The dream was about to change the front door. Open door according to the dream book

The door has long been perceived not only as a line separating the inner and outer world and being a transition from one world to another, but also as a protection that allows one to take refuge in a refuge from the adversity of the outside world.

All the secrets and fabulous treasures drawn by our childhood imagination were hidden behind closed doors. Therefore, a dream in which some doors attracted our attention arouses curiosity.

To understand the meaning of this dream, you need to look in dream books to see what the door means in a dream, since the interpretation is influenced by:

  • The circumstances under which you discovered it.
  • State of the valves.
  • Its special characteristics.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller in his dream book paid attention to the dreamer’s movements. If you are in a dream:

1. Enter the room through the door - in reality you are unsuccessfully trying to eliminate ill-wishers. But if you entered your parents’ house, where you spent your early childhood, you will find happiness in the future, as you will be surrounded by kindred spirits.

2. Stand in the dark under the raindrops and look at the door - frivolous dates await you, or you are prone to various antics.

3. Watching others cross the doorway - in reality, you are unable to organize your affairs.

4. You see how the door that you were about to close fell off its hinges and hurt someone - in reality, show concern for your friends.

Author's dream books

In D. Lynn's dream book, the door is interpreted as evidence of entry into a new life phase, accompanied by deep reflection and introspection or risky undertakings. At the same time, an open door indicates that the time for change has already come, and a closed door indicates the need not to rush into changes.

N. Grishina in the noble dream book indicates that doors in a dream:

  • Opening (not necessarily with a key) means luxury, extravagance and a quick solution to your problem.
  • To see open means to be tormented by vague forebodings. In reality, you should increase your attentiveness when communicating with friends if you want a sincere relationship.
  • If you are locked in someone else's house with a key from the inside, you may find yourself superfluous in the current situation.
  • They are closed, and you are trying to crack them - to fight the troubles that prevent you from achieving your goal.

A small door located within your apartment indicates a secret that you hide even from your family.

A dream in which there is a door that is broken, creaking or hanging on its hinges is a warning if this door is in your home. You will avoid trouble if you are vigilant.

Locking access to your premises with a key means gathering strength to overcome difficulties. Decorated doors symbolize unattainable desires, and strange creatures walking through doors in a dream indicate that you need to be more selective in choosing your acquaintances.

Tsvetkov in his dream book also considered what a door means in dreams. In this dream book, an open door represents shared love or a generous gift, and one that swings open towards you means success in current affairs. Closing it with a key means meeting in reality people who are unpleasant to you, or stumbling upon an unexpected obstacle when solving problems.

A dream in which you saw a door burning foreshadows a visit from loved ones or friends. New doors promise the appearance of an heir, and unsuccessfully looking for a way out of the room means temporary difficulties.

Meneghetti believed that in order to interpret dreams on this topic, it is important to determine whether the dreamed door will open access to positive or negative impressions, but in general this image is evidence of your indecisiveness when choosing a goal and the means to achieve it.

The medium Hasse believed that an open door in a dream means a good reward. And if it’s locked or creaking, it means spending time surrounded by people you don’t really like.

In Shuvalova, this image is associated with indecision, barriers and obstacles. Opening the doors in a dream means trying to organize your life in a new way; closing them means trying to avoid troubles and break off relationships that are weighing you down. The door locks that you are trying to open indicate your desire to overcome all existing difficulties.

Interpretation in folk dream books

In the dream books of many nations, it is discussed what the front door means in dreams. The Jewish dream book indicates that closing a door with a key in a dream means in reality trying to solve problems and get rid of unpleasant people. And opening locked ones means making excuses for actions you did not commit.

An open door promises a warm welcome, love and care, a new one means an addition to the family, and a burning one is dreamed of when guests arrive. A dream in which you cannot find a door or open it with a key foreshadows a delay in travel or business, and an opening door promises success.

The Chinese dream book indicates that if you dreamed of a door:

  • Massive, reminiscent of a gate - recognition and a large fortune await you.
  • If it opens at the most unexpected moment, great luck awaits you.
  • Broken (the doors are split) - you will be happy.
  • Crushed into pieces - you will have to make an effort to avoid an unpleasant situation.
  • Overwhelmed or locked - you need to pay attention to business.
  • Stone - your life will be long.

