Medical concierge service contract. Medical concierge is a new trend in medicine. “Medical concierge” – a guarantee of the best medical care

A concierge is not only a doorman at the entrance to a rich house. In the West, the word concierge is more popular than here, and the word itself is more widely used, that is, it has more meanings. For example, in one of its dictionary meanings the word “concierge” means the unexpected: “Direct communication, contact with someone. Concierge with a patient."

In such cases we usually say “contact”, and psychologists say “rapport”.

Thus, a concierge is a situation where someone communicates with you closely and intimately, with the goal of helping, being always in touch. Or - such a person himself is a specialist in concierge services.

As you understand, people need a variety of help, need contact with a variety of specialists for various reasons. Therefore, there are different “concierge services”: a legal concierge, a concierge at a hotel in an unfamiliar country, and now also a medical concierge.

Let's remember: “concierge” and various “concierge services” are the latest fashion, this is a trend. Moreover, this fashion is more a word than a phenomenon as such.

Previously, the middle class also had: a personal (household) lawyer and a notary. Rich people also had personal (house) doctors and doctors.

Doctors could always not work in a hospital, but have a narrow, private practice, and then their clients were only a few families. That is, they did not work “on the fly”, as today’s notaries or doctors work. Didn't work with strangers.

Consider a “medical concierge” to be the same as a “house doctor.” It’s just called now in a fashionable, trendy style...

Let's look at one example of concierge medicine as it occurs in America.

Recently, a Texas doctor named Raymond Solis left the general government practice to which he had devoted 21 years of his life. Now he is a house doctor, a medical concierge.

What did this change in his life? Here's what.

If earlier this particular doctor had 3 thousand patients, now there are only 400 of them! As you understand, the quality of service only improves from this!

The official figures common to the market are as follows.

In traditional “conveyor” medicine, a doctor is required to serve from two and a half to three thousand patients.

In a medical concierge, a doctor serves from 400 to a maximum of 600 patients.

All doctors who work in a medical concierge practice are united under the auspices of a special organization (in America) called MDVIP concierge practice.

By the way, most of these VIP doctors do not accept money from patients for a visit - they close the account on their medical insurance. The truth is that insurance is different from insurance. We were unable to clarify exactly which insurances are quoted in concierge medicine, but we guess that the insurances should also be VIP...

This pleasure - having your own doctor at home - is not cheap - $1,500 per year per person. And if a family is served?..

So, it’s better to spend your money and energy wisely - on the right lifestyle and reasonable rest, and be healthy. Then you won’t have to boast that you are a client of a medical concierge. You just don't need a doctor at all...

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Of course, you can look for a doctor yourself. But there is an alternative option. Representatives of a new specialty - medical concierges - can help you find a doctor. Let's take a look at what a concierge service is and try to understand how medical assistants can help us.

Who is a medical concierge

A medical concierge is a kind of intermediary between the patient and the doctor. The task of a medical concierge is to answer medical questions: how to find a pediatrician in Omsk, which cosmetology clinic in Moscow is currently offering a favorable promotion, and where you can donate blood in Vladimir.

The concierge studies open data on doctors every day, monitors medical forums, maintains databases of laboratories and clinics, and collects reliable patient reviews about various clinics. In addition, the concierge studies medical legislation: he must know how to pass a medical examination, obtain a medical book or a certificate to carry a weapon.

When searching for medical information, the concierge relies on personal experience, real patient reviews and information from the database of hospitals and doctors maintained by the concierge service. The concierge database includes only verified hospitals that employ qualified doctors.

In addition, there are medical concierges who specialize in finding doctors in foreign clinics. As a rule, international concierges recommend doctors from American, European, Australian and even Chinese and Korean medical institutions that have entered into a contract with the concierge service.

How does the medical concierge service work?

Let's say you have an urgent medical issue - for example, you need a CT scan, but you don't want to overpay for this expensive service. On the other hand, you want the tomography to be carried out by a qualified expert using good equipment.

