Pronounced dermographism. Demographic (dermographic) urticaria: when marks on the skin after pressure swell, itch and interfere with life. Video: Dermographism white

Dermographism is a local vasomotor response that occurs after streak irritation of the skin and manifests itself in the form of redness or blanching of varying intensity or duration. Taking into account the results of examining the nature of dermographism in humans, it is possible to determine which part of the autonomic nervous system predominates - sympathetic or parasympathetic.

This is important to consider, since the activity of the autonomic nervous system remains outside the sphere of consciousness and is automated. However, if its activity is disrupted, numerous unpleasant sensations and emotional-volitional disorders arise. Dermographism is examined in good lighting and room temperature. Each stroke is applied with the same force.

There are local and reflex dermographism.

Local dermographism can be caused by a blunt, hard object (the handle of a neurological hammer, a plastic stick). Normally, after 5 - 20 seconds, a strip several millimeters wide appears, which disappears after 1 - 10 minutes. This reaction is called - white dermographism. If the stroke irritation is produced stronger and slower, a red stripe appears, which lasts longer (from several minutes to 1 - 2 hours) - this is red dermographism. Usually the red stripe is bordered at the edges by a white border - mixed dermographism.

Red dermographism is better expressed on the skin in the upper part of the body, while white is better expressed on the lower extremities and lasts here longer than red dermographism

When studying local dermographism, its character (red, white, mixed), intensity of color, width of the strip (narrow, wide, diffuse), duration of the reaction (persistent, medium, unstable) are taken into account.

The tendency to vasoconstriction, which depends on the predominance of sympathetic influence, leads to an increase in white dermographism, its appearance in places where red usually occurs and under the condition of applying irritation that exceeds the necessary force to obtain white dermographism. Strengthening the reaction of skin vascular muscles (vasodilators) associated with parasympathetic innervation increases the intensity and duration of red dermographism.

Thus, one can determine whether a person is sympathicotonic or vagotonic. Syapaticotonics (the excitability of the sympathetic system predominates) are characterized by anxiety, increased performance (especially in the evening), initiative with decreased concentration, etc. For vagotonics (the excitability of the parasympathetic system predominates) - apathy, indecisiveness, performance is better in the morning.

Reflex dermographism When applied, streak irritations are obtained with the tip of a pin, but do not injure the skin. After 5 - 30 seconds, a zone of merging red and pink spots with uneven boundaries up to 6 cm appears on both sides of the line, which lasts about 2 - 10 minutes. Such dermographism disappears in the zone of innervation of the affected nerves and dorsal roots of the spinal cord or the corresponding spinal segments.

Disturbances of the spinal cord conduction apparatus also affect reflex dermographism - below the level of the lesion it increases or decreases. The upper limit of its change corresponds to the upper level of the lesion. And this is very important, as it helps to find the exact location of the pathological focus in the spinal cord. This is why it is so important to know about dermographism and remember to put this knowledge into practice.


There are 4 types of dermographism:

  1. Urticarial dermographism , which is also called edematous, is characterized by the appearance of a blistering rash, similar to the features of urticaria. However, the rashes are not accompanied by itching and burning, so they can be ignored by a person for a long time.

  2. Red dermographism , characterized by the appearance of pink or red stripes on the surface of the skin after a blunt object is passed over them. Sometimes hyperemic areas of the epidermis may have white outlines. The stripes do not last long - only 2-3 hours, then they disappear on their own.
  3. White dermographism , in which white stripes appear on the body. They are stored for several minutes.
  4. Reflex dermographism which occurs after passing a sharp object across the skin. The stripes are bright red and vary in length.

If a person’s health condition is normal, then doctors allow the development of red dermographism of the skin. The most severe (in terms of treatment) is the urticarial type of disease.


Persistent red dermographism, accompanied by skin hyperemia, as in atopic dermatitis, is not dangerous to humans. Redness of the epidermis that occurs in response to mechanical damage is an absolutely normal phenomenon, unless it is accompanied by itching, burning and peeling.

