The structure of general education in the Russian Federation. Russian education levels

In every country, the educational process plays an undeniably important role in the formation of personality. The main goal of education is the upbringing and training of a person, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, experience and competence. Various types of education contribute to the professional, moral and physical development of the individual.

What are the types of education in Russia?

The Law "On Education" states that the educational process is a continuous, sequentially connected level system.

There are the following main stages of education:

  • preschool;
  • primary school;
  • basic school;
  • secondary school (complete).

Note: according to the law "On Education", from 01.09.2013. preschool education is a part of general education, and the terms “general” and “school” have ceased to be equivalent (synonymous) concepts from a legal point of view.

2. Professional:

  • secondary vocational;
  • higher (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree);
  • training of highly qualified personnel.

General education

Pre-school (or pre-school) education is intended for children up to 7 years of age, the purpose of which is the upbringing, general development, education of children, as well as the control and care of them. It is carried out in specialized institutions: nurseries, kindergartens, early development centers or at home.

Primary general school education lasts 4 years (from grades 1 to 4), giving the child basic knowledge in basic subjects.

The main one is 5 years (from grade 5 to grade 9), which involves the development of the child in the main scientific areas. After the 9th grade, students pass mandatory tests in the form of the Unified State Examination in certain subjects.

These two levels of schooling are compulsory for all children according to their age. After the 9th grade, the student has the right to leave the school and continue his studies at the chosen secondary special educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the SPSS) (responsibility for such a decision lies with the parents or guardians).

Full school education implies a further two-year high school education, the main purpose of which is to prepare future graduates for entering a university.

Professional education

SPUZ are subdivided into technical schools and colleges. In educational institutions (state and non-state), students are trained in existing specialties for 2-3 (sometimes 4) years. Some SPUZs can be entered after grade 9, others after grade 11 (medical colleges).

In Russian universities, higher education can be mastered after receiving secondary school education (after 11 grades) under bachelor's and specialist's programs. After successfully mastering these programs, you can continue your studies in the magistracy.

According to the Bologna system of education, soon the specialist should cease to exist.

In addition to secondary vocational and higher education, there are types of education that train highly qualified personnel in graduate school (or postgraduate studies) and residency. There are also programs of assistantship-internship for the preparation of creative and pedagogical figures of the highest qualification.

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There are different levels of education in Russia. They are regulated by a special Law on Education of the Russian Federation 273-FZ Chapter 2 Article 10, which was recently supplemented.

According to the law, the levels of education in the Russian Federation are divided into 2 main types - general education and professional. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all the rest.

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all citizens are guaranteed free general education in municipal institutions. General education is a term that includes the following types:

The second type is divided into the following subspecies:

Pre-school education is primarily aimed at developing skills that will help in the future in the assimilation of school material. This includes the primary elements of written and spoken language, the basics of hygiene, ethics and a healthy lifestyle.

Both municipal and private institutions of preschool education are successfully functioning in the Russian Federation. In addition, many parents prefer to raise their children at home, not sending them to kindergarten. Statistics says that the number of children who did not attend preschool institutions increases every year.

Primary education is a continuation of preschool and is aimed at developing students' motivation, honing writing and speaking skills, teaching the basics of theoretical thinking and various sciences.

The main task of basic education is the study of the foundations of various sciences, a deeper study of the state language, the formation of inclinations towards certain types of activity, the formation of aesthetic tastes and social definition. During the period of basic education, the student should develop the skills of independent knowledge of the world.

Secondary education aims to teach to think rationally, to make independent choices, various sciences are studied more deeply. A clear idea of ​​the world and the social role of each student in it is also formed. As never before, it's important pedagogical the influence of the class teacher and other teachers.

In Russian federation professional education levels are divided into the following subspecies:

Primary education is provided by institutions that provide working professions. These include vocational schools (vocational schools, which are now gradually being renamed PTL - vocational lyceum). You can enter such institutions both on the basis of 9th and 11th grades.

Secondary education includes technical schools and colleges. The former train basic-level specialists, the latter implement a system of in-depth training. You can enter a technical school or college on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, some institutions can only enter after 9 or only after 11 grades (for example, medical colleges). Citizens who already have primary vocational education are trained according to a reduced program.

Higher education provides training of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. Universities, institutes and academies (in some cases also colleges) are engaged in the training of specialists. Higher education is divided into the following levels:

Bachelor's degree is a mandatory level for obtaining the other two. There are also various forms of education. It can be full-time, part-time, part-time and external.

In the world, students are trained by a huge number of educational institutions and different countries.

