How to close sorrel for the winter. Preparing sorrel for the winter. Canned sorrel. Recipe. Preparations - Sorrel for the winter

Sorrel preparations for the winter - the best recipes you haven’t heard of yet

Hello, my dear hostesses! I want to inform you that the winter harvesting season is open! And we open it with the first healthy greens of May, which we will preserve for the winter.

How to close sorrel - this question worries all housewives in May and June. Because this is the time to figure out how to preserve sorrel for the winter with minimal loss of vitamins.

Today we will look at the best recipes for canning sorrel for the winter. For my family, I select preparations with minimal loss of vitamins. Therefore, I highly recommend methods without heat treatment. Does this happen? When it comes to sorrel, it happens! After all, it contains so much oxalic acid that preparing sorrel at home requires practically no effort from us!

Sorrel benefits and harm

The beneficial properties of sorrel can be listed for a long time - these include ascorbic acid, vitamins and carotene. It is actively used in cooking - green borscht with sorrel and eggs is cooked and loved by everyone. They add it to salads and even baked goods, which is why in the summer we are all so concerned about the question of how to preserve sorrel for the winter. Its calorie content is minimal, only about 20 calories per 100 grams.

There are also contraindications - if you have gastritis or kidney disease, then this is clearly not your product.

How to close sorrel for the winter

  1. With salt
  2. Without salt
  3. In jars with cold water
  4. With greens
  5. Without sterilization

Canned sorrel for the winter

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter

(my grandmother's recipe)

  • We prepare the greens and jars as in the previous recipe. Just add green onions, parsley and dill to the sorrel. Proportions 2:1:1 (half sorrel, a quarter of onion and a quarter of a mixture of parsley and dill).
  • Boil some water in a large cauldron. Add a little salt to the greens to make the juice stand out more easily. We put it in a cauldron and wait for it to simmer a little and decrease in volume. Now put it tightly into the jars. A jar holds a lot of boiled greens, about a kilogram. It turns out greens in their juice practically, without adding water. This portion is enough for 3-4 borscht and can be stored perfectly indoors or in an apartment.
  • Another way to roll up sorrel for the winter without sterilization. Fill jars with chopped herbs, add a teaspoon of salt, and pour boiling water. It is better to put a spoon in the jar so that the glass does not crack from the boiling water. We roll up the jars and store them indoors. But the previous cooking method is better; much more greens fit into the jars.

Is it possible to freeze sorrel in the freezer?

How to freeze sorrel for the winter? Very simple!

  • Carefully wash off the dirt and soil from the greens, dry them and chop finely.
  • Take about one serving of borscht, put it in a bag, release the air and form a flat cake. Place in the freezer.
  • When the greens are frozen, put them in another bag to seal them and put them away for storage on the bottom shelf of the freezer. They take up little space if placed in a flat cake shape. And it’s convenient to use - one package, one serving of green borscht.

How to cook green borscht with sorrel

  • In winter, open a jar of herbs and add to borscht. The main thing here is not to forget whether you covered it with salt or not, so as not to over-salt the borscht.
  • Simply remove the frozen sorrel from the bag and, without defrosting, place it in the hot borscht. Remember that frozen sorrel is less acidic, so you can add a little acid to the finished borscht.

As you have seen, canning sorrel is an absolutely simple process, and it is simply impossible not to prepare it for the winter. I showed you the best proven recipes, so get to work and open the season of delicious preparations.

See my recipes for winter preparations, all of them have been tested for more than one year (I recommend).

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Discussion: 10 comments

    What I liked most was the way to seal sorrel for the winter in jars with parsley and onions. I’ll definitely make this preparation for green borscht now.


    I was just looking for a good way to seal sorrel in jars for the winter and saw your article. There is plenty to choose from, so preparing sorrel is now in first place for me. In winter, you will definitely want to cook delicious green borscht with sorrel.


