How to make yourself an interesting person. How to develop interest in yourself and achieve internal hormones

During my teenage years, I remember I was very worried because I had almost no friends. I sat with my books, preparing for lessons, and when my classmate Ira came in after me and invited me to the disco, my mother replied that I was very busy and would not go anywhere. It is not surprising that after a couple of months Ira found another girlfriend for the disco.

In addition to the fact that such literature is simply interesting, it is also useful in solving psychological problems. Over time, I began to notice that many ideas from one book were repeated in others. However, it has happened to me that the idea of ​​one author caused internal resistance, and the same idea expressed by another psychologist found a response in my soul.

2. Application of knowledge in practice. If you want to become a sociable person, then communicating with different people is a must. For me, life in a hostel became a good school of communication. When four girls from different courses live in a room, you inevitably learn to adapt to each of them.

I realized the fact that I became much more sociable when I entered the second higher education. I felt much more confident with my classmates than I did ten years ago. I talked to girls, enjoying it and not feeling shy.

3. Possession of information. A sociable person is not always an interesting conversationalist; sometimes he may be considered annoying. To prevent conversation from causing boredom to others, you need to absorb a wide variety of information. Fortunately, with the advent of the Internet, there are plenty of opportunities for this.

And then you will have something to say in any company. After all, you are interested in everything: a new recipe for making a pie, ways to memorize English words, and equipment for spearfishing. At the same time, it is important not to show your superiority, even if you consider yourself a pro in any field.

4. Sense of humor. I consider this quality to be very important in communication and I try to consciously develop it. I have been told more than once that I am making progress. Although in this matter a lot depends on my mood.

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In life, you can often come across the phrase “interesting person.” Most often we use it to characterize a versatile, multifaceted, talented personality. Such people, as a rule, make an impression in society, have special attractive internal and external qualities, and are leaders and activists. In fact, you can be interesting in different ways: some surprise you with their appearance, some with their mental abilities, and others with their way of life. But still, there are those who have not yet discovered their zest, have not understood how they can interest others. Today we will break down this popular and difficult topic, showing with clear examples the limitless possibilities and abilities of each of us.

Creating an image of an interesting personality

Think about what qualities an interesting person should have? Close your eyes and imagine it. What character traits would you give him? Now identify your specific qualities that you would like to get rid of, and, conversely, those that you have long dreamed of developing in yourself. Take yourself apart into small pieces and try to put the puzzle back together. Perhaps now you will get a completely different picture. Be honest with yourself and don't be afraid of your ambition!

Be yourself!

Embrace your quirks. What is unusual, surprising and makes you different from everyone else does not have to be perceived as a flaw. Think and decide whether this really bothers you. Maybe this strangeness is your unique highlight? Skilfully exchange minuses for pluses and be proud of what you have. In the end, we are all crazy to some extent. Be yourself: believe me, others will appreciate your frankness and sincerity.

Self-education is the key to success

Nothing attracts people more than the desire for self-improvement. You want to have a dialogue with such interlocutors, because they have something to tell about themselves and their goals in life. The greater your horizons and knowledge base, the more interesting you are to others. Try something new: start learning a foreign language, read books, cook unusual and complex dishes, lose weight, play sports - anything, just not to stagnate in one place, closing off all prospects. Believe me: if you are a smart person, then people will be drawn to you. Therefore, we pick up a book that we haven’t been able to finish reading for two years now and immediately get down to business.

Communication is the best way to transfer knowledge

Talk more with your friends and loved ones about serious topics, discuss global problems, issues that concern you and moral values. Exchange interesting information and personal views on things. All this forms your inner core. In addition, try to listen more to your interlocutor, maintain a conversation and not interrupt.

The greater a person’s internal baggage, the more interesting it is for people to be around him. So look for smart friends.

Live without whining and self-pity

If a person loves to suffer, he automatically ceases to be interesting to society. Who wants to listen to eternal complaints about an unfair life and a bunch of problems? We’ll answer for you: no one. Therefore, try to pay less attention to your personal difficulties in conversation. You can turn to others for advice, but in no case for the words “poor thing, how can this be!” These remarks will make you weak and helpless in the eyes of people, and such qualities are by no means the most attractive in a person.

