How to tame an angry dog ​​with a cat. Accustoming a dog to a kitten or the secrets of eternal friendship. Who is the head in this house

Owners who already have a dog often take a kitten under their care. Of course, these pets, incompatible in many respects, may have conflicts that have irreparable consequences.

It is known that the easiest way to accustom a puppy to a kitten. If you raise and educate pets together from a young age, in the future they will become inseparable friends and no misunderstandings can arise between them. However, the situation is completely different with an already adult dog and a small kitten.

Preparing for your first meeting

Cats and dogs are by nature very different animals. Scientific studies have shown that cats secrete a special secretion with a specific odor, which is why dogs often react aggressively to them. Therefore, for the harmonious existence of these animals in the same territory, the dog should be accustomed to this particular smell.

On the very first day of purchasing a kitten, you should never introduce it to a dog - its reaction can be unpredictable. Pets should not interact with each other for at least 4 days, preferably a week. During this time, the dog should get a little used to the new smell of the kitten, which will make the first acquaintance easier. Animals must be kept in different rooms behind tightly closed doors, but they must be periodically changed places so that they can quickly get used to someone else's smell.

It should be remembered that a kitten can also show aggression at the sight of a dog, so before meeting a new “neighbor” he should file the claws a little. When smelling a dog, the kitten may tear up wallpaper and furniture, and the dog, in turn, may mark its territory or try to find the cat in closets and corners.

The character of the dog also greatly influences the process of first acquaintance. Dogs that are calm in nature, even fighting breeds, react adequately to a kitten, and often do not even attach much importance to the presence of a new pet in the apartment. In this case, the cat’s behavior should be regulated, because here it is he who can become the initiator of a conflict or simply be afraid of the presence of a “formidable” animal.

Dogs with a playful character and increased activity can be incredibly happy about their new neighbor - sniffing him, wagging their tail, trying to play with him. Such a “warm welcome” can also frighten the kitten and provoke it into aggression, which can lead to injury to the dog and owner.

First meeting

Before the very first meeting with a kitten, the dog must be wearing a collar and muzzle. Acquaintance should take place gradually, without stress. It is strictly forbidden to immediately leave a dog in the same room with a kitten. It is best to introduce pets through a small opening under the strict supervision of the owner.

If neither the dog nor the kitten develops pronounced aggression, then such meetings can be held regularly until the pets are completely accustomed to each other. It is important to note that there are hunting breeds of dogs, the representatives of which are very difficult to accustom to a kitten - the dog will see its prey in the small creature. With such an introduction, the most important thing is not to let go of the kitten - if the kitten runs, the dog will start hunting for it.

Coexistence after dating

After getting to know each other well and getting used to each other, the animals can already be kept in the same room and not worry about them. However, it is important to continue to feed the pets separately from each other, since conflicts may arise during meals, and food that is beneficial for the dog can be harmful to the kitten’s fragile body. Pets should be fed in equal quantities, and food should be given in separate bowls so that they do not feel a sense of competition for food and territory.

It is much easier to accustom a dog to a small kitten than to an adult cat - it causes much less aggression. If aggression is shown towards a kitten, the dog should be taught commands (“Fu”, “No”, “Don’t touch”, etc.), which will help the owner control the pet’s behavior. A trained dog gets accustomed to a kitten much easier and faster.

The owner should maintain neutrality with his animals - not give preference to any of them. A pet that is left deprived of attention develops jealousy, and this can also lead to conflicts.

Every positive time spent together by pets should be encouraged, and then both dog and kitten will understand that only benefits can be derived from friendly relations.

The friendship between a dog and a kitten can reach such an extent that the dog will become the kitten’s guard from people (with the exception of the owners) and other dogs who are aggressive against it. In adult dogs, especially females, the parental instinct often awakens and they completely take care of the kitten. Sometimes it even happens that a lactating female with puppies becomes so attached to the kitten that it breastfeeds along with the puppies and goes through the growing stages with them. However, in this case, the owner should be most careful - the nursing mother may react differently and see the kitten as an enemy who must be eliminated in order to protect the offspring and so that there is no competition between the puppies and the kitten.

