What can you eat if you have high stomach acidity? Nutrition for high stomach acidity. Diet when sick

Products that reduce and increase stomach acidity.

A patient who is worried about stomach pain, first of all, is prescribed a test to determine the level of acidity of gastric juice. The topic is very relevant for the majority of the population, since today the content of various chemical additives in products does not have the best effect on our health. And the level of gastric juice should be strictly normal, because low or high levels of it are equally bad for your well-being.

Foods that reduce stomach acidity: table

Stomach acidity is determined by the concentration of hydrochloric acid and is measured in pH units. If its secretion occurs at a rapid pace, then it does not have time to be properly neutralized. This means that there will be increased acidity in the stomach.

IMPORTANT: Let us remind you that hydrochloric acid is constantly in our body, but in small quantities. And it begins to be produced more actively at the sight or smell of food. Its main role is the activation of an enzyme such as pepsin (it is responsible for digestion). And yet, in our stomach there are two zones - acidic and neutral. To be more precise, they are called the acid-forming (upper) zone and the acid-neutralizing (lower) region.

It's no secret that today's popular fast foods (instant food), pickled and smoked foods, as well as popular semi-finished products are the first helpers for increasing acidity. And this is manifested by heartburn, belching, heaviness and pain in the stomach. If you don’t take proper nutrition on time and miss the signals given by the body, then you can catch gastritis.

What you should pay attention to and what symptoms of high acidity:

  • The first signal is heartburn. That is, the acidic environment from the stomach entered the esophagus. It occurs after eating fatty or fried foods, meat and sour dishes, as well as carbonated drinks. And it gets worse when lying down. Folk remedies include soda, milk, apples or seeds.
  • Heaviness and pain after eating, the main location is the left side. Sometimes such sensations occur on an empty stomach.
  • By the way, abdominal cramps may occur, which are associated with constipation. Or problems and changes in bowel habits may occur.
  • Another important nuance is nausea and sometimes vomiting. After taking the above products, symptoms may also appear that subside after vomiting. But under no circumstances should you do this intentionally.
  • Sour belching or a sour taste in the mouth is another detail worth paying attention to.
  • And, as a rule, people with high acidity have a white or grayish coating in the middle of the tongue.

If we talk about treatment, then medications will not help in this matter. More precisely, they will be able to remove the symptoms, no doubt about it. But until the diet changes, the acidity of the stomach will not return to normal. Therefore, we bring to your attention a list of products that will help reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Watermelon and melon Excellent for reducing acidity and fighting heartburn
Vegetables: cabbage (all types), potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and legumes Of course, they need to be consumed boiled.
Fruits, especially apple, banana, avocado and persimmon, are worth highlighting By the way, they help quickly eliminate the symptoms of heartburn.
Greens (except fresh green onions) Not only reduce acidity, but also generally improve the functioning of the digestive system
Oatmeal (and any kind of porridge, really) Has an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect on the walls of the stomach
Lean meats (rabbit, chicken, turkey), fish (hake, pike perch, cod) But only boiled or baked in the oven
Dairy and fermented milk products But preferably in a non-greasy state
Honey, cane sugar, stevia tea and chicory (coffee) These products are not only healthy, but also delicious.

I would also like to add that need to be excluded:

  • Naturally, fatty, salty and spicy foods should be avoided
  • You should give up the fried cooking method
  • smoked and pickled (salted) products, which are very popular
  • Bread and other baked goods should be eaten in moderation and with great caution. Better yet, use yesterday’s baked goods.
  • coffee is also prohibited. Let's repeat, it was replaced with chicory
  • Of fruits, of course, citrus fruits are prohibited
  • full-fat milk (and other products), as well as confectionery products (cookies, muffins)
  • For many this will be a tragedy, but chocolate is also taboo
  • and, of course, fresh onions and garlic are contraindicated

Foods that increase stomach acidity: table

Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves. Let us just add that this condition occurs more often in old age, but is less common during pregnancy.

What are the symptoms:

  1. Lack of acid affects poor digestion of food. This means that it begins to deteriorate in the stomach, so to speak. Therefore, the first signal will be rotten breath.
  2. Nausea and vomiting after eating is, as with any other disease of the digestive system, an integral symptom.
  3. Sometimes there may be heartburn, but, more often than not, the burning area is located directly in the stomach itself.
  4. After eating, pain is typical.
  5. The burps will also have an unpleasant, rotten smell and taste.
  6. If in the case of high acidity there is heaviness, then with low acidity, on the contrary, bloating and sometimes flatulence occurs.
  7. Abnormal bowel movements occur, most often in the form of constipation, which even medications cannot cope with.
  8. Pale and dry skin, as a consequence of not absorbing the necessary beneficial elements, apathy and constant fatigue. In the future, anemia may develop.
  9. Also, it should be noted that hair and nails become dry, and acne may appear.
  10. Because in the stomach itself there is an increased concentration of breakdown products (after all, the food has not had time to be completely digested and absorbed), which has a toxic effect on the entire body as a whole. And as a result, immunity decreases.