  • One of the best systems operates in the USA; more than 500 thousand foreign students study in the institutions of this country. The main problem of the American education system is the high cost.
  • A very high educational level is also offered by the higher educational institutions of France, education in the universities of this country, as in Russia, is free. Students only have to provide their own maintenance.
  • In Germany, population countries and foreign applicants are also entitled to free education. There was an attempt to introduce tuition fees, but the attempt failed. An interesting feature of education in this country is that there is no division into bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the legal and medical industries.
  • In England, the term Higher Education is only used to refer to institutes or universities where graduates receive a doctoral or academic degree.
  • Also, education in China has recently become popular. This happened thanks to the teaching of most disciplines in English, however, the cost of education in China is still quite high.

The methodology of the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) was the basis for this rating, created by Times Higher Education in conjunction with the Thomson Reuters information group. Developed in 2010 and replacing the well-known World University Rankings, the ranking is recognized as one of the most authoritative in determining the quality of education in the world.

  • The academic reputation of the university, including scientific activities and the quality of education (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community)
  • The scientific reputation of the university in certain areas (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community).
  • General citation of scientific publications, normalized for different areas of research (analysis data of 12 thousand scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • The ratio of published scientific articles to the number of teaching staff (data from the analysis of 12,000 scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • The volume of funding for university research activities in relation to the number of faculty members (the indicator is normalized by purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).
  • The volume of funding by third-party companies for the research activities of the university in relation to the number of faculty members.
  • The ratio of public funding for research activities to the total research budget of the university.
  • The ratio of the teaching staff to the number of students.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign representatives of the teaching staff to the number of local ones.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign students to the number of local students.
  • The ratio of defended dissertations (Ph.D.) to the number of teaching staff.
  • The ratio of defended dissertations (PhDs) to the number of bachelors going to the title of master.
  • Average remuneration of a member of the teaching staff (the indicator is normalized to purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).

The maximum score that the studied university can receive is 100 points.

  • For the level of teaching activity, the quality of education, the number of highly qualified teachers, the university can get a maximum of 30 points.
  • For the scientific reputation of the university, a maximum of 30 points is given.
  • For the citation of scientific works - 30 points.
  • For the development of innovative projects, attracting investments to them, the university receives a maximum of 2.5 points.
  • For the ability of the university to attract the best students and teachers from all over the world to its ranks - 7.5 points.

1) preschool education;

4) secondary general education.

Article 10. Structure of the education system

1. The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions;

2) organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) of underage students;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state management in the field of education, and local government bodies exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, which ensure the possibility of exercising the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented according to the levels of education.

4. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

6. Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

7. The education system creates conditions for continuous education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the opportunity to simultaneously master several educational programs, as well as taking into account existing education, qualifications, and practical experience in obtaining education.

Commentary on Art. 10 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

The commented provisions are not new for domestic educational legislation, since the norms on the structure of the education system contained the system-forming acts of educational legislation: the law on education (Art.

1. The commented law proposes a new approach to the definition of the education system, taking into account changes in the system of educational relations in general. It lies in the fact that:

Firstly, the education system includes all types of existing sets of mandatory requirements for education: federal state educational standards, federal state requirements, as well as educational standards and educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions.

In order to ensure the quality of education, the legislator provides for: federal state educational standards for basic general education and professional programs, including for preschool education, which was not previously provided for. However, this does not mean the need for certification for students at this level. The law introduces a ban on both intermediate and final certification of students in preschool educational organizations;

federal state requirements - for additional pre-professional programs;

educational standards - for educational programs of higher education in cases provided for by the commented law or a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The definition of the educational standard is given in paragraph 7) of Art. 2 of Law N 273-FZ, however, we find a more accurate interpretation of it in Art. 11 of the Law (see commentary to part 10 of article 11 of the Law).

Educational programs are also included in the education system, since they represent a set of basic characteristics of education and organizational and pedagogical conditions. Such their allocation is due to the fact that if either federal state educational standards, or federal state requirements, or educational standards are developed, the educational program is drawn up on their basis. In the event that these are not available (for additional general developmental and with certain characteristics, for additional professional programs * (14); vocational training programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements (professional standards), educational programs are the only set of requirements for obtaining this kind of education.

Secondly, the education system includes, along with organizations engaged in educational activities, also teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives) (up to the age of majority of the student), which makes them full participants in the educational process. Of course, such a position should be supported by specific rights and guarantees for such subjects. To this end, the legislator introduces Chapter 4, dedicated to students and their parents, and Chapter 5, dedicated to pedagogical, managerial and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities (Articles 47 and 50 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation).