In the process of accustoming a dog to a kitten, the role of the owner is the most important. He must supervise the first acquaintance of his pets, monitor them after acquaintance, create comfortable conditions for the community and constantly communicate with his pets on equal terms, without pitting them against each other.

The cat is a fairly independent resident of an apartment or private house; an animal that walks on its own. And when a puppy or an adult dog appears in the neighborhood, the cat begins to panic. Therefore, you need to understand how to accustom a cat to a dog. After all, the “climate” in the entire house depends on the microclimate in their relationship. Teaching a cat to treat a puppy well is not an easy task, but every owner can do it. So what should be done so that your pets can live together in peace and harmony?

Basic rules that are important to remember

There should be no jealousy between a cat and a dog, otherwise they simply will not be able to live peacefully together. Agree that not every owner will like it when his pets behave “like a cat and a dog.”

Meeting new “neighbors”

Of course, the easiest way to accustom a cat to a dog is when they appeared at the same time in infancy on the owner’s territory. If kids grow up together, then in the future they will have no problems with sharing territory, toys, etc. It is much more difficult to establish contact between a dog and a cat if one of them appeared in the apartment or house before his newly arrived “brother”. The “old-timer” rightfully considers himself the master of the house (and, as a rule, this is a cat), so you need to teach the cat to accept the new neighbor without beating around the bush.

So, let's start with getting acquainted. The first thing to do is to let the animals get used to each other's smells. To do this, the dog and the cat must stay in different rooms for 2-3 days, where they will get used to each other at a distance. It is also worth feeding them in separate rooms.

Second: prepare a representative of the dog world for a meeting with a cat. To do this, the dog needs to be well fed and walked so that he is in a good mood. When your puppy is fed and happy, he won't listen to his chasing instincts so hard. And then follow the third step, how to teach two animals to live in harmony.

Third: in order to accustom a cat to a dog, you need to put on the dog’s equipment: a leash, a collar, a muzzle. You shouldn't let your dog get close to your cat right away. The distance between future friends should be at least a meter. The dog needs to be given the command to “lie down.” If a representative of the canine world does not react to his future neighbor, he should be rewarded with a tasty treat. Now the dog can come up and sniff the kitten lying peacefully on the lap of someone at home. If a dog shows aggression, it needs to be made clear that it is wrong. To do this, she is given the command “fu”. In this case, the delicacy is left until better times. Teaching a dog to calmly react to a member of the feline family means training every day until the desired result is achieved.

The familiarization stage on a leash and muzzle usually lasts no more than 3-4 days. If you have succeeded in the question of how to accustom animals to each other, not only in theory, but also in practice, then the leash and collar can be safely removed. Now the main task of the owner is to achieve peace in the house and avoid and suppress conflict situations. And this can be achieved if you follow the advice from this article.

The principles of living under one roof

Perhaps the moment will come when the owner begins to be jealous of the cat and the puppy, because they will find a common language and will frolic and play, thereby bringing pleasure to the whole family.

Consolidate the result

To train a cat and a dog to live together, you need to understand the supposed reasons for their enmity. Most often, a “war” begins when the owner’s “companion” invades the territory of another. For example, this can be observed in a private house, where a dog lives outside the house, and a cat lives within the walls of the house. In addition, the dog may experience a feeling of jealousy because the owner is acting unfairly: the cat is treated kindly and tenderly, it lives in the house, warms itself, receives goodies or steals them itself. And the dog is forced to freeze on the street, guard a huge territory and barely get a piece of bread for it.

Therefore, in order to accustom a cat to a dog in the house, the owner must take care of the equality of both animals. And then friendship, or at worst neutrality, will be ensured.

If the animals have become friends, you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog can protect his feline “brother” when walking together in nature from the encroachments of other animals. Therefore, you need to study the question of how to train a dog not to react to the actions of other members of the cat family.

How to make friends with a dog and a cat? It has long been believed that these two animals are bitter enemies. We have seen dogs chasing tailed purrs more than once.

Zoologists believe that true friendship between these animals practically does not exist. Peaceful existence is, rather, a truce or mutual tolerance. But whatever it is, we still need to figure out how to make friends with a dog and a cat.

