Kidney failure in dogs - symptoms and treatment. Early diagnosis of chronic renal failure in dogs Kidney failure in a dog

Kidney failure in dogs is a disorder of the kidneys in which the excretory capacity completely stops or decreases. Toxic substances accumulate in the body, and the general condition of the animal worsens. This pathology at the initial stage is almost never not detected, since owners very rarely check urine and blood at diagnostic intervals. Animals over 5 years of age are most susceptible to the disease.

Breeds at risk

The following dog breeds are most susceptible to developing kidney failure:

  1. Golden retriever.
  2. English cocker spaniel.
  3. Shih Tzu.
  4. Bull Terrier.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier.
  6. Shar Pei.
  7. German Shepherd.
  8. Samoyed husky.

Usually occurs in renal failure destruction renal tissues, and the increased load of the general excretory function falls on the remaining cells. Kidney tissues and cells are not restored. It is because of this that loss of organ function is possible.

When regularly taking urine and blood tests, it is necessary to pay special attention to the upper values ​​of the indicators - they are the ones who show whether there is a predisposition to pathology or not. It is very important to take tests regularly due to the fact that the pathology manifests itself externally when about 70% of the kidneys are already affected. Cure in this condition impossible. All that can be done is regular maintenance therapy.

This pathology has two forms:

  1. Chronic.
  2. Spicy.

Causes of pathology

Accompanying illnesses:

  1. Underdevelopment of the kidneys.
  2. Interstitial nephritis.
  3. Urolithiasis disease.
  1. Leptospirosis.
  2. Hemobartenellosis.
  3. Piroplasmosis.
  4. Viral diseases.

Genetic diseases:

  1. Polycystic disease (formation of cavities with fluid in the kidney tissue).
  2. Amyloidosis (deposition of protein in tissues and disruption of protein metabolism).

Functional (purulent and deep tissue damage):

  1. Toxic damage.
  2. Glomerulonephritis.
  3. Pyelonephritis.

Symptoms and signs of kidney failure in dogs

Kidney failure is an insidious pathology that manifests itself by external signs when it is no longer possible to restore the functioning of organs. It can begin to appear when one kidney fails completely, and the second - by a third. You need to be aware of your pet's condition attentive. Symptoms can appear one at a time or simultaneously in a complex.

The first symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Decreased animal activity.
  2. Depressed and tired look.
  3. The dog lies down more.
  4. The amount of urine that is released increases sharply. This is due to the fact that the ability to absorb and retain liquid is lost.
  5. The urge to go to the toilet increases up to 8 times.

All of these symptoms lead to constant thirst and dehydration. The amount of urine then decreases and then disappears completely.

The dog loses weight due to periodic diarrhea and vomiting, as well as lack of appetite. The pulse quickens, the mucous membranes turn pale, swelling appears (it starts from the bottom of the paws).

In the most difficult cases, inflammation in the mouth and muscle tremors can be observed. Ulcers may occur. The dog feels very bad when it starts complete apathy, vomiting of undigested food, extensive ulcerative stomatitis, regular convulsions. Because of comatose state The animal dies in the near future.

Acute form (API)

This form of the disease is distinguished by its particularly rapid rate of development and manifestation of clinical signs. The acute form of deficiency in a dog is a potentially treatable disease if diagnosed in a timely manner. Compensatory therapy can bring the kidney to a state of maximum performance. The situation is complicated by the fact that there is very rarely an acute primary course. As a rule, this is an exacerbation of the chronic type. It does main harm kidneys Secondary acute renal failure is considered incurable.

Pathology is divided into three main types depending on the main causes:

  1. Prerenal (prerenal). This type appears due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure in the kidneys. Because of this, renal blood flow is impaired (heat stroke, dehydration, bleeding, etc.).
  2. Renal (renal). This condition develops due to direct damage to the cells and tissues of the organ due to blockage of the tubules with hemoglobin, accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, exposure to snake venom, drug poisoning, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other factors.
  3. Postrenal (postrenal). The main role in this type of pathology is played by the mechanical effect on the urinary tract - complete blockage or narrowing of the lumen when compressed. It can be observed against the background of an enlarged prostate gland in male dogs, urolithiasis or tumor processes.