Thirdly, the education system includes, along with the bodies exercising management in the field of education at all levels of government, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them. The sign of jurisdiction is not singled out; instead, the sign of the creation of a body by the body exercising management in the field of education is introduced. Such a replacement does not bear fundamental differences. At the same time, the former wording "institutions and organizations" could not allow attributing, for example, public councils to the education system.

Fourth, the education system includes organizations that provide educational activities and assess the quality of education. The above is explained by the need to understand the education system as a single inseparable process of the movement of knowledge from the teacher (educational organization) to the student. This process also includes settlement centers for information processing, and attestation commissions, etc. This circle does not include individuals (experts, public observers, etc.).

Fifthly, in addition to associations of legal entities and public associations, the education system includes associations of employers and their associations operating in the field of education. This position is due to the activating direction of the integration of education, science and production; understanding of education as a process culminating in employment and orientation in this regard to the demands of the world of work. Employers take part in the work of educational and methodological associations (Article 19 of the Law), are involved in the state final certification for basic professional educational programs, in the conduct of a qualification exam (the result of vocational training) (clause 16 of Article 59, Article 74 of the Law); employers, their associations have the right to carry out professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities, and make ratings on this basis (clauses 3, 5, article 96 of the Law).

Paragraph 3 of the commented article 10 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation introduces a system of types of education, subdividing it into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training.

Vocational training, despite the seemingly absent "effect" of educational activities - raising the educational qualification of the student, also implies the need to master the educational program of secondary general education, if it is not mastered.

This system should make it possible to realize the educational needs of a person throughout life, that is, not only the opportunity to get an education at any age, but also to get another profession (specialty). To this end, a variety of educational programs are being introduced.

The system of education levels is being changed, according to which the structure of general education in accordance with the Law includes:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education;

In the structure of vocational education:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - training of a specialist, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The main innovation is that: 1) pre-school education is included as the first level of general education; 2) initial vocational education is not singled out as a level; 3) higher professional education absorbs the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (previously carried out within the framework of postgraduate professional education).

The change in levels of education is caused by the prescriptions of the Bologna Declaration, the International Standard Classification of Education.

The question arises: what are the consequences of changing the system of educational levels?

Modernization of the system of levels of education affects the system of educational programs and types of educational organizations.

Changes in educational programs repeat the corresponding changes in the levels of education.

At first glance, the introduction of preschool education into the system of educational levels looks frightening. As a rule, this implies the existence of federal state educational standards with confirmation of the results of the development of a preschool educational program in the form of a final certification. However, in this situation, the Law provides for a "big" exception to the rule, which is justified given the level of psycho-physical development of children at such an early age. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students. That is, confirmation of the fulfillment of the requirements of federal state educational standards should not be expressed in the form of testing the knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils, but in the form of reporting by employees of a preschool educational organization on the work done aimed at implementing the requirements of the standard. Pre-school education is now the first level of education, but the legislator does not make it compulsory.

Law N 279-FZ now provides for primary general education, basic general education and secondary general education as separate levels of education. In the former Law N 3266-1, they were the stages of education.

Since the level of initial vocational education "drops out", it is replaced by two programs introduced into secondary vocational education, which are a successful combination of instilling skills in the field of initial vocational education with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform jobs that require the level of secondary vocational education. As a result, the main programs of secondary vocational education are divided into programs for the training of skilled workers and programs for the training of mid-level specialists.

The change in the higher education system leads to its division into several sublevels:

2) specialist training, magistracy;

3) training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The term "professional" itself is no longer applied to higher education, although the latter is still included in the system of vocational education.

The bachelor's, master's and specialist's degrees, which have already become familiar to us, retain their legal significance, now side by side with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. A specialty, as an educational program, is provided where the standard period for mastering an educational program in a particular area of ​​training cannot be reduced.

It should be noted that in the system of levels of education, the allocation of sublevels is dictated by different tasks. If we talk about secondary school, then here the receipt of primary education is considered as incomplete education and parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive primary, basic general and secondary general education. These levels are compulsory levels of education. Students who have not mastered the basic educational program of primary general and (or) basic general education are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education. The requirement of obligatory secondary general education in relation to a particular student remains in force until he reaches the age of eighteen years, if the corresponding education was not received by the student earlier.

The allocation of sublevels in higher education is dictated by the need to indicate the independence of each of them and self-sufficiency. Each of them is evidence of higher education without "subjunctive moods". Judicial practice in this regard, based on the law on education of 1992, in contrast, approaches the assessment of the bachelor's degree as the first level of higher education, insufficient for occupying positions requiring high professional training, for example, a judge. This approach has been implemented in the entire system of courts of general jurisdiction, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation * (15).

