Normal chest excursion in adolescents. Child's chest. Chest shape

Practical work No. 1.

Determining the level of physical development of a child

according to anthropometric data and calculation formulas"

Target. Learn to assess the physical development of a child using somatometric and physiometric indicators and calculation formulas.

Materials and equipment. Height meter, bathroom scale, measuring tape, wrist dynamometer, exercise mat, bench or stool.


Exercise 1. Using a stadiometer, measure the body length of the subjects in a standing and sitting position.

Calculate the average values ​​of proper height using formulas (for ages from 3 to 17 years).

Girls' height = 5 × age +80

Boys' height = 5 × age + 85

People whose height is 5-10 cm less than the statistical average are considered short, and those whose height is more than the statistical average are considered tall. A deviation of real growth from the calculated one by 20% or more may indicate hormonal disorders.

Compare the height of the subjects with the average. Draw a conclusion about the height of the subjects.

Answer the question: what determines a child’s growth?

Task 2. Calculate the expected height of the subjects depending on the height of their parents using the formula of Dr. J. Hawker

Boy's PR = (RO+RM): 2+6.4;
Girls PR = (RO+RM): 2-6.4,

where RO is the father’s height in centimeters, RM is the mother’s height in centimeters, and PR is the estimated height.

Chronic diseases, deficiency or, conversely, excess nutrition, lack of certain substances in the body (for example, iodine), poor emotional state of the child, lack of sleep and inadequate physical activity (low physical activity or, for example, weightlifting) can lead to that the child’s height will be less than “programmed” by 5-15 centimeters.

Compare the actual height of the subjects with the expected height. Draw a conclusion about the degree of influence of genetic factors and environment on the growth of the subjects.

Task 3. Calculate body proportionality according to the formula:

× 100%
standing height - sitting height

sitting height

With an indicator value of 87-92%, the physique is assessed as proportional; if the indicator is less than 87%, this indicates a relatively short leg length; with an indicator value of 92% or more - for a greater length of legs.

Draw a conclusion about the proportionality of the subjects’ physique.

Task 4. Measure the chest circumference of the subjects.

Chest circumference is measured in three phases: during quiet breathing (in a pause), with maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation. The measuring tape should run along the lower corners of the shoulder blades at the back and along the midsternal point at the front.

Calculate the amount of chest excursion(the difference between the chest circumference at maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation). In healthy young people it ranges from 6 to 9 cm.

Draw a conclusion about the magnitude of chest excursion in the subjects. If the subject's excursion is more or less than the statistical average, try to explain what could be causing this.

Answer the question: what does the magnitude of chest excursion depend on and what other physiological indicators can it affect?

Task 5. Calculate using the formula strength of physique

Formula: Body strength (points) = Height (cm) – (Body weight, kg + chest circumference when exhaling (cm))

Draw a conclusion about the strength of your physique using the Pigna scale.

Pigna scale: less than 10 – strong physique;

10-20 – good physique;

21-25 – average build

26-35 – weak physique

over 35 – very weak physique.

Task 6. Calculate harmonious physique subjects according to the formula:

Chest circumference (pause) / height × 100%

Draw a conclusion about the harmonious physique of the subjects based on the data that the physique is considered harmonious if the value is 50-55%.

People with the so-called microsomatic body type (asthenic) usually have a narrow chest, people with a mesosomatic body type (normosthenic) have a normal chest, and people with a macrosomatic body type (hypersthenic) have a wide chest. Typically, the normal weight of hypersthenics is greater than that of normosthenics and asthenics.

Table 1.

Average values

chest circumference (in pause) in people 13-17 years old

Age, years Floor Narrow chest, cm Normal chest, cm Wide chest, cm
young men 65-69 70-85 86-87
girls 64-69 70-84 85-88
young men 67-72 73-85 86-91
girls 67-72 73-86 87-91
young men 70-75 76-89 90-94
girls 70-75 76-88 89-92
young men 73-79 80-92 93-97
girls 73-77 78-89 90-94
young men 77-81 82-94 95-98
girls 75-79 80-90 91-95

After you have determined the body type of the subjects, select the appropriate formula from Table 2 for each of them and calculate the recommended weight. Recommended weight is the ideal weight to maintain an optimal level of health.

Rice. 3. Weight indicators for 10th grade students in %

Rice. 4. Chest circumference of 10th grade students in %

Table 1 shows the indicators of height, weight, chest circumference, as well as chest excursion of 10th grade students.

For girls of average body type, height is calculated using the following formula: Height=6*age+76, and for boys - Height=6*age+77. Deviations from average physical values ​​should not exceed ±2.5 cm for boys and ±3.5 cm for girls. If the height obtained in the calculation is 20% more or less than the average, this may indicate endocrine disorders. Normal chest excursion is 6 to 9 cm.