External signs

External obvious symptoms may appear one at a time or several at once:

  1. Sores appear in the mouth (often along the edge of the tongue).
  2. Body temperature may increase or decrease (depending on the causes of the disease).
  3. Swelling of the extremities, in advanced stages - swelling of the chest and abdomen.
  4. The mucous membranes may turn pale (or become very red), and the pulse quickens.
  5. Lost appetite. The dog does not even react to his favorite food.
  6. Muscle weakness is observed. The dog gets up with great difficulty, and its paws noticeably tremble when moving.
  7. Urination becomes more frequent, and the amount of urine increases (as the disease progresses, it decreases).
  8. The suppression of the dog occurs very sharply. In the morning she can frolic, and by the evening she can lie flat.
  9. Symptoms can develop very quickly, leading the animal to a coma.

What do tests show?

Having your pet tested, you will see:

  1. High levels of sugar and protein in the urine, decreasing its specific gravity. Renal epithelial cells, leukocytes and erythrocytes are noted.
  2. The levels of urea, creatinine, phosphorus and sugar in the blood will increase.

If these abnormalities are detected, the dog should be immediately taken to a specialist. Otherwise she may die.

Chronic form (CRF)

This form is more common in dogs over 6 years of age. The causes of development in young individuals are:

  1. Chronic primary kidney disease.
  2. Genetic predisposition to kidney diseases.
  3. Previously formed surge arrester.

External symptoms appear late in the development of the disease. They are:

  1. Swelling may occur.
  2. Gagging, vomiting of undigested food.
  3. The number of heart contractions decreases, body temperature decreases.
  4. A sharp ammonia smell is heard from the mouth.
  5. Signs of dehydration appear - viscous saliva, dry mucous membranes, dull fur.
  6. Intense thirst.
  7. Very little urine is produced, sometimes only the urge remains.
  8. The dog becomes lethargic and weak.

Analyzes show the following:

  1. There is a lot of sugar and protein in the urine, and the specific gravity drops. No sediment is observed.
  2. There are signs of anemia in the blood, increased levels of urea and creatinine.

Food for dogs with kidney failure

When treating a disease, it is necessary to follow a certain diet. Can feed the pet a personally developed diet or industrial ready-made food intended for animals with renal failure. When feeding yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  1. There should be a high or moderate amount of fat in food. They can easily restore the energy that the dog lacks. It is not difficult for a weakened body to digest them. Saturated fats are found in full-fat yogurts, egg whites, fatty meats and butter. But vegetable oils are not recommended.
  2. Protein foods are acceptable, but with high quality protein and in limited quantities. Experts do not recommend completely eliminating protein from your diet.
  3. Carbohydrates in small quantities. They provide nutrients and calories without increasing the amount of phosphorus. To do this, the diet includes steamed vegetables, semolina and round rice.
  4. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt.
  5. Give your pet only filtered, clean water in sufficient quantities.
  6. Dogs often lose or decrease their appetite. It is necessary to find a product whose smell will provoke your pet to consume food.
  7. You can add the following supplements to your food: vitamins C, E, B, coenzyme Q-10, salmon oil.
  8. It is necessary to completely remove multivitamin complexes, which include phosphorus and vitamin D, from the diet.

Treatment methods

Treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease is carried out with approximately the same medications. The only difference is that in case of acute renal failure it is necessary first of all to eliminate the influence of the provoking factor, and in case of chronic renal failure it is necessary to maintain the vitality of the pet. Treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

If the disease is diagnosed during, then treatment is possible. Chronic renal failure is considered incurable, in which medical procedures help put the animal’s body into a state of compensation, prolonging the dog’s relatively normal life for a long time.

It is impossible to completely restore kidney function if the cause of the disease is a congenital underdevelopment or other genetic pathology.