The reasons for this deviation lie in the abnormal activity of the parasympathetic division of the ANS, and may be associated with a disturbance in the metabolic process caused, for example, by thyrotoxicosis.

The causes of white dermographism are vasospasm. This type of reaction can occur in any person, but people suffering from hypertonicity of the sympathetic division of the ANS are most susceptible to it.

Edematous dermographism develops against the background of allergic reactions, when tissue swelling occurs when allergens penetrate through the membranes of mast skin cells.

Factors predisposing to the development of white, edematous, reflex and red dermographism are:

  • nervous tension, stress;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • alcoholism;
  • long-term exposure to chemical elements on the body;
  • frequent cases of hypothermia.

Red dermographism may not be an independent disease, but one of the signs of pathologies of the nervous system, and even meningitis. For this reason, the diagnosis and treatment of the disease should be carried out exclusively by a doctor.


Features of the clinical picture of dermographism are manifested due to the following symptoms:

  • skin redness (or pink spots);
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the epidermis.

White dermographism manifests itself due to similar symptoms, only the damaged area of ​​​​the skin acquires a whitish tint.


Diagnosing dermographism is much easier than any other skin disease. To record the fact of a sharp reaction of the epidermis to mechanical stress, it is enough for the doctor to run a medical spatula over it.

If small vesicles have formed on the surface of the skin, the dermatologist can additionally scrape their tissues for serological testing. This is a differential diagnostic method, which is carried out in order to distinguish dermographism from other diseases accompanied by the formation of watery blisters.

Features of treatment

  • antibiotics (rare);
  • antiseptics;

Possible complications

Prevention measures

  • keep your skin clean;

General characteristics of the disease

acute and chronic.

Reasons for the development of pathology

  • constant stress;
  • alcohol intoxication;

  • changes in hormone levels;
  • change in blood formula;

Treatment of a disease such as dermographism should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. But the therapy used will not help to completely cure the pathology if its causes have not been established. And since this is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases, the attending physician can prescribe medications that will only temporarily remove the unpleasant symptoms.

Drug treatment involves the use of:

  • antibiotics (rare);
  • antiseptics;
  • antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs;
  • hypertonic or hypotonic drugs.

Only a doctor should treat dermographism with pharmaceutical medications, since it is almost impossible to choose a suitable remedy on your own. More precisely, this should not be done so as not to cause a more aggressive reaction of the body.

Oral administration of medications (except antihistamines) in the fight against dermographism is inappropriate. In this situation, only topical products (ointments, creams, gels) can help.

Possible complications

If dermographism is accompanied by severe itching, then when scratching the areas of the epidermis affected by rashes, there is a high risk of bacterial or viral infection. This could be herpes, human papillomavirus, streptococcal or staphylococcal microflora, etc.

Prevention measures

To avoid the development of dermographism, it is necessary:

  • wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • try to rub your skin with a washcloth as little as possible while taking a shower or bath;
  • use hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  • do not overcool and do not overheat;
  • keep your skin clean;
  • walk outdoors more often.

To restore the skin after an illness, it is necessary to enrich the menu with products containing vitamins. In particular, the body needs vitamin C, which activates the immune system, giving it the strength to fight pathological processes.

Drinking fluids (adults - 2 liters per day, preschool children - 1 liter) restores the structure of skin tissue and moisturizes the epidermis.

Proper skin care significantly reduces the risk of developing dermographism and other dermatological diseases. That is why the rules of child hygiene must be taught from early childhood.

General characteristics of the disease

The term “dermography” comes from the words derma - skin and grapho - write. Translated from Greek, it means “skin writing” or “skin writing.” In a person suffering from dermographism, the skin is indeed constantly “painted” with various symbols, similar to mysterious inscriptions. They are formed even from minor exposure to seams on clothing, folds of bed linen, or touching with a blunt object. These can be stripes of different sizes and shapes, characterized by slight swelling and redness or paleness of the skin.

