What you can reward employees for - wording. The correct wording of employee bonuses: for what can an employee be rewarded? List of grounds for payment

The names of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be announced today. This is the most prestigious award in the scientific world: laureates in five categories - "Physiology and Medicine", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Economics", "Literature", as well as the Peace Prize - are announced in October, and the award ceremony takes place in Stockholm on December 10, on the anniversary of the death of the founder of the award, the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel.

The Nobel Committee is already winners in the nomination "Physiology and Medicine". They were immunologists James Ellison and Tasuku Honjo. The researchers are credited for developing cancer immunotherapy.

On October 2, the award was given: scientists Arthur Ashkin - for "optical tweezers and its application in biological systems", Gerard Mouroux and Donna Strickland - for "a method for generating high-intensity ultrashort optical pulses" became laureates. Donna Strickland became the third woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, after Maria Skladowska-Curie and Maria Goeppert-Meyer.

Now we tell what interesting things are happening around the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Disputes between chemists and biologists

In recent years, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been criticized by chemists themselves. The fact is that more and more often awards are taken by scientists of "non-chemical" specialties. From 1982 to 2012, the Nobel Prize was awarded ten times for research in biochemistry or molecular biology. From 2002 to 2012, only four awards were given for work in chemistry.

Last year, the biochemist award. It went to Jacques Duboucher (Sweden), Joachim Francui (USA) and Richard Henderson (Great Britain) for developing the method of cryoelectron microscopy, which makes it possible to examine in detail the molecules of living organisms. Scientists have been doing their research since the late 70s and as a result made a big breakthrough in biology: with the help of an electron microscope, it became possible to obtain three-dimensional images and study molecular substances from different angles.

Alfred Nobel himself did not say anything about biologists in his will - during his lifetime, biology as a science was less developed and popular than chemistry and physics. But over time, progress put her on a par with them, so the Swedish Academy of Sciences began to include candidates in related disciplines.

Non-obvious forecasts

ChemistryViews, a free online service hosted by European chemists and other scientists from 16 European chemical societies, held a vote ahead of the award: who can become the laureate? This resource is not an authoritative predictor of the results of the Nobel Prize, however, the forecasts of authoritative experts in the previous two days also mostly did not come true. However, ChemistryViews candidates look quite interesting.

Most of the votes were collected by the famous researcher of polymeric materials, the Pole Krzysztof Matiaszewski, who discovered simple polymerization process. His method makes it possible to obtain heterogeneous paints and varnishes and can be used for medical purposes, for example, for bone regeneration.

The second place belongs to the American chemist Omar Yaghi. He is one of the five most cited chemists in the world. His work is dedicated organometallic chemistry. Among his latest projects, for example, was a device that allows you to extract water vapor from the air using sunlight and heat, and accumulate this moisture inside a porous material. Such materials can be used for air purification. And this year, he, along with colleagues from the University of Berkeley, presented a new version of "magic sand", which allows you to extract moisture from desert sand.

Closes the top three Swiss chemist Michael Gretzel - one of the creators of the so-called Graetzel cells. This invention has the potential to be a very profitable alternative to expensive and complex photovoltaic technology. Ironically, Graetzel's work in recent years has been on perovskites, a class of materials that are now being actively considered as the main technology for storing solar energy. In scientific circles, the work with perovskites has already predicted the Nobel Prize in physics this year.

Other predictions

Science portal Inside Science predicts that this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry could go to American Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley, Frenchwoman Emmanuelle Charpentier, who heads the Max Planck Institute for Infectious Biology, and Chinese-American biochemist Feng Zhang from Harvard.

All three are involved in CRISPR. This DNA editing method, which is considered one of the most important scientific discoveries in modern genetics. CRISPR technology makes it possible to make changes to the genomes of higher organisms and, in the future, is likely to correct incorrect gene sequences and treat human hereditary diseases. However, there are studies that talk about serious side effects of the technology, so it still needs to be studied and developed.