ChapterII. Determination of harmonious physique

The owner of a proportional figure is considered to be a person whose all indicators are less than half, and whose waist circumference is no more than half his height. The harmony of the physique is determined by the indicator of chest development, calculated by the formula:

Chest circumference x 100


With a normal physique, the value of harmonious physique is 50-55%. If this ratio is less than 50%, the physique is weak, and if it is more than 50%, it is strong.

Analysis of the results of calculations of the harmonious physique of 10th grade students showed that the majority of 10th graders - about 60% - have a normal physique, 36% - weak, 4% - strong. The data is shown in Fig. 5 and Table 2.

Rice. 5. Body harmony of 10th grade students in %

Table 2 shows not only indicators of harmonious physique (PH), but also the state of posture of 10th grade students, which will be discussed in Chapter 3.

Physical education of children and adolescents is carried out in a specific environment, the factors of which are both socio-economic and environmental conditions (E.A. Kriksunov, 1997).

Therefore, the physical condition of children, on the one hand, can be considered as a result of the influence of these conditions, and with the targeted influence of physical education - as a result of counteracting negative environmental conditions. However, we must not forget that each person is capable of independently strengthening his health and improving physical development (V.P. Pokhlebin, 1992).

Figure 6 shows that 50% of students do not monitor their health - this is a very alarming indicator, especially for this age group. 38% do not pay enough attention to their physical development: perhaps they lack theoretical knowledge to use more advanced techniques; or it is influenced by lack of time with significant school loads, lack of willpower. And finally, only 4% of schoolchildren take their lifestyle seriously and use various methods to preserve and improve their health.

Schoolchildren who are not concerned about their health at all can be advised to start small: say, do morning exercises every day, start a hardening program and do physical exercise in their free time. Psychologically, it is the most difficult to take the first step, but without it it is unthinkable to take your own health seriously.

The largest number of 10th graders should engage in individual physical improvement: play sports taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The first step has already been taken, you should continue in the same direction.

Those schoolchildren who are serious about their health can continue to carry out their health programs.

Rice. 6. Attitude of 10th grade students to their health in %

Chapter 3. Determining correct posture

Throughout a person’s life, the ratio between organic and inorganic substances in bone tissue changes. The bones of a child have more organic substances, while those of older people have more mineral substances.

With curvature of the lumbar spine, it can develop lordosis(from the Greek lordos - curved). In this case, the spine and chest are curved, which leads to dysfunction of the respiratory and digestive systems. As a result of these diseases, a person’s metabolism decreases, increased fatigue, and headaches appear (L. P. Anastasova et al., 1997).

When posture is impaired, various pathological changes occur in the musculoskeletal system, curvature of the spine occurs, which can lead to various diseases.

Therefore, it is very important to observe hygienic rules of behavior, especially at a young age (the formation of correct posture in a person stabilizes by the age of 18). And first of all, a person must monitor his posture (Appendices 2,3).

At the second stage of work, 10th grade students determined the state of their posture (in anthropometry this method is called somatoscopic). To do this they used the formula:

A= shoulder width*100%

the size of the arch of the back,

Where A– posture indicator.

The results are shown in Table 2 (see Chapter 2) and Fig. 7.

These data were compared with the average statistical data:

100-110% - normal posture;

Less than 90 or more than 125% - severe violation of posture;

90-100% or 110-125% - slight violation of posture.

From Fig. 7 shows that 42% of students have a pronounced violation of posture.

36% - minor postural disorders. Normal posture is found in 22% of tenth graders.

The reason may be that in the lyceum all the desks and chairs are almost the same standard size (Sanitary rules and regulations, 2001).

Rice. 7. State of posture of 10th grade students in %

Chapter 4. Determination of physical activity, risk factors, health level and degree of adaptation to the environment

The physical development and health of students depends on many factors. The attitude of teenagers to their health is of great importance: playing sports, morning exercises, proper nutrition. In order to determine risk factors in the development of morbidity, 10th grade students were offered several tests: “Risk Factors”, “Physical Activity”, “Health” - V.A. Ivanchenko, 1994, P.P. Morev, 1993, V. Mikhailov, A. Palko, 1987 (Appendix 4, Appendix 5, Appendix 6). Test results are in Table 3.

Child's chest It has an oval shape, the ribs are located horizontally. In the first months of life baby's chest has a conical shape. The ribs are attached to the spine at a right angle, as a result of which the range of respiratory movements of the newborn's chest is limited. During the first six months, the volume of the baby's chest is approximately equal to or slightly less than the volume of the head. During the second half of the year baby's chest increases faster and its volume becomes slightly larger than the volume of the child’s head.