Conquer your fears

Be bolder and more confident. Cowardly people do not command respect from society. Bravery and determination are valued much more highly. Do what everyone is afraid of: overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal, move forward decisively and do not deviate from your path. Be sure that people will be drawn to you like a magnet. A brave person always arouses interest with his behavior. He is not afraid of difficulties and lives the way he wants, and not as he is told.

Think with your own head

In the modern world, people are under enormous pressure from all possible sides. Don't let other people tell you anything. An interesting person, as a rule, always has his own personal point of view on every issue. It is impossible to impose someone else's train of thought and events on him, because there is a filter barrier in his head that carefully sorts and selects the information received. Strong personalities will never follow the crowd; if necessary, the crowd will follow them, but not vice versa. Therefore, always think about making important decisions yourself and do not rely on anyone else’s thoughts and opinions.

Sense of humor and charisma

Have you noticed that in a company a lot of attention is involuntarily drawn to a person who knows how to make a good joke and laugh at himself at the right time? A sense of humor is one of those things that sets us apart from others, makes us interesting and special. Use irony and joke, this way you can attract attention and even good attitude from others. Be more positive, kinder, more cheerful and optimistic, smile more. By the way, regarding the sense of humor: as a rule, well-read and multifaceted people have it, therefore, if you want to become the main wit in the company of your friends, then a collection of jokes will not help you, but world literature will help you very much.

It is also very important to be able to tell an interesting story! Even completely ordinary things can be skillfully presented as an entertaining story! Don’t think that people around you expect philosophical arguments or exciting storylines from you, speak simply and enthusiastically, funny and short, and then people will listen to you with enthusiasm. Also, if you are thinking about how to become interesting to other people (we are addressing primarily the female part of the population), then, of course, do not forget about your appearance - bright images and interesting things will highlight your individuality and irresistibility.

There are personalities whose names are heard everywhere and always: da Vinci, Mozart, Einstein, Hawking and other titans of various directions. Of course, their contribution to the development of our world is invaluable, and their image is an interesting object for study and analysis, but let’s leave these famous faces at least for a short time and turn to less noticeable people who are also curious about their lives and achievements. Today we will talk about the most interesting people in the world who have achieved something in certain areas of their activity. Most likely, you don’t know them, but believe me, they deserve your attention.

Jill Heiner is a Canadian underwater explorer, cave diver, writer, photographer, and filmmaker. As a child, as a little girl, Jill was inspired by a series about underwater exploration of the world's oceans, and this passion became the meaning of her life. Heiner was part of the team that made the first 3D map of an underwater cave. She also became the first person to dive into the ice caves of Antarctica, penetrating further into the underwater cave system. In 2001, she was part of a team that explored ice caves in icebergs. Her contribution to the study of the underwater world is enormous; Jill is responsible for a huge number of works and expeditions, awards and thanks. This amazing researcher and scientist is developing world science like no other.

Derek Kayongo is a man who helps people in need by making soap. After struggling to survive the Ugandan civil war and living for some time in a refugee camp, Derek knew what poverty was like. Imagine his shock when he saw that the hotel was callously throwing away the remaining soap provided to visitors every day. For a person like Derek, this was unacceptable because he knew that at this time many children in other countries were dying from lack of hygiene products. This gave him a brilliant idea. After much thought, he decided to launch his global soap recycling project. In 2009, he started his own business, which continues to develop today. Derek's project has already supplied more than 100,000 bars of soap to countries in need, absolutely free of charge. Such nobility today deserves due attention and respect.

David Mayer de Rothschild

Another interesting story from people's lives. This man and his crew made an incredible journey across the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to Sydney. He did this on board a boat made from 12,500 plastic bottles, powered by solar and wind energy. Rothschild's goal is to show the world what a huge amount of garbage can be found in ocean currents. His boat Plastiki showed the world how waste plastic can be used for practical purposes. David spent 4 years preparing for this expedition, inventing his future sea transport. Eventually the boat was able to travel 9,500 miles and arrive unharmed in Sydney Harbour. Our hero is also the head of various charitable organizations, an ecologist, researcher, scientist and writer.

The following story is about the lives of interesting people - about a young inventor.

