Causes of itching in the intimate area in women. Helminthiasis or pubic lice. Treatment of itching and burning in the intimate area

If irritation appears in an intimate place, unpleasant sensations and discomfort cannot be avoided. The skin turns red, hurts, and causes a burning sensation. She can be cured. Folk remedies and medications will help with this.

Common reasons are:

  • Allergy.
  • Infections.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Underwear made from synthetic fabrics that cause itching.
  • Cuts received while shaving.
  • Using a gasket.

How to cure at home?

You can get rid of irritation in different ways. Folk remedies and drugs from the pharmacy will help with this.


Helps heal skin cream Bepanten. It relieves redness and promotes skin healing. With its help you can get rid of microcracks, scratches, and irritation. Apply the cream to the painful area one to three times a day in a small layer. Mucosal areas should be avoided.

After application, allow the product to absorb. It acts gently and does not cause pain or burning. The discomfort goes away within a few days. The skin recovers completely in 5-8 days.

They will help with treatment Ovestin candles. They can relieve itching and irritation. They are administered once every two to three days. They should not be used every day to prevent an overdose. This product should not be used for viral diseases or infections. Before using it, you should consult a specialist. Improvement occurs after a week and a half.

Doctors recommend using zinc ointment. It destroys pathogens, reduces irritation and redness. With its help you can relieve pain and burning. Apply the ointment once or twice a day.

Recovery will occur in five to eight days. If the redness cannot be eliminated during this time, you need to visit a doctor. There may be an infection and more serious treatment is needed, or the ointment causes an allergy.

To cure irritation, you need to apply Panthenol cream. It fights redness, relieves burning and itching. It is applied once or twice a day for five days. Longer use may cause complications. It usually helps in the first days. It is not recommended to apply to the mucous membrane in large quantities.

If irritation is caused by allergies, shaving, you can use baby cream. It is applied one to three times a day to the painful area and rubbed in thoroughly. The cream does not cause side effects. It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation. The irritation goes away after a few days, the burning sensation disappears on the first day.

Folk remedies

Using the plant is very simple. A small leaf is washed and cleaned. Use the sticky side to rub the painful area. The procedure should be performed twice a day for five days. During this time, the irritation should go away.

Douching based on soda. Preparing the solution is quite simple. You need to mix one teaspoon of soda and one liter of boiled water. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. Using this product you can relieve redness and burning. The skin will quickly recover.

Sea salt baths

Baths will help get rid of irritation. To do this, warm water is poured into the basin. A little sea salt is added to it: no more than two teaspoons. The components are mixed. You need to sit in the basin, the procedure lasts ten minutes.

After this, you need to get up and lightly rinse your intimate area with clean water. Baths can be done every day or every other day. This remedy relieves pain and burning. The skin becomes soft and tender.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, not every medicine will help, because the likelihood of complications is high. Experts recommend using baby powder during lactation and pregnancy.

A small amount is applied to the intimate area twice a day. Baby powder does not cause complications or side effects and helps heal the skin. It's very easy to use.

During the treatment period you cannot:

  • Scratch the painful area.
  • Overcool, overheat.
  • Use scented detergents.
  • Visit the pool, sauna.
  • Use untested medications.
  • Eat fatty foods and dishes with a lot of seasonings.
  • Use a razor and wax strips.

Preventive measures

To prevent irritation, you must follow some rules:

  • The shaving procedure should be carried out when the skin is steamed.
  • You should not shave your intimate area too often or use wax strips.
  • Avoid scented detergents. They cause allergies.
  • Linen should be made from natural fabrics.
  • Gaskets must be changed regularly.
  • There should only be one sexual partner.
  • You need to give up fatty foods.
  • You should visit a gynecologist regularly.

You must always pay attention to your health and also carefully monitor hygiene. If a woman is bothered by discomfort in an intimate place, she should try to determine the cause of the discomfort and begin treatment immediately.

Discomfort in the intimate area

Vaginal mucus performs an important function in the body of a healthy woman: it provides constant hydration, thereby avoiding discomfort and dryness. It is the mucus that becomes a reliable barrier protecting against pathogenic bacteria. When the production of this moisture is disrupted, the woman suffers from discomfort, burning and itching.

