Action September 21 is International Day of Peace. International Day of Peace. How to celebrate the International Day of Peace - celebration traditions

Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. The General Assembly declared this Day a day to strengthen the ideals of peace among all countries and peoples.

“The time has come for all peoples to live by the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year marks the 70th anniversary of this historical document.” - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Article 3 of the Declaration states that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

However, it does not contain a separate article devoted to the right to peace. Therefore, we ask you to answer the question:

What does the right to peace mean? You can leave your answers on social networks, tagging them with the hashtags #peaceday and #standup4humanright.

We can all promote and protect human rights. We call on everyone - individuals, governments, companies, civil society, the UN system and others - to join us and make change happen.

You can read one or more of the 30 articles of the Declaration in any of the languages ​​available on this website.

Here are a few more options to get you started:

Spread it. Raise awareness of what the Declaration means in everyday life and how it empowers everyone.

Participate. Join us and express your commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights.

Meditate. Assess the state of human rights today and think about how each of us can fight for rights.

Human rights belong to all of us!

Nowadays, for most people, peace is reality. The streets of cities and villages are calm, our children go to school and kindergartens. In a developed society, the priceless gift of peace may not be particularly noticed by anyone. However, for people living in conditions of instability and fear, the UN General Assembly in 1981, through its resolution 36/67, proclaimed the International Day of Peace. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated by millions of people. It covered many countries and regions where public and youth organizations hold various actions and events. After all, this Day is designed to force people to do something for peace on planet Earth.

The celebration of this Day was established on the third Tuesday of September and is dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace between states and peoples, as well as within countries. In 2001, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 55/282, declaring that from 2002 the International Day of Peace will be celebrated annually on 21 September. And here are the most interesting facts about the celebration of the International Day of Peace.

Traditions of celebrating the International Day of Peace

Every year, the International Day of Peace begins with a ceremony at the Peace Bell at UN headquarters in New York. First, the address of the UN Secretary General is heard, after which he rings the bell, then, after a minute of silence, the chairman of the UN Security Council makes an address.

Each year, Peace Day is dedicated to a specific theme. Thus, in different years it was held under different mottos: “Human rights and maintaining peace”, “Disarmament and non-proliferation”, “Peace and democracy: have your say”, “Sustainable peace for a sustainable future”, “Education for peace”, “Peoples’ right to peace”, “Sustainable Development Goals: building blocks of peace”, “Together for peace: respect, security and dignity for all”, “Right to peace: 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, etc. In Nowadays, this holiday is called “The Day of Nonviolence and Ceasefire in All Corners of the Earth.”

In our modern world, the public is accustomed to military conflicts, which have become commonplace. People regularly watch the news about the new broken city and count the victims of terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, such a deplorable situation can affect any country and any city. Our history shows that every 100-150 years wars occur in the world, in which many states are drawn. What about local conflicts? After all, they practically never stop: there are always small wars that claim the lives of many people. Every time after large-scale conflicts, humanity takes a huge step back, because a lot has to be restored. Wars entail many other problems - the number of beggars increases, serious diseases spread, etc. That is why the International Day of Peace is so important for modern people.

For more than half a century, the United Nations has been awakening the consciousness of society so that every person himself can give a helping hand to everyone in need. In order to draw people's attention to the political and social situation in states, to consolidate the system of peaceful coexistence of all citizens in countries and throughout the planet, a national peace holiday was initiated.

And of course, the events that have happened over the past few years show how relevant the International Day of Peace is in our current time.

On this day, many events are held that are designed to tell in detail about the war and its consequences, and to call on people all over the planet for peace. The celebration occurs at all levels. Schools, universities and other educational institutions pay a lot of attention to this, because it is important to form a correct understanding of conflicts among young people. In factories and offices, in all circles, this day is taken very seriously.

Thematic meetings, conferences are held, and documentaries are shown. Charity events are constantly organized on this day, thanks to which people voluntarily help those who are in difficult situations. Every year the celebrations become larger, giving hope to live in a peaceful future many years from now. The International Day of Peace was founded to be a day of non-violence and global ceasefire

International Day of Peace on September 21 was created at the initiative of the UN

The history of the holiday begins in the 81st year of the last century. Then the United Nations took the initiative to create it. After all, modern society now suffers from interethnic conflicts, wars, terrorist attacks, and environmental disasters. The United Nations calls on this day to think about these problems and ways to solve them.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were unanimously adopted by 193 United Nations Member States at a historic summit of heads of state held in New York in September 2015, where a new agenda calls on states to begin taking action to achieve the 17 goals over the next 15 years. The goals of the agenda are to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and promote shared prosperity.

Peace is the main value for any person. Defending the ideals of peace, strengthening friendly relations between states, working together to achieve peace in the world - these are the main principles that guided the UN when it founded this holiday.

