Cardamom calories. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Calorie content and beneficial properties - cardamom Cardamom calorie content per 100 grams

Composition and calorie content of cardamom. Beneficial properties, expected harm and contraindications for using the product. What recipes use the spice?

The content of the article:

Cardamom is a spice that has been popular since ancient times and is made from a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ginger family. It has a very powerful trunk 4 meters high; as a rule, two types of stems extend from the root - leafy and floral. The leaves are spear-shaped and the flowers are white. The fruit of this plant is a capsule with three chambers containing seeds. This is the spice we are considering with a sweetish taste and a strong spicy aroma. Ancient people called it "grain of paradise." True cardamom is grown in countries with a tropical climate. India and Sri Lanka are considered its homeland. It was brought to Europe by the Arabs and Phoenicians.

Composition and calorie content of cardamom

Cardamom contains many useful substances, i.e. vitamins and minerals. But the most important component of this spice is the essential oil.

Calorie content of cardamom is 311 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 10.8 g;
  • Fats - 6.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 40.5 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 28 7;
  • Water - 8.28 g;
  • Ash - 5.78 g.
Vitamin composition of cardamom per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.198 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.182 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.23 mg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 21 mg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 1.102 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 1119 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 383 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 229 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 18 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 178 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 13.97 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 28 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 383 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 7.47 mg.
Of the sterols (sterols), 100 grams of the product contain only phytosterols in an amount of 46 mg.

Saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids - 0.12 g;
  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 0.31 g;
  • Myristic - 0.03 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.57 g;
  • Stearic acid - 0.06 g;
  • Palmitoleic - 0.02 g;
  • Oleic (Omega-9) - 0.85 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 0.31 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.12 g.

Beneficial properties of cardamom

High nutritional value, vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body, and the presence of essential oils make this spice extremely useful.

What are the benefits of using cardamom:

  1. Improves mood. Thanks to its composition, this spice relieves headaches and has a positive effect on brain function.
  2. Relieves fatigue. For this purpose, it is enough to chew a few cardamom seeds. But coffee with spice will help you cheer up a little. The spice itself neutralizes the effect of caffeine.
  3. Helps in the fight against insomnia. A decoction of cardamom will help here.
  4. Freshens breath. To do this, you need to chew a couple of seeds of this spice. This will also help with various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, because cardamom is a wonderful antiseptic.
  5. Helps in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. This spice has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect, which is why it is useful for such ailments.
  6. Stimulates the digestive system. The seeds help with bloating and relieve constipation. The spice also helps remove toxins from the body.
  7. Reduces the risk of rectal cancer. Regular consumption of cardamom tea is a good prevention of such a dangerous pathology.
  8. Stimulates appetite. This spice stimulates the production of gastric juice, thereby causing the desire to eat.
  9. Helps treat colds. This is due to the warming and antiseptic effect of cardamom on the human body.
  10. Normalization of heart function. This spice saturates the heart tissue with oxygen, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and various defects.
  11. Calming effect for problems with the central nervous system. B vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc are excellent regulators of the nervous system.
  12. Improves vision. This spice contains vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the eyes.
  13. Treats obesity. Cardamom, like many spices, speeds up metabolism, burning calories and causing weight loss.
  14. Increases potency in men and libido in women. This is due to the fact that cardamom has a stimulating effect and acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition, it helps cope with infertility.
Tea with cardamom and the spice itself in various dishes should be consumed in moderation, without being perceived as a panacea for all diseases.

Harm and contraindications to the use of cardamom

Despite the large amount of useful substances, cardamom is not suitable for everyone to eat due to possible harm to the body.

Who should avoid using this spice:

  • Pregnant and lactating women. Spices and herbs are not recommended for consumption by these categories of people.
  • For children. Babies need to be fed foods that do not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and cardamom is a spice that can have a bad effect on the child’s body.
  • Patients with ulcers and gastritis. Spices act as an irritant to the intestinal and stomach mucosa, so patients with these health problems do not need to add cardamom to the menu.
  • People with individual intolerance. Any product can act as an allergen, this spice is no exception.

Recipes with cardamom

Thanks to its extraordinary aroma, wonderful taste and beneficial properties, cardamom is in great demand in many cuisines around the world. It is added to baked goods, drinks, main courses, and salads.