And there is no need to guess that with low acidity you need to eat the opposite foods. But this does not mean that you need to eat pickled or smoked food, eat fast food, and wash it down with soda. Since gas formation is already increased, then carbonated drinks are definitely a no-no! And no one has canceled proper nutrition.

Products Properties, method of use
Porridge – any (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn grits) Porridges generally have a positive effect on intestinal function and enrich the body with essential elements.
Strong tea or coffee They help to quickly increase stomach acidity, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with coffee
Dry wine (preferably white) But only a little at a time - no more than 100 ml per day
It is useful to eat sour fruits and jelly (apricot is especially useful) But you need to be careful with citrus fruits, and a large amount of grapes can cause flatulence
Low-fat varieties of meat are also preferable; liver will be very useful

Eat only boiled

Among vegetables it is worth highlighting carrots, tomatoes and beans Not only increase acidity, but also bring many useful vitamins
Of the berries, one cannot fail to mention currants and lingonberries Can be eaten raw, or can be used as a compote
Sea fish, red caviar and seaweed Not only healthy, but also tasty. True, seaweed is not for everyone
Chocolate, sesame and halva It costs a little to consume
Turnip – it’s hard to overestimate it But you need to cook it properly and eat it in small portions.
  • Milk and dairy products (any). They can cause fermentation in the stomach. Only low-fat foods are allowed
  • Alcohol in large quantities and fast food products, as well as semi-finished products - they are contraindicated for healthy people
  • Naturally, smoked meats, pickles and, for example, herring are also prohibited
  • Smoking is strictly taboo
  • Fresh garlic and onions should be limited in consumption for a while.

Diet for high stomach acidity: menu

We have already said that if there are disturbances in the production of hydrochloric acid, you need, first of all, to improve your diet. Because without the right diet, medications can become ineffective.

  • Food should be frequent, but in small portions. That is, you need to eat not three times a day, but 5 or even 6
  • But portions should be small, the approximate amount of food should be the size of a fist
  • Under no circumstances does he eat before bed. The food must have time to be digested. This means the minimum time is 2-3 hours before bedtime
  • Food must be chewed well and thoroughly. And also, it should be easy to digest.
  • Cook exclusively by steaming or boiling. In the future it will be possible to bake in the oven, but not until golden brown.
  • Food should be warm - not hot, not cold
  • Amount of water per day – at least 2 liters

Sample diet. You can correct it yourself. After all, not everyone can consume certain products in the same way, and there may be individual intolerance. Products can be rearranged a little or the days can be changed between each other. But don’t forget that breakfast should be as healthy as possible, lunch as filling as possible, and dinner as modest as possible!

The first day:

  • Breakfast. Steamed oatmeal is ideal. But, if you consume dairy products, then milk porridge will be more satisfying and healthy. Drinks include herbal tea or weak black tea.
  • Lunch. Fruit puree (it’s better to make it yourself, with minimal sugar content) or snack on a fresh apple.
  • Dinner. Chicken and pasta soup - don't forget that no fried foods, only cheese making. Make another vegetable stew with zucchini and spinach, and you can wash it down with dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack. A great option would be low-fat yogurt; you can take it with additives or get by with the classic version. Unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with steamed cutlets (you can use any lean meat), tea.

Second day:

  • Breakfast. Semolina porridge with milk. If the idea arises of making it with water, then it is better to replace it, for example, with corn. Chicory
  • Lunch. Sweet crackers, maybe even with raisins, a glass of milk (fat content - no more than 1%)
  • Dinner. Creamy pumpkin soup, naturally, steamed meatballs and milk jelly. But, if you are not a supporter of such a dish, then replace it with regular fruit jelly
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with sour cream, again not high in fat. You can drink it with juice or compote
  • Dinner. Pasta and fish cutlets

Day three:

  • Breakfast. An omelette made from two eggs, but steamed. Drink a glass of milk for an energy boost
  • Lunch. Treat yourself to some pudding
  • Dinner. Rice and zucchini casserole, dried fruit compote
  • Afternoon snack. Banana or avocado
  • Dinner. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, chamomile tea

Day four:

  • Breakfast. Steamed cheesecakes with sour cream, tea with milk
  • Lunch. Kissel with cookies, preferably biscuits
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with meatballs, rye bread and green tea
  • Afternoon snack. Baked apple with honey (very healthy), but you can replace it with just sugar (sprinkle on top)
  • Dinner. Stewed vegetables (steamed, of course) and cutlets, herbal tea

Day five:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge (cooked in water, of course) with boiled chicken (or can be replaced with other dietary meat), green tea
  • Lunch. Cookies and jelly
  • Dinner. Rice soup with veal and vegetables, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Two bananas
  • Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole and chamomile tea

Day six:

  • Breakfast. Semolina pudding with jam and tea with milk
  • Lunch. Fruits from the permitted options to choose from. Can be steamed or raw
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with cereals, for example, millet (very good for the stomach), steamed cutlets (naturally, from lean meat) with pasta (only durum varieties), compote
  • Afternoon snack. Cookies, milk and a little honey. You can add it directly to milk or dip cookies with it.
  • Dinner. Potato casserole with sour cream, tea with milk

Day seven:

  • Breakfast. Cheesecakes and tea with milk or replace with chicory and cream
  • Lunch. Two baked apples with honey
  • Dinner. Meatball soup, lazy dumplings and dried fruit compote
  • Afternoon snack. Biscuits with tea
  • Dinner. Steamed fish and chamomile tea

Diet for low stomach acidity: menu

Above we gave some recommendations regarding nutrition, they also apply to low acidity. And the main thing is to give up bad habits and unhealthy food. You can also adjust the diet below at your discretion, depending on your personal preferences.

