Social significance of the population. Social significance of the project. The importance of medicine for society

Part three.

Social significance of people.
Tricks of technology are thrones for officials.

I want to show you in comparison what the human community has become, what various structural parts of social society have become, for example, our officials and ordinary people, over the past 25 years.

What’s surprising to me is that people change so easily and become different from themselves with the help of technology. I used to think that every person is unique and has his own one and only program for his own development. But I measured everyone by myself.

Modern technologies for managing the social structures of society have some incredible power, and with their help people can be completely changed beyond recognition. And someone set out to change society. I think that perhaps positive goals were pursued, but every technology is invested with the egoism of one or another structure that orders the technology, and the technology itself comes out distorted and distorts society.

If you have observed the processes of implementation of certain management technologies taking place in our country, if you do not become a participant in the experiment, but can analyze what is happening, you probably noticed terrible things that caused me a state of misunderstanding. And to this day I am amazed at our management structures, officials, and study the development of processes, since I can only gain such incredible experience in these conditions.

Whenever it is so sad, it would be very funny to watch how the most ordinary people, those who call themselves legislators, scientists, in other words, reasonable people, commit grotesque, childish, unreasonable actions. If you expect reasonableness from them, and look for reasonableness, you can go crazy with your mind. But if you understand that they are simply sick with mental illnesses such as greed, greed, pride, then you immediately understand that these people can do anything, because in such sick people, the Virtues disappear, and with them the mind goes away.

Here is my first observation, which is quite interesting. You probably noted that officials have taken up the task of solving the so-called socially significant problems of society. You think, well, thank God, people have finally come to their senses. If you are an official, you called yourself a milk mushroom, get into the back, dear. You now bear the responsibility for solving social problems in front of the universe and outer space, which means that the responsibility is removed from the people and falls on the official and his entourage.

Our people are very small, they are children who believe fairy tales on TV and scientists with their technologies, and also listen to the songs of our artists in English and they like it. Well, what do you take! Kids!

And so, the officials who were supposed to deal with the people, the people, who were entrusted with the responsibility of mastering the minds of people, they themselves do not want and cannot fulfill their duties, but they do not want to leave the place they occupy.

They built a throne for themselves, and instead of solving social problems, they found learned liars, they defended their dissertations, for a lot of money from the same officials, and replaced the socially significant problems of society with some technical solutions. And they brought these same technical solutions to the level of social significance.

Such solutions include the EG and single cards and various technical tricks that replace a person, and it is to these toys that officials shift their responsibility from themselves.

Now let's see what comes out of this. Officials are free. The throne is with them, they can only engage in laundering and cutting out funds from the state budget, and technology modifies the configuration of a person’s personality according to its program, which was created by unfortunate scientists - systems specialists.

The system or technology reshapes all the people who fall under these scissors according to its pattern. She is reshaping the lying lazy officials too. She is given power, and she mows down, mows down, as she was programmed. Then she starts having problems, and everything goes unpredictably. Diseases of the spirit and body, misfortunes are growing. And it turns out a new type of people who are no longer people. A system, any system, tends to break down, and along with the system and technology, people will die.

I will give a catastrophic example of the death of the entire system, since any technology has its limitations. For example, the world, finally, by someone’s passionate desire, has a single card, and all people are chipped. They have chips sewn into their foreheads and hands, and they stand in pyramids built by someone to move towards well-being and prosperity. Those at the top of the pyramid own everything; those at the bottom are almost beggars. They need to make an effort and climb up, pushing their neighbors.

And in some one pyramid, someone managed to get to the top and gained access to great power and irresponsibility before the whole world. He wants to expand the limits of his power. Money is all in the form of numbers in a computer, all human systems no longer exist, they have been replaced by technological electronic systems, perhaps of an even higher level than they are today.

And then one person presses a button and a nuclear weapon flies in someone’s direction. This bomb is detonated in the air and the danger seems to have been averted. But all chips, cards, all electronic media are suddenly erased and reset. This is exactly what the newly-minted ruler wanted - to start his reign anew, with a clean slate. And everything gained is lost. What then??? Where will we start? Just imagine such an outcome! Oh, it is certain and quite possible, isn't it?

Any created system or technology has hidden and obvious limitations. Most scientists know about obvious restrictions, but they do not know hidden restrictions that cannot be crossed, because this line is invisible. Intervention in Nature and the replacement of the living human mind and its feelings with an artificial system will, in any case, lead to the end of this system.

“Socially significant projects”, which in fact are not projects, but substitution of technologies for which billions of dollars were allocated, were in fact not socially significant projects. Money is spent on things that are completely unnecessary and dangerous. And this slippery slope is already leading humanity into the abyss.

I created more than forty socially significant projects for my country and other countries; many officials knew about these projects, but did not seem to notice them. And other people had the same socially significant projects, but not a single similar project was launched, believe me. At one time, specifically for experimentation and interest, I released my projects to those places where supposedly grants were given.

I predicted that all these grant organizations were created as a distraction, but I was interested in how it was possible to change the worldview of officials, at least in small doses. I write a real hot and trembling project, like a pie fresh from the oven, and throw it into the lair of those who are sick with anomalies of greed and greed. If they even pick it up and don’t read it, my thought energy already enters their damaged head computers.

And then I observed changes in the system of certain organizations and structures. These are my observations as an explorer and natural scientist, and they have given me amazing experiences and very interesting discoveries and revelations. The world is always interesting and amazing in its sophisticated development. The main thing that helps you live with interest is the absence of fear. But all officials and many different structures with them live in incredible fear, and this only makes their illnesses worse.

And these fears are driven upon officials by the technologies created together with scientists. Technologies were created as if for the comfort and convenience of people. People for technology were designed for consumption with convenience, right? As a result, incredible distortions resulted and animal laws manifested themselves in human society. I’m not against comfort and convenience, but let’s see what happened to those who took upon themselves the responsibility to implement socially significant projects, and who will bear the price for these actions.

To be continued...

Let's try to understand the wording: what does “socially significant objects” mean? They are now the true arteries of society. Not a single settlement in our country can do without their construction.


In fact, socially significant objects are represented in large numbers. They appeared immediately after the emergence of human civilization, and during the history of their existence they have been modernized and expanded in number. Today, socially significant objects are:

  • schools;
  • hospitals;
  • theaters;
  • libraries;
  • circuses;
  • courts;
  • temples;
  • museums;
  • memorials;
  • palaces of children's creativity and sports

They can also include the administration building of a particular locality.

The importance of medicine for society

At the moment, socially significant objects are primarily healthcare institutions. They are of great importance for maintaining the health of the population, that is, they are the basis for the existence of all human society. Regardless of whether it is a regional hospital or a small paramedic station, the population will pay close attention to such an object.


When analyzing socially significant objects, educational institutions cannot be left without due attention. With their help, people acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities that they need for successful socialization.

The construction of socially significant facilities: kindergartens, schools, institutions of additional and postgraduate education is an important task of the state. Without the allocation of money for such construction, it will be impossible to form harmoniously developed, spiritually rich people, therefore, the state will have no chance of development and prosperity.

Construction of temples

When discussing what socially significant objects need to be built these days, we cannot ignore the construction and restoration of churches. In recent years, there has been a trend in Russia to restore churches. People who understand that not only the material, but also the spiritual component is important, are increasingly coming to churches. People are ready to invest money in the construction and restoration of churches, because they realize that spiritual harmony is a necessary condition for self-development and self-improvement.

The safety of socially significant objects is an important task, the solution of which requires the involvement of government assistance.

Sports palaces

In Russia these days, interest in a healthy lifestyle is increasing. Today it is fashionable to be a sporty, successful person who does not have bad habits.

The register of socially significant facilities includes not only educational and healthcare institutions, but also sports centers. Any citizen living in the Russian Federation can come to them and enroll in one of the many sports sections. The social significance of such objects is that they help people maintain health. A healthy person will benefit society, therefore, the state will not have to spend money on his treatment.