Hence, the concept of incomplete higher education can only refer to the fact of an incomplete normative term for mastering one or another educational program of a certain level of education. Consequently, when the educational program in a particular area of ​​training is not fully mastered, it is impossible to talk about passing a specific level of education with the issuance of a document on education, which is also confirmed by judicial practice * (16).

It should be noted that in the regional legislation there are examples of ranking depending on the "level" of education (specialist, master), for example, wage rates. This practice is recognized as inconsistent with the law, since in this case the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. Art. 3 and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibit discrimination in the sphere of labor, including discrimination in the establishment and change of wage conditions.

Following the logic that each of the "types" of the level of higher education, whether it be a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree or a master's degree, confirms a completed education cycle, characterized by a certain single set of requirements (Article 2 of the Law, "Basic Concepts"), then no restrictions can be set for one of the types compared to another.

However, this statement requires clarification: certain restrictions are already provided for by the Law itself. What regulations do this follow from? We find the answer in Art. 69 "Higher education", which says that persons with a secondary general education are allowed to master undergraduate or specialist programs (types are equated).

Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs. This emphasizes the higher position of the magistracy in the hierarchy of higher education.

However, further we see that the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency, assistantship-internship is possible by persons who have an education not lower than higher education (specialist or master's degree). That is, in this case, we see that the specialist "at the finish line" corresponds in terms of the level of his training to the master's program. But the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is already the next level of higher education.

Thus, the education system, in accordance with the law on education, is a single system, starting with preschool education and ending with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, as the necessary level of education for engaging in certain types of activities or certain positions (for example, residency).

The change in the levels of education led to a change in the types of educational organizations: the expansion of opportunities to create various types of organizations that provide training. In addition to the educational ones themselves, organizations that have educational units in their structure are actively involved in the education system, according to the Law.

Additional education is a type of education and includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education. Each of them involves the implementation of individual educational programs.

Additional educational programs include:

1) additional general education programs - additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs;

2) additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a complex of training programs regulated by state education standards, and educational networks that implement them, consisting of institutions independent of each other, subordinate to supervisory and governing bodies.

How it functions

The Russian education system is a powerful combination of four cooperating structures.

  1. Federal standards and educational requirements that define the information component of the curriculum. Two types of programs are being implemented in the country - general education and specialized, that is, professional. Both types are divided into basic and additional.

The main general educational programs include:

  • preschool;
  • initial;
  • basic;
  • medium (full).

The main professional programs are divided as follows:

  • secondary professional;
  • higher professional (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree);
  • postgraduate vocational training.

The modern education system in Russia involves several forms of education:

  • within the walls of classrooms (full-time, part-time (evening), part-time);
  • intrafamily;
  • self-education;
  • external student

A combination of the listed training forms is also allowed.

  1. Scientific and educational institutions. They function to implement training programs.

An educational institution is a structure engaged in the implementation of the educational process, that is, the implementation of one or more training programs. The educational institution also provides the maintenance and education of students.

The scheme of the education system in the Russian Federation looks like this:

Educational institutions are:

  • state (regional and federal subordination);
  • municipal;
  • non-state, that is, private.

All of them are legal entities.

Types of educational institutions:

  • preschool;
  • general education;
  • primary, general, higher vocational training and postgraduate vocational education;
  • military higher vocational education;
  • additional education;
  • special and corrective training of the sanatorium type.

III. Structures exercising management and control functions.

IV. Associations of legal entities, public groups and public-state companies operating in the education system of the Russian Federation.


Institutions are the main link in the education system of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions conduct educational work according to specially developed plans and sets of rules.

Briefly, the education system in the Russian Federation cannot be described, since it is diverse and consists of different components. But all of them are included in the complex, designed at each educational level to carry out the consistent development of individual and professional quality indicators of the individual. Educational institutions and all kinds of training form the Russian system of continuous education, which combines the following types of training:

  • state,
  • additional,
  • self-education.


Education programs in the pedagogical system of the Russian Federation are integral documents developed taking into account:

  • GEF, which account for more than 70% of the content of educational programs;
  • national-regional requests.

Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards - contain requirements, compliance with which is mandatory for institutions with state accreditation.

Vocational education

The development of the education system in Russia cannot be imagined without a full-fledged personality formation, which is achieved by mastering deep knowledge, professional skills, skills and solid competencies in one or more professions. Reforming vocational education is designed to ensure progress for every student.

The main areas for improving vocational education include:

  • strengthening and expanding the material basis of vocational education;
  • creation of practice centers at enterprises;
  • involvement in the training of professional production professionals;
  • improving the quality of training of specialists.

The modern education system in the Russian Federation implies the expansion of the professional component.


