Magic for attracting women's gaze. Why can't you look a cat in the eye? The power of a look. Scientific explanation for the power of the gaze

The magical gaze is more than just a glassy gaze focused in one direction, it is the gaze of a person with unshakable willpower. Anyone who encounters such a look on himself will immediately feel its great inner strength. It may not be strange, but there are quite a few martial arts in which fighters begin the fight by facing each other for a long time. And already, guided by the strength of their gaze, they determine the balance of forces. The same can often be observed in animals: cats look intently into each other’s eyes before attacking, and sometimes, if the forces are not equal, everything ends with one glance.

It is rare that a magical look is gifted by nature itself; it is often developed by performing special exercises. At the same time, hypnotic abilities also develop. Already immediately after short training, you will notice how it will become easier to resolve any issues related to the need to convince your interlocutor. And with each subsequent training, the effect will grow.

Simple ways to protect yourself from the dark gaze.

Read about what dark and light looks are in the previous article.

It is no coincidence that people often cannot withstand the onslaught of a judgmental and reproachful look and often hide their eyes or turn away altogether. This way they avoid receiving the flow of negative energy and, accordingly, protect themselves. Therefore, the easiest way to protect yourself is not to look directly into the eyes of a person prone to anger and other negative emotions. As a last resort, it would be safer to look at the bridge of his nose or forehead. Then he most likely will not pay attention, unless he feels something subtly unpleasant and cold due to the fact that real contact with you will not happen, and most of the negativity will remain in him. Thus, the aggressor will harm only himself.

In order not to succumb to suggestion from the outside, do not look at the person continuously during a conversation, but glance to the side from time to time. This will give you the opportunity to maintain your thoughts and mental balance. Of course, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to protect himself from the influence of real hypnotists, so it is better to avoid such people, not allowing the slightest contact with them.

There are special techniques and exercises that will help you protect yourself from third-party energy influences, protect you from other people’s thoughts and dangerous energy. For example: crossed arms or legs are the easiest way to protect yourself. When crossing, the dissipation of the flow of bioenergy of the body is limited, which protects it and prevents harm. Use this technique in a conversation with a potentially dangerous and unpleasant person.

You can also do the following mental exercise: visualization of a mirror shield. To do this, you need to imagine that you are obscured by a large shield with a mirror surface facing the unwanted interlocutor. And every time he tries to influence you, he will always receive a blow reflected by the mirror in response. As a result, all the negativity will return back to the one who sent it, and you won’t even feel anything bad.

Who needs to develop a magical gaze?

The power of gaze is an essential acquisition for anyone who wants to learn how to influence people. The magical gaze is an important, so to speak, social tool for any person; it is an indicator of strength and, accordingly, authority. It should be developed even by those who have no plans to become a hypnotist.

The sales representative, public speaker, teacher, military man, police officer, and other other activities will benefit greatly from the art of this view. If a business person fully possesses such a magical view, he can easily overcome unnecessary competition; in the same way, he will receive predominantly greater benefit from his customers than his competitor with an uncertain, wandering eye. The mass of people also submit to the magical gaze, which subsequently bows before its powerful influence. This ability can be well appreciated by teachers, military personnel and other figures who work with a large number of people at the same time. Many historical figures had this view, to which they owed much of their success. For a lawyer, a focused gaze is very important and necessary. The strength that he carries is sometimes enough to bring the criminal to the “clean water” and obtain a sincere confession from him. Practicing magicians, healers and witches must necessarily have the power of such a view.

The magical gaze will be incredibly useful in moments of danger as a means of self-defense. This art of looking can be developed to such a state in which it is possible to avoid anything that may be directed with hostile intentions: be it a wild beast or a dashing man.

Of course, such an ability can be abused, like other magical abilities, the mastery of which does not require high moral development. For example, the popularly known “evil eye” is the negative side of using the power of a magical gaze.


eyes 5The magical gaze depends on the ability to control the movement of your eyes. This is a necessary condition, no matter how difficult it may seem. The eyes emit great energy, which is weakened by their excessively active mobility. Almost everyone has some nervousness or restlessness in their eyes, blinking frequently and keeping their eyelid movements on "automatic control." All this makes the gaze changeable, unpleasant, unreliable, and, most importantly, weak. Only those eyes that are calm and clear are capable of having the greatest power of influence.

