Is it possible to speed up the exchange? How can you speed up the end of your period using traditional and folk methods? Eat more protein foods

The upcoming onset of critical days can sometimes interfere with the implementation of a woman’s plans. Sometimes you want to speed up the process, but it is important to realize how safe it is. It is best to consult a doctor and take the medications he recommends. But there are things you can do at home, too. People's experience will come in handy, simple and harmless techniques will help. However, you must understand that in any case there are contraindications that it is advisable to know about in advance.


Is it safe to speed up your period?

When thinking about how to speed up your periods, you should definitely think about how safe it is for reproductive health. The menstrual cycle is a whole set of processes that must occur in a clear sequence. The operation of this mechanism determines not only whether a woman can be a mother, but also the condition of the body as a whole. The ovaries produce sex hormones that are involved in all biochemical reactions on which both physical and mental health depend.

It is no secret that there are medications that can be used to change the content of such hormones in the body and influence the course of processes occurring in the cycle. They are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to treat infertility, amenorrhea, and restore the hormonal cycle during early menopause. It is not recommended to use such drugs on your own, since violation of the dosage and dosage regimen can lead to serious consequences (including the occurrence of malignant tumors).

There are safer ways that will help speed up the onset of menstruation without the participation of hormones by activating physiological processes in the body (improving blood circulation, increasing muscle tone). Having become familiar with all the possible ways to influence the natural physiological process, a woman must make the right choice and compare the pros and cons of such an intervention.

Note: There are situations when inducing menstruation is really important, for example, to save a woman from an unwanted pregnancy after rape.

Video: Consequences of accelerating menstruation for a woman’s health

Ways to speed up menstruation

Even a woman with ideal reproductive health sometimes has problems with her period. Increased excitability of the nervous system and the body's reaction to changes in usual living conditions cause an unexpected delay in menstruation, which can confuse all plans. It is possible to speed up the onset of menstruation both with the help of medications and by using folk remedies and home methods. Before using any of these methods, it is worth finding out whether the delay is a sign of pregnancy.

Medications to speed up the onset of menstruation

The following types of drugs are used:

  • hormonal medicines for the treatment of menstrual disorders;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • emergency contraception;
  • homeopathic medicines.

Hormonal medications

Accelerating menstruation is based on reducing the duration of the first phase of the cycle by increasing progesterone levels. While taking medications based on this hubbub, the endometrium loosens and uterine contractility decreases. After their withdrawal, the level of progesterone decreases sharply, endometrial detachment occurs, the tone of the uterus increases, as a result of which menstrual-like bleeding begins. If menstruation does not occur after stopping the drug, this may mean that the woman is pregnant.

The drugs are available both in the form of tablets for oral administration and in the form of vaginal suppositories.

The most important: The dosage regimen must be drawn up by a doctor, since excess progesterone in the body can lead to persistent disruption of the cycle, lack of ovulation and the possibility of getting pregnant. In addition, a woman may gain weight and facial hair will begin to grow.

Duphaston. When planning to accelerate menstruation, Duphaston is taken for 5 days (2 tablets per day). Menstrual-like bleeding occurs a few days after stopping the pills.

Utrozhestan. The action is similar. The difference is that this drug contains natural progesterone, and not its synthetic analogue.

Progesterone injections. You can speed up your periods with their help by using injections of a 1% progesterone solution, which are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly in the second phase of the cycle for 5 days in a row. Menstruation occurs 3-5 days after stopping the drug.

Norkolut. The drug can either speed up the onset of menstruation or slow it down. It all depends on the dosage regimen. To speed up menstruation, the drug is used according to the following scheme: for 5 days, take 1 Norkoluta tablet in the morning and evening. Then it is stopped. After this, your period should appear in a maximum of a week. Quite often, as a result of using Norkolut, menstruation becomes too heavy and comes irregularly.

All hormonal drugs have contraindications. They are not used for the following pathologies:

  • individual intolerance to progesterone and other components included in their composition;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid, pancreas;
  • intermenstrual bleeding, endometriosis, tumors of the uterus and appendages, ovarian cysts;
  • hypertension, obesity, mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

The drugs should not be taken during breastfeeding.

Oral contraceptives

These include products such as “Silest”, “Yarina”, “Janine”, which contain combinations of estrogen and progesterone.

