Message "Great Patriotic War". Dates and events of the Great Patriotic War

Without exaggeration, the Great Patriotic War can be called the largest event of the 20th century, which made a real explosion in the history of our country and left an indelible mark on the history of the whole world.

Today in the literature you can find conflicting opinions about the beginning of hostilities. Some researchers argue that Hitler's attack was a complete surprise for the Soviet Union, which was one of the reasons for the heavy defeats in the first months of the war. Others tend to believe that Stalin was aware of the prospect of a German attack and was sure that the 1939 Non-Aggression Pact would not be respected.

On June 22, 1941, the peaceful early morning was interrupted by explosions and shots that thundered with terrible clarity in the predawn silence. The German army crossed the borders of the USSR, immediately setting foot on the territory stretching from the Black to the Baltic Seas.

During 1941-1942. the situation continued to be extremely dangerous for the Soviet Union: the troops of Nazi Germany occupied the Baltic states, blockaded Leningrad, and captured Ukraine. The capital was under threat: the Germans rushed to Moscow.

In 1942, in many places, through inhuman efforts and at the cost of huge losses of soldiers, the army of the Soviet Union launched a counteroffensive, but they quickly bogged down: terrible defeats followed in the Crimea and near Kharkov.

November 19, 1942 was a turning point in the course of the war. On this day, the Battle of Stalingrad began, which lasted until February 2, 1943. Result: the Nazis were defeated and began to retreat. July 5-12, 1943: Battle of Kursk, which ended with the victory of the Soviet troops and the defeat of the Nazis. During the battles of 1943, Orel, Kharkov, and Kyiv were liberated by our troops.

From November 28 to December 1, 1943, a conference was held in Tehran, at which a decision was made to open a second front. From that moment on, we could count on the help of the allied troops (the main members of the anti-Hitler coalition, in addition to the USSR, were the USA, England, and China).

1944 is already a year of victories for the USSR. From December 1944 to April 1945, the lands of the right-bank Ukraine were liberated; by March 1, 1944 - the blockade of Leningrad was lifted; in May 1944 Sevastopol was recaptured.

July 18, 1944 The Soviet army enters Poland. Now the war is being fought outside the USSR, from whose lands the invader was expelled. In January 1945, the Nazis capitulate near Warsaw. From February 4 to 11, the Yalta Conference was held, which discussed the post-war structure of the world.

On May 2, 1945, an event took place that for many meant the end of the war: the fall of Berlin and the surrender of Germany. The Soviet flag flew over the Reichstag. On May 9, Prague was liberated.

Today, a lot is said and written about the war. The events of those years cause fierce controversy. Be that as it may, one thing is certain: our people got the hardest test that they could withstand with honor. A low bow to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers: if not for them, none of us simply would not be in the world!

Brief information about the Great Patriotic War (WWII).

How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War? With the help of this story, you will tell your children about the war in an accessible way.

It presents the chronology of the main events of the Great Patriotic War.

Victory will be ours!

- War! War!

On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our Motherland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them their servants and slaves. The Great Patriotic War began. It lasted for four years.

The road to victory was not easy. Enemies attacked us unexpectedly. They had more tanks and planes. Our armies were retreating. The battles were on the ground, in the sky, at sea. Great battles thundered: Moscow, Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk. Heroic Sevastopol did not surrender to the enemy for 250 days. Courageous Leningrad held out in a terrible blockade for 900 days. The Caucasus fought bravely. In the Ukraine, in Byelorussia, and in other places, formidable partisans smashed the invaders. Millions of people, including children, worked at factory machines and in the fields of the country. The Soviet people (the Soviet Union - that was the name of our country in those years) did everything to stop the Nazis. Even in the most difficult days, they firmly believed: “The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

And then the day came when the offensive of the invaders was stopped. The Soviet armies drove the Nazis from their native land.