Joseph Linzon

As a college student, this young man volunteered in rural Peru. There he discovered a number of serious problems that local residents face every day. One of them is that people do not have access to electricity for their devices (phones, laptops, etc.). He thought about how he could improve the situation. The solution was found: Joseph noticed that the majority of the population of that region moves on foot... What if you come up with shoes that will convert human energy used for walking into electricity? And indeed, it worked! Together with his friend, Linzon invented boots that have a USB input for pairing with other electronic devices. His project was noticed and approved, and deliveries of these wonderful shoes to countries in need are now being prepared. Now the young inventor is working to solve other complex world problems. Can you do this?

So how can you become an interesting person to others? There are really no set rules - just be yourself! Behave sincerely and honestly, strive for your goals and ideals, develop and believe in success. Even the most interesting people have crises, falls and failures.

If you love yourself, then those around you will love you too. Therefore, treat everything more simply and positively, with a smile. Then, rest assured, the world will smile on you!

Hello, dear ladies! Very often I hear from girls such phrases as “I’m boring”, “I can’t be alone for a long time”, “I’m not fun” and so on. The main problem is that women do not understand how to become interesting to themselves. Today I would like to talk about exactly this and find out what needs to be done in such a situation. How not to turn into a jester, not to go crazy from loneliness and find inner harmony.

Why do you need this

Let's start by finding out why you want to become interesting. And even better - for whom.

There are two options: for yourself and for others. The fact is that for a good result you will have to use a different approach, depending on the answer to the question why.

If you do this for yourself, then we will talk about internal development, communicating with yourself, finding activities that will develop your potential. Here the path lies through self-knowledge and self-study. In this case, you don’t care at all about the opinions of others, about their attitude towards you. And often, the attitude of others even harms in such a situation.

In the case when you want to become interesting to others, things are completely different. Here, the opinions of others and the attitude of others are very important. In this case, the concept of the soul of the company will be very important. After all, these are the people who are the most popular.

In any case, there are some general principles and provisions that can be applied in both options. This way, you can become interesting both to yourself and to be cheerful, sociable and entertaining in company.

She's her own boss

The first thing I would like to talk about is self-sufficiency. This quality will be useful to you in both cases. If you want to learn to be at peace with yourself, then you definitely need to acquire a similar character trait.

The point is that you should not do something for a man, for a girlfriend, for your mother, for your son or anyone else. Your life is in your hands. You have your own thoughts, your own attitude towards things. You and only you are responsible for your actions. You do not depend on others and their opinions of you, but at the same time you treat everyone with respect and dignity. This is where that harmony is.

If you want to be the life of the party, then you need self-sufficiency in order to perfectly understand the difference between useful and important advice from others and simple envy and hypocrisy. This quality will teach you to listen to the opinions of your friends and draw conclusions. Don't blindly trust all words.

I have already raised the issue of this quality in the article “”. I'm sure it will be extremely useful to you. Be sure to read it.

Work and hobbies

Another very important point is what you do. Your job or hobby should bring you great pleasure. You yourself should experience delight and interest in your activity. A girl who sits at home all day and scrolls through her news feed on social networks will not be interesting to herself or those around her.

Have you noticed how the eyes of people who find something they love light up? How do they know how to infect everyone around them with their positivity and positive energy? You can do this too! You just have to start. This can be absolutely any activity. You know yourself well. Remember your childhood, look into your dreams, shake up your imagination.

If you think that your work is completely uninteresting, boring, monotonous and no one will listen about it, then you simply don’t know how to talk beautifully. One of my friends worked as a completely ordinary bank clerk. Loans, financial schemes, numbers, papers and nothing exciting. But he talked about his work with such enthusiasm that everyone sat with their mouths open and did not blink while he talked about his work.

Try to look at your work differently. Find what is interesting about her, why you love her, what admires and inspires you. Explore new facets of your occupation, expand your knowledge, improve your skills. Grow and learn.

If you are currently sitting at home and cannot find a suitable job, then the article “” will be very useful for you. Remember that nothing is impossible in the world.

Don't lose your self

On this path, it is very important not to lose yourself and not become the generally accepted template of an “interesting person.” It is always important to remain yourself and not betray your principles. Many people, in an attempt to become interesting and not be boring, lose their zest. That is why I talked about self-sufficiency in the first place.

