Payments to young professionals. State support for young professionals in rural areas

The government of the Russian Federation and local municipal authorities are interested in ensuring that graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are employed. To achieve this goal, introduced benefits for young professionals both from the state and from the authorities of local city and village administrations.

In this article we will look at what benefits are provided for young professionals, what is needed to obtain them and how to obtain the status of a young specialist to receive benefits.

Who is considered a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 70 introduces a ban on employers establishing probationary periods for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which they graduated less than a year ago. This is the only benefit for young specialists established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, federal-level legislation does not in any way regulate benefits for young specialists, and even the very definition of “young specialist” status is not spelled out either in the Labor Code or in other federal-level laws.

However, in regional legislation, benefits for young professionals are presented more widely, and the main criteria for receiving such benefits are highlighted there. The criteria, that is, for determining the status of a young specialist, include the following:

  1. The age of a specialist is up to 35 years in most regions and up to 30 years in some;
  2. Compulsory education received in an educational institution with state accreditation through the full-time education system. To receive benefits, specialists with primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education, that is, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities, are allowed. In addition, some regions have adopted an additional condition for receiving benefits - training on a budgetary basis;
  3. Employment is required immediately after receiving a diploma in public sector enterprises.

Since benefits for young specialists are left to the regional authorities, the benefits themselves, one-time payments and other social support measures at state-owned enterprises are mainly determined by intradepartmental industry agreements. In the non-state sphere, support for young specialists is carried out independently by enterprises on the basis of internal regulations.

Thus, in many cases, support for specialists is provided at enterprises independently, so it is better to find out all the information about support measures when applying for employment; in particular, this information should be published in the collective labor agreement of the enterprise. There is also often a document such as the “Regulations on the status of a young specialist”, which specifies the conditions for graduates to receive benefits, their working conditions, the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them.

Age limit for young specialist status

Depending on the region of employment, the age limit at which an employee still has the right to enjoy benefits as a young specialist is set to 30 or 35 years. The status of a young specialist is assigned once and is valid for up to 3 years from the date of assignment.

However, there are exceptions in which the status of a young specialist is extended to 6 years. It could be:

  • When studying in graduate school or postgraduate study on a full-time basis;
  • While in
  • While on compulsory military service.

Social support for young professionals

Mostly measures to support young professionals are established by regional authorities by internal legislative acts. If you look at it, all social support comes down to providing young professionals with the following guarantees:

  • Guaranteed one-time payment for initial employment after graduation;
  • Compensation for using public transport;
  • Providing young professionals with corporate housing or providing subsidies for the purchase of an apartment (as an option, providing a loan for the purchase of an apartment or house on preferential terms);
  • Reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in kindergartens (in whole or in part);
  • Providing an interest-free loan for starting a business.

The highest percentage of benefits received are among young professionals employed in the public sector of healthcare and education.

Thus, in the Decree of the Moscow Government “On measures to provide teaching staff to educational institutions in Moscow” No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004. criteria have been established according to which the status of a young specialist and, accordingly, priority in receiving benefits is given to specialists who meet the following conditions:

  1. Availability of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education;
  2. Age not older than 35 years;
  3. Start of professional teaching activity no later than 3 months after graduation.

At the same time, the main thing here is age and work in pedagogy. For example, a school teacher under the age of 35 has every reason to be considered a young specialist and enjoy all the benefits provided, regardless of the fact that his diploma may have nothing to do with pedagogy.

It is interesting that for St. Petersburg, the age limit established by the Law of St. Petersburg “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” No. 107-27 of April 3, 2007, is only 30 years. The same age limit is established for young specialists in the city of Saratov, in accordance with the Law of the Saratov Region No. 96-ZSO “On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions of the Saratov Region” dated August 3, 2011.

As we can see, measures for social support for teachers are published in the form of city or regional laws. Therefore, the situation with support for young specialists in a particular region can be clarified by the education department of your region of work.