For contraception purposes, they take 1 tablet, starting from the 1st day of menstruation and ending with the 21st day of the cycle. A few days after this, menstrual-like bleeding begins. The subsequent intake of tablets begins on the 8th day after stopping the previous one, regardless of whether the period has ended or not.

If it is necessary to speed up the onset of menstruation, then stop taking contraceptives a few days earlier than usual. Accordingly, your period will come faster. In this case, it is necessary to resume taking the pills on the day of the start of menstruation.

When resorting to this method, you should remember that abruptly stopping oral contraceptives can lead to nausea, vomiting, headaches, skin acne, irritability, depression, and decreased libido.

Emergency contraception

These drugs include Mifepristone and Postinor. These drugs are intended for emergency termination of pregnancy (after unprotected intercourse, for example). Acceleration of the onset of menstruation occurs due to the fact that they sharply increase the tone of the uterus and its contractility. In this case, the structure of the mucous membrane is disrupted, and it is literally pushed out.

The consequence of a sharp interruption of the natural processes of the cycle and suppression of ovulation can be persistent menstrual disorders, for which a woman will be treated for years, as well as infertility. The appearance of diseases of the mammary glands, hypothyroidism, early menopause and its inherent ailments is also possible.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic doctors recommend using a drug such as Pulsatilla as a means to induce menstruation. It contains essential oils and biologically active substances that stimulate blood circulation, the functioning of hormone-producing and other organs, and calm the nervous system.

Homeopathic medicines contain such substances in tiny doses, so in the treatment of female diseases they are used for a long time and in small doses so as not to cause sudden changes in the condition of the body. To speed up your periods with this remedy, increase the usual dosage and take the drug not 2, but 3 times a day. As with the use of other medications, you must first consult a specialist in the field of homeopathy.

There are situations when a woman begins to worry in advance that her period will not come on time (she has already had this happen), and because of this she will have to give up an important task. Such experiences may well actually slow down the onset of periods. It is in this case that “Pulsatilla” will prove to be an indispensable remedy.

The medicine is practically harmless, unless you consider that an allergic reaction may occur.

Folk ways to speed up the onset of menstruation

The safest ways to speed up the onset of menstruation is to use infusions and decoctions of various plants.

Chamomile tea. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 2 glasses at once. The result will appear in 1-2 days.

Parsley infusion. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 3-4 stems of herbs. The product will be ready in 3 hours. It is necessary to drink half a glass in the morning and evening for 3 days.

Infusion of onion peel. It is necessary to boil the peel of one onion in 1 glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, drink ½ glass on an empty stomach, and after a few hours the rest. Your period usually comes 1-2 days after this.

Hot baths, taking aspirin. Such methods of accelerating menstrual bleeding are strictly contraindicated in cases of heart and vascular diseases and hypertension. Aspirin has a strong irritant effect on the stomach and can cause bleeding. It helps thin the blood, so severe uterine bleeding may also occur. After taking a hot bath (it is recommended to add iodine to enhance the effect), heavy bleeding may also occur, especially if a woman has diseases that she may not be aware of (for example, cysts, uterine fibroids).

Food. Eating pineapples and mangoes helps provoke the appearance of menstruation ahead of time. It is necessary to drink 4 glasses of freshly squeezed juice for several days, after which the expected result will appear. If you eat 1-2 lemons a day, your period may also come 2-3 days earlier.

Physical exercise. Many women know how to speed up their periods by increasing physical activity and intense sports. It is especially useful to run, ride a bike, do abdominal exercises several times a day, and bend forward and backward and to the sides.

Having sex plays a positive role in stimulating uterine contractions.

It is important to remember that accelerating menstruation is strictly prohibited if a woman has any pain in the lower abdomen, unusual discharge, spotting or heavy intermenstrual discharge, or diseases of the mammary glands.

Video: How to speed up your periods

Every woman’s body is a complex system that works according to an individual schedule. The arrival of menstruation is almost always accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, weakness, and drowsiness. This condition is explained by large blood loss. But sometimes critical days come at the wrong time! And now a planned vacation, trip, or, even worse, a wedding celebration is in jeopardy.

It turns out that it is possible to schedule the arrival of your period! Especially for such emergency cases, pharmacists have developed a whole line of medications that, like keyboards, play on the hormones of the female mechanism, and the discharge comes exactly when you need it. If you are interested in how to speed up your periods using alternative medicine, then there are also some effective recommendations here.

Is it safe to speed up your period?