What is this socially significant object? The law of the Russian Federation protects various rarities that have historical and social value. They are presented in museum exhibitions and are the property of the people. Historical values ​​perform a social function, telling about the way of life of their ancestors. Introducing the younger generation to museum exhibits has significant educational significance. Frequent guests of the museum include elementary and middle school students.

Circuses and theaters

Such socially significant objects are not only a place for entertainment for the population. Theatrical performances play an educational role and awaken high feelings in a person. Young spectators who come to the performance grasp the cause-and-effect relationships between certain events and gain their own experience from the mistakes of others. Of course, the state should seek measures of material support for “temples of culture”, and not leave them without close attention and funding.

Social infrastructure

It is a set of enterprises and objects that ensure the functional life and activity of the population and contribute to the formation of the intellectual development of each person.

It is the social infrastructure facilities that contribute to the creation of the conditions necessary for the normal functioning of various spheres of life.

It is customary to divide social infrastructure into “point” and “linear”.

The first option is the objects themselves: secondary and higher educational institutions, hospitals and clinics, schools, entertainment centers, palaces of creativity. Linear social infrastructure refers to networks of railways, communications, and power lines.

Manufacturing organizations use point infrastructure to a greater extent, and the economy requires both types.

Main social infrastructure facilities

These usually include the following elements:

  • trade enterprises;
  • cultural complexes;
  • water supply and sewerage;
  • various types of passenger transport;
  • healthcare facilities;
  • financial organizations;
  • stadiums, swimming pools, holiday homes

Passports of socially significant objects include all basic information regarding construction, maintenance, and sources of financing.

Social infrastructure can be considered according to the levels of social organization of human society.

Management uses both general indicators and calculated parameters that characterize the provision of specific infrastructure facilities. Its development makes it possible to study the connection between the material base and meaningful processes in the development of social society.

Among the main requirements that are placed on them is the availability of infrastructure. The process of developing an accessible environment involves thinking through the smallest details so that a person is surrounded by means of communication: transport, leisure organizations, necessary information. Currently, the Russian Federation is implementing the “Accessible Environment” program, aimed not only at developing a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities among healthy members of society, but also at access for people with disabilities to socially significant objects, and the involvement of such people in public and cultural life.

Special state programs are being implemented in the areas of physical culture, education, social protection, information technology, and healthcare.

There are two options for adapting social infrastructure facilities for the life and activities of people with disabilities:

  • Repair Work;
  • provision of socially significant services

For example, now, with the help of planning and engineering means, a kindergarten, school, and clinic have become accessible to people with disabilities.

Accessibility assessment

Based on construction regulations, a technology was created for assessing organizations and facilities that have the right to provide certain social services to the population.

A certification object is an organization that supplies a specific package of social services and is located in a real estate property or in some part of it. If an organization has several structures at once, they are all described from the point of view of accessibility for people with disabilities as separate objects of social infrastructure.

Currently, there are six parts of such an object:

  • the area adjacent to the structure;
  • one or more entrances to the building;
  • escape routes, routes of movement around the building;
  • sanitary and hygienic premises;
  • areas of targeted visit to the structure;
  • on-site communication system

All requirements are specified in SNiP in 2001, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. The territory that is directly adjacent to the site consists of several elements: entrances, stairs, ramps, paths of movement; parking lots and parking lots. There are certain requirements for this zone. In particular, a site with a socially significant facility should have several entrances so that people with disabilities can easily move around it. It is also assumed that there will be pedestrian and transport routes, places for recreation, and transport locations.

Socially significant objects are an indicator of the stability of society. They are a demonstration of the state’s care for its citizens.

The state should act as a guarantor of accessibility of all socially significant facilities: kindergartens, schools, technical schools, clinics, theaters, museums, sports schools for the average person.

Universality and accessibility are the main pillars of life in any developed state. It is difficult to imagine a developed country that does not have a sufficient number of cultural and healthcare institutions.

In European countries, special attention is paid to social facilities, creating comfortable conditions for the population to live and work. This approach pays off. A population that has the opportunity to self-develop, take care of their health, has a high ability to work, and brings significant benefits to the state.

2.1. Social significance of the project Effectiveness and efficiency of the project

Society is obliged to take care of citizens with limited mobility, including disabled people, not only from the point of view of “beneficial or disadvantageous”. These are citizens just like everyone else. All citizens deserve respect. AND RESPECT implies EQUALITY. People with disabilities should have equal opportunities to participate in society. Disability is not in people, but in the environment. It is not disabled people who need to adapt to life, but the environment that needs to change, adapting to their needs.

In May 2012 The Russian Federation has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This document speaks of the need for the full and effective inclusion of people with disabilities in society, requires member states to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability, and also contains important provisions in the field of creating an accessible environment. The effectiveness of the implementation of the provisions of the Convention largely depends on the effectiveness of the actions of authorities and representatives of public associations of people with disabilities at the local level.

The significance of the project is mainly expressed in the fact that its implementation contributed to the intensification of civil control over the creation of an accessible environment on the ground by involving interested representatives of civil society (public associations of people with disabilities) in this activity. This will avoid many mistakes in the process of creating an accessible environment, which will result in an improvement in the lives of people with disabilities and an increase in the efficiency of spending budget funds allocated for creating an accessible environment. In addition, people with an active lifestyle, who urgently need these changes, were involved in the implementation of the project. Their knowledge and practical experience, accumulated over years of overcoming various barriers, were used in the preparation of educational materials for the project. This was fully consistent with the principle “Nothing for us without our participation,” formulated back in the last century by advocates for the rights of persons with disabilities, and enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Thanks to the grant funds, the office premises were reconstructed to conduct classes with students with various forms of disabilities.

The Garant electronic information and reference system was updated monthly. Using it on a regular basis, the project lawyer monitored legislation regulating various aspects of the creation and functioning of a barrier-free environment. Based on the results of this work, a list of international, federal and regional regulations in this area has been compiled. This material was used in the preparation and conduct of lectures and seminars within the framework of the project (seminars of the school of public experts, seminars for university students in Nizhny Novgorod, etc.), printed for handouts and posted on the project website. In addition, the results obtained were often used in providing consultations to citizens on various issues of creating an accessible environment.

The program and guidelines for the special course “Universal Design” were prepared. The program received positive feedback from leading specialists of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The organization proposed to consider the possibility of using the program for students to study electively in a cycle of special disciplines of the state standard for training specialists in the specialty “Design”. The program is aimed at training specialist planners, builders and designers involved in solving the problems of people with disabilities and disabilities. This involves: studying the basic approaches and principles in carrying out activities to ensure unhindered access for people with disabilities to city facilities, acquiring knowledge and practical skills in developing construction and reconstruction projects, studying the regulatory framework in this area. The project used the plan and guidelines of this program in an abbreviated 24-hour version.

From May 29 to 31, NROO "Invatur" held a public expert school on creating a barrier-free environment for specialists of socially oriented NGOs. This is the main and most important activity of the project. Its relevance was due to the fact that serious efforts undertaken in recent years by the state and local authorities to create an accessible environment require broad expert support and competent control from civil society.

The school's goal was to provide specialists from socially-oriented NGOs in the region with knowledge and practical skills in creating a barrier-free environment for people with various forms of disabilities and other low-mobility groups. 31 people took part in the school. These are, first of all, people with disabilities who are specialists and activists of socially-oriented NGOs in the region, uniting people with various forms of disabilities from Vyksa, Kulebak, Balakhna and districts of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, as well as a representative of the prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region Denis Andreevich Tarakanov.