The more versatile you are, the broader your views on the world, the more interesting it will be to talk with you. After all, when a person is very fixated on one thing with him and there is nothing special to talk about. To develop, read more books, watch movies from different eras, study art, pay attention to the exact sciences.

Moreover, a sense of humor will greatly help you along this path. Agree, it’s a pleasure to be in a company where there is someone who knows how to joke. I haven't met girls with a good sense of humor very often, but that's not their fault. In the world it is believed that a woman cannot joke. That's why young ladies don't even try to learn this. But jokes, like mathematical formulas, can be learned. Everything depends on you.

Dear women, I am sure that you will definitely succeed in your plans. I would advise you to first learn to be interesting to yourself. Then becoming interesting to others will not be so difficult.

I would be very glad to hear your stories. Have you ever done anything to be the center of attention? Do you have a friend who is the life of the party? And what do you think makes it different from others?

Throughout life, people often ask themselves deep questions, the answers to which are not so easy to find. Every person is inherently a thinker and a sage. We often create problems for ourselves that turn into entire philosophical dilemmas. We all wish for society and ourselves. What is needed for this? Probably, you should be an interesting and very inquisitive person who improves throughout his life and strives for his goal. How to be interesting to society? Let's sort this out once and for all!

How to change your life to become an interesting and happy person?

Try to constantly gain new knowledge, do not sit in one place. You probably have an acquaintance or friend with whom it is incredibly interesting to have a dialogue. Have you ever wondered why? Perhaps your interlocutor lives a very interesting and eventful life - he has many interesting stories and adventures, he boldly speaks out, smiles and gives the impression of a generous person. Believe me, you are exactly the same! You just need to unlock your potential. So let's start changing our boring life right now!

You need to radically edit your daily routine. And where, exactly, should I start? Let's imagine how you get ready for work: you get up in the morning, brush your teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, leave the house and go to work along the already familiar and boring route. Don't you feel like you've become a little robotic? Each step in this sequential chain is predictable, and this is a priori uninteresting.

Let's fix this! When you wake up in the morning, do some light exercise (jogging, gymnastics, aerobics, fitness). Physical training lifts your mood well for the whole day - you will always be cheerful and positive. Then we start breakfast - eat only those foods that are healthy and that you like. Very banal advice, however, if you act according to this plan, you will already eliminate a significant part of the negativity from the coming day. After the meal, we leave the house and choose the most unusual route for ourselves. You may be a few minutes late for work, but your emotional reserve has been replenished with new places and impressions.

Stop giving yourself over to "black mirror"

In the age of modern and information technology, people have ceased to be “alive”. No matter who you look at, everyone has gadgets with a set of rich and interesting functions. Undoubtedly, the latest technologies have made life much easier, and this is at least interesting, but smartphones, tablets and laptops are catastrophically absorbing our lives. Some people are simply addicted to devices, so this hobby should be limited to some time.

Also, you should not neglect real, live human communication, because this is where the answer to the question of how to be an interesting person and interlocutor is stored. Turn off your phone! Let it be for a few hours, a day or a week - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to do it. There are limitless activities in the world waiting for you. Watch the sunrise with your friends and family, go to a Chinese restaurant, walk through the puddles in a constant downpour. All these absurd and sometimes infantile things make you more interesting as an interlocutor, friend or relative.

How to always be interesting? Be generous!

A truly interesting person always spreads the word to others. You must constantly share your findings with others. If you have managed to saturate your life with exciting events, then you should always take the initiative in narrating them. Sometimes those things that seem obvious to you will become a real discovery for your interlocutor. What you have long forgotten is something new for those around you. A sociable and generous person never forgets his ideas; they multiply with

Never put off important things until tomorrow. Courage and perseverance will turn your life into an endless series of exploits. A sad and boring person tends to wait, and he himself does not fully understand why. A happy person does not know what an “insurmountable obstacle” is! Go to those places where they are waiting for you, where you should find yourself: there is no point in sitting by the phone - call, waiting for an invitation is also not an option - invite yourself, turn ideas into events, help others, and life will become easier. This is how they become the soul of the company and the entire core of society.

Stop striving for the ideal, because it simply doesn’t exist! There is nothing perfect in the world, just like there are no “normal” people. Each person has a number of shortcomings, complexes and oddities. Some suffer from this, while others do not attach any importance to it. And which of them is right? Questions like these don't expect answers. You need to skillfully accept your own shortcomings and oddities, and sometimes proudly demonstrate them! This is the concept of personality.