It is also important to consider what you did with the doors in your dream. Repairing them or replacing them with new ones means prosperity in all areas of life, and opening new doors means cloudless happiness. A small room door that opens before your eyes promises romantic interest.

In the Ukrainian dream book, open doors are interpreted as the arrival of guests. But if they squeak, the visit will be unpleasant.

Other interpreters

In order to understand what a door means in a dream, you need to remember whether you heard a knock or a bell in a dream.
According to the autumn dream book, hearing strangers knocking on your door means you need to take care of your property.

An open door indicates the breadth of your soul, and a locked door indicates accumulated claims to life. Locking the door with a key means making a final decision.

In the summer dream book, locked doors speak of your frivolity, and opening them means enjoying your guests. Hearing a knock on the door and experiencing fear at the same time is good news.

In the dream book of a Russian healer, an open door is interpreted as a harbinger of a wedding. And to hear a knock on it is actually to experience great surprise.

A doorbell ringing in a dream foreshadows in reality the receipt of information to which you will have to respond quickly. If you are in a dream:

  • If you hear a knock or a doorbell, you go to open it, but there is no one at the threshold, you are expecting a meeting with people who cannot be trusted.
  • If you opened the door, heard a bell or a knock, and the postman is standing on the threshold, you will be visited by an unexpected visitor.
  • You press the doorbell yourself - in a difficult situation you will find sympathy and support. If the doorbell belongs to a friend, your plans are often influenced by other people.

According to the Eastern dream book, opening a door with a key means a new suitor, and closing it means getting married successfully.

A dream in which there is an old or broken door warns that it is time to decide on a decision that you have been putting on the back burner. Author: Marina Nosova

Most dream interpreters interpret visions in which a door is seen as a sign of dramatic changes in a person’s life. This could be a new job, a change of residence, a serious romantic relationship. In addition, the door can symbolize an obstacle in achieving your plans. To accurately understand the meaning of a dream, you should remember details such as the material of the doorway, whether a key was used in the dream, whether the door was open, the actions of the owner of the vision and other people.

Key values

Hearing a knock on the door is a sign of unexpected joyful news from afar. If they knock loudly and furiously, then the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that he will soon pay for mistakes made in the past. If the dreamer had to knock on a closed door, then this promises a collapse of hopes and disappointment. Another interpretation of such a dream foreshadows the appearance in a person’s life of envious people, gossipers and ill-wishers who will make every effort to denigrate the name of the sleeper.

If a person sees a front door in a dream, this means that he will soon be able to solve many old problems and overcome obstacles on the way to achieving his cherished goal. Another interpretation of night vision warns a person that they may soon try to drag him into a scam. You should not sign contracts or make deals with people you don’t know.

A new door heralds the beginning of a new serious stage in the dreamer’s life. He can meet his fate, find another high-paying job, move to his own apartment or another city. For married people, this dream promises a new addition to the family.

If the doorway is old and dilapidated, then this dream tells the dreamer that the time has come to deal with important issues that have been constantly put off. If this is not done, the person may be fired from his job. Another meaning of the dream is the need to end a romantic relationship, which no longer evokes strong emotions and passionate feelings as before. This will provide an opportunity to build new relationships. If you dreamed of an old door that creaks disgustingly, then this foreshadows the visit of an unpleasant person.

A broken doorway suggests that the dreamer's fate and career are in the hands of other people. To achieve the desired success and implement your plans, you need to learn how to interact with these individuals.

An open door indicates that a person is ready to start a new serious relationship. If the door to the apartment was open, then this is a hint to the dreamer that he is subconsciously ready to get married.

A closed door portends unexpected obstacles in the implementation of plans or problems in professional activities. If the dreamer tries to open it and succeeds, then unforeseen difficulties will soon be resolved.

Seeing a large number of doors in a dream means quickly making an important decision related to a promotion. If the dreamer thinks for a long time about the proposal he receives, then the prospect of a career advancement will be offered to one of his colleagues. A corridor in which there were many doorways promises a large number of opportunities for realizing your plans. The dreamer must use them.

Why else do you dream about a door?