Important! Similar manifestations occur in every person. But if dermographism is normal, then with increased pressure on the skin, the affected area first turns pale and then acquires a natural color or a slightly reddish tint, which quickly disappears.

With dermographic urticaria, the pressure mark is distinguished not only by a more pronounced change in color, but also by swelling of the skin with itchy rashes on it. Such symptoms persist for several hours or days.

Species classification of dermographism

The division of this pathology into types is carried out according to the clinical picture of its manifestations at all stages of the disease. Depending on this, there are 4 types of dermographism:

  1. White is a hypertrophied response of skin vessels, in which narrowing (spasm) of the capillaries occurs. This type of pathology is considered the simplest and least dangerous. It develops in people with hypersensitivity of the epidermal tissue in response to stroke exposure and is expressed by the formation of white stripes with a thin pinkish border along the edges.

  2. Red - represents a similar reaction, but accompanied by dilation of the capillaries, which gives the stripes a pronounced red tint. This type of dermographism appears with stronger pressure on the skin and not immediately, but after a few seconds. Most often, it indicates vasomotor disorders of the peripheral nervous system.
  3. Urticaria is a type of red dermographism that is more common than all other types of the disease. In addition to the above symptoms, urticarial dermographism is accompanied by rashes characteristic of urticaria - in the form of itchy blisters similar to a nettle burn.
  4. Edema is a rare individual skin reaction, which is expressed by the formation of elongated edematous ridges without changing the color of the skin and without any discomfort. Swelling develops within 10 minutes of exposure to the body and persists for several hours.

In addition to the indicated types of dermographism, there are 2 forms of its occurrence - acute and chronic. In the first case, due to the hypersensitivity of the epidermis when pressed, not only the superficial, but also deeper layers are involved in the inflammatory process. This leads to long-term preservation of marks and the development of extensive inflammation, spreading to uninjured neighboring areas of the skin. Chronic dermographism, regardless of the “color” variety, is characterized by a less severe process, which manifests itself as irritation of the skin only at the site of pressure on it.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Despite the clearly defined characteristic manifestations that accompany dermographism, the causes of the pathology are quite difficult to determine. But a certain connection has been identified between a nonspecific skin reaction and some pathological conditions. Experts include the most common of them:

  • constant stress;
  • prolonged neuropsychic stress;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • exposure to negative environmental conditions (critical temperatures, chemicals, etc.).

Each of these provoking factors can cause any type of dermographism.

In addition, the presence of an atypical skin reaction often becomes a symptom of serious diseases, in particular the visceral nervous system. Therefore, if it manifests itself, it is necessary to immediately undergo a diagnostic examination.

If we talk about the mechanism of development of external manifestations, then cutaneous dermographism is caused by the reaction of the vessels of the epidermis to an irritant: red - by their expansion, white - by a sharp narrowing. Any physical impact becomes an irritating factor: friction, pressure, impact.

Diagnostic value of the disease

Direct determination of dermographism as a diagnosis is not difficult - this is easily done by pronounced characteristic manifestations on the skin during a visual examination and testing the skin for mechanical impact. However, this dermatological pathology is rarely an independent disease - most often it is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which doctor treats dermographism. This could be an allergist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, neurologist, dermatologist or another specialist. To determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment, it is extremely important to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Important! Dermographism in children requires special attention, since in childhood the risk of disease progression, complications and side effects from treatment increases significantly.

Diseases that cause dermographism pose a particular danger to a child. They can lead to the development of the following negative consequences:

  • damage to various internal organs;
  • decreased motor ability;
  • changes in hormone levels;
  • metabolic disorders at the cellular level;
  • change in blood formula;
  • disability, asphyxia, death.

Therefore, when the first signs of dermographism appear in children, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. Self-medication is strictly forbidden. Only qualified medical care can provide quality treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Before treating dermographism, a child or adult patient first undergoes a differential examination to identify or exclude the most likely diseases:

To identify the cause of dermographism, the following are prescribed:

Based on the results of diagnostic studies, the root cause of skin hypersensitivity is determined and a course of treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of dermographism

An atypical skin reaction to minor external influences largely depends on the functionality of nerve endings concentrated in the dermis. Therefore, if a diagnostic examination does not identify the underlying diseases that caused dermographism, then it is correlated with a disorder of the nervous system.