Recipes for dishes with cardamom:

  1. Gingerbread Christmas cookies. Ingredients: butter (100 g), honey (250 g), cinnamon (2 teaspoons), cardamom (1.5 teaspoons), egg yolks (3 pieces), lemon juice (1.5 teaspoons), brown sugar (125 g), flour (500 g), cloves (20 pieces), ginger (1.5 teaspoons), powdered sugar (50 g) and chocolate (100 g). Make a homogeneous mass from sugar and butter, heating these components over low heat. Mix in honey. Pour the sifted flour into a separate bowl, add the spices and pour in the yolks. The cloves need to be ground with a coffee grinder. Now combine the dough with the honey mass and mix thoroughly again. Cut out shaped cookies from the rolled out dough (0.5 cm thick). Place it on a baking sheet and use a drinking straw to make a hole in each gingerbread. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 185 degrees. We use glaze made from sugar and lemon juice, as well as melted chocolate to decorate our baked goods. We wait until everything hardens, and we tie ribbons into the holes, and with these wonderful gingerbread cookies you can decorate the Christmas tree.
  2. Buns with sour cream. We will need 400 g flour, 60 g sugar, 20 g yeast, 2 eggs, 50 g butter, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 150 ml milk, cardamom and ginger to taste. First, heat the milk and dissolve sugar and yeast in it. Let this yeast mixture ferment for 15 minutes. Then pour melted butter, sour cream and egg into it. Mix all these components and add cardamom and ginger, ground into powder. Now you need to send the dough to a warm place for 40 minutes. After it has risen, we form buns out of it on the table, and we can sprinkle them with cinnamon. We wait 15 minutes until our product increases in volume. Spread beaten egg on top of the buns and sprinkle with sugar. Heat the oven to 185 degrees and bake our pastries for 15 minutes.
  3. Eggplant jam. Take eggplants (3 kg), sugar (4.5 kg), water (1.8 l), as well as 1 teaspoon each of cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and citric acid. First of all, we wash the eggplants, peel them and put them in a bowl with water in which a little soda has been dissolved for 4 hours. Then we pull them out of the water, wash and pierce each eggplant. After this, blanch our vegetables for 5 minutes and cool them. We prepare syrup from water and sugar, add spices to it and add eggplants. Cook the jam for 30 minutes. Cool it, add citric acid and cook until tender. Place in sterile jars and seal them. Enjoy your winter tea!
  4. Baked cauliflower in the oven. First, lightly boil 1 head of cauliflower in salted water. Then take 1 bay leaf, cardamom, fennel and tahini to taste, chop them and heat them in a dry frying pan. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix everything, cover the cabbage in a baking dish with this spicy mixture and bake in the oven until beautifully colored. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the juice of 1 lemon. The dish is ready!
  5. Pears in sugar syrup. We will need 4 pears, 750 ml of white wine, 2 cups of sugar. Prepare cream from 1 glass of cream, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cardamom. We wash the pears, peel them, but do not break the core. First, pour wine over our fruits, placing them in a saucepan so that they are completely covered. There is not enough wine - add a little water. Place a plate on top to prevent the pears from floating. Then cook them over low-low heat for about 25 minutes until semi-soft. Then cool completely and put in the pan in the refrigerator for 4 days. After this, cook the pears until the liquid becomes syrup. Cool the fruit. Make a cream from these components, beat all the products with a mixer. Place the pears in a dish and pour cream over them.
  6. Puff baklava. Heat 0.5 cups of milk, dilute 20 g of yeast with salt in it. Adding an egg, 1 tablespoon of melted butter and 2 cups of flour, knead the dough. Leave it for 45 minutes, wrapping it in a warm blanket. We prepare the filling in this way: pass 200 g of walnuts through a meat grinder, add to them 1 cup of powdered sugar, 80 g of honey and 0.2 teaspoon of cardamom. Roll out the dough. You should have 14-16 cakes, brush each one with melted butter and add the filling. Brush the top of the baklava with yolk, cut into diamond shapes, and place in the oven for 30 minutes. The result will be very tasty oriental food.
  7. Warm red rice salad. Ingredients: 200 g red rice, 400 ml water, 80 g dried apricots, 100 g raisins, 80 g onions, 40 ml olive oil, 5 g cardamom, salt to taste. First, wash the rice and cook it for 30 minutes. Then cut the washed raisins and dried apricots into cubes. Then we peel the onion and cut it into pieces, or into rings. In a preheated frying pan, fry the cardamom and onion in olive oil for 5 minutes. After adding dried apricots, continue frying for another 3 minutes. Salt the rice, add raisins and ingredients from the frying pan, mix and eat warm. This unusual dish can be consumed as a salad, or as an independent main course. Moreover, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Where did this miracle spice come from? Many scientists believe that long ago, cardamom grew in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. In the East, people have been using the spice since ancient times, but Europeans learned about it and began using it for culinary and medicinal purposes not so long ago.

