Not for the faint of heart! What German soldiers did to Russian women. Nothing should be forgotten

as it was at the end of the war

How did the German women behave when meeting with Soviet troops?

In the report of the deputy. Head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army Shikin in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks G.F. Alexandrov on April 30, 1945 about the attitude of the civilian population of Berlin to the personnel of the Red Army troops:
“As soon as our units occupy one or another area of ​​the city, residents gradually begin to take to the streets, almost all of them have white bands on their sleeves. When meeting our military personnel, many women raise their hands up, cry and shake with fear, but as soon as they are convinced that the soldiers and officers of the Red Army are not at all what their fascist propaganda portrayed them to be, this fear quickly passes, more and more the population takes to the streets and offers their services, trying in every possible way to emphasize their loyal attitude to the Red Army.”

The winners were most impressed by the humility and prudence of the German women. In this regard, it is worth citing the story of mortarman N.A. Orlov, who was shocked by the behavior of German women in 1945.

“No one in the Minbat killed German civilians. Our special officer was a “Germanophile.” If this happened, then the reaction of the punitive authorities to such an excess would be quick. Regarding violence against German women. It seems to me that when talking about this phenomenon, some people “exaggerate things” a little. I remember an example of a different kind. We went to some German city and settled in houses. “Frau,” about 45 years old, appears and asks for “Ger Commandant.” They brought her to Marchenko. She declares that she is in charge of the quarter, and has gathered 20 German women for sexual (!!!) service of Russian soldiers. Marchenko understood German, and to the political officer Dolgoborodov standing next to me, I translated the meaning of what the German woman said. The reaction of our officers was angry and abusive. The German woman was driven away, along with her “squad” ready for service. In general, the German submission stunned us. They expected partisan warfare and sabotage from the Germans. But for this nation, order - "Ordnung" - is above all. If you are a winner, then they are “on their hind legs”, and consciously and not under duress. This is the psychology..."

He cites a similar case in his military notes. David Samoilov :

“In Arendsfeld, where we had just settled down, a small crowd of women with children appeared. They were led by a huge mustachioed German woman of about fifty - Frau Friedrich. She stated that she was a representative of the civilian population and asked to register the remaining residents. We replied that this could be done as soon as the commandant’s office appeared.
“This is impossible,” said Frau Friedrich. - There are women and children here. They need to be registered.
The civilian population confirmed her words with screams and tears.
Not knowing what to do, I invited them to take the basement of the house where we were located. And they, reassured, went down to the basement and began to settle down there, waiting for the authorities.
“Herr Commissar,” Frau Friedrich told me complacently (I was wearing a leather jacket). “We understand that soldiers have small needs. “They are ready,” Frau Friedrich continued, “to give them several younger women for...
I did not continue the conversation with Frau Friedrich.”

After communicating with residents of Berlin on May 2, 1945. Vladimir Bogomolov wrote in his diary:

“We enter one of the surviving houses. Everything is quiet, dead. We knock and ask you to open it. You can hear whispering, muffled and excited conversations in the corridor. Finally the door opens. The ageless women, huddled in a tight group, bow fearfully, low and obsequiously. German women are afraid of us, they were told that Soviet soldiers, especially Asians, would rape and kill them... Fear and hatred are on their faces. But sometimes it seems that they like to be defeated - their behavior is so helpful, their smiles and words are so touching. These days there are stories in circulation about how our soldier entered a German apartment, asked for a drink, and the German woman, as soon as she saw him, lay down on the sofa and took off her tights.”

“All German women are depraved. They have nothing against being slept with,” this opinion was common in the Soviet troops and was supported not only by many clear examples, but also by their unpleasant consequences, which military doctors soon discovered.
Directive of the Military Council of the 1st Belorussian Front No. 00343/Ш dated April 15, 1945 stated: “During the presence of troops on enemy territory, cases of venereal diseases among military personnel increased sharply. A study of the reasons for this situation shows that sexually transmitted diseases are widespread among Germans. The Germans, before the retreat, and also now, in the territory we occupied, took the path of artificially infecting German women with syphilis and gonorrhoea in order to create large foci for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among the Red Army soldiers.”
The Military Council of the 47th Army reported on April 26, 1945 that “...In March, the number of sexually transmitted diseases among military personnel increased compared to February of this year. four times. ... The female part of the German population in the surveyed areas is affected by 8-15%. There are cases when the enemy deliberately leaves German women with venereal diseases behind to infect military personnel.”

Interesting diary entries were left by the Australian war correspondent Osmar White, who in 1944-1945. was in Europe in the ranks of the 3rd American Army under the command of George Paton. This is what he wrote down in Berlin in May 1945, literally a few days after the end of the assault:
“I went through the night cabarets, starting with Femina near Potsdammerplatz. It was a warm and humid evening. The smell of sewage and rotting corpses filled the air. The façade of Femina was covered with futuristic nudes and advertisements in four languages. The dance hall and restaurant were filled with Russian, British and American officers escorting (or hunting for) the women. A bottle of wine cost $25, a horse meat and chips hamburger cost $10, and a pack of American cigarettes cost a mind-boggling $20. The women of Berlin had their cheeks rouged and their lips painted so that it seemed as if Hitler had won the war. Many women wore silk stockings. The lady hostess of the evening opened the concert in German, Russian, English and French. This provoked a barb from the Russian artillery captain who was sitting next to me. He leaned towards me and said in decent English: “Such a quick transition from national to international! RAF bombs are great professors, aren't they?

The general impression of European women that Soviet military personnel had was sleek and elegant (in comparison with their war-weary compatriots in the half-starved rear, on lands liberated from occupation, and even with front-line friends dressed in washed out tunics), approachable, selfish, promiscuous or cowardly. submissive. The exceptions were Yugoslav and Bulgarian women.
Severe and ascetic Yugoslav partisans were perceived as comrades in arms and considered inviolable. And given the strict morals in the Yugoslav army, “the partisan girls probably looked at the PPZH [field wives] as beings of a special, nasty kind.”

About Bulgarians Boris Slutsky recalled this: “...After Ukrainian complacency, after Romanian debauchery, the severe inaccessibility of Bulgarian women struck our people. Almost no one boasted of victories. This was the only country where officers were often accompanied on walks by men, and almost never by women. Later, the Bulgarians were proud when they were told that the Russians were going to return to Bulgaria for brides - the only ones in the world who remained pure and untouched.”