School participants received basic knowledge about various approaches to creating an accessible environment, the legal mechanisms for its creation and operation, as well as information accessibility and methods for certification of social infrastructure facilities. The head of the public organization of disabled people “Free Movement” in Yekaterinburg, Elena Leontyeva, who is a recognized expert in the field of creating accessibility and the author of a number of well-known works on this topic, was involved as an expert in the work of the school. In addition to theory, the School of Public Experts included a practical part. It consisted of examining specific social infrastructure facilities, drawing up their passports, and developing recommendations for increasing their accessibility for people with disabilities and other groups with limited mobility. At the end of the school, its graduates were awarded certificates.

In the future, school participants will be able to use the acquired knowledge when conducting surveys of social infrastructure facilities, compiling their passports and developing recommendations for increasing the degree of accessibility of these facilities for people with disabilities of various categories and other groups of the population with limited mobility. Thanks to such public control, the effectiveness of the implementation of federal legislation, the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as state programs and programs of local governments to create an accessible environment will increase. The significance of the project activities also lies in the fact that the social activity and civic responsibility of school participants increased. This is confirmed by the entries in the evaluation questionnaires and the review of the invited expert, as well as information received from the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region, that the school participant was appointed as a member of the municipal commission for monitoring and checking the area’s social facilities for accessibility for people belonging to low-mobility groups.

During the project, the organization's lawyer conducted scheduled personal and group legal consultations. In total, more than 140 consultations were held, and 300 questions were answered. Since the barriers faced by people with disabilities are varied, the topics of the questions were quite varied. Consultations were provided in the office of the Invatur organization, as well as by telephone, email and Skype. In addition, during the project period, together with partners, on-site legal consultations were organized in the cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region: Lyskovo, Arzamas and Vyksa. The questions received were distributed by topic as follows: - Questions about the right to a barrier-free environment 40%, obstacles to the realization of the rights of people with disabilities in the field of education 30%, Realization of housing rights 18%, barriers to the realization of the right to work, problems with obtaining necessary medications , problems when receiving sanatorium-resort treatment, etc. - 12%.

One of the important results of the project is the result of legal support in the case of violation of the housing rights of wheelchair user Tatyana K., as a result of which she received the right to receive housing out of turn.

For information support of the project, the website was developed. It contains freely accessible course materials, which allows you to independently familiarize yourself with the methodology for surveying social facilities and modern technologies for ensuring architectural and information accessibility, as well as ask questions.

Organizational specialists who have completed the School are invited by executive authorities, local governments, and owners of social facilities to conduct consultations, inspect reconstructed facilities to determine their accessibility for people with disabilities, and participate in events dedicated to the architectural development of the city.

Published in an edition of 1000 copies. reference and information manual “Checking Accessibility”, which will help in examining socially significant objects and developing recommendations for their adaptation. The manual is intended for specialists and participants in working groups on filling out and checking passports of buildings and structures, for activists of socially oriented non-profit organizations, as well as for building owners.

2.3. Project implementation results

This project is a one-time task. At the same time, our organization will continue to work on various aspects of creating an accessible environment, including within the framework of other socially significant projects. It will include informing the public, government officials and specialists about various aspects of creating an accessible environment, developing and making proposals to improve legislation, consulting citizens and organizations, and consulting public experts.

2.4. Replication of the experience gained and project results

In our opinion, the experience and developments accumulated during the implementation of the project need to be replicated. This is due to the low level of awareness about various aspects of the creation and functioning of an accessible environment. The project did not cover the entire range of stakeholders involved in this activity in one way or another. To this end, we will distribute a reference guide containing information on various aspects of creating an accessible environment. In addition, if there are requests from interested parties (authorities and public organizations of disabled people from the region and other regions), our organization has financial and other resources, or subject to reimbursement of costs from interested parties, the possibility of holding such seminars in areas of the region or other regions.


3.1. Project Schedule

Completed to the originally planned extent during project implementation.

Project estimate

The estimate has been completed in full.

3.3. Project co-financing

Co-investors were not announced at the start of the project. From the organization’s own funds, part of the salary of the project participants was paid, the purchase of equipment and the updating of the reference and legal information system, the adaptation of premises for classes, rental and utility costs, and the purchase of stationery.

graduate work

1.2 The importance of social protection in the life of society

The development of the institution of social work is inseparable from social history. As historical research shows, the first sprouts of what is commonly called social work today appeared during the period of the communal-tribal system as an institution of community or secular mutual assistance, which even then was characterized by forms of material and socio-psychological support provided by the community to its members at difficult moments in their lives. Of course, the content of assistance, its amount and the procedures for providing it vary significantly depending on time and cultural characteristics. However, in all cases, common features are visible:

Providing assistance is always regulated by the moral standards in force in the community;

It is, in modern language, targeted and targeted in nature, i.e. invariably associated with a specific person or people and aimed at overcoming the difficult situation in which he or they find themselves;

One way or another, it relieves social tension and maintains connections and relationships within the community, thereby ensuring its integrity.

The state is primarily focused on expressing general interest and, through it, satisfying private interests, while the institution of social work, on the contrary, is aimed at creating favorable social conditions for the realization of private interests, thereby maintaining the value of life in a given society for individuals and public interest is ensured. Thus, the state and social work are opposite to each other in essence, which, however, does not prevent them from joining forces in solving pressing problems of society.

An important stage in the development of social work is the process of forming a pension system, which historically occurred during the heyday of absolutism of state power. However, it was a state system and provided for state people on whose loyalty the existence of an absolute monarchy depended. Here the social state was born, since the state for the first time acts as a moral subject, voluntarily accepting social obligations, which are now targeted and targeted. By the 19th century the state guaranteed civilian and military officials the payment of material support (pensions), providing them and their families with a certain subsistence level (depending on rank) in old age, illness, and also after dismissal from service at their own request. Moreover, in a number of cases, the state also provided benefits for the children of officials to enter and study in educational institutions.

However, social work does not become a type of government activity. The institution of social work has never been and should not be an institution of the state, although it cannot be denied that the state, especially the modern social one, strives for this in every possible way.

The Institute of Social Work is one of the social institutions of civil society, which means that it is characterized by the same patterns of development as civil society.

The concept of “social work” came into use at the end of the 19th century as a result of changes in the policy of providing assistance to people by some charitable organizations. These organizations were the first to move away from the principle of dividing those in need into “worthy” and “unworthy.” The objective socio-economic situation in society began to be considered as the main cause of poverty, as a result of which new models of assistance are being developed. Volunteers began to be attracted to social work, who willingly provided assistance to the “poor”, which was no longer limited to material support only, but also included moral, psychological and social support. Without receiving material remuneration for their work, the volunteers acted on their own initiative, guided primarily by moral motives.

However, a sincere attitude to the matter is not enough; practice has highlighted a number of problems that require scientific understanding and special preparation for work. Scientific research began, and the first attempts were made to scientifically substantiate social work as a special type of activity. An important step in this direction was “Scientific Social Work” by Mary Richmond, in which she offered an extensive overview of assessment schemes, examinations of the quality of social work, and diagnosis of social problems that a social worker working in charitable organizations has to solve. At the same time, in a number of Western countries, on the initiative and with the money of charitable organizations, special schools of social work were opened, providing professional training for those wishing to devote themselves to helping those in need.

Gradually, a system of non-profit social services, financed from various charitable organizations, begins to form in Western society. Among the important features of this system are:

Individual approach to the client and his problem;

Humanitarian nature of the activity;

Striving for an integrated approach to providing assistance;

Active use of volunteers in the work, who were not only the direct executors, but also often took the initiative to organize social services.

At the same time, the system of professional training of social workers developed and expanded, a professional community was formed, in which great attention was paid to maintaining a humanistic and altruistic spirit among specialists, as well as, which distinguished it from other communities, the expression of an active civic position on the problems of man and society.

Social workers realized that society's problems are directly related to the socio-economic situation in the country. This served as the basis for the struggle to change the existing structure of the state and carry out a targeted state social policy, first in the field of creating a state system of social protection of the population, and subsequently increasing its effectiveness.

Social work consistently progresses in its development from a social activity in its non-state state to state forms of organization.

