Numerological horoscope for Capricorn: lucky numbers for the Capricorn zodiac sign. Lucky numbers for Capricorn

The magical pentagram of Capricorn, bringing good luck, wealth, prosperity, fame and other benefits

The Latin inscription around the circumference of the pentagram: “Gloria & Divitiae in Domo ejus & justitia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi” - “Glory and wealth in his house and his justice remain forever.”
Kabbalistic symbols in the rays of the star and between the rays - Hebrew. Aramaic images of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are usually used. Clockwise, starting from the top, the letters Bet, Lamed, Aleph, Samekh, Kaf, Pe, Resh, Mem, Dalet, Gimel are written.
In Kabbalah, each letter has a mystical meaning. The meaning of the letters is described in the book Zohar - this is the most famous book from the centuries-old heritage of Kabbalistic literature. There is a translation of the book Zohar into Russian: Kabbalah. Zohar. Letters of Rabbi Amnon Saba

Usually pentacles are made of silver or copper, bronze. Sometimes pentacles are created from the metal of the zodiac sign.
It is believed that it is better to make a pentacle from silver - it collects the energy of the cosmos and accumulates it into human energy. In astrology, silver is considered the main magical metal, the “metal of the magician.”

Determinants (psychological characteristics of personality): ambition, diligence, organization, professional growth.

Symbols: figure of a goat with twisted horns and a long curled tail of a fish, a ladder.

Projection on body organs: lower thighs, knees, upper shins.

Mascot: horns, black cat.

Stones: purple ruby, dark onyx, green malachite, garnet, lapis lazuli.

Metal: lead.

Trees: apple tree, fir, elm.

Flowers: edelweiss, yellow gentian, thistle.

Happy Days: Tuesday, Saturday.

Unlucky days: Monday Thursday.

Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.

Favorable colors: all shades of gray, brown, blue, gold, black.

Power Requirements

Capricorn does not want fatty foods, alcohol, chocolate, or mayonnaise.

The Capricorn menu contains room for variety and sophistication. However, the zodiac goat - Capricorn - unlike its counterpart in the animal world, cannot eat everything indiscriminately with impunity.
Capricorn should drink enough boiled and mineral water between meals. Ginseng tea is effective.
If Capricorn does not dare to become a vegetarian, then his food is lamb, young mutton.

Capricorn vegetables:
beets and eggplants.

Capricorn Fruits:
cantaloupes, melon and quince, they can be consumed both without additions and as part of complex fruit salads.

Capricorn first decade
- anise, cloves, nutmeg, sage.
Capricorn second decade The following herbs and spices are recommended: allspice, basil, coriander, cumin, curry, garlic, ginger, horseradish, mustard, pepper, peppermint, cardamom. For dessert, use licorice, sage, mint or vanilla.
Capricorn third decade Cumin, cloves, dill, fennel, mint, parsley, peppermint, bay leaf, chicory, cinnamon, citron, rosemary, saffron, sesame are useful.

Astral dishes according to zodiac signs

Congratulations in verses according to zodiac signs

For entertaining viewing today:


In general, this is a good period for acquiring stability, freedom and independence in financial matters and for solving basic life problems. Businesses where the source of income changes or is updated will be successful. Your stability over a long period of time will depend on the affairs and decisions of this period.

Take a sober and prudent approach to financial issues and to all matters based on contractual obligations. There is a risk of taking on inflated obligations for a long period, which will be extremely difficult to fulfill. This is especially true for credits, borrowings, and signing important documents that make you dependent on other persons.

The main difficulties of this period are associated with a feeling of internal loneliness and uncertainty. Beware of being sucked into the whirlpool of events associated with other people. One of the most painful topics of the year is betrayal by previously respected and revered people.

Jupiter, which visits your sign once every 12 years, offers Capricorns good prospects and positive changes in 2019. A period of great achievements has arrived; More activity, straighten your shoulders and work on your image.

Purposeful adherence to the task at hand, cutting off interfering things, will help you not only lay a good foundation for the future, but also rise to a decent height. Topics related to higher education will require increased attention.

When planning trips abroad, be selective. There is no point in conquering the world this year. If there is a strong need, carefully prioritize, cutting off unnecessary things.

Constellation Capricorn (Cap)

Zodiac constellation. The ancients called it "goat fish", and in this form it is represented on many maps. Sometimes identified with the god of forests, fields and shepherds Pan.

Located below and west of Aquarius and east of Sagittarius. It occupies an area of ​​413.9 square degrees in the sky and contains 86 stars visible to the naked eye. His northern star α Capricorn can be resolved as double even with the naked eye.

