A clinic where they do ultrasounds of the sinuses. Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses. What are the accessory sinuses of the nose?

Ultrasound examination is a modern technique for visualizing the frontal and ENT organs. Among instrumental diagnostic schemes, echosinusoscopy (the same name as ultrasound) occupies an honorable niche as an important informative technological approach.

Determining infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory organ using ultrasonic waves is a safe procedure for pregnant women and children, because the possibility of receiving a radiation dose is reduced to zero.

Echosinusoscopy: what is it?

The list of modern methodological approaches for optimizing otolaryngological care includes echosinusoscopy. Diagnostic method is based on the ability of soft tissues to pass ultrasound scanning.

Equipping the device with a Doppler attachment allows assess the condition of ENT organs and tissues. The results of the study are converted on the computer screen in black and white.

For reference! Alternative methods of echosinusoscopy are computed tomography and radiography. In the first case, the patient receives significant radiation exposure, the second method is characterized by a high price range.

Ultrasound of the nasal sinuses is not a generally accepted diagnostic method. Reason for low prevalence echosinusoscopy lies in the possibility of distortion of the examination results.

Information is not always reliable, which is an indication for repeated testing, and therefore additional financial costs for the patient.

In some clinical situations, ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is prescribed to monitor treatment

Lack of skills of medical personnel in such studies and availability of appropriate equipment, prevents widespread use instrumental modern diagnostics in municipal healthcare institutions.

Nuance! The procedure for ultrasound examination of the nasal sinuses lasts 5-10 minutes.

Among the positive aspects of ultrasound, the following advantages can be identified:

  • efficiency of obtaining diagnostic results;
  • allows you to determine the presence of a concentration of foreign objects in the nasal cavity, which is impossible with other types of research;
  • data is stored on your hard drive or printed, which allows other specialists to familiarize themselves with the patient’s clinical picture;
  • no pain or discomfort during the manipulation;
  • instrumentation safety, which makes it possible to regularly use ultrasonic waves for pathology in the maxillary sinuses;
  • does not require special preparation of the patient.

The development of respiratory diseases in children is common, so the safety of ultrasound of the child’s sinuses is of great importance.

Conducting instrumental analysis of the frontal and maxillary sinuses of the ENT organs has no contraindications, does not cause side effects, is allowed for patients of any age.

What does an ultrasound of the sinuses show?

An ultrasound scan of the paranasal sinuses requires the patient to sit in a sitting position. A special gel is applied to the study area, and a sensor is installed perpendicular to the sinus area.

As a result examining the cavity from different angles, the doctor evaluates the following indicators:

  • thickness of vascular septa;
  • condition of subcutaneous tissue;
  • parameters of cartilage tissue;
  • presence and size of tumors;
  • quality of blood circulation.

If there the need to determine the presence and boundaries of liquid, diagnostics are carried out in two positions: lying on your back and lying on your stomach.

To detail the information and obtain an extensive conclusion, Dopplerography is prescribed in parallel with ultrasound. Upon completion of the manipulations, the patient receives a conclusion on paper.

Important! Before diagnostics, it is recommended to remove dentures, if any.

The exact cause of patient complaints of nasal congestion, excessive mucous discharge, and swelling can be determined using an ultrasound examination.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor adjusts the therapeutic regimen, prescribes treatment measures, or makes a decision on a successful outcome of recovery.

Echosinusoscopy does not replace radiography; diagnostics are especially effective for determining the presence of purulent exudate or fluid in the nasal cavities

The indications for ultrasound include the following factors:

  • deformation;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane by mechanical action;
  • purulent foci of inflammation of the inner lining of the nose;
  • allergic pathologies accompanied by copious mucus secretion;
  • inflammatory processes in the ENT organs (,

These are cavities in the bones of the skull that communicate with the nasal passages. These sinuses are lined with ciliated epithelium. They are normally filled with air. There are four of these sinuses, they are named according to their location in the skull:

  • the paired maxillary sinus is located in the upper jaw, the largest of all nasal cavities;
  • in the frontal bone there is a frontal or frontal sinus, it is also paired;
  • the paired ethmoid sinus is located between the cells of the ethmoid bone;
  • The only unpaired sinus is sphenoid. It is so named because it is located inside the sphenoid bone.

