An adult cat and a puppy in the house. How to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment. An adult purr and a small puppy

Animals are like children, the younger, the cuter. A favorable time for both pets to meet is considered to be between 2 and 4 months of age. A kitten and a puppy find common hobbies, get used to each other’s smell, and do not harbor threats. They begin to play together, since for the most part the owner cannot find time for round-the-clock supervision. In cases where one pet is an adult, much depends on its upbringing and ability to obey. The saying “They live like a cat and a dog” did not arise by chance; for the most part, this is inherent in nature.

The beginning of acquaintance between a cat and a dog

  1. First reaction. You should be careful when meeting an adult dog (more precisely, a large breed pet) and a small kitten for the first time. If you are not holding one of them in your arms, remain alert throughout the contact. The dog will most likely want to make friends with the funny little lump, as a result of which it will begin to wave its huge tail and jump with interest. The cat will not understand such a reaction; instinct will push it to grab onto the impudent dog’s face. It will be worse if the furry pet runs away, the dog’s hunting reaction is triggered, and it rushes after it.
  2. Getting to know the smell. As soon as you bring a new family pet into your home, hold the animal in your arms and do not let it go. Go into the room and let the current member of the household sniff your new friend. Stay alert throughout the introduction, and be aware that the cat may rear up and show her claws, and the dog may growl. Smell is fundamental to successful dating. You cannot push a new family member towards an experienced one without the support of the owner.
  3. Feeding. After mastering each other's scent, you should think about feeding. Many people advise temporarily placing pets in different rooms, and to some extent they are right. If a pet already living in the house has a wayward character, this is exactly what you should do. In cases where the animals are calm, feed them in the same room, but in different corners. Food is associated with pleasant moments, a cat and a dog should understand this. After time, you can move the bowls closer to each other, and soon place them close together.
  4. Space for a tray. The cat litter box should be located in a dark, secluded place where the dog has no access. Otherwise, the animals will constantly mark the territory, which will start a war. You can place the toilet in the bathroom under the sink, on the balcony or any other places where the dog rarely goes.
  5. Spending time together. After a new pet arrives at home, look for ways to bond. Perhaps you can come up with interesting games or teach them to eat together. Also a good option would be to spend time on one sofa on both sides of the owner. The next time you walk your dog, take your cat with you and let her stay in your arms if you don't have a harness.

There is no need to be upset if the dog and cat cannot get along at first. Like any other creatures, they have established habits and capricious character. Do not get angry in the presence of pets, so as not to escalate the situation. Don't put them under each other's noses if the animals prefer to keep their distance. Let them get used to it as quickly as their instincts allow.

Signs of location

  1. Dog. Very often young dogs wag their tails in the hope of drawing the cat into play. It is at this point that you can be sure that the odds have increased incredibly. The cat, in turn, will be confused for a long time. Stroke her while saying kind words. Over time, the animal will learn to understand the dog's body language and will gladly accept the invitation to frolic.
  2. Cat. You can understand that a cat is favorably disposed towards a dog by its behavior. In most cases, the animal uses the dog's tail as a sharpener for claws or teeth, plays with tassels of fur, or tugs at its paws. Cats also love warmth, they realize that a dog can give it to them. For this reason, they lie on top or “sideways” of a new friend. After a week has passed since the appearance of such signs, the pets begin to lick each other’s fur, frolic together and clean their ears as a sign of fidelity.

Should I get a second pet?

  1. If your current pet has a complex and aggressive character, do not rush to get a second animal. Your actions may provoke jealousy in the cat or dog towards the new tenant. This cannot be corrected in 1 or even 2 months.
  2. Review your daily routine. If you come home from work and immediately fall asleep, you should not get a second pet. Both animals need your participation, kindness, affection and games. In cases where the owner cannot give all this to the household equally, the pets will suffer and quarrel. In a word, your attention should be enough for both the cat and the dog so that they do not hate each other out of jealousy.
  3. Please note that once you get a second pet, there will be no going back. The animal may not immediately get used to its four-legged friend, but it will be drawn to you. This is especially true for boys; they quickly find contact with people.
  4. Take a good look at your life over the past year. How often have you been unable to get home in time to cook a meal? How many times a year do you go on vacation, and who will you leave your animals with now? If for a cat it is enough to pour food into a bowl and clean the tray, then with a dog things are much more serious.