In addition, difficulties may arise in intimate life, since sexual intercourse will also be associated with pain. The symptoms are as follows:

  • tingling;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • yellowish, greenish discharge;
  • pulsation;
  • feeling of squeezing in the vagina;
  • pain during intimacy.

As soon as a woman notices this, it is necessary to try to determine the cause. After all, sometimes such symptoms signal sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, or malfunctions of internal organs.

Risk factors and their elimination

Several risk factors are significant. Let's determine the main reasons not related to diseases that can cause discomfort in an intimate place.

Let's learn how to neutralize negative factors.

If a woman does everything correctly, but the discomfort still bothers her, she needs to look for another reason.

It is necessary to determine it promptly, since if the disease develops, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

Discomfort after intercourse

Intimacy should not cause pain, burning or itching. When this happens, the cause must be determined. You may have one of the following problems:

Let's get treatment and fix the problem

Of course, if you suspect the development of the disease, you should immediately go to the doctor. Insufficient secretion can be replenished with lubricants, but they must be hypoallergenic.

It is not recommended to use glycerin-based intimate gels that provide comfort during intimacy: they are very difficult to wash off and create a favorable environment for the development of infections.

Extracts of bamboo, silk, and collagen add tenderness. A good solution is to use gels with antibacterial components.

They will prevent the development of a pathogenic environment and relieve discomfort. The best option is Contex Green gel with antibacterial action.

Therapy for sexually transmitted diseases

If a sexually transmitted disease is detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It depends on the disease, its severity, and degree of development. The following drugs are used:

The doctor will prescribe specific therapy, depending on the disease and severity.

Feelings during menstruation

Hormonal disruptions can occur in the female body during the menstrual period. Because of this, a burning sensation occurs, as well as dryness and pain in the intimate area. Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid gland are also likely.

Doctors recommend restoring hormonal levels using modern drugs: Cyclodinone, Mastodinone, Proginova.

Let's consider effective means:

First of all, it is important to stimulate estrogen production.


The period of bearing a child becomes quite difficult in the lives of women. Pregnancy provokes a drop in the level of immunity, as well as hormonal imbalances. As a result, vaginal secretion increases, and a pathogenic environment arises due to the activation of pathogenic bacteria. Thrush and fungal diseases are also getting worse.

Doctors prescribe medications to eliminate inflammation and thrush:

It is best to take preventive measures even before pregnancy, if it is planned. After the baby is born, discomfort may increase dramatically. Experts note that sometimes it is enough to wait out the difficult period after childbirth. The body itself is gradually restored, the hormonal levels also return to normal.


Older women go through menopause, which is associated with many changes in the body. When the threshold of 45 years has already been passed, itching, discomfort, burning in the intimate area may just indicate menopause.

At this time, the vagina becomes thinner and loses elasticity. The secret is significantly reduced.

You should immediately consult a doctor when signs of menopause are detected: special suppositories, creams, and gels are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms.

You can also choose any drug to smooth out the abrupt transition to menopause:

Do not scratch the skin, as this increases the risk of infection and the spread of bacteria. Vitamin A, special formulations and creams should be used to maintain tissue regeneration and skin elasticity in the perineum.

It is important to try to protect yourself from risk factors and eliminate all possible causes of discomfort. It is better to prepare for pregnancy, childbirth and menopause in advance.


Itching and burning in the external genital area can occur for a number of reasons. They can be characterized as follows:

  • external effect on the mucous membrane;
  • infectious diseases of the genital area and pathologies caused by vaginal dysbiosis;
  • secondary manifestations of diseases;
  • symptoms developing due to hormonal imbalance;
  • discomfort provoked by neuropsychic reasons.

3 Sexual infections and dysbacteriosis

Discomfort in an intimate place is caused by pathological vaginal discharge or caustic urine, which provokes irritation, redness, burning and itching. Similar symptoms are observed when:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bacterial and viral diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • dysbacteriosis in the vagina;
  • cervical erosion, prolapse and other physical pathologies.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to do blood tests for STDs and take a vaginal smear for microscopic and bacterial examination. This is necessary in order to identify the causative agent of inflammation and begin adequate treatment.