The main document regulating the activities of educational institutions is the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012. It outlines the attitude to the learning process and regulates its financial component. Since the education system is at the stage of reform and improvement, new decrees and orders appear from time to time, and the list of regulations is constantly updated, but today it includes:

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Target program for the development of education.
  3. Federal Laws “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”, “On Amendments to Legislative Acts on Levels of Higher Vocational Education”.
  4. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science "On Leading Universities and Organizations", "On the Implementation of the Bologna Program".
  5. Approximate provisions on the organization of the educational process.
  6. The concept of modernization of the education system in Russia.
  7. Decree "On cooperation with foreign organizations in the field of education."
  8. Model provisions on additional training.

The list also includes laws, decrees, decrees and orders relating separately to each "floor" of the educational system.

Management of the educational system in the Russian Federation

At the top level is the Ministry of Education and Science, which is engaged in the development of the doctrine of the educational sphere and the drafting of legal documents. Further federal agencies and municipal-level executives are located. Collectives of local self-government monitor the implementation of the published acts in the structures of education.

Any management organization has its own clearly defined powers, which are transferred from the highest level to the lowest, which does not have the right to implement certain actions in educational policy. This does not mean delegating the right to finance certain events without the consent of a higher structure.

Inspection of the general observance of legislative provisions is carried out by the state-public system of education management in the Russian Federation. The organizations included in it are mainly engaged in the functioning of schools and monitoring the implementation of the principles:

  • humane and democratic approach to management;
  • consistency and integrity;
  • truthfulness and completeness of information.

In order for the policy to be consistent, the country has a system of education authorities at the following levels:

  • central;
  • non-departmental;
  • republican;
  • autonomous-regional;
  • autonomous district.

Thanks to the combination of centralized and decentralized management, it is possible to ensure the work of administrators and public organizations in the interests of the collectives. This creates a springboard for the implementation of management regulations without duplication and leads to increased coordination of actions of all departments of the educational system.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, most people do not reach the possible level of development, and because of this, a person himself, other people, the state, and society lose a lot.

The right to education - a basic and natural human right - aims to satisfy a person's need for information and directly in training and education. The need for information and education is on a par with the primary needs of a person: physiological, to ensure safety and security.

The legal definition of education is given in the preamble of the Law of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education", where it is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels established by the state (educational qualifications). It follows from the above definition that education is characterized by the presence of two components (processes) - education and training, as well as confirmation of the achievement of the appropriate educational qualification by the student.

It can be noted that education should be a unity of learning processes, upbringing and results.

A more extended concept of education is contained in the draft Concept of the Model Educational Code for the CIS Member States.

In it, education is understood as the process of upbringing and education in the interests of the individual, society, state, focused on the preservation, improvement and transfer of knowledge, transmission of culture to new generations in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development of the country, continuous improvement of the moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical condition of society.

Education is understood as "a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state."

Education in Russia is a system. In Art. 8 of the Law "On Education" states that education in the Russian Federation is a system. Any system is a form of organization of a certain number of elements, "something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts."

System (from the Greek systema - a whole made up of parts; connection) - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. In modern science, the study of systems of various kinds is carried out within the framework of a systems approach, general systems theory, and various special systems theories.

The provision of the Law on the systematic nature of Russian education is one of the key ones. Only in the interrelation and coherence of all links of this system is it possible to get rid of unnecessary duplication, "gaps" and inconsistencies between the various levels and educational programs of the Russian educational system and, ultimately, to make the educational service of high quality, and the process of its provision to the population - effective.

In this regard, the remark of V.B. Novichkov that the legislator recklessly did not include individuals in the "set of interacting elements" of the education system of individuals, because it is the person, and not society, not the state, that is the root cause, the starting point, the central link of the entire education system, in the absence of which the system itself cannot be conceived. The humanistic orientation of the entire legal system of modern Russia, obviously, in the near future will lead to the inclusion of a person in the educational system as an independent subsystem. The introduction of this fourth subsystem will make it possible to more accurately define the rights, duties and responsibilities of all parties involved in educational legal relations.

One way or another, at present the Russian education system includes three subsystems (or three elements of the system):

content subsystem. This concept traditionally includes state educational standards and educational programs, since it is these elements that represent the content side of education in a particular country. The presence of detailed and clear standards in all segments of the educational system, as a rule, indicates a high systemic nature of education in general in a given country. According to this indicator, Russia is far from the first place.

functional subsystem. This subsystem of Russian education includes educational institutions that implement educational programs and state educational standards, regardless of the form of ownership, type and kind.