Again, battles, battles, battles, battles. More and more powerful, more and more indestructible blows of the Soviet troops. And the most long-awaited, the greatest day has come. Our soldiers reached the borders of Germany and stormed the capital of the Nazis - the city of Berlin. It was 1945. Spring blossomed. It was the month of May.

The Nazis admitted their complete defeat on May 9. Since then, this day has become our great holiday - Victory Day.

Miracles of heroism and courage were shown by our people, defending their native land from the Nazis.

The Brest fortress stood on the very border. The Nazis attacked her on the very first day of the war. They thought: a day - and a fortress in their hands. Our soldiers held out for a whole month. And when there was no strength left and the Nazis broke into the fortress, its last defender wrote with a bayonet on the wall: "I am dying, but I do not give up."

There was the Great Moscow battle. Nazi tanks rushed forward. On one of the sectors of the front, the enemy was blocked by 28 heroic soldiers from the division of General Panfilov. Dozens of tanks were knocked out by soldiers. And they kept walking and walking. The soldiers were exhausted in battle. And the tanks kept coming and going. And yet, the Panfilovites did not retreat in this terrible battle. The Nazis were not allowed to enter Moscow.

General Dmitry Karbyshev was wounded in battle and was taken prisoner. He was a professor, a very famous military builder. The Nazis wanted the general to go over to their side. Promised life and high positions. Did not betray the Motherland Dmitry Karbyshev. The Nazis executed the general. We were taken outside in the bitter cold. Doused with cold water from hoses.

Vasily Zaitsev - the famous hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. With his sniper rifle, he destroyed three hundred Nazis. Zaitsev was elusive for enemies. The fascist commanders had to call the famous shooter from Berlin. That's who will destroy the Soviet sniper. It turned out the opposite. Zaitsev killed a Berlin celebrity. “Three hundred and first,” said Vasily Zaitsev.

During the battles near Stalingrad, field telephone communications were interrupted in one of the artillery regiments. An ordinary soldier signalman Titaev crawled under enemy fire to find out where the wire was cut off. Found. He just tried to twist the ends of the wires, as a fragment of an enemy shell hit the fighter. Before Titaev had time to connect the wires, then, dying, he clamped them tightly with his lips. Got a connection. "Fire! Fire!" - sounded again in the artillery regiment of the team.

War brought us many deaths. The twelve soldiers of the Grigoryans were members of a large Armenian family. They served in the same department. They went to the front together. Together they defended their native Caucasus. Let's move forward with everyone. One reached Berlin. Eleven Grigoryans were killed. After the war, the inhabitants of the city where the Grigoryans lived planted twelve poplars in honor of the heroes. Now the poplars have grown. They stand exactly in a row, like soldiers in the ranks, tall and beautiful. Eternal memory to Grigoryans.

Teenagers and even children took part in the fight against enemies. Many of them were awarded military medals and orders for courage and bravery. Valya Kotik at the age of twelve left as a scout in a partisan detachment. At the age of fourteen, for his exploits, he became the youngest Hero of the Soviet Union.

An ordinary machine gunner fought in Sevastopol. Definitely smashed enemies. Left alone in the trench, he took an unequal battle. He was wounded, shell-shocked. But he held the trench. Destroyed up to a hundred fascists. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The machine gunner's name was Ivan Bogatyr. You won't find a better last name.

Fighter pilot Alexander Pokryshkin shot down the first fascist plane at the very beginning of the war. Lucky Pokryshkin. The number of planes shot down by him is increasing - 5, 10, 15. The names of the fronts on which the pilot fought are changing. The heroic score of victories is growing, growing - 20, 30, 40. The war was drawing to a close - 50, 55, 59. Fifty-nine enemy planes were shot down by fighter pilot Alexander Pokryshkin.

He became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

Became twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Became three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Eternal glory to you, Alexander Pokryshkin, the first three times hero in the country.