There are many simple exercises aimed at developing eye magic.

1 Eye immobility training.

Take a white sheet of A-4 format, draw a circle with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm and paint it black. Then place it at the same level as your eyes, about a meter away from you. Sit down and look in the circle for 3 minutes, without taking your eyes off, and don’t blink. The main thing in this exercise is to prevent movements of the eyeball and eyelids, even despite the tears, which, however, will disappear on their own in the future.

This exercise should be done for about 2 weeks once a day, increasing its duration by one minute. It is advisable to do this in the morning or afternoon in natural light so that your eyes do not get too tired.

After two weeks, add new elements to the exercise. To do this, move the black circle 1 time to the right, 2 times to the left, about half a meter from the place where it hung previously at the same height. Sit down as before, so that your gaze falls in the same place where the circle hung before. Then, slowly begin to move your gaze until you land on the circle. During this eye movement, try not to move your head and body.

Do both of these exercises alternately until you can focus on the circle motionlessly for at least 10 minutes.

In general, any fixation on an object, in addition to this exercise, will contribute to the development of eye immobility.

When you succeed in the first exercise, proceed to the next one.

2 Training the magical look.eyes 4

Sit in front of the mirror and look at yourself completely still. Look into both eyes at the same time, focusing on the reflection of the bridge of your nose: find a point in the middle (or draw, but for the first days) and fix your gaze. Look like this for about three minutes; then add one minute at a time on the 3rd or 4th day (so - up to 15 minutes). At the same time, you need to look completely motionless so that you can see yourself quite clearly and distinctly.

Later, you can practice this exercise on your pets or neighbors. It is advisable after each such exercise to look into the distance for 1 minute, without focusing your gaze on anything. This will relax your eyes after intense strain.

3 Training to change your view.

Place several portraits (life size or larger) of men and women in the room. Sit opposite and stare at one of them for about a minute. The main thing in this exercise is to learn how to quickly change your gaze and focus it again on a new object. When a minute has passed, immediately turn your gaze to another portrait. Then fixate on it for a minute, so that you can also quickly turn to another portrait. Move your gaze across and crosswise.

In order not to get overtired, it is better to do this exercise for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Training in communicating thoughts and feelings.

When it is no longer difficult for you to fix your gaze on one specific point for a long enough time, you can proceed to the next exercise.

Start training to put a variety of feelings and thoughts into your gaze, also looking at your reflection in the mirror. At the same time, convince yourself that there is a real person standing in front of you, separate from you, to whom you will convey your feelings through your gaze. Make sure that all the muscles of your face are relaxed and motionless. The transmission of information should only come through the expression of your eyes.

Next, you can try training this look on your family. You can also come up with your own exercises, but one way or another you will achieve your goal only if you practice hard.

Visual influence techniques can help and make it easier to achieve our goals. With a special look, you can subjugate a person by imposing certain actions on him. In this short article we will look at how to achieve this.




Hitler's magical gaze

German sociologist Erich Fromm analyzed Hitler's personality and tried to uncover the secret of his bewitching gaze.

“All witnesses agree that Hitler’s eyes were cold and the expression on his face as a whole - and that any warm feelings were generally alien to him. This trait can be off-putting - and it really is off-putting to many... but also, may also be a source of magnetic force. For some, his face evoked fear, and for others, admiration.”

There are 2 ways to help develop a magical look:

First way

  • Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle in the center and color it in black diameter 1.5 cm.
  • Hang this sheet at a distance of 2...2.5 meters from yourself and for 15 minutes Look continuously and without blinking at the black circle.

By doing this exercise daily, you will develop a “magic look”.

Second way

Having slightly relaxed your facial muscles, look at your reflection in the mirror. Direct your gaze to your eyes or to the bridge of your nose. Avoiding frequent blinking, look at the point 20…25 seconds.

