Glycerin suppositories for newborns - instructions, method of use, reviews. Glycerin suppositories for newborns instructions How to give a glycerin suppository to a child

1 suppository may contain 1.24 grams (children's glycerin suppositories) or 2.11 grams (adult suppositories) of distilled glycerin (glycerol ).

Release form

This medication is produced in the form of suppositories (suppositories) used for rectal use, 10 pieces per package.

pharmachologic effect

Dehydrating, laxative, dermatoprotective.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

For parenteral and oral use at a dosage of 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight glycerol due to its dehydrating effect (increasing plasma osmolarity), it helps to reduce intracranial and intraocular pressure. In these cases, how quickly glycerin acts and how long it takes to act in adult patients depends on the direction of its use. Maximum effectiveness when using the drug for the purpose of reduction is observed within 1-1.5 hours after its use. The onset of action for reduction is noted after 10 minutes, maximum effectiveness develops after 1-1.5 hours, duration of exposure is about 5 hours.

Glycerol used for dehydration therapy indicated for brain which occurred due to various reasons (including cases of acute poisoning), on the eve of or after ophthalmic surgery (in order to reduce intraocular pressure), as well as to relieve the negative symptoms of an acute attack.

As an external remedy it is useful for its dermatoprotective and softening qualities, as well as pronounced lubricating and hygroscopic properties. When applied to the skin, metabolic processes are activated in it, and a protective film is formed on its surface.

In pharmaceutical practice based on glycerol often make an emollient ointment or cream for hands and/or feet. In cosmetology, anti-wrinkle face mask and hair mask are quite popular, as well as glycerin soap and glycerin oil with the addition of other useful ingredients. However, you should avoid frequent use of glycerin oil and glycerin soap, the benefits and harms of which, especially for people with oily skin, may not meet expectations (excessive skin whitening and formation may occur).

Glycerin rectal suppositories are laxative a therapeutic agent designed to soften previously hardened fecal matter, which leads to easier passage through the lumen of the colon. Also, this local drug is characterized by an irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa and reflex stimulation motor skills lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

For rectal use glycerol undergoes fairly rapid resorption in the intestinal mucous membranes. How long it takes for glycerin suppositories to take effect depends on the individual characteristics of the human body; on average, the laxative effect develops within 15-30 minutes. The main biotransformation of the active ingredient occurs in the liver. Excretion is carried out by the kidneys (7-14% glycerol output in unchanged form).

Indications for use

As a therapeutic agent, the drug is indicated for use in difficulty defecating or its complete absence, in other words, these suppositories are prescribed to patients suffering from various origins (functional, age-related, psychogenic, etc.), including similar negative phenomena in nursing mothers and pregnant women.

As a prophylactic agent, the drug is used to prevent constipation in patients for whom physical stress is contraindicated, including that which occurs during defecation: anorectal abscess , thrombosed painful, anorectal stenosis, history, previous and other similar painful conditions.


The use of Glycerin suppositories is prohibited when:

  • pain in the abdomen of an uncertain nature;
  • individual hypersensitivity ;
  • formations rectum;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the rectum ( proctitis , );
  • intestinal;
  • availability ;
  • manifestations;
  • exacerbation

Side effects

With rectal use of suppositories, the following were occasionally observed:

  • phenomena ;
  • local reactions (most often / burning skin);
  • negative symptoms irritable rectum and weakening of the normal physical process defecation (in case of long-term use).

Glycerin suppositories, instructions for use

Suppositories with glycerin are intended exclusively for rectal administration, which is best administered 15-20 minutes after a meal (usually breakfast).

Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories for children over 7 years of age and adult patients involve the use of a dosage of 2.11 grams (1 adult suppository), administered once every 24 hours.

Instructions for use for newborns recommend using children's glycerin suppositories in a dose of 1.24 grams, with a single daily administration of ½ suppository for children under 3 years of age and a whole suppository for children 3-7 years of age.

Instructions for use during pregnancy correspond to the recommendations given for adult patients. Suppositories can be administered to pregnant women only after a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist and with his consent.

How long it takes for a glycerin suppository to take effect in an adult and a child depends on the dose and the individual response of the patient’s body to the effects glycerol . As a rule, no more than 30 minutes pass from the moment the suppository is introduced until the act of defecation.

If absolutely necessary, adult and pediatric doses can be doubled.