First, you must find a medical concierge and ask him your question. This can be done by calling or by writing in chat(try it). We will tell you in detail about where to look for concierge contacts in the corresponding section. What's more important to us now is what happens after you contact a medical assistant.

How does communication with a medical concierge go:

  1. First, the medical concierge will ask your name and ask what city you are from. If you want to know where to find the nearest medical facility or doctor to you, check the address.
  2. If it takes more than a minute to find the answer to your question, the concierge will ask you to wait a little and will soon provide an answer. If the specialist has to look for an answer in the database, he will inform you that he will call you back (or write to the chat) in a few minutes.
  3. After you visit a doctor, you can leave a review about the doctor for the medical concierge. The medical concierge will take your feedback into account when recommending this doctor to the next patient.

Where to find a medical concierge

Today, two types of companies offer medical concierge services. The former specialize in working with Russian doctors and hospitals, the latter offer to find a doctor and medical center abroad.

Medical concierge services that select doctors in Russia:

  • Telemed
  • Medical Note

Medical concierge services that select doctors abroad:

  • Ekaterinburg company "Medicine of the World" - selection of doctors in Germany, Turkey and Israel
  • Anglo Medical - selection of doctors in the UK
  • MedTourConsult - selection of doctors in Belarus

In addition, banks may offer concierge services. For example, in the concierge service of VTB 24 bank you can also order medical services.

How much does a medical concierge cost?

Most medical concierge services are paid. The price depends on how and which doctors the service selects. If selecting a Russian doctor is unlikely to cost more than 1-2 thousand rubles, then the cost of selecting a foreign specialist can be 10-30% of the cost of treatment.

Prices for medical concierge services that select doctors in Russia:

  • Telemed - 3500 rubles
  • Medical Note - free

Prices for medical concierge services that select doctors abroad:

  • World Medicine - initial consultation free of charge
  • Anglo Medical - selection of a doctor is included in the cost of treatment (the price of treatment depends on the prices of a specific medical center in England)
  • MedTurConsult - selection of a doctor is included in the cost of treatment (thyroid cancer treatment: 620-2700 dollars; radiation therapy: 2000-3000 euros)

Although in most cases the help of a medical concierge is paid, there is a chance to use the help of a medical concierge for free. This opportunity is provided by the Medical Note application, designed for storing medical records.

By installing the application on your phone, you will have the opportunity to contact a medical concierge for free and ask him questions that interest you.

This is what a chat with a Medical Note medical concierge looks like:

The main difference between the medical concierge Medical Note and the similar service Yandex.Health is that it is not an algorithm that will work with you, but a living person. In addition, Yandex.Health does not yet provide the opportunity to sign up for medical tests or procedures such as CT scans or.

Concierge service is a new medical direction that successfully helps people every day. And, although the help of a medical concierge, fortunately, is not needed every day, it makes sense to take care of your health in advance. To do this, just install the Medical Note application on your phone. The application will always be at hand, and you can ask a medical concierge a question at any time for free.

The concept of “medical concierge” is gaining increasing popularity in Russian reality, becoming as necessary a service as shopping support or VIP service at the airport. An increasing number of people are refusing to be monitored in public and private clinics, following the new trend and entrusting their health to the medical concierge service.

A concierge is to some extent an intermediary between the patient and the doctor, partially performing the functions of a family doctor. Its functions include selecting a qualified doctor, organizing body diagnostics (check up), treatment and personal medical care in the best clinics around the world. In a short period of time, planned or emergency hospitalization, personal ambulance and air ambulance services will be organized.

General Director of Liberta Medica, a surgeon, Roman Fishkin, will help you understand in more detail what a medical concierge is.

Roman, tell me, who today has the opportunity to use the services of a medical concierge?

This direction is not the privilege of a select few. A potential client of our company is any person who is ready to spend money on their treatment. The minimum cost is only 2-3 thousand rubles, this is the organization of a consultation with a doctor of a certain level. The maximum is not limited, it depends on a number of factors: the complexity of the assistance provided, the level of surroundings and service. After all, there are people who absolutely do not care how much the service will cost. If only they were met at the airport in a Maybach, taken to the University of Zurich, and the operation was performed by one of the most “star” cardiac surgeons.

