Public associations as opposed to political parties. What is the difference between a political party and a social movement

The main purpose of the party - the conquest of power. The seizure of power is carried out through election campaigns, the program of the party. The party takes over the state machine in order to realize its program. The state is an instrument, a means in the hands of the party for the solution of its tasks. Thus, the party has a leading role, an organizing force. Societies. Organizations- do not set political goals. public association represent voluntary self-governing non-profit formation, created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of commonality and interests for the implementation of common goals specified in the statutory documents. (PUBLIC FOUNDATIONS, MOVEMENTS. ORGANIZATIONS).

In the political system of modern Russian society political parties are playing an ever-increasing role, becoming the structure-forming elements of the democratic system. They realize their goals, covering many areas of public life with their activities: they stimulate the active participation of citizens in politics; influence the formation of public opinion; develop the political culture of citizens and promote their political education; identify and justify the interests of large social groups; ensure constant communication between civil society and the state; nominate candidates for government bodies and provide them with all kinds of support; participate in the activities of elected bodies of power, government, administration; train and promote personnel for state and public organizations; have a significant impact on the formation of public opinion, on the position of citizens, become a kind of catalyst for social processes, the activities of political power structures.

Purposes of creating political parties:

A. Formation of public opinion.

b. Political education and upbringing of citizens. For this, various circles are created, events are held, etc.

V. Nomination of candidates for deputies, participation in various elections, in case of victory - work in representative bodies.

d. Seizure of state power. She has always been a very tasty morsel.

Functions of political parties:

Identification, formulation and satisfaction of the interests of social. groups (large social groups)

Activation and integration of a certain part of people

The struggle for political power, its use, the definition of forms, methods and means of struggle depending on the changing situation

Formation of higher and local authorities (nomination of their supporters, organization of control over their parliamentary activities)

Development of a party ideology, creation and implementation of a political program for the development of society, propaganda, formation of public opinion

Political education of society or part of it

Training and promotion of personnel for the party, state. apparatus and various public organizations, the formation of the ruling elite.

Types of political parties:

Class (represent the interests of social groups that differ in their place in the structure of production relations, for example, business, workers)

National, religious (express at the state level the specific interests of a particular ethnic group or confession, set the task of ensuring their priority in the state, for example, the Islamic Renaissance Party)

Problematic (subordinate their activities to the solution of some social problem, the most urgent, acute, important, for example, the environmental party, the party of peace or disarmament, land reform)

State-patriotic (focused on mobilizing representatives of all social strata and groups to ensure the integrity and stability of the state)

Forming around a popular political figure and acting as support groups for him






vanguard type,

parliamentary type;

The consignment avant-garde type- communist party in the period of the USSR. The leading role is enshrined in law, the one-party system does not tolerate political pluralism, its ideology is supported by state coercion. Clearly fixed membership, contributions. It is built on the basis of the production-territorial principle (Yeltsin's decree abolished this principle), which makes it possible to cover all production relations through labor collectives, all public associations, etc. Covered all areas of society.

Party of parliamentary type: the main purpose is election campaigns to a representative body, the conquest of power through obtaining a majority of seats in parliament. Activated during the election campaign.

The place and role of the party depends not only on the type of party, but also on the type of political system in which it operates.

The place and role of the party depends on:

1. type of political system.

2. party type.

3. form of government.

31. State and religious associations: legal forms of their interaction. (Quite a lot, we reduce)

State- a political-territorial, sovereign organization of public power, which has an apparatus of control and coercion, with the help of which it can impose its will on all members of society through generally binding legal norms.

Religious association the Russian Federation recognizes a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation, other persons, formed for the purpose of joint confession and dissemination of faith and having signs corresponding to this purpose.