The first day:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal for such a disease will also be an ideal solution. You can cook it with either water or low-fat milk. Scooped egg and milk tea
  • Lunch. You can also have a snack with a banana, and also some grapes
  • Dinner. Chicken and noodle broth, boiled rice with butter and fish (steamed), compote
  • Afternoon snack. Baked apple with honey
  • Dinner. Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with sour cream and herbal tea

Second day:

  • Breakfast. Semolina pudding with your favorite jam and a cup of coffee (optional with milk)
  • Lunch. Low-fat cottage cheese with berries (or sour cream)
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with meatballs, lazy dumplings, tea or compote
  • Afternoon snack. Ryazhenka or yogurt
  • Dinner. Unsalted buckwheat with steamed cutlets, tea with chamomile (it has a general positive effect on the functioning of the stomach)

Day three:

  • Breakfast. Steamed omelette and black tea. If desired, you can add milk
  • Lunch. Rusks with jelly
  • Dinner. Beef with vegetables, in tomato sauce. Fresh fruit compote
  • Afternoon snack. A glass of kefir
  • Dinner. Chicken broth with vegetables, tea

Day four:

  • Breakfast. Treat yourself to pancakes with cottage cheese or jam, coffee
  • Lunch. Banana
  • Dinner. Pumpkin soup (or other vegetables), puree with meatballs, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Tea with crackers
  • Dinner. Boiled fish with vegetables

Day five:

  • Breakfast. Cheesecakes with sour cream, tea or coffee with milk
  • Lunch. Baked apple with honey, jelly
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup without meat, millet porridge and cutlet
  • Afternoon snack. Drinking yogurt and dried fruit as a snack
  • Dinner. Parsley omelette, chamomile tea

Day six:

  • Breakfast. Two soft-boiled eggs, herbal tea
  • Lunch. Rye bread, kefir
  • Dinner. Soup with beef and any cereal except pearl barley. Also, pumpkin puree
  • Afternoon snack. Marshmallow or marmalade with tea. But a small amount - 1-2 pieces. If you’re not full, it’s better to snack on some fresh lingonberries
  • Dinner. Rice with meat

Day seven:

  • Breakfast. Steamed oat flakes with berries or dried fruits, coffee
  • Lunch. Bread (yesterday's) with butter and a slice of cheese, tea
  • Dinner. Chicken broth, mashed potatoes with boiled vegetables, compote
  • Afternoon snack. Galette cookies with honey and herbal tea
  • Dinner. Steamed fish with vegetables

Video: How to tell if your stomach acidity is high or low?

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, or gastritis, is the most commonly diagnosed disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which affects patients of all ages. For a complete recovery from the disease, it is not enough to take only medications; nutrition for gastritis of the stomach plays an equally important role. Thanks to it, it is possible to stabilize the patient’s condition, regardless of the type of pathology. So, what are the basic principles of a diet for gastritis, depending on its type?

Regardless of what type of disease it is, all patients who still want to curb it should adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Meals should be frequent, ideally every 3 to 4 hours, and portions should be small. This is done so that food enters the stomach evenly and there is no overflow, which often threatens the appearance of bloating and heartburn.
  2. Any food should be consumed only warm; cold and hot are prohibited - they irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane.
  3. Preference should be given to boiled and stewed dishes, as they are easier to digest and do not create additional stress on the diseased organ. Baked ones can be carefully included in the diet during the remission stage.
  4. The last meal is taken at least 3 hours before going to bed, and dinner cannot be heavy. It is best if it is a small amount of natural yogurt or another similar product.
  5. The patient is allowed to include in the menu only those dishes that are recommended by the attending physician. Before introducing a new dish into your diet, you should consult a gastroenterologist.
  6. At high and low levels of acidity, as well as during exacerbations, it is recommended to adhere to diet in accordance with dietary tables No. 1 and No. 2 according to Pevzner.

Diet for gastritis in the acute stage

Termination of remission is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the patient’s health rapidly deteriorates and severe abdominal pain appears;
  • there is a feeling of fullness of the abdomen with air, possibly the appearance of flatulence and burning in the esophagus;
  • there are disorders in the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • the person becomes lethargic and apathetic, shows no interest in the world around him;
  • in some cases, it is possible to increase body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees.