An interesting person is always unique, because he remains himself! His pride and individuality demonstrate power and dominance within society. Stop apologizing for being different from others, because there is nothing wrong with that. Your views and values ​​are unique to you and no one else; they should not be changed for the sake of public opinion. This does not mean that you should not give a damn about everyone, because in this case everyone will give a damn about you at the same time. This suggests that you are proving to society the validity of your own decisions: you express what you know, do what you know, and live as you see fit. And you don’t need a large niche for this - a small piece of land is enough to stick your flag.

How to be an interesting man when communicating with women?

  • Give the impression of a successful person who is not afraid of difficulties.
  • Give good advice and offer your help.
  • When dealing with women, behave like a real gentleman.
  • Never make overly vulgar jokes.
  • Try to express yourself in monosyllables as little as possible.

Tips for men on how to be interesting. It is very easy to take possession of a woman if you follow these rules:

  • Show and show your respect for the fair sex, they appreciate and feel it.
  • Never lie or say too much - a real man must be responsible for his words.
  • Remember all the little things and details that your interlocutor describes in order to further prove that her words are not empty for you.
  • Respect her boundaries that she has set for herself regarding your love and attention.
  • Show courage and fearlessness.
  • Give her subtle compliments.
  • Be yourself.

When communicating with people, it is extremely difficult for us to understand at what point we become boring, because we really talk about interesting facts and believe that this is the best thing to tell a comrade or friend about. If a person begins to look away and simply yawn, then try to immediately finish your story, perhaps he also wants to speak out. An excessively long story about oneself or a loved one quickly becomes boring; it is not for nothing that they say that the best interlocutor is a good listener.

How to win over your interlocutor?

How to be interesting in everything to keep the listener? Try to ask as many questions as possible to find common interests as quickly as possible. If you win, your dialogue will turn into mutual pleasure, where you will exchange experiences and experiences with great pleasure.

Three story rule

It’s rarely interesting for your interlocutor to hear about how many megapixels your phone’s camera has. People are always turned on by real life stories that once happened to you. Try to always have in stock a couple of adventures from personal experience that are filled with emotions and exciting events. It’s not for nothing that society loves various dramas and reality shows. When telling your story, try to keep your interlocutor in constant suspense, so that he is eager to hear how your story will end.

Is charisma important?

How to be an interesting and charismatic interlocutor? The definition of charisma has become somewhat ambiguous. People interpret the meaning of this word differently, putting into it the epithets that they themselves come up with. Some boldly claim that you are born with charisma, while others believe that it can be trained. But here’s an interesting fact: in 1966, a team of British scientists conducted a study that found that during a dialogue, people pay only 7% of their attention to the meaning of the speaker’s words, and the rest of their attention is directed to facial expressions and gestures. From this we can conclude that a good mood, a smile and explanatory gestures can increase the interest of your listener.

Part 1

Get in the Right Mindset

    Stop thinking about what others think. If you really want to be an extraordinary person, then the first thing you need to do is stop worrying about what others think about your actions. You shouldn't be afraid to express your individuality, wear what you like, say what you think, and live the life you want. If you don't stop doing what others want or doing the things that are expected of you, you can never be weird.

    • Of course, “don’t worry about what people think of you” is easier said than done, and you won’t be able to make the change overnight. But once you start moving towards your goal step by step, one day you will realize that you absolutely don’t care what people think about you.
    • One way to make this process easier is to hang out with people who won't judge you for being different and who you'll always feel comfortable around.
  1. You don't have to go out of your way to stand out. To be original, you don't have to dye your hair pink, wear a Hawaiian skirt, or yodel in the middle of physics class - unless, of course, that's what you really want with all your heart! You can find your own way to be original without looking like you're trying too hard. Focus on how you want to be, not what impression you want to make.

    • If you try too hard to stand out, at some point you may feel like you are no longer yourself. Of course, if your inner self only dreams of surprising and shocking others, this will not cause you any inconvenience.
  2. If you really want to be weird, be confident. Many people think that weird people are loners, losers, or just not the happiest people, but this is not entirely true. It takes real self-confidence to stand out from the crowd. If you want to break from the norm and be different, you need to be happy with who you are and how you are. You need to feel confident first and then act, otherwise people's reactions to your behavior may disappoint you.