But in other countries through which the winning army passed, the female part of the population did not command respect. “In Europe, women gave up and changed before anyone else...” wrote B. Slutsky. - I have always been shocked, confused, disoriented by the ease, the shameful ease of love relationships. Decent women, certainly unselfish, were like prostitutes - hasty availability, desire to avoid intermediate stages, disinterest in the motives that push a man to get closer to them.
Like people who recognized three obscene words from the entire lexicon of love poetry, they reduced the whole matter to a few body movements, causing resentment and contempt among the most yellow-faced of our officers... The restraining motives were not ethics at all, but the fear of getting infected, the fear of publicity, of pregnancy.” , - and added that under the conditions of conquest“general depravity covered and hid the special female depravity, making it invisible and unashamed.”

Interesting, isn't it?

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Women captured by the Germans. How the Nazis abused captured Soviet women

The Second World War swept through humanity like a roller coaster. Millions of dead and many more crippled lives and destinies. All the warring parties did truly monstrous things, justifying everything by war.

Carefully! The material presented in this selection may seem unpleasant or intimidating.

Of course, the Nazis were especially distinguished in this regard, and this does not even take into account the Holocaust. There are many documented and outright fictional stories about what German soldiers did.

One high-ranking German officer recalled the briefings they received. It is interesting that there was only one order regarding female soldiers: “Shoot.”

Most did just that, but among the dead they often find the bodies of women in the uniform of the Red Army - soldiers, nurses or orderlies, on whose bodies there were traces of cruel torture.

Residents of the village of Smagleevka, for example, say that when they had the Nazis, they found a seriously wounded girl. And despite everything, they dragged her onto the road, stripped her and shot her.

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But before her death, she was tortured for a long time for pleasure. Her entire body was turned into a bloody mess. The Nazis did much the same with female partisans. Before execution, they could be stripped naked and kept in the cold for a long time.

Women servicemen of the Red Army captured by the Germans, part 1

Of course, the captives were constantly raped.

Women servicemen of the Red Army captured by the Finns and Germans, part 2. Jewish women

And if the highest German ranks were forbidden to have intimate relations with captives, then ordinary rank and file had more freedom in this matter.

And if the girl did not die after the whole company had used her, then she was simply shot.

The situation in the concentration camps was even worse. Unless the girl was lucky and one of the higher ranks of the camp took her as a servant. Although this did not save much from rape.

In this regard, the most cruel place was camp No. 337. There, prisoners were kept naked for hours in the cold, hundreds of people were put into barracks at a time, and anyone who could not do the work was immediately killed. About 700 prisoners of war were exterminated in Stalag every day.

Women were subjected to the same torture as men, if not much worse. In terms of torture, the Spanish Inquisition could envy the Nazis.

Soviet soldiers knew exactly what was happening in the concentration camps and the risks of captivity. Therefore, no one wanted or intended to give up. They fought to the end, until death; she was the only winner in those terrible years.

Happy memory to all those who died in the war...

Times don't choose

“Ten of us raped a German 12-year-old girl. They were only afraid that our nurses wouldn’t find out - it’s a shame.” From fragments not included in Svetlana ALEXIEVICH’s book “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”

Svetlana Alexievich interviewed more than 800 female front-line soldiers, whose memories compiled the book “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face.” After publication, the writer began to receive letters from male front-line soldiers, but she was unable to add them - censorship intervened...

Svetlana Alexievich was born in Stanislav (present-day Ivano-Frankivsk), worked as a history and German language teacher, as a journalist, and in 1983 became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. Author of the books “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”, “Enchanted by Death”, “Zinc Boys”, “Chernobyl Prayer”. Experts consider Alexievich a brilliant master of artistic and documentary prose.

The book “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face,” written in 1985, became a kind of report from the front. Usually, books about war talk about heroic deeds performed by men. Meanwhile, more than a million women took part in the hostilities of the Soviet Army, and the same number in the underground and in partisan detachments. They were pilots and snipers, machine gunners and anti-aircraft gunners. After the war, many of them had to hide the fact of being at the front, since it was believed that women in the army behaved frivolously in relationships with men.

“The men talked about exploits, about the movement of the fronts and military leaders, but the women talked about something else - about how scary it is to kill for the first time, to walk after a battle across a field where the dead lie... They lie scattered like potatoes. Everyone is young, and I feel sorry for everyone - both the Germans and their Russian soldiers. After the war, women had another war. They hid their military records, their certificates of injury - because they had to learn to smile again, wear high heels and get married. And the men forgot about their fighting friends and betrayed them. Victory was stolen from them. They didn’t divide,” Alexievich wrote in the preface to the book.

She interviewed more than 800 women who fought, almost all of their interviews were included in the book. After its publication, a stream of letters poured in to the writer, in which not only women, but also male front-line soldiers described what happened to them during the war. Some excerpts from letters from readers that were not included in the book for censorship reasons were published on Victory Day by the BUKNIK website. “It seemed to us that the words of truth would serve not only as a tribute to the memory of everyone who was unlucky enough to live in that terrible time, but also would become an antidote to new lies, cracking words and false patriotism, of which there are even more today than in the years of my youth. We would like the people who shout: “If necessary, we’ll repeat it!” to read how the front-line soldiers themselves described their war experience. Honestly, they didn’t want to repeat it,” wrote the writer and editor-in-chief of the site Sergei Kuznetsov in the preface.


I'm reading my old diary...

I'm trying to remember the person I was when I wrote the book. That person no longer exists, and the country in which we lived then does not even exist. And they defended her and died in her name in 1941-45. Everything is already different outside the window: a new millennium, new wars, new ideas, new weapons and a completely unexpectedly changed Russian (more precisely, Russian-Soviet) person.

Gorbachev's perestroika began... My book was published right away, it had an amazing circulation - two million copies. That was a time when many amazing things were happening, we again rushed somewhere furiously. Again - into the future. We did not yet know (or forgot) that revolution is always an illusion, especially in our history. But that will come later, and then I began to receive dozens of letters every day, my folders swelled. People wanted to talk... To finish... They became freer and more frank. I had no doubt that I was doomed to endlessly finish my books. Not to rewrite, but to add. You put a dot, and it immediately turns into an ellipsis...

I think that today I would probably ask different questions and hear different answers. And I would write a different book, not completely different, but still different. The documents (with which I deal) are living evidence; they do not harden like cold clay. They don't go numb. They move with us. What would I ask more about now? What would you like to add? I would be very interested in... I'm looking for a word... biological man, and not just a man of time and ideas. I would try to look deeper into human nature, into the darkness, into the subconscious.