Most often, an atypical skin reaction is caused by psycho-emotional stress and can be eliminated without the use of strong medications. In the absence of serious underlying medical conditions, a few simple lifestyle changes may be enough to treat dermographism. It is necessary to streamline your daily routine, ensure proper rest, eliminate stressful situations and take a course of sedatives. All psychiatrists give such recommendations, linking the appearance of dermographism with dysfunction of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the tactile sensitivity of the skin. This is confirmed by statistics, according to which 20% of patients with mental disorders due to organic brain damage have symptoms of dermographism.

For more severe stages of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient is isolated in a room where there are no sharp corners or hard objects.
  2. Antihistamines are prescribed internally to eliminate skin reactions and sedatives to prevent or relieve stress.
  3. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Antibiotics are prescribed if necessary.

For most patients with dermographism, this treatment plan helps to quickly improve their well-being, reduce skin sensitivity, eliminate redness and prevent the development of extensive inflammation.

If the causes of the pathology, including those of a neuropathic nature, cannot be established, all that can be done is to eliminate its manifestations. For this, drug therapy and home remedies are used.


For the treatment of dermographism, drugs of 3 groups are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines of the latest generation;
  • vasoconstrictor or vasodilator - in accordance with the type of reaction.

Most often, taking medications internally has virtually no effect. Therefore, preference is given to topical agents that eliminate itching and inflammation. Claritin, Cetirizine, Zyrtec, Bricanil and other drugs aimed at relieving the effects of allergies, insect bites, inflammation and irritation are excellent for these purposes.

Folk remedies

Herbal infusions are highly effective in the treatment of dermographism. They are prepared from celandine, string, chamomile, mint, coltsfoot, oak bark. These plants can be used alone or combined. To prepare a healing infusion, 2 tbsp. crushed plant material is steamed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and allowed to brew.

Treatment of the affected areas can be carried out in any convenient way - wiping, applying compresses or dousing after a shower. Baths with the indicated infusions or with salt (preferably sea salt, but without chemical additives) will be useful. With daily use of such recipes, positive results will become visible after 10-15 days.

Get rid of allergies forever thanks to breathing exercises according to Buteyko!

Disease prevention

Since the root causes of dermographism are not clearly defined, determining the necessary preventive measures is also difficult. Taking into account the fact that the skin is susceptible to damage, it would not be superfluous to observe the following precautions:

  • choose loose clothing made from natural materials;
  • do not rub the skin during water procedures, especially with a hard washcloth;
  • purchase only hypoallergenic personal hygiene products and cosmetics;
  • avoid exposing the skin to too low or high temperatures;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • treat any diseases in a timely manner.

But the main thing is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, proper rest and lack of stress. Under such living conditions, it is possible to prevent the development of not only dermographism, but also many other serious diseases.

It is important to monitor your health in a timely manner, otherwise delay in such matters may cause disability. If red dermographism progresses, it is necessary to promptly find out the causes of the characteristic disease and begin conservative treatment to ensure the normal indicator and eliminate discomfort. In fact, this is one of the varieties of the diagnosis “Urticarial dermographism”.

What is red dermographism

It is difficult to diagnose a characteristic disease at an early stage of development, and the pathological process only gets worse. Cutaneous dermographism is a stable disease prone to chronicity. Externally, this is an allergy that begins with redness of the skin and continues with a burning sensation, itching and the formation of blisters. Dermographism is the reaction of the skin to thermal, mechanical and other effects on the upper layer of the epidermis. Before treatment, it is important to identify and treat the cause of dermographism.

