How to do an evening jog correctly. Running in the evenings for weight loss: getting rid of the belly and sides. Training schedule and menu for the week. Basic rules for jogging before bed

The undeniable benefits of running are known to absolutely every person. This sport has a powerful healing effect on the body and helps maintain physical fitness in good condition throughout life. But many novice athletes are interested in the question, which running is healthier - in the morning or in the evening? Experts believe that running in the evenings is better for many people. Let's try to figure out why.

What are the benefits of evening running?

The main beneficial quality of running, regardless of what time of day it occurs, is its ability to activate metabolic processes in the body, as well as enrich cells with oxygen. Evening running has its own specific features:

  • It's easier to make time. In the morning it is usually quite difficult to force yourself to get up early and go for a run. Most people would rather spend an extra hour in bed than exercise. In the evening, over time, there are no such problems - anyone can devote an hour to self-development.
  • Relieve stress. It is in the evening, after a hard day, that it is most optimal to relieve the stress accumulated during the day. Due to the fact that a large amount of endorphins are released during running, this sport is a well-known remedy for combating neuroses, depression and many psychological problems.
  • Get rid of the calories you eat in a day. Jogging in the evening gives the body the opportunity to burn off excess food calories. After training, while you sleep, your muscles will spend energy, which will help effectively fight fat deposits. In addition, in the morning after running you will feel tired, which can negatively affect your ability to work.
  • Cleanse the body. It has been established that it is in the evening that the human excretory system works most actively. With the help of running, you can enhance metabolic processes and help cleanse the body.

The only significant drawback of evening jogging is the increased air pollution from transport. But this problem can be avoided if you choose parks, squares or streets with little traffic for training.

What time should you run – in the evening or in the morning?

There is no strictly definite answer to this question. Different people have their own peaks of physical activity. For some, it will be more convenient to jog in the morning, but for others, training earlier will not bring any tangible benefit, but will only exhaust the body too much.

According to many experts, running in the morning brings a lot of stress to an unprepared body that is still half asleep. On the other hand, a morning jog for “early people” will give you vigor and a boost of energy for the whole coming day, improves your mood and mobilizes energy resources. In addition, in the morning the air is much cleaner, and there are almost no cars or people on the street, so nothing will distract you from your activities.

At the same time, night owls should not expose themselves to great physical activity in the first 2 hours after waking up in the morning. The optimal time for such people is 11-12 noon, but not everyone has the opportunity to run at this time. This is why many people choose evening hours. If running in the morning is easy and brings only positive feelings, nothing will stop you from doing it early.

Rules for evening running

In order for running in the evenings to have maximum benefits, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Place for jogging. For evening workouts, you should avoid highways, busy highways and major highways. The air in such places by the end of the day is saturated with harmful substances and will have a bad effect on the body. It is best to run in parks, stadiums or nature.

  • Duration of training. It is not recommended to overwork the body before bed - this can have a bad effect on your overall well-being and disrupt your sleep. At first, the duration of jogging should not exceed 15 minutes, and then you need to carefully increase this time. You should not run for more than half an hour in the evenings; it is better to run little by little with several breaks. After jogging, you first need to take a step, just walk for 10 minutes, and then stop.
  • Running time. The optimal time for evening jogging is 19-22 hours. Beginners often make one mistake - they start jogging after a heavy dinner. This regime is harmful to the body, since evening meals transfer biorhythms to a passive state and it is not advisable to subject yourself to physical activity again. It is best to go jogging after coming home from work and taking a short hour's rest. It is acceptable to eat something light - for example, a banana or drink yogurt.

Regular training is of great importance. In order for running in the evenings to have a healing effect on the body, you need to do it at least three times a week. Don't miss your next workout. If it's too cold outside, you can run at home or go to the gym.

In this article you will find everything about how to properly run in the evenings for beginners, and whether evening jogging is useful for losing weight. We will also touch on the benefits of running in general and how runners should eat properly.

First, let’s talk about the benefits of running in general.