The sinuses of the paranasal cavity begin to form in the prenatal period, and end at the end of puberty.

Why the paranasal sinuses?

They perform the following functions:

  • reduction in the weight of the anterior cranial regions;
  • to enhance the resonant vibrations of the voice;
  • reduce harm from injuries;
  • isolate sensitive structures;
  • moisten the inhaled air masses and make them warmer;
  • perform the functions of additional sensory organs.

Diagram of the structure of the nose

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses has become a real pandemic of our time. Their danger lies in quite serious complications. They occur most often due to infection with pathogenic microflora. Harmful microorganisms enter the sinuses during acute respiratory diseases and caries.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can occur as a result of barotrauma that occurs during a rapid dive to depth or during an airplane dive. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the paranasal cavities can be caused by incorrect anatomy of the nasal septum, in which mucus can accumulate in them and bacteria can develop. In addition, cysts, tumors, and malignant pathologies can develop in the paranasal openings. All these ailments can be confirmed or excluded using ultrasound diagnostics.

Ultrasound diagnostics of the paranasal sinuses

Ultrasound of the sinuses (echosinusoscopy) is based on the ability of human body tissues to interact with ultrasonic vibrations and reproduce them on a computer monitor in the form of an image. If diagnostics using ultrasound of other organs and systems is widespread and prescribed quite often, then this method is just beginning to become popular among doctors.

Many people use X-rays for diagnosis in the old fashioned way. This is due, first of all, to the lack of experience with such research, as well as the lack of qualified specialists in this field. But ultrasound diagnostics has a number of advantages over x-ray examination. Firstly, ultrasound of this area is more informative. Secondly, it does not have a harmful effect on the patient’s body.

In addition, no special preparation is required for this study. The answer will be given to the patient immediately with a description of what the endoscopist saw on the screen. During the examination, the person does not experience any pain or the slightest discomfort.

Examination of the nasal sinuses can be done even on pregnant women and children, without fear of the harmful effects that occur, for example, during x-ray diagnostics.

Indications for ultrasound examination

Symptoms of inflammation or other pathology in the sinuses located near the nose are quite varied.

Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is indicated if the following signs are present:

  • if breathing through the nose is impaired;
  • mucous yellowish discharge from the nasal passages;
  • persistent headaches;
  • weakness, weakness throughout the body;
  • a feeling of fullness in the sinuses of the paranasal space;
  • pressure in the sinuses if you tilt your head sharply;

all of the above symptoms are usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

The most alarming thing is yellowish nasal discharge. This indicates a purulent-inflammatory focus in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Also, usually the doctor considers it necessary to monitor the condition of the paranasal cavities in case of rhinitis that continues for a long time, inflammatory processes in the middle ear, and pharyngeal tonsils. If, after treatment or tooth extraction, the temperature persists for a long time, the nasal septum is deviated, or there are suspicions of the presence of foreign bodies or tumors, an ultrasound of the nose is also prescribed.

What diseases does it detect and what are its ultrasound signs?

Ultrasound diagnostics, which is carried out to identify inflammatory and other pathological processes in the paranasal sinuses, is 100% accurate and very informative. In case of inflammation, the doctor visualizes thickening and swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as the presence of fluid, on the monitor.

After dental procedures, a violation of the integrity of the bottom of the maxillary sinus may occur, and foreign bodies may enter it. The specialist can clearly see all this during the examination.

Ultrasound of the nose: persistent post-traumatic deformities of the nose. The arrow points to the sites of healed fractures; the sensor is positioned transversely on the right slope of the nose.

During the procedure, it is possible to accurately diagnose the growth of polyps, cysts in the sinuses, their traumatic injuries, emergency conditions due to complications of inflammatory processes in the sinuses and injuries.

Ultrasound examination of the nose (normal and fractures).

Normally, the accessory cavities are filled with air. Pneumatization reflects ultrasound, so in normal conditions their rear walls are not visible on the monitor.
The posterior parts of the paranasal cavities can be seen on ultrasound only when there is content in the cavity: a foreign body, pus or mucus. The less air is in the sinus, the higher and more accurate the visibility in it. In this case, you can get a good look at its anatomical structure, what bone protrusions are there, whether there are cysts and other pathological growths.

