Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are. Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are We are all brothers and sisters

Scientists have found that character traits are transmitted through blood vessels


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If we in Russia are asked: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - “What is your blood type?” According to the Japanese, blood determines the character and individual characteristics of a person to a greater extent than distant stars. Carrying out tests and recording blood type is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and is taken very seriously.

HR managers use “ketsu-eki-gata” when hiring employees, marketing specialists use it to predict demand for intended products, and most people use it to choose friends and life partners. Devices that perform express blood group analysis “by blood spot” are often found at train stations, department stores, and restaurants. In Japan, and recently in the United States, there are even organizations called the AB0 Society, created to help individuals and business executives make the right decisions based on blood characteristics.

It is possible that such services may appear in Russia, says psychotherapist, senior researcher at the Human Health Research Center Alexander Sherman. - It’s no secret that today in many commercial structures in the personnel department there are freelance astrologers and palmists who tell bosses what kind of person to hire and for what position, where he could reveal all his talents. Therefore, in addition to a personal astrological (natal) chart and palm prints, you may soon have to give your employer a drop of blood.

We are all brothers and sisters

But how can blood type influence character? Many scientists believe that this is due to an evolutionary process during which, based on changing climatic conditions and lifestyles, blood transformed its qualities.

Blood type is older than race and has more fundamental properties than ethnicity, says Dr. Sherman. - It is not the result of “trial and error” genetic development, which is a sequence of accidents. Each of the blood groups was an evolutionary-logical response to a series of various changes occurring with the planet and “homo sapiens” over thousands of years. Thus, early racial changes began in a world that was almost entirely inhabited by people of group 0 (I). However, this division into races, associated with human adaptation to a previously unfamiliar diet, environment, and climate, was also part of the driving force of evolution, which ultimately led to the emergence of other blood groups.

Some anthropologists generally believe that dividing humanity into races is too simple. They say that blood type is a much more important indicator of individuality than race. In fact, an African and an Indo-European with group A (II) can exchange organs or blood, have the same habits, digestive functions and immune structures. But for an African with group A (II) and an African with group B (III), for example, such coincidences are very rare.

Our ancestors left each of us a special legacy, the outlines of which are “imprinted” into our blood group, says Alexander Nikolaevich. - And it is constantly present in the nucleus of every cell in the body. And people with the same blood type have much more in common than we ever imagined. Perhaps many of us are actually brothers and sisters. By blood.


What is the AB0 system

In 1891, Australian scientist Karl Landsteiner conducted research on erythrocytes - red blood cells. And I discovered an interesting pattern: in some people they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune reaction and the formation of antibodies. The scientist designated the found antigens with the letters A and B. Some have only antigens A, others only B. And still others have neither A nor B. Thus, the research of Karl Landsteiner divided all of humanity into three parts, in accordance with the properties of the blood : Group I (aka 0) - there are neither A nor B antigens; Group II - there is A; III - with antigen B.

In 1902, researcher Decastello described the fourth group (antigens A and B are found on red blood cells). The discovery of two scientists was called the AB0 system. Blood transfusion is based on it.

People with the first blood group 0(I) are universal donors, since their blood, taking into account the ABO system, can be transfused to persons with any blood group. Holders of the fourth blood group AB (IV) - like Jesus Christ - belong to the category of universal recipients - they can be transfused with blood of any group.

However, now doctors are striving to transfuse a person with an identical blood type. This rule is deviated from only in extreme cases.


Can a "type 0" be president?

Candidate of Psychological Sciences Alexey PRONIN:

All attempts to classify people look a little sinister. If you say: “Type A is such and such” or “Type B is that,” then sooner or later you will inevitably hear a statement like: “Type AB is better than all the others” or “Only type 0 can be president.” Thus, caste division may prevail. By the way, it is highly developed in Japan. For example, this can be seen in job advertisements, when some company announces that it is looking for a person for a vacant management position ONLY with blood type B. And if we elect the president of the country this way, will this lead to anything good?

What else can you find out about yourself?

(Compiled by Japanese scientist Poshitake Nomi and American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo)

Blood type

0 (I) "Hunter"; 40 to 50% of all people have it


The oldest and most widespread appeared 40,000 years ago. The ancestors led the lifestyle of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or enemy. The immune system is strong and resilient.

Character qualities

These people have a strong character. They are determined and self-confident. Their motto is: “Fight and search, find and don’t give up.” Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. They painfully endure any, even the most fair, criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and immediately carry out their orders.

MEN are very skilled in love. They are most turned on by unavailable women.

WOMEN are greedy for sex, but very jealous.


Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with achieving your goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve his goal at any cost, who is indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

Blood type

A (II) “Farmer”; 30 - 40% have it


Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when the need arose to switch to eating agricultural products and accordingly change the way of life. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, and cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Character qualities

They are very sociable and easily adapt to any environment, so events such as changing their place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to bear insults and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics at heart, they express their love with their eyes. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN are shy too. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.


Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to find like-minded people so that they support your interests. Don't relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will become addicted. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Blood type

In (III) "Nomad"; 10 - 20% have it


It appeared as a result of the merging of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It represents nature's desire to strike a balance between enhanced mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

Character qualities

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate unfair treatment: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN are true Don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man’s heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude towards the family hearth. And completely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.


Think about it: maybe individualism is your weakness? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. The reputation of a “womanizer” or “whore” only masks the fear of love. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because in all other respects they are good family men.

Blood type

AB (IV) “Riddle”; only 5% of people have it


It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

Character qualities

People of this type love to boast that Jesus Christ had type AB blood. The proof, they say, is the analysis of blood found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is true has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They are distinguished by a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritual natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN are attracted by their intelligence and originality. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual attractiveness, but they are very demanding in choosing men. And it won’t be easy for her chosen one, because she requires a lot of attention.


You have a significant drawback: you are very indecisive. Perhaps this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid of ruining your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.


Your likelihood of dementia and early aging depends on your blood type

The study found that blood types play an important role in the development of the human nervous system. This means they can also influence the development of cognitive impairment [check yourself].


How I lost weight based on blood type

What would it be like to eat to avoid gaining weight? This question plagues millions of women. The KP correspondent also wondered about it and decided to try a blood type diet. The body adjusted to the new nutrition system in 2 months ().

There are four in total blood types, which can tell a lot about a person and his body.

Knowing your group, you will learn to better understand yourself and your body.

Healthy foods.

2nd blood group: vegetarian food, fish, chicken and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods and coffee.

3rd blood group: dairy products, lamb, fish, vegetables and tea. Avoid alcohol and preservatives.

1st blood group: meat, fish and vegetables. Avoid dairy products, processed foods and overeating.

4th blood group: fresh, organic products. Avoid fried foods, which drain your energy.

Personality type.

2nd blood group: compassionate, organized, efficient, leader.

3rd blood group: meditative, flexible, friendly, results-oriented.

1st blood group: practical, assertive, attentive, sensitive.

4th blood group: rational, calm, strong, free-thinking.

Reaction to stress.

2nd blood group: Highly sensitive, takes a long time to recover from stress. Drinking plenty of fluids will help you calm down.

3rd blood group: Mostly calm, but sometimes does not control emotions and loses his temper. Slow breathing will help you return to harmony.

1st blood group: there may be outbursts of anger that are inherited. Visualizing something pleasant helps restore calm.

4th blood group: copes with stress very well, extremely difficult to unbalance. Activity and exercise help relieve stress.

Fat deposits:

2nd blood group: Accumulates fat from meat and sugar-containing foods.

3rd blood group: does not digest fried foods and bread well.

1st blood group: Irregular eating provokes the accumulation of excess fat.

4th blood group: Accumulates fat from inactivity.

Rh factor.

Rh factor (Rh)- The second most important blood group system. It can be positive or negative.

A positive Rh factor has a D antigen, but a negative one does not.

If the expectant mother is Rh negative, and the future dad is positive, then there is a danger of Rh conflict, which causes complications such as:

  • hemolytic disease- breakdown of red blood cells;
  • erythroblastosis fetalis- production of immature red blood cells in the fetus.

Proper treatment and certain preventive measures help preserve the fetus.

Blood type compatibility.

4th group universal in receiving blood, but can only be a donor for the 4th.

2nd can accept blood from the 2nd and 1st, and be a donor for the 2nd and 4th.

3rd accepts blood from the 3rd and 1st, and can be a donor for the 3rd and 4th.

1st can accept blood from the first, but is a universal donor for everyone.

Plasma compatible.

4th group can receive plasma only from the 4th and is a universal plasma donor for any blood group.

2nd can receive from the 2nd and 4th, but be a donor only for the 2nd and 1st.

3rd can receive from the 3rd and 4th, and be a donor for the 3rd and 1st.

1st is a universal recipient, but only one can donate plasma.

We hope you learned something useful!

They awaken young people’s interest in donation and become an incentive to participate in the volunteer movement. In the Southern Urals, the blood service is constantly working to ensure that young volunteers join the ranks of donors. In this noble cause, all means are good, including communication in the virtual space.

In terms of information and promotion of donation, the Chelyabinsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station (CHOSPK) is among the top five in the country. In December, from Sochi, from the XI All-Russian Blood Service Forum, Chelyabinsk residents brought a diploma as a laureate of the 2018 professional excellence competition in the “Help in one CLICK” category.

In general, the outgoing year turned out to be successful for the Chelyabinsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station. The team’s achievements were awarded three times with diplomas as laureates of the “Participation” award. The Chelyabinsk region won in the field of promoting gratuitous donation, took second place in the “In the Name of Life” nomination and became one of the leading regions in the donor movement. In September, the awards were presented at the Public Chamber of Russia.