  1. You made a decision, weighed all the pros and cons, and now your newly made friends live side by side with each other. Observe the cat's reaction to the dog and vice versa. Study the psychology of animals, pay attention to what they like or don’t like. Subsequently, you must find a way out of this situation. You can't prolong the feud.
  2. The dog that was bailed first may be jealous of your cat. The dog's dissatisfaction will consist of constant growling, whining, and barking. In such cases, it is recommended not to show excessive affection for the new resident in the presence of the dog.
  3. Cats are not as sociable as dogs, for this reason they like to be alone. Create a cozy nest for your pet in which she can hide from the annoying dog. You can place the house on the top shelf of the closet or purchase a special scratching post with stands on top. If your dog continues to pester you, try luring him with a new rubber toy or treat.
  4. Animals must understand that you are the authority in the house. Doesn't allow them to establish orders, let them learn to obey. It is necessary to nip in the bud any manifestation of aggression, greed and self-indulgence (intentional). This does not mean that animals need to be beaten; learn to speak in such a tone that everything is clear to them.
  5. If you see that a cat and a dog have been favorably disposed for a day, two or three, do not flatter yourself. They are still getting used to each other, so there should be concern. Don't leave them alone in the room. When going to the store or to work, lock your pets in separate rooms. Don't be careless, you are responsible for the health of your pets.
  6. In cases where you already own an adult cat (a year or more), but decide to get a dog, choose the appropriate age. The best option would be a two- to three-month-old puppy who has no intention of occupying territory. As a rule, cats do not understand the little running lumps that stick their noses everywhere. However, they do not extend their claws or hiss, allowing their new friend to sniff them. In rare cases, a cat may run away because it gets tired of the annoying puppy.

Think twice before getting a second pet. You must have enough time to feed them, walk them, bathe them and communicate. In this case, an important criterion is the presence of a person who can be trusted with the animals in case of departure. When your cat or dog arrives at its new home, begin introducing them from afar. Do not place bowls too close, give each pet its own place so that they do not trespass.

Video: how to make friends with a dog and a cat

The cat is a fairly independent resident of an apartment or private house; an animal that walks on its own. And when a puppy or an adult dog appears in the neighborhood, the cat begins to panic. Therefore, you need to understand how to accustom a cat to a dog. After all, the “climate” in the entire house depends on the microclimate in their relationship. Teaching a cat to treat a puppy well is not an easy task, but every owner can do it. So what should be done so that your pets can live together in peace and harmony?

Basic rules that are important to remember

There should be no jealousy between a cat and a dog, otherwise they simply will not be able to live peacefully together. Agree that not every owner will like it when his pets behave “like a cat and a dog.”

Meeting new “neighbors”

Of course, the easiest way to accustom a cat to a dog is when they appeared at the same time in infancy on the owner’s territory. If kids grow up together, then in the future they will have no problems with sharing territory, toys, etc. It is much more difficult to establish contact between a dog and a cat if one of them appeared in the apartment or house before his newly arrived “brother”. The “old-timer” rightfully considers himself the master of the house (and, as a rule, this is a cat), so you need to teach the cat to accept the new neighbor without beating around the bush.

So, let's start with getting acquainted. The first thing to do is to let the animals get used to each other's smells. To do this, the dog and the cat must stay in different rooms for 2-3 days, where they will get used to each other at a distance. It is also worth feeding them in separate rooms.