To make it easier for the patient to tolerate this condition, in addition to drug treatment, adherence to a strict diet is indicated:

  1. Small meals are extremely important; food should be soft and free of hard particles, which can further injure an already inflamed stomach.
  2. You should eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  3. Preference should be given to boiled and stewed dishes. Lean varieties of meat and fish, and some types of vegetables are perfect.
  4. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to give preference to liquid pureed soups, dried bread or crispbread, decoctions of rice and oatmeal. You can eat boiled meat little by little. Vegetables should not only be boiled, but also pureed in a blender for better absorption.
  5. All dishes that worsen the patient’s condition are removed from the diet. These are sourish dishes, cabbage and legumes (the latter enhance intestinal motility). Also, do not overuse fresh fruits. The exception is bananas.
  6. You should avoid eating foods that take a long time to digest. It can be dense and fatty baked meat, mushrooms.
  7. You should not eat fresh bread, especially white bread. Preference should be given to crackers or cereal breads specially intended for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If an exacerbation occurs, especially if we are talking about gastritis with high acidity, it is important not only to tighten the diet, but also to see a doctor as quickly as possible in order to avoid the development of numerous complications.

What products are prohibited?

Below is a list of products that are strictly prohibited for consumption by all people suffering from stomach diseases.

These include:

  1. Containing a high percentage of fat, fried, salted foods, smoked foods in any form, as well as dishes with a lot of seasonings.
  2. Any carbonated drinks, as carbon dioxide irritates the inner surface of the stomach.
  3. Fast food and store-bought convenience foods, all types of canned food.
  4. Plant foods with a sour taste.
  5. Fresh white, as well as all types of black bread.
  6. Meat and fish dishes containing a large amount of fat, and strong broths prepared on their basis.
  7. Fermented milk products, not skim milk.
  8. Excessive amounts of sweets, especially those with a high content of dyes and chemicals.
  9. Fresh baked goods.
  10. Store-bought sausages.
  11. Any types of store-bought sauces, mayonnaise.
  12. Alcoholic drinks.
  13. Strongly brewed teas of all types, coffee.

All of the above products must be crossed off the menu for any type of gastritis, as they injure the inner surface of the stomach and can catalyze the release of hydrochloric acid.

Allowed foods for gastritis of the stomach

The list of approved products for the pathologies discussed is as follows:

  1. Meat and fish products that can be classified as lean.
  2. Vegetables boiled or stewed in their own juice with minimal addition of oil.
  3. Low-fat fermented milk products.
  4. All types of cereals in the form of liquid porridges (priority is oatmeal and buckwheat).
  5. Weakly brewed teas of any kind, coffee from ground beans with skim milk.
  6. Vegetable casseroles and baked cottage cheese dishes with a low fat content.
  7. Puree soups, decoctions based on rice and oats.
  8. Uzvars made with herbs or sweet fruits.
  9. With caution, in particular, with erosive gastritis, you should eat various fruits of fruit trees and berries.

The above list is basic. Depending on how you feel, the patient can enrich their diet.

Menu for the week

For clarity, you should familiarize yourself with the menu for the week, which can give a general idea of ​​what dishes are allowed to be consumed.

In some cases, a slight deviation from dietary nutrition is possible, but this is always discussed with the doctor on an individual basis.

For low stomach acidity

If a small amount of gastric juice is produced in the stomach, then the menu is drawn up taking into account this feature:

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Mondaysteam omelette and chamomile tea with honeyfruit salad with bananas and applesfish broth soupbiscuits with compotemashed potatoes, steamed cutlets and tea with lemon.
Tuesdaycottage cheese casserole with cocoaa small amount of sweet grapesvegetable soup and some chicken stewa little marmaladepotatoes boiled in their jackets with steamed lean fish.
Wednesdaypancakes with curd filling and berry jambananavegetable casserole with boiled chicken breasthomemade marshmallowsdumplings with cottage cheese and sour cream sauce.
Thursdayoatmeal in milk with jam or honey, weak black teacompote with unsweetened cookiesnoodle soup with chicken broth and homemade low-fat sausagestoast from day-old gray bread with lean ham, apple juicebuckwheat porridge and steamed cutlets.
Fridaysoft-boiled eggs, cheese and ham sandwich, weak teamedium baked applesoup with meatballsberry jellyhotpot.
Saturdayfried eggs, yesterday's bread with butter and cheese, compotea handful of sweet berriesmacaroni and cheese, steamed cutletsoat bread, lightly brewed black teavegetable stew, a drink based on medicinal herbs that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sundayomelette, cocoa with milkapple or sweet orangepotato soup, stewunsweetened dry cookies, a glass of kefirlight vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast.

Despite the limited choice of products, even diet food can be made tasty and varied.

With increased stomach acidity

In this case, you should avoid provoking foods, the sour taste of which can negatively affect the inflamed stomach and provoke even greater production of hydrochloric acid:

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Mondayboiled egg, dried gray bread, butter and cheesemarshmallowsfish soup made from lean fishunsweetened cookies with cocoamacaroni and cheese, steamed cutlets.
Tuesdaydumplings with curd filling, chamomile teasavory cookies, compote of sweet fruits and berrieschicken broth with croutons, boiled meatrosehip jellybuckwheat porridge and vegetable salad.
Wednesdaydried bread, lean ham or boiled pork, cheese, teaglass of kefirsoup with rice and meatballsnatural yogurt with a little sweet jamcottage cheese casserole with yogurt.
Thursdaypancakes with low-fat sour cream, teabiscuits with weak coffeehomemade noodle soup, baked chicken drumsticksmarshmallow and cocoavegetable casserole.
Fridayoatmeal in water with tea or weak coffeedried gray bread with cheese and sweet juicevegetable puree soupyogurtmashed potatoes, stewed meat in its own juices.
Saturdaysemolina porridge with jam, teabiscuits with compotechicken soup with rice and boiled meatsweet apple or bananamashed potatoes with homemade sausages.
Sundaylush omelette, chamomile infusionfruit salad with honeyvermicelli soup with boiled chicken legberry jellyrice porridge with stewed vegetables

The menu described above is approximate; it can be varied according to your own wishes.