But, it’s important to remember! That in everyday life it is better not to abuse such glances, because under such a gaze people begin to get nervous.

Usually, during a conversation, it is customary not to embarrass your interlocutor.

You might be interested in: on developing effective communication skills:

And if you want to unbalance your interlocutor, select a “weak spot” on his body or clothing. For example, bad teeth, unkempt nails, unclean shoes, stains on clothes, etc.- and look closely there.

Your interlocutor will immediately begin to get nervous

And if, in addition to everything, you portray a sarcastic smile, then only a very self-possessed person or someone who doesn’t care about anything will be able to maintain composure against such a technique. It feels like the sun is shining brightly in your face, only at the same time you are still very ashamed.

The same thing, but in a more delicate and gentle form can be done with the help of an absent-minded glance or directed past the interlocutor’s eyes - at the ear, forehead, chin or lips.

Good afternoon, my readers. For a long time now I have wanted to open you to Castaneda’s “twilight gaze” or “vision” practice, and now the time has come to do it. In his books, Carlos Castaneda describes a special perception of reality, which he calls vision, but he doesn’t really tell how to develop it. I don’t use this practice now, since other, deeper forms of perception are available to me through lucid dreams.

Nevertheless, this is a basic spiritual practice that opens up the first screens of illusion for the mystic and provides certain, very specific opportunities. Having skillfully mastered the practice, you will be able to show people the boundaries of transcendental reality and creatures invisible to the ordinary eye. This practice is accessible to any natural mystic and acquirer of spiritual knowledge.

I will describe here not only the twilight gaze or vision of Castaneda, but also all the more complex methods of use that accompany it. Since the practice existed long before Castaneda, I am more accustomed to calling it “twilight gaze” and then you will understand why.

Having Maslow's pyramid of needs as the basic basis for the development of our body and mind, we find that for obtaining food and finding shelter, such things as seeing astral projection, emanations and energies were useless to people. Such matters were usually entrusted to one person in the tribe, who was called a shaman and who dealt with communication with spirits and Gods in the interests of the entire tribe. The rest of the people dealt with issues of physical well-being and survival. In those distant times, every person did what he had the ability to do. A person prone to violence became a warrior or a hunter, others became fishermen or farmers, and some became shamans.

Now mysticism in society is officially considered a safe and tolerable form of madness. Although modern mystics are not locked in a madhouse, they are nevertheless not taken seriously. So, if before it was very honorable to become a shaman and the parents of such a child were proud of his qualities, now they will be ashamed that their son or daughter does not go to work in an office in order to buy a Mercedes in twenty years, but instead is content with only the necessary material goods, while doing eccentricities. Therefore, although many of us have the ability to see a special reality, it is not developed and is practically not used from birth.

The practice of “twilight gaze” is quite real and it has disadvantages. For atheists and atheists who read my blog in order to catch me on schizophrenia, I will say right away that everything is scientifically substantiated for me, I am officially mentally healthy and at the end of the material, I will tell you what it looks like from the point of view of science. Now I will describe everything in order from a mystical point of view. I'll start with the formation of the twilight look itself in its basic form.

I will also note that it will be especially easy for mystics with poor eyesight, because they do not cling to forms and distances so much and their minds are more flexible in terms of perceiving images. I know of some shamans with whom I have crossed paths who have the real ability to show transcendental reality to ordinary people, and all of them had poor eyesight. The practice works with good vision, but at the same time your eyes will hurt more and you will need to restore them with special exercises.

How to practice the twilight gaze or Castaneda vision

To master the basic skills, you will need to start with a simpler exercise called "vision of emptiness." To do this, sit in a spacious room or, better yet, in a city park.

It is advisable that no one disturbs you while doing this. The ideal place would be a bench in the park, but in cold weather, you can limit yourself to a living room.