An adult purr and a small puppy

Of course, it is better for animals to live together since childhood, but if this did not work out, then do not be upset.

If you already have a cat in your home, get a puppy between three and twelve weeks of age. This way they can get along quite easily, especially if you don’t allow them to come into close contact at first. It’s just that a little puppy is always friendly, but if he wants to play with a cat, he can meet with resistance. It's better to introduce them at a distance first. It is necessary to pay attention to the purr so that it does not seem to it that it is now an unloved animal.

Cats are very smart creatures; they immediately understand who is to blame for the fact that they have lost primacy in their master's love. As a result of this, the tailed pet will have a desire to take revenge. As you understand, this cannot be allowed. Otherwise, the affectionate cat will show aggressiveness towards the “stranger”. Make sure that the puppy does not bother the purr or bite its tail or ears. Remember that dogs do not understand the signs of irritation inherent in a cat, so they do not expect that it can teach a lesson in “good manners.” Warning methods include hissing and tail twitching. The little dog will not understand such “hints”.

As a rule, puppies do not show aggression towards cats due to their friendliness and age. Very often, adult purrs take custody of doggies. Sometimes they remain indifferent. In any case, existence should be peaceful.

During the introduction, keep an eye on the cat. If she bites the puppy’s tail, lies on top or in his place, then she is friendly towards the baby. If a small dog wags its tail and takes characteristic poses for playing, then it also expresses sympathy for the purr.

During the period when the puppy behaves friendly, pet the cat, as she can hardly understand what this little scoundrel wants.

Adult animals: how to make friends with a dog and a cat?

If both animals are already in adulthood, then the situation becomes much more complicated. The first meeting should be conducted very carefully. Sit the dog down, command: “Sit!”, then praise for following the command and show the cat. If she runs, stop any attempts by the dog to follow her. He must understand that you treat the cat peacefully. During the first meeting, you can put a collar with a leash and a muzzle on the dog.

How to make friends with a dog and a cat? It will take a lot of time for them to get used to the presence of another pet. It may take a couple of months to get used to it. A cat should always have a place where it can feel completely safe. Therefore, take care of this in advance. For example, a desk. The best option is another room. There you need to put a bowl for water and food, as well as a house for the purr. From time to time you need to arrange meetings for animals in the same room, start small - one or two minutes. At the same time, always keep an eye on the dog; any aggression must be stopped.

Dog and kitten

You need to be especially careful when you take a kitten into the house with a dog. After all, the dog, due to his natural instincts, has always treated cats with hostility and wariness, so even in a young creature he can see a problem.

If the dog is tolerant of cats, then their acquaintance should go smoothly, and further cohabitation will not be a burden to anyone.

The first meeting must take place under constant supervision; you need to very carefully monitor the reactions of the animals.

Let each of them get used to the new neighbor; there is no need to immediately introduce them better.

Before the first meeting, be sure to walk and feed the dog. This way you will reduce the dog’s aggressiveness and relieve him of additional reasons for concern.

Isolate the animals for a couple of days so that they can get used to the new smells and feel the proximity, but not be too close. After moving in, immediately feed both pets, so you can create pleasant associations with them - a foreign smell and delicious food. Thanks to this, the dog will quickly accept his new neighbor.

Next, feed your pets in the same room, but at a distance. So both animals will associate the new neighbor with a pleasant meal. But still, be careful at first. Over time, the animals will get used to each other, perhaps even sleeping together.

Cats and dogs are animals with different behavior and worldviews, so you need to approach their introduction carefully. It’s different in every home: in some cases they get along great, in other cases they don’t get along so well. We hope that you understand how to make friends between a cat and a dog. As a result of this, our tips will help you introduce two different, but such beautiful creatures of nature.

The cat and the dog were neighbors,

The cat and dog were great friends.

Never grumbled at anyone

Often they helped each other out in trouble

And contrary to all stupid proverbs

They often shared both meat and soup.

It's bad to be mean and bully

Better be friends like a cat and a dog.