Latin name: Capricornus

Capricorn in the atlas of John Hevelius:

Capricorn in the sky:


Capricorn. The god of winemaking and holidays, Dionysus, the son of Semele, happily walks the earth, conquering everyone with his love of life and charm. He teaches people to grow grapes and make from their ripe bunches a divine drink that warms the soul and heart - sparkling wine. To the sounds of flutes and pipes, he walks through forests and mountains, resting on beautiful forest lawns or spring meadows.
He is surrounded by a cheerful retinue: young beautiful girls decorated with wreaths - maenads who know how to amuse Dionysus with their dances, Charites - goddesses of female charms and femininity, Euphrosyne - the goddess of joy, goat-footed satyrs competing in cheerful rhymes, and their god Pan, whom the ancient Romans called Faun .
One day Pan, sitting under a tree in the Parnassian forest, played the pipe. Suddenly he was attacked by the dragon Python, awakened by the music. Out of fear, Pan rushed into a deep stream running nearby. Dionysus, in order to hide him from Python, turned Pan into a goat, but with a large fish tail instead of legs.
So instead of Pan, Capricorn appeared, which the gods later placed in the sky as a constellation with the same name.

Each person born under a certain zodiac sign was given unusual talents from birth, which we may simply not notice in everyday life.
Every person has the ability for magic - and the energy of the Zodiac sign is only one thread in a huge energy-informational tangle, by which everyone can “tug” us. And who knows, suddenly a door will open - a door to a world of mystery, where we will be able to learn many secrets about the past, the present and the future.

Magic abilities of the sign

Capricorns are interested in astrology, numerology and palmistry. They easily interact with numbers and figures, signs and symbols. Natural magic is strong in Capricorns. Therefore, representatives of the sign love wooden objects and natural fabrics. Their intuition can be significantly sharpened if Capricorns manage to get out into the bosom of Nature, into the forest or into the mountains. Leaning against an old oak tree or standing in the center of a flowering meadow, Capricorn will find the answer to any question that interests him only by listening to his inner voice.

Compatibility horoscope: Capricorn zodiac sign element lucky numbers - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

According to astrologers, lucky numbers for Capricorn are nine and three. After all, they are the ones that have very strong astrological fluctuations for representatives of this sign and often bring success and good luck. Although, it should be noted that Capricorns very rarely rely on it.

Capricorn lucky numbers

For Capricorn, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 14 are numbers that are considered lucky. The numbers 7, 12, 17, as well as their combinations, can be chosen to win the lottery. Interestingly, good places for Capricorn are ponds, ruins, stones, rocks, mountains, as well as cemeteries.

Most often, people born under the sign of Capricorn come across as very gentle and submissive people. Don't be fooled by appearances alone. Such people are very rarely content with what others perceive as success or luck.

Such natures always try with determination to achieve something different. And quite often they achieve this. This is due, first of all, to extreme practicality, discipline, organization and a broad outlook.

Even when achieving their goal, people of this sign are not always happy. This is almost always accompanied by melancholy and blues. It is easier for Capricorns to set a new goal for themselves than to try to enjoy the result.

Since the sign of Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and the metal associated with it - lead, people of this sign are characterized by such traits as inertia, lethargy, gloominess, and so on. Happiness for Capricorns is work. Usually people of this sign are materialists who are used to calculating every step. By this they reassure themselves that the path to their goal is correct and safe.

Capricorns like to come to their birthday with a story of success over the past year, otherwise they will be in a gloomy and downcast mood. Capricorns are absolutely intolerant of frivolous behavior. Representatives of this sign do not particularly pay attention to what others think about them. They themselves value their merits very highly.

Happy days and colors of Capricorn

Many experts believe that Saturday is the lucky day for Capricorn, because... this day is ruled by Saturn. It is at this time, according to astrologers, that you should begin those things that you consider the most important. On this truly lucky day of Capricorn, you will be at your best. Everything you plan will be achieved without much effort.

On this day, many Capricorns begin building a house or major renovations in an apartment. After all, if you initially know that on this day luck comes specifically to Capricorns, then this can be deposited on a subconscious level. At the same time, your actions will be more confident and coordinated.

Dark green color can be a lucky color for Capricorn. Representatives of this sign should take this into account if they want to decorate their interior or buy new things to add to their wardrobe. Often, only this color can bring good luck to those people who were born under the Capricorn zodiac sign.

However, do not under any circumstances overdo it with this color scheme. After all, everything should be in moderation. Otherwise, this color scheme will begin to irritate you over time and will cease to bring good luck. In this case, it simply begins to be repelled by the person on a subconscious level. This is unacceptable, because after a while it will be very difficult to convince yourself that dark green will bring you good luck. Believe in luck and it will definitely come to you.

Zodiac sign Capricorn: from what date to what date? What is Capricorn's lucky number?

All their lives people try to understand themselves and human nature in general as best as possible. There are many different ways and directions for this. One of them is a horoscope. This article will talk about such a zodiac sign as Capricorn. From what date to what date does he dominate, what can be said about such people and what are the characteristics of their character - read about all this below.