And here is the story of another feat. Pilot Alexei Maresyev was shot down in an air battle. He survived, but was badly wounded. His plane crashed on enemy territory in a dense forest. It was winter. For 18 days he walked, and then crawled to his own. The partisans picked him up. The pilot froze his legs. They had to be amputated. How can you fly without legs?! Maresyev learned not only to walk and even dance on prostheses, but most importantly, to fly a fighter. In the very first air battles, he shot down three fascist aircraft.

The last days of the war were coming. Heavy fighting was fought on the streets of Berlin. Soldier Nikolai Masalov on one of the Berlin streets, risking his life, under enemy fire, carried a crying German girl from the battlefield. The war is over. In the very center of Berlin, in a park on a high hill, there is now a monument to a Soviet soldier. He stands with the rescued girl in his arms.

The Great Patriotic War is one of the most terrible and difficult pages in our history. It was customary for Soviet historians to divide the period of hostilities into three main stages - the time of defense, the time of the offensive, and the time of liberation of the lands from the invaders and victory over Germany. The victory in the Patriotic War was of great importance not only for the Soviet Union, the defeat and destruction of fascism had an impact on the further political and economic development of the whole world. And the prerequisites for a great victory were laid back in the initial time periods of the Great Patriotic War.

Main stages

Stages of war


First stage

The attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union - the beginning of the counteroffensive near Stalingrad

Strategic defense of the Red Army

Second phase

Battle of Stalingrad - the liberation of Kyiv

Turning point in the course of the war; transition from defensive to offensive

Third stage

Opening of the second front - Victory Day over Nazi Germany

The expulsion of the invaders from the Soviet lands, the liberation of Europe, the defeat and surrender of Germany

Each of the three main designated periods of the Great Patriotic War had its own characteristics, its pros and cons, its mistakes and important victories. So, the first stage is the time of defense, the time of heavy defeats, which, however, gave the opportunity to consider the weaknesses of the Red (then) Army and eliminate them. The second stage is characterized as the time of the beginning of offensive operations, a turning point in the course of hostilities. Realizing the mistakes made and gathering all the forces, the Soviet troops were able to go on the offensive. The third stage is the period of the offensive, victorious movement of the Soviet Army, the time of the liberation of the occupied lands and the final expulsion of the fascist invaders from the territory of the Soviet Union. The march of the army continued across Europe up to the borders of Germany. And by May 9, 1945, the Nazi troops were finally defeated, and the German government was forced to capitulate. Victory Day is the most important date in modern history.

a brief description of


The initial stage of hostilities, characterized as a time of defense and retreats, a time of heavy defeats and lost battles. "Everything for the front, everything for victory" - this slogan, proclaimed by Stalin, became the main program of action for the coming years.

A turning point in the war, characterized by the transfer of initiative from the hands of the aggressor Germany to the USSR. The offensive of the Soviet army on all fronts, many successful military operations. A significant increase in production, aimed at military needs. Active help from allies.

The final period of the war, characterized by the liberation of Soviet lands and the expulsion of the invaders. With the opening of the Second Front, Europe was completely liberated. The end of World War II and the surrender of Germany.

However, it is worth noting that with the end of the Patriotic War, the Second World War has not yet ended. Here, historians single out another stage, which already belongs to the Second World War, and not to the Patriotic War, enclosed in a time frame from May 10, 1945 to September 2, 1945. This period is characterized by the victory over Japan and the defeat of the remaining troops allied with Nazi Germany.

MBOU "Sosnovo-Ozerskaya secondary school No. 2"


The Great Patriotic War


Completed by: Kozhevnikov Roma

Student 3 "b" class

Teacher: Chebunina N.I.


Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

On June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the USSR without declaring war. Romania and Finland also entered the war against the USSR, and later Italy, Hungary and a number of other countries. The invading army numbered 5.5 million people. In the troops of the first echelon, 3.5 million people, 4 thousand aircraft, 3.5 thousand tanks, 31 thousand guns and mortars were concentrated. The number of Soviet troops in the western military districts was about 3 million people.