I would write about how I came to a former partisan... A heavyset, but still beautiful woman - and she told me how their group (she the eldest and two teenagers) went out on reconnaissance and accidentally captured four Germans. We circled around the forest with them for a long time. But by the evening of the third day they were surrounded. It is clear that they will not break through with prisoners, they will not leave, and here the decision is - they must be killed. Teenagers won’t be able to kill: they’ve been walking through the forest together for three days, and if you’ve been next to a person for three days, even a stranger, you still get used to him, he’s getting closer - you already know how he eats, how he sleeps, what kind of eyes he has , hands. No, teenagers can't. She understands this. So she must kill. And now she remembered how she killed them. I had to deceive both of them. She allegedly went with one German to get water and shot from behind. In the back of the head. She took another one to get some brushwood... I was shocked by how calmly she talked about it.

Those who were in the war remember that a civilian turns into a military man in three days. Why is only three days enough? Or is this also a myth? More likely. The person there is much stranger and more incomprehensible.

In all the letters I read: “I didn’t tell you everything then, because it was a different time. We are used to being silent about many things...”; “I didn’t trust you with everything. Until recently, it was a shame to talk about this...", "I know the doctors' verdict: I have a terrible diagnosis... I want to tell the whole truth...".

And recently I received this letter: “It’s difficult for us old people to live... But it’s not because of small and humiliating pensions that we suffer. What hurts most is that we are expelled from the big past into the unbearably small present. Nobody invites us to perform in schools or museums anymore; we are no longer needed. We are no longer here, but we are still alive. It’s scary to live through my time...”

I still love them. I don’t love their time, but I love them.

Everything can become literature...

What interested me most in my archives was the notebook where I wrote down those episodes that were crossed out by the censor. And also my conversations with the censor. There I also found pages that I had thrown away myself. My self-censorship, my own ban. And my explanation - why did I throw it away? Much of this and that has already been restored in the book, but I want to give these few pages separately - this is also a document. My way...


“I’m going to wake up at night... It’s as if someone, well... is crying next to me... I’m at war... We’re retreating... Beyond Smolensk, some woman brings me her dress, I have time to change. I’m walking alone... Alone among men... Either I was in trousers, or I’m walking in a summer dress. I suddenly started having these things... Women's affairs... They started earlier, probably out of excitement. From worries, from resentment. Where will you find what here? They slept under bushes, in ditches, in the forest on stumps. There were so many of us that there wasn’t enough space for everyone in the forest. We walked, confused, deceived, no longer trusting anyone... Where are our aircraft, where are our tanks? What flies, crawls, rattles—everything is German.

This is how I was captured... On the last day before captivity, both legs were broken... I lay there and urinated on myself... I don’t know with what forces I crawled away at night. She crawled away to the partisans... I feel sorry for those who will read this book and those who will not read it...”

“I was on night duty... I went into the ward of the seriously wounded. The captain is lying there... The doctors warned me before duty that he would die at night... He wouldn’t live until the morning... I asked him: “Well, how? How can I help you?". I’ll never forget... He suddenly smiled, such a bright smile on his exhausted face: “Unbutton your robe... Show me your breasts... I haven’t seen my wife for a long time...”. I felt ashamed, I answered him something. She left and returned an hour later. He lies dead. And that smile on his face...”

“Near Kerch... At night we walked on a barge under fire. The bow part caught fire... And from the fire... The fire spread across the deck... The ammunition exploded... A powerful explosion! The explosion was so strong that the barge tilted to the right side and began to sink. And the shore is not far away, we understand that the shore is somewhere nearby, and the soldiers rushed into the water. Mortars pounded from the shore... Screams, groans, swearing... I swam well, I wanted to save at least one... At least one wounded...

This is water, not earth - a person will die immediately. Water... I hear someone nearby, either coming up to the top, or going under the water again. Up - under water. I seized the moment, grabbed him... Something cold, slippery... I decided that he was wounded, and his clothes were torn off by the explosion. Because I myself am naked... I was left in my underwear... Darkness. Gouge out your eye. Around: “Eh! Ay-ya-ya!” And mate...

I somehow got to the shore with him... Just at that moment a rocket flashed in the sky, and I saw that I had pulled down a large wounded fish. The fish is large, as tall as a man. Beluga... She's dying... I fell next to her and broke this three-story mat. I cried from resentment... And from the fact that everyone was suffering...”

“We were leaving the encirclement... Wherever we rush, there are Germans everywhere. We decide: in the morning we will break through in battle. We’ll die anyway, but we’d better die with dignity. In battle. We had three girls. They came at night to everyone who could... Not everyone, of course, was capable. Nerves, you know. Such a thing... Everyone was preparing to die... Only a few escaped in the morning... Few... Well, there were seven people, but there were 50. The Germans cut them down with machine guns... I remember those girls with gratitude. I didn’t find one among the living this morning... I’ve never met...”

From a conversation with the censor: “Who will go to war after such books? You humiliate a woman with primitive naturalism. A female heroine. You are debunking. You make her an ordinary woman. Female. And they are saints among us.” “Our heroism is sterile, it does not want to take into account either physiology or biology. You don't believe him. And not only the spirit was tested, but also the body. Material shell." “Where do you get these thoughts? Other people's thoughts. Not Soviet. You laugh at those in mass graves. We've read enough remark... Remarqueism won't work for us. A Soviet woman is not an animal...”


“Someone gave us away... The Germans found out where the partisan detachment was stationed. The forest and approaches to it were cordoned off from all sides. We hid in the wild thickets, we were saved by the swamps, where the punitive forces did not enter. A quagmire. It captivated both the equipment and the people. For several days, for weeks, we stood up to our necks in water.

There was a radio operator with us; she had recently given birth. The baby is hungry... He asks for the breast... But the mother herself is hungry, there is no milk, and the baby is crying. The punishers are nearby... With the dogs... The dogs will hear, we will all die. The whole group is about 30 people... Do you understand?

We make a decision... No one dares to convey the commander’s order, but the mother herself guesses. He lowers the bundle with the child into the water and holds it there for a long time... The child no longer screams... Not a sound... And we cannot raise our eyes. Neither at mother, nor at each other...”

“When we took prisoners and brought them into the detachment... They were not shot, death was too easy for them, we stabbed them like pigs with ramrods, cut them into pieces. I went to see it... I was waiting! I've been waiting for a long time for the moment when their eyes begin to burst from pain... Pupils... What do you know about this?! They burned my mother and sisters at the stake in the middle of the village...”