In totalitarian distributive systems, the state actually intervenes in the affairs of the church. Such political systems tried to use the church for their own purposes. In societies dominated by certain religious systems, by contrast, religious organizations had an impact on the functioning of state institutions. In these societies, the relationship between the state and religious entities is very contradictory:

from the complete subordination of state institutions to religious rules and requirements to periodic conflicts of the state. In general, the church in many societies is practically and in fact an important element of the political system of society, although in liberal democratic systems such a position is not openly recognized, and even constitutionally rejected.

Federal Law "On freedom of conscience and religious associations"

Article 4 State and religious associations

1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as a state or obligatory one. Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal before the law.

2. In accordance with the constitutional separation principle religious associations from the state the state:

· does not interfere in the determination by a citizen of his attitude to religion and religious affiliation, in the upbringing of children by parents or persons replacing them, in accordance with their convictions and taking into account the child's right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion;

· ensures the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions.

4. The activities of public authorities and local self-government bodies are not accompanied by public religious rites and ceremonies. Officials of state authorities, other state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as military personnel, are not entitled to use their official position to form one or another attitude towards religion.

5. In accordance with the constitutional principle of separation of religious associations from the state, a religious association:

· is created and carries out its activities in accordance with its own hierarchical and institutional structure, selects, appoints and replaces its personnel in accordance with its own regulations;

does not perform the functions of state authorities, other state bodies, state institutions and local governments;

does not participate in elections to state authorities and local self-government bodies;

· does not participate in the activities of political parties and political movements, does not provide them with material and other assistance.

6. The separation of religious associations from the state does not entail restrictions on the rights of members of these associations to participate on an equal basis with other citizens in the management of state affairs, elections to state authorities and local self-government bodies, the activities of political parties, political movements and other public associations.

7. At the request of religious organizations, the relevant state authorities in the Russian Federation have the right to declare religious holidays non-working (holiday) days in the respective territories.

Church- This;

1) the union of people professing one faith;

2) a religious organization, the purpose of which is to ensure regular relations between its members and structural subdivisions, as well as to establish and maintain links with secular organizations.

Interaction between the state and the church is determined by its dual meaning: as a moral-religious and as a legal union. Depending on what rights are granted churches, in relationships her with state the following four types of systems can be defined: 1) theocracy, or priority churches before the state 2) dominant church; 3) recognized churches; 4) churches tolerable. In relation to different religions state can use different systems.
Depending on the attitude towards religion in the modern world, there are:
1. Theocratic state- This state, in which the chapter states performs the functions of the supreme clergyman, the state religion is established in the country, and state power belongs to churches. In the theocratic state religious norms are the main source of law. Today such states are the Vatican, Iran, Pakistan, etc.
Signs of theocratic states: 1) the establishment of a state religion, obligatory for all; 2) the inclusion of religious organizations in the political system; 3) merging of the state apparatus and religious associations; 4) the religious leader heads the bodies of state power and has the powers of political state power; 5) participation of religious organizations in the activities of state bodies, influencing their activities.
2. A secular state is a state in which there is no official religion, all religious associations are separated from state power and are equal to each other (Russian Federation, France, etc.).

Signs of a secular state:

1. the absence of any obligatory (state) religion;
2) non-intervention churches in government functions;
3) execution church an exclusively spiritual function aimed at meeting the religious needs of society;
4) lack of control over the attitude of citizens to religion;

The main feature of the secular states- separation of religious organizations from the state. In a secular state, religious associations are not entrusted with the performance of the functions of state authorities. At the same time, religious associations should not participate in the political life of the state. This sign is provided for in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the program documents of the Russian Orthodox churches, Russian Muslim, Jewish and Protestant religious organizations.
3. Clerical statestate where power merges with church, however, unlike the theocratic state, the country does not prohibit others, except for the state religion. The state religion enjoys certain benefits, in particular tax benefits, and receives subsidies. Currently, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Israel are clerical.
4. Atheistic state- This state, in which any religion is prohibited, and religious associations are prosecuted by law. In atheistic states publication and distribution of any religious literature, preaching and agitation are prohibited. Church deprived of property, the clergy are held accountable. Such a state was the former USSR.