Second: prepare a representative of the dog world for a meeting with a cat. To do this, the dog needs to be well fed and walked so that he is in a good mood. When your puppy is fed and happy, he won't listen to his chasing instincts so hard. And then follow the third step, how to teach two animals to live in harmony.

Third: in order to accustom a cat to a dog, you need to put on the dog’s equipment: a leash, a collar, a muzzle. You shouldn't let your dog get close to your cat right away. The distance between future friends should be at least a meter. The dog needs to be given the command to “lie down.” If a representative of the canine world does not react to his future neighbor, he should be rewarded with a tasty treat. Now the dog can come up and sniff the kitten lying peacefully on the lap of someone at home. If a dog shows aggression, it needs to be made clear that it is wrong. To do this, she is given the command “fu”. In this case, the delicacy is left until better times. Teaching a dog to calmly react to a member of the feline family means training every day until the desired result is achieved.

The familiarization stage on a leash and muzzle usually lasts no more than 3-4 days. If you have succeeded in the question of how to accustom animals to each other, not only in theory, but also in practice, then the leash and collar can be safely removed. Now the main task of the owner is to achieve peace in the house and avoid and suppress conflict situations. And this can be achieved if you follow the advice from this article.

The principles of living under one roof

Perhaps the moment will come when the owner begins to be jealous of the cat and the puppy, because they will find a common language and will frolic and play, thereby bringing pleasure to the whole family.

Consolidate the result

To train a cat and a dog to live together, you need to understand the supposed reasons for their enmity. Most often, a “war” begins when the owner’s “companion” invades the territory of another. For example, this can be observed in a private house, where a dog lives outside the house, and a cat lives within the walls of the house. In addition, the dog may experience a feeling of jealousy because the owner is acting unfairly: the cat is treated kindly and tenderly, it lives in the house, warms itself, receives goodies or steals them itself. And the dog is forced to freeze on the street, guard a huge territory and barely get a piece of bread for it.

Therefore, in order to accustom a cat to a dog in the house, the owner must take care of the equality of both animals. And then friendship, or at worst neutrality, will be ensured.

If the animals have become friends, you need to be prepared for the fact that the dog can protect his feline “brother” when walking together in nature from the encroachments of other animals. Therefore, you need to study the question of how to train a dog not to react to the actions of other members of the cat family.

Do you have an adult dog living in your home and are you thinking about getting a kitten? Or do you want to have a puppy and a kitten at the same time? Then you are probably worried about doubts: isn’t this dangerous? In this article we will look at how to make friends with a dog and a kitten. However, be prepared for the fact that this will not happen on its own; you will have to try to make friends with each other. Otherwise, the result may be sad.

Preparing for dating

To ensure everything goes smoothly, you need to prepare in advance.:

  • First, make sure that your dog is ready for the new stage of his life: at a minimum, he should know the basic commands and be accustomed to a muzzle.
  • The territory should be divided in advance into “cat” and “dog”: animals should have their own place for sleeping, feeding and litter box. If possible, place them as far apart as possible.
  • Trimming your kitten's nails and filing them with a nail file may seem like an exaggeration, but in reality, a scared kitten can cause serious damage to a dog's walrus.

Where to begin?

During the first days, it is better to keep the kitten and the dog in different rooms; they should not meet. You need to periodically change their places and let them sniff the room with an unfamiliar smell. This way the dog will be able to get used to the smell a little and will accept the kitten more easily, and the kitten will not be so scared. The larger and more aggressive the dog, the longer this period should last - until it begins to calmly respond to the smell of the kitten.


The first meeting should be done very carefully. A strict collar and muzzle are put on the dog, and the animals are allowed to see each other through a crack in the door. Be careful: a kitten can scratch a dog even through a very narrow gap; measures must be taken to prevent this.

This stage of dating can drag on for a long time. It will end when the animals calmly sniff each other “nose to nose.” This reaction means that the friendship between the dog and the kitten has already begun.

And only after this, under the sensitive attention of the owner, the animals can be freely introduced to each other.