    I prefer to freeze in portioned flatbreads :)


    For many years I have only been using frozen sorrel in winter. Very convenient for those who have a freezer.


    I’ve never tried storing sorrel =) Fresh is better =)


How to prepare sorrel in jars for the winter is a question that worries all housewives at the beginning of summer. By preparing it in this way, you will preserve the sorrel with minimal loss of vitamins and in winter you can add it to soup, cabbage soup, or any other food.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • fresh sorrel leaves – 455 g;
  • water.


Place the sorrel leaves tightly into a prepared sterilized jar, having previously washed and sorted them. We compact it tightly and fill it to the top with boiled cold water. We close it with a nylon lid and put the sorrel without sterilization in a jar for winter storage in a cool place.

Sorrel for the winter in jars with salt


  • fresh sorrel – 675 g;
  • filtered water;
  • iodized salt - to taste.


So, we wash the leaves well to remove any dirt and soak them in plenty of water for about 1 hour. Then rinse again, place on a kitchen towel and dry. Now cut them with a knife and put them in a deep bowl. We sterilize the jars and scald the metal lids with boiling water. Now put some greens in the prepared container, sprinkle lightly with salt, fill with boiled cold water and tamp with a masher. Next, add the herbs, salt and water again. When all the jars are tightly filled, roll up their lids and store them in the basement. We use this preparation in winter to prepare delicious ones.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with herbs


  • fresh sorrel – 355 g;
  • green onions – 145 g;
  • parsley and dill - 130 g each;
  • water;
  • salt - to taste.


Wash the greens, dry them, chop them finely with a knife and place them in a wide bowl. Now sprinkle it with salt, knead it slightly and leave to release the juice.

In the meantime, sterilize the jars and simply scald the lids with boiling water. Pour filtered water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil, carefully add all the greens and simmer for several minutes. Then put it tightly in jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for sorrel puree in jars for the winter


  • sorrel leaves – 965 g;
  • fat or vegetable oil;
  • fine salt – 30 g.


We wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and grind them through a meat grinder. Then add the required amount of salt, mix and place the resulting mass into clean glass jars. Pour melted fat on top and close with lids.

Recipe for winter sorrel in jars with spinach


  • fresh spinach – 485 g;
  • sorrel – 245 g;
  • water – 255 ml.


We sort out the sorrel and spinach, rinse well and place in a colander. Next, transfer the raw materials into a deep saucepan, fill with water and place the dishes on the fire. Blanch for about 3 minutes, and in the meantime heat clean jars in a water bath. Place the greens in hot jars, cover with lids and place in a saucepan with a wooden grate at the bottom. Fill it with hot water and sterilize the workpiece for half an hour, and then roll it up.

How to hot roll sorrel into jars for the winter?


  • sorrel – 555 g;
  • fresh dill – 145 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda.


Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and cut them into pieces. Rinse the dill, shake and finely chop with a knife. Mix the greens in a wide bowl and pour boiling water over them. We wait 5 minutes, and then we compact the greens into clean glass jars and add hot water to the very top. Roll up the lids and after cooling, store the preserves in the refrigerator.

How to seal sorrel in jars for the winter with sugar?

Sorrel is an extremely useful herb for consumption, and, when properly prepared for the winter, it does not lose any of its beneficial properties. The best recipes for preparing sorrel for the winter are collected on the pages of our website in this section. But separately, I would like to talk once again about the composition and benefits of this plant, which is often popularly called the “king of spring.”

Sorrel received its poetic popular name due to the fact that it is one of the first to appear in the garden beds in the spring. It immediately pleases with its excellent delicate taste with a slight sourness. Oddly enough, sorrel is the closest relative of buckwheat. In appearance, of course, they are not very similar, but they bring great benefits to the body. Be sure to eat sorrel in season and in winter to improve your health, maintain youth and beauty.