In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

  1. Intensive drip administration of medications is prescribed, aimed at restoring acid-base, electrolyte and water balance. Thanks to the droppers, the maximum amount of toxic elements that the kidneys cannot directly cope with is removed. Solutions must be administered warm so as not to worsen the condition of the pet, whose body temperature is already low.
  2. Medicines are prescribed that normalize blood counts, relieve vomiting and eliminate anemia (this is natural with chronic renal failure).
  3. For purulent lesions, antibiotic therapy may be necessary.
  4. Urination is normalized with the help of diuretic medications and mechanical diversion of urine in case of bladder overflow.
  5. During an exacerbation, urine and blood tests are regularly done. This is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the state. During this time, it is best to leave your pet in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.
  6. To suppress immune reactions in autoimmune glomerulonephritis and restore water balance, glucocorticoid systemic therapy is used.
  7. If necessary, medications are administered to lower blood pressure and normalize the passage of blood through the kidneys.
  8. There may be a need for drugs that reduce total acidity in the stomach and protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. The level of phosphorus in the blood is strictly controlled.

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Which manifests itself in violation of their main function - filtering. In other words, for certain reasons, the kidneys cannot remove toxic substances from the blood that are formed during the life of the body. Because of this, a kind of poisoning occurs.

Kidneys perform many functions in a dog's body. This is cleansing of harmful substances, removing fluid from the body, producing certain hormones, maintaining stable blood pressure. In addition, the kidneys participate in the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D3, and maintain the nutritional status of the body and its acid-base balance.

The causes of kidney problems can vary. These include the entry into the body of infection and toxic substances. Kidney failure can also be caused by various injuries, previous illnesses, or simply poor-quality products. Some dogs succumb to kidney failure due to age-related changes or due to a genetic predisposition.

Kidney failure can have two forms: acute and chronic. The first occurs due to shock, the toxic effects of toxic substances, and the use of certain drugs. Functional dysfunctions manifest themselves quite acutely. The acute form is less dangerous than the chronic form, since the possibility of recovery is not excluded.

Doctors divide acute renal failure into several groups:

  1. prerenal – develops as a result of shock arising from various sources when blood pressure drops and blood circulation within the kidneys is impaired;
  2. renal - occurs and develops in the presence of infections, inflammatory processes in the kidneys due to the direct effect of certain substances and drugs on the kidney tissue;
  3. postrenal - appears after urolithiasis, with compression or even blockage of the urinary tract.

The chronic form occurs and manifests itself over a long period of time. In this case, a process of constant death of nephrons occurs. Interestingly, for some time, still living cells take on tasks and completely replace the dead ones. And only when 23 or more kidney tissues are affected, they begin to identify and show signs of the disease.

This stage is difficult to treat, if at all. The maximum that can be done is to maintain the vital activity of the dog’s kidneys through many different procedures.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs

Chronic renal failure is a serious disease. It is accompanied by increased thirst, decreased temperature, depression of the general condition of the body, dehydration, unpleasant odor from the mouth, and vomiting. Urination either drops sharply or disappears completely.

In the acute form, the animal, in addition to the above circumstances, also becomes less active. The dog gradually moves less and sleeps more.

Symptoms that are noticed almost immediately include your dog being very thirsty and urinating frequently. To distinguish this symptom from the normal state, you need to remember that a healthy dog ​​needs 50 milliliters of water for every kilogram of weight. In case of renal failure, the amount of water she takes at least doubles.

Vomiting may not appear at first, but over time the dog eats less and less and reluctantly, sometimes vomiting occurs, which then recurs more often.

The doctor diagnoses kidney failure based on data on the animal’s condition, as well as the results of tests performed. One of the decisive parameters in diagnosis is the amount of urine. The urea of ​​a sick dog may contain urea and creatine, and the level of acidity and phosphorus in the blood increases. When analyzing a pet's urine, protein, glucose, and fiber from the epithelial integument of the kidney can also be detected.

