is necessary to administer Cerucal intramuscularly, 2.0 ml, after 30 minutes take food (in a small volume), and then apply the drug.


Pain during medical abortion can be of varying intensity and depends on the duration of pregnancy (pain intensifies with increasing gestational age), as well as on the individual sensitivity threshold. Usually the pain is tolerable and does not require additional interventions. According to women, the pain is somewhat stronger than during menstruation.

The pain usually goes away within 1-3 days after the fertilized egg is released. To eliminate severe pain, it is possible to use antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu.

Please note that the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (most analgesics, for example Analgin, Paracetamol, Ketanov, Nimesulide, etc.) for pain relief is contraindicated, since they block the action of Misoprostol (!), thereby reducing the abortive effect of the complex. Read more about Pain with MA.

Bloody issues

Incomplete abortion

If this complication is detected, then vacuum aspiration is necessary to evacuate the remnants of the fertilized egg. .

Rehabilitation after medical abortion

Termination of pregnancy by medication completely eliminates mechanical damage to the uterus, but does not exclude the development of possible functional disorders as a result of hormonal stress. To prevent the development of such a pathology, all patients who have undergone medical termination of pregnancy are recommended to take monophasic combined oral contraceptives (for example, Regulon) for two menstrual cycles. You need to start taking contraceptives from the fifth day from the start of menstrual-like discharge during a medical abortion.

This page describes the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Cytotec) for medical abortion in early pregnancy.