4 Other types of disease

Almost all sexually transmitted diseases cause itching or burning in an intimate place.

  1. Chlamydia infection can be “caught” through vaginal, oral and anal sex. With chlamydia, the intimate area is very itchy. In addition, the woman is bothered by a burning sensation when urinating and vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as pain in the lower abdomen. Intermenstrual bleeding may begin, and the periods themselves become heavy, protracted and painful. In the absence of timely treatment, chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages develops, which can lead to infertility.
  2. Gonorrhea (or gonorrhea) is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Gonorrhea can be infected over and over again; antibodies to it are not formed. Severe itching is combined with yellowish-white vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, menstrual disorders and other discomfort. Very often, gonorrhea is asymptomatic, but leads to persistent infertility.
  3. Genital herpes first manifests itself as redness of the mucous membrane, it is a little itchy. Next, bubbles appear filled with clear liquid. Herpetic rashes can spread throughout the mucous membrane of the external and internal genital organs and along the thighs. At this stage, the intimate area is very itchy. Pain and burning intensify during urination and sexual intercourse. In the acute stage, herpes causes swollen lymph nodes, fever and severe malaise. In particularly severe cases, the infectious agent can penetrate the brain, causing blindness and death.
  4. Trichomoniasis begins after the penetration of trichomonas into the genital area, which can provoke inflammation not only in the vagina, but also in the appendages. The disease is manifested by a number of symptoms - discomfort when urinating, itching, frequent urge to urinate and profuse foul-smelling gray, yellow or green vaginal discharge. Unpleasant sensations in the intimate area in women with trichomoniasis can result in chronic inflammation and inability to become pregnant.
  5. Candidiasis develops through sexual contact with a sick person or with reduced immunity, when the immune system is not able to resist the pathological proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida. In the fair sex, candidiasis is observed after treatment with antibiotics or in chronic diseases as a result of decreased immunity. With candidiasis, the intimate area itches so unbearably that sleep and normal performance are disrupted. A whitish coating and erosion from scratching appear on the mucous membrane. White, cheesy vaginal discharge with a sour odor complements the burning sensation when urinating.

In addition to the listed diseases, itching and burning occurs with mycoplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis, genital mycosis, etc.

5 Treatments

As you can see, the diseases listed cannot be left untreated, and both sexual partners will have to be treated. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a gynecologist. After taking blood, urine and vaginal smear tests, it will be possible to judge the causative agent of the infection. Depending on the disease, the doctor will prescribe certain antibiotics, topical antimicrobials, etc.

However, comprehensive treatment should include antifungal drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals, and antihistamines.

6 Secondary manifestations of other diseases

A less likely, but still possible option for the development of itching and burning in the genitals may be:

  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

Treatment of itching in intimate places in these cases begins with treatment of the underlying disease, and creams and ointments are used to relieve discomfort.

7 Hormonal imbalance

Women's health is closely related to the balance of estrogen and progesterone. A sharp change in hormonal levels occurs during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. The slightest disruption in the harmonious hormonal system can cause deviations, and this will bring discomfort in intimate places.

In women during the premenopausal period, the production of hormones decreases, so atrophic vulvovaginitis may begin. A reduced level of estrogen provokes thinning of the epithelial layer of the vulva and a decrease in the production of mucus, which protects the mucous membrane from drying out. Vaginal dryness is accompanied by a burning sensation and itching of the external and internal genital organs.

If atrophic vulvovaginitis is combined with severe symptoms of menopause, the doctor may suggest hormonal therapy. In other cases, it is necessary to increase hygiene procedures and use ointments recommended by the doctor. This will help protect the vulva from excessive dryness, injury and inflammation.

In contrast to the described disease, there is a disease of the vulva, which affects the intimate area of ​​women. Hormonal disorders are accompanied by thickening of the skin, pain and itching in the genital area. The likelihood of developing pathology is higher among representatives of the fairer sex with a hereditary predisposition, autoimmune diseases and weak immunity. Therapy consists of using hormones and ointments containing vitamin A.