Red dermographism – photo

Causes of red dermographism

Mechanical urticaria has a hereditary predisposition, or develops against a background of weakened immunity. These are not all pathogenic factors that a patient can learn about during a personal visit to a specialist. If dermographism is suspected, the red doctor recommends undergoing detailed diagnostics and tests, and collects medical history data. Below are the most common causes of dermographism, which only aggravate the clinical picture:

  • emotional instability;
  • persistent stress;
  • mechanical effect on the skin;
  • elevated ambient temperatures;
  • bad heredity;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • mental illness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food intoxication;
  • the presence of helminthic infestations, lamblia;
  • long-term alcoholism;
  • intoxication of the body with chemicals;
  • environmental factor;
  • allergic reaction due to weakened immunity.


The disease does not appear immediately, and the skin gradually acquires a new color and visible swelling appears. The person becomes nervous and irritable, any touch to the dermis causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations. The main symptoms of red dermographism are not only an external factor, but also cause certain health problems. It is recommended to pay attention to the following signs of red dermographism:

  • hemorrhagic rash, urticaria;
  • formation of blisters on the body;
  • reflex actions - scratch or rub the pathology;
  • change in skin color (becomes pink, red, purple);
  • physical exhaustion;
  • the appearance of scars on the dermis;
  • changes in the structure of the skin;
  • increased swelling of the dermis.


The characteristic pathology can be determined by a biochemical blood test, and donating biological material is indicated exclusively in laboratory conditions. Diagnosis of red dermographism additionally includes collecting medical history data and research to identify concomitant diagnoses. In addition, differential diagnosis is necessary.

Treatment of red dermographism

The disease can remain in the life of an adult patient and a child for life, but the main goal and task of the patient is to maintain normal dermographism using conservative or alternative methods. Intensive therapy should start immediately after a detailed diagnosis and provides an integrated approach to the problem. Conservative treatment of dermographism includes the following pharmacological groups:

  • antihistamines: Loratadine, Zyrtec, Claritin, Tagamet, Cetirizine;
  • decongestant ointments: Lekomax, Troxevasin, Arthralgin;
  • antipruritics: Sinaflan, Diprosalik, Acyclovir, heparin ointment;
  • lacto- and bifidobacteria: Bifidumbacterin Forte, Simbiter, Hilak Forte;
  • choleretic drugs: Flamin, Odeston, Hofitol, choleretic collection.

Sometimes ignored as frivolous. This is not true, because it is not only the largest, but also a very important human organ. In addition, her condition reflects problems in the body, although not always. For example, there is such a completely normal phenomenon as red dermographism. The causes, treatment and symptoms of its pathological forms will be described below, but for now it’s worth finding out what its essence is.

What is red dermographism?

With short-term pressure, the skin of almost any person reacts unambiguously - first it becomes lighter, and then the color becomes a little more intense. This is considered normal if everything goes away within a couple of minutes.

However, there are people whose skin reacts slightly differently. After exposure to a blunt object, a persistent white stripe may remain on it - in some people, and the same, but only red, in others. This phenomenon may not cause any inconvenience or anxiety, but sometimes it indicates serious problems in the functioning of the body. The mentioned reaction is dermographism, and its name comes from two words, which in translation mean “skin” and “write”.

Dermographism itself, even in severe manifestations, is not a disease. If it does not cause serious inconvenience, it may not be paid any attention to for years or decades - it is simply perceived as an unusual feature. But you should also not forget about this and it is better to inform any doctors - in some cases, a deviation from the norm can become a very important symptom. By the way, it is worth mentioning that the complete lack of skin reaction to irritation is also abnormal and should be alarming. But more on that later.


There are several types of this condition. The first is known as red dermographism. Its symptoms, as is obvious from the name, include darkening of irritated skin and slight short-term swelling. With the “white” variety, on the contrary, the integument turns pale. Neither one nor the other is an abnormal reaction if such a condition does not last long, and there is no itching or other unpleasant sensations.

Also, some doctors divide dermographism according to what kind of exposure leads to a specific reaction. Thus, cold-sensitive and follicular varieties are distinguished. Sometimes they also talk about dermographic urticaria, which is usually characteristic of children. And each of these conditions requires a special approach, so it’s probably not worth looking for information about treatment methods on the Internet. In case of doubt, it is best to consult a doctor who will definitely tell you whether or not you should worry about certain symptoms.