In addition to general tests, X-ray diagnostics are also performed, including the introduction of certain special substances into the blood, and less commonly, ultrasound diagnostics or biopsy.

Treatment of kidney failure in dogs

The main direction of treating a dog for kidney failure is to eliminate the causes, correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances, stimulate diuresis, and remove toxins from the body. Therefore, sick pets are often prescribed intensive therapy. It is the elimination of the causes that plays a huge role. Because it can solve several problems at once.

To correct water-electrolyte and acid-base balances, infusor therapy is carried out. It is carried out until the content of urea and creatine is normalized, and the general condition is stabilized. During treatment, it is important to ensure that important functions of the pet’s body are not disrupted.

If the form of failure is chronic, irreversible pathological changes occur in the kidneys. In this case, the same treatment as for the acute form of treatment will not be enough. Peritoneal dialysis is required. This procedure is performed only in the clinic.

We can conclude that in any case, even with the mildest manifestations of the disease, you need to contact a veterinarian; under no circumstances should you treat yourself, since even with timely professional assistance, the animal may die due to irreversible damage.

Treatment can be helped by paying attention to the dog’s nutrition. During illness, it is very important that the animal receives the right amount of nutrients. If the pet has not lost its appetite and eats well, it will be enough to simply add special dietary foods to the diet. You can also introduce a diet, the main condition of which is to reduce the amount of phosphorus, sodium and protein.

If there is a complete lack of appetite and no vomiting, the animal is fed using a tube. If vomiting is still present, the necessary substances can be administered intravenously.

But it is still better to take care of the animal and not allow its health to deteriorate so much. The life of a pet often depends solely on the actions of the owner, and responsibility also lies with him.

Kidney failure most often develops in older dogs due to acute and chronic kidney disease. Kidney failure is a severe pathology in which the kidneys cease to perform their functions - cleansing the body of toxins, removing fluid, synthesizing hormones, maintaining water and electrolyte balance.

The disease is classified according to the speed of the pathological process into:

  • spicy;
  • chronic renal failure.

Acute renal failure occurs as a result of the toxic effects of various substances. The disease is accompanied by an acute course and severe symptoms. The acute stage is divided into several forms:

If, in the prerenal form of acute renal failure in dogs, the blood supply is disrupted, but not completely stopped, for no more than a few hours, then the structure and function of the organ can be restored. With a longer duration of disturbance, the tissue structure is destroyed, and the pathology passes into the next form - parenchymal.

Chronic renal failure is characterized by slow gradual development. In this case, there is a progressive irreversible loss of renal parenchyma, which manifests itself in the form of disruption of glomerular and tubular function, uremia develops and an imbalance of water-electrolyte and osmotic homeostasis occurs. Chronic renal failure occurs when there is massive damage to the kidney tissue.

Stages of disease progression

There are several classifications that describe the progression of pathology:

  • Stage 1– compensated – exclusively the reserve properties of the kidneys are reduced without disturbing the body’s homeostasis;
  • Stage 2– subcompensated – increased nitrogen and creatine in the blood, impaired partial properties of kidney tissue;
  • Stage 3– decompensated – the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, the content of creatine in the blood exceeds the norm several times;
  • Stage 4– terminal – the final stage at which the kidneys stop functioning, the animal falls into a coma and dies.

The causes of chronic renal failure are varied.

Causes of pathology

The disease can be caused by many different reasons:

In old dogs, the pathology is caused by natural degenerative processes occurring in the body. Since the causes of pathology are different, the symptoms of the disease are different. But there are also common ones caused by kidney failure.