Before the last stage, it is advisable to study the literature on the body language of cats and dogs. This way you will know how they are feeling and what to expect from them next.

Friendship from a young age

If you decide to get a puppy and a kitten at the same time, making them friends will be much easier and safer. After all, while the puppy and kitten are small, they treat each other quite peacefully, and even during quarrels they do not try to cause serious damage.

For comfortable coexistence of small pets, arrange places for their resting, feeding and toileting as far from each other as possible.

Play with the puppy more and walk longer, so that he gets tired and does not try to play with the kitten. For the kitten, be sure to arrange a comfortable place, inaccessible to the puppy. Ideally, it will be on a hill, and the kitten will always be able to hide there from his overly assertive friend.

How to deal with aggression?

If a dog shows aggression towards a kitten, he should be punished by you. Intervene in the conflict: command “ew” or spank him with a rolled-up newspaper. Do not allow the kitten to scratch the dog in defense of itself - the animals will not get along this way.

If aggression comes from a cat, it is much more difficult to cope with it. After all, a cat, unlike a dog, cannot be trained. The only solution to this problem is patience and attention. Pet the cat more often, arrange several beds for it on an elevated surface. There she will feel calmer and will ignore the dog.

We really want to believe in friendship between animals, but most scientists argue that games between different species of animals and even their sleeping together cannot be attributed to the manifestation of friendly relations. Let's not argue with them, let's better think about how to make sure that the relationship between a dog and a cat is not at least hostile.

Many people who want to take a cat into their home are worried about its health and life, since they already have a dog in the house, but it happens the other way around, they already have a cat, but they take a dog, but even in this case they worry about the cat. Although quite often in such families where both pets live, as a rule, the dog suffers! What should you do to avoid quarrels and fights between the cat and dog living in your house?

Not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Peace between such different animals is quite possible. There are many stories in which a cat adopted a small puppy or, conversely, a dog took a tiny kitten under its wing. It is much more difficult to try on two adult animals, but, in my opinion, if you show patience and the right approach, then this is possible.

Who to turn on first?

The question often arises: who should I get first – a cat or a dog? What if it turns out that there is already a pet living in the house, and you picked up a second one on the street and there is no one to give it a home? That is, you don’t have to choose, because fate decreed it so. This means you need to “negotiate” with the “senior in rank” animal. Please be patient and understanding. If the situation gets out of control, consult a specialist. Remember, there is always a way out.

At what age is it best to introduce a cat and a dog?

It’s better when they are both small or at least one of them is the best option. If you have a cat in your house, but you also want to get a dog, then try to get a 3-12 week old puppy. The ideal option is when you have a dog who is good (calmly) with cats. You can try to get a kitten and introduce them to each other first, but everything should be under your control. Try to restrain your dog from excessive emotions.

How to introduce animals?

Let's get a kitten.

To begin with, the meeting should take place at a distance, let the animals become familiar with each other's smell. Do not force anything and try to remain calm, as your excitement may be transmitted to the animals. Experts recommend keeping the animals in different rooms for the first 2-3 days, so that if possible they do not see each other, but hear and feel each other.

They should also receive food in different rooms, then the smell will be positively associated with food intake and taming will take place faster. If it is not possible to keep them in different rooms, feed them in the same room, but in opposite corners. Give the older pet a bowl of food first, and only then the younger one - this will also have a positive effect on the future relationship between them.

The dog will soon get used to the kitten, but still try to control their behavior at first to avoid possible conflicts. In most cases, the animals quickly get used to each other and by about the 3-4th day they get along well with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time. The main thing is that the kitten evokes positive emotions in the dog. Punishment will not achieve anything.

We are getting a puppy.

In this situation everything is much simpler. The puppy will get used to the cat from childhood and, as an adult, will not show aggression towards it. However, he may not be friendly towards other cats. Everything here depends on the owner himself. There is absolutely no need to accustom a small puppy to a cat, except perhaps to stop all his attempts to bother her. It is very important to teach animals to eat separately so that they simply do not interfere with each other. Each of them should have their own personal territory.