What should you talk about at the very beginning when considering the zodiac sign Capricorn? From what date to what date does he rule? So, he starts work on December 22 and continues to “work” until January 20. People born at this time can consider themselves representatives of this zodiac sign.


However, this is not all. Having figured out when Capricorn dominates (from what date to what date), it is also worth saying that representatives of this zodiac sign are divided into three large subgroups:

  1. Born in the first third, from December 22 to January 2. These people were born under the influence of the planet Saturn, therefore they are calm. However, they are also very calculating. Throughout their life they can experience several ups and downs. Lucky years of life: 30 and 57.
  2. Those born in the second third: from January 3 to 13. These representatives are under the influence of militant Mars, but in themselves such people are domestic and, to some extent, even boring. They can also be poor role models. Important years in their lives: 16, 24, 30 and 33.
  3. Born in the last third: January 14 to 20. These people were born under the auspices of the Sun. They are hardworking, endowed with great inner strength, and always find a way out of difficult life problems. Important years of life: 21, 30, 31, 41, as well as 50 and 57.


What should you definitely talk about when considering a horoscope sign such as Capricorn? Temperament, character, stones, numbers - these are the things that must be mentioned. What important things should Capricorns know?

Video: 19 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Talisman stones

So, the zodiac sign is Capricorn. A characteristic, a talisman, a stone - this is what you need to talk about. What stones should be preferred by representatives of this sign of the zodiac circle?

  1. Turquoise is the very first and main talisman for Capricorn. It is ideal to wear a stone in a lead frame, put it on your little finger, and do not take it off on Fridays. This stone is able to tame anger and kill evil thoughts. It is also worth remembering that turquoise should accompany Capricorn throughout his life (blue - in youth, green - in old age).
  2. Another Capricorn talisman is aventurine. You need to wear it only during one lunar phase, since then it will change its energy. This stone helps to maintain good spirits, a joyful mood, and also have clarity in thoughts and judgments.
  3. And another very important talisman for Capricorn is the “tiger eye” stone. He is able to tame the strict temperament of Capricorns, as well as bring good luck to good people. Indispensable for those who are too jealous - it helps to cope with this negative feeling.

Having figured out when Capricorn rules, from what date to what date, it is also worth talking a little about what the children - representatives of this horoscope sign - will be like. So, if in the circle of strangers such a baby is shy and gloomy, then at home he is a lively manager. It is very interesting to watch such children, because according to their own specific, and not always understandable, system, they master the world and gain valuable life experience. Such guys take life very seriously and simply do not accept their mistakes. It is very important for parents to be close to their children during difficult situations and difficult periods; at this time, little Capricorns are capable of “breaking down.” It is also necessary to remember that children of this sign are warned of dangers more often than usual. They are especially associated with stairs and heights. Children have few friends - one or two friends, and this is quite enough for them. These kids are smart, but very lazy. Failure in school occurs only for this reason. As they grow up, Capricorns become more and more confident in themselves and their abilities, which is why their ability to work blossoms at a young age. Such children want to prove to everyone that they are better than those around them. And at the same time they do not shun all possible ways to achieve their goals.

About the character of such people

Let's continue the description of the Capricorn sign. What can be said about the character of such people? So, these are individuals who live their quiet lives. You can often see information that astrologers advise dividing these people into two large subtypes:

  1. Workaholics who will invariably achieve their goals and achieve fairly high results.
  2. Homebodies whose ambitions are not too high. Such individuals are very difficult to lift; almost no one can move them.

However, despite all this, Capricorns are distinguished by great patience and the ability to wait. With strangers, such people are most often cold and unfriendly. But in their usual circle, they relax and can support the company without any problems. As for personal qualities, Capricorns are good at subordinating emotions to reason, so they never commit frivolous acts. Also, representatives of this sign are practical and calculating, which helps them always stay afloat (even in the most difficult situations).


Having told you from what date Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to tell you about the characteristics of people born during this period. Such individuals often look very distant, as if they are floating in the clouds, not noticing anyone. However, this is only an external manifestation. Thus, representatives of this sign simply make it clear to others that they do not want to come into contact with them. Also, these people are very secretive, they do not accept open behavior, they never tell anything unnecessary about themselves and their family. All quarrels and troubles remain within the walls of the Capricorn house. Well, as a result, such people have very few friends, but also few enemies.

Video: 13 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Negative character traits

What negative traits has nature endowed such people with? They are selfish. There are often very stubborn and even callous representatives of this sign. Among Capricorns there are also hardened materialists who are so entrenched in their views that they simply cannot look at the world from a different point of view. Quite often such people are stingy.

Capricorn Man

  1. This is a very pleasant person to talk to. Such people can be called gentlemen.
  2. The Capricorn man is a patron and protector. He will always be a support for his family and close friends.
  3. These are reliable men who will never let you down or betray you. However, they will not arrange surprises and sing serenades under the window.
  4. Such men are always responsible for their words. Their actions do not differ from their speeches.