Seeing a door in a dream that does not close in any way indicates that the dreamer is trying to avoid the obligations placed on him, however, this will not be possible to avoid.

If you dreamed that someone was banging on the door, then this promises an argument with one of your colleagues. However, it will not bring clarity to the situation, but will only negatively affect relationships with people.

If you see a key in the door, then this is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance with an interesting person, which will develop into a serious relationship and end with a wedding.

If the door in the dream was without a lock, then the dreamer is afraid of drastic changes in life and feels vulnerable. He makes futile attempts to get rid of this feeling. He needs to overcome his fear. Without this, changes for the better will be impossible. Relatives and friends will be able to get rid of this feeling.

If in night vision you had a dream about a house without doors, then this foreshadows the emergence of a dead end situation from which a person will not be able to find a way out. Help should be expected from the other half and blood relatives. Entering a room through a secret door portends a successful solution to important issues.

If the dreamer cannot find the doorway of his house, then this portends unexpected obstacles in the implementation of plans related to a person’s professional activities. Seeing an old door literally crumble into small pieces is a sign of an unpleasant situation related to a person’s personal life.

Opening the door but not seeing anyone in front of you means a big scandal with your other half. If the door falls in front of the dreamer, then this portends great happiness, the solution of material problems and success in moving up the career ladder.

A doorway with glass - the possibility of treason and betrayal of a loved one is not excluded. A door with broken glass portends the unexpected appearance of obstacles on the way to the desired goal. The dreamer should think about how to get around these obstacles.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

What do the dreamer's actions promise?

The behavior of the owner of the vision can radically change the interpretation of night vision:

  • If a person dreams that he is hiding behind a doorway, then this indicates his lack of confidence in himself and his abilities. He is afraid of his competitors or rivals because he does not want to ruin his reputation. However, this behavior will not solve the problems that have arisen. It is necessary to show strength of character to achieve your goals and not pay attention to the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If the dreamer holds the door and does not let go, then the dream characterizes him as a closed person. He is afraid to open up to other people. However, this can lead to a person living completely alone, deprived of the joy of communicating with friends, colleagues and family.
  • If the dreamer is looking for a doorway in night vision, then this promises to find himself in a dead end situation, from which the person will not be able to get out on his own. It will be necessary to turn to loved ones for help. Another meaning of the dream warns a person that he should wait to start his own business, as there is a risk of going bankrupt and losing all his savings.
  • Painting a doorway a new color means discord in the family due to the dreamer’s unreasonable jealousy. This can lead to separation from a loved one.
  • Washing the doors in your home means a pleasant meeting with relatives from afar. Another interpretation of the dream suggests that the sleeping person is the master of his own destiny, and he can independently take on all urgent matters.
  • Closing the door behind someone you don’t know is an attempt to protect your family from the evil intentions of envious people and ill-wishers.

Seeing a door with a lock, but not being able to open it, indicates that the dreamer is afraid of something. This phobia prevents a person from making important decisions. If someone helped open the door, then this is a sign that the owner of the vision needs the moral support of loved ones. If a young man dreams that he opens a doorway with a key, then he will be able to win the favor of a girl he likes. Another meaning of the dream is that a man will be able to solve problems at work thanks to his extraordinary abilities.

If the dreamer happened to lock the door, then this is a warning that he will soon need to compete with strong and dangerous rivals. In order to resolve the situation peacefully, it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts. Locking the door means a quick wedding. If in a dream you happened to close the door with a lock, then this is a warning to the dreamer. You need to rest and gain strength. Otherwise, the possibility of developing a serious illness cannot be ruled out. If a woman saw in a dream how she locks the door from the inside, then this means that she is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. For a man, such a nightly phenomenon predicts a scandal with his girlfriend, which can lead to the separation of a couple in love.

If a girl dreamed that some unfamiliar man was trying to break down the door, the vision is a sign of the presence in her close circle of a man who plans to ruin the dreamer’s reputation. He wants to do this in order to take revenge on the woman for the fact that she once rejected his feelings and hurt his male pride. If the dreamer breaks a doorway, then this symbolizes his desire to free himself from what weighs him down. This could be a friendship with a person who once betrayed the dreamer, or a romantic relationship that has lost its former passion. The time has come for more active action in this direction.