For young healthcare professionals, the situation is not so encouraging: benefits for young doctors are provided by the state only when they move to work in rural areas. Then, according to Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation,” young specialist doctors are entitled to benefits if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employment and living in rural areas;
  • Age up to 35 years;
  • An employment contract concluded for a period of 5 years.

Benefits and payments for young specialists in the field of education and pedagogy

As we have already mentioned, for specialists in the field of education, the status and benefits for university graduates starting their careers are established not by federal, but by regional legislation. For Moscow and St. Petersburg this process goes like this:

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in Moscow:

A young specialist in education in Moscow receives a one-time cash payment, and in addition to it, a salary increase in the amount of 40% of his rate. Graduates receive a 50% bonus, also for three years from the date of first employment.

Muscovites also receive compensation for 50% of the cost of travel on public transport in the amount of 15% of the rate.

However, the additional burden is not taken into account in calculating additional payments. When working one and a half or two times, the teacher will receive additional payments only for one.

Benefits and payments to young specialists in teaching and education in St. Petersburg:

In St. Petersburg, the situation is different: salary supplements are not provided in the northern capital, however, upon employment, specialists have the right to one-time payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic rate units for all specialists who have graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions with a state diploma;
  • 8 basic rate units for excellent students who graduated with honors.

Transport costs are reimbursed at the rate of 50% for any public transport, except taxis, for all young professionals under 30 years of age during the first three years of work.

To receive the required payment, you must submit an application to the Department of Education of St. Petersburg or the social security authority.

Social support for young healthcare professionals

Social support for young doctors is established at the federal level, but only for doctors working in rural areas. Federal Law No. 326-FZ determines payments for doctors who moved to work in rural areas in the amount of up to 1 million rubles under the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive payment, a necessary condition is to conclude an agreement with the local administration at the place of work in a rural area.

A prerequisite for obtaining allowances is a higher medical education and work in the specialty in rural areas for at least 5 years. If the contract is terminated before the expiration of 5 years, part of the amount received is returned. To support young doctors, the state also undertakes to provide them with housing, either by providing an apartment or a house to live in, or by providing a plot of land for building a house, or by compensating part of the loan or the loan amount for the purchase of an apartment (house).

A million lifting rubles are not taxed, since they are earmarked specifically for this purpose. This money can be spent either on reimbursing part of the loan from the state for the purchase of housing or on repaying a mortgage loan with funds under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Regional initiatives for social protection of medical workers

To attract specialists to work in rural areas, regional authorities are establishing additional measures. For example, in the Pskov region, measures to support not only doctors with higher education, but also specialists with secondary education are legislatively enshrined. For them, additional lump-sum payments are established in the amount of:

persons who have graduated from state-accredited educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education and are entering work for the first time in the acquired specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution;

Answer this question: has a year passed since you completed your studies, and did you manage to find a job in your specialty before the end of the year?

And if we draw a conclusion from Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that for this period you cannot be considered a young specialist.

Who is considered a young specialist in medicine?

Modern Russian labor legislation does not contain a definition of a young specialist. Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only establishes that a hiring test is not established for persons who have graduated from state-accredited educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education and who are applying for work for the first time in their specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution.

Who is considered a young specialist?

The state took care of the employment of graduates of universities and even secondary vocational schools - after graduating from an educational institution, they were sent to work in their specialty at enterprises and for 3 years after completing their full-time studies they were considered young specialists.

This status provided certain benefits, for example, the enterprise to which he was assigned was obliged to provide him with housing.

Who is a young specialist and what is he entitled to?

Before the adoption of the current Labor Code, graduates of educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education were considered. Today, the Labor Code does not contain the concept of “young specialist”.

“Federal legislation does not provide for bonuses and benefits for young specialists,” says Olga Efimova, an expert at the GARANT Legal Consulting Service.

Who is a young specialist

A young worker is considered to be an employee who has received primary, secondary or higher vocational education, and first entered work in the acquired specialty within one year after graduating from an educational institution. Legally, the status of a young specialist implies special rights, guarantees and obligations of its bearer in relation to other categories of workers.