A one-time acceleration of critical days should not affect a woman’s health. It is important to understand here that such interference in the organic functioning of your body is a great responsibility and risk. You can consult your doctor about how to speed up your period and do it as safely as possible. He will assess the state of “women’s” health and recommend the most gentle drug that will help start the process of onset of regulation a few days earlier.

There can be quite a few reasons for accelerating the onset of menstruation - long-awaited holidays, various family celebrations, a wedding, in the end. Receiving a surprise in the form of the beginning of critical days before a vacation is a spoiled mood and a threat of disruption of planned events.

Doctors categorically do not recommend using the tactic of frequent acceleration of regulators. Constant interference with the functioning of female hormones can lead to the following dangerous consequences:

  • copious discharge, even bleeding;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • hormonal imbalances, even amenorrhea;
  • infertility;
  • death.

Also, you should not provoke the onset of menstruation if a girl suspects pregnancy. Only your gynecologist will help you determine its presence or absence, as well as choose the best way to speed up your periods.


The question of how to speed up the onset of menstruation can be solved with the help of medications.

  • Oral contraceptives. Stopping taking these pills early may cause your period to appear earlier than expected.
  • Intramuscular injections of progesterone. This drug has a very quick effect; with its help, menstruation will begin within 2-3 days after the injection.
  • Taking medications with progesterone. This category includes tablets Duphaston, Norkolut and Utrozhestan. The latter can be used both orally and intravaginally. Taking Duphaston (2 tablets 2 times a day, 5 days in a row) is effective if menstruation needs to be accelerated by a week. These medications are prescribed by a doctor after consultation and a thorough examination.
  • Emergency contraception with Postinor. The drug is intended for emergency assistance in cases of violence or unprotected sexual intercourse. The area of ​​its influence is the uterus. Postinor provokes exfoliation of the endometrium within 3 days.

Read also Is implantation possible during menstruation?

The pharmaceutical agents described above belong to the hormonal group of medications, which accelerates regulation. And there is also a hemostatic group, the action of drugs from which is aimed at the speedy end of menstrual flow.

Traditional medicine

You can speed up the onset of menstruation at home using traditional medicine. They do not have such a harsh effect on the body, but it is also not always possible to achieve the desired result.

A lot can be written about how to speed up your periods if you are late using non-traditional means. But the following factors are considered the most proven and effective:

  • hot bath;
  • ascorbic acid (reduces progesterone levels in the female body);
  • lower back massage;
  • (stimulates uterine contractions, accelerates menstruation, reduces their duration);
  • sports (exercises to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles have a positive effect on the regularity of the abdominal muscles);
  • medicinal herbs.

You need to be especially careful with medicinal herbs. Some of them may cause bleeding. Using them uncontrollably means risking your own health, and sometimes even life.

Physical exercise

Intense physical activity is useful not only for general strengthening of the body. Sometimes sports activities alone are enough to close the question of how to speed up your periods, and not take any medications to make them go faster.

To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to lie in a hot bath after physical activity. It acts both to bring critical days closer and to make them end faster. Hot water helps dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation.

You can also use parsley decoction to speed up your periods. To prepare the drink, you need 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to drink the decoction 2 times a day - before and after training.


Is it possible to speed up the arrival of menstruation if there is a delay with the help of food? It turns out yes! There are a number of foods that cause endometrial detachment. These are pineapple, lemon, honey, mango. In order for your period to come on time, you need to introduce these foods into your diet 3 days before the due date. In one day, it is enough to eat 200-300 grams of the so-called “menstrual provocateurs”, and spotting will come at the time you need.

In the life of every woman, a situation may occur when menstruation does not come on time. Then she has a question about how to speed up her periods. There may be other reasons for accelerating the process of menstruation. For example, a representative of the fair sex is planning an important event, meeting, holiday or vacation trip. Of course, a woman wants to be confident in herself and her appearance, not be afraid to wear a short dress, a light skirt and sunbathe in the sun in a swimsuit, etc.

Menstruation gives women not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, and for some they are accompanied by severe pain. In order for these features of the female body not to spoil all plans, we have to look for answers to the question of how to speed up the onset of menstruation.

Acceleration of menstruation: is it safe for health?

Women's health is a very delicate mechanism that requires special attention and caution. Menstruation is a natural process in the body of representatives of the fairer sex, which confirms a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child. It is regulated by the entire hormonal system.