The theme of the holiday changes every year. Eg:

“Express your opinion about the spread of democracy in the world.”

"Youth for peaceful life and development."

"Peace and Education".

"Youth for Peace and Development".

"Peace and Democracy: Have Your Say"

As an emblem for September 21, images of a white dove with an olive branch are used. It was created by Pablo Picasso. This symbol was first introduced at the World Peace Congress, which took place in Paris in 1949.

The International Day of Peace is a call for reconciliation, mutual understanding, joint work to strengthen stability, respect for human rights and freedoms.

“The International Day of Peace gives each of us the opportunity to demonstrate through action our commitment to peace by becoming a champion of the Sustainable Development Goals,” says the annual UN holiday message.

No, the word “peace” will hardly remain,
When there will be wars people will not know.
After all, what was previously called the world,
Everyone will just call it life.

V. Berestov

For many of us, peace is a matter of course. The young generation of our country does not know what war, famine, and devastation are. It is natural and good, but this depreciates the gift of a calm and serene life in the global sense of the word.

However, for a number of countries and nationalities living in an atmosphere of instability, chaos, unrest and armed clashes, Peace Day, celebrated annually on September 21, is not an empty phrase.

This is a holiday that celebrates stability and prosperity. This is life without bitter tears of loss, without the devastation of a feeling of constant danger.

History of the Day of Peace

The holiday was established in 1981 by one of the resolutions of the General

UN Assembly. Initially, its date was “floating”, that is, it was decided to celebrate it on the opening day of the session (the third Tuesday of September). Later, in 2001, it was formalized by a decree that stated that September 21 was recognized as Peace Day.

This holiday, as conceived by the General Assembly, should symbolize the renunciation of violence and a general ceasefire. Peace Day should provoke people to think about their actions, about what each of us has done for the sake of peace.

The idea of ​​its necessity arose as a consequence of the constant work of the UN General Assembly to eradicate the main causes of conflicts and strife on a global scale, to reduce the amount of poverty and the spread of deadly diseases.

Traditions of celebrating Peace Day

The ceremony of the beginning of the celebration is announced by the Peace Bell, which, in addition to

Day of Peace, sounds on the day of spring
equinox, on Earth Day.

The bell was presented by the Japanese Association for the United Nations to the General Assembly in June 1954, and was made from coins collected by children from 60 countries. The laconic but succinct inscription on it reads “Long live universal peace throughout the world.”

The ringing of the Bell is a reminder to humanity that peace is a great value, and it is not enough to dream about it; to achieve it you need to work hard and hard.

On Peace Day, national, religious and government events are held in different countries. Their goal is to promote the ideals of peace and non-violence.

On this day, among other things, charitable and humanitarian events are held, international legal documents in the field of diplomacy, social and economic relations between countries are considered, developed and signed.

On September 21, the Secretary-General delivers messages addressed to different peoples, and the red thread running through them is the call that the government must listen to its people and, by showing concern, create safe living conditions. Next, according to the procedure, he strikes the Bell and a minute of silence begins - the time when everyone thinks about their purpose.

The celebration of the International Day of Peace is widely used by the UN to attract public attention to its daily activities to maintain order and tranquility, to understand existing problems, to exchange information and practical experience.

A symbol of peace

The symbol of peace is the work of Pablo Picasso - an image of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak. Initially, the first option needed for the Peace Congress poster was a real drawing of a sitting bird.

After this, the image was modified several times until it acquired the appearance that is familiar to us.

The dove as a symbol of peace was not chosen by chance. It is believed that the basis for this was a biblical legend,

When, after the global flood, a dove brought an olive branch to Noah's ship - a sign that God had made peace with people.

Peaceful time is a blessing that gives us the opportunity to live stably: study, work, create families, realize our religious and social rights, and grow spiritually and morally.

Let's protect him!

International Day of Peace, a holiday established by the UN General Assembly, is celebrated annually in different countries. It is intended to contribute to the establishment of peace on Earth and the renunciation of violence.

When is International Day of Peace celebrated in 2019?

How to celebrate the International Day of Peace - celebration traditions

How is the celebration going? The ceremonial events on this day begin with a ceremony at the Peace Bell. The UN Secretary General makes an address to representatives of different countries, after which he rings the bell. Then, after a minute of silence, the chairman of the UN Security Council makes an address.

On this day, educational and public events dedicated to the problems of world peace, charity concerts, etc. are held in different countries.

History of the International Day of Peace

Let's talk about the history of this holiday. It was established in 1981, when the UN General Assembly, through its resolution 36/67, proclaimed the International Day of Peace.

It was dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace both in different states and among different peoples, and between them. This holiday was originally celebrated on the third Tuesday of September.