Today, social work still has an important feature that fundamentally distinguishes it from other areas of professional activity, which is that the voluntary sector retains an active role in solving a significant range of client problems. It is largely thanks to volunteers that the humanistic spirit of social work, which once gave birth to it, is preserved.

It is impossible not to notice that the relationship between “bureaucratic” and “non-bureaucratic” forms of social work is complex and contradictory. It is pleasant that in the state system it is not uncommon for a social worker who not only performs the duties of the service, but also strives to find the possibility of an individual approach to a person, the resources necessary to solve the problem, or takes the initiative to reform the system. At the same time, in non-profit organizations engaged in social work, one can meet the most “typical bureaucrat”.

Qualitative changes in the content of the activities of the Institute of Social Work are inevitable. Moreover, here they occur much more often than in other professional areas, since it is in the everyday life of an individual that his needs and interests manifest themselves, which always contain an element of some novelty, and therefore a potential problem hidden in this for its implementation in existing social conditions, which can manifest itself from the everyday to the general social level.

Modern social workers in Western countries are mainly trained for two types of work: to work with the social microenvironment of a community (community work Community work - (English) social work.) and to work with an individual case (Casework - (English) study of conditions lives of dysfunctional families and persons in need of material moral support).

Social work with the microenvironment of the community is given a special place, since the community serves as an intermediate link between the system of society as a whole and the system of family and personal support. For the individual, it is this intermediate system that forms a natural support in the event of the loss of family or immediate circle, and is also a source of enrichment of his life through additional social contacts.

Within a community, a combination of formal and informal types of social assistance is possible. It is known that if people have the opportunity to choose, they prefer that, in case of need, they receive help at home and preferably from close people. Only in the absence of such an opportunity do they agree to go to an official institution in the care of paid staff. This is beneficial for the public service system because keeping a person in a hospital is more expensive than caring for him at home. The system of social connections itself develops in such a way that society encourages a natural preference for informal types of help. For example, the inability to provide for yourself and your family is perceived as something shameful. The degree of condemnation may vary from society to society, but this point almost always exists. Such attitudes reflect the system of interpersonal relations and power relations characteristic of a social organization, support it and, in turn, are supported by the dominant system of views on society. In the absence of family as the main source of care for a person, other types of interpersonal connections are activated. The community, being an instrument for organizing connections of this kind, facilitates the individual’s orientation in this complex system, which develops spontaneously, but to a certain extent is also amenable to planned formation. Community-based social work provides possible channels for deliberate intervention in this important element of social organization.

Working with an individual case is the second type of social work organization. In it, the direct object of influence is the person in the community, and not the community itself, as was the case in the previous type. It is usually carried out with individuals or families with the aim of preventing, eliminating or mitigating the social consequences of various unfavorable factors. The social context of the direction itself is set by the classic formula “a person in a situation.” The social worker tries to influence not only the person, but also the situation, to achieve harmony between them. Work with an individual case is carried out based on the following fundamental principles:

Each client is an individual capable of change and development, both under the influence of internal factors and external living conditions;

The relationship between the client and the social worker is not constant and may change during the course of work;

The client's relationship with his social environment is also not constant and may be subject to change;

The assistance provided to the client must take into account the client’s individuality, his socio-economic status in society, national and social affiliation;

In the process of providing assistance, the client’s behavior is corrected and his worldview changes.

The goal of working with an individual case is to organize self-help, that is, the social worker solves the problem of teaching the client to cope with his life problems on his own, wisely using the resources provided by the system of public and private organizations and institutions.

Social worker as the main important element in the implementation of social policy

Social work is a professional activity focused on comprehensive solutions to client problems. Since any client’s problem can be considered as a problem of integrity and value, the social worker acts here as a professional, allowing “narrow” specialists to overcome the limitations of their professional vision of the problem, to determine their place and role within the framework of its comprehensive solution. Thanks to the development of a common picture of the vision of the problem by various specialists, real conditions are created for their productive joint activities, and the solution of social problems itself moves to a qualitatively new, more effective level. As a result, not only a person, a social group, a society with their problems acquire absolute value and significance, but also joint activity acquires a special meaning and value for the various specialists participating in it.

Nowadays, most social workers work in government and other official institutions. But for all that, they are distinguished from ordinary government workers by a special moral position and possession of knowledge, based on which they not only independently assess the situation, but also choose the option for their further behavior. Humanistic professions are based on scientific objectivity and often pose the task of “engineering”, “designing” human relationships, but certainly with a goal determined by the interests of the client. The professional position of social workers is based on two concepts: first, the very idea of ​​professionalism; secondly, the idea of ​​human rights.

The idea of ​​“professionalism” significantly influenced the organization of social work at all levels of public life. Despite the diversity of areas of activity (different categories of clients, different work styles, different theoretical approaches), social work has a common specificity that allows us to consider it a single profession, and not just a motley list of functions and organizations.

Professionalism is a key concept in defining the essence of social work. The most important factor determining the professional autonomy of a specialist and the independence of his position, along with knowledge, skills, and abilities, is professional ethics. It is in ethical principles that the foundations of a professional value position are laid, the limit of acceptable behavior on the part of a specialist is outlined, and certain “correct” ways of communicating with clients, colleagues, and external authorities are specified. The preamble of international ethical standards states: “Social work is based on humanitarian, religious and democratic ideals and philosophical theories and is a universal opportunity to meet human needs that arise in the process of interaction between the individual and society, as well as the development of human potential. The purpose of social workers is to serve in the name of improving human well-being and self-realization, helping to find resources to meet the needs and aspirations of individuals, groups, nations, and achieving social justice.”

Social work advocates the need for comprehensive social policies that focus primarily on individual support for those who need it. Today, she remains committed to the ideas of human rights and professionalism and adheres to the following principles of professional ethics.

A person is valuable for his individuality, which should be taken into account and respected;

A person has the right to self-realization to the extent that similar rights of other people are not violated;

Society must function in such a way as to provide maximum benefits to all its members;

Social workers are obliged to direct all their knowledge and skills to assist individuals, groups, communities;

A social worker must provide assistance to everyone who needs it, regardless of gender, age, physical and mental abilities, skin color, social and racial background, language, political views, sexual orientation of clients;

The social worker must respect basic human rights;

The social worker observes the principle of personal integrity, confidentiality and responsible use of information about his activities;

The social worker works closely with his clients for their benefit, but not to the detriment of others;

The social worker must minimize the use of legal and other types of coercion when solving the client’s problems.

But not everything is so perfect in practice. The gradual nationalization of social work fetters the freedom of individual choice of a specialist, alienates people from real problems, and prevents them from seeing and appreciating their individuality. The system is increasingly showing bureaucratic tendencies and aspirations to find a universal and rational approach to solving client problems.

The systematization of knowledge regarding the problem carried out by the social worker in our case does not exclude a positional approach. However, this position is not given once and for all, but is formed anew each time in the process of working with a problem situation and is determined both by its specificity and by the individuality of the client’s personality (the identity of the community). The effectiveness of a social worker largely depends on the extent to which his professional position in relation to the problem meets the requirements of multidisciplinarity, and, to be even more precise, the requirements of multipositionality.

The professional position of a social worker must allow for the existence and include as many hypotheses that explain and resolve the problem as possible, each of which can have both a highly specialized and multidisciplinary orientation. The factor that unites all this variety of approaches to the problem into a single whole, into a professional position, is a specific person, whose absolute value and integrity for a social worker are unconditional. The main criterion for choosing a practical way to resolve a social problem can be called the adequacy of the expected results to the interests, values ​​and capabilities of both an individual, a social group, and society as a whole.

Working with a problem initially involves targeted actions to change the existing order of things in society, as well as some structural organization of the moves taken. All this gives us reason to, by analogy with the technical sphere, define social work as a kind of social engineering that constructs a “technique” for solving social problems. In this context, social work, like the technically oriented engineering that is familiar to us, should include the implementation of two types of work in society:

Socially innovative, creating and improving “mechanisms” for solving social problems;

Ensuring the high-quality functioning of the “mechanisms” existing in society for solving social problems.