“I don’t remember cats or dogs during the war, I remember rats. Big... With yellow-blue eyes... They were visible and invisible. When I recovered from my injury, the hospital sent me back to my unit. Some were in the trenches near Stalingrad. The commander ordered: “Take her to the girls’ dugout.” I entered the dugout and the first thing I was surprised was that there were no things there. Empty beds of pine branches, and that’s it. They didn’t warn me... I left my backpack in the dugout and went out; when I returned half an hour later, I couldn’t find my backpack. No traces of things, no comb, no pencil.

It turned out that everyone was instantly devoured by rats... And in the morning they showed me the gnawed hands of the seriously wounded... I have never seen rats leaving the city before shelling in any of the worst films. This is not in Stalingrad... It was already near Vyazma... In the morning, herds of rats walked through the city, they went into the fields. They smelled death. There were thousands of them... Black, gray... People looked in horror at this ominous sight and huddled close to their houses. And exactly at the time when they disappeared from our eyes, the shelling began. Planes flew in. Instead of houses and basements, there was stone sand..."

“There were so many killed at Stalingrad that the horses were no longer afraid of them. Usually they are afraid. A horse will never step on a dead person. We collected our dead, but the Germans were lying everywhere. Frozen... Ice... I, the driver, was carrying boxes with artillery shells, I heard their skulls cracking under the wheels... Bones... And I was happy...”

From a conversation with a censor: “Yes, the Victory was difficult for us, but you must look for heroic examples. There are hundreds of them. And you show the dirt of war. Underwear. Our Victory is terrible... What are you trying to achieve? - “Truth.” - “And you think that truth is what is in life. What's on the street. Underfoot. It's so low for you. Earthly. No, the truth is what we dream about. What we want to be!

“Aunt Nastya hanged herself from a black apple tree in her garden. And the children stood near her and asked for food.”

“We are advancing... The first German villages... We are young. Strong. Four years without women. There is wine in the cellars. Snack. They caught German girls and...

10 people raped one... There were not enough women, the population fled from the Soviet Army, they took young people. Girls... 12-13 years old... If she cried, they beat her, they forced something into her mouth. It hurts her, but it makes us laugh. Now I don’t understand how I could... A boy from an intelligent family... But it was me... The only thing we were afraid of was that our girls wouldn’t find out about it. Our nurses. I was ashamed in front of them...”

“We were surrounded... We wandered through the forests and swamps. They ate leaves, ate tree bark. Some roots. There were five of us, one was just a boy, he had just been drafted into the army. At night my neighbor whispers to me:

“The boy is half-dead, he will die anyway. You understand...". - "What are you talking about?". - “Human meat is edible. One prisoner told me... They fled from the camp through the Siberian forest. They specially took the boy with them... That’s how they were saved...” I didn't have enough strength to hit. The next day we met the partisans...”

“The partisans arrived on horseback in the village during the day. The headman and his son were taken out of the house. They hit them on the head with iron sticks until they fell. And they finished off on the ground. I was sitting by the window... I saw everything... Among the partisans was my older brother... When he entered our house and wanted to hug me: “Little sister!”, I shouted: “Don’t come closer! Don't come near! You are a murderer!

And then I went numb. I didn't speak for a month. My brother died... What would have happened if he had remained alive? And if I returned home...”

“In the morning, the punitive forces set fire to our village... Only those people who fled into the forest were saved. They ran away without anything, empty-handed, they didn’t even take bread with them. No eggs, no lard. At night, Aunt Nastya, our neighbor, beat her little girl because she was crying all the time. Aunt Nastya had five of her children with her. Yulechka, my friend, is weak herself. She was always sick... And four boys, all small, all asked for food too. And Aunt Nastya went crazy: “Uh-uh... Uh-uh...”. And at night I heard... Yulechka asked: “Mommy, don’t drown me. I won't... I won't ask you for food anymore. I won’t..." In the morning I didn’t see Yulechka anymore... No one found her...

Aunt Nastya... When we returned to the village for the embers... The village burned down... Aunt Nastya hanged herself from a black apple tree in her garden. And the children stood near her and asked for food...”

From a conversation with the censor: "It's a lie! This is slander against our soldier who liberated half of Europe. On our partisans. To our people-hero. We don't need your little story, we need the big story. History of Victory. You don't love anyone! You don't like our great ideas. Ideas of Marx and Lenin." - “Yes, I don’t like great ideas. I love the little man..."


“We were surrounded... Political instructor Lunin is with us... He read out the order that Soviet soldiers would not surrender to the enemy. We, as Comrade Stalin said, have no prisoners, but traitors. The guys took out pistols... The political instructor ordered: “Don’t. Live, boys, you are young." And he shot himself...

And when we returned, we were already advancing... I remember the little boy. He ran out to us from somewhere underground, from the cellar, and shouted: “Kill my mother... Kill me! She loved a German..." His eyes were round with fear. A black old woman was running after him. All in black. She ran and was baptized: “Don’t listen, child. The child was merciful...”

“They called me to school... A teacher who returned from evacuation spoke to me: “I want to transfer your son to another class. There are the best students in my class." - “But my son only has A’s.” - "It doesn't matter. The boy lived under the Germans.” - “Yes, it was difficult for us.” - "I am not talking about that. Everyone who was in the occupation... These people are under suspicion. Here you are..." - "What? I don't understand...". “We are not sure of its correct development. Here he stutters...” - "I know. It's out of fear. He was beaten by a German officer who lived in our apartment.” - “You see... You admit it yourself... You lived next to the enemy...”. - “And who allowed this enemy to reach Moscow itself? Who left us here with our children?

I was hysterical... For two days I was afraid that the teacher would report me. But she left her son in her class...”


“During the day we were afraid of the Germans and policemen, and at night we were afraid of the partisans. The partisans took my last cow, leaving us with only one cat. The partisans are hungry and angry. They led my cow, and I followed them... I walked 10 kilometers. I begged you to give it up. Three children were waiting in the house... Try to find a good man during the war... He went his own way. The children of the kulaks returned from exile. Their parents died, and they served the German authorities. They took revenge. One shot an old teacher in the house. Our neighbor. He once denounced his father and dispossessed him. He was an ardent communist.

The Germans first dissolved the collective farms and gave people land. People sighed after Stalin. We paid the quitrent... We paid it carefully... And then they started burning us. Us and our houses. Cattle were stolen and people were burned.