Capricorn Woman

Having figured out the date at which Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to know a little about the characteristics of women - representatives of this zodiac sector.

  1. These are amorous and very erotic personalities.
  2. Outwardly, such ladies can be called ladies without any problems. They are strict and unshakable. However, under this external coldness there is always a hot temper and a volcano of passions.
  3. Capricorn women are very reserved, so sometimes it is impossible to understand how they relate to a person.
  4. It is important to say that such ladies lack coquetry and feminine softness.
  5. Their style is discreet classic. They do not accept experiments with their appearance.
  6. Representatives of this zodiac sign strive to be an authority for others. This is very important to them.

Work and career

We continue to study the description of the sign. Capricorn - what can you say about the career and work of such people? Thanks to their diligence, representatives of this sign often achieve all kinds of heights. These people can work in hard and dirty jobs if they know for sure that this will bring them some bonuses in the future. The peculiarities of Capricorns are to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situations. Therefore, they are excellent team players who are highly valued by employees. It is also important to say that such people can occupy leadership positions without any problems: they know how to organize work and set priorities correctly.

Once again I would like to remind you about what date the sign Capricorn begins and what date its reign ends. So, this is the period from December 22 to January 20. What can be said about the attitude of such people towards money? So, these are very practical individuals who will not spend their income on trifles and unnecessary things. Capricorns are prone to hoarding because they simply cannot afford to depend on others.

About achieving success

I would also like to say a few words about how representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle can achieve success. Let’s say right away that it’s not that difficult for them to do this. After all, they are prone to cold-blooded calculations. A rational approach and lack of emotions is the main trump card of the representatives of this sign. It is also important to know what Capricorn's lucky number is. This is a three. Using this figure for your own purposes, you can achieve even greater success not only on the personal front, but also in the work field.

Video: 8 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Knowing what date Capricorn (zodiac sign) begins, I also want to know what kind of health people born at this time will have. So, it is important to clarify that the spirit of such individuals is much stronger than the body. The peculiarity of Capricorn is that he eats little and sleeps relatively little. The lack of craving for physical activity, especially among homebodies, often leads to obesity and the emergence of problems against this background. The ailments that most often occur in representatives of this zodiac sign are rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and urolithiasis. And although Capricorns do not have excellent health, they often turn out to be long-lived. For such people, walks in the forest are recommended; tourism is useful. The medicinal herb is cypress, and the beneficial chemicals are calcium and magnesium. An excellent preventative against illnesses is laughter and a good mood.

About love and marriage

How do Capricorns behave in love, what do they become in marriage? As for women, they are very amorous natures, who, however, are not inclined to show their emotions in public. They are often in thought about what to choose: what the soul wants or what the norms of decency require. Therefore, Capricorn women almost always seem cold and uninteresting in appearance. A man, a representative of this sign, will always achieve the desired lady and will not let her leave. When it comes to marriage, men are faithful spouses and good fathers. Women can often cheat on their lovers, constantly tormented by doubts about whether it was worth doing this.


Let us further study the zodiac sign Capricorn. Symbols and talismans - this has already been fully considered. What has not yet been said is about the compatibility of representatives of this sign. With whom is it best for them to form alliances, and who should they avoid?

  1. Ideal partners: Taurus (the common trait is practicality and hard work), Virgo (people will be brought together by the desire for a simple life, healthy food and great sex) - with Libra, Capricorns will also have a harmonious life.
  2. Pisces and Cancer promise smooth relationships for Capricorns.
  3. Negative partners and friends for representatives of this zodiac sector will be Leo and Aquarius. These are people who are very different from Capricorns in temperament and outlook on life.
  4. The antipode of Capricorn is Gemini. Such people have no common ground at all.
  5. In all respects, Aries is not suitable for Capricorn. He is capable of incinerating representatives of this sign with his fire and unbridled energy.

We choose talismans for Capricorn, which items are suitable for men and women of this zodiac sign

Representatives of this sign are considered to be down-to-earth people who are not prone to magic and witchcraft. Capricorn chooses talismans in the same way as other signs, despite this stereotype. He will be happy to attract luck and fortune into his life, improve financial aspects, adjust his character traits, strengthening positive traits and weakening negative ones. All this can be done by resorting to magical help.

A correctly chosen talisman will assist its owner in any matter.

Talisman items for Capricorn

Black cat

The image of a black cat is considered an excellent amulet for representatives of this sign. Many people are afraid of the black cat because it is believed to bring bad luck. But in reality this is not so, black cats have the ability to ward off bad weather, misfortune, adversity from their owner and protect them from negative energy. Such an amulet helps to stand firmly on your feet, teaches you to be confident in the correctness of your actions, and attracts good luck.

The image of this animal as a talisman for Capricorn develops calmness and self-control. The turtle is a rather slow animal, it is not in a hurry and does not regret the lost time, but confidently moves in the chosen direction.