Therefore, when a woman tries to independently disrupt the cyclicity or duration of this process, she must be clearly aware that in this way she is making her own adjustments to her hormonal balance, and as a result it can fail.

To the question of whether it is possible to speed up menstruation, the answer will be positive. Modern pharmacology provides women with a large selection of hormonal drugs that will help them speed up their periods or get menstruation on the day they need it. In addition, there are many different traditional medicines that can also affect the duration and onset of critical days.

Such drugs really work; many ladies have already tested their effect on themselves. But before you expose your body to such stress and change the course of your menstrual cycle on your own, you need to think carefully. None of the manufacturers of hormonal medications that speed up menstruation give consumers a guarantee that menstruation will be regular or occur at all in the future. Such risks should only be taken if absolutely necessary.

If a girl nevertheless decides to take such a responsible step, then she needs to first get acquainted with what methods there are to speed up menstruation and choose the most suitable one for herself.

How to stimulate menstruation if there is a delay?

Sometimes periods do not come on time, and then the fair sex thinks about how to induce them artificially. Particular concern about this arises among those women who are not yet planning a child and are afraid of an unwanted pregnancy, or those who are tormented by premenstrual syndrome.

If the question arises about how to stimulate menstruation if there is a delay, a woman has 2 options: seek help from a specialist or traditional medicine.

For patients who come with a problem or in cases where this process is very painful, gynecologists most often prescribe the drugs Duphaston, Pulsatilla, Silest and Marvelon. The action of these medications is aimed at increasing progesterone in the female body. It is because of the lack of this hormone that menstruation does not occur.

Despite the fact that today there are many medications that stimulate menstruation that are freely available, experts do not recommend taking them without consulting a doctor.

Only a good doctor will be able to choose a safe and suitable medicine for the patient based on the individual characteristics of her body. After all, some drugs have contraindications and can negatively affect health and disrupt reproductive function.

Folk remedies are reliable helpers for delayed periods. They are safer for health, and their effects have been tested on many women. The following recipes will help you bring menstruation closer using traditional medicine:

  1. Before meals you need to take 3-5 g of dry carrots. With its help you can easily achieve the desired result.
  2. A decoction of onion peels is another proven method. Only 1 tbsp. A strong brewed drink stimulates the appearance of menstruation.
  3. If you drink 0.5 tbsp every day. strong decoction of parsley, then within 2-3 days from the start of taking it, menstruation will begin.
  4. Due to its effective action, a drink made from cornflowers is popular among women. To bring menstrual bleeding closer, 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, leave for about an hour, and then drink 2 times during the day.
  5. In order for the result to come in just a few hours, traditional medicine suggests that ladies use homemade candles from the upper part of the gladiolus bulb.

Women should remember that if they interfere with their hormonal system on their own, it can have bad health consequences, including the inability to have children.

Approaching menstruation using hormones

It is possible to manage your menstrual cycle with the help of contraceptives. Regularly taking birth control pills will allow you to expect your next period to arrive on the day the woman wants.

How to speed up your menstrual cycle by taking medications? The mechanism of how hormones work is very simple. To understand it, you first need to find out how the female body functions. In the first half of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is produced, and in the second - progesterone. When progesterone levels decrease, menstruation occurs. Therefore, everything is very simple. To prevent bleeding, you just need to take oral contraceptives that lower progesterone.

Many medications can affect a woman's hormonal levels. Modern pharmacology provides the fair sex with a large selection of drugs. Medicines such as Duphaston, Norkolut, Utrozhestan, etc. are popular among women.

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex use birth control pills in order, on the contrary, to postpone their periods. Once the first package of medication has taken effect, a woman can enjoy “dry days” for a whole month, so she often wants to prolong this pleasant feeling. By drinking one pack of contraceptives after another, a woman risks canceling her periods not for 1-2 months, but forever.

Gynecologists warn that such experiments with one's hormonal system can lead to serious problems with reproductive function. It is permissible to use this method only 1-2 times a year, otherwise it may cause unwanted problems.

The most dangerous way to delay your period is to use emergency contraception. Just one use of such contraceptives threatens a girl with long-term treatment of its consequences for the female body.

You should not take birth control pills to affect the duration and timing of menstruation without consulting a gynecologist. An experienced specialist will be able to select for each patient the drugs that are suitable for her based on the individual characteristics of her body. Not every woman, when buying oral contraceptives, pays attention to contraindications and side effects. As a result, she can significantly harm her health. Playing with hormones can be dangerous for a woman, and she will end up losing.