V. Tatarinov

Whining, hissing, short paw strikes and clanking of teeth - that's how a meeting is! What if it’s like this for a week, a month, a year? Keeping dogs and cats in the same area turns into a series of military operations under the slogan: “Only one will survive.” How to make friends between a cat and a dog so that peace and tranquility reigns in the family?

Acting as a parliamentarian, the owner must first offer something to both sides of the conflict. In most cases, a dog and a cat do not get along in the house due to territorial claims. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to delimit the space, but not physically, but functionally. There is no point in installing partitions and locking doors, because we are interested in how to accustom a dog to a cat, and for pets to become friends, they must communicate.

First you need to divide the dining area. It’s great if you have the opportunity to feed your pets in different rooms, since feuding cats and dogs are unlikely to dine together: either the dog will take food from the cat, or the cat will try to steal a piece from the dog’s bowl. And this is a serious reason for a fight! If space is limited, dog bowls are placed on the floor, and cat dishes are placed on the windowsill or countertop.

The rules for keeping dogs and cats under one roof provide for the delimitation of recreation areas. This is not difficult to do, since cats like to climb higher, and dogs, especially in the hot season, settle on the floor. To make your cat feel safe, install a tall climbing tree, lay a mattress on the windowsill, and equip one of the walls with step shelves that lead right up to the ceiling. If a dog bites a cat, the pet will run to a saving height rather than try to fight back: prudent cats prefer to avoid conflict as long as possible.

Read also: The cat has cold paws: identifying the causes and preventing the consequences

Fanged Jealousy

Often, keeping cats and dogs together is marred by the pets’ jealousy of the “leader.” And it’s not about the boundless love of the tailed ones, although we are flattered by the common misconception. In reality, pets are driven by fear - the fear of losing favor and being kicked out of the pack. To understand how to make friends between a cat and a dog, it is important to realize this point: if one of the pets feels deprived of affection and attention, he begins to experience stress, directing aggression towards the “competitor”. An apartment or a private house has a limited territory.

Man is a physically and spiritually strong creature, dominant over animals. From the point of view of a cat or dog (which is not far from the truth), the owner can get rid of an unwanted pet at any time, so lack of attention is a cause for serious concern. Since reconciliation between a cat and a dog is possible only if both pets feel like necessary and important members of the pack, it is necessary to give both pets a sufficient amount of attention. Enough, not the same: Many cats are irritated by excessive intrusiveness, and some dogs are ready to play and communicate with their loved one all day.

Who is the head in this house?

There is a struggle for power in any society. The sooner the “leader” establishes himself, the sooner peace will come. The owner’s task is to explain to the dog that the cat occupies a higher level on the hierarchy ladder. Why is this and not the other way around? Firstly, in most cases, a cat is initially allowed many things that a dog is prohibited from (walking on tables, climbing on window sills, defecating indoors). Secondly, the rules for keeping dogs and cats in the same area should be based on the instincts of these animals.

Dogs are social animals that know how to obey, because conflicts within a pack are inevitable and someone must give in. Cats by nature do not know what submission is. They avoid conflict for a simple reason: if a fight breaks out, they must go to the end, since the loser will face death or exile. Since it is easier to reconcile a cat and a dog if the mustachioed princess realizes her superiority, you need to start with the dog, which, without any emotional distress, accepts a subordinate position.

Read also: Do cats get cold in winter?

Education through play

Joint gatherings and active games in which all members of the “pack” participate - both four-legged and two-legged - will help turn the meaning of the phraseology “live like a cat and a dog” on its head. Perhaps at first the noisy “fuss” will not be to the cat’s liking. But over time, watching a fun game, she will succumb to excitement and curiosity (of course, if the owner periodically pays attention to the cat, inviting her to play with a tempting tease or a tasty morsel).

If during the game the dog bites the cat, the fun ends with a short “no” and a light click on the nose. Then you need to get up and leave, showing dissatisfaction. You cannot raise your voice or hit the dog; in a state of panic, it will not learn its lesson. If a cat attacks a dog, we act in the same way. You should not take one side, feeling sorry for the “victim”. Owners often make this mistake: they grab the “beaten” dog, stroke it and talk to it sympathetically, while shouting and scolding the “guilty” one. By acting in this way, you can easily turn the keeping of dogs and cats into a real war, since demonstrative acceptance of one member of the pack and expulsion of another is a reason for open aggression. It is important to remember that when a cat hits a dog with a “soft” paw, without releasing her claws, without hissing or pressing her ears back, this is a form of play, not aggression. After a few “lessons,” the pets will learn that the fun stops as soon as they cross the line designated by the owner.