State and Church

State types:

1) Secular

2) Theocratic

3) Clerical

4) Atheistic

Secular state

In a secular state, all kinds of religious organizations are separated from the state. They have no right to perform non-political, non-judicial functions and cannot interfere in public affairs. The legal regime of religious organizations in a secular state is characterized by the following feature:

1) State bodies have no right to control the attitude of their citizens to religion

2) The state does not interfere in internal church activities

3) The state does not provide material, financial or any other assistance to any of the confessions.

4) Religious organizations do not carry out the instructions of the state

5) Confessions do not interfere in the political life of the country, but are engaged only in activities related to meeting the religious needs of the population.

The state protects the lawful activities of religious associations; guarantees freedom of religion, ensures the equality of all religious organizations before the law

Many countries are exactly like this: Germany, France, Russia, CIS countries

clerical state

A clerical state is a state where a particular religion officially has the status of a state religion. This religion occupies a privileged position compared to other faiths. The status of the state religion presupposes close cooperation between the state and the church, which covers various spheres of public life.

The status of the state religion is characterized by:

1) In the sphere of economic relations, this is the recognition of ownership of a wide range of objects

2) The Church receives various subsidies, material assistance, tax benefits from the state

3) The Church has the right to participate in the political life of the country and often have its representation in state bodies

4) The Church is endowed with a number of legal powers

The Church can exercise such powers as registration of acts of civil status (wedding is equivalent to state registration).

5) The Church exercises control in the field of education and upbringing, conducts religious censorship - printed materials, cinema, television.

But in a clerical state, despite the strong position of the church, there is no merging of the state and the church. Declaring a particular religion as a state religion, as a rule, means that the state respects the religion professed by the majority of the population and adheres to religious traditions that constitute the spiritual and cultural value of the people.

These include such states as: Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain.

The difference between the party and other political institutions

We must not forget that both the goals and functions of the party must, above all, serve the interests of society, delegating to the party the right to speak on behalf of the general population. If society considers that a party is an important instrument for upholding the political rights of citizens, it can and must effectively use the "credit of trust" given to it.

The content of the law on political parties in the Russian Federation and its main issues

  • 1. All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA";
  • 3. Political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia";
  • 4. Political party "PATRIOTS OF RUSSIA";
  • 5. All-Russian political party "RIGHT CAUSE";
  • 6. Political party JUST RUSSIA;
  • 7. Political party "Russian United Democratic Party" YABLOKO ";
  • 8. Political party "Republican Party of Russia";
  • 9. Political party "Democratic Party of Russia";
  • 10. All-Russian political party "People's Party "For Women of Russia";
  • 11. Political party "Green Alliance - People's Party";
  • 12. All-Russian political party "Party of Pensioners of Russia";
  • 13. Political party "Cities of Russia";
  • 14. Political party "Young Russia";
  • 15. All-Russian political party "New Russia";
  • 16. Political party "Russian Ecological Party" Green ";
  • 17. Political party "COMMUNISTS OF RUSSIA";
  • 18. All-Russian political party "People's Party of Russia";
  • 19. All-Russian political party "Agrarian Party of Russia";
  • 20. All-Russian political party PARTY FOR JUSTICE!;
  • 21. All-Russian political party "Party of Free Citizens";
  • 22. All-Russian political party "Party of Social Networks";
  • 23. Political party "Union of Citizens";
  • 24. Political party "Communist Party of Social Justice";
  • 25. Russian political party "Social Democratic Party of Russia"; Political Party
  • 26. Political party SOCIAL PROTECTION;
  • 27. Political party "SMART RUSSIA".

In the late 90s. More than 50 political parties have been registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. As of January 1, 1999, in accordance with the federal law of September 19, 1997 N 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation", 141 political parties and all-Russian political associations were registered by the Ministry of Justice. There are also small political organizations that do not register their activities, as well as party formations, history was denied registration due to the inconsistency of certain provisions of their program and statutory documents with the norms of the current legislation.