How to speed up the arrival of menstruation without medications?

Those who do not consider the risk of taking birth control pills justified are interested in how to speed up periods if they are delayed without taking medications. First of all, you need to pay attention to how many days they were delayed. A delay of 1-2 days should not alarm a woman, since even minor stress can be the cause.

If a girl nevertheless decides to speed up the natural process, she can try to do this with the help of safe non-drug means that will not cause harm to health.

A popular way is to take a hot bath and make love afterwards. The arrival of menstruation after such actions is explained by the fact that the genitals are toned, the flow of blood to the uterus increases, so the long-awaited menstrual bleeding occurs. This method is valid, but it is a little risky, since hot water can cause too much bleeding.

A reliable and absolutely safe solution would be to use natural acid, which is rich in parsley, lemons and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps fight infections and can speed up your period. It will be useful to engage in active sports: run, ride a bike, jump rope, join the gym. Moderate physical activity helps normalize the cycle.

Folk remedies for approaching menstruation

It is very simple to bring the day of menstruation closer using folk remedies, but before using them, every woman must be sure that she is not pregnant.

After all, medicinal herbs can cause miscarriage.

It is possible to speed up your periods without medications with the help of some herbs. Chamomile is popular due to its effective action. A decoction of the flower not only helps to hasten the onset of menstruation, but also regulates the cycle and reduces the amount of discharge. As already mentioned, parsley decoction helps speed up menstruation. If you take a drink from this greenery 2 times a day, blood will begin to flow within 2-3 days.

Even when our grandmothers were young, tea made from mint and lemon balm was popular. It has a calming effect and has a positive effect on women's health.

If you regularly pamper your body with this drink, then in gratitude it will give the woman a regular menstrual cycle and its painless course. In order to bring menstruation closer, you need to drink mint and lemon balm tea 2 times a day.

With the help of folk remedies, you can not only bring your period closer, but also push it back by several days. For example, if you eat 1-2 lemons before the “red days” arrive, their arrival will be postponed by at least 3 days.

The herb elecampane has a strong effect. Just a few doses of the decoction stimulate the arrival of menstruation. To induce menstruation, you need to drink no more than 100 g of elecampane decoction per day in 2 doses.

To make your period pass faster

Sometimes there are situations when a woman needs her period to end faster than usual, and she is looking for ways to speed up the end of her period on her own.

Menstruation often causes some discomfort, when the time of its appearance can change plans. Sometimes it happens that menstruation comes at the wrong time, so many women are interested in the question of how to speed up the end of their periods. There are various ways to do this: from taking medications to folk remedies.

Normally, the female body works according to its laid down plan. The menstrual cycle is a complex hormonal mechanism, and it is undesirable to interfere with it unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, if you really want to make adjustments during the normal monthly cycle, a woman should be aware that this may provoke its failure. However, there are certain ways to avoid harming the body.

First of all, a woman should inform her doctor about her desire to shorten her menstruation and not use uncontrolled medications at her own discretion. It is also worth remembering a few important rules:

  • you cannot do this regularly and for several cycles in a row;
  • It is prohibited to use acceleration of menstruation during an irregular cycle in women over 40 years of age;
  • you should not use acceleration methods when the cycle is already unstable;
  • It is prohibited to use any methods at elevated body temperature;
  • Do not accelerate menstruation due to infectious and other diseases;
  • It is prohibited to shorten your period due to food poisoning.

Gynecologists do not advise interfering with the normal course of the menstrual cycle, but there is still an extreme need. To make your period end faster, there are proven methods of traditional medicine, as well as medications.

Medication methods

It is important to remember that using medications without the advice of an experienced gynecologist is unacceptable. In some cases, an excessive accelerating effect can cause complications, requiring treatment and even surgery.

The general mechanism of action of drugs is based on their hemostatic effect. In order to reduce menstruation, the following means are used:

  • calcium gluconate with ascorbic acid;
  • ascorutin;
  • vikasol;
  • vitamin E;
  • dicinone;
  • oral contraceptives.

To reduce menstruation by 2-3 days, calcium gluconate with vitamin C is used. To achieve the desired result, start drinking the drug from the first day of menstruation three times a day simultaneously with taking ascorbic acid.

is a drug that strengthens small blood vessels, which reduces bleeding time. The product gives a good effect, but you can take it no earlier than the third day of your period.