Oh, daughter, I'm afraid of words. Terrible words... I saved myself with goodness, I didn’t want harm to anyone. I felt sorry for everyone...”

“I reached Berlin with the army... I returned to my village with two Orders of Glory and medals. I lived for three days, and on the fourth my mother lifted me out of bed and said: “Daughter, I put together a bundle for you. Go away... Go away... You still have two younger sisters growing up. Who will marry them? Everyone knows that you were at the front for four years, with men...” Don't touch my soul. Write, like others, about my awards...”

“War is like war. This is not a theater...

We lined up a squad in the clearing and we formed a ring. And in the middle are Misha K. and Kolya M., our guys. Misha was a brave scout and played the harmonica. No one sang better than Kolya...

It took a long time to read the verdict: in such and such a village they demanded two bottles of moonshine, and at night... two girls... And in such and such a village... They took a coat and a sewing machine from a peasant... which they immediately drank away... .At the neighbors...Sentenced to death...

Who will shoot? The squad is silent... Who? We remain silent... The commander himself carried out the sentence...".

“I was a machine gunner. I killed so much... After the war, I was afraid to give birth for a long time. She gave birth when she calmed down. Seven years later... But I still haven’t forgiven anything. And I won’t forgive... I was happy when I saw captured Germans. I was glad that it was a pity to look at them: they had foot wraps on their feet instead of boots, foot wraps on their heads... They were led through the village, they asked: “Mother, give me bread... Bread...”. I was amazed that the peasants came out of their huts and gave them a piece of bread or a potato. The boys ran behind the column and threw stones... And the women cried... It seems to me that I lived two lives: one as a man, the second as a woman...”

“After the war... After the war, human life was worth nothing. I’ll give you one example... I was riding on the bus after work, and suddenly shouts started: “Stop the thief! Stop the thief! My handbag...” The bus stopped... Immediately there was a crush. The young officer takes the boy outside, puts his hand on his knee and - bang! breaks it in half. He jumps back... And we go... No one stood up for the boy, no one called the policeman. They didn't call a doctor. And the officer had military awards all over his chest... I began to get out at my stop, he jumped off and gave me his hand: “Come on in, girl...”. So gallant... Eh, but this is still a war... Everyone is a military man...”

“The Red Army came... We were allowed to dig up the graves where our people were shot. According to our customs, you have to be in white - a white scarf, a white shirt. People came from the villages all dressed in white and with white sheets... With white embroidered towels...

They dug... Whoever found something, admitted it, took it. Some carry their hands on a wheelbarrow, some carry their heads... A person does not lie in the ground whole for a long time, they are all mixed up with each other. With the earth...

I didn’t find my sister, it seemed to me that one piece of the dress was hers, something familiar... Grandfather also said - we’ll take it, there will be something to bury. We put that piece of dress in the coffin...

They received a “missing” document for my father. Others received something for those who died, but my mother and I were frightened at the village council: “You are not entitled to any help. Or maybe he lives happily ever after with a German Frau. Enemy of the people".

I began to look for my father under Khrushchev. After 40 years. They answered me under Gorbachev: “It’s not on the lists...”. But his fellow soldier responded, and I learned that my father died heroically. Near Mogilev, he threw himself under a tank with a grenade...

It's a pity that my mother didn't live to hear this news. She died with the stigma of being the wife of an enemy of the people. Traitor. And there were many like her. She didn’t live long... I went to her grave with a letter. I read..."

“Many of us believed... We thought that after the war everything would change... Stalin would believe his people. But the war was not over yet, and the trains had already left for Magadan. Trains with the victors... They arrested those who were captured, survived in German camps, who were taken by the Germans to work - everyone who saw Europe. I could tell you how the people live there. Without communists. What kind of houses are there and what kind of roads are there? About the fact that there are no collective farms anywhere...

After the Victory, everyone fell silent. They were silent and afraid, as before the war...”

“We’re leaving... And who’s next?

I am a history teacher... In my memory, the history textbook was rewritten three times. I taught from three different textbooks... What will be left after us? Ask us while we're alive. Don't invent us later. Ask...

Do you know how difficult it is to kill a person? I worked underground. Six months later I received an assignment - to get a job as a waitress in the officers' mess... Young, beautiful... They took me. I had to pour poison into the soup pot and go to the partisans that same day. And I’m already used to them, they are enemies, but every day you see them, they tell you: “Danke Sean... Danke Sean...”. It's difficult...

It’s hard to kill... I’ve taught history all my life, but I knew that we don’t know everything about any historical event to the end. All the feelings experienced.

The whole truth..."

P.S. I had my own war... I have come a long way with my heroines. Like them, for a long time I did not believe that our Victory had two faces - one beautiful, and the other terrible, all covered in scars - unbearable to look at. “In hand-to-hand combat, when killing a person, they look into his eyes. This is not dropping bombs or shooting from a trench,” they told me. Listening to a person how he killed and died is the same - you look into his eyes...

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NOTHING SHOULD BE CONDITIONED TO OBSERVATION How the Germans raped Russian women Dossier-cheat sheet: Extracts about the abuse of Soviet women by German soldiers and officers in temporarily occupied territories in the mirror of reports of the Soviet Information Bureau. the ideology of fascism, what the Nazis did to the Russians before they shot them, what the Nazis did to Russian women, fascist atrocities against women, fascist abuses of the civilian population 07/06/43: German-fascist scoundrels continue bloody atrocities against civilians of the occupied Soviet regions. In the forest behind the village of Belaya, Vitebsk region, the Nazis shot 86 old people, women and children. In the village of Starina, the Germans burned 24 collective farmers alive. Fascist scoundrels in the same village raped several girls and then killed them. (Sovinformburo)* APRIL 1943: 04/20/43: Residents of villages and villages in the Leningrad region liberated from the German invaders spoke about the monstrous atrocities of the Nazis. In the village of Peski, Nazi murderers hanged collective farmer Ivan Morozov and burned his house because he hid his daughter from a German officer who wanted to rape her. A sixteen-year-old girl, Nastya Zemskova, hit the German officer who was pestering her and said: “You can’t see either Moscow or Leningrad, just like a pig can’t see the sky.” The Nazis grabbed the girl and took her away. Since then, nothing has been known about her fate. Before the German occupation, the village of Cherny Ruchey had 250 inhabitants. The Germans drove over 100 people to hard labor in Germany. The Nazis tortured and shot several dozen civilians. Many collective farmers and collective farmers died from hunger and deprivation. Currently, there are only 39 residents left in the village. (Sovinformburo) VIDEO + 18