The legend of feud between cats and dogs is so ingrained in our culture that we look at cases in which cats and dogs get along well under the same roof as exceptions to the rule. The idea that when these two animals meet, a conflict will inevitably arise has haunted us since childhood - it is reflected in children's stories, in cartoons and even in sayings. However, is the relationship between a cat and a dog really so clear and predetermined? The answer to this question is of interest, first of all, to those people who would like to keep both animals in peace and harmony. We will try to figure out how to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment in this article.

Progress in understanding why dogs and cats do not get along well can only be achieved by looking for their radical differences from each other, which completely prevent the animals from finding a common language.

Differences in habits

The most important difference that outlines the gap between dogs and cats is the difference in “worldviews”, which consists in the attitude towards their relatives, other animals, people and their own territory.

Sociable dogs

As all dog lovers know well, dogs are animals that need constant company, be it a pack of dogs or a close circle of people. To get approval from a person, dogs can go to many self-restraints, realizing that in the end the coveted praise awaits them. It is thanks to this characterological feature that dogs can be trained.

Single cats

Cats, in turn, are more of an asocial species. Of course, felines have a number of instincts that allow them to regulate their behavior in a pack. It would be wrong to say that cats are absolutely self-sufficient. Marking the territory, sexual hunting - all this indicates that the cat is aware of the presence of potential competitors.

However, the behavior of cats is more aimed at fencing off, marking their own boundaries and carefully guarding them. Even wild cats that have the ability to form groups avoid this by leading a solitary lifestyle. They unite only during mating periods to produce offspring, which also very quickly gain independence and are separated from the mother.

By the way! The rumor that cats don't need communication is exaggerated. Some breeds, such as the American Redgol, Siamese cat, Abyssinian cat, etc., require constant attention from the owner and are ready to fight for it in all available ways.

Due to their isolation, cats sometimes seem arrogant and even arrogant to their owners, but all these qualities are nothing more than a figment of a rich imagination. Cats survive by all means available to them, both in apartments and in the wild. The notorious feline “inaccessibility” is the result of habits that cats developed during evolution and were consolidated due to their practicality.

Result of interaction

As a result, as soon as the dog wishes to get to know the cat, a defensive reaction is triggered. Hissing, grinning, raised fur - all this indicates that the pet is not too happy about the dog’s unceremoniousness and takes it as a threat. This cold shoulder is explained by the difference in interpretation of actions and the different comfort zones of the two pets. In order for these animals to understand each other’s needs and adapt to them, it takes time and the owner’s adjustment of the pets’ harsh behavior when required.

Scenarios for unsuccessful acquaintances between two animals can be as follows:

Hunting instincts

It has long been believed that only the canine family can afford to hunt the cat family, but this is not entirely true. There is a whole theory according to which the hatred of dogs for cats is explained by the “original” sin of predatory felines, such as

  1. Tiger;
  2. Leopard;
  3. Cheetah.

These animals are still persecuting the following canids:

  1. Hyena;
  2. Coyote;
  3. Jackal.

It is assumed that fear and anger towards all cats was well imprinted on the instinctive level in dogs and was passed on to other individuals from generation to generation. And now, when lions or leopards can only be found in nature reserves, the hostile attitude of dogs towards cats continues to manifest itself in the most unpredictable circumstances. For example, two animals were just sitting calmly on the same sofa, but as soon as the cat went about his business, the dog growled and chased him.

Although plausible, this theory is speculative and controversial.

There are also certain breeds of dogs that are predisposed to hunting cats. These breeds include:

  • Hunting greyhounds;
  • Terriers;
  • Pitbulls;
  • Dobermans.

However, most hunting dogs have little interest in cats as prey. Dogs do not eat cats and very rarely maul them to death. The only claims that these animals may have in relation to each other are territorial and food. The struggle for resources and “good places” can go on endlessly between cats and dogs.