Despite the fact that diet for gastritis plays an important role, you must not forget to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Regularly undergo examinations with your doctor to monitor your health so as not to miss the onset of an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Take light walks. They will help fight physical inactivity, improve intercellular metabolism, and oxygen will flow faster to vital organs.
  3. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  5. Try to be less nervous, as stress provokes deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

This will help not only bring gastritis into remission, but also improve the patient’s health.

Stomach diseases require careful treatment. This is impossible without following the principles of dietary nutrition.

It may be difficult to adjust to the new rules at first. However, over time, eating healthy and safe food will become a habit that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body.

The state of gastric acidity is an important indicator that determines the treatment of a patient with pathology of the digestive system. Heartburn is considered a clinical sign of high concentrations of hydrochloric acid. But the physiological characteristics of the human body indicate fluctuations in the value during the day (at times the acidity may be low), in response to food, nervous stress.

Therefore, doctors use gastric pH measurements in the study. This precise laboratory test can be carried out with the introduction of an irritating factor and monitor the reaction and daily dynamics of acidity. Thus, it is possible to evaluate the function of parietal cells, which are mostly located in the antrum and body of the stomach.

Their overirritation leads to increased effects of acid and pepsin on the epithelium, elimination of natural protective barriers, the formation of inflammation, erosions, and ulcers. The mechanism is considered to be the main one in the occurrence of gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux and peptic ulcer disease. One of the ways to normalize the condition of the mucous membrane is a diet with increased stomach acidity.

Objectives of therapeutic nutrition for the stomach

To restore the integrity and function of the stomach, it is necessary to normalize acidity. This will reduce the corrosive effect of the pepsin enzyme. For this, the menu of sick people should be formed from products and dishes:

  • having the most gentle effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • having the ability to bind acid;
  • activating alkalizing and protective factors (mucus formation, synthesis of bicarbonates, glycoproteins, immunoglobulins);
  • improving blood supply in the gastroduodenal zone.

Diet table

Among the various therapeutic diets in the Pevzner classification, there is table No. 1, which is used as food for high acidity of the stomach. It is prescribed to treat hyperacid conditions, relieve pain, eliminate heartburn, and has options indicated for varying degrees of gastric damage. Some dietary principles need clarification.

Excluding secretion stimulants means a categorical ban on eating foods that increase acid formation in the stomach:

  • rich broths of fish, meat, mushrooms, cabbage;
  • all types of alcohol (including medicinal tinctures);
  • salted, smoked, pickled food;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber;
  • hot seasonings, ketchups, mayonnaise;
  • rye bread;
  • carbonated and sour drinks.

The stomach sparing regimen involves:

  • frequency of meals at least six times a day;
  • reduced portions;
  • avoiding overeating;
  • sufficiently crushed and pureed food;
  • exclusion of hot and cold foods, maintaining a feeding temperature of about 38 degrees;
  • Among the methods of culinary processing, only boiling, steaming, and baking without crusts are allowed.

In addition, the incoming food should consist of easily digestible components and should not allow a long delay in the stomach for digestion, therefore, if you have high acidity, you should not eat fried and fatty meat dishes.

The diagram shows the acid-base reaction of food products; in a hyperacid state, it is necessary to select only alkalizing properties

Options for table No. 1 and indications for use

In patients with hyperacid diseases of the stomach, different degrees of inflammation, pain, and dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) are possible. In this case, different sparing options are necessary. Table No. 1a - indicated in the first days of exacerbation. It provides maximum protection of the stomach from all factors affecting the mucous membrane.

The menu consists of liquid dishes with pureed and boiled ingredients. Only slimy soups, pureed porridge with water, puree from twice twisted minced meat, jelly, and dried fruit compotes are allowed. Fresh vegetables, fruits, salads are prohibited.

Table No. 1b - recommended for improving the condition and reducing pain. The dishes remain pureed, but a thicker consistency is allowed. You can make puree from some vegetables, and soufflé from fish and meat. Both options have restrictions on the content of fats and carbohydrates, and therefore have a reduced calorie content.

General table No. 1 is the basis of nutrition for patients with hyperacid gastritis. It provides, against the background of mandatory restrictions, a complete composition of proteins; only animal fats and simple carbohydrates are limited. The degree of sparing decreases. The caloric content reaches the norm and is suitable for long-term nutrition of patients, starting from the recovery period.

White croutons are a good addition to creamy soup.

Vegetable oil and a small amount of butter are added directly to the plate. The table is indicated in the remission phase for gastric ulcers. With its use, no significant weight loss is observed in a person. The duration of adherence to diet options depends on the recovery capabilities of a particular organism. The table of products shows more detailed permitted and prohibited food products.