04/07/43: Nazi bastards devastated and ruined the village of Podmoshe in the Smolensk region. The Nazis did not spare either women or children. There is not a single family in the village that did not suffer from Hitler’s murderers. Teacher Anna Konyukhova was shot by bandits because she resisted a German who was trying to rape her. The executioners tortured and killed civilians Mikhail Stepanenko, Alexander Stepanenko, Boris Barsukov and his daughter, Vasily Feoktistov, 12-year-old children - Alexey Ignatov and Dmitry Ivanov. The Germans subjected the 85-year-old old man Kozhurov and his wife to brutal torture. During interrogations, the Germans beat them, demanding to indicate the location of the partisans. Soviet patriots steadfastly endured all the torture, accepted martyrdom, but did not hand over the partisans and fellow villagers associated with them. (Sovinformburo)* 03/07/43: Below is published an act on the atrocities of the Nazi scoundrels in the village of Kuban, Oryol region: “From the day the German invaders broke into the village of Kuban, hard labor began for us. The Germans, without any reason, shot collective farmers: Ivan Marokhin, Alexei Yakushin, Foma Melnikov, Ivan Pisarev and many others. Hitler's bastards raped Varvara Zh., abused Marina Melnikova, and then killed her. More than 200 village residents stayed in the basements of the German commandant's office, where they were subjected to flogging and all kinds of abuse. The Nazis disfigured our village, destroyed a school, a dairy farm, collective farm buildings and many houses of collective farmers. There is not a single person in the entire village who has not been robbed by Nazi bandits, there is not a single house in which there are no traces of German robbery and destruction. We are confident that the Red Army will take revenge on the Nazi murderers for our torment and will cleanse our native Soviet land of fascist carrion.” The act was signed by: member of the village council Ivan Korolev, teacher Anisya Rudakova, collective farmers - Alexander Khokhaev, Oksana Lavrukhina and others. (Sovinformburo)* 12/24/42: German fascist scoundrels committed a bloody massacre of the civilian population of the villages of Snorki and Golovitsy, Smolensk region. In the village of Snorki, the Nazis burned 16 houses along with the people in them. 70 residents were burned alive. Fascist monsters raped 17-year-old collective farmer Alexandra Gvardeytseva. After vile abuse, they cut off her breasts and shot her. In the village of Golovitsy, German bandits shot collective farmer Maria Zabolotskaya with three children aged from one to six years. A one-year-old child was shot and killed in his mother's arms. The entire Denisenkova family, consisting of five adults and a two-year-old child, was shot. In total, in these villages the Nazis shot, brutally tortured and burned 166 innocent women, children and old people. (Sovinformburo) NOVEMBER 1942: 11/17/42: Nazi monsters committed a wild and heinous crime in the village of Trosna, Kursk region. The Nazis herded a group of girls from the surrounding villages to this village to send them to hard labor in Germany. Here all the girls were locked in a barn. At night a German military unit passed through the village. The fascist scoundrels broke into the barn and violated the Soviet girls who were in it. (Sovinformburo) 06.11.42: Nazi bastards destroyed and burned to the ground the village of Soltanovka, Oryol region. The fire destroyed 450 collective farmers' houses, a school, a hospital, a dairy farm and other public buildings. The Germans tortured and shot dozens of village residents. 19-year-old collective farmer Anna Matyushkina was raped by Hitler’s monsters, and then they cut out her breasts, cut off her ears and shot her. The local hospital doctor Alexandra Alekseevna Malinovskaya was burned alive by bandits. (Sovinformburo)* 07/16/42: Nazi cannibals exterminate the civilian population of the occupied Soviet regions. In the village of Lugan, Oryol region, the Nazis tortured 20 local residents. The executioners shot teacher Anna Fedoseevna Korotchenko, 23 years old, her son Vyacheslav, two and a half years old, and mother Praskovya Ivanovna, 53 years old. The fascist scoundrels raped the teacher Anna Konstantinovna Kozhanova, and then shot her along with her 5-year-old son Victor and 7-year-old daughter Lyudmila... The brutal massacre was carried out by the German fascist scoundrels in the village of Boyarka, near Kiev. The Nazis forced 15 teenage girls into the school premises, abused their victims, and then hung them from telegraph poles. (Sovinformburo) VIDEO * 18