Everyone knows that running is beneficial. Running has long become synonymous with being healthy and healthy. But I think it would be useful to remind you of the benefits of running:

  • Charges the body with oxygen;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood through the vessels more actively, which prevents the formation of blood clots - blood clots - and trains the walls of blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic;
  • Reduces the risk of malignant tumors and, consequently, the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • The sweat released during jogging removes toxins from the body, thereby improving metabolism;
  • Oxygen absorbed by the body through every pore makes internal organs work better, and especially the brain;
  • Running gives a useful load to almost all muscle groups:

It is customary to run in the morning to cheer up after sleep. But what if you prefer to run in the evenings? Great, because evening jogging has its own benefits. Let's look at the differences between running in the morning and running in the evening.

Differences between running in the morning and evening

Morning jogging

The advantage of morning jogging is that you are charged with vigor and strength for the whole day. Jogging in the morning on an empty stomach burns a maximum amount of calories, which is important if you want to lose weight. After that, protein and fiber are recommended. However, if you are not overweight, but have muscles, do not run on an empty stomach, as you will lose muscle mass along with fat.

Evening jogging

Running in the evening guarantees muscle growth (especially if you run with weights). Is running in the evening good for weight loss? Yes. The body burns calories even while recovering from a run. The benefits of running have been proven for those who eat stress. In addition, evening jogging is an excellent stress reliever and has a beneficial effect on sleep. In this regard, evening jogging is more beneficial than morning jogging: it relieves and does not create stress in the body.

How to run in the evening: nutrition

To lose weight, run on an empty stomach, or eat carbohydrates, they are absorbed most quickly. For example, porridge with water, cereal bars, low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt), fruits.

Eat often and in small portions, then in the evening you will not feel very hungry. Heavy food in the evening is stored in fat and contributes to insomnia, so it is recommended to eat fermented milk products, chicken, hard-boiled eggs and vegetables. Go for an evening jog an hour after eating.

How to run in the evening: clothes

When choosing clothes, rely on your own comfort and weather conditions. There is no fundamental difference in time when you run - dress according to the weather.

  • Underwear: cotton panties, for women - a sports bra, socks; in winter - thermal underwear;
  • Outerwear. In summer, sports shorts, tights (tight pants), loose sweatpants, a sports top or T-shirt (necessarily made of a breathable material, such as linen or cotton) are suitable. In windy weather - a windbreaker or light jacket. For the cold season, wear a jacket on top, maybe a ski suit, a hat and gloves. If the jacket does not tightly cover the neck, use scarves and headbands (put on over the head);
  • Shoes. For training, purchase training sneakers that provide comfort and support for your feet while running.

How to run in the evening: warm-up and stretching

Warming up is an important component of how to properly run in the evenings. The body gets tired during the day, and to get the maximum effect from running it needs to be warmed up and stretched. Warming up warms up and stretches the muscles, which prevents possible injuries, and also prepares the body for physical activity and promotes long-term work.

Warm up with swinging and circular movements of the upper and lower limbs, lunges, bends, rotations of the body and head. Then run.

When and where to run in the evenings?

The question is “when?” quite subtle: each person has their own biorhythms. But on average, it is recommended to jog in the morning from 6:30 to 7:30 (at this time the body better accepts muscle load), in the afternoon - from 11 to 12, in the evening - from 16 to 18.

Run on a flat, soft surface, such as a rubberized track at a stadium. Start with short runs and gradually increase your running time. If you feel unwell, immediately take a step, but do not stop immediately, first restore your breathing. Take a deep breath, slowly raising your arms up, then lower as you exhale. Repeat several times. Alternating running with walking is effective in losing excess weight and is good for the heart muscle.

  1. Be careful. Do not run on busy roads; exhaust fumes will only harm your health. Choose places with good lighting and a level road so that you don’t accidentally trip in the dark and avoid injury.
  2. The duration of the evening run is recommended no more than half an hour. Otherwise, instead of improving your sleep, you will achieve the opposite effect. It is recommended to take short breaks and not stop immediately.
  3. Don't run after resting. When the body suddenly changes from a passive state to an active one, it causes stress. Be sure to warm up and walk around before running.
  4. Breathe through your nose. This way the body is maximally saturated with oxygen, which promotes the productive functioning of muscles and internal organs. If you can’t breathe through your nose and breathe through your mouth (choking), then this means that you are not running in an aerobic (cardio) mode, but in an anaerobic mode, which is useless for strengthening the heart and burning fat. Therefore, reduce the load so that you breathe through your nose. If you can’t run like that, then walk until you feel the strength to run properly.
  5. Be sure to have breakfast and lunch, and an hour before training you can allow yourself fruit or an energy bar. After your run, eat something light (protein, fruits, vegetables) to restore muscle tissue.