A figurine with this animal is given as a wedding gift in Japan, where it symbolizes a strong marriage and procreation. This amulet strengthens the relationship between lovers and helps improve their personal life. They say that if you write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper and put it under a turtle figurine, the progress in the relationship will be even more noticeable.

Instead of a turtle, images of a frog, lizard and crocodile are often used as a mascot. In difficult moments, you just need to take the amulet in your hands, it will help you calm down, concentrate and make the right choice.

This bird is considered to be a symbol of recognition and wisdom, so it protects against committing rash acts that could seriously harm Capricorn’s reputation. Such a talisman is especially important for a Capricorn woman or man whose work involves communicating with different people; an owl can help gain authority and improve their position.

For representatives of this zodiac sign, a talisman in the form of a ladder is suitable; it symbolizes ascent, upward movement, to conquer new heights. And this completely coincides with their life principles and position.

The talisman can be an image or figurine of Capricorn himself; any artiodactyl animal from the category of goats will do. This is the most obvious answer to the question of what talisman Capricorn has.

An image of the deity Janus can also be a good amulet. This is a two-faced creature whose heads look in different directions, one to the past, the other to the future. A very good talisman, considering that representatives of the sign are born at the end of December and beginning of January (the month named after that very god).

Antiques, ancient objects, medallions, coins, figurines and seals are suitable as amulets for Capricorns.

Other talismans

  • Representatives of this zodiac sign belong to the element of Earth, so the materials from which the amulet is made can be clay, stone, plaster, or porcelain.
  • The best metal is lead. If Capricorn has a small thing made of this metal, even a medallion, it will bring him luck in life.
  • The number of elements that are present in the talisman must correspond to the lucky numbers of Capricorn: 3, 5, 7 and 8.

Animal mascots for Capricorn

The amulet can be any animal, but only the breed must be rare. A cat is perfect for this role; it will envelop its owner in warmth and show understanding at the right moment; representatives of this sign always lack this. And, as you remember, black cats and female cats are best suited for Capricorns.

A goat can be an excellent talisman; it will bring luck and good fortune to life. But few people can keep this animal at home. If you live in a city and you do not have such an opportunity, then a figurine or its image can replace a live goat.

Plant talismans for Capricorn

For an earth sign, almost anything related to the earth, garden, vegetable garden, etc. can become a talisman. Of the trees, the best amulets will be:

If indoor flowers in a Capricorn’s house are chosen correctly, they have a positive effect on the physical state and improve the psychological state. The most suitable indoor flowers for representatives of this sign include:

Helps achieve success in any field, a good talisman for a Capricorn man. Under the influence of this tree, he makes many plans, which he then successfully implements, being resourceful and dexterous in all life moments. The beech does not allow its owner to be led astray from the intended path, teaches him to organize his life correctly, gives him intelligence, organizational abilities and prudence. First of all, the beech tree teaches you to strive for wealth, and then for happiness.

This tree symbolizes progress, and representatives of this sign love to read, and they do this not to shine with intelligence, but to moderate their curiosity on issues of interest.

Allows you to be more open and sincerely believe in goodness. Therefore, when Capricorns experience disappointments, they experience them more than others and take them too seriously. Elm will help you find peace of mind in this case.

It prevents you from being influenced by outsiders and promotes greater persistence in achieving your goals. Fir imparts scrupulousness and conscientiousness, which is why representatives of this sign reach great heights in their work. Among the assigned tasks, they always choose the most difficult one of all.

Money Tree.

This plant has this name for a reason; it improves your financial situation. The energy of Mercury and the elements of Earth is able to fill thick leaves, so they are able to accumulate a charge of material wealth, good luck, prosperity, that is, the financial well-being of the owner improves.

The money tree fills the home with calm, confidence, reliability, and absorbs bad thoughts associated with a lack of money and other problems. Such a talisman adds hard work and perseverance; its owner, no matter what, does not stop and does not deviate from the intended path.

According to astrologers, the lucky numbers for Capricorn are nine and three. For Capricorn, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 14 are numbers that are considered lucky. Most often, people born under the sign of Capricorn come across as very gentle and submissive people. Don't be fooled by appearances alone. On this truly lucky day of Capricorn, you will be at your best. Often, only this color can bring good luck to those people who were born under the Capricorn zodiac sign.

God created the Earth in 7 days”, a case of “trinity”, a threefold glorification of the holiness of God. There are many such examples. Even today's digital technologies are built on codes (zeros and ones). For a long time, numerology was not recognized by various rulers of European countries, but ordinary people never refused bright new impressions, good luck and happiness. Not many people know that one of the greatest scientists, Isaac Newton, was a Capricorn. The influence of the Eight of Saturn gave him endless success in physics, mathematics and philosophy.

Like those born between September 21 and 24, you strive for balance and harmony in various areas of life. All this is directly related to either complete control or absolute freedom. Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. Do not rush to judge a person by his cover and not by his deeds. It's safe to say that Capricorns are ready to help at any time.