Symptoms of pathology and the reasons for their appearance

The initial stages of the pathological process in the kidneys are asymptomatic, since compensation processes are still in effect, and healthy tissue cells perform the functions of the altered ones. Symptoms of kidney failure begin to appear when 25-30% of tissues are affected. Symptoms are expressed in:

  • shortness of breath appearing due to the accumulation of under-oxidized products. An increase in their number causes metabolic acidosis, compensated by respiratory alkolosis caused by rapid breathing;
  • vomiting, which appears as a result of an imbalance in the water-electrolytic state. Urea and creatine accumulate in the body, which can no longer be compensated for by hyperventilation. Intoxication and causes vomiting in the dog;
  • intoxication, which increases, affecting the central nervous system. At first, the animal behaves restlessly, then depression of the nervous system is noted, expressed by apathy and refusal to eat. The progression of the process leads to seizures and trembling of the limbs. The most severe consequence of intoxication with metabolic products is coma and death of the animal;
  • swelling arising due to an imbalance of electrolytes, a decrease in the amount of proteins in the blood plasma, and increased fluid intake;
  • increased diuresis, resulting from increased protein catabolism and increased secretion of endogenous water. Difficulty urinating may be the result of a blockage in the urinary tract;
  • ulcer formation in the oral cavity;
  • defecation disorder.

If these symptoms appear in a dog, then 2/3 of the organs are already affected, and the disease has become chronic. The progression of kidney failure in dogs leads to disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Initially, blood pressure decreases, then hypotension transforms into persistent arterial hypertension.

With long-term anuria, the symptoms of heart failure in the animal increase. Against the background of heart failure, pulmonary edema and brain pathologies may appear. To carry out differential diagnosis and determine pathology at an early stage, while the process of destruction of kidney tissue is still reversible, modern instrumental and biochemical research techniques are used.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

To clarify the diagnosis and its stage, biochemical and clinical tests of blood and urine are prescribed. In the blood of dogs with renal failure there are signs of impaired carbohydrate and mineral metabolism:

  • sugar levels decrease;
  • amylase increases significantly;
  • lactate dehydratase increases– an enzyme involved in glucose metabolism. An increase in the amount of enzyme in the blood indicates the destruction of liver cells;
  • direct and total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase increases, which indicates hepatotoxic syndrome accompanying renal failure in dogs;
  • the level of urea and creatine, nitrogen increases– the main diagnostic sign of pathology.

In dogs with renal pathology, creatine phosphokinase activity increases, which signals progressive heart failure or the use of certain medications. Violation of mineral metabolism is manifested in an increase or decrease in the level of some important minerals - sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine.

The kidneys are the most important organ in regulating phosphorus balance. If filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys is impaired, phosphorus extraction decreases. The level of the mineral triggers a chain of compensatory reactions, for example, there is an increase in the activity of thyroid hormones. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is common in dogs with renal failure.

A blood test in a dog confirms the diagnosis of renal failure, which must be clarified using instrumental research methods:

  • radiography.
  • dogs over 7 years old;
  • representatives of breeds predisposed to kidney pathology (chow chow, shar pei, bull terrier).

It is recommended to examine animals from these groups once every 3-6 months in order to prevent the disease, adjust nutrition in a timely manner, and carry out preventive drug treatment. However, the listed reactions are detected when more than half of the functional structures of the kidneys are already affected. Based on the results obtained, an individual treatment strategy for the animal is developed.

Pathology treatment methods

Since renal failure is the result of progressive pathologies accompanied by irreversible changes, therapy for the pathology is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms, preventing the progression of the disease and prolonging the life of the pet. The main methods of treating renal failure are:

  • drug treatment;
  • diet therapy.

Depending on the causes of the disease, treatment tactics are chosen.

Drug therapy

Therapy depends on what causes the dysfunction of the glomeruli of the kidneys. If the cause of renal failure is an inflammatory process caused by an allergy or infection, then a course of medications that suppress inflammation is prescribed - drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics.

In order to normalize the water-electrolyte balance, it is necessary to carry out infusions of solutions - saline solution, glucose solution, buffer solutions, etc. To maintain the functioning of the liver and heart, appropriate medications are prescribed. In order to stabilize blood pressure, the dog is given antihypertensive drugs, sedatives, and probiotics to improve digestion.