Running in the evenings is convenient to fit into your schedule; it will get your body in shape, lift your spirits, and help get rid of accumulated stress. But if you have excess weight, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then be sure to consult your doctor. I hope you have now found the answer to the question of how to properly run in the evenings for beginners.

Sitting at work, we often sadly look out the window, planning how to relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day. There are actually a lot of options: read a book, meet friends in a pub or cafe, sit at home in front of the TV, eating a delicious dinner. Very attractive options, aren't they? But we can offer a more worthy alternative - running in the evenings, because this is really the best way to shake yourself up and throw off all the problems that have been tormenting our poor head all day. So much has been said about the benefits of jogging that it hardly makes sense to continue this topic, but the right choice of time for this event is still questioned by many. To make this choice easier, we will talk about all the delights of evening running.

Arguments for"

Scientific studies of human biorhythms have been able to identify the time when a person is at the peak of his activity, and all organs and systems interact harmoniously, which makes this time period optimal for physical activity. This period begins at 6 pm and ends after 8. Training carried out at this moment will be much more effective than the same, but, for example, in the morning. But even without touching on scientific research, you can find a number of advantages that make such runs more attractive. So what does running in the evenings do for us?

No early rise. For many of us, even the thought of getting up one and a half, or even two hours earlier several times a week becomes simply unbearable. And in the morning, instead of vigor, we feel lethargic and weak. What a jog this is. What a pleasure it is. Evening exercises are much easier in this regard, because the body does not need to “swing”.

Sufficient amount of time. Those who have at least once tried a morning jog have probably encountered an acute lack of time, because they still need to have time to get themselves in order and get to work. But in the evening this problem disappears on its own, because you have the right to dispose of yourself as you please.

Stress relief. Communication with family or friends still, at a certain point, begins to boil down to discussing pressing problems. While jogging makes it possible to completely abstract from them, switching to a more positive way.

Well, a little about the benefits of running in the evenings. During the working day, our activity is minimal, and if we come home and move from the work desk to the dining or computer desk, this begins to become chronic: the muscles gradually atrophy and sag, blood circulation worsens, and problems with the back and legs begin. Incredibly, just half an hour of physical activity will give the body the opportunity to replenish oxygen reserves in the blood, improving its composition and facilitating circulation. Capillaries begin to intensify their growth, supplying blood and oxygen to painful areas. Running in the evenings is also useful because muscles weakened during the day become toned, thereby keeping your figure in great shape.

Disadvantages of an evening workout

As such, there can be no shortcomings in the jogging itself, but the choice of the evening time may not always be successful. First of all, because there is a high probability of plans being disrupted. After all, the temptation to go to, say, a picnic or a disco instead of the stadium, can always appear. In addition, no one is immune from delays at work or an overly difficult working day.

The level of stress should be under strict control, because if overexcited, the body can “thank” you with insomnia, which over time turns into a chronic form.

Another, albeit easily correctable, disadvantage is the evening air pollution, which is oversaturated with exhaust gases and dust raised by cars. It is, of course, difficult to deal with this problem globally, but by planning your route away from busy roads, you can improve the situation.

Considering all the pros and cons of running in the evenings, only one conclusion suggests itself: the latter are much less significant, and if taken seriously, they are practically unable to affect the schedule and quality of training.

Rules for evening running

To get the most out of your run, there are a number of things you need to consider.

Eating. I run on an empty stomach - a firm “no!” The peculiarity of morning jogging is that it is done on an empty stomach. In the evening, this behavior can be compared to an experiment on yourself, and the result will not have the best effect on your well-being. A light dinner + rest for an hour is the best formula for the evening.

Warm up. Those who are tormented by the question “How to start running in the evenings?” , We must clearly understand: you need to start with a warm-up. Muscles that are relaxed from sitting for eight hours need to be thoroughly warmed up before exercise, otherwise this is fraught with injury. To do this, a couple of simple exercises are enough: squats, stretching, swinging your arms, jumping. Even the simplest complex performed in physical education lessons is quite suitable.