But if suddenly the cat and the dog never became friends, then in this case it is better to make sure that they meet at least less often.


Give each animal its own place to sleep and rest, and its own food bowl to prevent conflicts between them in the struggle for property. At first, feed your pets in the same room, but in different places. This way, pets will gradually get used to each other’s smell, associating it with something positive. Dogs tend to eat food faster, leaving their bowl empty. Cats often don’t finish their food. Therefore, remove your kitten's bowl after he has eaten to prevent your dog from eating leftover cat food.

Give equal attention to both animals so as not to give them reasons for rivalry and jealousy. Pets accustomed to each other very often play and sleep together. Warmth-loving cats use the dog as a “living hot water bottle.” At the same time, while licking their skin, clean representatives of the cat family often begin to wash the dog.

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Often among animal owners one can come across the opinion that only dogs can be trained and educated, and cats are willful and independent. These qualities are indeed present in the character of cats, but, nevertheless, cats are perfectly amenable to education, and if you engage in the educational process from the first day a cat appears in your home, the result will pleasantly surprise you. A kitten that comes into your home requires training in the rules of behavior and good manners - without your guidance, he will not learn about them, and subsequently this will bring you and your family a lot of trouble.


As much as you love your kitten, don't let him do absolutely everything. Once a cat is spoiled, it is very difficult to raise it in the future. Gently but firmly explain to your kitten what he can and cannot do in your home.

It is useless to punish a cat for an offense, since, from a dog, it does not accept punishment for its own offense, but considers it a personal insult, and can be seriously offended by you. The first step towards reconciliation should always be taken by the owner.

Influence by changing the intonation of your voice. Praise the cat in a soft and affectionate tone, and scold it in a stern and serious tone. If your cat tends to bite its owner while playing, be sure to wean it off this bad habit. Do not hit an animal under any circumstances - brute force can ruin your relationship with it forever.

For a cat to grow up smart, well-mannered and calm, it must grow up in an atmosphere of care and love. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, explain to them that the cat is a new member of the family that requires attention and affection. Let children understand that the cat should not be offended, otherwise it may grow up scared and nervous.

To prevent your cat from damaging your walls and furniture, invest in a good scratching post and sprinkle it with catnip to encourage your cat to transfer its claw-sharpening instinct to a safe object.

Stop your kitten from begging for food from the common table. To prevent your kitten from feeling hungry during family dinners, feed him before sitting down to the table and then distract him with a toy.

Toys in general are very important for raising a cat - if it does not have toys, the cat, in accordance with its natural instincts, will chew and spoil shoes, clothes and other objects. Toys will help the kitten fulfill its needs and distract attention from your personal belongings.

To distract the animal from damaging indoor plants, plant cat grass or mint in a separate pot. Make sure that among your indoor plants there are no poisonous ones. cats herbs - calendula, tulips, lilies of the valley, ivy, wisteria, crocuses and other flowers that are harmful to the health of the cat.

If your cat is aggressive, simply demonstrate calm and submission. The cat will take this as a signal to respond calmly.

The main condition for properly raising a cat is the absence of physical force and coercion. Maintain a mutually respectful relationship with the animal, and the cat will respond to you with love and devotion.

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The dog always perceives its home and the surrounding area as property and tries to drive out anyone who encroaches on it. But sometimes it turns out that you have to bring another dog into the house. In order to prevent large-scale wars and preserve the nervous system not only of dogs, but also of yourself, it is necessary to properly introduce animals to each other.


The second dog gets into our house in different ways. It happens that you could not get past the trusting eyes of an abandoned animal. Perhaps you were asked by friends to temporarily hold your pet because they are going on vacation, or perhaps you just dreamed of a second one for a long time and finally decided to make your dream come true. In any case, you need to properly “introduce” the newcomer to your dog.