Practice does provide transcendental abilities, but it will require time and diligence on your part. If you want it quickly and immediately, then this is not the place for you. It took me about two years to fully master it, and the first results were already within a month. Everyone learns differently. There are geniuses of mysticism, whose soul in past incarnations had a lot of experience and such will master the practice quickly, and there are people with weak abilities, but with a certain diligence, they will also master the practice well.

Sit in a comfortable position and focus your vision on objects. The gaze should be directed straight ahead, just above the horizon. Usually we are used to focusing our eyes on certain objects, be it a house, a bird, a person or a wall. Attention runs from one object to another and the mind is always excited. Calm your mind and focus your attention. It should cover the entire picture, without focusing on certain objects, but not a single detail should escape your gaze. A seeing practitioner is able to notice the slightest details and movements precisely because he is not attached to a specific object and his attention covers the entire picture.

Spend as much time as possible on this practice; experience decides everything here. Ideally, you should see everything that happens not only within the radius of your vision, but beyond its boundaries. Skilled shamans in this way are able to see what is happening behind them as clearly as what is happening in front of them. With the vision of emptiness one can see the energetic emanations of physical reality. You may have a headache at first because your brain has to process more information, but it will get used to it.

When you achieve tangible results in this practice, you can move on to the main, basic practice - the twilight gaze. To do this, you will need a medium or large mirror.

Sit indoors, opposite a mirror, and turn on your vision of emptiness. Your image in the mirror will begin to change and after about an hour you will see your astral essence or soul. She will begin to flicker in the image of a reflection. You may immediately see other creatures nearby, but don’t be alarmed, if they wanted to harm you, they wouldn’t wait until you saw them. The inhabitants of the astral world may have the most unattractive appearance, but have sufficient intelligence to renounce violence and aggression. In fact, you are more like the aggressor here, so calm your mind and watch the changes.

The second stage of the exercise is not just to maintain blurred vision, but to turn it into a big minus. Using a directed effort of the eye muscles, concentrate your attention as much as possible, try to increase the degree of defocus and its duration each time. Your eyes may hurt, but it’s not a big deal if you do the right exercises afterwards.

You will get a twilight look after the world around you transforms into something completely different. You will see not only energy beings, but also streams of emanations. Everything becomes darker than usual and that is why the practice is called twilight gaze. The ability to hold a twilight gaze for more than 20 seconds can be considered success.

If you have mastered this skill, you can congratulate yourself. This is a basic practice that opens up wide possibilities in mysticism. When using these techniques, starting with the gaze of emptiness, your internal dialogue should automatically turn off. If this does not happen, read my material: it describes working with internal talkers.

As for eye pain, in order not to spoil your vision, you will have to do additional exercises. In general, it should be done in any case if you spend time at the computer. It allows you to avoid vision loss even when working in front of a monitor for more than 10 hours a day.

Cut out a small 1 centimeter circle from a magazine or newspaper. You can just carefully tear it off. Stick the circle at eye level on the window, after wetting it. Next, close your right eye with your hand and look at the circle with your left for 15 seconds. After that, look out the window at the farthest object that you can clearly see for the same amount of time. Try to focus on it properly to work the eye muscles. Then close your left eye with your hand and look at the circle for 15 seconds, then move your gaze to a distant object for the same 15 seconds. Repeat the same for both eyes at the same time and continue from the very beginning for the entire series 4-5 times. It is recommended to carry out the exercise after every three hours at the monitor or after the above-described practice. It is advisable to do it regularly, at least twice a day, and this will preserve your vision or even improve it.

Now I will tell you how you can use the practice for purposes other than seeing emanations and energy.

Paired practice of magicians to transfer experience and knowledge. Practice seeing the astral essence

In ancient times, when communicating with each other, magicians sometimes used the twilight gaze to convey transcendental experience in a more effective way than verbal.

To begin with, so that you understand the approximate essence of the practice, I will tell you about the technique used by especially dangerous clans of killers in Japan and China, called “ninjas” or translated as “forest demons” with the goal of raising a real beast in a person. The child was prepared for the hard work of an assassin not only physically, but also spiritually.