Running pace. Since the logical conclusion of every evening is sleep, overstraining the body with active running and heavy loads is, to put it mildly, undesirable. The best option for beginners is to jog; more trained people will be able to choose their own pace, but it should not cause discomfort. Shortness of breath of any strength, redness, pain in the side, thick saliva - all this indicates that you need to reduce your speed, or better yet, go to a fast pace.

Time and frequency of training. Is it possible to run every day in the evening? A favorite question for beginners who want to give it their all. However, even professional athletes do not train this often; the body must still receive much-needed rest a couple of times a week; otherwise, you simply will not be able to go for a run due to severe muscle pain. The optimal schedule is 3-4 runs for 30-40 minutes. The main thing is to strictly adhere to it, without giving yourself any concessions. On the days chosen for training, other problems and temptations should cease to exist for you.

Running and losing weight. People who watch their figure often think about how to run correctly in the evenings to lose weight. The answer is extremely simple: run correctly in the morning. We simply cannot afford the intensity that will allow us to burn our reserves carefully stored on our sides. Evening jogging is aimed more at maintaining shape than at getting into it, so you shouldn’t flatter yourself with unnecessary hopes. Increasing the load can lead to disruption of the body’s rhythms, which is completely undesirable.

The age-old question

After reading all the arguments, many continue to be tormented by the question of whether it is better to run in the morning or in the evening. It is almost impossible to get to the truth here, but the main conclusion is this: running is best, and when it is practically irrelevant.

You need to choose the time based solely on your rhythm of life. If you can’t get up even five minutes before the alarm rings, you shouldn’t force yourself and go for a morning run, because it will not only not bring any pleasure, but will also take away all your strength, you’ll just fall asleep after lunch. And vice versa, if at eight in the evening you already want to fall into the arms of a pillow, then what kind of evening run can we talk about, because it is much easier to go for a run at six in the morning. You can choose the optimal time by periodically alternating morning and evening runs, so you yourself will understand which is more convenient for you. Once you get involved, time will completely lose its meaning for you.

The question of whether it is acceptable to run before bed is of concern to an increasing number of people, especially residents of megacities, who are obliged to go to work every morning and devote only the evening hours of their free time to sports. Moreover, a huge number of athletes are interested in whether it is possible to sleep after, and how this will affect their overall well-being in general, as well as affect their training progress in particular. This article is intended to give an affirmative answer to these kinds of questions!

General effect on the human body

The human body in terms of coping and resolution physical activity, reaches its maximum efficiency level from about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and works in this way until 8-9 o'clock in the evening. This is primarily due to the fact that in the first half of the day, the internal organs are busy restoring energy reserves after a night's sleep. The whole body is forced regulate your life activities in accordance with the surrounding realities and the type of human activity.

Towards evening, the internal organs have already passed the habituation phase. and the respiratory systems have reached a comfortable and stable level of operation, in accordance with the given rhythm of the working day. are at the peak of their tone, and the tendons and ligaments are warmed up to the maximum. Thus, evening jogging is most suitable for people who exercise, and even build some kind of strength in their leg muscles!

It is worth noting the fact that a light jog before bed contributes to some vasodilation during the first 2-3 hours, and this directly increases its nutrition with useful substances coming from the bloodstream. Thanks to this feature, most people after an evening run have no problems with quality and healthy sleep, but this is only relevant for healthy people who do not have problems with the nervous, cardiac and respiratory systems.

Basic rules for jogging before bed

  1. Evening jogging should be done no earlier than an hour after dinner. Otherwise, your stomach will not be able to fully digest it, since during running, its efficiency is reduced by up to 60%, which can cause attacks of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea during the following night.
  2. After finishing the evening running exercises, it is allowed low consumption dairy products, in amounts no more than a quarter of your normal daily food portion. For athletes interested in increasing strength and maintaining as much strength as possible, it is strongly recommended to drink casein, this recommendation can also be followed by people whose profession requires great physical effort throughout the working day.
  3. Jogging before bed shouldn't last more than 40 minutes. For athletes training endurance, it will be enough to cover 4-5 km at an easy pace, followed by long marathon distances, but on a day off. For those who train speed, it is recommended to perform 3 short runs or with maximum acceleration. Afterwards, going to bed is allowed no earlier than 1-1.5 hours later.