Cardamom is a very expensive and rare spice. It is cheaper only with saffron and vanilla. This can be explained by the fact that the process of growing and producing a plant is labor-intensive, taking a lot of time and effort. The plantations where true cardamom grows are located at an altitude of 500-2000 meters above sea level, where there is a tropical humid climate and a temperature not lower than +23°C. The shade of trees is a suitable place for planting the crop, because this plant does not tolerate direct sunlight. You can start harvesting 3 years after planting. And this is done manually. From a plantation with an area of ​​1 hectare, you can collect 100 kg of fruits, i.e. small boxes. And the plant bears fruit for 10 years. First, the collected fruits are dried in direct sunlight, then they are moistened and dried again.

Purposeful cultivation of cardamom and production of the spice began in the 19th century. Initially, it was used as a medicine, in many parts of the world it was even considered a panacea for all ailments. The secret of such a medicine was kept secret. Much later it was considered an excellent spice.

There is black and green cardamom. The first grows in Australia and tropical Asia, it is called Javanese, Indian or Bengal. But green can be found in India and Malaysia. Which one is more valuable and useful? Experts cannot answer this question unambiguously.

Nowadays, the largest quantities of spices are produced in India and Guatemala, approximately 80% of the total world production. And 20% falls on China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, the countries of East Africa, and South America. But the best cardamom is from India.

Watch a video about the spice cardamom:

Cardamom is something that every housewife needs to have in the house. The spice will provide medicinal assistance and give dishes not only an irresistible taste, but also an unsurpassed aroma. To prevent it from eroding, store the spice in boxes. Supermarkets sell cardamom in pods and ground form. It goes without saying that unground is better and retains more essential oils.

Cardamom is the fruit of a perennial exotic plant from the family Ginger It is one of the most expensive spices, so it is often called the queen of spices, the king of seasonings, or the pretentious grain of paradise.

It is not the ground product that is especially valued, but the whole product: black, shiny hard seeds about 3 mm long. With a characteristic spicy-burning taste and sweetish aroma.

Unripe three-chamber boxes are used to make spices. They are dried on special equipment with intermediate moisture.

India is considered the birthplace of cardamom. Thanks to Arab merchants, it was brought to Egypt, Rome and Greece.

Currently, Guatemala is the leader in spice production.

The first book mentions date back to the 11th century BC. e. But knowledgeable people claim that the plant was collected even before the advent of written literacy. Therefore, cardamom can be considered the oldest spice.

Composition and calorie content

The main component of cardamom is essential oil, which includes:

  • limonene (a hydrocarbon with a pronounced citrus odor) with anticancer activity;
  • terpineol (isomeric alcohol with the smell of lilac) is an aromatic substance with antimicrobial properties;
  • borneol (alcohol with the smell of pine needles) lowers blood pressure;
  • cineole (a hydrocarbon formerly known as “equaliptol”) - an antiseptic, promotes expectoration;
  • amidone (opioid) with analgesic properties.

Cardamom also contains fatty oils, a set of vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin);
  • vitamin C;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • potassium.

Cardamom seeds are quite high in calories and contain more than 311 kcal per 100 g. But among spices, this is far from the most “energy-charged” option.

Calorie table for some seasonings

Useful and paradoxical properties

Ancient healers were not lying when they attributed miraculous properties to cardamom, curing almost all diseases.