In rare cases, long-term pain around the clitoris, itching, and foul-smelling discharge may be signs of vulvar cancer. The disease is more common in women over 60 years of age. Surgery is almost always used; the extent of surgery depends on the stage of cancer spread.

8 Prevention

To avoid discomfort in an intimate place, it is advised:

  • during the acute period, douche in the morning and evening with a decoction of chamomile, sage or wash with a solution of furatsilin;
  • spend less time in the sun;
  • Always use your own towels, washcloth, underwear and clothing;
  • exclude from the diet foods that cause allergies - chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes, spicy, pickled and smoked foods;
  • change tampons, panty liners or sanitary pads more often;
  • during menstruation, wash with soap several times a day;
  • always wear cotton underwear;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until the end of treatment;
  • temporarily refuse to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna and solarium;
  • try to avoid stressful situations, be less nervous and use mild sedatives;
  • always dress appropriately for the weather so as not to expose the lower part of the body to hypothermia or overheating;
  • in the future, visit a gynecologist at least 2 times a year;
  • promptly treat diabetes mellitus, liver diseases and other chronic pathologies;
  • even after recovery, do not have sex without a condom, especially with a new partner.

Burning and itching in the intimate area can greatly complicate a woman’s life, this applies not only to sexual relationships, but also to the domestic sphere. Rarely, when such symptoms appear due to soap or shower gel, most often it is a sign of some kind of disease. In this regard, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo all recommended tests.

Unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the intimate area are familiar to almost every woman. They usually manifest as itching and burning sensations.

This problem can be caused by a variety of factors. The exact cause can be determined by contacting a specialist. After all, itching is the action of nerve receptors in the skin and mucous membranes, which appears as a reaction to changes occurring in the body.

It is impossible to ignore this condition; it causes nervousness and a feeling of discomfort.. Modern women cannot always find time to visit a gynecologist, but timely treatment at home gives reliable and quick results. Therefore, it is very important to consider tips on how to treat itching and burning in women’s intimate areas at home.

There are special medications, suppositories, that will not only remove unpleasant symptoms, but also cure internal disorders.

Diseases of the female reproductive system are not necessarily the source of discomfort.. This often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to linens and care products.

Itching can occur in both girls and women due to inadequate irritation of nerve endings. There is a malfunction in the body that can lead to more serious symptoms.

It appears gradually or spontaneously with increasing effect. It often causes an irresistible desire to scratch your private parts. This condition is annoying, distracts from work, long walks, and often leads to insomnia.

Sometimes itching and burning are mild and occur periodically, which is why women perceive this as the norm. But it is important to understand that such manifestations are an abnormal condition and always indicate certain health problems, and therefore require attention.

There are a lot of factors that provoke itching and burning of the female genital organs, including both internal and external. Methods for eliminating such discomfort depend on the causes of its occurrence.

The most common provocateurs:

Such negative sensations, which appear in the form of a burning sensation without discharge in the intimate area in women, are not always symptoms of pathologies in the body.

The reasons may be wearing underwear that does not match the size and chafes, temperature changes, mechanical trauma to the genital organs, or taking potent medications.

Inadequate care of the genitals contributes to this problem.. But more severe diseases cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

If it is not possible to quickly see a gynecologist, and the unpleasant symptoms intensify, then you can resort to traditional medicine recipes and get rid of the problem yourself.

To do this, you need to know how to remove burning sensation in the intimate area in women at home.

But if possible, you should see a doctor, since the problem may recur, develop into a chronic disease, and it will be quite difficult to get rid of it.

The most effective folk methods:

If itching and burning occurs during menstruation, you just need to carry out hygiene procedures on time; no treatment is required during this period.

The main reasons for the appearance:

  • decreased immunity leads to the fact that the body cannot fully fight microbes;
  • spotting is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Itching and burning in diabetes mellitus can be treated with the following means:

Methods for treating itching during pregnancy:

During menopause, a problem such as vaginal dryness is inevitable. This discomfort makes itself felt and affects not only the genital tract, but also the vulva.

Some people are embarrassed by this problem. Therefore, it is important to learn how to treat dryness and burning in the intimate area in women during menopause.