Later, in 2001, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 55/282, according to which, since 2002, the International Day of Peace has been celebrated annually on September 21 as a day of universal ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

This is a kind of professional holiday of the UN, since the scope of activity of this organization is related to eliminating the causes and consequences of military conflicts. All countries are asked to refrain from military actions on this day.

The image of a dove is used as a symbol of the holiday. The modern emblem - a dove with an olive branch in its beak - was made by Pablo Picasso based on the biblical motif of Noah's Ark.

Every year the holiday takes place under different mottos. Its theme in 2012 was “Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future”, in 2013 – “Education for Peace”, in 2014 – “The Right of Peoples to Peace”, in 2015 – “Partnership for Peace is a Worthy Cause of Everyone” . The 2016 theme for the International Day of Peace was “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace.”

In 2016, women Nobel Peace Prize laureates and UN Messengers of Peace took part in the celebration ceremony. On the same day, the UN Education Section held a global student video conference at United Nations Headquarters. Sustainable development should help meet the urgent needs of time and future generations.

The theme of the 2017 International Day of Peace was “Together for Peace: Respect, Security and Dignity for All.” The problems of the modern world - social inequality, poverty, depletion of natural resources, disease, corruption, racism, and many others - create the ground for conflict. Remembering these things and overcoming them means helping to build peace.

In 2018, the slogan of the International Day of Peace was “The right to peace: 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” This year marks 70 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was developed by legal experts from all regions of the world. This document was adopted at the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 and, for the first time in history, it proclaimed the need to protect human rights. The Declaration has been translated into more than 500 languages.

A week before the International Day of Peace, on September 15, 2019, the Secretary-General will open a celebratory event at the United Nations Peace Garden to mark the occasion. During it, the UN Secretary General will ring the Peace Bell and declare a minute of silence. United Nations Messengers of Peace will be invited to this ceremony.

No, the word “peace” will hardly remain,
When there will be wars people will not know.
After all, what was previously called the world,
Everyone will just call it life.

V. Berestov

For many of us, peace is a matter of course. The young generation of our country does not know what war, famine, and devastation are. It is natural and good, but this depreciates the gift of a calm and serene life in the global sense of the word.

However, for a number of countries and nationalities living in an atmosphere of instability, chaos, unrest and armed clashes, Peace Day, celebrated annually on September 21, is not an empty phrase.

This is a holiday that celebrates stability and prosperity. This is life without bitter tears of loss, without the devastation of a feeling of constant danger.

History of the Day of Peace

The holiday was established in 1981 by one of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly. Its original date was “floating”, that is, it was decided to celebrate it on the opening day of the session (the third Tuesday of September). Subsequently, in 2001, it was reinforced by a decree that stated that September 21st is recognized as Peace Day.

This holiday, as conceived by the General Assembly, should symbolize the renunciation of violence and a general ceasefire. Peace Day should provoke people to think about their actions, about what each of us has done for the sake of peace.

The idea of ​​its necessity arose as a consequence of the constant work of the UN General Assembly to eradicate the main causes of conflicts and strife on a global scale, to reduce the amount of poverty and the spread of deadly diseases.

Traditions of celebrating Peace Day

The ceremony of the beginning of the celebration is announced by the Peace Bell, which, in addition to the Day of Peace, also sounds on the day of spring
equinox, in .

The bell was presented by the Japanese Association for the United Nations to the General Assembly in June 1954, and was made from coins collected by children from 60 countries. The laconic but succinct inscription on it reads “Long live universal peace throughout the world.”

Ringing Bell- This is a reminder to humanity that peace is a great value, and it is not enough to dream about it; to achieve it you need to work hard and hard.

On Peace Day National, religious and government events are held in different countries. Their goal is to promote the ideals of peace and non-violence.

On this day, among other things, charitable and humanitarian events are held, international legal documents in the field of diplomacy, social and economic relations between countries are considered, developed and signed.

September 21 The Secretary General delivers messages addressed to different peoples, and the red thread running through them is the call that the government must listen to its people and, by showing concern, create safe living conditions. Next, according to the procedure, he strikes the Bell and a minute of silence begins - the time when everyone thinks about their purpose.

Celebrating International Day of Peace is widely used by the UN to attract public attention to its daily activities to maintain order and tranquility, to understand existing problems, and to exchange information and practical experience.

A symbol of peace

The symbol of peace is the work of Pablo Picasso - an image of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak. Initially, the first option needed for the Peace Congress poster was a real drawing of a sitting bird.

After this, the image was modified several times until it acquired the appearance that is familiar to us.

Dove as a symbol of peace was not chosen by chance. It is believed that the basis for this was a biblical legend, when, after the global flood, a dove brought an olive branch to Noah’s ship - a sign that God had made peace with people.

Peacetime is a blessing that gives us the opportunity to live stably: study, work, create families, realize our religious and social rights, and grow spiritually and morally.

Let's protect him!