Internal lard use. Beneficial features. Useful properties and contraindications

Cough occurs mainly due to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, viral tonsillitis, ARVI, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Nonspecific cough occurs with severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine, hormonal nervous disorders.

The cough reflex is a way by which the airways try to get rid of mucus and microparticles that irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa. A distinction is made between a dry (non-productive) cough and a wet or wet (productive) cough. Usually, at the beginning of a cold, a dry cough occurs, and at the stage of development of the disease, a wet cough occurs. A wet cough greatly facilitates the patient’s breathing, but since mucus comes in different consistencies, the speed of recovery depends on the correctness of the chosen therapy.

Animal fat has long been used to treat coughs and colds. Lard is most often used because it is the most accessible. It looks like a white folded mesh. To treat the fat, you need to melt it over low heat until smooth, then it hardens in the form of lard. The finished lard should have a light, pleasant smell.

If the fat smells unpleasant, then it is old and should not be ingested. You cannot salt fat or lard, otherwise this product loses its beneficial qualities.

Medicinal properties and benefits:

  • contains vitamins: A, E, D, K and microelements;
  • visceral fat is rich in arachidonic acid. With its help, cholesterol metabolism occurs, some hormonal substances are produced, the acid is part of the myocardium;
  • cholesterol is present in small doses;
  • visceral fat is several times superior to other fats in biological activity;
  • does not lose quality when heated;
  • easily mixed with other ingredients: wax, alcohol, glycerin, resin.

People suffering from gastroduodenitis, metabolic disorders, obesity, liver and thyroid pathologies should not abuse lard even for therapeutic purposes.

Therapeutic effect

In addition to lard, fat from other animals is used in cough therapy:

  • badger lard is used externally and internally. Has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Well eliminates chronic spasmodic cough in pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Goose fat has unique healing properties. It softens the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, thins sputum, improves immunity;
  • bear fat: relieves attacks of spastic cough, softens the mucous membrane, has expectorant and immunostimulating properties;
  • dog fat: used for lung disease accompanied by spasmodic cough;
  • goat fat: a highly effective antitussive, unlike other types of lard, it does not have an unpleasant odor, therefore it is especially popular in children's practice;
  • Lamb fat: a potent antitussive containing vitamins and saturated acids. Lamb fat is especially effective in treating bronchitis and smoker's cough. Contraindicated in diseases of the urinary system, stomach ulcers, gastritis, cerebral atherosclerosis. All other categories of patients must adhere to a strict dosage;
  • pork fat: used for all infectious diseases accompanied by cough.

Cough recipes with suet

It should be remembered that with any symptom you need to consult a specialist and consult with him even about the use of folk remedies. Internal fat can be used as a stand-alone product or together with other ingredients.

Internal use of interior fat:

  1. Mix 10 grams of melted lard with 200 ml of milk and drink hot.
  2. Take 15-50 grams of badger or bear fat on an empty stomach for 4 weeks. Then a month-long break is taken, after which the course is repeated. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of prolonged purulent inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, tuberculosis.
  3. Effective recipes for the treatment of tuberculosis:
  • badger fat and honey (100 grams each), aloe (50 grams), take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • Grind lemon (10 pcs.), eggs (10 pcs.), half a liter of cognac, badger fat and honey (1 kg each). Mix all ingredients together with crushed eggshells. Let it brew for up to 5 days. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  1. Cough due to an oncological process in the lungs. Badger lard, cognac, honey, aloe – half a liter of everything. Take the mixture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

External use of interior fat:

  • melt goat fat and honey, rub it all over the body, wrap it in cellophane, and wrap the patient in a warm blanket. Helps with prolonged bronchial cough;
  • Mix lard with turpentine 1:1, rub into the chest until dry for bronchitis. To this composition you can add 3-4 crushed tablets of Analgin or Aspirin;
  • Mix goose fat and finely grated onion 1:1, lubricate the chest and neck in front, put compressor paper and a warm scarf or blanket on top;
  • hang a piece of lard in a hot place to naturally obtain a small amount of melted lard. Massage it for 15-20 minutes, then wrap the patient warmly. Repeat the procedure throughout the week;
  • For infants and children under 3 years of age, lard is not used internally for medicinal purposes. Recipe for coughs with internal lard for children from Dr. Komarovsky: heat a piece of old yellowed lard, put the piece on the chest overnight and secure with a towel or warm cloth;
  • Chop garlic (a small head), grind with 100 grams of fat, rub into the soles overnight.

The product is very effective against cough. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to determine the cause of the symptom and choose the appropriate recipe.