It is not for nothing that in Ayurveda the product was called “the spice of the three doshas”, or “the product of goodness” (sattva). Sattvic food (spice also includes ginger, fennel, cinnamon, and coriander) is designed to cleanse the body and calm the spirit.

Cardamom is able to solve seemingly opposite health problems. The secret is in the rules of use.

For the stomach

Agni is the digestive fire. Indian doctors are sure: if agni is normal, then regular use of cardamom is enough to maintain balance. If the disturbances are serious, it is recommended to use grains of paradise in conjunction with other healing remedies.

The ability of cardamom to have a positive effect on the digestive system, discovered in ancient times, is successfully used today.

  • Helps against bloating, flatulence and colic.
  • Prevents the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relieves hiccups, heartburn and belching by stabilizing acidity and neutralizing involuntary spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • Copes with nausea and vomiting.
  • Suitable for complex treatment of anorexia. Causes appetite and normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, strengthens the muscles of the stomach, stimulates digestion and metabolism.
  • An effective remedy for losing weight and treating obesity: burns fat, relieves the feeling of heaviness after eating. At the same time, it does not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and oral cavity.

For constipation and diarrhea

Cardamom is used to treat defecation disorders. The mild effect of the spice allows it to be taken by children and women during breastfeeding. Of course, after consultation with your doctor.

With loose stools mix cardamom with calamus, dill and fennel in equal parts and brew 1 tsp. the resulting mixture with 1 cup of boiling water.

It is better to start giving this tincture to small children with 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dosage if allergies are not observed.

For constipation, the spice is added to foods rich in fiber and oils. The maximum healing effect is achieved by combining cardamom with fennel, ginger and.

To improve nutrient absorption, it is recommended to combine cardamom with other seasonings, such as:

  • red pepper,
  • pippali (long pepper),
  • cumin,
  • fennel,
  • cinnamon,
  • carnation,

For weight loss

Cardamom discourages cravings for sweets, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, and promotes healthy weight loss. Can be consumed as a dietary tea, coffee or honey additive. Pairs well with another metabolism-accelerating spice - cinnamon.

  • Fat burning tea. Brew 1 tsp. seeds in 250 ml of boiling water. Let sit covered for 20 minutes. Take half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Coffee in a thermos. Mix 1 dessert spoon of cardamom with 1 tbsp. l. instant coffee, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in the thermos overnight. Drink in the morning.
  • Turkish coffee with cinnamon. Pour 1 tsp into the Turk. cardamom, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, add water. Bring to a boil, but do not allow it to boil further: remove from heat for a minute, put back, and so on 2-3 times.
  • Cardamom honey. Mix 1 tsp. natural honey with 5 pre-ground cardamom grains. Take daily.

For the throat

  • For bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, colds and coughs, it removes accumulated mucus from the body.
  • Reduces pain and hoarseness due to sore throat, laryngitis and other throat diseases.
  • Restores vocal cords.
  • For respiratory diseases, cardamom oil is rubbed into the chest area to ease breathing.
  • For pharyngitis, gargle with an infusion of 1/2 tsp brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. cardamom seeds.

For the genitourinary system

Medieval healers used cardamom to solve urinary problems.

In the modern world, the range of properties useful for the genitourinary system has expanded.

  • Minimizes burning sensation.
  • Eliminates urinary retention.
  • Improves erectile function.
  • Prevents the accumulation of excess water in the body and reduces swelling.
  • Used as a diuretic in special preparations for the treatment of nephritis, cystitis and gonorrhea.
  • Useful for kidney stones and gall bladder. But with cholelithiasis (GSD), caution is required: pain may intensify.
  • Aphrodisiac: increases potency and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. In case of overdose, the effect is the opposite.
  • Recommended for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
  • Positively affects health in case of candidiasis in combination with red pepper, garlic and asafoetida, calamus, and tabebuia bark ( Tabebuia).

It is from the bark of tabebuia (second name: ant tree) that tahibo is produced.
Recipe for a healing men's drink:

  1. Take 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. Add 1 tsp to vodka. crushed cardamom grains, mix and place in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.
  3. Pour 2 tsp into the resulting tincture. Sahara.
  4. Take 50 ml before bed.