01/01/42: 60-year-old peasant Arkatov, living in the village of Sloboda, Novopetrovsky district, Moscow region, now liberated from the Germans, said: “As soon as the Nazis entered our village, general robbery began. They took away our cows, sheep, chickens, all our supplies of flour, cereals, and vegetables. The German robbers took away all our warm clothes, felt boots, and underwear. Having met me on the outskirts of the village, a German soldier ordered me to take off my felt boots and fur coat, and I walked barefoot to my house. The robberies were followed by executions. The Germans shot the peasants Belyankin K.I., Belyankin N.A., Kapustin N.V., Kadilshchik N.A., Baranov E.I., Ryzhov M.I., Osipova and others. The Nazis raped the pregnant Evdokia T. two weeks before giving birth.” (Sovinformburo) DECEMBER 1941: 12/25/41: In the village of Voronki, the Germans placed 40 wounded captured Red Army soldiers and Soviet nurses in the premises of a former hospital. The Nazis raped and shot the nurses, and they stationed sentries at the hospital and didn’t let anyone in. After 4 days, some of the patients died. The monsters drowned the survivors in the river. (Sovinformburo) 12/16/41: Residents of villages and towns in the Moscow region, liberated by Red Army units from the Nazi occupiers, talk about the monstrous atrocities of the Nazi scoundrels. In the village of Bely Rast, German soldiers set a 12-year-old boy, Volodya Tkachev, as a target and opened fire on him with machine guns. Volodya's body was riddled with 21 bullets. In the same village, the Nazis shot, without any reason, the mother of four young children, collective farmer Irina Vasilievna Mosolova. In the village of Zaramushki, the Nazis shot the collective farmer Metlova - 67 years old, Ekaterina Goloshchekina - 60 years old, Agrafena Sokolov - 40 years old, Yakov Kordnova - 58 years old and others. In the village of Ovsyannikovo, the Germans captured several wounded Red Army soldiers. They were all stripped, took off their shoes and locked in a cold barn. Leaving the village, the monsters shot all the prisoners. The Nazis gouged out the eyes of three fighters, broke their legs, carved stars on their cheeks and pierced their throats with a bayonet. Collective farmer Ivan Gavrilovich Terekhin walked through the village of Puchki with his wife Polina Borisovna. Several German soldiers grabbed Polina and, in front of her husband's eyes, raped her one by one and then killed her. Collective farmer Terekhin, who tried to protect his wife, was also shot dead. The German invaders robbed the population; they took everything in sight. So, for example, from a citizen of the village of Nikolskoye Sergeeva Agrafena Sergeevna, Hitler’s robbers took away a mattress, a samovar, a kettle, tea utensils, a basket of flour, matches, sugar, a lady’s jacket, an axe, a saw, children’s toys and even a net for straining milk. .. Residents of villages in the Rostov region, liberated from the Nazi invaders, talk about unheard-of atrocities and general robberies carried out by Hitler’s plunder army. In the village of Novospasovka, in the house of collective farmer Elena Gamova, several German soldiers settled. In the evening they had a drinking party. The two-year-old son of a collective farmer woke up and cried. One of the fascist monsters tore the child from the mother’s arms and put him in a burning oven. In the same village, the Germans doused the peasant woman Marfa Kovpak with gasoline and set her on fire. In the village of Generalskaya, the Nazis raped, then tortured and shot Nadezhda Gurtovaya and her 14-year-old daughter. (Sovinformburo)* NOVEMBER 1941: 11/18/41: German fascist scoundrels continue violence and abuse of the civilian population of the cities and villages of Belarus. A detachment of German soldiers who arrived in the village of Kostyukovka took away all the property from the peasants. Peasant Drigulina Ksenia asked the German officer to leave the laundry of her four children. The brutal fascist beat the woman and then shot her. German soldiers threw all four of Drigulina’s children into the cellar and covered them with earth. In the village of Nerki, the Nazis raped and tortured to death the peasant women Zhigalova, Serikova and Urupina. In the village of Kholmy, fascist monsters brutally tortured six fifteen-year-old girls. In the city of Yelsk, the Nazis put five hundred local residents on a barge and took them to the middle of the Pripyat River. The prisoners were not given food for five days. Then German soldiers sank the barge along with the people in it. (Sovinformburo)* 04.11.41: Nazi bastards continue to rob and kill civilians in the occupied areas. Having captured the village of Akimovka, on the very first day the Nazis shot Nikolai Mikhailov, Eftey Ushakov, his 12-year-old daughter and the disabled Burtsev. A few days later, the occupiers shot a large group of collective farmers: seventy-year-old old men Yakov Romanenko and Prokhor Torgashov, sixty-year-old Alexandra Kovaleva, Anna Muskova and others. The fascist scoundrels brutally abused Agafonova. They raped her, and then subjected her to the most excruciating tortures, cutting off her breasts and stabbing her all over her body. The fascist monsters did not spare even Agafonova’s young children. Getting ready to leave, Nazi bandits killed her four-year-old son Vasya and two-year-old daughter Shura. (Sovinformburo) 01.11.41: Reports continue to come in about the monstrous atrocities of fascist bandits. In the village of Vasilyevka, Oryol region, drunken German soldiers forced the girls they had raped and beaten to dance. At this time, a pregnant collective farmer, Anna Larionova, was walking down the street. The Nazis demanded that she dance too. Larionova tried to refuse, citing pregnancy. An enraged fellow with a corporal's stripes hit the woman in the stomach with his boot. Larionova lost consciousness. Labor pains began. The fascist monsters forbade the peasant women to help the woman in labor. The unfortunate woman gave birth to a stillborn child. (Sovinformburo)* 05.10.41: Hitler’s cannibals continue outrages and atrocities in the Soviet regions they captured. In the villages of Glinyanaya and Dikovka, Kirovograd region, the Nazis took away all agricultural products and household items from the population. The villages of Vypolzovo and Karpilovka, Ostersky district, Chernigov region, were completely destroyed. Fascist scoundrels everywhere carry out rampant robberies and deal with defenseless civilians with unheard-of cruelty. In the village of Slobodka, Chernobyl district, Kyiv region, the Nazis demanded milk from the collective farmer Nechuiko. In response to this, Comrade Nechuiko said: “You have already taken the cow, where can I get milk for you?” For this, the Nazis beat the collective farmer to a pulp and then burned her house. In the village of Borodaevka, Verkhnedneprovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, the Nazis raped all the women and girls. (Sovinformburo) SEPTEMBER 1941: 09.27.41: Residents of the village of Novo-Vasilievka, liberated from the Germans, report the atrocious crimes of fascist monsters. Collective farmer Fedosya Matyukha says: “The fascist murderers burst into my house, grabbed my husband Anufriy and took him away with them. The next day I found his body in a ditch. He lay all cut up, mutilated, with his eyes gouged out.” Collective farmer Vasily Shnyrev, suffering from tuberculosis, was tortured and tormented for a long time. He was bayoneted, cut, and then shot. Collective farmer Maria Pryadko says: “The Germans plundered the entire village. They, like dogs, scoured the huts and took everything. The Nazis knocked out the frames in my hut, broke a mirror, took away my textiles, all the cast iron, buckets, and trampled my garden. My seven children and I hid from the Germans in a pit. One drunken scoundrel came up to us and started shooting into the pit. It was only by miracle that we survived.” Soldiers stole a sewing machine, two tablecloths, and pillows from collective farmer Pyotr Kozlov. In other houses, the Nazis took away gramophones, bicycles, blankets, and clothes. Collective farmer Tatyana Galushko says: “The Germans committed outrages in our village for three days. How much trouble they have done, how much grief and tears they have brought! They destroyed and burned 13 huts. The Germans plundered and set fire to Ivan Puchko’s hut. The monsters grabbed women and raped them. They caught my daughter and before my eyes, not paying attention to my screams and tears, they tortured her for a long time. I can’t count all the atrocities of Hitler’s robbers, all that we saw during these three days.” (Sovinformburo) 09.16.41: Hitler's soldiers rob the population of the occupied Soviet regions, brutally abuse the elderly, women and children... In the village of Zakharovka, the Germans hanged 14 collective farmers for refusing to disclose the whereabouts of their daughters. Having occupied the villages of Yuryevo and Bereznik, west of Staraya Russa, the Germans confiscated and slaughtered all livestock and poultry from the population. Having dumped the looted food onto carts, the Germans harnessed them to collective farmers, including old women and old men, and forced them to take them to a neighboring village. In the village of Monino, a drunken German soldier burst into the house of peasant Nikolai Kurgaev and tried to rape the owner of the house. The husband stood up for his wife and was shot dead on the spot. In the village of Milutino, the Germans arrested 24 collective farmers and took them to a neighboring village. Among those arrested was 13-year-old Anastasia Davydova. Throwing the peasants into a dark barn, the Nazis began to torture them, demanding information about the partisans. Everyone was silent. Then the Germans took the girl out of the barn and asked in which direction the collective farm cattle had been driven away. The young patriot refused to answer. The fascist scoundrels raped the girl and then shot her. (Sovinformburo) 09/11/41: In the village of Khanino, a group of German officers organized a drunken party, to which they dragged a local teacher and raped her one by one. 16-year-old collective farmer Ch. was raped by five German soldiers. The Nazis collected all the girls and young women from Tokarevo and surrounding villages and drove them away in an unknown direction. None of them have returned home yet. (Sovinformburo)* VIDEO + 18