How does the amount a customer is willing to pay affect the service your company provides?

It is important to understand that the amount spent does not in any way affect the quality of work of our managers and specialists. In any case, the service will be provided at the proper level. Yes, when we entered the market in 2006, we focused on the star segment, however, now our position has changed. We help people of any income receive the most qualified assistance.

Roman, today, which of the concierge services is the most in demand?

First of all, this is planned hospitalization. Unfortunately, due to the imperfection of the medical system, it is currently very difficult to get to a good hospital to see a specialized doctor. Endless queues do not allow receiving medical care in a timely manner - which, of course, cannot remain without consequences.

What is special about the planned hospitalization that you offer?

Within a few days, we understand the problem, look for a clinic and specialist suitable for a particular case. Moreover, we take into account all the patient’s wishes regarding his accommodation, including the view from the window and the number of rooms in the room.

Roman, what can you say about emergency hospitalization?

All of the above is done as soon as possible. We have our own fleet of 9 resuscitation vehicles, ready to reach the patient as quickly as possible. If the distance does not allow sending a car, we provide air ambulance services - we send a specially equipped aircraft to anywhere in the world. Our main advantage is that we have the opportunity to hospitalize the patient in the clinic and to those specialists who specialize in his problem.

This brings up the question, which clinics do you work with in the medical concierge format?

With leading federal clinics and institutes. If, for example, a person requires heart surgery, we know several surgeons in various clinics who will perform it at the highest level. We use private clinics mainly as rental sites to create the most comfortable conditions for the patient.

Tell us a little about a comprehensive examination of the body...

We organize diagnostics of the patient’s body, the so-called check up, the duration of which can take from one day to a week, this is determined individually. This can be either a general comprehensive examination, checking all body systems, or a special examination - cardio, gastro, male or female check up. After the examination, we organize a consultation with a doctor for the patient, where he is given a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.

Today, treatment abroad is becoming quite a popular practice. Isn't this service a privilege for wealthy people?

This is a misconception. Many people think that treatment abroad involves a long stay in the clinic. However, you can simply confirm the diagnosis, get recommendations, and carry out treatment in Russia. I can say that treatment abroad is 25% of our business.

Roman, what is the main goal of Liberta Medica?

Our task is to cure a person, while making sure that communication with us brings him maximum satisfaction. We provide service at such a level that the client would want to contact us again.

Comprehensive medical insurance for children from MetLife guarantees maximum protection for the child and peace of mind for his parents. When a child is sick, it is always an anxious time, so high-quality medical support becomes a real salvation. The MetLife insurance company has developed unique “Telemedicine” and “Medical Concierge” services, which make medical care especially effective.

“Telemedicine” – expert opinion of leading specialists

Almost every parent has encountered the desire to double-check their child’s diagnosis with more experienced medical specialists. This is available to those who have taken out medical insurance for children through MetLife. “Telemedicine” allows you to organize remote medical consultations with leading specialists from the best scientific centers in the world. During the consultation, clinic representatives will be able to confirm or refute the diagnosis made to the child, as well as propose an effective treatment plan.

The Telemedicine service allows you to get advice on the following diseases:


Encephalitis and more than four dozen other diseases.

“Medical concierge” – a guarantee of the best medical care

The main thing that worries parents of a sick child is receiving quality medical care. That is why medical insurance for children at MetLife includes a comprehensive “Medical Concierge” service, which provides not only the organization of the child’s treatment, but also his full support.

Advantages of the Medical Concierge service:

The clinic for treating the child is selected from among the best in Russia and abroad based on the diagnosis, the financial capabilities of the family, and personal wishes. The service offers several options for medical centers to choose from;

In addition to choosing a clinic, MetLife completely organizes the entire treatment process, including issues of transfer, accommodation, obtaining visas, etc.;

During treatment, we fully coordinate the process. Organizations such as the WorldCare Consortium and Europe Assistance help us with this;

If the child is arranged abroad, MetLife clients are accompanied by a Russian-speaking medical specialist.