Ringing the bell means unexpected news from afar. Another meaning is that soon there will be a meeting with unpleasant people from the dreamer’s past.

Knocking down a door means great success awaits a person. To achieve it you will have to work a lot and diligently.

What does the door material and color mean?

For a more accurate interpretation of night vision about a door, you should pay attention to its appearance, color, and the material from which it is made.

Doors made of glass warn the dreamer that soon scammers will offer the dreamer to sign a lucrative contract or enter into a profitable deal. However, this will turn out to be a hoax.

An iron door is a sign that the dreamer is surrounded by a secret admirer or simply a well-wisher who protects her from the evil machinations of her enemies. Wooden is an unfavorable sign, warning that the dreamer has envious people and gossips who will manage to ruin his reputation. a door made of stone portends the dreamer a long and happy life.

The white door is a symbol that characterizes the dreamer as a good-natured and open person who is always ready to help family or friends. Another meaning of the dream tells the sleeping person that there is a good opportunity to open his own business and start a business.

Seeing a large and tall doorway in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing a rich life and the absence of material problems; richly decorated and painted is a sign of the collapse of hopes and plans.

Interpretations of famous personalities

A door seen in a dream is a mysterious sign, the interpretation of which was interested in many famous psychologists, astrologers, seers, psychics and magicians.

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller claims that if you had a dream in which a person happened to enter the same doorway as in childhood, it promises victory over gossipers and ill-wishers. Another meaning of sleep is success in all endeavors. If you happen to look at a closed door in the middle of the night in heavy rain, then this warns a person that he will soon commit an act for which he will be very ashamed.

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, opening a door means a wedding; knocking hard on it means finding out shocking information.

Dream interpreter T. Smirnova says that if you dreamed of a door that opens on its own, it foretells a sharp rise up the career ladder. New interesting prospects will open up for the dreamer. A door removed from its hinges promises danger for one of the dreamer's friends. Seeing a small stove door in a dream foreshadows grief and sadness.

Sigmund Freud's dream book states that if a person happened to be looking for the keys to the doors, then in reality he should pay more attention to his partner. If the dreamer was unable to open the door, then this foreshadows illnesses of an intimate nature. Putting a new door means a change of sexual partner.

According to S. Karatov’s dream book, to see an open door in your night dreams means that a sleeping person will soon receive a warm welcome.

Dream interpreter T. Lagutina warns the owner of the vision that in the near future he will not be able to put things in order.

The dream in which a doorway was seen can be interpreted in many ways. One of the main meanings, according to dream books, is obstacles, difficulties on the way to a certain goal. With the help of a dream book, you can find out whether the sleeper will overcome these problems, and in addition, depending on the details, events seen in night dreams, find other explanations for what the door is dreamed about?

Closing and opening

You strive to protect yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers, vile gossip and gossip, this is what you may dream of about the door you close. When you carefully lock it in a dream, this is confirmation that in real life you have to confront powerful, dangerous rivals. It will take a lot of strength and remarkable will for you to be the winner in this struggle, competition, or to normalize the situation.

Seeing in a dream how you lock yourself with a key means that in the near future you will get married or meet a person with whom a matrimonial relationship is likely.

Dream interpretation of a door that is locked with a key is a reflection of the sleeper’s desire to be alone. Another version of the interpretation of such a plot serves as confirmation of the desire to step away from problems and let everything take its course. But remember, such a position can have much more serious consequences. So, it’s better not to hesitate or hide your head in the sand, but to boldly get down to business. Fears, doubts, this is why you dream of locking the door from the inside. For example, if a woman had such a vision in a dream, then she is afraid of becoming pregnant.

A girl may dream of this if she has doubts about the devotion and fidelity of the young man. For a man, a dream predicts a difficult conversation with his beloved. Moreover, a showdown can end in a break if the conversation is not sincere enough. With the help of a dream book, you can find out why you dream of a door that is wide open. In some cases, this symbolizes readiness for new relationships, in others - higher powers in a dream call on the dreamer to act without delay. If this is the front door to the apartment, then the sleeping person was visited by the thought that it was time to start a family and settle down. The idea, by the way, is not without meaning.