09.09.41: In the areas of Ukraine captured by the Germans, the Nazis continue to commit outrages, kill hundreds and thousands of Soviet citizens, rape girls and women, and rob the population. In the village of Selishche, Kanevsky district, Kyiv region, the Nazis gathered a group of women and girls, took them into the forest and brutally raped them there. In the village of Griveni, Rzhishchevsky district, the Germans, mocking a 60-year-old collective farmer, forced him to flee under fire. The Nazis shot the unfortunate old man in both legs. In the occupied areas of the Kirovograd and Dnepropetrovsk regions, the German command announced that all collective farm property belonged to the Germans and that peasants who encroached on it would be shot. In response to the atrocities of the fascist scoundrels, every day more and more hundreds of peasants join partisan detachments. (Sovinformburo )* AUGUST 1941: 08/14/41: Every day brings new reports of fascist atrocities and robberies in the Soviet regions captured by the German army. Having burst into the village of Berestovets in the Uman direction, the Germans raped all the women and girls. Having violated the collective farmers Ulyana Rybalova and Elena Kozhumyak , fascist officers shot them. Among those tortured by fascist monsters are 70-year-old collective farmer Levko Korzh and his 19-year-old son Danil. (Sovinformburo) 08/09/41: A worker at the Aida cartridge factory, Comrade I. Bryantsev, writes: “Before my eyes, the Gestapo 25 workers and employees of the factory - members of the factory committee and other activists of the trade union organization - were shot with pistols. Thirty Stakhanovites and activists from Lviv garment factory No. 1 were killed by stormtroopers in their apartments at night. Drunken German soldiers dragged Lviv girls and young women into Kosciuszko Park and brutally raped them. 15-year-old schoolgirl Lydia S. was raped one by one by seven German tank crews. The Nazis threw the tortured corpse of the unfortunate girl into the trash heap at house No. 18 on Slovatskogo Street. The old priest V.L. Pomaznev, who with a cross in his hands begged to spare the population and tried to prevent violence against girls, was beaten by the Nazis, tore off his cassock, burned off his beard and stabbed him with a bayonet.” (Sovinformburo) 08/02/41: The thirteen-year-old daughter of a collective farmer, Zina G., was taken to the field hospital of the Ensky part of the Red Army, operating in the southwestern direction. The girl was brutally raped by a German officer. As a medical examination showed, the fascist rapist infected the girl with syphilis. (Sovinformburo)* 07/22/41: Soviet partisans delivered a group of women and children, repulsed during a partisan raid on the village of F, captured by the Germans, to the location of the Ensky part of the Red Army. Soviet women spoke about the horrific atrocities of fascist officers and soldiers. The Nazis turned the village of F. into heaps of ruins, strewn with the mutilated corpses of killed and burned alive peasants and members of their families. Among the villagers delivered were eight girls aged 13 to 15 years old, raped by drunken German soldiers and officers. (Sovinformburo)

It's just a nightmare! The maintenance of Soviet prisoners of war by the Nazis was extremely terrible. But it became even worse when a female Red Army soldier was captured.

Order of the fascist command

In his memoirs, officer Bruno Schneider told what kind of instruction German soldiers received before being sent to the Russian front. Regarding the female Red Army soldiers, the order said one thing: “Shoot!”

This is what many German units did. Among those killed in battle and encirclement, a huge number of bodies of women in Red Army uniform were found. Among them are many nurses and female paramedics. Traces on their bodies indicated that many were brutally tortured and then shot.

Residents of Smagleevka (Voronezh region) said after their liberation in 1943 that at the beginning of the war, a young Red Army girl died a terrible death in their village. She was seriously injured. Despite this, the Nazis stripped her naked, dragged her onto the road and shot her.

Horrifying traces of torture remained on the unfortunate woman's body. Before her death, her breasts were cut off and her entire face and arms were completely mangled. The woman's body was a complete bloody mess. They did the same with Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Before the show execution, the Nazis kept her half naked in the cold for hours.

Women in captivity

Captured Soviet soldiers—and women too—were supposed to be “sorted.” The weakest, wounded and exhausted were subject to destruction. The rest were used for the most difficult jobs in concentration camps.

In addition to these atrocities, female Red Army soldiers were constantly subjected to rape. The highest military ranks of the Wehrmacht were forbidden to enter into intimate relationships with Slavic women, so they did it in secret. The rank and file had a certain freedom here. Having found one female Red Army soldier or nurse, she could be raped by a whole company of soldiers. If the girl did not die after that, she was shot.

In concentration camps, the leadership often selected the most attractive girls from among the prisoners and took them to “serve.” This is what the camp doctor Orlyand did in Shpalaga (prisoner of war camp) No. 346 near the city of Kremenchug. The guards themselves regularly raped prisoners in the women's block of the concentration camp.

This was the case in Shpalaga No. 337 (Baranovichi), about which the head of this camp, Yarosh, testified during a tribunal meeting in 1967.

Shpalag No. 337 was distinguished by particularly cruel, inhumane conditions of detention. Both women and men Red Army soldiers were kept half naked in the cold for hours. Hundreds of them were stuffed into lice-infested barracks. Anyone who could not stand it and fell was immediately shot by the guards. Every day, more than 700 captured military personnel were destroyed in Shpalaga No. 337.

Women prisoners of war were subjected to torture, the cruelty of which medieval inquisitors could only envy: they were impaled, their insides were stuffed with hot red pepper, etc. They were often mocked by German commandants, many of whom were distinguished by obvious sadistic inclinations. Commandant Shpalag No. 337 was called a “cannibal” behind her back, which spoke eloquently about her character.