Method of using rectal suppositories

  • Before using glycerin suppositories, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap, after which, in order to cool, it is advisable to hold them for some time under cold water. Since the base of rectal suppositories quickly melts upon contact with warm hands, in addition to cooling the hands, it is also recommended to cool the suppository itself by placing it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before using it or also holding it under cold water (do not remove the primary wrapper from the suppository follows), which will make it more durable.
  • After the procedures described above, you must carefully remove the primary packaging from the candle, using a sharp object (knife, scissors) if necessary.
  • If it is necessary to use ½ candle, cut it lengthwise into two equal parts using a disposable razor blade.
  • The suppository removed from the wrapper should be taken with clean fingers or hands wearing disposable gloves.
  • Lubricate the tip of the candle with a water-soluble lubricant (without) or moisten the anus with cool water.
  • Take a lying position on your side with your lower leg fully straightened and your upper leg bent towards your stomach.
  • Lift your upper buttock with your free hand, thereby opening the rectal area.
  • Insert the suppository into the anus and insert it into the rectum using your fingertips beyond the muscular sphincter to a distance of approximately 2.5-5 cm in adults and 2.5 cm in infants.
  • Bring your buttocks together and hold them in this state for several seconds.
  • Remain in a side-lying position for 5 minutes, which will prevent the suppository from coming out.
  • Throw away the used packaging and wash your hands thoroughly.


Rectal use of glycerin suppositories in large doses did not lead to any negative consequences other than the above-described side effects associated with excessive duration of their use (negative symptoms irritable rectum and weakening of the normal physical process of defecation).


When using these suppositories rectally, no interaction of their active ingredient with other medicinal products was detected.

Terms of sale

Suppositories with glycerin are commercially available.

Storage conditions

Glycerin suppositories produced by Nizhpharm OJSC can be stored in a normal room at a maximum of 25°C.

Best before date

The shelf life of suppositories in undamaged primary packaging is 24 months.

special instructions

You should not resort to systematic use of this remedy. The use of suppositories should be discontinued immediately after restoration of typical physiological intestinal peristalsis .

Do not lubricate the candles or anus with solid or liquid mineral oils .

Glycerin suppositories for a chronic course are indicated in case of complications of this disease that last for 2-3 days. The use of suppositories is contraindicated in hemorrhoids in the acute period (, bowel prolapse etc.).

After childbirth, glycerin suppositories can be used if there is no stool for 2-3 days. These recommendations are especially useful after

Glycerin suppositories for newborns

The instructions for glycerin suppositories for newborns suggest their use from the first days of a child’s life. Glycerin suppositories for infants are usually indicated in a daily dosage equal to ½ suppository weighing 1.24 grams, administered once every 24 hours (whether whole baby suppositories can be administered to newborns is decided by the pediatrician, based on the observed situation).

To properly administer the drug to newborns, you should first place the child on his back, bending his legs close to his tummy, and carefully, slowly insert a glycerin suppository (with the rounded end forward) as deep as possible behind the muscle sphincter. You can also lay the baby on his left side and bend his legs at the knees towards the tummy.

After this, you need to close the baby’s buttocks and hold them in this state for some time (about 2 minutes). This manipulation is carried out in order to prevent the suppository from slipping out and its immediate effect.

And crying. This is a big risk for the child’s health, since, without finding a way out, toxins and all harmful substances accumulate inside, poisoning the body.

To know for sure that this particular trouble happened to the baby, you need to keep in mind that in the tiniest children, one and a half to two days without a bowel movement is already considered constipation.

On average, babies under three months of age poop 2-4 times a day, children under one year old poop 1-2 times. If these “schedules” are violated, then the baby needs help. Glycerin suppositories are one of the effective ways to help him.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to use glycerin suppositories for newborns and infants, how often to use a baby laxative when breastfeeding, and what instructions for use should be followed so as not to harm the baby with this product containing glycerin.

Composition, active substance, description, release forms

The active ingredient of suppositories is polyhydric alcohol glycerol (glycerin). The pharmaceutical industry does not produce pure glycerin suppositories. Additional Ingredients:

  • calcium carbonate,
  • stearic acid,
  • macrogol (laxative).

Candles (suppositories) can be purchased in two dosages: in “Glycelax” the glycerin content is 0.75 g, in “Glycerin” “NIZHFARM” - 1.24 g.

Each candle in the package is sealed in a separate cell.

The active ingredient in these drugs is the same, however, as follows from the instructions for their use, NIZHFARM glycerin suppositories are approved for infants from birth, and Glitselax (MosPharm company) is approved for children aged three months and older.


Glycerin suppositories are an emergency remedy. The doctor recommends them if the child has not had stool for two days, the tummy is swollen, and there is pain.. If this happens often, you need to conduct an examination, understand the reasons and eliminate them.

Sometimes a pediatrician prescribes suppositories for newborns after the first feeding.

This is a very important moment: the gastrointestinal tract begins to work independently, but does not always cope with the difficult task.

There are few such cases in medical practice. Usually, one-time use of candles is enough to “start the mechanism.”