Non-alcoholic recipe: Boil some cardamom seeds in milk, add honey to taste and take every evening.

Analgesic and antiseptic properties

The ability of the essential oils contained in cardamom to kill fungi (including mold), bacteria and viruses was discovered and is still used by Indian doctors.

The Chinese, in turn, are addicted to chewing ground seeds to eliminate bad breath. And local medicine recommends cardamom as a sure remedy for headaches.

  • Indicated for viral diseases and fever accompanied by high temperature.
  • Relieves toothache and freshens breath, as it kills pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity and prevents the development of caries.

For the heart and blood vessels

  • A couple of cardamom seeds chewed in the mouth will help overcome cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Improves cerebral circulation, indicated for vascular spasms, neutralizes headaches.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Recommended for the treatment of hypotension. To combat low blood pressure, drink tea with the addition of ground spices 3-4 times a day.

An ideal remedy for heart problems: a mixture of cardamom, cinnamon and ginger.

For the circulatory system

The blood circulation-catalyzing properties of cardamom have also found use in folk medicine:

  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • has warming properties;
  • useful for menstrual irregularities;
  • helps cope with anemia.

For the thyroid gland

The spice reduces the overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) and normalizes hormonal levels.

To cleanse the body

According to Sanskrit teaching, ama means toxins and wastes, and the best remedy for removing them is cardamom.

Prepare an infusion of 1 tsp. crushed seeds and a glass of boiling water. Take hot.

  • neutralizes the effect of caffeine when added to coffee;
  • serves as an antidote for bites of snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects;
  • used for food poisoning.

Antidepressant and stimulant

Residents of India and the Middle East regularly add cardamom to tea or coffee to maintain vitality and good mood.

As Ayurveda says, seasoning gives sharpness to thinking and balances the energy of movement - vata (air).

For these purposes, it is best to add ground spice to food cooked in ghee (ghee).

Hindus note the following beneficial properties of cardamom:

  • tones, useful during active physical activity;
  • helps cope with depression, apathy and lethargy, relieves feelings of anxiety and fatigue;
  • increases mental activity;
  • relieves insomnia.

Recipe for a good night's sleep: 1 tsp. cardamom seeds pour 260 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain it and take 40-50 ml warm 40-60 minutes before bedtime.

To fight cancer

According to scientific research, thanks to the content diindolemethane(DIM) and indole-3-carbinol cardamom helps fight breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

For beauty and general health

Malabsorption syndrome(malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines) affects many important functions of the body. Cardamom helps get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

At home, you can prepare a refreshing drink that normalizes digestive processes, improves skin condition and promotes healthy weight loss.

  1. Add 80 g of chopped mint and 1 tsp to the juice of 1 squeezed (or cut into slices) lemon. cardamom seeds.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. After cooling completely, add honey (to taste).

Taking the spice in combination with honey is good for the eyes.

The spice is also popular among yoga fans.

Benefits of Cardamom Oil

Cardamom oil is used as an independent cosmetic product, an active component of masks and creams, and a perfume ingredient.

  • Helps get rid of pigmentation, improves complexion, gives the skin radiance.
  • Fights acne and skin inflammation, including those caused by insect bites.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin, prevents the occurrence of wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis.
  • Reduces dry skin, therefore it is used to eliminate cracks in the tongue and anus.
  • Allows you to cope with cellulite during a therapeutic massage.

Contraindications and possible harm

Precautionary measures: Like any product, even such a healthy spice should be consumed in moderation. It is not recommended to drink more than 3-4 cups of cardamom tea per day. In this case, the spice concentration should not exceed 1/4 tsp. per cup.

  1. Pregnant women should abstain or at least get a doctor's permission.
  2. Cardamom is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  3. People suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers should avoid this Ayurvedic product from their diet.
  4. Since the spice can increase blood pressure, it is dangerous for hypertensive patients.
  5. In chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver, cardamom can cause exacerbation of diseases. Therefore, medical consultation is necessary.
  6. Ayurvedic doctors (vaidya) do not give cardamom to children under 7 years of age.

Use in cooking

Cardamom is suitable for adding to baked goods, compotes and other drinks, sauces, rice, fruit and vegetable dishes, as well as fish and meat. The spice is combined with anise, cinnamon and cloves.