Social work is a type of professional activity aimed at supporting a specific person and creating conditions in society for his fullest self-realization and harmonious coexistence with other people. Today, not a single developed state can do without social workers. The efforts of social workers are not only related to relieving social tensions; they also participate in the development of legislative acts designed to more fully express the interests of various segments of the population. The goal and value of social work is a specific person with his individuality.

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Social significance

The social significance of its satisfaction especially increases under socialism.

The social significance and severity of the housing problem also determine the seriousness of our attitude towards it. To provide every family with a separate apartment or house by the year 2000 is a huge task in itself, but not impossible. In the current five-year period and especially in subsequent ones, the scale of housing construction and reconstruction of the housing stock will increase. It is necessary to encourage the construction of cooperative and individual housing in every possible way. Here lie large reserves for expanding housing construction. They are doing the right thing where they support the construction of youth complexes. The interest and energy of young people can do a lot in this regard.

The social significance and severity of the housing problem also determine the seriousness of our attitude towards it. To provide every family with a separate apartment or house by the year 2000 is a huge task in itself, but not impossible. In the current five-year period and especially in subsequent ones, the scale of housing construction and reconstruction of the housing stock will increase. It is necessary to encourage the construction of cooperative and individual housing in every possible way. Here lie large reserves for expanding housing construction. They are doing the right thing where they support the construction of youth complexes. The interest and energy of young people can do a lot in this regard.

The social significance of the problem makes the role of the social sciences obvious.

The social significance of people is the equivalent of their social dignity, allowing them to realize themselves in a society of their own kind and fulfill their destiny. Knowledge of sociology as a necessary element of modern humanitarian culture is the most important condition for the development of humanity in man, who is distinguished from other herd animals by intelligence, the ability to comprehend and spirituality, the priority of the value world.

The social significance of work includes an understanding of the social significance of the work performed. In this case, it is important how the manager treats the employee, whether his colleagues notice his contribution to the common cause, and whether the organization generally values ​​conscientious work.

The social significance of education as a qualitative characteristic of the individual and the population as a whole led to the inclusion of this component in the Human Development Index (HDI), which has been calculated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) since 1990 for 163 countries of the world.

The social significance of the problem makes the role of the social sciences obvious. The problem of nature conservation is closely connected with politics, ideology, the social sphere and, first of all, with the economy.

The social significance of a political leader directly depends on the level of political culture and the activity of the masses. High political culture, the existence of stable democratic traditions, the presence of civil society and political opposition narrow the opportunities for incompetent leadership, various kinds of voluntarism, and abuse of power, ii at the same time creating the opportunity for the manifestation of individual abilities and talents in politics.

The social significance of small enterprises is determined, first of all, by the very fact that the majority of jobs are concentrated in this sector.

The social significance of mass technical creativity and its economic feasibility are enormous. These two factors are inextricably linked with each other in a socialist society. Technical innovations contribute to the creation of the material and technical base of communism, and direct participation in mass technical creativity helps to form in a person the most valuable character traits for society.

The social significance for the population of each factor of consumer properties of residential development is determined in standard points on a ten-point scale. To do this, sociological survey data - settlements - are processed, and if they are not available, they are established expertly. It is the third method that was used to identify the significance scores given in Table. 8.1: a selective cable was drawn from residents of one of the areas located in the center of Moscow.

Irrelevant information can also have social significance, i.e. false information or insignificant (for a given state of affairs) true information. When false information is spread intentionally, it is called disinformation. Information noise (true but not significant information) and disinformation can significantly reduce the positive impact of information as a socio-economic resource and also contribute to the transformation of information inequality into social inequality.

Of particular social significance is the extension of state supervision to the sphere of consumer services. If, during an inspection, a non-compliance of products manufactured, repaired, undergone maintenance, cleaning, dyeing, processing is established with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, the absence of conditions necessary for the provision of services, as well as the presence of products being returned from customers for the reporting period of the current or previous year to the enterprise prohibit the provision of verified services until violations of standards and metrological rules are eliminated.

Unemployment among young people is of particular social significance.

1.4 Social significance.

In modern conditions, the general rethinking of the socio-economic significance of education, qualifications and the role of complex labor has been facilitated more than others by the theory of “human capital”, which considers the general and specialized knowledge of employees as the most important factor in the growth of production efficiency.

The formation of the theory of human capital as an independent movement in world economic thought took place in the late 50s and early 60s of this century. The emergence and formation of the concept of human capital in its modern form became possible thanks to the publications of American economists, representatives of the “Chicago school” T. Schultz and G. Becker. who in the scientific literature are given the role of “discoverers” of this concept.

The concept of “human capital” is firmly established in the economic literature and denotes a person’s certain stock of health, knowledge, skills and abilities that are used in one or another sphere of social reproduction, contribute to the growth of his labor productivity and thereby influence the growth of income of a given person.

Social significance

Social significance. Socially significant is everything that improves public consciousness. Social significance is determined by the audience. Socially significant programs are programs that are needed by different segments of the population. Social responsibility is helping a person solve his problems. Social journalism is the development of the most painful issues for society.


"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - Advertising in the Russian newspaper "Week". Distribution of the Russian newspaper. "Nedelya" is a newspaper for family reading. Contacts of the advertising service of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". Release schedule for color themed issues. "Russian Business Newspaper" has been published since March 1995. Technical requirements for advertising materials. Technical requirements for materials received by the layout department. Social and political publication "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

“Social journalism” - Will increase efficiency. Social journalism. Analytics. Closed information areas. National socially significant projects. Lack of information. Identification of the most socially significant topics. Media coverage of socially significant topics. Socially significant topics. Social significance. Journalism of complicity.

“Journalism of the 18th century” - Literary magazines. “Questions” D.I. Fonvizin and “Answers” ​​by Catherine. "Friend of honest people, or Starodum." Idlers are accepted everywhere equally with honest people. What is our national character? Events associated with the occurrence of the log. Magazine "Mirror of Light". Magazine "Collection of News". Position of periodicals. A helipad that has been running around since noon. "St. Petersburg Bulletin". Materials of Catherine II.

"Press" - Author's articles. General characteristics of working with the press. Press conferences. Speakers. Materials distribution list. Press materials. Working with the press. Ways to attract attention. Writing a release. News release. Prompt dissemination of information. Press specialist. Events with the participation of journalists. Publishing stories in the press.

“Journalism” - Problems of print media. Social characteristics of the audience. Contents of the publication. Control circuit. Fundamentals of journalism. United edition. What precedes the creation of a publication. Journalistic genres. The basis of editorial policy. Press audience. Organization of the editorial work. Planning the work of the editorial office. Genres of print media. Features of newspaper and magazine text. Basic principles of layout. Compositional and graphic model of the publication.

“Fundamentals of Journalism” - Thesaurus of a modern journalist. Different types of social communication. Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist. Information. Weight. Movement of people and goods. Communication. What is journalism? Media content. MASS MEDIA. Means of communication. System of enterprises and means of collecting and delivering information. Information, communication, social communication. Journalism. Social communication. Advertising. Introduction to the theory of journalism.

There are a total of 6 presentations in the “Journalism” section

Social significance.

Social significance is understood as a person’s ability to influence the course of affairs in society.

Social significance from the point of view of public interests can be both positive and negative. Generally speaking, it is desirable that people strive for positive social significance, when their activities would lead to results beneficial to society. But in practice, it is not possible to raise everyone to be “law-abiding.”

Social significance is the main incentive for people to act as social beings. It means the ability to influence the course of events in society. Any activity that in one way or another affects the development of society is socially significant.