Dream books also interpret an open door as the likelihood of a tempting offer that requires the dreamer to make financial investments. But don't rush, it will turn out to be a clever scam. Remember the golden rule: you can’t catch a fish without difficulty... It’s not bad when you dream about opening a door with a key. This is a dream of hope that if you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation, you will find a brilliant way out and cope with any difficulties. The dream book clarifies that such a plot, dreamed of by a man, promises him reciprocity in love. If in a dream you heard a knock on the door, you will soon receive the long-awaited news.

When you dream that you are furiously drumming towards someone, it means that in reality you will have a difficult conversation with a person who has not repaid your debt for a long time. This same dream is interpreted differently: unfortunately, until your dreams and hopes come true, they will not come true. Unsuccessful attempts to reach someone in night vision, according to the dream book, in reality will turn into futile efforts in the hope of justifying oneself or proving innocence. Please note that your enemies have made enormous efforts to smear your name and ruin your reputation. You will easily, playfully overcome all obstacles on the way to your desired goal, this is what an open front door can mean in a dream. When you sleep and see that it is closed, then in reality it will be impossible to achieve results in your business. And you will have to change your original plans.

What types of doors are there?

The dream book foreshadows a person who dreamed of a new door, positive changes for the better. This is a new stage in life associated with the birth of a child, moving, changing jobs, etc. But the need to urgently solve accumulated problems, to finish what has been put on the back burner is symbolized by the dream of an old, shabby doorway. If nothing is done promptly, more serious proceedings will follow. For example, a reprimand or dismissal. And personal relationships, in the context of such a dream, are jeopardized.

The feelings of the dreamer and his half have faded somewhat and, most likely, the time has come for a frank conversation or separation, with the hope of finding happiness with another partner. You are dependent on other people, your career is built largely thanks to them, and your future is in their hands, so what do you dream about about a broken door? Therefore, the task, upon waking up, is to think about this and establish relationships with these important people.

A dream in which you see a broken door has a bad meaning. Its essence is that there is a traitor nearby who has been hatching plans for revenge for many years. For what? Look for the reason in your distant youth, when you crossed this person’s path. It was more of a romantic story. When in a dream you act as a burglar entering a room, then in reality the time has come for you to take active action. The dream book also recommends getting rid of acquaintances that are burdensome and bring neither joy nor interest.

You may dream that you are standing in front of several doors. This position symbolizes the position in reality. You are not able to make a choice, to resolve the issue that is currently troubling you. Trust the dream book, which offers to decide immediately, otherwise you will lose a unique chance, the initiative will pass from you to another person. But the corridor with many doors is an allegorical picture that demonstrates the enormous possibilities in reality. Such a dream is like a call to take advantage of the maximum number of them, and, without fear, take on the most ambitious projects.

Other interpretations of dreams about doors

Did you dream that you made incredible efforts, but you couldn’t close the door?

The dream book explains that in reality you are trying to give up something, or do not want to do something. But, unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. What does it mean to dream that you are ringing or hearing the doorbell ring? According to the dream book, this could be unexpected news or obligations that only you can fulfill. Don’t be afraid, you will cope, and besides, you will gain new knowledge and experience, which will increase your self-esteem and your authority among others.

Why do you dream about a door where strangers are breaking in? The vision suggests the possibility of heated debate. Either you will firmly stand your ground, or someone will impose their point of view on you. In both cases, you are unlikely to reach a consensus - you will only ruin your nerves and aggravate the situation in the team.

Do you see yourself walking through the door? Such a dream warns that you are being scolded for your eyes. Ill-wishers slander, but fighting them is useless. The best thing to do is to be patient and not react to evil words and vile intrigues. The white door seen in the dream reflects your desire to provide support and help your loved ones. This dream characterizes you as a responsive, caring person who knows how to forgive and show generosity.

And according to the dream book, such a vision confirms that good luck will smile on you if you decide to open your own business. The interpretation of a dream in which you mercilessly break down the door leaf is due to the fact that you are an example of rare hard work and perseverance. This is why your colleagues respect you and your competitors fear you. You are afraid of change, you feel unprotected and vulnerable, this is what you dream of about a door without a lock. When you wake up, do not hesitate to ask your family for help.