Organizational and managerial subsystem. The organizational and managerial subsystem in Russia is in the overwhelming majority of cases three-tiered, since responsibility for managing the continuous process of implementing state educational standards is usually divided between three main governing entities - federal government bodies, regional government bodies and local government educational institutions (administrations of educational institutions). Moreover, such a three-tier management subsystem is fair in relation, among other things, to private educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation. The exception is municipal educational institutions - in this case, the organizational and managerial subsystem is a four-tier one: in addition to the three above-mentioned managing entities, municipal educational authorities are added, which, within their competence, have the right to give mandatory instructions to the administrations of municipal educational institutions, as well as exercise other powers (Article 31 of the Law on Education).

In its structural aspect, education, as well as training, is a triune process, characterized by such aspects as the assimilation of experience, the development of behavioral qualities, physical and mental development. Thus, education is determined by certain ideas about the social functions of a person.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Russian education is a continuous system of successive levels, at each of which there are state, non-state, municipal educational institutions of various types and types:


general education;

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care;

Professional (initial, secondary special, higher, etc.);

Institutions of additional education;

Other institutions providing educational services.

Pre-school education is not compulsory and usually covers children from 3 to 6-7 years old.

General secondary school. Education from 7 to 18 years. There are different types of schools, including special schools with in-depth study of certain subjects and for teaching children with developmental disabilities.

Primary education usually forms part of secondary education, except in small villages and outlying areas. Primary school or the first level of general secondary school covers 4 years, most children enter school at the age of 6 or 7 years.

Basic general education. At the age of 10, children finish primary school, move to secondary school, where they study for another 5 years. After completing the 9th grade, they are issued a certificate of general secondary education. With it, they can apply for admission to the 10th grade of a school (lyceum or gymnasium), or enter, for example, a technical school.

Complete general education. After studying for another two years at school (lyceum or gymnasium), the guys take final exams, after which they receive a certificate of complete secondary education.

Higher education. Represented by universities, academies and higher institutions. According to the federal law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ "On higher and postgraduate professional education", the following types of higher educational institutions are established in the Russian Federation: university, academy, institute. Graduates of these educational institutions receive either a specialist diploma (training period - 5 years), or a bachelor's degree (4 years), or a master's degree (6 years). Higher education is considered incomplete if the period of study is at least 2 years.

Professional education. Vocational education represented by educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education.

Primary vocational education. Such education can be obtained in professional lyceums, technical schools or other institutions of primary vocational education after finishing the 9th or 11th grade.

Secondary vocational education. The institutions of secondary vocational education include various technical schools and colleges. They are accepted there after 9th and 11th grades.

Higher professional education. System of post-higher education: postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Modern reforms in the field of education, carried out against the background of the globalization of the economy and Russia's desire to enter a single educational space, are subordinated to the interests of a united Europe, which determines the dependence of states in various areas of public life.

Among the main documents aimed at creating a unified European educational system is the Bologna Declaration, signed in 1999 by the Ministers of Education of 29 countries.

The basis for the Bologna Declaration was the University Charter Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna 1988) and the Sorbonne Declaration - "Joint Declaration on the Harmonization of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System" (1998), among the main priorities putting forward the ideas of the fundamental principles of a single European space and a single area of ​​higher education for the development of the European continent.

The Bologna Declaration of 1999 (signed by Russia in 2003) defines integration not only in the education systems of European states, but also in other areas. At the same time, education itself acts as a powerful factor in the rapprochement of national states and the formation of transnational public-state systems.

As you can see, the plans to create a unified educational environment largely determine the goals of not only educational, but also cultural, scientific, economic integration of the states of the European region, and in the future - the construction of supranational states of a homogeneous type of management.

Russia's entry into the Bologna process is one of the elements of global influence on the domestic policy of the state and at the same time a factor in the transformation of the Russian education system.

In the processes of globalization, Russia's interests in the European region can be significantly opposed to similar interests of European states. Moreover, in the available statements, Russia's intentions by the end of the first decade of the 21st century. to become part of the common European system of higher education are bound by political barriers, in which equal partnership in this area can only be granted to the countries of the European Union.

On the way to a free educational space, Russia is experiencing a lot of obstacles, not only external, but internal. The problems lie in the search for an education reform model adequate to a certain historical moment, taking into account not only world processes, but also the interests of Russia's sustainable development in the short and long term.

The task of the national education system in modern conditions is to go through the transition period quickly, competently and efficiently, to equip Russian citizens with such fundamental and practical knowledge that they need not only today, but will also be required in the future.

The development of the education system in Russia is determined by the world trends of globalization. Socio-economic changes in the country that have taken place in the last 15 years have led to an internal crisis in the educational system.