If the mucous membrane of the cavity is swollen, then it is visible as a border that separates zones with different echogenicity (bones and liquid medium). This may be followed by a transparent layer of air. The effectiveness of the therapy can be monitored by whether the liquid layer, which has an average echogenicity, has disappeared. The posterior wall should not be visualized. This is a good sign, which indicates that the sinus is filled with air again, which means the patient has recovered.

A cyst in the maxillary cavity has the appearance of a modified contour of its wall. If there are heterogeneous contents, blurred contours between media of different echogenicity, one can suspect the presence of polyps or foreign bodies in the cavity, such as a fragment of a tooth root or a filling. The diagnosis can be clarified by repeated examination using ultrasound.

How is ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses performed?

The procedure is carried out quickly. It’s worth mentioning right away that, despite all its harmlessness, it still cannot be carried out in some cases. The study is postponed if there are lesions or pustular rashes on the skin in the place where the skin will come into contact with the device’s sensor. It is important to remove all jewelry and dentures as they may affect the accuracy of the results.

The patient is asked to lie down on the couch. A special gel is applied to the skin at the examination site to enhance the transmission of ultrasound signals. The procedure itself lasts no more than ten minutes, during which the patient should not move. A sensor is applied one by one to the places where the paranasal sinuses are located, at which time an image appears on the computer screen reflecting the state of the paranasal cavities. At the end of the procedure, remove the gel from the face with a clean napkin.
The result of an ultrasound examination can be issued immediately on any electronic medium. It can also be printed on paper.

Ultrasound of the paranasal cavities for children

Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses is not recommended for children under two years of age. But even from this time on, only the frontal and maxillary sinuses can be examined. The remaining paranasal cavities are in the process of formation, which will end at twelve years of age.
The child undergoes the procedure, like an adult, in a supine position. If a child is afraid of medical manipulations, you must try to calm him down, since during the procedure you should lie still, otherwise no one can vouch for the accuracy of the result.

Ultrasound examination of the nasal sinuses has many advantages over its competitors, the main one of which is that during the procedure the patient’s body is not exposed to harmful ionizing effects. It can be done for children, pregnant women, and people who have just been exposed to radiation therapy.

The procedure can be carried out as often as may be necessary to clarify any information necessary for the doctor. At the same time, it is much more informative than x-rays and much cheaper than computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, the result is given immediately to the patient, while, for example, with an x-ray you need to wait until the film dries, and then until the doctor describes the image. Ultrasound cannot always replace x-rays, but in some cases it is much more accurate. For example, in some cases, using ultrasound, it is possible to find a foreign body in the paranasal cavities even in cases where this is not visible on an x-ray.

The method is completely painless. It is used not only for diagnosis, but also during some surgical interventions on the paranasal cavities.

Ultrasound of the sinuses is also called echosinusoscopy. This is one of the simplest and safest methods for examining the paranasal sinuses.

Indications for examination are:

  • inflammatory diseases – sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others;
  • allergic reactions, which are accompanied by copious mucous discharge;
  • deviated nasal septum and trauma;
  • purulent inflammation of the inner lining of the nose;
  • foreign body, tumor and neoplasms;
  • mucosal damage.

In some medical centers, nasal ultrasound can be performed around the clock. This allows children who require emergency medical attention to urgently undergo an ultrasound examination of the sinus and check the fluid level in it.

This type of examination is needed to diagnose pathologies and diseases of the nasal sinuses, including those accompanied by nasal congestion, mucous discharge, swelling of the sinuses and other symptoms.

Survey methodology

An echosinoscope is used to examine the nasal sinuses. This is an ultrasound scanner that allows you to assess the state of the environment and see tumors.

The examination is carried out using high-frequency sound waves; they are not perceived by the human ear. Passing through the sensor, they are converted into a graphic image.

AND The instructions for conducting an ultrasound examination of the sinus may look like this:

The patient should take a sitting position. This will allow the doctor to obtain primary information about the condition of the sinuses and determine the level of fluid in them.
The doctor lubricates the area to be examined with gel and places the sensor against the skin. During the examination, the patient must tilt his head in different directions, because if there is pus or fluid, it will move.
Information about the condition of the sinus is displayed on the echo sinuscope screen. After receiving the image, the doctor releases the patient and evaluates the result.

Diagnostics takes no more than 15 minutes.