    • Work on loving yourself for who you are and being proud of your strengths. Make a list of the things you do well and celebrate your successes.
    • Being confident doesn't mean being perfect. This means being comfortable with your strengths, but accepting that you have weaknesses and working to overcome them if possible. If there are things about you that you don't like that you can change, like your height, then to truly have self-confidence you need to work on accepting those flaws.
    • While self-confidence doesn't happen overnight, you can take steps to build it. One step is to demonstrate absolute confidence through your body language. Work on standing up straight, maintaining eye contact, and not slouching or looking at the floor.
  3. Be an individual. If you truly want to be different, you must be comfortable expressing your individuality. This means that you should have your own style, your own tastes and your own opinions, and you will not conform to someone else's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnormality and originality. You must be able to confidently voice your thoughts, disagree with popular trends, and generally voice your own opinions, even when it would be easier to remain silent.

    • If you are truly an individual, then you are ready to be a complex and multi-faceted person. You don't have to be perfect, but you do need to be able to calmly admit your mistakes.
    • To be an individual means not to be led and not to be part of the crowd. At the same time, you don't have to be a loner. If you're just doing what other weird and different people do, it means you're not really expressing your individuality.
  4. Read and educate yourself. If you want to be original, you need to have enough knowledge so that you can surprise your friends with interesting facts when they least expect it. Whether you love comics, Japanese, or geology, read as much as you can on the topic so you can be armed with knowledge and facts whenever you need it.

    • If you are a well-read person and up to date with the latest happenings in the world, it makes your weirdness more “valid.” Otherwise, you will look like someone who is acting weird just for the sake of being weird.

    Part 2

    Take action
    1. Do not be shy. One of the things most queer people have in common is that they are not shy. They are happy to meet people, communicate, share their opinions with unfamiliar people, try something new and always openly say what they think and feel. If you're too shy to express your individuality, it's not easy to be weird. Sure, you can be the dark, self-absorbed type, but if you really want to be different, be more open and show people who you really are.

      • You don't have to be chatty or incredibly energetic, just don't be afraid to express your thoughts, no matter how strange they may seem.
    2. Do unpredictable things. Original people are distinguished by doing things that no one expects. Whether you're in a group or on your own, get ready to surprise people. Be as spontaneous as you want, and know that you can shock people to their core at the most unexpected moment. Remember: if you are an ordinary person, everyone thinks they know what to expect from you next. Here are some ways to surprise others:

      • If you feel inspired, start singing or dancing.
      • Start quoting your favorite movie or book.
      • Tell people unexpected facts about yourself.
      • Amaze people with your ability to play a musical instrument, speak a foreign language, or perform card tricks.
      • Be completely unpredictable. Interrupt your friends mid-conversation to tell them what you had for lunch or give them a fun fact about your favorite movie. (Many people don't like to be interrupted, so it's best to let the person finish their sentence.)
    3. Don't be very polite. Weird people are not the most social creatures in the world. If you want to be weird, try to be a little awkward in terms of manners if possible. Typically, people are weird because they don't follow social norms. One way to deviate from social norms is to communicate with people in a different way than is customary. This gives the impression of clumsy or impolite behavior and is very easy to portray. Here are some great ways to show awkwardness:

      • When someone comes up and starts talking to you, walk away without explanation.
      • Retell the same story three times in one conversation, each time apologizing for the repetition.
      • Tell stories of an exclusively personal nature to the first people you meet.
      • Burp around people and don't apologize.
      • Stutter a lot and mutter under your breath.
      • At every pause in the conversation, say loudly: “Oh, how awkward!”
      • Start conversations with complete strangers, even when you see that they are busy.
    4. Try different unusual hobbies. If you want to be different from everyone else, you cannot do something boring and ordinary in your free time. While you don't have to try new activities just because they're different, you should still be different. Your difference implies a willingness to try new things, and those that cannot be called a popular hobby. It also implies that you are trying something exciting, unique, and somewhat unusual. Here are some hobbies to help you stand out from the crowd:

      • tricks;
      • comic writing;
      • playing the banjo or ukulele;
      • body art;
      • learning a difficult or rare foreign language.
    5. Be active beyond measure. There are many ways to be weird, such as being a moody loner or an awkward weirdo, but you can try to exude energy that most people around you don't have. This energy will help you share your passions, unexpected information and facts with people and be more active than most of them. If you really want to be different, hyperactivity is a great approach.