Zodiac sign Capricorn: success and luck

Good luck for Capricorns is brought only by the patronage of a person close to them. Becoming support and support for Capricorn is quite difficult, because people of this zodiac sign are not used to asking someone for help. Good luck accompanies them in family life. If Capricorn finds his soul mate, he lives happily ever after. It is in the family circle that Capricorns feel peaceful and happy. Nothing happens by chance in the life of a Capricorn.

He is capable of hard work, knowing that success means material security. Capricorn loves and saves money, afraid of becoming dependent in old age. Capricorns achieve great success in politics. Young Capricorns benefit from tourism, mountaineering, and speleology. Zodiac) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of the partners.

Astrologers believe that people born under the sign of Capricorn (from December 22 to January 19) are the most reliable of all signs. Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, its ruling planet is Saturn. Element - Earth (patient and reliable), cardinal sign (creative and original).

The ruler of those born under the sign of Capricorn is Saturn. But at the same time, according to astrological characteristics, they are also very purposeful.

Capricorns, as a rule, get along quickly and smoothly with Taurus and Virgo.

1. Generic connection - numbers and signs. Capricorn

About the same thing applies to our zodiac Capricorn. Three. Jupiter! The law of constructing social life. The first figure at which the number of legs is convenient is not for jumping or walking, but specifically for standing up, finding a comfortable balance. But it is “people of the Four” who can be pierced by a sudden insight, undeserved and unearthly love, or something else out of the ordinary. Uranus is a planet of the Higher octave. I stuck in such detail on Saturn, because it is he who personifies the zodiac sign Capricorn. Alas. No matter how astrologers describe the tenderness of the coming Year of the Rabbit, from mid-March until the May holidays, Jupiter and Saturn will be in strong opposition. You just have to remember that on any twenty days of December, each date of birth still contains a deuce, the Moon. Which softens the effect of Saturn. And from the tenth to the twentieth of January - the Unit, the Sun, which enhances the energy of this Sign. Therefore, the main blow and lack of support falls in the middle of the sign, the first ten days of January. Rest assured, the time of birth or independent sigh will be such that the planets of the horoscope will stand exactly in such a way as to activate and highlight the planet of today’s date, and even the day of the week.

Capricorn is not satisfied with the current state of affairs, he always strives for the heights, and he is not short of ambition. The worst qualities that can manifest themselves in Capricorns are irritability and even embitterment, constant painful doubts and indecision, and distrust of others. Love, sex, marriage. Capricorn's personal life does not always go smoothly. People of this sign are capable of strong feelings, tenderness and romance, but never marry hastily. The best partners for Capricorn are women from the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Pisces. Compatibility with Capricorn, Leo and Sagittarius is average.

Capricorn is not easy to recognize. He strives for the heights, just like his fellow mountain goat. It is better to look for it among representatives of the upper strata of society. Since Capricorns work their way into society quietly and unnoticed, it is not easy to determine their typical appearance. Trampling everything in its path, Capricorn will tirelessly climb to the top.

Your main lucky day of the week is Saturday. The favorable period for you begins from December 21 to January 20 (Capricorn) and from September 24 to October 23 (Libra). You should schedule all your important affairs and events on days when Saturday falls on the 7th, 16th, 25th of the favorable period.

And when the tendency of this sign to always look for reliable explanations for everything does not bring results, you can ask astrologers about the exciting issue. Each of these numbers can manifest itself in the life of Capricorns in different ways. For some people, on the 27th of the 3rd month of the year they managed to meet their happiness, a reliable loved one.

Your planet, Saturn, which gives you these traits, is known as a stern teacher, which makes you a little heartless. Few signs are as strongly influenced by their ruling planets as Capricorn is by their planet Saturn. He tests those born under this sign at various stages of life, he disciplines and educates.

Capricorn (from the Latin Capricornus) is the tenth sign of the zodiac circle ruled by Saturn. The element of the sign is Earth. In Western astrology, the Sun is believed to be in the sign of Capricorn from December 22 to January 19. As an Earth sign, Capricorn puts family above all else. Their circle of friends is small, but consists of like-minded people.

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman numbers that portend good luck both in life and in the lottery. Stoloto will tell you what they are like for Capricorns.

Characteristics of the sign

Capricorn (from the Latin Capricornus) is the tenth sign of the zodiac circle ruled by Saturn. Element of the sign is Earth. In Western astrology, the Sun is believed to be in the sign of Capricorn from December 22 to January 19.

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People born under the sign of Capricorn are united by the desire for good results in everything. They are independent and rarely trust others with important matters. Capricorns are proud of their intelligence, so they strive for knowledge constantly. Sometimes they turn out to be real scholars.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn puts family above all else. Their circle of friends is small, but consists of like-minded people. Capricorn shows responsiveness and care towards close people and is always ready to help. They usually say about such people: “Friends forever.”