Social significance lies in:

Creating favorable conditions for the population, obtaining education in the interests of society and the state, caring for education is a priority direction of a democratic state, education has a positive impact on social processes, training qualified specialists, influencing changes in the productive forces and the entire system of industrial relations. , education and socialization of students, their self-identification, through personally and socially significant activities, social and civic formation.

The development of all sectors of the economy directly depends on the level of education of society. In the socio-economic development of Russia, secondary vocational education plays a significant role in ensuring the modernization of the economy and the quality of human resources, creating conditions for professional self-determination and meeting the educational needs of the individual. The system of secondary vocational education not only plays an important role in training personnel for all sectors of the economy and social sphere, but also helps to meet the educational needs of the population with limited economic opportunities.

At the present stage, one of the most important trends in the development of the educational system is regionalization, the essence of which is the consistent orientation of the activities of educational institutions to the needs of the region with the formation on this basis of a unified, multifunctional, coordinated education system as an organic component of the regional socio-economic complex. Regionalization acts as the next stage of social institutionalization in the system of secondary vocational education, when certain procedures and systems for monitoring the implementation of norms and functions are approved.

The trend of regionalization plays a significant role in the development of secondary vocational schools, which is due, on the one hand, to the large number of secondary specialized educational institutions and their distribution throughout the country, on the other hand, to the importance of secondary vocational education as one of the system-forming elements of regional socio-economic structures.

Principles of educational policy in Russia:

General accessibility (availability of training without national and age restrictions);

Adaptation of the education system to the needs of students;

The human right to free development, the priority of universal humanistic values;

Secular rather than religious nature of education;

Freedom and pluralism of education (free choice of educational institutions by students);

Independence of educational institutions.

In modern conditions, the general rethinking of the socio-economic significance of education, qualifications and the role of complex labor has been facilitated more than others by the theory of “human capital”, which considers the general and specialized knowledge of employees as the most important factor in the growth of production efficiency.

The formation of the theory of human capital as an independent movement in world economic thought took place in the late 50s and early 60s of this century. The emergence and formation of the concept of human capital in its modern form became possible thanks to the publications of American economists, representatives of the “Chicago school” T. Schultz and G. Becker. who in the scientific literature are given the role of “discoverers” of this concept.

In the domestic economic literature, the problem of human capital has not been given any serious attention for a long time. Only in the 20th century did separate studies begin to appear devoted to the consideration of certain aspects of the Western theory of human capital and the economics of education. The specificity of such studies was that most of them were in the nature of a critical analysis of bourgeois concepts of human capital and the economics of education from positions determined by the methodological guidelines of the political economy of socialism. However, this circumstance does not at all detract from the scientific significance of the research carried out at a high scientific level. The category of such studies includes the works of such authors as V.S. Goylo. A.V. Dainovsky R.I. Kapelyushnikov. Korchagin V.P., V.V.Klochkov, V.I.Martsinkevich.

The concept of “human capital” is firmly established in the economic literature and denotes a person’s certain supply of health, knowledge, skills and abilities that are used in one or another sphere of social reproduction, contribute to the growth of his labor productivity and thereby influence the growth of income of a given person.

social significance

Universal Russian-English dictionary. 2011.

See what “social significance” is in other dictionaries:

SIGNIFICANCE - SIGNIFICANCE, significance, plural. no, cf. (neol. book.). Having meaning. Social significance. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

social dialectology - units. A branch of sociolinguistics, one of the main problems studied is the problem of social differentiation of language at all levels of its structure. A common language for all is an ideal, always an abstraction, a scheme, behind which the personal is hidden... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

Social psychology and society (magazine) - Social psychology and society Specialization: interactions and mutual influences in the system “individual – group – society” Frequency: 4 times a year Language: Russian ... Wikipedia

SIGNIFICANCE - SIGNIFICANCE, and, wives. (book). Same as value (2 digits). Social z. education. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Social distance - This term was introduced by the famous sociologist Georg Simmel. Social distance is a certain concept that characterizes the position of social groups and individuals in social space, their relationship, that is, the level of their proximity or... ... Wikipedia

Social ecology (science) - There are several definitions of social ecology. Social ecology is a scientific discipline that examines relationships in the “society-nature” system, studying the interaction and relationships of human society with the natural environment... ... Wikipedia

SOCIAL TRAJECTORY OF REFORMED RUSSIA - Studies of the Novosibirsk Economic and Sociological School / Ed. count; resp. ed. T.I. Zaslavskaya, Z.I. Kalugina. Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. Enterprise RAS, 1999. 736 p. The monograph reflects the substantive and methodological contribution of the Novosibirsk... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

significance - and; and. = Value. Public, social z. what l. Perform work of exceptional historical significance. Consciousness of one's own importance. Z. aphorisms. Have a good understanding of the meaning of words... Encyclopedic Dictionary

significance - and; and. = meaning Public, social significance of something. Perform work of exceptional historical significance. Consciousness of one's own importance. The significance of aphorisms. Have a good understanding of the meaning of words... Dictionary of many expressions

SOCIAL DISTANCE - (lat. distantia distance), the degree of perceived difference between one’s own social group and the one to which other participants in the interaction belong. In social psychology the term “D. With." used for comparison. descriptions of psychological... ...Philosophical Encyclopedia

Problems of the social significance of an enterprise in the management of the national economy of the state

Article viewed: 2213 times

Bibliographic description:

Kuzurmanov S.V. Problems of the social significance of an enterprise in the management of the national economy of the state // Young scientist. - 2011. - No. 6. T.1. - S.. - URL (access date: 03/28/2018).

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the following circumstances. In the context of globalization of economic processes, the transition to sustainable development of the economy of the Russian Federation requires a new approach to the regulation of economic and social relations, including procedures for selecting and implementing economic policy priorities, mechanisms for stimulating innovative activity that ensure economic growth. This need is determined by the search for ways to overcome the systemic crisis that has struck the socio-economic structure of the Russian Federation: in the process of economic reform, the volume of industrial and agricultural production has been reduced, industrial production potential has been reduced in many sectors of the economy, the functioning of which is decisive for the national economy as a whole. .

The purpose of the presented research is a general description of the social significance of the enterprise in the management of the national economy of the state.

This goal is achieved by solving the following interrelated tasks:

consider the structure of the national economy and factors influencing its development;

characterize the role of the enterprise in the state economy;

consider the social significance of the enterprise.

The structure of the work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliographic list of references used. The structure of the national economy and factors influencing its development

Before considering the structure of the national economy, it is necessary to give its concept. Currently, the national economy is regarded as economic activity structured in sectoral and regional spaces on a national scale, regulated by an institutional system that meets the economic, political (state) and ideological (social) order emerging in this country 1 .

The national economy is a complex system consisting of many macroeconomic elements and subsystems interconnected. 2

Previously, the identification of the sectoral structure of the national economy was used. Recognition of the Russian economy as a market economy and its integration into the world economic space required a transition to a new classification of economic sectors that corresponds to international accounting and statistics. Since 2003, the object of classification has been types of economic activity. The functional-specific (sectoral) structure of the national economy reflects the relationships, connections and proportions between large groups of types of economic activity. The sectoral structure includes: the sphere of material production; the sphere of material services; social services sector.

The reproductive structure of the economy reflects the division of the components of the national product according to their functional purpose. The elements of the reproductive structure also include necessary and surplus product, as well as funds for compensation, accumulation and consumption.

The subject-territorial structure expresses the division of the national economy into economic regions in which stable connections between industries and enterprises, sources of raw materials and energy are recorded with the sales market and the availability of labor resources.

The institutional structure of the national economy combines general market regulation mechanisms and specific instruments that differ depending on the characteristics and phases of development of national economic systems. It is the result of meta-competition or competition of institutions 1.

The problems of economic growth are central to the national economy. The development of society and the economy influences a set of factors that influence economic growth. At the present stage of economic development, the following factors have a great influence on economic growth: natural resources; increase in population, volume of labor resources; increasing the degree of concentration of capital within the national economy; scientific and technological revolution, which is a fundamental factor in economic growth, since it is associated with the economy entering a qualitatively different stage of its development.