The dream book guarantees that if you do this, your career will take off. If you change the door in a dream, then a child will appear in the family. And if you paint her, then you are overly jealous. Such suspicion is not justified; you are wasting yourself and your partner in vain. Washing the door leaf in your night dreams means waiting for a pleasant meeting with loved ones. Another version of this vision, offered by the dream book, is the desire and willingness to take the initiative.

A strange plot - a house without doors, seen by a sleeping person, this is a difficult situation in which he finds himself in reality. He is unable to cope with the huge number of accumulated problems alone. But relatives and comrades can come to the rescue. The dream book interprets the vision in approximately the same way, in which the sleeper is looking for a door. True, it serves as advice - there are unfinished matters, do not take on new ones. By the way, it will be difficult to defeat them alone. A person who holds the door in a dream and does not want to let anyone into the room is in fact extremely closed and shy. This complicates life, depriving us of many joys, especially the pleasure of communication.

Trying to hide behind a door in a dream means experiencing fears and doubts in reality. This vision is typical for those who are afraid of rivals, competitors, and are trembling about their reputation. Your mental health is not in danger, you are in harmony, full of energy, this is what you dream of about a secret door through which you got into a secret room! The dream book hastens to congratulate the person who had such a dream and on the fact that in reality this person will solve the most tricky tasks.

How does Miller's dream book interpret what a door means in a dream? The seer promises those who enter the doorway in a dream victory over spiteful critics. When you dream of an opening in the house where you spent your childhood, you can expect successful completion of affairs and good luck in subsequent endeavors. And if you dreamed of people scurrying back and forth through the door, then you need to pay attention to the current state of affairs. It is possible that the sleeper takes his responsibilities lightly, which can result in difficulties.

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The door is a symbol of a border, a certain transition from one space or state to another. A door seen in a dream has different meanings. An open one can mean new opportunities, and a closed one can mean obstacles along the way. At the same time, a closed door can be a symbol of protection from external threats. For a more accurate decoding, you should remember as many details of your dream as possible.

The interpretation of the dream in which you saw a doorway depends on many factors:

Why do you dream about an open door?

Why do you dream of closing the door?

  • Closing the door in a dream suggests a subconscious desire to protect yourself and loved ones from ill-wishers. Trying to close doors symbolizes fighting with stronger people and exposing yourself to danger. It will take a lot of courage and willpower to resolve the situation.
  • If you dream that you are locked in your apartment, this speaks of fighting your fears. For a woman, such a dream may mean fear of becoming pregnant or being abandoned by her partner. For a man, a dream foreshadows an unpleasant conversation with his beloved, which can lead to separation.
  • Locking a doorway in a dream symbolizes the desire to be alone and be in peace and quiet. It may also mean that the dreamer is trying to hide from problems instead of solving them.

Other interpretations

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The door is a symbol of new opportunities. An open door means that you will find a way out of a difficult situation; closed - promises obstacles.

Someone is trying to pick the lock - danger or betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of N. Grishina

The door hangs on its hinges and opens on its own - betrayal by friends.

Closing your door means great danger.

A richly decorated gate represents a desire to gain something unattainable.

Picking a door lock means meeting obstacles.

Finding a small door in your apartment symbolizes some secret that the dreamer is trying to hide from everyone.

New family dream book

Entering a door in a dream speaks of vain attempts to get rid of ill-wishers.

If you dream that you are looking at a doorway at night in the rain, try to avoid frivolous meetings.

Chinese dream book

A large doorway, a gate - to wealth.

New doors or gates promise nobility and prosperity.

Doors falling into pieces are a nuisance.

Closed or blocked gates mean discord in business.

Broken doors or gates are a sign of great trouble. Repairing or replacing them is good luck.

Stone gates mean longevity.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

New doors - a son will be born. Last minute - wait for guests.

Looking for the door but not finding it is an obstacle.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

Break down the door - you will receive a generous gift. Doors on fire mean illness. Stewing them means meeting a friend on a sad occasion.

Looking at the landing through the peephole is a big difficulty that will lead to insomnia and stress.