Already on the first day, German aviation bombed about 70 airfields and destroyed 1200 aircraft. On June 29, the State Defense Committee (GKO) was formed, which concentrated all the fullness of state and party power. On June 23, the Headquarters of the High Command was created (later reorganized into the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command). Both bodies were headed by Stalin. For the first months of the war, the Red Army left the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, most of Ukraine, and the western regions of the RSFSR.

At the same time, as a result of the two-month battle of Smolensk, the German plan for a lightning war was thwarted. In early September, the enemy closed the blockade around Leningrad. At the end of September, the Battle of Moscow began. During the summer-autumn campaign of 1941, Soviet troops lost about 5 million of them (2 million were killed, 3 million were captured). In August, the order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 270 was issued, declaring everyone who was captured as traitors and traitors.

On October 20, Moscow was declared under a state of siege. In some areas, the German units approached Moscow at a distance of 25-30 km. On December 5-6, having commissioned fresh troops, partially redeployed from Siberia, the Red Army launched a counteroffensive on the front from Kalinin (Tver) to Yelets. Moscow, Tula and a significant part of the Kalinin region were liberated. Germany suffered its first major defeat in World War II. There was a radical turn in the course of the war.

In the spring and summer of 1942, German troops, taking advantage of the miscalculations of the Soviet command, achieved major success in the Kharkov region, surrounding 3 armies of the Southwestern Front and capturing 240 thousand people. The Kerch operation ended with the defeat of the Soviet troops; about 150 thousand people were taken prisoner in the Crimea. In August, the enemy reached the banks of the Volga near Stalingrad and occupied most of the North Caucasus.

In July 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense issued Order No. 227 ("Not a Step Back!"), declaring any retreat without an order from the command as a betrayal; barrage detachments were created, which had the right to shoot the retreating on the spot. On August 25, the Battle of Stalingrad began, the outcome of which largely depended on the further course of the war.

After a long period of defensive battles, on November 19, Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive, surrounded and destroyed a large grouping of enemy troops; in total, during the Battle of Stalingrad, the enemy lost a fourth of his forces operating on the Eastern Front. The victory at Stalingrad (February 2) was reinforced by the general offensive of the Soviet troops. In January, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. The radical turning point in the course of the war, begun at Stalingrad, was completed as a result of the victory in the Battle of Kursk (July - August 1943) and the battle for the Dnieper, which ended on November 6, 1943. A number of regions of the RSFSR, Left-Bank Ukraine, Donbass were liberated, bridgeheads in the Crimea were captured.

In January 1944, the blockade of Leningrad was completely lifted, in January-April the Right-Bank Ukraine was liberated, and in May the Crimea was liberated. In March, Soviet troops reached the state border of the USSR with Romania. As a result of the operation "Bagration" (June - August 1944), Belarus and part of the Baltic states were liberated. In June - August, Karelia was liberated and Finland was withdrawn from the war.

In July - September, Western Ukraine, Moldova, part of Romania and Bulgaria were liberated. In October, the liberation of the Baltic and Arctic regions was completed, the Red Army units entered the territory of Norway. In November 1944, the troops of Germany and its allies were completely expelled from the territory of the USSR. At the end of 1944 and the first months of 1945, Yugoslavia (jointly by parts of the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia), Hungary, Poland, part of Austria, and Czechoslovakia were liberated. On April 13, 1945, the center of East Prussia, Königsberg, was taken. The final battle of the Great Patriotic War was the battle for Berlin. On May 2, the capital of Germany capitulated. On May 8, an act of unconditional surrender of the German armed forces was signed.

The Great Patriotic War ended with the victory of the Soviet Union. Victory in the war was ensured by the exertion of all the forces of the peoples of the USSR, the heroism and courage of the soldiers and home front workers. Despite the temporary loss of the most economically developed territories, it was possible to rebuild the economy on a military footing and from the autumn of 1942 to ensure the growing production of weapons, military equipment and ammunition. Hundreds of new industrial enterprises were created in the eastern regions of the country on the basis of equipment evacuated from the western regions. A tragic page in the history of the Great Patriotic War was the deportation to Kazakhstan, Siberia and other eastern regions of a number of peoples accused by the Stalinist regime of complicity with the invaders (Germans, Karachays, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars, etc.).