Be sure to consider sorrel preparations for the winter, recipes for which can be found on our website. After all, the young leaves of this plant have a unique composition. They contain the most vitamins C and K; they also contain essential oils and several types of beneficial acids. Again, sorrel contains a large number of different mineral elements, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and even iron.

When preparing sorrel for the winter, make the best preparations (see recipes) without salt. With this preservation, it will be possible to use sorrel not just for food, but for medicinal purposes. For example, in folk medicine it is recommended to eat these greens to get rid of scurvy, cope with vitamin deficiency and anemia. The high content of vitamin C in sorrel helps the body absorb iron more easily and increase hemoglobin in the blood. In large doses, sorrel is a laxative, and in small doses it is an excellent tonic.

As you can see, eating sorrel in any season brings only positive bonuses and results to the human body. Thanks to this herb, digestion is normalized; sorrel is extremely useful for people with gastritis and high acidity of gastric juice. In general, be sure to prepare sorrel for the winter to avoid health problems and strengthen your immune system.


Sorrel with vinegar for the winter

Ingredients: sorrel, salt, water, vinegar

A simple but necessary sorrel preparation for those housewives who often prepare green cabbage soup or light vegetable soups. By closing a couple of jars of canned sorrel, you can prepare a hot lunch without any hassle in winter.

Products for the recipe:
- sorrel - bunch,
- water - half a liter,
- 30 g salt,
- 10 ml vinegar 9%.


Sorrel for the winter in jars

Ingredients: Salt, sorrel

If you love sorrel, then you simply must pickle sorrel for the winter. Sorrel turns out very tasty. It can be used anywhere you want.


- 1 kilogram of sorrel leaves,
- 2 tablespoons of salt.


How to properly and easily freeze sorrel for the winter

Ingredients: sorrel

We are preparing an excellent vegetable preparation for the winter - frozen sorrel at home. In this way, you can harvest not only greens, but also any vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms. It’s worth taking note of the recipe, it will definitely come in handy.

- fresh sorrel,
- food bags.


Preparing sorrel for the winter without salt

Ingredients: sorrel, water

Have you taken a break from canning over the winter? All. Spring has arrived and it's time to open a new harvesting season. To begin with, we suggest you save the first green - sorrel. It can be salted and dried. But we suggest you preserve it without salt.

For the recipe you will need:
- sorrel - 1 bunch,
- water.

Sorrel is widely used in cooking to add a pleasant sourness to dishes. In addition, this plant contains many vitamins and has medicinal properties. It improves digestion, the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, and heals abrasions. There is no shortage of sorrel in spring and summer, so this time should be used to prepare for winter. After all, in cold weather, everyone really wants to enjoy delicious vitamin-rich dishes with fragrant herbs.

Having prepared sorrel for future use, it can be used in the winter not only for preparing soups and meat, but also for baking. This plant also makes an amazing sauce for meat, vegetables and poultry. Thanks to such preparations, you can enjoy your favorite dishes all year round. There are several ways to prepare sorrel for the winter, which we will now share with you.

  • Freezing

In the simplest way. But after it the sourness is lost, for which this plant is valued most of all. First, the sorrel is moved, withered and yellowed leaves are thrown out. We thoroughly wash the selected sorrel leaves, dry them and finely chop them. Place the greens in portions into small bags.

  • Drying

Sorrel, like any other greens, can be dried. To do this, we prepare the sorrel, cut it and lay it out on paper or mesh. It is important to ensure that the sun does not fall on the sorrel. Stirring the sorrel occasionally ensures it dries evenly.

  • Conservation

The most successful way to prepare sorrel for the winter is preservation. The process takes a little longer, but the tasty greens retain all their properties.

Here are a few different recipes:

Cold pickling


  • sorrel – 5 bunches
  • salt – 50 g

This simple method is perfect for those who don't want to bother with sterilizing jars. However, it is worth understanding that such jars will be stored less. This recipe involves filling jars with layers of chopped sorrel and salt.