Rendered pork fat

Homemade lard.

How to melt lard.

Benefits and uses of pork fat.

Lard, recipe with photo.

Rendered lard can be prepared from subcutaneous fat and from internal fat. Gastrointestinal fat is fat that is attached to the internal organs of the animal.

Any lard made from pork fat can be prepared simply in a frying pan. Cut into pieces and fry over low heat, periodically draining the melted heat. No problem.

But it is believed that only pork fat has healing properties.

In folk medicine it is used to treat coughs. Taken both internally with tea or milk, and for rubbing. There are different recipes with honey, cocoa, propolis.

Internal lard is used as a basis for homemade ointments for skin diseases, varicose veins, etc.

Nowadays, home craftsmen make their own environmentally friendly cosmetic creams based on lard.

From my own experience. I remember how milk with lard saved me from a wild cough as a child. I remember it didn’t taste good, but I recovered quickly.

I also had to make an ointment from a string of internal lard, which helped when pharmaceutical ointments only caused worsening.

Lard is widely used in cooking. It is often found in Soviet cookbooks, for example, in cutlets or dough for chebureks. If you read the composition of today's factory-made dumplings, they almost always contain visceral fat.

Many people are accustomed to frying potatoes in lard. You can mix lard and vegetable oil when frying potatoes, it turns out with a beautiful reddish crust and tastes better.

And in the old days it was widely used in baking. As you know, lard does not go stale for a long time. And shortbread cookies turn out more tender.

However, today we have lost the habit of baking with natural animal fat. Therefore, its taste bothers many people, and so does me. I tried to bake it according to the original recipe, it was made with a mixture of lard and butter. Did not like. Perhaps more spices should have been added.

And now I use it mainly for making non-stick grease for baking. A wonderful thing. I very rarely use baking paper. The grease recipe is very simple, in the bread recipe.

Therefore, once a year I buy interior fat at the market and prepare from it very pure lard, odorless and without the taste of fried lard.

Internal fat is sold in markets in meat aisles. It is usually rolled into this white roll without the pork skin. By the way, it is quite inexpensive.

Important: When rendered, pork fat always smells. This odor can be mild or very strong and unpleasant. Therefore, when buying lard, be sure to pay attention to its appearance and smell. Choose beautiful lard with a minimum of red specks, fresh: white and without a strong unpleasant odor.

Due to the possible strong smell, it is better to cook lard in the warm season with the window open, then the smell is very weak, only next to the stove.

There are different ways to obtain purer rendered suet. The process always consists of two stages: long soaking and heating.

I use a water bath for heating. This is relatively long. It usually takes me 3-4 hours to render 1 kg of lard, but the result is worth it.

Lard from pork fat


  1. Gastrointestinal fat – 860 g

Result: 700 ml lard and 130 g cracklings.

That is, for a liter jar of lard you need 1200-1300 grams of interior fat.


1. Unfold the interior fat and cut out, if any, large patches of blood. Cut into pieces, the smaller the better. Mine are about 3 cm.

2. Place pieces of lard into liter jars. There is no need to stuff it tightly. To fill with water. Add vinegar 6-9% for the first time, 1 tablespoon per jar. Close the jars with lids. Place in the refrigerator for soaking.

3. Change the water in the jars twice daily. Soaking time is 3-4 days.

4. Drain the water. Place the fat in a thick-walled bowl. I have a cauldron. Place in a water bath, that is, in a pan of hot water, so that the bottom touches the water.

Bring the water in the bath to a boil. Reduce to a minimum and boil, periodically adding water to the bath.

Collect the melted fat with a ladle into a bowl or ladle. Fat is hot, so cookware is best made of enamel or stainless steel.

5. After 3 hours I was left with cracklings and very little fat. The cracklings can be stored in the freezer and used in cutlets or minced meat for filling dumplings or baked goods.

6. Ready-made lard hardens slowly at room temperature. When the process is finished, it is still liquid because we keep adding hot water. Strain the lard through a colander lined with gauze (a wide bandage) in several layers.

7. Cool at room temperature. Store in the refrigerator. Pure lard will keep well in the refrigerator for a whole year.

There are additional methods for deodorizing ready-made pork fat. I tried adding 100 grams of milk per liter of prepared lard, then mix and bring to a boil. I didn't notice any difference. Perhaps the milk should be from the market.

By the way, adding milk shortens the shelf life of lard.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2016.

Folk recipes often mention lard. What it is and how to prepare it is not said. Probably for our great-grandmothers it was as obvious as boiling an egg, and did not require additional explanation. And we, alas, will need them.