Cardamom is also used as an additive to coffee to reveal the aroma of the drink and enhance its tonic and warming properties.

Exotic dishes often feature green parts of the plant, fresh or dried.

Types of cardamom

You can find three types of queen of spices on sale:

  • Green, or real. Grows in India. Thin, almost transparent green pods are used to make desserts.
  • Black, or Bengal. Grows in Australia and Asia. The fruits resemble tiny coconuts with black seeds inside.
  • White is the fruit of green cardamom after special treatment with sulfur oxide to soften the taste and aroma and extend shelf life.

Other varieties:

  • Ethiopian,
  • Javanese,
  • Chinese,
  • Bengal,
  • high,
  • narrow-leaved.

Selection and storage

  • It is best to purchase spices directly from the supplying countries.
  • When purchasing imported cardamom, give preference to whole fruits, as their aroma is more intense and lasts longer.
  • For ground spice, check whether the whole pod or just the seeds were ground. In the second case, the aroma and taste will be much brighter.
  • Store-bought options are the least desirable, and here the only thing available to you is checking the packaging for integrity and production date/expiration date.

Cardamom is the fruit of plants that belong to the ginger family. Cardamom comes from the ancient word "Kardom" - which means "strengthen, excite." It is not for nothing that in the early millennia it was given such a name. The healers of those years were convinced of the amazing power of this plant to have a stimulating effect in both men and women. Cardamom itself is considered a spice, just like ginger. It is originally from Sri Lanka, but some claim that it originated in India. Whether this is true or not is not important, since cardamom is a unique product of its kind.

Many people have prescribed it as an excellent aid in the fight against epilepsy and paralysis. Cardamom was also considered an effective drug for treating intestinal diseases. Medicine today uses it as an effective antiseptic that can relieve fever and kill infection. The oil from this plant also has no less beneficial properties.

Calorie content of cardamom: 311 kcal per 100 grams

Nutritional value of cardamom


Vitamin B1 (thiamine), content is 0.198 mg per 100 grams

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), content is 0.182 mg per 100 grams

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), content is 0.23 mg per 100 grams

Vitamin C, content is 21 mg per 100 grams

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent), content is 1.102 mg per 100 grams

Micro and macroelements:

Macroelements per 100 grams:

Calcium: content is 383 mg

Magnesium: content is 229 mg

Sodium: content is 18 mg

Potassium: content is 1119 mg

Phosphorus: content is 178 mg

Microelements per 100 grams:

Iron: content is 13.97 mg

Zinc: content is 7.47 mg

Copper: content is 0.383 mg

Manganese: content is 28 mg

Cardamom, this ancient oriental spice, has long been famous for its unusual, delicate aroma and its unique properties. In the early Middle Ages, this product was actively used in the treatment of many pathologies. And today, the beneficial properties of cardamom are used to treat diseases and in the preparation of interesting dishes.


Cardamom seeds contain 4-8 percent oil (essential). In turn, the oil contains such “ingredients” as limonene, cineope, terpineol and borneol. Thanks to vitamins, macroelements and microelements, cardamom has an unusual spicy taste. This allows it to be an excellent seasoning for tea or coffee. The benefit of cardamom is that it helps reduce the harmful effects of caffeine on the body.

The spice also has a beneficial effect on digestion. In early times, even severe obesity was successfully cured with its help.

Cardamom also helped in the treatment of colds, pathologies of the genitourinary system, nervous disorders and fever. The spice was often used as an effective antiseptic.

The beneficial properties of cardamom include the fact that the spice helps relieve headaches and stimulate brain activity.

Due to the fact that the spice helps regulate metabolic processes, a person in whose diet it is present quickly brings his weight back to normal.

To achieve the best effect, it is important to combine cardamom with cinnamon or red pepper.

For weight loss it is common to use:

  1. Cardamom tea, which is prepared using lemon, honey and green tea.
  2. Anti-cellulite scrub. Ingredients used in the preparation of this product include cardamom oil, olive oil and sea salt.