Russia takes an active part in the creation of a unified international educational space. Since the 1990s, a broad modernization of the Russian education system has been carried out, aimed at its democratization and development "as an open state-public system."

1. The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions;

2) organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) of underage students;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state management in the field of education, and local government bodies exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, which ensure the possibility of exercising the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented according to the levels of education.

4. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

6. Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

7. The education system creates conditions for continuous education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the opportunity to simultaneously master several educational programs, as well as taking into account existing education, qualifications, and practical experience in obtaining education.

Commentary on Art. 10 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

The commented provisions are not new for domestic educational legislation, since the norms on the structure of the education system contained the system-forming acts of educational legislation: and the law on higher education (Article 4). Meanwhile, in the article under consideration, the relevant provisions of these normative acts are somewhat revised and synthesized into normative material, taking into account the multi-level nature of education.

1. The commented law proposes a new approach to the definition of the education system, taking into account changes in the system of educational relations in general. It lies in the fact that:

Firstly, the education system includes all types of existing sets of mandatory requirements for education: federal state educational standards, federal state requirements, as well as educational standards and educational programs of various types, levels and (or) directions.

In order to ensure the quality of education, the legislator provides for: federal state educational standards for basic general education and professional programs, including for preschool education, which was not previously provided for. However, this does not mean the need for certification for students at this level. The law introduces a ban on both intermediate and final certification of students in preschool educational organizations;

federal state requirements - for additional pre-professional programs;

educational standards - for educational programs of higher education in cases provided for by the commented law or a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The definition of the educational standard is given in paragraph 7) of Art. 2 of Law N 273-FZ, however, we find a more accurate interpretation of it in Art. 11 of the Law (see).

Educational programs are also included in the education system, since they represent a set of basic characteristics of education and organizational and pedagogical conditions. Such their allocation is due to the fact that if either federal state educational standards, or federal state requirements, or educational standards are developed, the educational program is drawn up on their basis. In the event that these are not available (for additional general developmental and with certain characteristics, for additional professional programs * (14); vocational training programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements (professional standards), educational programs are the only set of requirements for obtaining this kind of education.

Secondly, the education system includes, along with organizations engaged in educational activities, also teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives) (up to the age of majority of the student), which makes them full participants in the educational process. Of course, such a position should be supported by specific rights and guarantees for such subjects. To this end, the legislator introduces Chapter 4, dedicated to students and their parents, and dedicated to pedagogical, managerial and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities (and).

Thirdly, the education system includes, along with the bodies exercising management in the field of education at all levels of government, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them. The sign of jurisdiction is not singled out; instead, the sign of the creation of a body by the body exercising management in the field of education is introduced. Such a replacement does not bear fundamental differences. At the same time, the former wording "institutions and organizations" could not allow attributing, for example, public councils to the education system.

Fourth, the education system includes organizations that provide educational activities and assess the quality of education. The above is explained by the need to understand the education system as a single inseparable process of the movement of knowledge from the teacher (educational organization) to the student. This process also includes settlement centers for information processing, and attestation commissions, etc. This circle does not include individuals (experts, public observers, etc.).

Fifthly, in addition to associations of legal entities and public associations, the education system includes associations of employers and their associations operating in the field of education. This position is due to the activating direction of the integration of education, science and production; understanding of education as a process culminating in employment and orientation in this regard to the demands of the world of work. Employers take part in the work of educational and methodological associations (), are involved in the conduct of the state final certification for basic professional educational programs, in the conduct of a qualification exam (the result of vocational training) (,); employers, their associations have the right to conduct professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, and draw up ratings on this basis ().

Paragraph 3 of the commented article 10 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation introduces a system of types of education, subdividing it into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training.

Vocational training, despite the seemingly absent "effect" of educational activities - raising the educational qualification of the student, also implies the need to master the educational program of secondary general education, if it is not mastered.

This system should make it possible to realize the educational needs of a person throughout life, that is, not only the opportunity to get an education at any age, but also to get another profession (specialty). To this end, a variety of educational programs are being introduced.

The system of education levels is being changed, according to which the structure of general education in accordance with the Law includes:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education;

In the structure of vocational education:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - training of a specialist, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The main innovation is that: 1) pre-school education is included as the first level of general education; 2) initial vocational education is not singled out as a level; 3) higher professional education absorbs the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (previously carried out within the framework of postgraduate professional education).

The change in levels of education is caused by the prescriptions of the Bologna Declaration, the International Standard Classification of Education.

The question arises: what are the consequences of changing the system of educational levels?

Modernization of the system of levels of education affects the system of educational programs and types of educational organizations.

Changes in educational programs repeat the corresponding changes in the levels of education.