People born under the sign of Capricorn can be very stubborn. This quality is both useful and harmful. In the professional sphere, it helps to achieve significant progress - here it is perceived as perseverance. But in personal life it can interfere - after all, Capricorns can be very intractable.

Perseverance is an excellent quality to play the lottery. Jenny Thomas purchased Colorado Millionaire instant lottery tickets every week. And she was generously rewarded for her perseverance: Jenny won a million dollars.

Famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Capricorn: Isaac Newton, Valentin Serov, Marlene Dietrich, Karel Capek, David Bowie and others.

Mythology of the sign

According to one version, the origin of the sign goes back to ancient Greek mythology and the legendary goat Amalthea, who nursed the baby Zeus with her milk at a time when the goddess Rhea hid the young god from his father Kronos. The idea of ​​a cornucopia is also borrowed from this legend: it is believed that it belonged to Amalthea.

Photo from the site:

According to another version, in order to elude the giant Typhon, Aegipan - the son of Zeus and a nymph - dived into the river and turned into a mixture of a goat and a fish. It was in this form that Zeus placed him in the sky as the constellation Capricorn.

Luck numbers

Talisman numbers for Capricorns: 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26 and their combinations. Let's analyze the statistics of state lotteries and compare them with these numbers.

In the Gosloto “5 out of 36” lottery, the numbers 4, 8, 10 are among the most frequently drawn, and throughout the history of the game they have appeared in 14% of draws. In the 4156th draw on January 19, the following numbers fell from the “lucky series” of Capricorns: 1, 8 and 22.

Millionaire Igor S., who won the Gosloto “5 out of 36” super prize - more than 47 million rubles, admitted in an interview that he wins, among other things, thanks to statistics: “I have my own way, which I follow. But I won’t reveal its secret.. When I think about what numbers to mark, I follow it from time to time. I look at frequently occurring numbers, for example.”

In the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery, known for its huge guaranteed super prize of 50 million rubles, frequently drawn numbers include 4, 44 and 18.

In addition to lucky numbers, you can pay attention to lucky days of the week. For representatives of Capricorns, a favorable day is Saturday.

Especially for those who are passionate about numerology and pay special attention to numbers and dates, it will be interesting to know about your important years:

As Evgeny B., who won the YotaPhone 2 smartphone in the “Everything for a Hundred” lottery, told us, his secret is his passion for horoscopes: “All the planets of the solar system are associated with a specific number. Knowing these numbers and the aspects of the Moon on a particular day, you can calculate the required numbers. And, of course, I definitely look at favorable days in the horoscope.”

2016 for Capricorns

This year, Capricorns are capable of more than they can imagine. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the optimal regime and not give up on your goals. In February, you can forget about business a little and indulge in communication with friends. Throughout the year, family is the main source of happiness and inspiration for Capricorns.

What to give a woman under the sign of Capricorn

When choosing a gift for a Capricorn woman, remember that her main inspiration is family and home. Gifts for interior decoration, family invitations to the cinema or theater would be appropriate here. You can supplement such a gift with tickets for family lotteries - Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery. Each drawing includes cash prizes, apartments, cars, country houses and much more.

What to give a man under the sign of Capricorn

Practicality and perseverance are the driving force of men born under the sign of Capricorn.

They are friendly and open, constantly striving for new knowledge. Therefore, anything related to intellectual activity and self-development - board games, books, training certificates - will be an excellent gift.

In general, modern gadgets are an ideal option for Capricorns. If you decide to give a phone as a gift, install it on it and be sure to tell them how you can use it to win several million rubles. Remember that Capricorns care about the originality of the gift. And the prospect of becoming a millionaire will increase the significance of your present.

A sign of the earth element, Capricorn has the gift of not losing sight of the main goal and living a long time. Purposefulness, perseverance in difficulties, responsibility - these are the strong qualities of representatives of this sign. Capricorn is not afraid of loneliness, he is ready to endure any everyday difficulties, to overcome any obstacles. He prefers not to reveal his deep feelings to anyone, has difficulty getting close to people and does not like to lose friendly connections. If someone has neglected Capricorn, he never forgives and never returns. But I am always ready to provide considerable help in practice, even if I do not know the person personally. The main goal of a typical Capricorn is to achieve the highest possible rank relative to the conditions of personal start.

Character of the sign

Capricorn builds his personal growth on the basis of superiority over other zodiac signs in terms of process management. Without emotions, requiring discipline, Capricorn can construct a viable structure and organize the flow of profits. Capricorn is especially valuable in large-scale production, as a manager or director, in the army - as a commander, in managing a country or a financial company. Representatives of this sign have an excellent instinct for viable projects, talents and the energy of pure profit. Capricorn can always get financing, is able to deftly manage assets and develops the potential of any business. But he hates submission to those whom he cannot respect. Capricorn is very thrifty, because for him the path is always a little further than for others, and Capricorn likes to accurately calculate his strength. It is difficult for him to navigate in unpredictable circumstances, outside of his favorite habits. Capricorns are often conservative.