Note. When examining a child's sinuses, a different sensor is used than for adults, and a gel with a different composition, which enhances visualization to a greater extent.

Information is displayed in the form of a graphic image. During the examination, ultrasound beams deviate from their trajectory. They can be absorbed or reflected, depending on the environment in which they are exposed. All changes are visible on the curve that the doctor studies.

How information is displayed on an echo sinuscope can be seen in the video for this article:

Survey results

What does an ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses show?

You can see all the pathological changes, namely:

  • neoplasms in the form of cysts and polyps;
  • pus or fluid in the sinuses;
  • foreign bodies;
  • soft tissue diseases, such as boils, carbuncles and lipomas.

Ultrasound helps determine the size and also monitor the growth dynamics of tumors. It allows you to monitor the treatment process, observe changes for better or worse, and timely adjust therapy.

This is one of the reliable ways to prevent the development of complications, for example, when fluid does not come out of the sinus, but accumulates there for a long time, the inflammatory process can rise higher, to the head.

The examination also allows you to determine the following parameters:

  • condition of the mucous membrane and subcutaneous tissue;
  • parameters of cartilage tissue;
  • thickness of the walls of blood vessels;
  • blood circulation intensity.

Fluid in the sinuses

Fluid can accumulate in any of the paranasal sinuses, depending on which one is affected by the inflammatory process. The usual ultrasound diagnostic method allows you to determine the presence of excess fluid in the sinuses.

Using an echo sinuscope, you can determine the following parameters:

  • volume of content;
  • localization and boundaries of liquid;
  • one- or two-sided lesion.

To identify fluid in the sinuses, the patient must alternately take two positions: first lying on his back, and then on his stomach. This will allow for a primary differential diagnosis between the accumulation of discharge and space-occupying formations.

Note. Ultrasound should be performed regularly to monitor the level of sinus contents.

The doctor may also prescribe a Doppler ultrasound for the patient. This subtype of ultrasound diagnostics allows you to evaluate the blood supply to the sinuses.

Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is not as popular as X-ray or CT, but is indispensable for diagnosing children and pregnant women. It can be used as a primary diagnostic method to prescribe treatment.

Pathologies of the paranasal sinuses in ENT practice occupy one of the leading places in terms of detection frequency. The most common type of sinus disease is sinusitis, an inflammatory process. Approximately 35-45% of visits to otolaryngologists are related specifically to diseases of these bone cavities, which are also called the paranasal sinuses. Considering the complex structure of the paranasal sinuses (in humans there are four groups of sinus cavities), visual examination of the patient as a diagnostic method is of low effectiveness. Doctors use more specific methods of examining the paranasal sinuses, including ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses.

Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses: how it works and why it is prescribed

The entire examination technique is based on the properties of ultrasound rays. The biophysics of ultrasonic waves makes it possible to visualize and study the phenomena and processes detected during the passage of ultrasound through biological tissues. The doctor, conducting a diagnostic procedure, examines the interaction of ultrasonic waves with biological tissues, and the mutual influence of tissues on ultrasound. This phenomenon is explained by the piezoelectric effect. The category denotes a process in which ultrasonic waves, acting on the surface of single crystals of certain substances, create in them certain deformations and mechanical vibrations that emit ultrasonic waves, while at the same time, electric charges with the opposite sign appear on the surface of the crystals.

Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses (another name is echosinusoscopy) allows you to use the properties of ultrasonic waves to study the condition of the sinuses, determine the presence or absence of pathologies and diseases, identify indications for surgical intervention, develop a treatment regimen, and also monitor the effectiveness of medication or surgery. treatment and physical procedures.

Anatomy of the human paranasal sinuses

The paranasal sinuses are hollow air-bearing structures in the bones of the skull, connected to various nasal passages.

The formation of these bone cavities occurs during intrauterine development of the fetus and ends after puberty. The inner surface of the hollow formations is covered with ciliated epithelium with goblet cells. Their main purpose is to produce mucus. Mucus moves to the openings of the sinuses due to the movement of the cilia of the epithelium.

There are four groups of paranasal sinuses in the human head:

  • paired maxillary, or maxillary;
  • paired frontal sinus;
  • paired lattice labyrinth;
  • unpaired sphenoid sinus.