Attention, TODAY only!

Doors are one of the most meaningful and mysterious signs. If you know what they mean in your dreams, you can predict the most significant events in your life. And, accordingly, to contribute to the accomplishment of pleasant and good things and to prevent troubles. Or at least weaken their effect on your life.

To determine what closed doors mean in dreams, and also to be able to decipher your dream, you need to remember that, first of all, it denotes new possibilities, direction of movement, path and access to both spiritual improvement and the material joys of life. At the same time, the door marks a certain line - between the external and internal world, between outsiders and oneself.

Closing the door in a dream

Closing a door in a dream is not a good sign; the dream book warns the dreamer that there is a lot to think about. Under any circumstances and details accompanying the dream, this at least indicates an obstacle in achieving something important. The answer to the question of why you dream of a closed door in bad weather outside is much worse. That is, if in your dream you are in the wind, in the rain, snow or hail, but cannot enter the house, then this means what you will do in real life something stupid, rude or ridiculous, as a result of this, you will undermine your reputation, you will be ashamed and will have to apologize to your family.

Much more pleasant is the interpretation of the dream book, why a girl dreams of a closed door, and even when she locks it herself. These events promise a woman a quick marriage, and for her, Mendelssohn’s waltz will be played in tandem with a wealthy and beloved chosen one.

When in a dream you see a closed entrance to a house where there is a lock, the dream foreshadows a meeting with people unpleasant for you. The size of the castle indicates how soon this will happen: the larger the castle, the sooner an unpleasant encounter is expected.

The interpretation of dream books about why you dream of opening a door from the inside and outside is different. It’s one thing when you do this while on the street, and the house is yours or someone else’s (but not your parents’, this is important!). This dream warns the dreamer about slander which will soon befall him. And no matter how hard he tries to prevent attacks in real life, he is unlikely to succeed.

The dream book has a completely different meaning when you open the door that leads to your childhood home, especially when there are no others in the area besides it. This dream promises constant support from people close to you - both friends and relatives - who will never betray you.

The interpretation of the dream book, why you dream of opening a door from the inside (like a host who welcomes guests), will depend on how you feel about the people who came. When they are unpleasant to you, you need to prepare to some sorrows in your life. When you are glad to see your guests, this means that a pleasant surprise awaits you in reality.

When you wonder why you dreamed of a door that opens from the inside, but for your own exit, then the answer will also depend on the purpose for which you are leaving.

  • The litter preceding this signifies your departure as an escape, that is, you want to postpone the solution to difficult and serious issues for some time.
  • Getting ready for work means you are busy solving problems.
  • Going for a walk is an exciting date or a quick trip (most likely on vacation).
  • A favorable sign is a door being opened with a key - this dream means that there will be a quick and easy way out of a situation that you considered insoluble and dead-end.

Open doors in a dream

Next, let's look at what it means to dream about a door that is open either by you or for you. In any version of the dream book, this is a rather favorable sign. To begin with, an open door means happy and mutual love. It also quite often means an unexpected, very large profit. When a door in a dream opened on its own, without the efforts of other characters in the dream or your participation, things will soon go uphill for you and success is expected in any field of work.

If the door doesn't close

According to experts, there are warning visions that are dreamed of in order to warn the dreamer against bad people or reckless actions. To be prepared for possible troubles, you need to know why you dreamed of a door that you can’t close. This dream is precisely from this category.

If, despite all efforts, it does not close tightly, then this means that some powerful person in real life is putting pressure on the dreamer, trying to gain influence over him. Most likely, it will certainly be used to the detriment of the person who sees this dream.

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Obstacles and difficulties await a person who is trying to find a doorway in the wall, but cannot find it, although he is firmly convinced that there must be one. Dream Interpretation says about big problems at work. But there is also a possibility that you do not find a common language with your loved ones - with your children or husband (wife), and if you do not try to restore the relationship, circumstances may lead to a breakup or conflicts.