Child's chest circumference

Measurement of chest circumference in infants is carried out in a lying position, in older children - standing. The child should be at rest, arms down. The beginning of the measuring tape should be in the left hand from the side of the armpit, from behind the tape is held at the angle of the shoulder blades, and from the front - along the lower edge of the nipple areola.
The child's chest circumference is measured while inhaling and exhaling.
The difference in the circumference of the child's chest at the height of inhalation and exhalation reflects the mobility of the chest, which is more correctly called the excursion of the chest during breathing. The formula for calculating this indicator:

Child's chest excursion = Chest circumference on inhalation - Chest circumference on exhalation

If the result obtained is 4 cm or less, it is regarded as low. If it is 5 - 9 cm - medium, and if 10 cm or more - high.

Notice the movement of the angles of the scapula during deep inhalation and exhalation. Asymmetry of respiratory excursions may be due to pleurisy, surgical interventions, or shrinkage of the lung. Asymmetry of the chest is associated with an increase in volume (due to the accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural cavity) or with its decrease due to the development of pleural adhesions, obstructive atelectasis (collapse) of the lung or its lobe, fibrosis (shrinkage) of the lung tissue.

4.Assessment of breathing parameters:

A)breathing through the nose usually observed in a healthy person. Breathing through the mouth is observed in pathological conditions in the nasal cavity (rhinitis, ethmoiditis, polyposis, deviated nasal septum).

b) breathing type:

chest- usually observed in women;

abdominal(diaphragmatic) - in men;

mixed- sometimes in older people.

V)frequency (number of breaths per minute) - determination is carried out by counting the number of respiratory movements in 1 minute, unnoticed by the patient, for which a hand is placed on the surface of the chest.

In a healthy person, the number of breaths in 1 minute is 16-20.

Increased frequency number of respirations over 20 per minute (tachypnea) is observed when the respiratory surface of the lungs decreases (inflammation, collapse of the alveoli due to hydrothorax or pneumothorax, exclusion of part of the lungs from breathing), in the presence of obstacles to the normal depth of breathing (ascites, flatulence, rib fractures, diseases of the diaphragm etc.).

Reduction the number of breaths less than 16 per minute (bradypnea) is observed when the respiratory center is depressed, which occurs due to increased intracranial pressure (meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage, tumor, etc.); in case of intoxication (coma, infections, etc.); with obstructive processes (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema).

G)breathing depth - determined by the volume of inhaled and exhaled air in a normal, calm state. A healthy person breathes at an average depth. Shallow breathing is often combined with a pathological increase in breathing, while deep breathing, on the contrary, is associated in most cases with a pathological decrease in breathing. Sometimes deep, rare breathing is accompanied by a loud noise. It is called large deep noisy Kussmaul breathing and is observed in diabetic, uremic, hepatic coma, due to a significant change in the sensitivity of the respiratory center.

d)breathing rhythm - a healthy person exhibits uniform respiratory movements. Disruption of the respiratory rhythm is often associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the respiratory center in severe pathological processes in the brain (acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident, cerebral edema, meningitis), less often with a toxic effect on the respiratory center (diabetic, uremic, hepatic coma). Irrhythmic or periodic breathing is characterized by periods of breath holding (apnea). The occurrence of periodic breathing is explained by a decrease in the excitability of the respiratory center, to restore which it is necessary to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, which occurs during a pause. Periodic breathing includes Biot breathing, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, and Grokk breathing.

Breath Biota characterized by rhythmic breathing movements of equal depth, which alternate at approximately equal intervals with breathing pauses (from several seconds to half a minute).

Cheyne-Stokes breathing characterized by a gradual increase in the amplitude of respiratory movements, which, having reached a maximum, gradually decrease and end with a pause (from several seconds to one minute).

Grokk's Breath(wave-like breathing) - resembles Cheyne-Stokes breathing in shape, with the only difference that instead of a respiratory pause, weak shallow breathing is observed, followed by an increase and decrease in the depth of respiratory movements. Wave-like breathing is considered to be a manifestation of an earlier stage of the same pathological processes that cause Cheyne-Stokes breathing.

5. Determination of respiratory excursion of the chest: is carried out by measuring the circumference of the chest with a centimeter tape during quiet breathing, at the height of maximum inhalation and exhalation, while the tape is located at the back at the corners of the shoulder blades, and in front at the place where the fourth ribs are attached to the sternum. The respiratory excursion of the chest is defined as the difference between inhalation and exhalation and is 6-8 cm. It decreases in the presence of pleural overlays (after pleurisy), pneumonia, emphysema, and obesity.

A long time ago, in one of the first books I read about strength training, I learned about such a concept as chest excursion. This book explained and argued that excursion is an indicator of athleticism.