The help of glycerin is required for a sick baby who is prescribed medication, including antibiotics. Constipation is a common side effect in this treatment regimen, and glycerin suppositories when feeling unwell help relieve a problem that aggravates the health of a newborn and an older child who is already unwell.

Did you know that Linex suspension helps restore disturbed bacterial balance and helps with taking antibiotics, vomiting, poisoning and intestinal infections? You will find instructions for use in a separate article.

Smecta is a new generation enterosorbent and is a medicine for the treatment of diarrhea. Read how to take Smecta for children.

And you will read detailed instructions for using the drug Polysorb for children.

Average prices in the Russian Federation, storage and release conditions, shelf life

There are 10 glycerin suppositories in a blister (this is what packaging for medications is called). The average price of children's glycerin suppositories for newborns and older children is about 150 rubles. Glycelax costs from 109 rubles. and higher, and Glycerin from NIZHFARM - from 149 rubles. and higher.

Suppositories are available without a prescription. Their shelf life is two years, after this time it is prohibited to use candles.

They are stored at home at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees, without removing them from the blister. Many people prefer to put them in the refrigerator and take them out two minutes before use so that they warm up to room temperature.

Constipation is a fairly common occurrence that newborn babies experience. For most parents, this condition of the baby causes concern. This is explained by the fact that they do not know how to treat pathology in small babies.

The ideal option in this case would be glycerin suppositories for newborns. They are characterized not only by efficiency, but also by safety.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug


  1. These medications are not absorbed into the intestines and therefore are characterized by the absence of a negative effect on the health of the small patient.
  2. The undeniable advantage of the drug is that it is not addictive.
  3. The medicine has a high level of safety and is therefore widely used to treat infants.
  4. Parents can buy glycerin suppositories for babies at any pharmacy without a prescription.


  1. During the period of use of the drug, an infant may experience an allergic reaction to its components.
  2. Long-term treatment with glycerin suppositories can lead to diarrhea in infants.
  3. In case of an overdose, children's glycerin suppositories can cause a burning sensation in the rectal area. This is why many children cry after. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to place the candle again.
  4. If the drug is used for a newborn baby for a long time, this leads to loss of sensitivity in the rectal area. That is why the baby cannot cope with the act of defecation on his own.

Features of use

The use of suppositories for the treatment of newborns is allowed, the dosage of which is 1.5 grams. They are characterized by a fairly small size, which ensures the most comfortable insertion into the baby’s anus.

The candle is placed in the anus of the infant. Before inserting the suppository, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. From the age of three months you can use 1.75 gram candles. This is 1 baby candle.

Adult suppositories can be used to treat newborn children. The dosage of the drug remains the same. Before use, the suppository must be cut in half and a candle made from it.

If the child is an infant, then he is allowed to put only 1 candle per day. The duration of treatment with this medication is 7 days.

When using suppositories to treat constipation in infants, parents need to be as careful as possible. If the dose of the drug is exceeded, this may lead to adverse reactions.

Most often they manifest themselves in the form of irritation and burning in the anal area. If after the administration of a traditional medicine the child begins to act up, this indicates the occurrence of adverse reactions. To eliminate them, warm sunflower oil is injected into the anus.

An ideal analogue of this substance is peach or olive oil. Newborn children need to administer no more than 15 milliliters of this drug.

The use of suppositories for the treatment of constipation in children is strictly prohibited if they have hemorrhoids. If there are cracks or any other damage in the anal area, then the use of suppositories is prohibited.

From 2 months you can begin treatment with this drug. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.


Average price per package of 10 pcs. in Russia it is 140 rubles.

Parents' opinion

Anna, 26 years old

“My child suffered from constipation almost from birth. To combat them, I constantly used glycerin suppositories, which the doctor prescribed to me. This medication helped my child quite well, since defecation was observed almost immediately after its administration.”

Irina, 32 years old

“I used glycerin suppositories to treat constipation in my baby. After completing the course of treatment, he did not experience remission for a long time. But what I like most is that the drug is not addictive.”

Yulia, 28 years old

“My baby often suffered from constipation, and laxatives in the form of a suspension did little to help. That is why the doctor prescribed glycerin suppositories for us. I liked the fact that within 15 minutes after inserting the suppository, my baby’s intestines emptied.”

Glycerin suppositories are a highly effective medicine in the treatment of constipation in infants. Despite this, they are recommended to be used with a doctor's prescription.

Glycerin suppositories- This is a local medication for constipation, which is available in the form of suppositories. The medicine has a cylindrical shape, one end of which is narrowed and rounded for painless and gentle application.

Glycerin suppositories begin to act 15-20 minutes after insertion into the rectum. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning, 20-30 minutes after eating.

Doses of the drug are calculated according to the patient’s age:

  • Newborns are administered children's forms of suppositories, in which the mass of the active substance is 1.24 g.
  • Children from 6 months to three years – half a candle.
  • For older children and adults - a whole candle.