The main task of the state is to make maximum use of existing economic factors and orient economic growth towards realizing the interests of the entire population. At the same time, the nature and depth of structural changes in the national economy are influenced not only by economic factors, but also by processes occurring in the social and political spheres of society. The role of the enterprise in the state economy

The economy of the state can be simplified to be considered as a set of all kinds of enterprises that are in close production, cooperation, commercial and other relationships between themselves and the state.

Entrepreneurship is a strong factor in the growth of a market economy and, consequently, the growth of GDP and tax payments, which, in turn, ensures the solvency of the state as an investor and conductor of large-scale social programs. In a market economy as a specific organizational mechanism, entrepreneurial relations and entrepreneurial behavior occupy a special place and are not identical to market relations. Entrepreneurs are special market subjects, about whom J. Schumpeter said that they differ from routine market subjects by innovative behavior, thanks to which the market economy develops and grows, and precisely intensively, qualitatively, and not just extensively, quantitatively. The essence of entrepreneurship is invention, new ideas, and the fact that entrepreneurs create a new quality of economic growth, which owes more to new technologies and effective management than simply to the conscientious implementation of market contracts 1 .

Today, in developed and dynamically developing countries, the special role of entrepreneurship in the country’s achievement of socio-economic efficiency is recognized.

From a macroeconomic perspective, enterprises serve as the basis for:

increasing national income, GDP, gross national product;

the possibility of the existence of the entire state and the performance of its functions. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the state budget is formed through taxes and fees from enterprises;

ensuring the defense capability of the state;

simple and extended reproduction;

development of national science and acceleration of scientific and technological progress;

increasing the material well-being of all layers of the country's citizens;

development of medicine, education and culture;

solving the employment problem;

solutions to many other social problems.

Enterprises will solve social problems only if they function effectively. It is no coincidence that entrepreneurial consciousness and behavior, mainly characteristic of the small and medium-sized business sector, is carefully cultivated and protected in modern economic policy.

Today, at the government level, the understanding of entrepreneurial culture as a factor in the sustainable socio-economic growth of the country is recognized. Therefore, in the modern world, characterized by unprecedented social dynamics, including the dynamics of a market economy, which has sharply increased its susceptibility to technological progress and innovative development, the protection of entrepreneurial culture is relevant, as a result of which entrepreneurship can fulfill its mission of creating a sustainable impulse for quality growth in the national economy . Social significance of the enterprise

The social significance of an enterprise in the state’s economy is due to the fact that any effectively functioning enterprise provides jobs and a decent living environment, timely replenishment of the budget through the payment of taxes, supply of products to the market, and construction of social facilities. In this regard, the emergence of economic problems for an economic entity affects, first of all, the social sphere. As an example, we can cite the events in Pikalevo in the summer of 2009.

Since the end of 2008, the activities of three factories in Pikalevo have been stopped: Pikalevo Cement, BaselCement-Pikalevo and Metakhim. All three enterprises are designed as a single technological complex and depend on the processing of alumina at the Pikalevsky alumina plant, part of BaselCement. Of the 22 thousand residents of Pikalevo, 4.5 thousand people work at this production complex. Thus, there is a high social significance of the complex of enterprises, on which both the city budget and the income of the population depend.

With the shutdown of factories, about 4,000 workers were left without a livelihood. In May 2009, due to the difficult economic situation, the supply of hot water was stopped. As a result, a critical situation developed in the city, which led to a direct appeal from the residents of Pikalevo to the President of Russia D. Medvedev.

As a result of the intervention of Prime Minister V. Putin in June 2009, the head of the Basic Element holding signed an agreement in principle with PhosAgro on the supply of raw materials, and local authorities urgently paid off all debts on workers' wages. A bill proposing the nationalization and merger of Pikalev’s enterprises was submitted to the State Duma for consideration. The government's anti-crisis commission has approved a list of single-industry towns where the state support program will operate in 2010.

There are several reasons for this situation:

The starting point in the critical turn in the history of the Pikalevsky plant was 2004, when it ceased to exist as a single complex. “Redistribution of property” and conflicts related to the financial activities of enterprises in the fall of 2008 led to a stop in production, which was the cause of the social explosion in Pikalevo;

presence of weak links in the management apparatus: lack of a feedback mechanism; lack of data from real field sociology; data from various monitoring does not provide a complete picture; local authorities often do not report to federal authorities about problems and conflicts that they cannot deal with on their own;

The state administration apparatus and local authorities turned out to be unprepared to solve the problem of single-industry towns. This problem can be divided into two: the problem of resources and the problem of competencies;

the political system in a broad sense is not capable of solving particular problems. There is no system for diagnosing social moods, feedback is not built;

low legal consciousness and legal nihilism of society. The inability of hired workers to protect their rights from business was largely inspired by the state. Often workers do not go to court, preferring to solve problems through a meeting.

It should be noted that direct management of the situation from the level of the head of the Government, resolving issues regarding the payment of arrears of wages can provoke unscrupulous managers to create similar situations at other enterprises. The consequences of this may be destabilization of the internal economic situation in the country.

Thus, the special case of the single-industry town under consideration demonstrates several pathologies in the development of Russian society, government and the management system.

To overcome these problems and prevent the development of similar situations in other single-industry towns, it is advisable to take the following measures:

regulate the depth of processing of apatite concentrate. If a rule is introduced on mandatory processing of 90% of the concentrate, the owners of enterprises using it will be forced to look for opportunities to process it. Such enterprises are usually concentrated in small towns like Pikalevo;

restore (transform) enterprises other than those in conflict that may be suppliers to the Pikalevsky plant. In particular, we may be talking about the development of a new field on the Kola Peninsula;

take measures to diversify and modernize the economy of single-industry towns. It is necessary to create and develop industries in which there are no fluctuations. To do this, first of all, a comprehensive analysis of the resources available to the city is necessary;

oblige local authorities of settlements on whose territory city-forming enterprises are located to develop and annually submit to the Government of the Russian Federation updated plans for the development of such enterprises, as well as reporting on them (profitability, presence or absence of wage arrears, other debts, etc.) ;

introduce a special procedure for carrying out civil transactions with city-forming enterprises (issuing permission to carry out a transaction by the competent authority, subject to the existence of an economic justification for the transaction);

move to targeted financing of socially significant projects and enterprises.


In the process of researching this topic, the following main conclusions emerge.

The national economy is an integral economic, social, organizational system that has a total economic potential, including natural and ecological, is a historically established system of social reproduction of the country, an interconnected system of industries and types of production, covering all established forms of social labor. The structure of the national economy is constantly changing and transforming. This is greatly influenced by scientific and technological progress, which changes the nature of production and contributes to the emergence of new industries and spheres of the economy.

The economy of the state can be simplistically viewed as a set of enterprises that are in close production, cooperation, commercial and other relationships between themselves and the state. The state of the economy and the industrial power of the state depend on how efficiently enterprises operate and what their financial condition is.

Solving social problems is the main task of the state. At the same time, the cause of any crisis associated, including with the lack of solutions in the social sphere, is the imperfection of the management structure of the vertical of power. Considering that enterprises cannot solve social problems without the direct participation of the state, we believe that they, nevertheless, should not affect the national economy. The solution to this problem is to increase the social responsibility and social significance of enterprises.

Gradov, A.P. National Economy: Textbook [Text] / A.P. Gradov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.p.

Kapelyushnikov, R.N. Economic theory of property rights (methodology, basic concepts, range of problems) [Text] / R.N. Kapelyushnikov. – M.: IMEMO RAS, 1991. – P. 78.

Petrosyan, D. Social justice in economic relations: institutional aspects [Text] / D. Petrosyan // Questions of Economics.. - No. 2. – P..

Stenkin, S.I. Features of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Economic Policy of the State [Text] / S.I. Stenkin // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. – 2007. - No. 3. – S..