So, anyone who previously thought that lard was nutria lard will now be disappointed. Not at all. This is the fat of any animal, and it is called visceral because it is located inside, surrounds the internal organs and usually looks like a rolled up mesh (the mesh, by the way, is good to use for the same pate for baking). There is a thin mesh - already cut - and a thicker one, with lard.

Lard is a crumbly, lumpy, bright white fat, unlike regular lard, which is a single mass. It is internal lard that has special properties that are most favorable for the treatment of colds. Ordinary lard does not have these qualities.

Now the question naturally arises: where can I get such lard?

The easiest way, of course, is to set your sights on purchasing lard and go to the market, to the meat aisles. Rumor has it that lard is not sold openly because there are no necessary certificates, but you should be more persistent and negotiate with the traders.

What to do next with lard to turn it into useful medicine?

Flush it out. To do this, you need to put the lard in a bowl and put it in a warm, but not hot oven or on a very low heat. Drain the melted lard and cool. Melted lard is otherwise called lard. They reheat it precisely to make the structure uniform, so that it is more convenient to store and use. Rendered lard has a slight smell. If lard smells bad, it is simply of poor quality.

To cure bronchitis and a severe cough with this melted lard, you need to put a dessert spoon on a glass of milk and drink it.

Take 100 g of lard, melt and mix with 5 tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g of steamed figs and minced through a meat grinder. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for cough.

Rubbing the breasts with lard.

Melt the lard, rub the warm lard on the patient’s chest so that he feels warm, wrap him up and put him to sleep. To rub, you can mix lard with turpentine and rub your chest dry with this mixture.

Lime bee honey - 100 g; pork lard - 100 g; unsalted butter - 100 g; aloe (or agave) juice - 15 g; cocoa powder - 50 g. Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt lard, butter, honey in an enamel pan. When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon of the composition, dissolve in a glass of hot milk. Drink morning and evening. Take for a long time. Used for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

Pork fat is a valuable product of animal origin. It has truly fantastic properties, saturating the body with essential substances and microelements. Despite this, there is still debate regarding the need for this product in the diet. So what are the benefits and harms of pork fat really?

Composition and calorie content of pork fat

Pork fat is rendered animal fat, which is cut into small pieces and separated from the protein using heat treatment. The resulting pork fat is beneficial for the body and has a rich composition of nutrients. In terms of culinary qualities, taste and nutritional value, it is deservedly considered the best among animal fats. It consists of:

  • Monounsaturated acids (50%);
  • Saturated acids (41%);
  • Polyunsaturated acids (7%);
  • Useful vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Lecithin.

Nutritional value relative to other animal products:

What are the benefits of pork fat?

Any fats are the most important component for the proper functioning of the body. Due to its medicinal properties, pork fat brings invaluable benefits, which include the following:

  • Protection against malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. Monosaturated acids reduce the risk of developing a group of disorders that have a negative impact on heart function;
  • Help you stay in shape. Studies have shown that moderate consumption of rendered pork fat is beneficial by helping to reduce weight, waist circumference and cholesterol levels;
  • Normalization of the nervous system. Monosaturated acids reduce irritability and increase the level of physical activity;
  • Strengthening bone tissue. Acids allow the body to actively absorb calcium, which is necessary for bones and teeth;
  • Maintaining the immune system. Vitamins A, E, K, D in the composition cope well with vitamin deficiency and increase resistance to viral diseases.

Important! They say that fats are harmful to the body. However, this statement only applies to trans fats found in processed foods (chips, processed foods, crackers or fast food). Lard in moderation is beneficial and is an integral part of a healthy person's diet.

Treatment with pork fat

Pork fat is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Its versatile, nutrient-rich composition tends to coat internal organs, optimizing physiological processes. The fat is used both internally and externally - ointments, lotions, rubs and other medicines are made from it.

Universal ointment recipe

Ointment is the most convenient consistency for external use. It is usually prepared from pork fat and milk, taking into account some features:

  • To make medicine, pork fat must be turned into lard, or lard (melt in a microwave oven or on a gas stove). Manipulation will lead to oxidation, during which the product will not lose its healing properties and will become suitable for any type of use;
  • Add 50 g of lard to 0.5 liters of boiled milk and mix thoroughly;
  • The mixture is left in a cool place until it cools completely and acquires the consistency of an ointment.

For joint pain

To treat joints and other problems of the musculoskeletal system, it is useful to add a tablespoon of red pepper to the base. This composition, due to its benefits, helps to increase blood flow and promotes rapid recovery. The ointment is rubbed in before going to bed, covered with a bandage to preserve heat.