Who should not run before bed?

All persons with problems with tachycardia, pressure surges and vascular diseases. Also, evening running for people suffering from nervous overexcitation, anxiety disorders and problems with healthy sleep against the background of periodically appearing insomnia. If people with these and similar health problems begin to perform evening cardio training, they are guaranteed to be overtaken not only by sleep problems, but also by overload of the heart muscle in the first half of the night, overwork and a complete lack of energy in the morning.

All athletes who are busy, as well as everyone who wants to improve their overall endurance, without the need. Evening jogging at an easy pace is perfect for people suffering from minor problems and abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, since at the end of the day, the human body will feel much less stress and better overcome nutritional deficiencies than in the morning. Plus, if you're like that night owl type of people and like to go to bed late and wake up late, this is your option, since you will only disrupt your normal daily rhythm and exhaust your nervous system!

Is it possible to sleep after a morning run?

The answer is simple, it is not only possible, but also necessary, especially if you have a session scheduled visiting the gym! Sleep after a morning run and a good, deep sleep is a natural human need, which is suppressed by most people due to a busy work schedule. Even overweight people who, after a morning run, can, without fear of obesity, eat a hearty meal and go to bed, the accelerated metabolism running even in a state of sleep will be active, and a portion of nutritious food will restore your strength and have a beneficial effect on strengthening your muscles!

Everyone has known about the benefits of running for a long time. This is the most accessible and universal sport that has a healing effect on the entire body and helps maintain good physical shape. We hear a lot about the benefits of morning running, but is evening jogging beneficial? It all depends on the individual, but experts insist that some people are better off running in the evening. Let's try to figure out what this is connected with.

Is it good to run in the evening? Definitely yes. First, we note that regardless of the time of day, running always helps to activate metabolic processes in the body, helps enrich cells with oxygen, and helps to lose weight. There are also positive features that evening running has:

  • It's easier to make time for it. Many people, especially those who are night owls, find it difficult to get up early in the morning and go for a run - they would rather spend a little more time in bed than exercise. But in the evening there will always be time for yourself, and a person can feel more active and energetic, which will have a positive effect on the results of a run.
  • It helps relieve stress. One of the benefits of running in the evenings is that it helps relieve the stress and negative emotions that have accumulated throughout the day. During running, a large amount of endorphins are released, which provokes an elevated mood. Thus, evening running is an excellent way to combat bad mood, neuroses and a number of other psychological problems.
  • Evening running is useful for those who have problems sleeping. The right amount of exercise will help you sleep like a baby. The only thing is to let at least a couple of hours pass between training and going to bed, otherwise you may achieve the opposite effect.
  • Evening jogging actively burns the calories eaten during the day. It is advisable not to eat after them. You can drink a glass of kefir before bed or have a light snack a couple of hours before bed.
  • It has been proven that in the evening, the human excretory system works more actively. If you run at this time, you can significantly enhance metabolic processes and cleanse the body of waste, toxins and other negative elements.

A little about the harm

We’ve figured out the benefits of running in the evenings. But not everything is so good - it also has negative aspects:

  • Even minor physical activity in the evening It is recommended to avoid if you have problems with the spine. The fact is that in the evening the compression of the vertebrae is maximum. “Sagging” them can cause discomfort and sometimes pain.
  • The effect of evening running on people suffering from insomnia can be not only positive. The fact is that physical activity provokes a powerful release of hormones into the blood, which provokes excitement of the body and its attempts to find a way out of the energy received. Therefore, during the first 1.5 hours after running, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep. But in a couple of hours you will sleep like a log.
  • Running in the evening is not recommended for early risers. for whom the evening in itself is a biological night. It’s better for them to run in the morning and just get ready to rest in the evening.
  • An important point regarding running in the evenings for weight loss is the air. In the evening, the concentration of harmful components in the air is much higher than in the morning, so the effect on the lungs may not be the best. But this problem can be easily solved by choosing a wooded or park area with clean air for evening jogging.