By choosing children's health insurance from MetLife, you provide the most important thing for your child - careful care of his health.

Medical concierge is a completely new direction in the work of plastic and aesthetic medicine clinics. Apparbekova Donata, head of the concierge service of the Moscow clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology "Frau Klinik", kindly agreed to talk with us and answer all our questions regarding the stay, accommodation, transfer and support of future patients.

Donata, in Russia, a medical concierge in the field of plastic surgery has appeared quite recently; as we know, Frau Klinik is the first and so far the only clinic that organizes the stay of out-of-town patients for surgery in Moscow. Tell us how this idea came about? And how in demand is this service?

First of all, we decided to introduce this service due to the large flow of regional patients to our clinic. The main task for people who come for surgery from other cities and even countries is to recover as quickly as possible and go home. That is why we take care of all organizational issues: meeting and seeing off the patient at the airport or train station, organizing transfers, nurse services, ordering and delivering food and necessary things. At this moment, the patient should prepare for the operation, undergo tests, attend consultations and post-operative dressings, and not look for a hotel or apartment, transport and a place where he can have lunch in peace.

What is included in the concierge service program? What do you think is its main benefit for patients?

The main advantage of our service is the comfortable stay of patients during the operation and the early rehabilitation period (before the removal of stitches). We take full responsibility for organizing the trip, including booking tickets and accompanying patients around the city. Our task is to bring the patient to the hotel after meeting him, having previously selected the best option for him, organize transfers to the clinic and back as many times as necessary, and also take care of his comfort during such a difficult period as rehabilitation.

It turns out that coming to Moscow for surgery is not so expensive? And how long, on average, will a patient need to stay in the city? Are there any strict time frames?

We constantly cooperate with major airlines, hotel and taxi chains, which allows us to select a package of services for each patient, based on the individual preferences and capabilities of each client. On average, patients spend from 3 to 10 days in the city, it all depends on the type of operation performed and the moment of suture removal (everything is individual and discussed with the operating surgeon). It is worth noting that we do not force our patients to take tests in our clinic; you can come with all the necessary tests, having taken them in advance in another place convenient for you. As for the removal of sutures, this is the final moment in the early postoperative period, but this procedure can also be performed in your city, the main thing is to obtain permission from the operating surgeon.

What difficulties may arise for patients who come to Moscow for surgery? What cases from your practice can you tell? And what problems and questions can patients address to the concierge service manager?

We agree on all the details in advance with our patients, which is why they are always satisfied. We have been working for several years, during which time we have managed to maximize the work of the concierge service and learn how to quickly resolve all emerging issues. For example, a girl came to us who had undergone rhinoplasty (nose job), and at 3 o’clock in the morning she received a call, where she reported that she was feeling unwell and needed painkillers. Within 10 minutes, all the necessary medications were delivered to her room, and the nurse on duty arrived from the clinic to the hotel.

Please tell me which cities people most often come from? What plastic surgeries are in demand in the field of medical tourism, in your opinion, what is this primarily connected with?

Very often, patients come to us from cities such as Novosibirsk, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Astana, Almaty, as well as from countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Australia and even Latin America. These are mainly aesthetic operations, such as breast augmentation, nose surgery, face lift, as well as operations related to functional disorders, for example, female intimate plastic surgery after childbirth, etc. People know our clinic, they watch our program on Channel One “On 10 years younger” and know our doctors. We do not hide the fact that we will not operate on everyone, aesthetics is a certain measure, and we have our own view of beauty. We are a clinic with an integrated approach to female beauty, we understand that not only plastic surgery can do the impossible, cosmetology, gynecology, and dentistry are the areas that allow you to consolidate the results of the operation for many years. That is why the concept of our clinic formed the basis of the “10 Years Younger” project, where experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and dentistry do the impossible - they return youth, beauty and self-confidence to participants in the shortest possible time.