The current stage of development of the party system in Russia is characterized by the presence of a large number of small organizations that do not have wide popularity, not to mention political influence. Many of them are political organizations - one-day.

A group of influential parties has formed in Russia, here are some of them:

  • - "Unity and Fatherland" - United Russia. Program goals: cooperation of all branches of government; not man for power, but power for man; to the citizen all the fullness of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution; social partnership; effective system of social guarantees; improvement of the business climate in the country, structural reforms, development of the financial market; Russia must become a country capable of defending itself, where security is guaranteed for every person, where law enforcement agencies work reliably, and a fair judicial system operates; formation and support of international policy aimed at enhancing the role of Russia in the world; maintaining social stability.
  • - Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The main goals of the statutory activities: propaganda of socialism - a society of social justice, collectivism, freedom, equality, genuine democracy, meaning the power of the working majority, united through the Soviets; ensuring the maximum possible representation of workers in government bodies; the formation of a planned-market, socially-oriented, environmentally friendly economy that guarantees a stable living standard for citizens; strengthening the federal multinational state with equal rights for all subjects of the Federation; the inseparable unity of human rights, the complete equality of citizens of any nationality throughout Russia, patriotism, friendship of peoples; cessation of armed conflicts, resolution of contentious issues by political methods; protection of the interests of the working class, the peasantry, the intelligentsia, all working people.
  • - "Apple". Program goals: democracy, separation of powers. the return of control powers to the parliament, in the economy, the reform of management structures, the financial system, and property rights. key elements of the social infrastructure, the creation of "the economic foundations of a competitive market economy", the formation of an effective owner, entrepreneur, initiative worker. creation of socio-economic and political prerequisites for achieving social harmony in society, rejection of the residual principle of financing science, culture and education, rejection of the use of military force in resolving internal conflicts.
  • - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. The main goals of the statutory activities are: building a law-based state with a multistructural, socially oriented economy through parliamentary methods through the promotion of the ideas of liberalism and liberal democracy; recognition of private property as sacred and inviolable; political pluralism; guarantee of civil rights and freedoms; ensuring equal opportunities and broad social protection for all members of society; upholding the equality of all nations and nationalities inhabiting Russia, the solution of the national question only within the constitutional framework; refusal to act violently.
1) What is the problem of economic choice? 2) what does the concept of economic efficiency mean? 3) what distinguishes a market economy from others

economic systems? 4) what distinguishes the activity of an entrepreneur from other types of economic activity? 5) what organizational and legal forms are provided for by law? 6) why, even in a market economy, the state cannot abstain from participation in economic life? 7) what tasks does the government solve in the preparation of the state budget? 9) what is the danger of inflation for the family and society as a whole? 10) what is the positive and negative value of foreign trade for the development of the national economy? If possible, please answer all with one sentence, thanks in advance)

1. State power, unlike other types of public power,

1) regulates relations on the principle of "domination-submission"
2) restricts the freedom of the one who is in the state of a subordinate
3) relies on established norms and rules of conduct
4) is based on organized legal coercion, right and authority
2. Are the following judgments about the role of politics in society correct?
A. Politics ensures the integrity and stability of the development of society.
B. Politics ensures the development and application of social norms.

3. Are the following judgments about the separation of powers correct?
A. The principle of separation of powers is that there are three branches of power with strictly defined functions.
B. The principle of separation of powers implies the existence of a system of "checks and balances"
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong
4. What distinguishes the state from other political organizations?
1) development of programs for the development of society
2) representation of the interests of certain groups of society
3) nomination of political leaders
4) the exclusive right to adopt legal norms
5. R.'s organization has extended its authority over a certain territory. It provides security and law and order, publishes laws, establishes taxes. This organization is
1) state 3) public organization
2) political party 4) agency
6. The supremacy and completeness of state power within the country and its independence in foreign policy are called
1) form of government 2) state sovereignty
3) form of government 4) political regime
7. Are the following statements about the state correct?
A. The state represents the interests of society as a whole and protects the common good.
B. The state in the modern world has the exclusive right to regulate economic processes.
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong
8. Find the public authorities in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Ministry of Education and Science 2) Human rights organization
3) association of plastic surgeons 4) city registration chamber
5) Department of Internal Affairs
9. Possesses political power
1) school principal 3) member of parliament
2) fitness club manager 4) father of the family