Many dogs undergoing drug therapy experience allergic reactions and side effects to the drugs. When prescribing several medications at the same time, the doctor must take into account their interactions. Many therapeutic agents are excreted by the kidneys, and with reduced renal function and a longer period of elimination of metabolites, the veterinarian should prescribe the dosage of medications taking these features into account. Dose adjustment is based on creatine clearance. To reduce phosphorus levels, the dog is given drugs that bind the mineral into an insoluble form, which is excreted in the feces.

Watch the video and learn more about kidney failure:

Diet therapy

The basis of the treatment of renal failure is diet therapy, which can be either an independent method of therapy or used in combination with drug treatment. The dog must be provided with food that provides energy for the functioning of the body. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the breakdown of proteins, exhaustion of the animal and the manifestation of azotemia.

On average, a dog should receive at least 130-159 kcal daily for every kilogram of body weight. Fats and carbohydrates have the highest energy content. Therefore, food should contain more fat and carbohydrates than in healthy dogs. The portion of special food is smaller than that of non-diet food, which reduces the likelihood of vomiting and defecation disorders.

Proteins, breaking down, cause azotemia and uremia. Therefore, special food must contain high-quality proteins in reduced quantities. But it has been established that less food has a detrimental effect on the dog’s condition - immunity decreases, wounds heal worse, body weight and physical activity decrease. Therefore, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed to dogs when their condition has stabilized. Many companies produce special foods, for example, Hill’s Prescription Diet k/d food, created specifically for dietary therapy of dogs with renal failure.

If the dog is weakened, refuses food, or every meal is accompanied by vomiting, then the animal is fed with a tube or the necessary substances are administered through injections and infusions. The condition of a dog with kidney failure and its life expectancy depend not only on adequate treatment, but also on the care of the animal by its owner.

Unfortunately, kidney disease is not uncommon in dogs of all breeds and sizes. But in most cases, the occurrence of the disease is associated with the conditions in which the pet is kept, which means that the owner is able to prevent or delay the disease. Veterinarians never tire of telling us that prevention is the best cure. And in the case of the kidneys, this is especially true, since diseases of this organ are difficult to control.

The kidneys are a paired organ located in the abdominal cavity, approximately under the first three lumbar vertebrae. The kidneys are involved in the synthesis of hormones, filter the blood and remove poisons, toxins and excess moisture from the body, participate in the processes of intermediate metabolism and perform a lot of other vital functions. The kidneys do not regenerate, i.e. damaged tissue cannot be restored. Without treatment, organ tissue rapidly deteriorates, and kidney disease in dogs shows symptoms late, when organ function is reduced to 60% or less.

Swelling and accumulation of toxins in organ tissues and in the blood impair the functioning of the entire body as a whole. Those. When the kidneys are sick, the whole body is sick. Therefore, if you notice the following signs of illness, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible:

  • unusual smell of urine (rotten, sour, pungent);
  • change in urine volume (less or more than usual);
  • change in frequency of urination (more often or less often than usual);
  • unusual color of urine (dark or colorless, brown or red, cloudy, with impurities). If a dog has kidney stones and comes out in small portions, after urinating, drops of blood are noticeable on the penis (or on the loop in females);
  • thirst, poor appetite, fever, emaciation;
  • heavy ammonia odor from the mouth;
  • periodic vomiting and/or diarrhea. Once, seemingly without signs of illness, but with enviable regularity;
  • strange gait (stiff hind legs, lowered croup), restlessness or whining during urination. These symptoms of kidney disease in dogs indicate pain in the lower back, acute or chronic - a very alarming sign;
  • uncleanliness (everything was fine before, but now the pet stains the floors and bed, leaves puddles on its bedding or the owner’s pillows);
  • the male pees “like a girl,” sitting down and moving forward a little during the process, although before he always raised his paw.

To make a diagnosis, it is important to conduct a full examination, donate blood and urine for biochemistry, do an X-ray and ultrasound. When a dog has kidney pain, the symptoms are very similar regardless of the nature of the illness. Based on external signs alone, it is impossible to distinguish one kidney disease from another, much less prescribe the right treatment. Be sure to insist on a detailed examination, not trusting the diagnosis “by eye”.