English chemist Stanley Whittingham, who is now at Binghamton University in New York, physicist John Goodenough of the University of Texas at Austin, and chemist Akira Yoshino of Meiji University in Japan may also become Nobel laureates. These three scientists were developing lithium-ion batteries. It is believed that such batteries are much more compact than conventional ones and at the same time store more energy.

Inside Science also notes the work of American chemist Barry Sharpless. True, once the scientist has already received the Nobel Prize: in 2001, he, along with two other scientists, was awarded for creating an oxidation reaction with chiral catalysis, which made it possible to create new drugs. But behind Sharpless is another important discovery for medicine - " click chemistry", which significantly reduces the time of drug development. The fact that Sharpless can receive a second Nobel Prize has been talked about for several years. In the entire history of the award, only four scientists have received such an honor.

The winners were also selected by Clarivate Analytics experts. Their assumptions differ from Inside Science. In their forecasts, they rely on the names of scientists who are most often quoted by scientific publications.

This year they honored chemist Eric Jacobsen of Harvard University. He can be awarded for development of catalytic reactions for organic synthesis and for the development of the Jacobsen epoxidation reaction. Her scientist discovered in 1994.

The chemist George M. Sheldrick, emeritus professor at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, is also eligible to receive the award. According to Google, in 2015 Sheldrick became the most cited scientist with over 220,000 links on the Web. The Nobel Prize could go to Sheldrick for a huge influence on structural crystallography the science that studies crystals. And also for the use of crystallography in the system of computer programs SHELX. With this free program, anyone can process and visualize crystallographic data.

Finally, Clarivate Analytics singles out another scientist - Joanne Stubb of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for her discovery how ribonucleotide reductase works(these are enzymes). This mechanism accelerates DNA synthesis and repair. If Stabe receives the award, she will be the fifth woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. And it will also be more of a "biological" victory.

The Nobel Prize is the highest award awarded for achievements in science, inventions and contributions to culture, as well as for the development of society. The tradition of rewarding people for works that contribute to the progress of mankind was introduced on the basis of Nobel's will. So, for what you can get the Nobel Prize, which implies the presentation of not only a commemorative sign, but also a substantial cash prize of more than $1 million. The award is given to specialists in physics, chemistry, literature, economics, medicine, as well as for establishing peace on earth.

How to get a Nobel Prize?

People who were able to make a discovery receive such a world award, and for this it is necessary to go through a certain path. What does it take to win a Nobel Prize:

  1. You need to start with higher education in the areas that were listed earlier. You will have to complete a master's degree and defend a dissertation.
  2. Having a Ph.D. or Ph.D. degree, one must make a discovery that will be useful to the whole world. As for literature, the work must be original and stand out among everyone. You should not expect that immediately after that you will be included in the list of applicants, since it usually takes about 30 years from the moment of opening to receiving the award.
  3. After the discovery is made, you need to work on your popularity, since at least 600 leading experts should know about your work. To do this, you need to participate in various exhibitions, presentations, be published in newspapers and magazines, etc. Fame is needed so that during the survey conducted by the Nobel Committee, professionals in their field mentioned you as a worthy participant.
  4. After that, the Nobel Committee and the Swedish Academy of Sciences conduct numerous consultations with various experts, and the most worthy applicants are selected from the list received, thanks to a survey. After that, a vote takes place, in which the members of the Nobel Committee participate, which makes it possible to determine the winners. If a person gets on this list, then soon he will receive a notice and can prepare for the Nobel lecture.

Speaking about how to get the Nobel Prize in economics, physics and other sciences, it will be interesting to look into the existing predictions of scientists for the future. For example, in physics in the coming years, one should not expect serious discoveries, since only the strengthening and expansion of the existing theory is taking place. Unfavorable prognosis in chemistry, so, according to the committee, it is no longer possible to make any discoveries. Biology has the greatest prospects for truly brilliant discoveries. Practically all research is carried out in the field of clones and genes.