1. A voluntary union expressing the interests of social groups and participating in the struggle for political power is 1) a political party 2)

civil society 3) trade union organization 4) parliament

2. “All the shortcomings of the state must be treated carefully, like the wounds of a father. Traditions and continuity is the main thing in the development of society”. For what political ideology is this statement the leading one?

1) conservative 2) liberal 3) social democratic 4) communist

3. Which of the activities is typical for a political party in a democratic society

1) development of national economic plans 2) management of the activities of executive bodies

3) appointment of leading cadres of industrial enterprises 4) promotion of their views in the media

4. From the point of view of attitude to state power, parties are distinguished

1) competitive and monopoly 2) left, right, centrist 3) ruling and opposition

4) with strong and with weak structure

5. Political party in a democratic state

1) has the right to legalized violence 2) ratifies international treaties 3) creates legal norms 4) develops ideological programs

6. Are the following judgments about political parties correct?

A. Any political party unites people who defend various social interests

B. Parties contribute to the dissemination of political knowledge in society

1) A is correct 2) B is correct 3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

7. The political party participated in the elections under the proportional system. What says that this party became the ruling party

1) the party got its candidates into parliament and formed a faction 2) the party received several parliamentary committees under its control 3) the party got the opportunity to implement its program in government political decisions 4) the party got the opportunity to campaign on the pages of central newspapers

8. What ideology does the statement refer to: “The state should not interfere in the development socio-economic sphere, providing citizens with entrepreneurial freedom”.

1) communist 2) social democratic 3) liberal 4) conservative

9. One of the tasks of any political party is

1) participation in the struggle for power 2) elections of deputies of parliament 3) determining prices for essential goods 4) levying taxes on the population

Please help me choose the correct answer from the given questions.

A1. The court of general jurisdiction includes:
1) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 3) Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation
2) the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 4) the arbitration court of districts

A2. What are the functions of local self-government bodies?
1) collecting taxes 2) maintaining public order
3) uninterrupted operation of transport 4) protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens
5) the work of retailers

A3. What is characteristic of a unitary state?
1) action in the subjects of their own laws
2) local authorities are subordinate to the central
3) Development of mass production
4) the absence of a constitution among the subjects
5) the head of executive power in the subject is appointed by the president

A4. What distinguishes the party from other political associations?
1) the conquest of power or participation in the exercise of power
2) the union exists for a long time
3) the association has a motley social composition
4) refusal to participate in elections
5) lack of a clear organization
6) nomination of candidates for elections

A5. All the terms below, with the exception of one, characterize the concept (dictatorship). Indicate the term that refers to another concept.
1) totalitarianism 2) tyranny 3) democracy 4) firm hand 5) terror 6) fascism

Distinctive features of the party
First sign lies in the fact that the party is an organization, i.e. long enough association of people. The longevity of the organization's activity makes it possible to distinguish it from clientele, factions, cliques that arise and disappear along with their inspirers and organizers.

Second sign parties - the existence of stable local organizations that maintain regular links with the national leadership.

Third sign is that the purpose of the party is the conquest and exercise of power. The desire to exercise power makes it possible to distinguish parties from pressure groups. If the parties aim to gain power in elections, to exercise it through the work of deputies in parliament and government, then pressure groups do not seek to seize power, but try to influence it, remaining outside its sphere.