A graduate of an educational institution must receive education only in a full-time (stationary) form of study and only at the expense of the state and/or regional budget.

Benefits for young teachers

The work of a teacher is extremely important, because it is the teachers who determine how the future generation will grow up. Both in the city, and even more so in the countryside, there is currently a shortage of teachers. Social benefits for teachers are designed to attract young people to work in this profession. Young specialists are provided with a number of benefits. Who can be considered a young specialist?

A young specialist is a person who has received primary, secondary or higher vocational education and started teaching within one year after graduation.

Young specialist

The concept of “young specialist” as a legal term implies a set of norms that establish the special legal status of a person who has the status of a young specialist (let’s call it special status). This status is characterized by special rights, guarantees, as well as responsibilities of its holder in relation to other categories of workers, which are established by the legislation on distribution.

South of Russia Info

Question number J20972 Question date 11/16/2007 5:33 pm Question asked by Elena Question text I worked in a rural school for 2 years in my specialty, but only graduated from college in absentia this year. Am I an expert? if yes, what benefits and guarantees am I entitled to? Date of response 11/19/2007 07:43 Answered by specialist Oleg Mikhailovich Pavletsov Answer text Dear Lena!

1.2. This Regulation defines the status of a young specialist, his responsibilities, the guarantees and compensation provided to him, as well as the employer’s obligations in relation to.

Young specialists are people who have completed a full course of higher and secondary specialized education. The young specialist remains so for the next year from the moment he received his diploma. To obtain this status, it is necessary to undergo training exclusively on a full-time basis and at the expense of the regional and federal budget.

The graduate must undergo final certification, after which he is awarded a state diploma.

Is there a concept of “young specialist” in current labor legislation?

— As such, the concept of “young specialist” does not exist in the current labor legislation. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Part 4 of Art. 70 provides that it is impossible to establish a test for persons who have graduated from institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education that have state accreditation, and who first go to work in their specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution.

Who is a young specialist and what is he entitled to?

Before the adoption of the current Labor Code, young specialists were considered to be graduates of educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education. Today, the Labor Code does not contain the concept of “young specialist”.

“Federal legislation does not provide for bonuses and benefits for young specialists,” says Olga Efimova, an expert at the GARANT Legal Consulting Service.

Young specialist in education - Question No. 36710

The current Federal legislation (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code, Federal laws adopted on the regulation of labor relations) does not contain such a concept as a “young specialist”.

However, the concepts of “young specialist” and “young worker” are used in various regulatory legal acts regulating labor and other directly related relations involving young professionals.

Young specialist, or Admission without testing

In September, after final exams and a short summer vacation, the personnel departments of companies will begin to be “besieged” by a special category of workers - young specialists. Perhaps one of them will become your employee. Today we will talk about the features of hiring yesterday’s graduate, as well as the preparation of his personal documents.

Having chosen one or another applicant, the company's management, as a rule, experiences slight doubt: “What kind of specialist comes to the company? How effective will his work be?

Young specialists in the Russian Federation are considered to be graduates of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions who were trained at the expense of the regional or federal budget on a full-time (full-time) basis, sent to work on assignment.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen for one calendar year after receiving the appropriate diploma.

State support for MS

Young public sector specialists receive very modest salaries, so many, after completing their studies, go to work outside their profession.

In order to attract graduates to the profession, incentives and compensation payments to young specialists were introduced at the state level.


In order for a citizen to count on compensation and state assistance, several mandatory conditions must be met:

  • full-time training;
  • “state employees” - training in budget places;
  • going to work for distribution.

If there are discrepancies on at least one basis, then the status of a young specialist is not assigned, and the right to payments is lost.

After completing training, a citizen can be sent to work as assigned to an organization that requires a specific specialist. An employment relationship arises between the employee and the employer, but a probationary period does not apply.