      • When you are really excited about something, try to speak very quickly. One of the reasons why some people are considered strange is because they speak differently than others.
      • Don't be afraid to share your excitement or excitement about something. Don't try to appear indifferent or hold back your enthusiasm.
      • If you can’t sit still and your activity breaks free, to the point that you want to jump up in the middle of a conversation, no one forbids you to do this.

    Part 3

    Do your best
    1. Be distracted by completely ordinary things. For example, you can tell your friends that the ceiling is bothering you. You can even clarify: “He seemed to be... hovering up there.” Continue to stare at him for a few more minutes, without moving at all. Ignore any words from others or friends for the next couple of minutes. The more ordinary the object that has such a hypnotic effect on you, the better.

      Think about the art of dressing. You don't have to dress completely stupid to stand out from the crowd, but try dressing in a way that makes you feel a little different. You don't have to wear a long black coat and a hat pulled down over your eyes, or a sparkly pink dress and rhinestone-studded stilettos if that's not your style. However, if you want your appearance to immediately communicate your originality, stop looking at other people's opinions and don't be afraid to wear what you like, be it slogan t-shirts, brightly colored jeans, fun hair accessories or unusual makeup.

      • Get a unique hairstyle that matches your outfit. Use the most durable hair gel. Make your hair stand on end or create your own unique hairstyle. It all depends on your imagination.
    2. Give the inanimate object a name. Carry it with you and talk to them as if it were your buddy. Act as if you are really best friends with him, and those who say that you are talking to a thing are simply out of their minds. When someone tries to point out that your behavior is abnormal, pretend that you are very indignant, angry or offended.

      Speak with an accent. Make up words and add them to your speech or speak with a strange accent. When they ask you where you are from, say that you grew up in Chukotka. The most important thing is to imitate the accent believably, and not just mumble something under your breath. If you are convincing, people will actually be confused and decide that you are weird. Be careful not to get caught: if you start speaking with an accent in the presence of this person, continue doing so.

      Meditate in the middle of a hotel lobby. Just sit down, put your palms together and close your eyes. You will definitely like the reaction of others. If someone tries to interrupt you, tell them not to disturb you because you are in an important meeting.

      Act weird at lunch. Loudly express your outrage at a fancy restaurant because they don't have hot dogs or apple juice. While you are waiting for your order, take a fork and knife, clasp them in your fists with the tip facing up and drum on the table. (For variety, you can come up with your own rhythm or drum part.)

      Walk in circles and talk to yourself. Make strange sounds, draw mysterious figures in the air with your hands, shake your head. This will definitely make you look weird. Don't do it if you think it's not funny or too much for you.

      Make unique decorations from sticks, acorns, leaves, or any scraps you can find. Try selling them near the school or giving them as gifts to people. Even if the decoration is very simple and looks like a kindergarten craft, pretend that you put a lot of effort and imagination into it.

    3. This is another way to show that you are a completely unpredictable person and can behave strangely. This will have a special effect in silence or if someone has just told a serious or touching story. You can even try humming to yourself during a test in class until the teacher and classmate notice what you're doing. strange face, for example, open your mouth slightly, as if you are unable to control it. Then people will think that you are weird, and not that you are out to get them.
    4. Use imagination- There are no rules, you can do whatever you want!
    5. Try setting goals along the way to becoming weird. For example, over the next week, skip down the stairs 10 times or talk to three people, pretending to be accented. When you get used to consciously doing strange things, you will see that subconsciously you will become less afraid of being strange.
    6. Warnings

    • On you will look askance.
    • Your parents may advise you to go to a psychologist, or even a psychiatrist.
    • People will often gossip about you.
    • People will laugh at you.
    • Perhaps you will be kicked out of some public places.
    • People may think that you are just trying to get attention. Most people who might be considered truly weird are completely happy with who they are. So try to become not only weird, but also just happy with yourself, and you will achieve both.
    • You will have to step out of your comfort zone.
    • You may lose your friends.