Fourth sign parties - ensuring popular support, from voting to active membership in it. On this basis, parties differ from political clubs that do not participate in elections and parliamentary activities. Probably, the set of constitutive features of the party could be supplemented, for example, with an ideological criterion: the party is the bearer of a certain ideology, worldview.

party systems. Features of party building in Russia.

party system - this is a set of connections and relations between parties that claim to have power in the country.

Depending on the number of parties actually claiming power, the following types of party systems are distinguished:

§ non-party;

§ bipartisan;

§ multi-party.

One-party system

Fundamental feature one-party system is the monopoly of one party on power. Similar systems can exist under totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. One-party systems are subdivided into real one-party systems, i.e., those in which a single party exists and rules, and formally multi-party, where, despite the existence of several parties, power is controlled by the hegemonic party. A similar system existed in the countries of Eastern Europe until 1989-1990, and is currently characteristic of China, where, along with the ruling Communist Party, there are eight more parties.

Two party system

bipartisan the system is characterized by constant competition between the two major parties. The rest of the parties do not have significant political weight. A similar party system exists in the US and the UK.

Multi-party system

multi-party, the system is characterized by political competition of several parties. Depending on the number of parties, party systems of moderate (from three to five) and extreme (from six or more) pluralism are distinguished, none of them can independently be in power. As a result, there is a need to organize coalitions both for the formation of the government and for intra-parliamentary work. Multi-party systems are subdivided into systems with and without a dominant party.

Russia is characterized by essential features of party building. The creation of parties began much later than in the countries of Western Europe, their formation came from below, from the parties of the working class, while the parties of the upper classes began to be created only in the process of the first Russian revolution after the publication of the Tsarist Manifesto on October 17, 1905. Russian multi-party system did not develop for long, until about the summer of 1918, then interrupted for almost 70 years.

The development of a modern multi-party system in Russia has gone through several stages:

1986 - 1988 – development of informal public organizations;

1988 - 1989 - the stage of action of the popular fronts and proto-party structures;

1990 - 1991 - the first wave of party formation (in 1990, the LDPR, a democratic platform in the CPSU, was formed; in 1991, the People's Party of Free Russia was established);

1991 - 1993 - the second wave of party building, which began after August 1991 (Economic Freedom Party, Consolidation Party, Peasant Party, etc.);

1993 - 1995 - at this stage, the system of proto-parties begins to break down and new political parties are formed - PRES, the Russia's Choice bloc, Yabloko;

1995 - 2000 - a period of extensive development of a multi-party system, the subjects of which compete not for the conquest of power, but for deputy mandates;

2000 - to the present - a period of conscious efforts by power structures to create one or another modification of the two-party system.

The electoral law has now been changed. The authorities are doing everything to reduce the number of parties in parliament in order to achieve a two-party system.

Under the new law, the minimum turnout in elections has been abolished and the passing score for parties must be at least 7%. Under these conditions, the maximum number of parties in parliament is 5.

Duverger's laws

Duverger's law- one of the principles in political science, which states that the electoral system in which "the winner takes all", as a rule, leads to the establishment of a two-party political system. This trend was discovered by Maurice Duverger, a French sociologist and political scientist, who described the effect in a series of papers published in the 1950s and 1960s.

The essence of the law:

The system of majoritarian representation leads to the fact that the chances of new small parties to get into parliament are very small. As a rule, representatives of some traditional people's party, often of a social democratic direction, on the one hand, and a liberal-conservative party, on the other, turn out to be in parliament. Typical examples are the two-party systems of the USA, Malta, etc.

The law is based on the idea that reasonable politicians and voters will eventually understand the futility of a situation where more than two parties compete at the national level. Although three parties may enter the competition within a few years, the one that begins to lose votes will disappear quickly. This will happen when it becomes clear to everyone that she will not get a seat in the representative body as long as the votes in her favor are evenly distributed throughout the country. Conversely, the number of parties in a proportional electoral system will be determined by social forces rather than by a system that allows voting for several parties at the same time.