It's good if you have the opportunity before they end up in one. Ask the other dog's owner to take you and your dog on a walk together. Let the dogs get acquainted on neutral territory. It will be great if they play together - after all, playing is a direct path to friendship.

If you do not have the opportunity to introduce the dogs in advance, then a new dog must be brought into the house carefully. If your dog is friendly, then you can try to introduce the animals right away. If they do not show aggression towards each other, then you can let the new dog look around and come to its senses.

If your dog is aggressive, then lock it in another room, and then introduce a new dog into the apartment. Let her look around and let your dog sniff the new scent. Then try to introduce the dogs - you will need help here. Take your dog by the collar and lead him into the room where your assistant will hold the new dog in the same way. Let the dogs sniff and praise them as you do so. If all is well, then you can stop insuring your pets for their collars.

If the dogs are aggressive towards each other, you can try keeping them in different rooms for several days. Once they get used to each other's smell, it will be easier for them to find contact.

If this doesn’t help, then try giving the dogs the opportunity to figure it out on their own. Bring them together in the same room, but be prepared to intervene. As a rule, dogs find out which of them is in charge without hurting each other. After the relationship is cleared up, one dog will have to come to terms with the position of a subordinate.

In the process of communication between dogs, conflicts are also possible. Over time this should fade away. But, remember: you are the boss in the house, so all attempts at quarrels should be stopped with a stern shout.

When petting someone else's dog, don't forget about your own. Your attention must be distributed equally, otherwise the fight for your affection will become the main cause of conflicts.

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A cat and a dog in the same house is a completely possible combination. Of course, the ideal option is for them to move into their new home at the same time. But more often it happens that a newcomer arrives at a house already inhabited by an old-timer. How to get a kitten used to a dog? And so that the dog accepts the baby and does not offend him?


You need to introduce the dog gradually. It’s better if they spend the first time in different rooms. For example, place them in rooms separated by a glass door. Animals will be able to see each other, but will be deprived of the opportunity to enter into conflict. And the first meeting will no longer be a shock.

After a day, the kitten can be released to the dog. He will be busy exploring the new room and will not focus his attention on another animal. Be sure to be close to the dog and carefully monitor its reaction. Stop any attempts to attack, even as a game. If the kitten raises its fur when the dog tries to get closer. don't worry, this is a completely normal reaction. Pet the baby and cheer him up.

It is best to introduce animals at a time when they are both well-fed and in a good mood. Do not allow anyone to get into the dog's bowl under any circumstances - the dog will perceive this as an encroachment on its territory and may bite the baby. But more often she will simply growl and the kitten will understand that it is undesirable to enter the dog’s territory. It is also better for the new tenant not to touch the bedding and the dog.

If the kitten has done something wrong, do not yell at it in the presence of the dog. The dog may decide that he must punish the culprit. According to the dog hierarchy, the kitten is at the lowest level. Do not let the dog become stronger in this opinion - treat both animals equally kindly.

Usually the kitten behaves quite confidently. Most likely, it will be he who will make an attempt to get to know each other better. Make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt the dog. Small kittens have very sharp claws, which they do not yet know how to control.

If the kitten is too annoying - for example, it pulls the dog's fur or squeaks loudly and shrilly, it may react unexpectedly sharply - for example, bite the kitten hard or hit it. After this, the baby may begin to be afraid of the dog. To prevent this from happening, stop the kitten’s pestering yourself. Take him to another room or give him a toy.

It usually takes one to two weeks for pets to get used to it. During this time, when leaving home, lock the animals in separate rooms. Be present when the cat and dog meet until you are sure that they are not in conflict.

Not in all cases the expression “they live like a cat and a dog” means that there is enmity between animals. Very often, these pets feel affection for each other and even become friends. However, at first, their coexistence in the same apartment may be overshadowed by daily squabbles. How can you accustom a dog to a cat and make them live together?