Allowed products (lowering stomach acidity) Harmful foods (increasing acidity)
Dishes from lean meat beef, veal, chicken, turkey (broths, soups), steamed cutlets, meatballs, meatballs To the above stimulators of hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, let’s add: fatty meat with tendons (pork, lamb, duck)
Milk and milk soups, jelly, cream for seasoning soups Margarine, lard, cooking oil
From pasta, small vermicelli, which boils well Cereals - pearl barley, millet, spelt, barley, corn
Vegetables that do not contain coarse fiber (potatoes, beets, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, green peas) are suitable for decoctions and vegetarian soups. Sausages
Dill is recommended as a spice Fat sour cream
Porridge from buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal Strong coffee, tea, kvass
Mashed cottage cheese, calcined, casseroles and puddings (out of exacerbation, steamed cheesecakes and lazy dumplings are allowed) Spices - pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, sorrel, horseradish, vinegar, mustard
Low-fat cheese Vegetables - tomatoes, radishes, turnips, radishes, white cabbage, rutabaga, cucumbers, spinach
Steamed or soft-boiled eggs Canned food, mushrooms in any form
Sweet fruits and berries - bananas, pears, apricots, apples, peaches, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries in jelly, jelly, compotes Large pasta and noodles made from coarse flour, rye bread and bran products
Dried wheat bread, biscuits, dry biscuits, crackers, Maria cookies Kefir, yogurt, sour cottage cheese
Tea and weak coffee with milk, rosehip decoction, sweet fruit juices (first in dilution) Sweets (sweets, chocolate)
Sweets - marshmallows, marshmallows Sour fruits - certain varieties of apples, citrus fruits, berries - cranberries, currants, gooseberries

What should you consider on the menu?

Before you create your own diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the table below. The expansion is permitted by the doctor after examining and examining the patient. Sometimes people want to quickly relieve heartburn and pain due to hypersecretion, for this they look for information on which foods reduce acidity. It is impossible to achieve a fabulous cure, but slimy porridge (oatmeal), oat jelly, and taking small sips of warm milk will help improve the condition.

These products have an enveloping effect and, due to the alkaline reaction, temporarily neutralize the acid. After taking melons (watermelon, melon), as well as banana, mango, avocado, acidity also decreases, but this does not mean that treatment should be limited to them only. In fact, the result is eliminated, but not the mechanism that caused the violation.

People who take soda solution do something wrong. The same violent reaction occurs in the stomach as in a glass.

The release of gas can rupture the inflamed mucous membrane and cause perforation of the ulcer.

Due to increased gas formation in the intestines, you should not eat with increased stomach acidity:

  • products made from yeast dough (fresh pastries, pies, butter bread);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans);
  • sweets (jam, candies).

Contraindicated due to the high content of extractive substances: cabbage soup, okroshka, borscht. These dishes will slow down the digestion process and irritate an inflamed stomach. During long-term remission, you can eat some fermented milk products - fresh kefir, yogurt.

Natural Antacid Products

To neutralize excess acid in the stomach, natural remedies that have an alkaline reaction are suitable. These include:

  • goat milk, buttermilk;
  • juice from potatoes and celery, diluted with water;
  • raisins, figs (in the form of dried fruits or decoction);
  • aloe juice;
  • basil, ginger, mint.

Thick milk product enriched with beneficial bacteria can be used to season soups

One-day table menu No. 1 for hyperacid gastritis

In the morning at 8.00:

  • oatmeal from Hercules flakes with diluted milk;
  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Chicory drink with milk.

Snack at 11.00:

  • stewed pumpkin.

Lunch at 14.00:

  • vegetarian soup with grated carrots, potatoes, zucchini, garnished with dill;
  • steamed chicken cutlets, side dish of boiled buckwheat;
  • Apricot jelly.

Afternoon tea at 17.00:

  • dried fruits compote;
  • Maria cookies.

Dinner at 19.00:

  • fish meatballs, mashed potatoes;
  • sweet rice porridge with pumpkin;
  • rosehip decoction.

Before bedtime:

  • a glass of warm milk.

If a person who knows about his problem goes on a strict diet immediately after pain appears, then there is a chance to cure gastritis without medication. The positive effect of the diet has been proven in 80% of patients with stomach diseases. Therapeutic nutrition will not give results with ongoing stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating dry food.

For peptic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone, it is necessary to take medications that reduce the acidity of the stomach by blocking the production of juice at the cellular level, with a direct “quenching” effect on the contents of the stomach. Nutrition in a hyperacid state significantly facilitates the prognosis of treatment and accelerates the healing process. Refusal to follow the diet leads the patient to new, more severe exacerbations and the risk of complications.

Stomach diseases occupy one of the leading places in pathological processes. These types of diseases are usually accompanied by burning, heartburn, bloating, and pain on the left side. These signs indicate high acidity of gastric juice. In the absence of timely treatment, it can lead to the formation of ulcers, erosions and more serious consequences. To make drug therapy more effective, doctors prescribe a diet for high stomach acidity.