Chest excursion- the difference in chest circumference between inhalation and exhalation. Measuring it is very simple - take a centimeter, then exhale as much as possible and measure the circumference of the chest, then take a powerful breath and measure again. Subtract the less from the greater - the resulting difference is the excursion of the chest (along the nipples or directly under the pectoral muscles - it does not matter, since the difference is important).

The excursion is an indirect indicator of the athlete’s fitness. It has been established that over the years of intensive training the excursion increases. Take a centimeter now - if your excursion is equal to or greater than 10 cm, then you do not need to worry - you are athletic and quite trained.

Among those tested, short-distance swimmers and sprinters are among the first in the table of ranks - their chest excursion reaches 20 cm!!! Behind them, oddly enough, come the wrestlers - even for beginner young wrestlers, the excursion exceeds 10 cm. This data can be easily found in any sports dispensary, which in Soviet times served a huge army of athletes - from children to world champions.

However, these dispensaries do not have any data on powerlifters, much less bodybuilders. I tried to fill this gap on my own - I tried on all the security officials I knew from KMS to MSMK.

The results turned out to be the most depressing... for swimmers, spinners and wrestlers - for athletes of the MSMC and MS levels, the chest excursion exceeded the average excursion of swimmers by 1.7 cm!!!
Imagine, if we take chest excursion as a criterion for athleticism, then the law of large numbers says that powerlifters are the most athletic!!! I was very pleased with this conclusion.
I think it will also please you, my dear fellow hardware users.

Almost all security forces at the MSMK level have a chest excursion of about 20 cm - and this is a super-grandmaster figure.

It is logical to assume that there is a connection between the excursion and the level of skill, and therefore athleticism. Those whose excursion is 10 centimeters will want to increase it to 15. Those who are the proud owner of a 15 cm excursion are probably eager to increase it to 20 cm! The question arises - how to do this...

How to do it...

It is quite enough to combine deep squats and bench press with a wide grip.
These exercises are recommended by everyone... they are universal... they are also universal for enlarging the chest.

1. Bench press- the grip should be slightly wider than average, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the trapezoid should rest against the bench and bend in the lower back, the buttocks only touch the bench - the main support is your feet and trapezius. As you lower the barbell to your chest, try to push your chest up as much as possible, inhale to the fullest power of your lungs, squeeze your shoulder blades together - turn your chest so that it becomes wider than your front door...

Remember about the psychological side - imagine that instead of a chest you have a blacksmith's bellows, and your hands are hydraulic drives... you have no equal in power... inhale - a powerful breakdown... inhale - a powerful breakdown...

2. Squats- squat as you usually do, just focus on proper breathing.
Before you rush down, take a powerful breath and push your chest forward.
If the main thing for you is a barrel chest, and not a big squat, then put the weight less and draw air into your lungs at the very bottom - in a deep “squat”.

3. Dumbbell press- this exercise seems to have been specially invented to enlarge the chest.
Take heavy dumbbells, imagine a blacksmith machine - your lungs are bellows, and your hands are hydraulic drives. Lower the dumbbells slowly and fill your lungs with air as you lower. When you feel like your lungs are ready to explode from oxygen, press the dumbbells up sharply

4. Pullover(pullovers) - Favorite exercise for bodybuilders. If you are haunted by the manic idea of ​​enlarging your chest, then this exercise will help you.

Its meaning is in a fairly large number of repetitions - from 8 to 25.

The benches should only touch your trapezius and center of your back - bend as much as possible.
The most important thing is to get as much air as possible into your lungs while pulling the dumbbell (barbell) back behind your head. The exercise is quite traumatic, so you should not chase too much weight - pay more attention to the purity of the movement.

These 4 exercises are the most effective, so I will not list an endless list.
The excursion can always be trained - the main thing is that your lungs are actively working - inhalation should be done with maximum stretching of the shoulder girdle and chest.

If you want to be an athlete, and not a 160-kilogram pig-like Anthony Clark (with all due respect, his body does not inspire aesthetic delight), then you should not forget about aerobic exercise. Aero means the air that you push through your lungs, and therefore train them, increases the mobility of the chest.

Try to do unloading in the pool 1-2 times a week - swim several sprint distances. Don't be afraid of losing those hard-earned grams of muscle mass - if you lose weight from 20-30 minutes of swimming, then your muscles are worthless... Increase your daily calories and everything will be fine.

Try to run 20-30 minutes in a mixed sprint-marathon style 2-3 times a week. Personally, I prefer pedaling an exercise bike - it’s safer for my knees...

The most important thing, even while running, do not forget that your lungs are a blacksmith's bellows...


A large excursion will allow you to significantly reduce the amplitude of the press - 10-20 kg is a good increase
- a big excursion is good lungs, and good lungs is strength endurance
- barrel-shaped chest will inspire awe and delight in others

- there are no downsides... except for the problem with clothing - you will have to sew a jacket to order...