In addition to treating obesity and skin problems, the spice was used in the fight against respiratory pathologies, as well as neurological disorders:

  • in the treatment of respiratory diseases, cardamom helps relieve chills and pain in the body, as well as remove phlegm from the bronchi. Modern doctors also recommend not to ignore cardamom, especially if the patient’s diagnosis is pneumonia or pharyngitis;
  • when treating cardiovascular pathologies, it is important not only to include the spice in the diet, but also to use oils made from the seeds. They help ease physical activity and are an effective means for preventing heart attacks;
  • The spice is often recommended for diagnosing chronic constipation, dispensary disease and colitis.

Women of the East have been preparing cardamom pie for centuries. This dish is very popular in many countries, since the effect of spice on female libido and increasing male potency is undeniable.

The oil of the product is actively used in cosmetology. It helps cleanse, increase elasticity and tone the skin, as well as cell renewal. It is best to use it in conjunction with other oils, the beneficial qualities of which it enhances.

It is recommended to make cardamom masks for tightening the skin and nourishing it yourself, since market products may contain components harmful to the body.


The harm of the spice is that it often contributes to the development of an allergic reaction. For this reason, before “introducing” it into your diet, it is important to consult not only your doctor, but also a professional allergist. He will direct you to take a special medical test.

The risk group includes people suffering from intolerance to the “related” ginger to cardamom. The harm of the product to their body is obvious.

Harm from cardamom oils cannot be ruled out. According to some reports, they contribute to pathological bile production.

It is important to know that unnatural products that contain flavor enhancers are especially harmful.

Calorie content


There is no point in denying that cardamom is beneficial. But using it in excess is not recommended. The main contraindications are related to the pungent odor and unusual taste of the spice.

Contraindications also depend on the daily amount of cardamom. The exact dosage is determined by the age and body weight of the individual. Doctors and nutritionists warn against abuse - the daily dose should not exceed 1/4 teaspoon. The consequences of an overdose are extremely unpredictable.

The spice has the following contraindications:

  1. Bearing the fetus.
  2. Hypersensitivity to cardamom or ginger.
  3. Progression of stomach ulcers.

Despite the fact that the product is added to children's drinks, persons under twelve years of age should not consume cardamom.

The spice is often recommended for middle school students. Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and central nervous system. Children should not be given the spice in its pure form. A better solution would be to prepare a delicious drink with cardamom, almonds, milk and sugar and give it to you before bed.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

The seeds of this spice contain:

  • fatty acids (saturated);
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • trace elements (magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins.


Adding this spice to food will improve your mood and health. If the need arises, the attending doctor will prescribe medications with cardamom extract.

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This spicy seasoning has been known since ancient times. Cardamom was credited with healing properties. It was believed that it could relieve migraines, colds, and cure liver and intestinal diseases. Greek winemakers could not imagine drinks without cardamom grains. In the Middle Ages, the fruits began to be used for salting meat and fish. Until now, it is popular all over the world and in terms of sales - it ranks second after black pepper.

In the culinary arts of our country, cardamom is not as popular as in the East, but in industrial production the seeds of this spice have found worthy use.

Beneficial features

Like any seasoning, cardamom whets the appetite, enhances taste, and allows you to change the quality of dishes. Gives a specific aroma to meat and fish, smoked meats and cheeses. Many herbalists use it as part of carminative, cardiac and stomach preparations. Cardamom grain powder is said to be beneficial for weight loss and has fat burning properties. When combined perfectly with other seasonings, such as cinnamon, it can create a unique spirit for a dish. It is not for nothing that the oil is actively used in perfumery and aromatherapy.


Cardamom is a seasoning with a spicy, specific taste. It should be used in moderation. If you put a lot, it will not so much enhance the taste of the product as spoil it.

In cooking, it is used in salting fish; Atlantic herring, sprat, and herring are especially good for this. Cardamom will give it a specific, refined taste.

The spice is widely used in preparing vegetables and some meat dishes. When making liverwurst, using spice powder allows you to get rid of the specific smell and gives it a piquant flavor. When making nut jam, the spice can give the kernels a special taste.

Many gourmets like to add cardamom to coffee, where the taste of the cardamom fruit is fully revealed. Often used in cooking to decorate products. In the wine and alcohol industry, this spice is added to aperitifs and light fruit wines, as well as to liqueurs and liqueurs.

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