Compensation for teachers and educators

Education workers can count on several types of compensation and incentive benefits. At the same time, compliance with the mandatory conditions remains valid for the period established by law.

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One-time payment

A one-time benefit for young specialists in the educational sector is a raise that is paid in the first month of work.

Typically this is a payment in the amount of one or more salaries, which is transferred at the time of receipt of the first salary.

One-time financial assistance is a way to attract specialists to work in their specialty immediately after graduation during distribution.

The right to receive lifting funds is lost if a teacher or educator moves from their permanent place of residence due to assignment.

Permanent place of residence means the locality where the citizen lived before entering an educational institution.

Payments for housing and preferential mortgages

Teachers can count on assistance in obtaining residential property through co-financing or allocation of funds from the regional budget for purchase or construction.

As a rule, this program is implemented at the regional rather than federal level. Therefore, the amount of payments depends on which program the citizen participates in.

Relocation compensation

If, upon assignment, a young teacher is sent to a locality that is not his permanent place of residence, the move is compensated from the regional budget.

In addition to the citizen himself, his family can move with him. Family means spouse and children; parents are not included in this list.

If a citizen moves alone, he will be compensated for moving to a distance of up to 500 kilometers from his place of permanent registration. If with family, then at a distance of up to 150 kilometers.

Travel expenses are added to the moving costs - daily allowances, wages are retained for these days (no more than 6 days), and one salary is added to the wages in the first month.

Annual leave

Employees in the educational sector have the right to leave, the amount of which is set at an increased rate - 45 days per year.

Young specialists are equal in their right to rest to experienced teachers and educators. You can receive annual leave in accordance with established labor standards and the vacation schedule in the institution.

Teachers and educators can receive annual leave during the calendar year, but preference is given to the summer months, when work activity is carried out to a lesser extent.

Compensation for doctors and scientists

There are several types of benefits available to young specialists in the medical and scientific fields:

  • one-time;
  • monthly;
  • stimulating.

These payments can only be received by those specialists who meet all the requirements established at the legislative level.

One-time benefits

Young doctors and scientists are entitled to incentive payments, which are paid at the end of the calendar year. As a rule, this support measure has a limited validity period - three years.

The amount for the first year of work in the Penza, Ulyanovsk and Tambov regions from 2017 is 45 thousand rubles, for the second - 40 thousand rubles, for the third - 35 thousand rubles.

Each region independently sets compensation amounts, so in different areas they may differ from those given in the example.

If a doctor or scientist quits before reaching 3 years of work experience, then the law obliges the return of compensation payments to the budget in full. This measure is necessary to maintain initiative to work in the chosen specialty.

Monthly supplements

Doctors and scientists assigned for employment are entitled to additional payments in the first working year. The amount of additional payments is set at the regional level, however, it cannot be less than one salary.

Tax deductions from earned funds received have not been abolished by law.

Young professionals can go on paid annual leave or parental leave on a general basis, while receiving monthly bonuses required by law.


If, during the distribution, a graduate was sent to work in a rural area or in a populated area outside of permanent registration, then in the first three years of work he is paid incentive funds.

The amount of payment to young specialists in the scientific and medical field is set at the regional level, as well as other benefits.

The average incentive benefit is 1 million rubles.

The right to incentive funds is reserved for workers in the scientific and medical fields only if they are assigned to work at the place of distribution. If a specialist refuses the proposed order, then the right to state support is lost.

Russian Railways employees

Graduates of universities preparing specialists to work in Russian Railways will receive government support measures for placement after training.

Such support measures in 2019 include:

  • a week's paid leave after moving;
  • compensation in monetary terms for relocation (per diem);
  • compensation for funds spent on rent or housing at a new place of work;
  • one-time cash benefit in the amount of 1 official salary;
  • compensation for funds spent on relocation.

There are no additional incentive payments established at the federal level. Regional authorities can independently develop and implement support measures for young railway workers.

In the Penza region, as a support measure, there is an incentive payment after one working year in the amount of two official salaries in addition to all amounts due under the employment contract.

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