The younger generation chooses

The more regular donors there are, the greater the opportunity to provide hospitals with invaluable, high-quality and reliable medicine without interruption. But blood is always needed. The consequences of a car accident, fire and other serious injuries, complex operations and childbirth with large blood loss, serious illnesses - donated blood is required to treat, and often save lives.

“We fulfill all requests from medical institutions,” says Natalya Kisnyashkina, chief physician of the Chelyabinsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station. “We have a sufficient supply of blood and its components for this.” In just 11 months, residents of the Chelyabinsk region donated 29 tons of donor blood. 22.5 thousand people took part in this noble cause.

But ten years ago the situation on the donor “front” was quite tense. In the 90s, the traditions of donation in the country began to gradually be forgotten. The result is blood deficiency. Problems have not spared our region either. The old guard of donors was dwindling. The young shift was too few in number. It seemed impossible to revive the lost traditions. But in 2008, a project for the development of a blood service was launched in Russia. Modernization has begun at blood transfusion stations. However, no amount of re-equipment will help if a donor does not come and donate blood. Therefore, at the same time, a campaign to promote donation was launched.

— At the All-Russian Forum in Sochi, the results of ten years of work on the development of the blood service were summed up. During this time, the number of donors in the country, including in our region, has increased. And this allows us to fully meet the needs of medical institutions for blood components,” says Natalya Kisnyashkina. – I would like to thank our donors, volunteers, all caring people for their participation in the development of the donor movement. I believe that the awards of the Chelyabinsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station are partly their merit.

Territory of Kindness

Not everyone will decide to come to a blood transfusion station on their own for the first time, but it is easier to donate blood together with classmates and colleagues. Socially responsible enterprises organize days of good deeds, and donors and their support group come together to the blood transfusion station. A mobile blood collection point travels on request to universities and work collectives, where donor events turn into a festival of mercy. This year, South Ural students are actively participating in the youth marathon “Donation from the student bench” and making their contribution to replenishing blood supplies. New supporters of the donor movement are also appearing thanks to the Internet.

— In the group of the Chelyabinsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station on the social network “VKontakte” ( you can read the news of our service. Invitations to donor events are also published here. The page is enlivened by photographs and videos from donor days, the creativity of our subscribers, and competitions,” says Svetlana Sedaya, public relations specialist at ChOSPK. – The group receives a lot of questions. Most often people are interested in what examinations need to be completed before donating blood, what documents are required, what restrictions exist for donation, and so on. We try to answer all questions promptly.

And in the new year, the Southern Urals Blood Service plans to open an Instagram account. Access to the Internet helps to involve more and more young people in donation. And those who, for health reasons, cannot donate blood join the team of volunteers. Volunteers are always in demand in the blood service.

Donors come to the blood transfusion station in a great mood. It's nice to know that your blood will help people who really need it.

“Kindness is probably the main thing a donor needs,” says Viktor Garmanov. The “honorary donor” donated blood for the first time at the age of 18, and since then he has been going for the procedure for forty years.

— I work in the electrical department of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. At our enterprise, we treat employees who donate blood with understanding,” our interlocutor continues and unexpectedly invites... to the theater. Viktor Alexandrovich plays in the play “Mr.

“The donor, like an athlete, must follow a diet and monitor his health,” explains Viktor Garmanov.

As a child, he was involved in gymnastics, from the age of 13 to this day - in a circus studio. And donating helps you stay in good shape.

Signal to action

The movement of donors is regulated by a traffic light. It helps maintain the necessary blood supply and rationally use donors' time.

“This is a kind of hint for donors,” explains Elena Bondareva, an analyst at the organizational and methodological department of the ChOSPK. – The traffic light signals which blood type and Rh factor is required. Red light - the stock has reached a critical minimum, it is urgent to replenish it. Yellow signal – not enough blood. Donors with this group and Rh factor should hurry to the blood transfusion station. A green light means that supplies are sufficient and your visit to the blood service can be temporarily postponed. Information is updated daily, after 12 o'clock.

The blood bank requires constant replenishment. New Year holidays are ahead. The country will be on vacation, and the need for blood in hospitals will increase at this time. The chief doctor of CHOSPK Natalya Kisnyashkina invites volunteers to donate blood during the holidays. In Chelyabinsk, donors are expected on January 3 and 4, from 8 to 12 o'clock, at the regional blood transfusion station (Vorovskogo Street, 68).


South Ural donors donated 29 tons of blood over 11 months of 2018.

Donation is free of charge. Volunteers who donate blood receive two extra days off and can use them whenever they want. In addition, the donor is entitled to monetary compensation for lunch - five percent of the living wage established in the region (currently its size is 9,592 rubles).

— On average, we accept about a hundred donors every day only in a hospital setting and store approximately 50 liters of blood. This amount is enough to save from 30 to 70 patients,” says Zulfiya Lugmanova, head of the blood procurement department.

Newspaper “Evening Chelyabinsk”, author Natalya Firsanova, photo by Dmitry Kutkin