Easy canning


  • sorrel leaves – 1 kg
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons

First, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes in any way you are used to. Meanwhile, wash the sorrel and chop it quite finely. Fill the jars with greens very tightly. To do this, we use a regular potato masher. Pour salt on top and fill with boiled water, close with lids.

Canned sorrel with other herbs


  • sorrel – 10 bunches
  • green onions – 3 bunches
  • dill – 1 bunch
  • parsley – 1 bunch
  • water – 50 ml

Chop the washed greens and place them in a large saucepan. Stir and add a little water, turn on the gas. Cook the mixture over medium heat until darkened. Then we put the greens into sterilized jars and roll them up. This preservation does not require salt or other spices.

Sorrel puree


  • sorrel – 1 kg

Prepare the sorrel leaves, blanch them for a few minutes and rub them through a sieve. Then put the puree into jars and sterilize for 40 minutes. After this, we roll up the jars and place them upside down.

Canned sorrel with horseradish


First we prepare the marinade filling, for which we mix all the ingredients except sorrel and horseradish. Let it sit for 24 hours, strain through cheesecloth and mix well with chopped blanched sorrel and grated horseradish. We put everything into jars, sterilize for 20-25 minutes and close the lids tightly. Cool upside down.

When it’s time to stock up for the winter, none of the experienced housewives will ignore such a tasty and healthy plant as sorrel. After all, in winter you can cook so many things from it! Everyone's favorite green borscht and various soups. For those who are watching their figure, it will be an excellent addition to low-calorie salads, and if you are not afraid of gaining weight, you can use sorrel as a filling for pies. Sorrel is simply a storehouse of vitamins, which is especially valuable in the winter season. It contains a large dose of vitamins A, E, K, B vitamins, oxalic and ascorbic acid.

What you need to know when preparing sorrel for the winter

Preparation options

Usually, Harvesting sorrel for the winter at home is done in several ways:

  1. Drying.
  2. Blockage in banks.

The first method is very simple and straightforward. For it you only need a freezer and, of course, the plant itself. You can freeze it either whole leaves or finely chopped. Don’t forget to sort it out before freezing, rinse it thoroughly and be sure to let it dry. This preparation will be stored for more than one winter. And don’t listen to anyone who says that after freezing it loses its taste, namely, its characteristic sourness disappears. Nothing like this happens if you avoid defrosting and re-freezing. In winter, from such a preparation you can prepare everything the same as from a fresh plant.

Drying is also extremely simple. Just like when freezing, sorrel leaves must be sorted out, washed and dried, then cut and allowed to dry, spread on paper or lint-free cloth. They dry out quite quickly. The resulting dried leaves can be placed in a convenient container (box or jar), from which it will be convenient to take such a seasoning in winter.

Sealing sorrel for the winter in jars

Concerning preparing sorrel for the winter in jars, then this method is much more multifaceted and diverse than the previous ones. There are a huge number of good recipes for such preparations, and each housewife has her own special one. Regardless of the recipe, the sorrel leaves must first be thoroughly sorted, then soaked in water, rinsed under running water and allowed to dry. After this, you can start preparing them by choosing any of the recipes offered below.

  • 1.5 kg sorrel;
  • 300 grams of green onions;
  • 20 g parsley;
  • 20 g dill;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 600 ml water.

Wash the sorrel, onion, dill and parsley well, put it in a saucepan, add salt and pour boiling water over it. According to the recipe, let the resulting mixture boil for 10 minutes and immediately pour it into jars. Cover the jars with a lid and send them to sterilize.

After 20 minutes of sterilization, roll up the jars and leave to cool without removing them from the water.

As you can see, preparing sorrel is quite simple, quickly and inexpensively. Of all the known winter recipes, these preparations are the simplest.

Despite all its benefits, this plant has certain contraindications. If you have kidney disease, then sorrel dishes can be consumed maximum once a week. People with painful joints should not get carried away with them either.

Bon appetit and be healthy!