It will also be interesting to know where the Nobel Prize is awarded and when the ceremony takes place. So, they collect the laureates for awarding on December 10 on the day of Nobel's death in the capital of Sweden at the Royal Academy of Music, but the peace prize is given in the capital of Norway. For several years now, the Peace Prize has been awarded not for what has already been done, but for future achievements that improve life.

Why don't mathematicians win the Nobel Prize?

Many are surprised by this fact, but Alfred Nobel himself decided so. There are several versions of why this happened. For example, mathematicians say that the scientist simply forgot to dictate it to the secretary, indicating the list of sciences for which it is worth giving the prize, believing that it goes without saying. Some argue that Alfred excluded mathematics quite consciously, since when creating dynamite, he did not use it, which means that science is completely unnecessary. According to the third version, forgetting about mathematics, Nobel took revenge on his wife's admirer, who was a famous professor of this particular science.

How to get an award

The bonus can be obtained from the boss in several ways. Let's voice them.

  1. The most effective way is to ask for other overtime work or an additional project. You can motivate your request by the fact that you are limited in funds and want to increase your salary. Otherwise, the boss may get the impression that you have a lot of free time and you just want to increase the amount of work. It is also better to stay after work for a while, let other employees see your zeal and desire to earn. Undoubtedly, their people who are present in any organization will report this to the higher management. Even if you can handle extra work during working hours, don't rush to show it to others. Everything must be thought out. Otherwise, the boss will get the impression that you previously had a small amount of work and you need to increase it without an additional bonus. It is also necessary to tell others and management that you are taking work home. The main thing is to talk about yourself, because many simply may not notice your work. The bosses also have such a position that the one who knows how to give arguments and arguments in his favor is more competent. So feel free to defend your point of view.
  2. The second way is to come up with a new idea, a new project and ask the management that you will lead it. Before you need to think about everything.
  3. The method is traditional, but not very effective - to make a report on the work done and show the management what you are doing, as they say, "in all its glory." That you are loaded and you need additional material stimulation.

You can choose a reward that the staff will appreciate, make a rating of gifts that you should forget about forever, take the Gerchikov test and find out what motivational type your managers are.

A survey conducted by HeadHunter in 2016 among 1,800 heads of Russian organizations showed that worker productivity is declining.

According to employers, the reasons are lack of motivation (76%) and low qualification of management (67%) 1 . To motivate staff, companies use various remuneration options. At the same time, employers' opportunities do not match the expectations of employees. (picture 1).What can you give awards for? in 2017, so as not to demotivate the staff?

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

1 HeadHunter survey data among Russian company executives (2016).

The opinion of employees. In 2015, 92% of working Russians thought they deserved their annual bonus. But only 24% of employees waited for the thirteenth salary, and 76% were left without additional remuneration. The number of respondents who attribute the lack of bonuses to the unstable position of the company increased from 11% to 18% between 2010 and 2015.

Conclusion. According to Superjob.ru portal analysts, annual bonuses are no longer effective. Employees take the thirteenth salary for granted and do not seek to improve performance in order to receive it. The absence of a bonus also does not motivate employees to increase productivity. Instead of bonus payments to all staff, introduce individual remuneration for the best employees.

Expert opinion

Show employees that for the sake of "goodies" you need to work hard

Natalya Rushkevich,

director of HR and corporate communications at LiveTex

We divide the employees of the IT department into teams. Once every two weeks, two “Pokémon” are played among the participants of each of them. The first is internal. All team members write on a piece of paper the name of a colleague who accomplished a work feat: found a bug in the product that no one noticed, or taught something to employees. Whoever receives the most votes in the secret ballot earns a "Pokemon". This is a card that has a Pokémon Go character on one side and a description and story on the other. The second "pokemon" is external. Each team collectively selects a member of the other group whom they would like to reward for their help.

Pokemon players can exchange for various types of rewards. For example, you can get free pizza, books, fruit or a day of work in the office of the technical director.