High acidity of gastric juice causes a person many difficulties. First of all, he experiences unpleasant symptoms in the form of heartburn and nausea. In the absence of timely treatment measures, the patient's condition worsens significantly. Then an acute inflammatory process develops, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, vomiting, and diarrhea.

To avoid the appearance of such signs, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. It consists in observing certain principles.

By adhering to these rules, you will be able to avoid a re-increase in acidity.

Allowed foods for high stomach acidity

Many patients, after diagnosis, wonder what to eat. The menu should be as gentle as possible, especially during an acute period of illness.

What to eat if you have high stomach acidity? There are several useful products.

  1. Mint drink. It quickly and effectively reduces the acidity of gastric contents. It also helps relieve stress and calm down. To make it you will need 1 tsp. dried plant and a mug of boiled water.
  2. The menu should be rich in fresh vegetables. It is recommended to choose varieties that contain little fiber, such as potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and celery. It is better to steam or boil them, and then thoroughly grind them to a puree immediately before eating.
  3. Puree soups or cereal soups are of great benefit.
  4. You should only eat lean meat. Preference is given to veal, beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit. It is strictly forbidden to fry them. If you have a double boiler, this will be the best way to make it.
  5. Nuts and seeds are sources of protein compounds. Such foods are better absorbed when eaten raw. The seeds contain a large amount of essential minerals and healthy oils that help in reducing acidity.
  6. Porridges in the form of rice, oats, and millet are of great benefit. They can be eaten with milk or cooked in water. Suitable for breakfast.
  7. The menu for high stomach acidity necessarily includes the consumption of dairy products. Milk quickly and effectively soothes the mucous membrane, envelops the walls and protects against irritation.
  8. Doctors advise eating green salad when dieting. Must be consumed 15-20 minutes before meals. Be sure to wash it down with a mug of warm water.
  9. Eat unripe mangoes. This product helps improve food digestion.
  10. Honey product. It contains micronutrients and vitamins. Therefore, it exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and calming effect.
  11. You can include cottage cheese in the menu. You can eat it either in its pure form or prepare a soufflé, casserole, or mousse from it.
  12. If you have high acidity, you can eat coconut. It is believed that this product is one of the best in folk medicine, which allows you to cope with unpleasant symptoms. You need to eat in small quantities along with main meals.
  13. Water is an essential component of the diet. It can be drunk in unlimited quantities if a person does not suffer from fluid accumulation. In addition to all this, doctors include compotes, fruit drinks, weak tea without sugar, and jelly in the diet.
  14. Instead of fresh baked bread, dried bread or crackers without spices are allowed.
  15. You are allowed to eat pasta. They can be combined with vegetable salads in oil and steamed cutlets.
  16. It is recommended to add basil leaves to dishes. They quickly lower acidity, reduce the formation of gases, and also dull the appearance of an unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach.
  17. The menu should include pumpkin juice. It helps relieve irritation.
  18. The only spice allowed is turmeric. It not only reduces acidity, but also increases blood flow in the internal organs and brain.
  19. Choose fruits that are distinguished by their sweetness. This category includes avocados, peeled yellow and red apples, and bananas.
  20. If acidity is high, it is allowed to eat marine fish. Before cooking, the product is peeled and boned. It is better to stew or steam it. You can make cutlets or eat them as steaks.
  21. This type of disease requires the exclusion of sweets. But it is allowed to eat jams, mousses, jellies and marshmallows.
  22. Instead of mayonnaise, vegetable oils are added to dishes.

Dishes can be combined with each other or eaten separately.

Prohibited foods for high stomach acidity

Only a doctor can tell you how to eat if you have high stomach acidity, since each case is different. But doctors identify a number of products that are contraindicated for patients.

This list includes the following products.

  1. Heavy and fatty foods. They complicate the process of food processing and are difficult for the body to absorb. Fatty foods are very harsh on the stomach cavity, so the organ tries to produce even more hydrochloric acid.
  2. It is not recommended to eat hot and spicy foods. They have an aggressive effect on mucous tissues.
  3. Very rich and fatty broths. After boiling the meat, they must be diluted with boiled water in equal proportions.
  4. Mushrooms are prohibited. They contain many acids.
  5. Acidified vegetables, fruits and berries with peel and seeds.
  6. You can't eat tomatoes. They are good for the body, but not for the stomach. They contain oxalic acid, which helps increase acidity.
  7. It is not recommended to consume watermelon.
  8. All carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited. They not only destroy the walls of the stomach and lead to increased formation of gases.
  9. Confectionery and flour products should be limited in consumption. They can be eaten, but in small quantities during the period of remission and only before lunch.
  10. It is not advisable to eat chocolate or desserts with icing.

If you do not exclude such products, then an increase in acidity and the formation of ulcers simply cannot be avoided. Food with increased stomach acidity should be gentle and not aggressive. If it is difficult to solve the problem on your own, then it is better to visit a doctor.

A diet for high stomach acidity is a mandatory and necessary measure in the fight against the disease. In accordance with the patient’s well-being, his age, as well as the stage of the disease and the reasons contributing to the increase in acidity, the doctor prescribes individual nutrition. Diet for high stomach acidity is no less important than drug treatment. One complements the other, and used together brings the desired result.