Ointment for the treatment of skin diseases

To treat skin diseases, medicinal herbs, such as calendula, are added to the ointment. The plant is pre-dried or a pharmaceutical mixture is used, since recently cut flowers release moisture that forms condensation. This useful remedy with the addition of calendula helps with:

  • cuts;
  • scars;
  • peeling;
  • frostbite;
  • cracked heels;
  • weathering.

Ointment for burns

Pork lard is also useful for treating burns, as it promotes the regeneration of the dermal integument. It is important to understand that the benefits of universal lard ointment do not make it a first aid remedy. Its properties are relevant exclusively at the stage of wound healing. If you smear a fresh, open wound, you can cause irreparable harm, since living microorganisms can provoke purulent inflammation.

For coughs and colds

A universal ointment without additives is used in folk medicine and for coughs, rubbed into the chest area. The “mesh” of lard retains heat, increases blood flow and promotes the removal of phlegm. In addition, this recipe for pork fat for cough is suitable for children of any age.

The product fights cough not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The fact is that visceral fat got its name because it is found inside the animal. It surrounds organs, protecting them from temperature and mechanical damage. The mechanism of action on the respiratory tract is that the product softens spasms, turning a dry cough into a wet one. This allows you to quickly remove harmful toxins and microorganisms. In addition, the body warms up and the temperature decreases. It is these beneficial properties of visceral fat that allow it to be used as a medicine for coughs and colds.

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, a drink is prepared from milk, pork fat and honey. To do this you need:

  • milk – 200 g;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • Lard – 10 g.

Preparation and use: mix the ingredients and heat until boiling. The hot drink is consumed on an empty stomach. Therapy is carried out until the disease syndromes completely disappear.

How is pork fat used in cosmetology?

Cosmetologists have not ignored such a valuable and useful product of animal origin. Thanks to its ability to have a fantastic effect on the skin, pork fat is used to make toning and rejuvenating face masks.

The famous Cleopatra mask is based on pork fat, aloe and liquid honey. These components complement each other perfectly and help prolong youth, making the skin tight and elastic. To prepare such a useful mask at home, you need:

  • pharmaceutical aloe juice – 40 ml;
  • honey – 10 ml;
  • Lard – 100 g.

The components are mixed, heated in a water bath and left to cool at room temperature. The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin and décolleté. Using the product once a week gives a noticeable effect after just a few months of use.

Use of pork fat in cooking

Pork fat has a pleasant smell and taste. Lard is often used in cooking and added to canning and baking. Lard is also consumed fresh. A greasy product with garlic is an excellent anti-hangover remedy, which is beneficial in cleansing blood vessels of cholesterol and speeds up the process of removing harmful substances from the body. However, we should not forget that lard, in addition to its benefits, can also cause harm if it is not consumed in moderation.

Important! It is not recommended to give lard to children under two years of age, since the fragile body is not yet ready to eat heavy food.

Is it possible to fry in pork fat?

According to research, pork fat is absorbed much better than vegetable oil. This is due to the fact that fat does not lose its beneficial properties during any heat treatment. That is why cooking with it is not only possible, but necessary.

How to melt pork fat at home

You can buy rendered lard in the store, however, nothing beats homemade lard, so it’s better to make it yourself.

How to render lard into fat

To make the fat tasty and retain its beneficial qualities, it is necessary to melt it, following the following algorithm:

  1. The lard removed from the meat is cut into small pieces;
  2. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom over low heat;
  3. The pieces are placed in a heated container, gradually increasing the heat;
  4. When the lard boils, cracklings will begin to separate from it. Only after they settle to the bottom is the fat considered ready (the process lasts at least 2 hours);
  5. After turning off the gas, you can add a small amount of granulated sugar. This will give the mass a pleasant aroma;
  6. The lard is left in the pan until it cools, after which it is filtered through cheesecloth;
  7. The container with strained, slightly warm fat is placed in the freezer. Quick freezing will help maintain a smooth consistency and prevent lumps from forming.

How to render interior pork fat

You can melt fat on the stove, in the oven or in a slow cooker. There are two different ways:

  1. Wet. The diced fat is placed in a saucepan with a small amount of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved. After cooling, the mixture is poured into a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Dry. This method involves melting without adding water. The fat is placed in a frying pan, in a slow cooker or oven, at a temperature of 90 - 120C. Periodic stirring with a wooden spatula will help maintain a uniform consistency and a pleasant, subtle aroma.