Conversation in different languages

To communicate both with each other and with other species, cats and dogs use their body language. Thinking that these languages ​​are the same is like believing that a Japanese can easily understand an Italian without a translator.

The problem is that sometimes, given signals with completely different contents, cats and dogs use the same gestures to display them:

As a result, we get two diametrically opposed “language” systems, hardly translatable into each other. However, this does not mean that a cat and a dog cannot get along at all. After all, some expressions of affection and tenderness are common to these animals.

By the way! There are cases where dogs found helpless kittens and fed them along with their puppies. As they grew older, such cats became full-fledged members of the pack, without experiencing any discomfort from the need to constantly be in society.

It should be remembered that the behavior of animals, despite the development of animal psychology and related sciences, largely remains a mystery, inaccessible to humans. All stereotypes about cats and dogs are instantly destroyed when we encounter rare, but from time to time, repeated exceptions.

Rivalry between cats and dogs in the apartment

Now that we have learned about the global causes of misunderstanding between cats and dogs, let's look at everyday problems that often become the source of animal “scandals” within four walls.


Unfortunately, the destructive feeling of jealousy is as familiar to animals as it is to people. Some owners tend to deny the presence of such complex feelings in their pets, or simply not notice them, which sometimes leads to serious consequences. A jealous pet is terrible in anger and is capable of unpleasant actions.

You can recognize a jealous pet by the following signs:

  1. At the moment when you are paying attention to another animal, your pet may, as if by accident, do something nasty. A dropped flower, a broken wire, tattered upholstery can also be a simple coincidence. But if you notice that the antics of one pet are timed to coincide with the time when you leave him to play with another, then you can conclude that the animal deprived of care is making an intricate protest;

  2. The pet begins to disappear from sight more often. Now you can’t find the animal that constantly accompanied the owner in the apartment for days; you can only meet the pet at the food bowl or at the tray. This behavior has something in common with provocation, with an urge to notice the absence of an elusive favorite and finally turn your love to him;

  3. Unpredictable display of aggression by jealous animals. If over many years you have managed to get used to the established habits of your pet, and now he has changed beyond recognition, then you should analyze the motives for such changes. In case of jealousy, attempts to caress the jealous person can only end in bloody scratches and a bad mood. This is how the pet demonstrates to the owner that from now on it is too late to catch up;

  4. Refusal to eat. Sometimes, if the pet has not recognized anyone except its owner, it may even refuse food for a while, seeing how the person leaves it. There may be other manifestations of stress, such as refusal to have a bowel movement. Such changes in the body are explained by the stress experienced by the animal, which feels abandoned to the mercy of fate.

At the same time, one should not think that the pet is jealous exclusively of the owner’s attention and best feelings, which are no longer directed towards him. Fear of losing the favor of the “leader” is, as a rule, an inversion of fear for one’s own territory and food resources. An ignored animal feels expelled from the pack, which creates fear for its future life.

Food Resources

Even if the pets' bowls are always full of food and none of them knows hunger or thirst, the struggle for food often makes itself felt not only between a dog and a cat, but between any animals in general. The roots of this struggle grow from the instinct of self-preservation. The knowledge that an empty bowl will be immediately filled is inaccessible to pets and is taken for granted only by the owner.

Both dogs and cats live in constant tension, anticipating the need to engage in combat in order to obtain food. Competition for the “emergency supply” is especially intense if you place your pets’ bowls close to each other and feed them at the same time. Animals do not miss the opportunity to look into a comrade’s bowl, and, on occasion, to steal something from there, or to start a scandal based on unsatisfied interests.


The presence of certain estates intended for dogs and cats does not exclude the possibility of endless internecine wars. Since animals are constantly assessing the area dominated by their competitor, they are always ready for a showdown when they see that their boundaries are being trampled.

Sometimes it happens that one of the animals treacherously encroaches on the legitimate possessions of another pet and begins to oppress him. If the owner leaves such a “military” situation to chance, conflicts risk escalating into bloody fights that are dangerous to the health of the pets.