Oddly enough, the identification and treatment of this condition is not always carried out only by dermatologists, as it might seem at first glance. Depending on the cause of the non-standard skin reaction, neurologists, psychotherapists, allergists and doctors of other specialties can be involved in the process.

As a rule, diagnosis is extremely simple: one test is performed, on the basis of which the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of problems, in particular, the immediate reaction of the skin to mechanical irritation in good lighting and room temperature is checked. Based on its results, the doctor either reassures the patient or prescribes additional examinations.


The results of mechanical irritation of the skin allow us to conclude that the activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system predominates, which, by the way, also allows us to classify the pathology into white and red dermographism. This is quite important, since their work is automated and is not controlled by the person himself. At the same time, disturbances in its functioning can result in mental disorders or simply unpleasant sensations. Those who have a more active sympathetic department are characterized by increased performance in the evening hours, energy, anxiety, and decreased concentration. The rest experience apathy and greater activity in the first half of the day.

It is curious that when the nerve roots are damaged, dermographism may not appear in these places at all. The same reaction can indicate severe damage to the central nervous system and serious exhaustion. It's amazing that such a simple test can provide such important information.

Reasons for appearance

A change in the color of the outer skin is caused by a narrowing or expansion of capillaries - small vessels that supply blood to the skin. But this is obvious, although it is not clear why the skin of some people reacts this way and not otherwise. It is known for certain that redness is caused by the release of histamine from mast cells, which sharply increases capillary permeability. However, the mechanism of action and the reasons for this reaction to the stroke effect on the skin are unknown.

But there is information that white or red persistent dermographism can indicate autonomic disorders, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions of the body to certain irritants, meningitis, thyrotoxicosis and some other diseases. In addition, they can be caused by ordinary stress. But most often the fault lies with the body’s pathological reaction to the most common substances, that is, the reason lies in a banal allergy.

As for the manifestations themselves, both white and red dermographism can be caused not only by line effects, but also simply by pressure on the skin, contact with seams, heat, cold or sun, as well as pieces of furniture and, for example, a too hard towel.


Collecting information about how much humanity suffers from this condition is complicated by the fact that not everyone notices something unusual in the reaction of their skin, and even fewer people consider it necessary to contact doctors if abnormalities are detected. In this regard, data on how common red dermographism is is difficult to call sufficiently accurate. Researchers talk about 2-5%, but in reality the percentage is most likely higher.

Red dermographism in children occurs quite often at an early age. It can be quite intense and diffuse, but is mainly due to the fact that their skin is more delicate and sensitive and at the same time prone to irritation. However, in children they are more often diagnosed with others (for example, the same urticaria or dermatitis), rather than red dermographism.


In the modern world, there are not many diseases that doctors cannot fight. But since red dermographism, strictly speaking, is not a disease, but a symptom, it does not require therapy in itself. Another thing is that this condition is often accompanied by swelling, itching and general unaestheticness, especially if it affects the face.

In this regard, some measures still need to be taken. As a rule, they are aimed at treating the underlying disease that causes such a reaction in the body. If it is an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed, desensitization and detoxification of the body is carried out. If we are talking about endocrine, neurological or autoimmune diseases, appropriate therapy is necessary. But white or red dermographism itself does not cause any harm, which means it does not require intervention. So there are enough skin-soothing creams and anti-allergic gels.


Since red dermographism is most often caused by an allergic reaction, its manifestation can be stopped quite easily. But if this symptom appears at least once, most likely, a similar skin reaction will be observed in the future. It is likely that once the mechanism by which histamine is released to cause redness is identified, this problem can be resolved. For now, doctors are forced to simply stop the external manifestations of this process.