The set of exercises is carried out gradually without excessive load. The total duration of classes should not exceed 40 minutes.


When you really need your period to end faster, you need to consult a gynecologist and choose the best remedy. The safest option would be to use exercise and herbal remedies.

There are often situations in a woman’s life when it is necessary for menstruation to begin or end faster. This includes planned vacations, long trips or a wedding celebration. There are many ways to speed up your periods.

For this purpose, not only medicines are used, but also traditional medicine. It is important to know that such interference in the functioning of the female body affects the overall hormonal balance, which can have an unfavorable effect on health.

However, a one-time acceleration of menstruation should not cause severe harm to the body. It is important to do everything correctly and control your cycle.

Disruption of the menstrual cycle is something that many women face. In some cases, amenorrhea occurs - a condition when there is no menstruation for several months. How to speed up the arrival of menstruation in this case and whether it can be done is a question that worries many ladies.

The reason often lies in the disruption of the hormonal system. If the body does not produce a sufficient amount of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, then menstruation may not occur for several months or years.

But there are also diseases that lead to. These include the following:

  • adnexitis;
  • various neoplasms;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

The absence of discharge does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There are other reasons if your period does not come on time:

  • Changes in climate or weather conditions. can occur when flying to other countries or at home, in the off-season. Sudden changes in outdoor temperature and weather in general in a number of cases negatively affect the sensitive female body. For example, excessive heat may well cause a delay of a couple of weeks.
  • Diet. Changes in normal diet contribute to amenorrhea. If a woman suddenly loses weight due to diet, missing her period may be a consequence. The hormonal system cannot quickly adapt to the new weight and reacts this way.
  • Little weight. Reducing weight to a critical level can lead to problems with the menstrual cycle. If a girl weighs less than 45 kg, the absence of menstruation should not be surprising.
  • Serious physical activity and stress. It also affects the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system.
  • Use of medications. Some drugs have side effects with cycle problems.
  • Pregnancy. This is another reason why a woman cannot wait for her period. If a girl is thinking about the question of how to speed up her periods so that they go faster, she must first rule out possible conception.

How to speed up your periods?

  • Vikasol. The drug contains vitamin K, which increases the rate of blood clotting. Start taking pills on the 2nd day of your period, 2 tablets per day
  • Ascorutin. A highly effective drug. The action is to strengthen blood vessels, which makes it possible to reduce bleeding. Tablets are prescribed no earlier than on the third day of menstruation.
  • Vitamin E. This substance accelerates the end of critical days. But the effect is that menstruation becomes longer and the endometrium leaves the uterus much faster. As a result, periods end earlier. It is important to strictly follow the instructions to avoid severe bleeding.
  • Hormonal contraceptive pills. These drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. The doctor will also prescribe the required dosage.

Any medications should be taken only after consultation with a gynecologist, who will determine the woman’s health status, possible contraindications and tell about the likely consequences.

Folk recipes

When asking how to speed up your periods, don’t forget about folk remedies. Their use is safer than taking medications.

The following recipes are effective:

  • . The product allows you to speed up the end of your period. You need to take 5 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle, pour in 500 ml of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, without bringing to a strong boil. Next, cool, strain and take 3 tbsp. spoons 5 times a day. The product can be used starting from the 2nd day of menstruation. In most cases, it stops within a day or two after taking the decoction.
  • Water pepper. With the help of this substance you can reduce the duration of menstruation by 3-4 days. It is better to buy a ready-made infusion at the pharmacy and take 40 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. You can start taking it only at the end of the second day of menstruation.
  • Shepherd's purse. To prepare the remedy, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry herb, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink half a glass twice a day. This infusion can be drunk from the first day of menstruation.

When interventions in the cycle are prohibited

In some cases, interfering with the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the reproductive system is strictly prohibited.

These include the following:

  • diseases of the internal organs of the female reproductive system;
  • irregular cycle in girls due to the fact that it has not yet been established;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle or abortion;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • increased thrombus formation;
  • infertility;
  • stressful situations.

Even if at first glance there are no contraindications, you should think carefully before interfering with the work of your body. Indeed, in some cases, you can not shift the cycle, but simply use high-quality hygiene products, of which there are many in pharmacies today.

Video about the reasons for the delay