The main periods of the Great Patriotic War.


1. USSR on the eve of the war. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War.

2. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War: the causes of the military catastrophe in the initial period of the war.

3. A radical change in the war. Stalingrad and Kursk battles.

4. Victories of the Red Army at the final stage of the war (1944-1945).

5. Results and lessons of the Great Patriotic War.

Key concepts and terms: war, revanchism, aggressor appeasement policy, collective security system, Munich conspiracy, Anschluss, fascism, Nazism, fascist aggression, anti-fascist coalition, "strange war", blitzkrieg, second front, partisan movement, lend-lease, strategic initiative, radical change

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. On the German side were Romania, Hungary, Italy and Finland. The grouping of the aggressor troops consisted of 5.5 million people, 190 divisions, 5 thousand aircraft, about 4 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts (ACS), 47 thousand guns and mortars.

In accordance with the Barbarossa plan developed in 1940, Germany planned to reach the Arkhangelsk-Volga-Astrakhan line as soon as possible (in 6-10 weeks). It was a setup for blitzkrieg - lightning war. Thus began the Great Patriotic War.

The main periods of the Great Patriotic War.

First period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) from the beginning of the war to the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. It was the most difficult period for the USSR.

Having created a multiple superiority in people and military equipment in the main directions of the offensive, the German army has achieved significant success. By the end of November 1941, the Soviet troops, retreating under the blows of superior enemy forces to Leningrad, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, left the enemy a vast territory, lost about 5 million people killed, missing and captured, most of the tanks and aircraft .

The main efforts of the Nazi troops in the fall of 1941 were aimed at capturing Moscow. The battle for Moscow lasted from September 30, 1941 to April 20, 1942. On December 5-6, 1941, the Red Army went on the offensive, the enemy's defense front was broken through. Fascist troops were pushed back from Moscow by 100-250 km. The plan to capture Moscow failed, the lightning war in the east did not take place.

The victory near Moscow was of great international importance. Japan and Türkiye refrained from entering the war against the USSR. The increased prestige of the USSR on the world stage contributed to the creation of an anti-Hitler coalition. However, in the summer of 1942, due to the mistakes of the Soviet leadership (primarily Stalin), the Red Army suffered a number of major defeats in the North-West, near Kharkov and in the Crimea. The Nazi troops reached the Volga - Stalingrad and the Caucasus. The stubborn defense of the Soviet troops in these areas, as well as the transfer of the country's economy to a military footing, the creation of a well-coordinated military economy, the deployment of a partisan movement behind enemy lines prepared the necessary conditions for the Soviet troops to go on the offensive.

Second period (November 19, 1942 - late 1943)- a turning point in the war. Having exhausted and bled the enemy in defensive battles, on November 19, 1942, the Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive, surrounding 22 fascist divisions near Stalingrad, numbering more than 300 thousand people. On February 2, 1943, this grouping was liquidated. At the same time, enemy troops were expelled from the North Caucasus. By the summer of 1943, the Soviet-German front had stabilized.

Using the configuration of the front that was favorable for them, on July 5, 1943, the fascist troops went on the offensive near Kursk in order to regain the strategic initiative and encircle the Soviet grouping of troops on the Kursk Bulge. During fierce battles, the enemy offensive was stopped. On August 23, 1943, Soviet troops liberated Orel, Belgorod, Kharkov, reached the Dnieper, and on November 6, 1943, Kyiv was liberated.

During the summer-autumn offensive, half of the enemy divisions were defeated, and significant territories of the Soviet Union were liberated. The disintegration of the fascist bloc began, in 1943 Italy withdrew from the war.