The maxillary sinus, as the name implies, is localized in the body of the upper jaw. The volume of the cavity in an adult can reach 30 cubic centimeters.

The cavity has an irregular shape and is formed by four walls:

  • front;
  • top;
  • bottom;
  • internal.

Frontal sinuses are cavities in the thickness of the frontal bone of the skull, located corresponding to the superciliary arches. The shape of these sinuses is a triangular pyramid with a downward-pointing base. The volume of the cavity in an adult is about 8 cubic centimeters.

The ethmoid sinuses look like cells corresponding to the level of the middle and superior turbinates. They form the upper part of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The cells communicate with each other.

The main sinus is located in the body of the main bone. Along the midline, the cavity is divided by a septum into right and left parts. The opening of the sinus opens into the upper nasal meatus. Some people do not have this paranasal sinus.

The functional significance of these bone cavities is that they:

  • enhance vocal resonance;
  • play the role of a shock absorber during mechanical impact on the skull;
  • isolate the sensitive optic nerves and tooth roots from sudden temperature fluctuations caused by inhalation and exhalation;
  • moisturize and warm the inhaled air;
  • react to changes in environmental pressure as an additional receptor;
  • slightly reduce the weight of the facial bones of the skull, given their large volume.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The attending physician refers the patient to an ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses if the following symptoms are present:

  • persistent runny nose of unknown origin;
  • periodic nosebleeds of unknown etiology;
  • pain in the sinus areas;
  • atypical nasal discharge.

Suspicion of pathologies and diseases of the paranasal sinuses objectively requires a diagnostic examination. Indications for ultrasound of these bone formations are:

  • rhinitis;
  • frontitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • labyrinthitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis.

All of these diseases can affect the sinus cavities. Considering their location and complex structure, as well as the fact that degenerative processes can negatively affect the condition of the brain due to the proximity of its localization, if one of the listed diseases is suspected, the attending physician will refer the patient for echosinusoscopy.

In addition, this type of diagnosis often requires:

  • allergic lesions associated with the appearance of a runny nose;
  • tumors of any nature, for example, polyps or lipomas;
  • damage and curvature of the nasal septum;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the sinuses or nasal passages;
  • injury to the corresponding bones of the skull, injury to the nose.

The patient can be sent for the procedure, or. Indeed, when carrying out some dental procedures affecting the upper jaw, a dental specialist may need the results of echosinusoscopy.

As for contraindications, doctors do not name absolute prohibitions on performing ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses. The procedure is prescribed with caution to pregnant women. Despite the fact that scientists have no objective evidence of potential harm to the fetus, it is believed that, if possible, it is better for pregnant women to avoid examinations related to any kind of radiation, at least during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, ultrasound examinations are perhaps the only non-invasive diagnostic method that is prescribed to most pregnant women with minimal exceptions.

Childhood is not a contraindication to the procedure - ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is allowed even for newborns.

Preparation process and technique for echosinusoscopy

A diagnostic session using the properties of ultrasonic waves does not require special preparation from the patient. You may eat and drink food and fluids before the test. If an ultrasound is being performed on a small child, parents tell him about the procedure in advance and convince him that the diagnosis is painless and there is no need to be afraid of it.

Before the ultrasound, the examinee removes all metal jewelry, removes piercings and dentures, if any. During the procedure, the patient sits motionless on the couch. In some cases, the diagnostician asks him to lie on his back or stomach. The doctor applies a special gel to the area being examined.

The doctor determines the location of the cavity he is interested in and installs the sensor according to anatomical landmarks in the area of ​​its projection. In this case, the position of the sensor must be strictly perpendicular to the bone in order to minimize the interference created by the bone tissue.

The peculiarity of the method is that cavities are visualized on the monitor only if they contain contents, otherwise the echogenic signal is reflected from the air-bone border.

For this reason, during the ultrasound, the doctor asks the subject to change the position of the head, for example, bend it forward or tilt it back, in order to change the boundary of the location of the fluid, if any.

An ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses takes no more than 10-15 minutes and is absolutely painless.

Interpretation of diagnostic results of the paranasal sinuses

As a result of visualization of the images of the examined cavities, the doctor has the opportunity to examine them from different angles and analyze their condition. The diagnostician evaluates the thickness of the vascular septa, the characteristics of cartilage tissue, the condition of the subcutaneous tissue, and the quality of blood circulation. In addition, the doctor determines the presence or absence of neoplasms.