Dermographism is a common type of urticaria, in which even mild mechanical irritation of the skin leaves a mark in the form of inflamed swelling. "Dermatographism" literally means "writing on the skin" in Greek. If, for example, you lightly press on the surface of the epidermis with a stick with a blunt end, you can make an “inscription” that will disappear after a few minutes. According to various sources, dermographism is characteristic of 2–5% of the world's population, but most carriers do not consult a doctor, since the phenomenon is mild or does not cause inconvenience.


Dermographism is a specific neurovascular reaction of the body to mechanical irritation. The pathogenesis of this phenomenon is not fully understood, but factors predisposing to it are known:

The triggering factor for this reaction is mechanical loads. The skin becomes red and swollen from pressure from folds and seams of clothing, bed linen, bra or top straps, waist belts, or bag straps. In addition, irritation can also be caused by vibration loads, for example, a working hair dryer or power tools. The rash appears not only on the skin in direct contact with the device, but also on other parts of the body, for example, on the face, neck, chest.

The mechanism of development of redness and rashes is the same as with other types of urticaria. In response to an irritant (in this case, mechanical), blood mast cells are activated, histamine and other biologically active compounds are produced, which dilate arterioles, increase the permeability of the vascular wall and slow down the outflow of tissue fluid. Together, these reactions lead to local edema. During the reaction, skin receptors are irritated, which causes an itching sensation. The process is presumably triggered due to the fact that, under the influence of genetic or metabolic factors, the membrane of mast cells (mast cells of the skin) becomes unstable; they merge with simple mechanical action. According to some hypotheses, mechanical stress causes activation of mast cells in healthy people. But the amount of biologically active substances is too small to cause a noticeable reaction.


Skin dermographism is divided into four types.

White. Characterized by the appearance of white stripes and patterns on the skin in response to mechanical stress. It is considered a normal option for people with hypersensitive skin. Swelling may form after slight pressure.

Red. It is formed after a strong mechanical impact on the skin and indicates disturbances in the vasomotor reaction of the peripheral nervous system. It is characterized by the appearance of red marks on the skin 15 seconds after mechanical impact. In healthy people, holding a blunt object leaves a mark that does not go beyond the boundaries of the impact and disappears after a few minutes. In the pathological form, the trace extends beyond the boundaries of exposure and persists for 1–2 hours or even 1–3 days.

Urticarial. The most common type of dermographism, accounting for 15% of all dermatological diseases. Accompanied by the appearance of red spots, stripes and a small urticarial itchy rash, which causes physical discomfort.

Hydropic. Occurs less frequently than others. Mechanical impact does not cause the characteristic color of tissues to appear. In this case, swelling appears in the area of ​​influence, which rises above the skin by 1–3 mm and has a width of 2–3 cm. The swelling appears 10–15 minutes after touching the skin and disappears after a few hours. As such, it does not cause tactile discomfort.

Based on the type of reaction, dermographism is divided into local and reflex. With local response, the body's response is limited to the area of ​​influence; with reflex, it can spread to the surrounding tissue. Depending on the nature of the symptoms, the condition can be acute or chronic. In the first case, the sensitivity of the dermis is increased, both the upper and deep layers become inflamed, swelling can persist for several days, and inflammation spreads far beyond the area of ​​mechanical action. In chronic dermographism, the reaction is less aggressive and is limited to local irritation.


A simple test can be done to determine if you have dermographism. A blunt object (for example, a fingernail or a pen cap) should be rubbed across the skin with light pressure. In a healthy person, such exposure causes a white stripe to form, which turns red and then goes away. With dermographism, the skin at the site of exposure turns red, after 10–20 seconds a characteristic rash appears - blisters in the form of a white or red stripe, which disappear after a few minutes or hours, depending on the form. The process may be accompanied by itching and burning.


Dermographism itself is a diagnostic criterion. If after the test widespread red dermographism appears beyond the area of ​​influence, then this picture is more characteristic of eczema and psoriasis. White dermographism, appearing after 5–15 minutes, is most often related to prurigo, or exfoliary dermatitis. Persistent white dermographism is observed with neurodermatitis. The same disease is indicated by mixed dermographism, when the impact leaves first a white, then red, and then again a white persistent mark. Urticarial rashes are observed with urticaria.