To find suitable “homes” for animals, sometimes it is necessary to sort through a number of unsuitable options. So, some cats love play sets, some don’t even touch them. Some dogs love cozy houses (especially small breeds), some love space and open spaces.

What not to do

It makes sense to start considering possible tactics for establishing relationships between pets with common mistakes:

  1. Don't pick your favorite. Some owners consciously give preference to one of their animals, some practice favoritism without realizing it, and then are surprised by the outbreak of jealousy in an animal that feels isolated. Distribute your attention as evenly as possible, without giving the animal a reason to think that he was expelled from the “pride”;

  2. Do not punish animals for being hostile. At first, skirmishes and conflicts are possible between any animals living in a common area. For both a cat and a dog, getting used to each other is always stress, which certainly leaves an imprint on the pet’s behavior. The owner is required to note the transition to aggression and dilute the situation in a timely manner;

  3. Don't leave your pets alone with each other. Remember that aggression often comes out of nowhere. As already mentioned, calmness and satisfaction with each other’s company can suddenly escalate into a chase and even a fight. The behavior of animals is unpredictable, therefore, whenever possible, the owner must maintain control over the situation and know when to intervene;

  4. Don't label animals. If a cat has shown himself to be a “fighter,” you should not scold him, especially in front of the dog. This will only double the pet’s negative experiences and provoke aggression from the dog, who will see that such inappropriate behavior is acceptable. Any action of an animal has its own rational reasons, and it would be extremely inconsistent on the part of the owner to count a cat for harmfulness while he was trying to save his life.

Despite the uniqueness of each problem situation, there are several recommendations that will make it as easy as possible for a dog and cat to get used to each other:

  1. Observe the rules of hierarchy, which are very important for animals. For example, the younger members of the “pack” receive food after the older ones have eaten. Avoid all kinds of privileges and concessions. The sooner you establish a system of relationships, beyond which you will not go, the faster the animals will take comfortable roles in it;

  2. Start training your dog if you haven't already. It is much easier to teach a disciplined dog how to properly handle a cat, since training involves recognizing the owner’s status as a leader, capable of influencing the course of events at any moment;
  3. Take control of the situation. It is very naive to hope that animals will find a common language “on their own”, since their behavior is regulated by changeable instincts, and not by humane aspirations. However, it is also not worth spending all your time watching animals, since this obsessive attention can have a negative effect on them;

    Don't expect animals to figure things out on their own and intervene in the situation if necessary.

  4. Arrange joint games to strengthen the relationship between pets. If you feel that the animals are ready to take part in spending time together without overstepping boundaries, feel free to bring them together. General leisure will allow pets to get rid of jealousy and get plenty of attention from the owner;
  5. If necessary, provide your cat with a separate tray. If you begin to notice that your cat is visiting the litter box less often, you should think about a separate toilet. A cat is often stressed by the presence of a dog, which can lead to the accumulation of feces in the animal's intestines. It is important to notice alarming changes in your pet’s behavior in time and take measures to eliminate them;

  6. Trim your pets' nails. This point especially applies to aggressive cats that use their claws with or without reason. In some cases, it is permissible to use anti-scratch guards to prevent injury to the dog. It is also advisable to shorten dog claws, but they are not as sharp as cat claws and do not cause such deep scratches, since dogs use them less often;

Encourage your pets. If you notice how a dog is learning how to handle a small kitten, do not ignore its work - let it know with a treat that your pet’s efforts were not in vain. Do the same with the cat, stepping over itself, and gradually opening up to the dog. Remember that bonding is not easy for pets.

Video - Keeping a cat and a dog in the same area

Introducing an adult dog to a kitten

As a rule, dogs have a positive attitude towards each new family member and are the first to get to know each other. Your task is to control the dog’s enthusiasm, since he may simply not calculate his strength and scare the kitten half to death (this especially applies to large dogs).


During the first days, it is advisable to keep the animals in separate rooms and allow them to gradually get closer to each other. Initial meetings may only last a few minutes. The main goal of these meetings is not so much to get to know each other, but to be able to assimilate the smell of a “partner.” Animals can react negatively to the smell of a stranger; this detail of behavior is very clearly manifested in hunting dogs. Getting used to the smell of a kitten will allow the dog to significantly reduce the degree of aggression, if any.