The normal state of the sinuses is not displayed in any way on the monitor of an ultrasound machine, so such a study is uninformative, while pathologies and diseases are quite clearly visualized on the image. For example, sinusitis can be identified by changes in the thickness and density of the mucous membrane caused by swelling. Fluid with homogeneous or heterogeneous echogenicity is visible inside the sinus. Cysts and polyps in cavities appear as structures with low echogenicity.

Along with ultrasound, the attending physician often prescribes Doppler ultrasound. Using the combination of these procedures, it is easier for a physician to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Having studied the results of the ultrasound examination, the diagnostician draws up a conclusion, which, together with the ultrasound images, is given to the patient. These medical documents must be transferred to the attending physician so that he can develop treatment tactics or evaluate the degree of effectiveness of the treatment already carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages of the ultrasound method

Of course, the diagnostic method of ultrasound has a number of positive characteristics, due to which it is prescribed almost more often than all other types of examinations.

The procedure usually takes place in 10-15 minutes, while other examination methods may take longer than ultrasound. In cases where the doctor urgently needs to obtain information about the condition of the patient’s paranasal sinuses, any delay is inappropriate and can be dangerous.

Other scanning techniques do not allow determining the presence and location of foreign bodies in cavities - this is only possible with the help of ultrasound. Considering that this problem often occurs in young children who love to explore the world in such a traumatic way, the value of an ultrasound examination for them cannot be overestimated.

Scanning with an ultrasound sensor is absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient; no special preparation is required before it begins.

The safety of ultrasound examination ensures that the procedure can be performed regularly every time it is needed. X-ray or computed tomography cannot boast of this property.

However, the method also has known disadvantages. Echosinusoscopy is an inaccessible type of ultrasound, and not every ultrasound diagnostician has a sufficient level of qualifications to perform it. Some doctors with decades of experience have never encountered the need to perform echosinusoscopy.

In the process of interpreting and deciphering the results, the doctor must remember that ultrasound scanning can produce an image with a certain level of error, and in some cases there may even be a phenomenon such as overdiagnosis, that is, a situation when the sensor detects areas with particular echogenicity, although there is no There is no pathology in this place. Often, ultrasound results must be supplemented with information obtained from other examinations, which requires additional time and expense.

Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses, as a diagnostic method, is highly valued by doctors. Among its advantages are the speed of implementation, sufficient accessibility, in addition, patients note the complete painlessness of the method. Based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor can detect only pathologies or destructive processes in the images - in the normal state the sinus cavity is not visualized. However, in the presence of polyps or tumors, sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, labyrinthitis, foreign bodies, hemorrhages, the diagnostician will notice characteristic changes in the images, and then, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations, establish or confirm the diagnosis, and propose treatment regimens.

Not all people have heard that there is such a method of studying the body as ultrasound of the sinuses. However, it is now being applied. It is a very effective method of examining the condition of the human body. Modern medicine does not stand still, it is developing; today, through ultrasound of the sinuses, it is possible to diagnose problems with the organ of smell. This type of research is an absolutely safe diagnostic method, but is not widely used in practice in medical institutions. Typically, most clinics use x-rays to examine the sinuses.

How are the paranasal sinuses examined?

The noses are well positioned for ultrasound. They are located between the bones of the skull, namely between the lobes of the facial part. The sinuses of the nose perform resonant and pneumatic functions. The sinuses are a channel in which cold air acquires the temperature necessary for the body.

There are certain parameters for the sinuses. Through this study, you can see in what position they are, whether any pathologies are present or absent. If you perform an ultrasound of the sinuses on a patient, you can diagnose the type of disease that is present in the body. For example, you can identify sinusitis and other problems.

What does an ultrasound show?

We found out what an ultrasound of the sinuses is. What does this examination show? With its help you can determine the following indicators:

1. What condition is the mucous membrane in?
2. What are the dimensions of the nasal structures.
3. Are there any formations in the nose that should not be there? The presence of foreign bodies in the nasal cavities is also diagnosed.
4. Using ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses, it is determined how much fluid is present in the cavity, whether this value is acceptable or not.
5. The test shows whether a person has polyps. The presence of a cyst is also determined.