Try to take kids into the house. If a kitten and puppy start living together from a very young age, then their friendship is practically guaranteed. If you already have an adult dog, and you also want a cat, then take a small kitten.

Be sure to check the first meeting of your pets. Let them sniff each other, the kitten will master the space a little. At the very beginning, do not try to bring them closer together. It is quite natural for a dog and a cat to study each other from the side. Just make sure that your dog does not frighten the baby for any reasons, perhaps even purely friendly ones.

At first, feed the dog and kitten in the same room, but in different corners. Thus, instinctively they will begin to associate each other's smell with something pleasant. In general, animals should always be fed separately, even if later they begin to help themselves from other people’s plates. But until your pets become friends, do not let them climb into other people's dishes - this is fraught with conflict.

Try not to pick a favorite. Both the dog and the cat, finding themselves deprived of attention, can show jealousy and do minor dirty tricks to you. This will also alienate them from each other. If you pet and play with one, then spend time with the second pet.

Monitor the period when the animals begin to get closer. Belonging to different species and families, dogs and cats “speak” different languages. Signals that for a dog are an expression of joy and an invitation to play, a cat can understand in a completely different way and show aggression. On the other hand, a cat can show its affection by lightly biting its tail, which the dog may not like. But over time and under your supervision, they will learn to understand each other's language.

How the cat played with the dog

Play? Yes, the cat, of course, played and even sometimes with the dog, but we must take into account that she was not an ordinary cat, and her games were of a peculiar nature. My favorite is to gallop through all the rooms, pretend that I’m terribly scared of something, and freeze in the middle of the table in the form of a curved electric arc. Then grin, wave your paw at the amazed puppy and start washing as if nothing had happened.

But it was more like a five-second warm-up, good for health. But when a fly, or better yet two, flew into the house, then pandemonium ensued. The cat was flying head over heels along the upper tier of the house, the puppy was not far behind on the lower tier, the fly was somewhere between them, and this whole tangle was complemented by an eerie cacophony. Everyone in the house was extremely happy, well, maybe with the exception of the flies.

But it was not often that the head of the house, whom the cat considered herself to be, deigned to do such nonsense at home. After all, she kept order throughout the entire home. And not without reason, such an absent-minded housewife as hers still had to be found. What is the cost of running water...

Flood, or “Save Who Can”

“So, this happened, she forgot about the bath,” the cat couldn’t believe her eyes. The water overflowed with a quiet splash, and the hostess sat at the table and tapped on the keyboard, completely forgetting about the time, the open tap, the noisy water and generally about the existence of this world.

“Maybe scratch her?” - the cat asked herself, carefully watching the stream running across the floor. But then she decided to follow the rule of her ancestors and not interfere: “In the end, they brought this dog into the house, let her report.”

The dog, by the way, was not lost in thought. The poor puppy did not know at all how to behave. He shifted from paw to paw ten times, scratched behind his ear, yawned widely, and this water continued to stubbornly crawl straight towards him. The baby did not dare to take any more decisive actions and rightly concluded that the mistress’s mission should begin next.

Alas, he did not know that this case was the rare exception when he could have a voice in the apartment. The puppy decided to crawl under the owner’s feet, and yes, the cat almost fell off the table laughing. But the dog was serious about at least this extremely unusual way of informing the elders about the danger approaching from the bathtub.

However, the owner did not look up from the keyboard and did not pay attention to anything, only slightly moving the puppy. Meanwhile, the danger was approaching no longer as a trickle, but as a full-flowing river, washing away socks and forgotten balls along the way. The cat was bursting with laughter, sitting on a safe platform and anticipating the ending. The puppy decided it was time to growl, and then the doorbell rang. It was the neighbor downstairs...

“Now the main thing is that they don’t cut our rations,” the cat later became nervous, guiltily hiding her eyes and vigorously licking her fur coat. And the puppy happily splashed in the puddle behind its owner, vigorously helping her wipe away the water with its belly.