Vaginal dryness during menopause occurs due to a decrease in estrogen.. Experiencing such discomfort makes it difficult to feel healthy; vaginal dryness is a serious problem that causes a burning sensation and requires treatment.

Treatment at home will help reduce or even completely eliminate discomfort such as dryness and burning in the intimate area in women. After consultation with a gynecologist, traditional medicine recipes can be used as an addition to the main therapy.

Baths, douching, and the use of decoctions give a quick positive effect and will contribute to the healing of damage.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms in the genitals, it is important for women to adhere to certain preventive measures:

Intimate itching is an uncomfortable sensation that constrains a woman and causes anxiety.. Both harmless factors and serious diseases can contribute to this condition.

Therefore, there is no need to hope to stop them on your own. There are many ways to relieve discomfort.

Among them are effective traditional medicine recipes and pharmaceutical products. Timely treatment will help avoid infection of microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Discharge without itching and burning in women is a very unpleasant symptom, the causes of which are not always within the competence of the gynecologist. So, what to do if you experience this yourself?

1. Take a mirror and look “there” for yourself.

Itching and burning in women without discharge are often associated with the use of a certain allergen. For example, these could be scented sanitary pads, soaps, and intimate deodorants. Or maybe you and your partner have tried a new brand of condoms? In case of an allergic reaction, the perineum will be slightly red and swollen. If there is no very strong reaction, it is enough not to use the allergen anymore, and everything will work out. In some cases, you will need to take antihistamines (anti-allergic) medications.

Sometimes itching and burning in the intimate area is provoked by frequent use of soap for washing. Moreover, even if this soap is neutral, without any fragrances, for children. The fact is that soap leads to dryness of the labia mucosa. And it is recommended to wash yourself with soap no more than once a week. On other days, you just need to wash your genitals with water. It is advisable even without the use of special intimate hygiene products, since they also often provoke itching and burning without odor or discharge.

2. Make it a rule to wash yourself after each bowel movement.

Unfortunately, for many Russians this simple hygienic procedure is not familiar... In the East, even in every public toilet, there are special containers with clean water near the toilet, but in our office premises you rarely see a bidet. Yes, even if it exists, few people use it. But we have deviated from the topic. Why is this so important? E. coli and other microorganisms with feces residues fall on the perineum and cause itching... Yes, it’s all so banal.

If everything is in order with hygiene, first of all, contact a gynecologist.

Gynecological causes of itching and burning without discharge in women

  • Genital herpes or other sexually transmitted infections. As for herpes, it is manifested not only by itching, but also by the formation of groups of blisters. If you have herpes, a more or less experienced gynecologist will understand this immediately. Even without a smear, just by eye. But other infections, especially the so-called hidden ones, are not easy to diagnose. And, most likely, you will be asked to take a smear for mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis. Trichomoniasis and gonorrhea sometimes cause itching. But doctors usually always take tests for gonococci and trichomonas if there are any complaints.
  • Vaginal candidiasis. She's a thrush. It is characterized by white discharge and itching, burning. But sometimes discharge does not appear immediately. At least the woman does not immediately notice them. But the gynecologist will definitely find it out during the examination. Treatment - topical antifungal drugs (suppositories, vaginal tablets) and (or) systemic (tablets for oral administration).
  • Lack of estrogen. This symptom is typical for women during menopause. A decrease and complete cessation of the production of sex hormones leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs. It becomes very dry. Which in itself provokes unpleasant sensations. Moreover, dry mucous membranes are a good target for pathogens. Treatment, if there are no contraindications, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the form of tablets or cream. If HRT is contraindicated, then you need to purchase a neutral moisturizing gel for the genitals. This can be found at the pharmacy.

    All these diagnoses are usually made by an infectious disease specialist.

    Other possible causes of genital itching

    Separately, it should be said about itching and burning without discharge during pregnancy, which are of great concern to expectant mothers. Usually in these cases, doctors do not think about any sexually transmitted infections, especially if the woman is married and thoroughly examined. Most likely, the cause of itching lies in a change in the microflora of the vagina. This is a normal situation for an expectant mother. And if the gynecological smear is normal, there are no signs of inflammation, no special treatment is required. Moderate itching goes away on its own over the next few days.