If, during a comprehensive examination, concomitant diseases are discovered, it is necessary to undergo appropriate therapy. This alone can eliminate or soften the manifestations of dermographism. Mild skin reactions may not require specific treatment.

To help relieve symptoms, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines at night or at times of day when they are most severe. In the acute course of the disease, first generation antihistamines are prescribed - Tavegil, Suprastin. In chronic cases, second-generation antihistamines with delayed action are indicated for the treatment of dermographism - Loratadine, Fexofenadine, Cetirizine, Cyproheptadine.

For urticarial dermographism, treatment is carried out with Ketotifen for 2–3 months, which allows to stabilize the membranes of mast cells and reduce the intensity of the skin reaction to mechanical irritation. In some cases, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin is indicated, which gives a short-term effect. Among herbal remedies, infusions of oak bark, chamomile, and sage can reduce itching. Before using any herbal remedies, you should consult your doctor.

At the same time, correction of nutrition and lifestyle is indicated. It is necessary to exclude allergenic foods and alcohol from the diet, increase the amount of greens and green vegetables, foods high in vitamin C, if you are not allergic to them. Clothes for dermographism should be made from natural and hypoallergenic fabrics, with the exception of wool. Among hygiene products, preference should be given to neutral and hypoallergenic ones, and also avoid the use of hard washcloths and brushes, and do not visit the massage room or sauna.

In severe cases of dermographism, isolation of the patient in a room where there are no objects with sharp or hard surfaces is indicated. Antihistamines and skin treatment with antiseptic solutions and local anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

In the future, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. It is worth taking walks in the fresh air more often, dousing yourself with cold water, if this is not contraindicated, and taking vitamins and probiotics. You should adhere to a healthy diet, treat all emerging diseases in a timely manner, and, if possible, relax at resorts.


This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

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In the medical literature you can find the term “white dermographism”. What does it mean and does it require treatment?


Dermographism is a skin reaction in response to mechanical irritation. This could be a scratch, abrasion or scratching.

Dermographism manifests itself as a strip of changed color, which remains on the skin for a certain time. Sometimes it is swollen.

The reason for the appearance of such marks is the functioning of the neurovascular apparatus of the skin. The narrowing or expansion of capillaries changes the color of the integument - from white to red, which is why dermographism bears the name of the same name.

Determining the properties of the vasomotor innervation of the skin helps in the practical work of dermatologists and neurologists. In addition, dermographism can be a sign of certain diseases (but not their cause). Normally, it is a red stripe, without swelling of the surrounding tissues, which disappears on its own after two to three minutes, leaves no traces and does not require treatment.

White dermographism

Such dermographism is observed when a person has a predominant tone of the sympathetic nervous system. In this situation, with mechanical irritation of the skin, its capillaries will spasm.

Clinically, this manifests itself as a white stripe when scratched or scratched. It is thin and flat and disappears without the use of medication in 3-5 minutes.

Most often, this type of dermographism is observed in asthenic people - thin and tall. But such a skin reaction can also occur with a normal physique; it is caused by increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

This feature is typical for the following diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis (AD);
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • pruritus.

In AD there may be a white, persistent dermographism that persists on the skin for a long time. Sometimes with this disease the skin reaction is mixed - the red stripe quickly gives way to white.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the type of dermographism, the doctor runs a wooden spatula or the edge of a hammer across the patient's skin. It is important that the object is not sharp.

The vasomotor reaction of the skin is not an independent pathology and does not require treatment. It only indicates the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. This can facilitate the establishment of the correct diagnosis, as well as suggest the prognosis of the disease and the patient's response to therapy.

It is impossible to cure a certain type of dermographism, since this is an individual characteristic of the patient. It does not require the use of any medications. If the appearance of such a skin reaction is a symptom of a dermatological disease, it will disappear on its own after treatment.

The detection of white dermographism acquires practical significance in combination with other examination methods.