Door manipulation

The actions that are performed with it can help determine what a door means in a dream. The most transparent explanations for such dreams:

  • Purchasing a door. The dream suggests that the dreamer cannot find the answer to a rather important question for himself. That is, the dream indicates that you need to hurry, otherwise a very favorable opportunity will be lost.
  • Replacement. As a rule, for young people this dream predicts the appearance of a new partner. For an already married couple - the arrival of a beloved relative for a long time or the birth of a child. As an option - pleasant communication, as well as useful and new acquaintance. When a girl dreams that she is closing a newly installed door from the inside, this means that she is afraid of an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Mixed up doors. When the dreamer makes the wrong entrance, it means that the time has come to reconsider his life principles, which are already outdated and do not allow him to objectively perceive those around him, and also prevent him from establishing his existence in accordance with his plans.
  • Door security. A person has obligations in life that he is burdened with, but he cannot refuse them or is afraid. It is necessary to think about what exactly this dream hints at and try to resolve the problem - prolonging it threatens with significant difficulties.
  • Painting. Improving the quality of life, and in the very near future.


Dreamed old chipped, decrepit door indicates that the solution to the issue that you have been putting off all this time is no longer urgent. The more you delay, the more difficulties the unresolved problem will acquire. A front door broken by unknown people indicates that due to the interference of other people, which is rather unceremonious and arrogant, you are promised troubles in your personal relationships.

When your significant other, soon after this dream, begins to start a conversation with you on a strange topic (inattention, betrayal, squandering, or, conversely, hiding nest eggs), you need to carefully determine who is “singing in the ears” of your loved one and try isolate them from each other.

But when you dream of an old door, but broken or broken, then this means enrichment, quite rapid, as a rule - to an inheritance. The worst dream is the one where you dreamed of a burning door. This dream foreshadows someone's long-term and serious illness or death. When you dream of a house with no doors at all, it means that health problems threaten the dreamer, and in order to prevent them, it is best to undergo an examination by a doctor.

What is the door made of?

To correctly understand what a door means in a dream, you need to pay attention to the smallest details, including the material from which it is made:

Color designation

As a rule, the door leaf in a dream does not have any pronounced color. But there may be exceptions. Most often, either white or black doors are remembered. If you dreamed of a black canvas, then the dream says that you need friendly support, and if it is offered, then there is no need to refuse - you will be dealing with problems for a very long time and with great losses. When you recognize the house where the black door is located, it simplifies the task: the person who is more convenient and easier to help you lives here.

The dream of a white door leaf has a double interpretation. According to one of them, the dream book indicates that the person living behind them is the one to whom you should lend a helping hand. And you shouldn’t neglect this sign: perhaps you will really help a good person.

The second interpretation suggests that I was dreaming abstract white door, which is not tied to personality or plot. In this case, the dream indicates good times to come in the near future.


Very often you have a dream in which a closed front door is broken down using improvised tools. Its interpretation will depend on the dreamer’s perception of events. Panic, fear, searches for weapons for further resistance or attempts to prop up the door with something indicate that your subconscious has identified among the people who surround you, trying to hit you. At the same time, you do not expect nasty things from this person and treat the ill-wisher very well. But if it didn’t work out to break the door, then you shouldn’t expect trouble from your enemy - nothing will work out for this person.

Otherwise, that is, if the dreamer rejoices at the event that is taking place, or even helps people who break in on him, then the dream foreshadows the opening of new horizons either personally or professionally.

And what does the dream book say when a closed front door in a dream is knocked down along with the jamb, sometimes with almost one blow? This dream draws your attention to the fact that you are very dependent on the opinions of other people and are under their influence. You need to study have your own opinion in order to be respected, and to defend it in a way that does not offend those around you.

Lots of inputs

Quite an interesting option if you dream of a hall or corridor with a large number of closed entrances and exits. This dream indicates the fate of the future before you. At the same time, the dream book interprets this with many sentences.

In a dream, your main goal is to open the necessary door. If you haven't done this, then you probably missed the best chance of your life. But how correctly you made your choice must be determined by the ease of opening the doors, their appearance, the emotions that accompanied the process, and other small details. One way or another, a person, upon waking up, must realize that the time has come to implement long-conceived plans.

Whatever you dream about, whatever the subject may contain the meaning of a warning or prediction, try all the time remember and notice as many details as possible: this way it will be much easier to “translate” your dream, and the interpretation of the dream book of doors will be much more accurate.