The teenager was locked in a room with a tiger and he had to look the beast in the eyes for so long until he took on his animal nature. Weak individuals were eliminated in a certain way, being killed by a tiger, and the strong ones truly became like demons and deservedly bore this title.

The practice of magicians in pairs does not require you to expose yourself to such dangers and, moreover, only one of the two participants can be a magician. The second in this case will see the transcendental reality without the preparation to which the mystic subjected himself when mastering the twilight gaze.

Sit in such a way that it is comfortable enough for both of you to spend an hour and a half like this and not have to walk anywhere. You cannot interrupt your practice, so do everything in advance, turn off your mobile phones and intercoms.

Many people played staring games as children, where you look your opponent in the eyes and you are not allowed to blink. The one who doesn't blink the longest wins. Here everything is different and you can blink, but looking into each other’s eyes without moving your gaze to other objects will take a long time, and talking is extremely undesirable. Have a good chat later.

Take this practice responsibly and if you doubt that you can sit for that long without turning away, then don’t start. So, you are still capable of this, then set an alarm clock for an hour and a half from the moment you start practice and stop looking into each other’s eyes.

A mystic who has mastered the twilight gaze can immediately turn on the vision of the void and sit like that for about thirty minutes. It's different for everyone, but your partner should stop giggling and calm down by this time. When you feel that your partner has approached the exercise responsibly, then after about ten minutes, change the vision of emptiness to a twilight gaze.

You will see the essence of your partner, and he or she will see your essence. If your partner is not a mystic, then what he sees will be a shock to him, so be understanding. His face will become frightened and serious and this will mean that your twilight gaze is real.

Continue the practice from time to time, to the best of your ability, including the twilight gaze. Indeed, this method is capable of showing the transcendental reality to ordinary people, but they will forget about what happened quite soon, so do not flatter yourself. Habitual patterns are more valuable to them than gold and silver; do not destroy them without mutual consent. At the end of the material I will write a scientific version of what is happening, and now the next practice.

How to get to another world. Power walk or transition to parallel reality

The two past practices are quite working and you can be convinced of this, but if they are relatively safe, then the next practice can bring irreparable consequences. I will give it to you, since it will not harm others, and what you do with yourself is everyone’s personal responsibility. This practice allows you to move between worlds literally and without exaggeration. By doing it, you move to another world irrevocably. Usually these are extremely similar and almost identical worlds, but the further you dive, the more dramatic changes can occur.

This practice allows you to change your personal environment to a more comfortable one. By moving deep enough into other worlds, you will be able to receive the benefits and favors of those people who are interesting to you. You can improve your financial situation and so on. Objects and faces of acquaintances can change as the practice is repeated, and this often happens to those who have mastered the practice well. It has a significant disadvantage, so I abandoned this practice as soon as I received the selfish benefits that I wanted and understood the shortcomings of the method. First I will tell you the essence of the practice, and then its disadvantages.

Walking down the street or other area, turn on your twilight gaze with the clear intention of moving into a world where you have what you want to get. Or into a world where events have the development you need.

Create in your mind a strong intention to get what you want and at the same time turn on the twilight gaze. You should see the paths between worlds. They look like luminous paths. In other words, you will see your path and numerous branches from it. From the outside, people will see that you walk at an uneven pace, turn in strange places and zigzag like a drunkard. By turning on the twilight gaze and forming an intention, you will see branching paths and one of the many lines will be especially bright. Follow it wherever it turns, even if it leads into the forest or into a gateway.

Follow the bright line and then, having a strong enough intention and having practiced the twilight gaze, you will be able to move to other worlds. I think the way it works is that you exchange consciousness with yourself from a parallel universe. But considering that you will have to go through many worlds in order for reality to change in the right direction, for you from a parallel reality, it will not be a shock when you take his place, and he takes yours. In theory, you can go so far that in the end, you will be surrounded by completely different landscapes, even similar in their similarity to the worlds of fantasy works.