Regardless of the running time you choose, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These include serious problems with the heart, blood vessels, joints, blood pressure and a number of other conditions. In any case, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

When is it better to run - morning or evening

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the peaks of physical activity, which differ from person to person. Some people find it comfortable to run in the morning, but for others, early jogging may not only not bring benefits, but will only overly exhaust the body.

Experts believe that running in the morning immediately after waking up, when a person is still half asleep and his body is not yet prepared, can bring serious stress. For early risers, on the contrary, a morning jog will give them energy for the whole day, help improve their psychological state and mobilize energy resources.

In addition, the air is clean in the morning and there are fewer cars and people on the streets, which can affect the productivity of your run. Simultaneously For such people, the optimal time is 11-12 noon, but not everyone can go jogging at this time due to their schedule. Therefore, evening hours are optimal. In general, it is recommended to run at a time when you feel comfortable. It is only important to adhere to all recommendations, rules and technical features.

How to lose weight by running in the evenings

Evening jogging for weight loss is a great option for losing weight. But keep in mind that if you have a significant degree of obesity, it is contraindicated.

You should approach this sport with caution, especially if you are a beginner. To prevent negative effects on joints, you can start training with walking. At first, you can take regular walks at least three times a week. And after a couple of weeks, include elements of running in them and move on to full-fledged jogging. It is important to be able to correctly distribute the load on the body. It should be such that you have time to regain strength for the next classes.

Running in the evening for weight loss will only be effective if you run for a long time and regularly. Jogging for 15 minutes a couple of times a week won't do much for you. It is recommended to run 5-6 times a week. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to run in the evening every day. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but it’s better to leave one or two a week as a day off or devote it to another type of activity so that the body can rest a little.

Please note that To lose weight you need to run for at least 40 minutes. The fact is that in the first half hour the body draws energy from the food received during the day, and only then energy reserves in the form of fat are consumed. Working out for about 20 minutes won't help you lose weight, but it can be used to keep fit and feel good.

To lose weight you need to run at least five kilometers. But such distances can be difficult for beginners, so for starters you can limit yourself to 1-2 kilometers.

It is important to monitor your breathing. Correctly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If you begin to have difficulty breathing, take a brisk walk. Everyone can determine their running speed for themselves. Everything is determined by age, physical condition and other factors.

To achieve good results in losing weight, running at different paces, known as interval running, is useful. For example, you can alternate a fast step with jogging, and then accelerate to the maximum.

In addition, to start running in the evenings correctly, consider the following points:

  • Choose the right place to run. Try to avoid highways, highways and busy roads. By the end of the day, the air near such places is saturated with harmful components and negatively affects the body. For running, it is better to choose parks, nature, wooded areas, and a stadium.
  • It is believed that The optimal time for evening jogging is 19-22 hours. Beginners may make a common mistake - starting a run after a heavy dinner. However, keep in mind that this is harmful to the body, since an evening meal helps to transfer biorhythms to a passive state, and there is no need to expose yourself to physical activity. The best option is to go for a run after work and an hour's rest. You can eat something light, for example, a banana or drink a glass of yogurt.
  • Before the run do a little warm-up- walk around, do bends and turns. This will help prepare the body for stress and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Choose comfortable clothes according to the weather, which does not restrict your movements, and high-quality sneakers designed specifically for running.
  • If you are running when it is already dark, remember basic safety - choose smooth and well-lit roads.
  • Having finished running, don't stop abruptly. Reduce your speed smoothly, take a step and only then stop.

A little about nutrition

We have already figured out how to start running in the evenings and how to lose weight with its help. But keep in mind that not only physical activity is important for weight loss, but also a proper diet. And he offers the following points:

  • Try eliminate high-calorie foods from the diet, which do not provide any benefit to the body. These include various chips and crackers, sweets, baked goods, mayonnaise and other sauces, fast food, and carbonated water.
  • Eat grains- they provide complex carbohydrates, which are irreplaceable sources of energy.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits. They are low in calories, but very rich in nutrients.
  • Eat Protein- they are necessary for the body, especially if you play sports. Their sources are lean meat, fish, fermented milk products, boiled eggs.
  • Be sure to have breakfast- This is the most important meal that will help prevent overeating during the day and keep your metabolic processes working properly.

Rules for evening jogging on video