As you know, the essence of ultrasound is that ultrasound is reflected from the walls of internal organs, and a picture is displayed on the monitor. Only an experienced doctor can decipher the data. Modern technology makes it possible to obtain color images. But for an ordinary person without special education and experience, it is difficult to decipher the picture. Only an experienced doctor can see what pathological processes occur in the human body, or confirm that they are absent. The picture on the monitor appears due to a special program. It converts the received data from the reflection of ultrasound inside the body.


In what cases is a patient prescribed an ultrasound of the sinuses? If the patient has:

1. Inflammatory processes that occur in the body. These include: rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, adenoiditis and other similar diseases. Ultrasound of the sinuses for sinusitis is also an effective method of examination.

2. Allergic rhinitis.

3. Injuries to the nose or other mechanical damage to the nasopharynx.

4. The presence of formations such as polyps. Finding any foreign objects in the nose.

5. Nosebleeds for unknown reasons.

6. Inflammations that occur in the soft tissues of the nose, including those of a purulent nature.

This examination is also prescribed if a cyst is suspected or the presence of any pathological formations in the human nasal cavity. Using an ultrasound of the nose, you can monitor whether the treatment process is effective or not.


You should know that there is an alternative to ultrasound of the nose, namely echosinusoscopy. This procedure has no contraindications. It can be done even for children. Echosinusoscopy differs from ultrasound in that it uses a different shaped sensor. To carry out the procedure, the sensor is attached to the skin in close proximity to the sinuses. This type of examination uses a gel. It is suitable specifically for echosinusoscopy. The gel is necessary to enhance the visualization effect through the bone tissue of the human body.

If the procedure is planned to be performed on a child, then he must be psychologically prepared for it. First, you need to tell why it is needed, then describe the stages of implementation. This is necessary so that the child does not become nervous or panic during the examination.

What are the benefits of ultrasound?

To understand what to do - ultrasound or x-ray of the sinuses, it is worth knowing the disadvantages and advantages of these procedures.

Like most noses, it has its pros and cons. The main advantage of this method over x-rays is that there is no need to calculate what dose of radiation will affect the body. Ultrasound is absolutely harmless. Therefore, if necessary, this type of examination can be repeated without any temporary breaks. Ultrasound of the nose can be performed on children, women who are carrying a child, and during breastfeeding.

Another advantage of this method is that the device contains a device called a Doppler. Using it, you can determine the state of the blood flow, whether a spasm is present in the body or not. Doppler also allows you to find out whether the patient has any pathological changes in blood vessels, such as narrowing. Another advantage of ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses is that the patient does not need any preparation for it.

What are the disadvantages of ultrasound?

One of the disadvantages is that this procedure is rarely performed in medical institutions. Therefore, there are no specialists with extensive practice. Also, due to the thickness of the nasal septum, there may be a possibility of distortion of the examination results. In this regard, the patient will be prescribed additional methods to make a diagnosis.

What pathological changes in the body can be determined by echosinusoscopy?

This examination method allows you to diagnose the following ailments:

1. Inflammation in the human body.
2. The presence of any formations, namely: polyps, adenoids and others.
3. Allergic reactions of the body with localization in the nasal sinuses.
4. Presence of a cyst.

This method also allows you to track how a particular disease progresses, for example, infection or bacterial origin.

Through ultrasound, ailments such as boils, lipomas and others are much better visualized. Also, with the help of this examination, you can accurately determine how much fluid is present in the nasal sinuses, namely, whether it is within normal limits or not.

What does the doctor evaluate when performing an ultrasound?

As mentioned above, a doctor can use ultrasound to determine not only the state of the human body at the time of the examination, but also how the disease progresses. Thus, it becomes possible to understand how effective the prescribed treatment is.

When performing an ultrasound, the specialist identifies the following indicators:

1. The presence of any shadows.
2. What is the size of the sinus, as well as its volume.
3. How thick are the nasal mucous membranes.
4. Shape of the sinuses of the nose.
5. Internal protrusion.
6. Amount of liquid.
7. Area of ​​distribution of pathology.
8. Shadows.

Indicators are assessed quickly, no longer than ten minutes. Next, the patient is prescribed a treatment regimen. It can be conservative or surgical.