Result. Employees of the department rallied, trying to help each other. For three months of the game, the level of involvement of IT department employees in the work has noticeably increased.

corporate events

Opinion of employers. According to managers, among the most effective methods of remuneration are corporate events at the end of the year (59% of respondents think so) (Figure 3). Evgeniy Dotsenko, an expert in developing HR strategies, claims that in 2016, 21% of companies reduced the cost of corporate events in order to save the budget. But as soon as organizations can afford to spend money on staff holidays, the fashion for corporate parties will return.

The opinion of employees. According to research, corporate events are not necessary for staff (Figure 3). Only 3% of employees appreciate this type of performance reward. According to employees of companies from various business areas that we interviewed in December 2016, few people are ready to have fun at corporate parties with colleagues or executives. Therefore, such events depress the staff.

Conclusion. If 15 years ago employees liked common holidays and motivated them to work better at the end of the year, then in 2016 corporate events turned into a duty. Employees would prefer to receive a bonus or an extra day off instead of a corporate party.

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Opinion of employers. According to a study by the Superjob.ru portal (2016), no more than half of Russian companies set a budget for staff training (picture 4). Industrial organizations, IT firms, retailers, hospitality and food service companies train employees more actively than other companies. Less attention is paid to the professional development of employees in transport and logistics companies.

At the same time, 51% of organizations allocate a maximum of 10% of the HR budget for staff training, 14% - from 30% and above, 76% - from 11 to 30%.

The opinion of employees. According to the KD survey, for 43% of respondents, professional development within the company is an important form of remuneration for quality work. Employees are willing to learn to take on challenging tasks and advance their careers. For 25% of employees, professional growth is more important than material bonuses.

Conclusion. Professional development of staff is effective: employees willingly attend seminars. If employers do not help subordinates improve their skills, employees leave the company (Figure 5). For example, Electrolux Corporation reduced employee turnover by 90% through regular training.

Payment for voluntary health insurance, means of communication, travel, meals

Opinion of employers. In addition to monetary rewards, 95% of companies use other incentives. According to 47% of employers, payment for mobile communications is among the most effective factors (Figure 3). Ekaterina Gorokhova, CEO of the Kelly Services recruiting agency, believes that such methods of motivation were popular 15–17 years ago and companies are in no hurry to change them.

At the same time, only one-fifth of employers believe that paying for a voluntary medical insurance policy, meals, and travel in public transport can motivate staff to improve the quality of work. These incentives are quite expensive, so companies are skeptical about them.

The opinion of employees. According to a 2016 Superjob.ru survey, employees expect companies to provide free VHI (37% of respondents) and food (28%). But the payment of mobile communications staff does not inspire (Figure 3).

Conclusion. Employees do not agree with employers' views on additional motivators. According to a Kelly Services survey, in 2016, employees were more likely to be inspired by large-scale and interesting tasks (40% of respondents) and a comfortable atmosphere in the company (36%). In return, employees want to receive free medical care and food, travel packages, etc.

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Sales Manager Awards

Opinion of employers. According to HeadHunter, 30% of companies use negative incentives: threaten to fire, increase the burden on one employee (Figure 6). Only 13% of employers publicly praise and thank their subordinates. Reason: 57% of managers believe that laziness prevents employees from working harder. Therefore, non-material rewards in the form of gratitude are not accepted in companies.

The opinion of employees. Employees perceive inattention from management as a reason for dismissal (Figure 5). If employees do not feel the support of the company, are not sure of the correctness of their actions, then their motivation falls. A friendly team and a team in which it is comfortable to work are in the first place for staff among non-material ways of motivation.

Conclusion. It is important for employees to feel the significance of their contribution to the common cause. So instead of using the "whip", meet with employees constantly. Discuss and evaluate staff performance at meetings. In Western companies, for example, top managers hold weekly one-hour meetings with subordinates and find out how things are going, what they like and dislike about work, what the employee is going to do, whether he fits into the development schedule, what issues need help, etc.

Learn about three additional ways to reward employees at the end of the article.