The introduction of a suppository is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Hands must be washed thoroughly, preferably with cold water, as warm hands will cause the candle to quickly melt.
  2. Open the package with the suppository.
  3. If necessary, adjust the dosage of the drug by cutting the candle with a knife.
  4. It is recommended to wear medical gloves (not necessarily sterile).
  5. Using two fingers, take the suppository closer to the blunt edge.
  6. It is recommended to moisten the rounded edge and anus with water for a softer insertion.
  7. Lie on your left side, bending your knees and pulling them towards you; When administered to an infant, you can place him on his back and raise his legs up. At the same time, the back is rounded, which helps straighten the rectum.
  8. Spread the buttocks, opening the anus.
  9. Insert the suppository by pushing your finger behind the muscle sphincter.
  10. Squeeze the buttocks for 1-2 minutes, preventing the reflexive pushing out of the candle.
  11. Lie down for a few minutes, allowing the suppository to dissolve and be absorbed.

The time after administration of the drug until the urge to defecate is up to half an hour. In childhood, it is possible to obtain the effect in 5-10 minutes. To speed up the process, you can increase the dose.

Mechanism of action

The pharmacological action of glycerin suppositories is based on a combination of several mechanisms:

  • firstly, when administered locally into the rectum, reflex peristalsis is stimulated, designed to evacuate the intestinal contents;
  • secondly, the hygroscopic properties of glycerin make it possible to increase the vascular permeability of the fluid, thereby slightly softening the feces to facilitate their excretion;
  • thirdly, glycerin, when absorbed, allows you to soften the mucous membrane and skin and relax the external sphincter, making defecation easier.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

There are no contraindications for the use of glycerin suppositories. Local application can reduce side effects to a minimum, even with increased sensitivity to the drug.

The only condition for using the product is no more than once a day, observing the dosage. This is due to rapid addiction to the drug and the next time it is administered, it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug.


Can glycerin suppositories be given to a child?

Yes, you can. Glycerin suppositories are used from the neonatal period no more than once a day when a child has constipation for more than two days.

How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to start working?

The action of the suppository begins after it is dissolved and partially absorbed by the mucous membrane - after 10-15 minutes.

How long does it work on children?

The action of a glycerin suppository is enough for one act of defecation after prolonged constipation, since it allows you to soften the stool at the exit from the rectum.

Are glycerin suppositories addictive?

Yes, glycerin suppositories with long-term uncontrolled use are addictive, which is characterized by intestinal atony without the introduction of a suppository. Gradually, one suppository becomes insufficient, and patients increase the frequency and dose of administration.

How often can you use glycerin suppositories?

Glycerin suppositories can be placed no more than once a day according to indications. Indications for placing a suppository are constipation that lasts more than two days.

Alternatives/analogs to glycerin suppositories

Alternative laxatives that are used to ease bowel movements include:

In this article:

Young mothers should ensure that their newborn babies do not have constipation. This is dangerous for their health, because toxins accumulate in their small bodies. Various means are used to solve this problem. Many doctors recommend glycerin suppositories for newborns. This medical product is often used in pediatric practice, as it has a number of advantages.

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember safety precautions when using glycerin suppositories. It is imperative to monitor the dosage of the drug. If you increase the prescribed dose even slightly, the child will feel a strong burning sensation. The trouble is that he won’t be able to talk about it, but will scream and squirm. Inexperienced mothers may regard this as difficulty in bowel movements, and put another candle, which will worsen the situation.

In rare cases, such phenomena as intestinal obstruction and enterocolitis are possible with frequent and uncontrolled use of suppositories. Young parents should take their baby’s problem seriously in order to properly help him and not harm him.

Analogues of the drug

Sometimes, for various reasons, it is not possible to purchase glycerin suppositories for infants. In this case, analogues of the drug come to the rescue. A common analogue is the drug Mirolax. Unlike suppositories with glycerin, Mirolax is administered as a microenema, gently cleanses the intestines and promotes the excretion of feces. How quickly does this drug work? A medicated enema produces a bowel movement within 10–15 minutes. Less often this time reaches the mark of half an hour.

The drug Portalac is considered an analogue of glycerin suppositories. It is taken orally and produces a laxative effect. This drug can be used from birth at the indicated dosage. The dose is most often selected by the doctor individually, depending on the condition of the baby and the method of feeding.

When dealing with constipation in newborn babies, it is important to remember that bowel movements do not cure, but help remove the symptoms of fecal retention in the intestines. Glycerin suppositories are the most harmless remedy for difficulties with defecation, since the active substance is not absorbed into the intestinal walls. But this drug must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid side effects from its use.

Useful video on how to light a candle for a baby