At first glance, the introduction of preschool education into the system of educational levels looks frightening. As a rule, this implies the existence of federal state educational standards with confirmation of the results of the development of a preschool educational program in the form of a final certification. However, in this situation, the Law provides for a "big" exception to the rule, which is justified given the level of psycho-physical development of children at such an early age. The development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students. That is, confirmation of the fulfillment of the requirements of federal state educational standards should not be expressed in the form of testing the knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils, but in the form of reporting by employees of a preschool educational organization on the work done aimed at implementing the requirements of the standard. Pre-school education is now the first level of education, but the legislator does not make it compulsory.

Law N 279-FZ now provides for primary general education, basic general education and secondary general education as separate levels of education. In the former Law N 3266-1, they were the stages of education.

Since the level of initial vocational education "drops out", it is replaced by two programs introduced into secondary vocational education, which are a successful combination of instilling skills in the field of initial vocational education with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform jobs that require the level of secondary vocational education. As a result, the main programs of secondary vocational education are divided into programs for the training of skilled workers and programs for the training of mid-level specialists.

The change in the higher education system leads to its division into several sublevels:

1) undergraduate;

2) specialist training, magistracy;

3) training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The term "professional" itself is no longer applied to higher education, although the latter is still included in the system of vocational education.

The bachelor's, master's and specialist's degrees, which have already become familiar to us, retain their legal significance, now side by side with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. A specialty, as an educational program, is provided where the standard period for mastering an educational program in a particular area of ​​training cannot be reduced.

It should be noted that in the system of levels of education, the allocation of sublevels is dictated by different tasks. If we talk about secondary school, then here the receipt of primary education is considered as incomplete education and parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive primary, basic general and secondary general education. These levels are compulsory levels of education. Students who have not mastered the basic educational program of primary general and (or) basic general education are not allowed to study at the next levels of general education. The requirement of obligatory secondary general education in relation to a particular student remains in force until he reaches the age of eighteen years, if the corresponding education was not received by the student earlier.

The allocation of sublevels in higher education is dictated by the need to indicate the independence of each of them and self-sufficiency. Each of them is evidence of higher education without "subjunctive moods". Judicial practice in this regard, based on the law on education of 1992, in contrast, approaches the assessment of the bachelor's degree as the first level of higher education, insufficient for occupying positions requiring high professional training, for example, a judge. This approach has been implemented in the entire system of courts of general jurisdiction, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation * (15).

Hence, the concept of incomplete higher education can only refer to the fact of an incomplete normative term for mastering one or another educational program of a certain level of education. Consequently, when the educational program in a particular area of ​​training is not fully mastered, it is impossible to talk about passing a specific level of education with the issuance of a document on education, which is also confirmed by judicial practice * (16).

It should be noted that in the regional legislation there are examples of ranking depending on the "level" of education (specialist, master), for example, wage rates. This practice is recognized as inconsistent with the law, since in this case the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibit discrimination in the sphere of labor, including discrimination in the establishment and change of wage conditions.

Following the logic that each of the "types" of the level of higher education, whether it be a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree or a master's degree, confirms a completed education cycle, characterized by a certain single set of requirements (Article 2 of the Law, "Basic Concepts"), then no restrictions can be set for one of the types compared to another.

However, this statement requires clarification: certain restrictions are already provided for by the Law itself. What regulations do this follow from? We find the answer in Art. 69 "Higher education", which says that persons with a secondary general education are allowed to master undergraduate or specialist programs (types are equated).

Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs. This emphasizes the higher position of the magistracy in the hierarchy of higher education.

However, further we see that the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency, assistantship-internship is possible by persons who have an education not lower than higher education (specialist or master's degree). That is, in this case, we see that the specialist "at the finish line" corresponds in terms of the level of his training to the master's program. But the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is already the next level of higher education.

Thus, the education system, in accordance with the law on education, is a single system, starting with preschool education and ending with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, as the necessary level of education for engaging in certain types of activities or certain positions (for example, residency).

The change in the levels of education led to a change in the types of educational organizations: the expansion of opportunities to create various types of organizations that provide training. In addition to the educational ones themselves, organizations that have educational units in their structure are actively involved in the education system, according to the Law.

Additional education is a type of education and includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education. Each of them involves the implementation of individual educational programs.

Additional educational programs include:

1) additional general education programs - additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs;

2) additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

The allocation of various types of educational programs, including those within the framework of additional education, makes it possible to ensure the continuity of education throughout life. The proposed system of educational programs provides the possibility of simultaneously mastering several educational programs, taking into account existing education, qualifications, practical experience in obtaining education, training in an abbreviated training program.