Personally, for me, the front door to my apartment has changed completely and forever. So, once before practice it was covered with light foam rubber, and after practice it was already upholstered with dark linoleum. Moreover, according to my brother, it was always covered with linoleum. I've met people practicing similar methods who have had fancy new buildings or vacant lots pop up in their home area. In fact, the universe is limitless and everything exists in it, including an infinite number of options for the development of events. Nothing that the mind is capable of imagining cannot exist in it. Thus, having an infinite number of realities and probabilities, you can move between them. The practice does work, but it has a huge drawback.

Firstly, having received the necessary benefits, you leave the past world and its inhabitants forever, becoming a wanderer. Secondly, as far as I now have enough experience and understanding of the universe, it has levels. Each time, you only move down. Simply put, you fall into a world that is an order of magnitude lower and located closer to the very hell that is located at the bottom. Hellish worlds also have a level structure and you can dive down to the most disgusting of the worlds.

This does not mean that you will not get what you wanted, just one day you will understand that in addition to material wealth or the person you need, you are surrounded by real devils. In any hell, the soul is able to find joy, but this does not change the reality. So, I really received certain benefits from this practice, which I did more out of scientific curiosity, but I didn’t order the war, but it began, and in my city, from which I now had to leave. I’m not going to dive further and will somehow cope with what I have. This is a theoretical argument and maybe I’m wrong, if you want, you can try it at your own risk and then tell me in the comments.

At the same time, check whether there is a Temple of the Way in the worlds at lower levels or if I took other paths there.

Now, as I promised the atheists, I will give a scientific version of what happens during the practices. The twilight gaze is probably a state of special meditative trance in which the shaman sees strong hallucinations.

During pair practice, when the shaman shows the transcendental reality to the common man, some kind of unconscious hypnosis probably occurs as a result of which the naive victim sees hallucinations.

As for the transition to other worlds and changes in the faces of friends and habitats, we are also probably dealing with irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex caused by deep trance. In a dream, a person often realizes that he is a completely different person and has a large supply of false memory. Considering that false memory is possible in a dream, it can replace the real memory of the mystic. The shaman, who found himself as a result of practice in Tolkien's fantasy world, actually lived in it always, but received a false memory that he lived in the industrial age of cities, cars and electronics.

I hope that this material will be useful to you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments below, the same applies to other materials on the site. As for pair practice, don’t even think about asking me. Yes, I can show the transcendental reality to any person, but I have been observing a vegetarian fast for a long time, communicating in lucid dreams with information entities, keeping myself energetically clean, and I don’t want such intimacy at all, especially for money.

I have described to you the powerful and at the same time basic practices of mysticism, use them wisely.

A person’s gaze is a powerful tool that can impress any interlocutor. It can charm, it can attract or reject, it increases the possibility of manipulative influence. Negativity directed at a person can be neutralized by him. Magnetic, odic, central - all these are characteristics of that very powerful gaze that only a few have.

Everyone has met people who, with their decisive, concentrated, barely bearable gaze, “drove us into a corner,” because it seemed that the person saw right through us. Such people can subjugate anyone, they are familiar with the power that an ordinary eye can have.

Psychology may not understand the mechanisms of the influence of gaze on a person, but numerous studies show that there is such an influence. For example, an experiment was conducted in which participants with their eyes closed were asked to feel someone else's gaze from behind. And in most cases, this was determined accurately.

It is believed that a glance can send a thought wave directly to the interlocutor’s brain. In this case, you should look at the bridge of your nose, where the eyebrows meet. This is where a person’s nerve center is located. In Eastern philosophy, the “third eye” is located there. Desires, feelings or commands sent to this center will certainly be perceived if the gaze has that same power. To give your gaze special properties, you need to develop certain skills.

Developing the Power of Gaze

To develop the required skills, training is necessary. They will develop skills, and after some time the result will be noticed: the interlocutors will begin to behave somewhat differently during conversations, requests of any kind will increasingly be fulfilled unquestioningly.