By the way! In order for the dog to quickly get used to the new “tenant”, even before bringing the kitten into the apartment, you should let the pet sniff some of the kitten’s things so that he becomes familiar with the smell of the newcomer in advance and does not perceive it as a potential danger.


Animals must be fed separately. If you have a multi-room apartment, it is advisable to give your pets food in different rooms. If animals have to get along in a studio apartment, place bowls in different corners.

The food should be given to the older animal first, following a hierarchy that is important for both dogs and cats. The kitten should learn that his desires will not be satisfied primarily due to his age, and that in this “pack” everyone is equal.


Each pet should have their own place where they feel safe. If you try to combine the sleeping and resting areas of both animals, then expect a response in the form of clarification of the relationship between them.

By the way! Play complexes are perfect for a kitten; climbing on them will put him out of reach. Such complexes, in addition to creating comfort for the pet, will promote claw sharpening and muscle development.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of growing anxiety in a cat in time in order to stop the manifestation of aggression towards a defenseless puppy. The information below will help you understand what type of anxiety your pet is experiencing. You can read more about it on our portal.

Introducing an adult cat to a puppy

Puppies cope more easily with adults and do not need special protection. Cats show open aggression only in cases where the puppies become importunate and begin to pursue the self-sufficient pet everywhere. If you see this behavior, try to separate the puppy from the cat and engage in some kind of games, since the manifestation of importunity is nothing more than a lack of attention.

A puppy raised in the company of a cat or cats does not show aggression towards them and is not prone to conflicts. However, this rule applies only to cats of his “pack”. If this dog meets any other feline, it will be quite difficult to predict his reaction, so there is no point in experimenting.

Otherwise, the rules for getting a puppy used to a cat are exactly the same as in the case of a kitten and a dog. Let the animals get used to each other's smell, divide the apartment into non-intersecting zones in which the pets will rest from each other, and feed them separately, without giving additional reasons for aggression.

Important! The greatest difficulties occur when two adult individuals get to know each other. If possible, avoid starting a relationship this way, as mature pets already have certain experiences and behavioral characteristics that are very difficult to correct.

Dog breeds that quickly get used to cats

When wanting to introduce a dog to a cat, the owner must take into account the likelihood of their initial compatibility. It was previously mentioned that some breeds will behave hostile towards cats due to a heightened hunting instinct, regardless of the owner’s efforts. Now we will look at the breeds that are most loyal to felines.

Table 1. Dog breeds that are related to cats


Retrievers are distinguished by their friendliness and gentleness. Their gentle disposition allows pets to get along with both children and any other animals. These dogs are calm even towards strangers when they do not see a direct threat coming from them. Separation from family is experienced very painfully because they quickly become attached to members of the household

Cheerful and full of energy, Papillons are not prone to aggression towards anyone. Getting to know representatives of the breed is easy even for the most inaccessible and reserved individuals. With proper upbringing, the Papillon is calm and balanced, and at the same time he does not lose the characteristic enthusiasm and love of life characteristic of this breed

Balance and calm are the main character traits of a pug that immediately catch your eye. Representatives of the breed are not interested in conflict situations; they try to avoid them and solve all problems peacefully. Even a beginner can cope with a pug - these animals have such an easygoing disposition

Dogs of this breed are sociable and willing to be the first to make contact. Despite the fact that Basset Hounds are natural stalkers, they are not interested in cats as potential hunting targets. When introducing a basset hound to a cat, do not forget to please him with treats, which are the best rewards for this breed

Thanks to their gentle nature, Bichon Frize quickly find a common language with all members of the household, without exception. It is difficult to get bored with representatives of the breed, and they themselves are always ready to meet new people with any animals. Lust for power and dominance are concepts very far from the Bichon Frize, who are not prone to hierarchical relationships

Despite their impressive size and well-developed muscles, German boxers are friendly and accommodating. They can be cocky towards their unfamiliar relatives, but aggression towards household members is prohibited among representatives of the breed. The main thing is to give the boxer a timely outlet for his energy, often taking him for walks.