Why do you need a diet for high stomach acidity?

Increased acidity is manifested by characteristic symptoms - heartburn, sour belching, pain in the epigastric region. Other symptoms may also occur - pain in the esophagus, as evidenced by a burning sensation behind the lower part of the sternum, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. During an exacerbation, the symptoms are especially noticeable. And you can’t do without a diet.

Only the attending doctor can prescribe an individual diet; you should not experiment on your own. Because nutrition is part of the treatment procedure. And the effectiveness of treatment depends not only on adequate prescriptions, but also on the diligence of the patient. The doctor will take into account all the nuances and draw up a list of permitted and prohibited foods, as well as a sample menu. The patient’s task is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

The diet is aimed at the following result:

  • Reduce acid production;
  • Help coat the walls of the stomach, which will protect them from the aggressive effects of gastric juice;
  • Improve digestion;
  • Reduce the inflammatory process;
  • Reduce pain and other unpleasant sensations caused by increased acidity;
  • Prevent exacerbations;
  • Promote wound healing, regeneration of damaged mucosal tissue.

The danger of increased acidity of gastric juice is that the constant aggressive effect of acid on the delicate mucous membrane leads to the appearance of erosions and ulcers. Food, like medicine, can help cure gastritis. And vice versa - harmful foods can intensify the pathological course of the disease. Therefore, you need to know exactly what you can eat with gastritis, and what you absolutely cannot eat. Which foods reduce acidity and which increase it.

Attention! The fight against high acidity should be as adequate as possible. Even with such an illness, you cannot refuse fresh fermented milk products. They help normalize digestion.

Principles of nutrition

If you have indigestion with increased gastric secretion and acidity of gastric juice, you need to eat in such a way as not to create unnecessary stress on the stomach. To do this you need:

  • Be sure to eat in small portions, every two to three hours;
  • Do not overheat food, and also do not eat too chilled;
  • Do not wash down your food, but drink half an hour before meals or an hour and a half after a meal;
  • Do not overload the body with fats, as fats retain food in the body;
  • Switch completely to boiled, stewed, baked foods to reduce the inflammatory process;
  • Do not starve or overeat;
  • At night, allow yourself only a glass of milk or kefir.

The principles of healthy eating are useful for everyone, but are especially necessary for those who need to restore normal functioning of the stomach and intestines. The diet must contain products that reduce gastric acidity: still alkaline mineral water, milk and dishes containing milk, fresh fermented milk products, cereals.

Authorized Products

The diet somewhat limits the patient's choice of dishes. But the list of permitted products is quite wide. Here's what you can safely include in your daily diet:

  • Almost all types of cereals cooked in water or milk;
  • Puree soups using vegetables, meat and fish broths;
  • Meat, poultry and fish, but in a well-boiled form, chopped, preferably to a pate-like state;
  • Fermented milk products are fresh, preferably one-day old;
  • Sweet fruits with heat treatment in the form of puree, jelly;
  • Almost all vegetables, with the exception of cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, sorrel, but cauliflower is allowed during this period;
  • Kissels, mousses, compotes, tea and coffee, herbal teas, still mineral water;
  • Marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow, jam;
  • Dried bread, premium bread croutons, biscuits;
  • All types of oil.

All porridges and soups should be well boiled to a slimy state. When the disease worsens, it is best to strain porridge through a sieve, and make soups in the form of puree. These foods reduce inflammation and pain in the abdomen. It is also useful for intestinal disorders.

Prohibited Products

There is a category of prohibited products that lead to an exacerbation of an existing disease. This is a rough, fatty, spicy food that irritates the delicate mucous membranes and leads to an increase in acidity. Such products include:

  • Soda and alcohol, as well as strong coffee and tea;
  • Chocolate and ice cream;
  • Vinegar, horseradish, mayonnaise and other spices that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organ;
  • Sour varieties of berries and fruits;
  • Raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Fresh baked goods and confectionery;
  • Lard and fatty meats;
  • Strong rich soups.

On the list of prohibited foods, any food fried in oil is prohibited, as well as fast foods, which include pies, pizza, hot dogs, and shawarma. The dietary table also does not include starchy vegetables. The table of prohibited foods includes cabbage, radishes, radishes, turnips, and sorrel.

Sample menu

You can correctly create a food menu for the week, calculate the calories in your diet, the number of which should not exceed three thousand per day. The menu looks like this:

  • For the morning meal ─ steamed cottage cheese cutlets, tea with milk;
  • For lunch – yogurt with fruit puree;
  • For lunch - puree soup from pumpkin and carrots, steamed poultry cutlets, rice side dish, compote;
  • Snack – tea with biscuits;
  • For the evening meal - steamed fish, mashed potatoes, tea with marmalade for dessert;
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of milk, which helps reduce acidity levels.

You can safely prepare a steamed omelet or eggs “in a bag” for your morning meal, since protein foods are very good in dietary nutrition for people with high stomach acidity. It is useful to eat oatmeal and jelly-like dishes at least twice a week, which have an enveloping effect. Jelly and milk also have this beneficial property.

Believe me, a properly selected diet will shorten the treatment time and the number of pills taken.