Harm of pork fat and contraindications

Like any other animal product, pork fat can be harmful, so there are some contraindications. Fat in any form is not recommended to be consumed:

  • during the recovery period after surgery: a large amount of calories in pork fat can interfere with the recovery process after surgery;
  • people with chronic gastritis, diabetes;
  • in case of individual intolerance to external use.

Important! The main rule is compliance with the measure. Lard is quite high in calories. In order to avoid any harm to the body, you should consume no more than 100 grams of the product per day.

How to choose lard for melting

When using low-quality lard during melting, there is a possibility of obtaining lard with an unpleasant odor and taste. To choose the right lard, you need to pay attention to:

  • Smell. Fresh lard has a pleasant, milky aroma. Even a light, barely perceptible smell of urea will increase significantly after heat treatment;
  • Color. A quality product has a pinkish-white color. A gray, yellow or greenish tint indicates that it has been stale or stored incorrectly, which can reduce the benefits and give an unpleasant taste;
  • Meat layers. This lard is more suitable for frying, but not for melting;
  • Thickness. The optimal thickness of the piece is 3-6 cm.

Additional information on how to choose the right lard:

How long does pork fat last?

Raw materials retain their beneficial properties during quite long storage in any form. However, the recommended period in the refrigerator is no more than 2 years in a hermetically sealed container.


The benefits and harms of pork fat directly depend on the quantity and quality of the product consumed. If you take into account all the recommendations, the beneficial properties of lard significantly exceed the harm it can cause.

Lard is a lumpy white fat that does not have a strong odor. It covers the internal organs of animals. If ordinary lard is a solid mass, then interior lard crumbles. It has very important medicinal qualities, which are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. It should be noted that simple lard, which people eat salted or smoked, does not have such properties.

Beneficial features

The composition of interior fat includes which is an integral element of cardiac muscle enzymes, as well as the cell membrane. With the help of this acid, the formation of certain hormones occurs, as well as the exchange of cholesterol. Internal lard is ahead of other types of fats in terms of biological activity. When heated, most animal fats lose all their beneficial properties, while interior fats retain them in their original form. It easily mixes with wax, alcohol, glycerin and resins, which makes it possible to produce healing ointments.

Preparation and storage

Pork lard is used to prepare a variety of compositions that have a medicinal effect. When used externally, these compositions do not irritate the skin and are easily washed off with ordinary soap solution.

To prepare something suitable for treatment or nutrition, you can use the following methods:

  • Finely chop the lard or mince it, then place it in a saucepan and put it on the stove. The fire should be slow. When the fat becomes transparent, it must be drained through a colander, then cooled and placed in the refrigerator, where it will be stored.
  • Grind the lard, place in a metal bowl, and then heat in the oven until ready.

If the fat is prepared correctly, then in a liquid state it is transparent, has no sediment and is amber in color. Once frozen, it should turn white.

For storage, it is advisable to choose a cold and dark place. If the temperature is high enough and the room is light, the product acquires a sharp unpleasant odor and its taste becomes bitter. As a result, it can no longer be used due to its irritating effect. Fat can be stored in the refrigerator for a year and a half. During all this time, the beneficial properties will not go away.

The benefits of interior lard

The fat obtained from such lard is a very rich source of energy. It contains many vitamins - A, D, E, K. And it contains very little cholesterol. But there is a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, as well as other elements that are necessary for human life.

When used wisely for nutritional purposes, lard helps maintain vital functions in good condition. Human skin becomes healthy and beautiful.

What to treat with lard?

1. Treatment of diseased joints.

  • They need to be lubricated with the product at night, and wrapped on top with compress paper and a warm cloth.
  • If the joints do not move well, then the fat is mixed with salt and the mixture is applied, wrapped in a warm cloth.

2. Skin diseases.

  • For those who make a mixture of fat, egg white, celandine juice and nightshade. It is kept for three days and then rubbed into the diseased areas of the skin.
  • For a burn, an ointment is prepared from the fat in which the onion was fried and five aspirin tablets. It is applied to the burned area several times. The fat helps prevent scarring and aspirin prevents infection.

3. Internal lard for cough.

  • For external use, lard is mixed with alcohol. This mixture is rubbed into the patient's chest.
  • For internal use, a spoonful of pork fat should be dissolved in a glass of hot milk. If the taste is unpleasant, then you can add pre-boiled honey to the mixture.

Restrictions on use

Lard is not recommended for use for treatment or nutritional purposes by those people who suffer from obesity, metabolic disorders, liver and pancreas diseases, as well as duodenitis. A healthy human body reacts normally to this product and easily assimilates it.

So, we can draw the following conclusion: pork fat, which is made from lard, is a very healthy product. You just need to follow all the preparation conditions and use it correctly.