Afghan girl Sharbat Gula

Exercise with a piece of paper

Take a sheet of white paper, preferably thick. Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm in its center with a black felt-tip pen and fix it on the wall so that it is at eye level. Next, you should sit opposite this circle at a distance of 1 meter and peer into the center, concentrating your gaze. You cannot blink or look away for one minute. Concentration is required: it is very important to imagine that energy or a ray is coming from the eyes. After a short rest, you can do several more of these approaches.

Then you need to move the sheet a meter to the left and look at it without turning your head (with peripheral vision) for 1 minute. Move the paper a meter to the right, look with peripheral vision in that direction. The exercise is repeated several times.

It is advisable to perform these exercises every day, and when they become easy (usually after 4-5 days), you should increase the exercise time to 2 minutes per approach. Then reduce the approaches to one, prolonging the execution. Ultimately, you need to ensure that you do not lose concentration for 15 minutes at a time. This exercise will help you develop a strong gaze.

Blue-eyed African boy

Using a mirror

Place a mirror in front of you and peer into the reflection of your own eyes. Then you need to draw a small dot on the mirror, between the eyebrows, and look at it. You should proceed according to the principle of the first exercise, increasing the time of looking to 15 minutes per approach. This exercise will help you withstand the strong gaze of others and sharpen your own gaze.

More advanced eye exercises

There are more complex exercises that can be performed only after completing one of the previous ones:

  1. A sheet of paper, the same as in the first exercise, is attached to the wall. You need to stand near the wall at a distance of 1 meter so that the circle is at eye level. The gaze is fixed on the point, and the head is made in circular movements clockwise, and then, after 1 minute, counterclockwise. You cannot break away from the circle. This develops the optic nerves and strengthens the eye muscles.
  2. You should stand with your back to the wall, look at another wall, which is in front. The gaze moves left and right, up and down, zigzag, in circles. Each option takes one minute. Exercise will strengthen the eye muscles.
  3. This exercise requires a candle. It is necessary to light it, sit opposite it so that it stands between straightened arms. You need to look at the flame without taking your eyes off for 1 minute with 3 repetitions. Energy waves from the flame will convey strength, severity, and fill the gaze with warmth. With this exercise, energy is not given out, but received.

Each of the exercises will strengthen your gaze and ultimately give you confidence, toughness, and steadfastness. It is important not to squint, look straight, and not widen your eyelids too much. If your eyes get tired while doing this, you can rinse them with cold water for a quick rest.

The duration of this look depends on the situation. Most often, you should not peer extremely closely and for a long time at your interlocutor. You need a calm and confident gaze that will force you to obey.

You should not use the acquired skills for evil purposes, because evil returns like a boomerang.

The magic of a look

The magical gaze is considered a gift that appears from birth. Most likely, it cannot be learned, you can only possess it. Some people don't realize how powerful a weapon they have at their disposal. The magical gaze is used to the fullest by clairvoyants, healers, and sorcerers.

You are lucky if the magical gaze is directed at a person with good positive energy and a desire to help. But it negatively affects a person’s condition if they begin to scan him, siphon off his energy, or want to harm him, jinx him or cause damage. But you can protect yourself from it if you learn to resist the flow of negative energy.

Exercises to develop protective properties:

  1. A black dot is drawn on a piece of paper. The sheet is hung at eye height. You need to move 2 meters away and look at the point without blinking for as long as possible until your eyes get tired. Then you should stop the exercise and rest for a couple of minutes. When performing it, it is important to imagine an evil look, someone else’s eyes that can do harm. The main thing is to inspire yourself when performing the exercise that no one can do harm with their gaze, that is, cause damage. It is important to see the thin threads that connect the eye to this point on the wall and understand that these threads do not harm, but only protect from adverse influences.
  1. The exercise will allow you to quickly take away the energy that someone else has taken away. A white candle is placed on the table and lit. You need to sit opposite her and with a momentary glance try to take away the energy of the fire, and then give it back. The exercise is repeated several times and ends at the stage of taking energy.