Strengths and weaknesses of Capricorn

There are two types of Capricorns. The first are inveterate workaholics who spend most of the year at work. The latter tend to command a large, or small, depending on your luck, family, and also bear a social burden in the form of the positions of chairmen and heads of various social organizations. They love to achieve success in any business; the greater the workload, the sweeter the success. The main period of prosperity begins after 45 years, when Capricorn has already gained primary experience in love and career. Age, personal experience, especially negative ones, and a proven environment are the true treasures of Capricorn. His determination helps to overcome multiple difficulties that occur along the path of life. Capricorn has to develop patience, willpower and train the intellect. Undeveloped spiritually, Capricorns are usually boring and manipulative, but Capricorn really changes over the years, so the boring phase is usually short-lived.

Possessing a natural sense of timing, persistent athletes, lovers of risk and courageous explorers of the limits of the possible, Capricorns are fond of car racing, mountaineering, and sea sports, but are also musical and sensitive to beauty. They are constant in their habits, in their feelings, and need to preserve the traditional home life since childhood.

They value their feelings highly, keep them to themselves, and can be cruel and aggressive if they are hurt or betrayed. Cheating is not tolerated, a guilty verdict is passed, and the second attempt at a serious relationship is postponed until maturity. He considers dependence on something, on any relationship, to be a weakness, and, somehow, Capricorn manages not to show his pain and disappointment to others. Capricorns of both sexes expect exciting experiences from life and are insatiable in both matters of love and activity.

Capricorn Man

Usually wins in any kind of competition. Such men always have an additional reserve of strength, an additional plan of action. Capricorn is interested in complex tasks, in which he finds additional opportunities and reserves, primarily for himself. In love, they are ready to experiment only in their youth, then they prefer the predictability of one type. They are touchy and suspicious when they notice a change in their partner’s habits. Capricorns rarely decide to cheat; they see the long-term consequences of the relationship and clearly assess the possible damage. They prefer to sublimate sexual energy not in adultery, but in overcoming their fears and physical limitations - they love extreme sports, physical overload, and travel.

Capricorn Woman

She is very demanding of her children and loved one. The ability to overcome everyday difficulties and adherence to principles in matters of compliance with internal rules makes life with Capricorn orderly and predictable in general terms. But the Capricorn woman always has her own separate goal, to which she subordinates her existence. Very rarely, this goal is to make a man happy, in this case, the partner is in chocolate. The Capricorn woman is well aware of her potential to manage other people's finances and is often more successful in business than men. After all, her responsibility extends to children, whom representatives of this sign can raise on their own. They usually take a responsible approach to the issue of motherhood; they often give birth in adulthood, having established their career and status. Passionate lovers after many years of marriage are not inclined to fleeting romances, so as not to lose their self-esteem.

Capricorn Child

Needs hardening, a clear daily routine, and a separate room from an early age. He doesn’t like to stand out with bright clothes and will have to explain his future prospects in order to enroll in language courses. Little Capricorn is unlikely to be very sociable; he needs time to understand and appreciate the events and feelings of the past day. Logic games, music lessons, and playing chess contribute to the development of intelligence. Such a child can be assigned to independently perform simple tasks and help around the house from an early age. The sooner young Capricorn is faced with a sense of responsibility, the more successful his inevitable ascent into adulthood will be. In adolescence, they often become excellent manipulators of others, so you should not give in to their demands for independence before the age of 30.

Health sign Capricorn

Capricorn often suffers from knee pain, stomach pain and migraines - as a result of restrained emotions and rage. Salt deposits, arthritis and osteochondrosis show rigidity of habits, flight into the past, and moral fatigue from change. Often have chronic diseases and must make efforts to keep themselves in good shape. They live long lives, but often have bad habits. The main danger is to fall into prolonged depression; melancholy is difficult to overcome and dangerous for nervous exhaustion. From stagnation he usually goes to work, which saves him from any disappointments.

Interesting countries: China, Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia
Significant cities: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk

Celebrities born under the sign of Capricorn: Dima Bilan, Mikhail Boyarsky, Andrei Malakhov, Jared Leto, Mao Zedong, Marlene Dietrich, Gerard Depardieu, Alexei Vorobyov, Jude Law, Sergei Melkonyan, Anthony Hopkins, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Jerome D. Salinger, Yana Rudkovskaya, Oleg Deripaska, Isaac Newton, Hayao Miyazaki, Marilyn Manson, Adriano Celentano, Nicolas Cage, Lewis Hamilton, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Konstantin Khabensky, Renata Litvinova, Orlando Bloom, Martin Luther King, Kate Moss, Benjamin Franklin, Al Capone, Jim Carrey, Muhammad Ali, Anastasia Volochkova, Irina Allegrova, Joan of Arc