1943 was a year of a radical turning point not only in the course of hostilities on the fronts, but also in the work of the Soviet rear. Thanks to the selfless work of the home front, by the end of 1943, an economic victory over Germany was won. The military industry in 1943 gave the front 29.9 thousand aircraft, 24.1 thousand tanks, 130.3 thousand guns of all kinds. This was more than Germany produced in 1943. The Soviet Union in 1943 surpassed Germany in the production of the main types of military equipment and weapons.

Third period (late 1943 - May 8, 1945)- the final period of the Great Patriotic War. In 1944, the Soviet economy reached its highest boom ever during the war. Industry, transport, and agriculture developed successfully. War production grew especially rapidly. The production of tanks and self-propelled guns in 1944 increased from 24,000 to 29,000 compared to 1943, and combat aircraft, from 30,000 to 33,000 units. From the beginning of the war to 1945, about 6 thousand enterprises were put into operation.

1944 was marked by the victories of the Soviet Armed Forces. The entire territory of the USSR was completely liberated from the fascist invaders. The Soviet Union came to the aid of the peoples of Europe - the Soviet Army liberated Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, fought its way to Norway. Romania and Bulgaria declared war on Germany. Finland left the war.

The successful offensive actions of the Soviet Army prompted the allies on June 6, 1944 to open a second front in Europe - Anglo-American troops under the command of General D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) landed in northern France, in Normandy. But the Soviet-German front still remained the main and most active front of World War II.

During the winter offensive of 1945, the Soviet Army pushed the enemy back more than 500 km. Poland, Hungary and Austria, the eastern part of Czechoslovakia were almost completely liberated. The Soviet Army reached the Oder (60 km from Berlin). On April 25, 1945, a historic meeting of Soviet troops with American and British troops took place on the Elbe, in the Torgau region.

The fighting in Berlin was exceptionally fierce and stubborn. On April 30, the banner of Victory was hoisted over the Reichstag. On May 8, the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. May 9th became Victory Day.

From July 17 to August 2, 1945 took place Third Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in the suburbs of Berlin - Potsdam, which made important decisions on the post-war order of the world in Europe, the German problem and other issues. On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow.

The victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany was not only political and military, but also economic. This is evidenced by the fact that in the period from July 1941 to August 1945, the USSR produced significantly more military equipment and weapons than in Germany. Here are the specific data (thousand pieces):

This economic victory in the war was made possible by the fact that the Soviet Union managed to create a more perfect economic organization and achieve a more efficient use of all its resources.

War with Japan. End of World War II. However, the end of hostilities in Europe did not mean the end of World War II. In accordance with the agreement in principle in Yalta (February 1945 G.) On August 8, 1945, the Soviet government declared war on Japan. Soviet troops launched offensive operations on a front stretching over 5,000 km. The geographical and climatic conditions in which the fighting took place were extremely difficult. The advancing Soviet troops had to overcome the ridges of the Greater and Lesser Khingan and the East Manchurian mountains, deep and turbulent rivers, waterless deserts, and difficult forests. But despite these difficulties, the Japanese troops were defeated.

In the course of stubborn fighting in 23 days, Soviet troops liberated Northeast China, North Korea, the southern part of Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands. 600 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were captured, a large number of weapons and military equipment were captured. Under the blows of the armed forces of the USSR and its allies in the war (primarily the United States, England, China), Japan capitulated on September 2, 1945. The southern part of Sakhalin and the islands of the Kuril chain went to the Soviet Union.

The United States, having dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, marked the beginning of a new nuclear era.

Thus, the Great Patriotic War was an important component of the Second World War. The Soviet people and its Armed Forces bore the brunt of this war on their shoulders and achieved a historic victory over Nazi Germany and its allies. Members of the anti-Hitler coalition made their significant contribution to the victory over the forces of fascism and militarism. The main lesson of the Second World War is that the prevention of war requires the unity of action of peace-loving forces. In the period leading up to World War II, it could have been prevented. Many countries and public organizations have tried to do this, but unity of action has not been achieved.

Questions for self-examination

1. Tell us about the main periods of the Great Patriotic War.