Some facts

  • A long stare between men can be interpreted as aggression, so be careful.
  • If a man and a woman look intently at each other and the woman is the first to look away, then a position of subordination to this man is consolidated in her.
  • If a woman is not indifferent to a man, this can be determined by her dilated pupils. However, do not confuse this with a reaction to a lack of lighting.

The use of the magical power of the gaze consists in concentrating forces and energy through the eyes to a point just above the bridge of the nose of the person subject to this influence. If the person you are influencing has his back to you, you need to look intently at the back of his head. You need to look closely when you are talking about something. The interlocutor begins to speak, lower your rapid gaze so as not to embarrass the interlocutor.

Practice the magical gaze

In practice, this gaze acquires magical magical power when there is great concentration on thought, and strong concentration on the gaze (as if drilling through it).
To develop the power of a magical gaze, you need to perform the exercises that I will give below every day, or you can combine them, depending on your fitness level.

Entry level exercises

1. Exercise “small circle”
On a light sheet of paper, draw a small black circle (approximately 2 cm in diameter). This light piece of paper with a small black circle should be placed on the wall so that it is approximately at the height of your head. Take a comfortable position at a distance of 2-3 meters from this object for concentration, then you need to close your eyes, relax, don’t think about anything, and so on for three minutes. Next, open your eyes and concentrate all your attention and gaze only on this small black circle (there should be no tension pinches). Avoid blinking; if you really want to, you can squint slightly. You need to start this task with 50 seconds. and add 29 seconds every day. If you successfully achieve this exercise, move on to the next task.
2. Small circle exercise with head movements
In this exercise, everything is the same as above, only circular movements of the head are added to this, first in one direction, then in the other. Those. During these circular movements of the head in different directions, you must constantly concentrate your gaze on this small black circle and not blink, even if your pupils pinch and tears come out. As you train, the amplitude must be gradually increased, the movements performed are smooth. You need to start this task with 50 seconds. and add 29 seconds every day. If you successfully achieve this exercise, move on to the next one.
3. Now you need three such light leaves with small black circles. Place these leaves so that they are at head level (one light leaf in the center and two leaves on the sides at a distance of approximately 30 cm from the central one). Next, take a comfortable sitting position, it is necessary that your back is straight. Look intently at the central small black circle for five minutes, after which you concentrate your gaze on the right small black circle. And you concentrate your gaze on this right small black circle for 29 seconds, then move your gaze to the central small black circle for 29 seconds, and then move your gaze and concentrate on the left small black circle. Do this exercise for 8-11 minutes. within a month.
In the above exercises, you can use any small objects instead of a piece of paper with a small black circle. The most important thing was what to focus on. Having mastered this look well, you can change the height of the location, the distance to the object, switching the gaze from object to object. It is necessary that you can direct such a glance at a person at any time when you want to do this.
Exercises with investing emotions
4. Exercise “look within yourself”
You need to sit in front of the mirror and focus your gaze on the area above the bridge of your nose. Next, we look closely, fixing this area. There is no need to blink.
Start the exercise with one minute and add one minute every day. You need to bring this task to 13 minutes.

If the images in the mirror change, do not be alarmed. These are changes in how you looked a long time ago or will look like (you can experiment with photographs).

Development and improvement of the magical gaze

Now you need to learn to put feelings and emotions into this look. Learn this, and here you have a magical look. Looking at the patient with such a look and investing kindness, you will immediately see how he will feel better. And by investing in anger and bad things, the healthy person will get sick (maybe even fatally if your gaze is strong enough for this).
But do not forget that for any action there is a possible reaction and the strength of this reaction will increase many times! Therefore, you must be ready to take this blow, otherwise you may get khan, even your descendants!
Now about the exercise. You need to look at your image, just above the bridge of your nose, and you need to put positive emotions into this look, while this should not be noticeable on your facial expressions. Emotions are reflected only by the gaze.
And now, about the application of the magical gaze. When communicating with an aggressive person, direct a calming gaze at him. If you want to subjugate a person, look at him as if you have power over him. If you refuse a person, fix your gaze with confidence and ask him to leave you. In general, show creativity and ingenuity and you can come up with many uses for this.