Yuryev, V.M., Babayan, V.G., Duba, S.M. Regularities and anti-entropy mechanism of growth factors in the economy [Text] / V.M. Yuryev, V.G. Babayan, S.M. Duba // Bulletin of Tambov University. Ser. Natural and tech. Sciences. T. 9. Issue. 3. – Tambov, 2004. – P. 334 – 336.

2 Yuriev V.M., Babayan V.G., Duba S.M. Patterns and anti-entropy mechanism of growth factors in economics / V.M. Yuryev, V.G. Babayan, S.M. Duba // Bulletin of Tambov University. Ser. Natural and tech. Sciences. T. 9. Issue. 3. – Tambov, 2004. – P. 335.

1 Kapelyushnikov R.N. Economic theory of property rights (methodology, basic concepts, range of problems) / R.N. Kapelyushnikov. – M.: IMEMO RAS, 1991. – P. 78.

1 Stenkin S.I. Features of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and the Economic Policy of the State / S.I. Stenkin // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. – 2007. - No. 3. – P. 94.

What is the social significance of the project?

Having been the chairman of the expert council of the investor club for 6 years, in the criteria for evaluating projects by government officials in the requirements for competitions and grants with state funding, I constantly encountered “social significance.” On its basis, very often officials reject projects, or demand that their essence be distorted to suit their interests. Does anyone know the definition of social significance?

Suggest your wording options.

The task is to create a definition and impose it on officials through the media, Wikipedia, and the practice of expert councils.

I started a discussion on the topic in the discussion section, please join.

Relevance and significance of the social project

Relevance and significance of the social project.

history and social studies teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union

I. Social project. One of the interactive methods in teaching is the method of social projects. I would like to say once again about the advantage of interactive methods in teaching. Passive methods, when a teacher takes everything into his own hands during a lesson and, like a wood grouse on a leash, speaks for the whole lesson, are becoming a thing of the past. Modern children live in a flow of excess information. In modern education, interactive methods are replacing passive and even active methods. Let’s compare the following indicators of knowledge acquisition (the “Learning Pyramid” diagram). It follows that interactive methods can achieve good results. There is very good motivation here (I study because it’s interesting). Students take a very active position, and the teacher acts as a leader and organizer of the process.

Design equips the child with skills and the most rational ways to solve complex life problems, and therefore project-based learning must certainly be actively supported and considered.

The basis of a social project is a social problem and ways to solve it.

“There is no problem that you can’t run away from”

The beginning of project activity is associated with the discovery of difficulty and discomfort in one’s sense of self. Difficulty is understood as direct inconvenience, dissatisfaction, something that does not suit a person (child) in his social life.

Thus, a social project can be considered as an activity to transform social reality.

Currently, social project competitions are held very often among both students and adults. They have become a real mechanism of interaction between society and government.

II. Development and implementation of the project “The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency”

I want to tell you about the development and implementation of the “Problem of Juvenile Delinquency” project.

The main stages of work on the project.

Without studying the capabilities of the team that is directly involved in the implementation of the project, it is impossible to begin work.

Who shouts about their own affairs

everyone without stopping,

There really is little point in that...

The great man is only

loud in business

And he thinks deeply

Students from grade 11-B in the humanities worked on the project:

five high school girls who take an active life position. They were distinguished by good studies and were members of the regional youth organization “Young Guard”. Technical and information support for the project was provided by eighth-grader Maxim Zamolotskikh.

I gather participants and invite them to participate in the regional stage of the All-Russian action “I am a citizen of Russia.” We analyzed different directions. The children were interested in youth policy. It’s understandable why, because they are leaders, members of the Young Guard. We have repeatedly participated in All-Russian events dedicated to Russian Independence Day and Constitution Day.

We also decided on the theme of the project, “The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency.” “Offences, the increase in teenage crime... This evil must be fought!” - say the project participants. (and a sparkle appears in the eyes)

How not to break the law?

How to avoid crime?

Problematization is the first stage of the project - it is necessary to assess the existing circumstances and formulate the problem. At this stage, the primary motive for activity arises, since the presence of a problem gives rise to a feeling of disharmony and causes a desire to overcome it. A kind of “problem appropriation” arises.

And now there is a need to determine and formulate the purpose of the activity.

The next stage of work is goal setting. At this stage, the problem is transformed into a personally significant goal, which further strengthens the motive for activity.

Formation of appropriate knowledge about law, legal norms as regulators of human behavior in society and relations between the individual and the state, requiring independent conscious choice of behavior and responsibility for it.

Formation of legal culture of students

Formation of active citizenship

Decrease in the number of offenses – positive dynamics

The presence of an initial problem and an understanding of the final goal of the work forces one to begin the activity. We started planning together. Planning is the most important stage of work on a project, as a result of which not only the distant goal, but also the immediate steps acquire clear outlines.

a) Setting tasks based on goals:

Formation of legal culture, free and responsible self-determination in students in the field of legal relations with society;

Formation of a humanistic worldview, capable of realizing one’s rights and the rights of others, the ability for moral self-development;

Solving the problems of legal education related to the problem of moral self-development and self-improvement

b) Determining the sequence of upcoming steps– participants offer themselves:

To study the problem of crime in the Lipetsk region, our city, our school;

Study the regulatory framework;

Use of public resources;

Carrying out activities aimed at developing a legal culture.

c) Choosing ways of working(technology):

Meeting with the head of the PDN, a police major;

Determining the dynamics of offenses, drawing up diagrams;

Sociological survey among adults;

Interview with the head of the youth department

Project development in three areas;

Selection of forms for holding events.

· Students first studied legal norms, laws that made it even better possible to understand the problem.

· Study of the problem of crime in the Lipetsk region, determining the causes of crime (objective and subjective)

· Meeting with the boss with PDN. The information made it possible to present the real picture and understand that the problem is serious. Together with the project participants, we assessed the dynamics over 3 years

· Interview with. He introduced the “Youth of the Usman District” program and told what was being done in the region and city to solve this problem.

· Conducting a sociological survey among the population aged 20 to 45 years. A sociological survey showed that children need to be brought up with trust, instilled in the foundations of a legal culture, so that in the future children will not have conflicts with the law.

· Questionnaire among students aged 15 years

· An important moment comes - the development of a system of measures that contributed to the resolution of this problem. Two approaches to crime prevention are acceptable for schools: informational and social-pedagogical. Students choose informational. A project has been developed in 3 areas: “State”, “Family”, “School”. The most interesting thing for the children was the implementation of their plan in the “School” direction. This is where their leadership qualities, the creativity of their thinking, stage abilities and organizational skills were revealed. I want to tell you only about some interesting events, the purpose of which was the formation of a legal culture:

Role-playing game “Our Rights”;

School action “Respect the law”.

This is the final stage of work. Project participants compare the results obtained with their plans. This is the stage of comprehension, analysis of mistakes made, attempts to see the prospect of work, assessment of one’s achievements, feelings, emotions and personal changes that arose during and after the end of work. There were a lot of emotions, the children began to talk about what turned out well. They made adjustments along the way and suggested changes. But then the participants also felt a sad note; they remembered that they would soon graduate from school. They regret that there is little time: “We could do a lot.” I make my own adjustments, explaining that the school has a crime prevention program and further implementation of the project is possible within the framework of this program. The children were pleased that the business they had started would continue.

The problem of crime is relevant today. Crimes occur for a variety of reasons. Obviously, the school cannot stay away from this problem.

· The priority direction of state policy in the field of education is the introduction of innovations that contribute to the formation of a Man - a citizen

· The implementation of the project is socially significant, it will be beneficial, allowing the implementation of the tasks of civic education of young citizens

· I place in the regional stage of the All-Russian action “I am a citizen of Russia”

· Project participants improved their organizational, general intellectual, and communication skills

· The project is aimed at implementing the school development program “Socialization of the student’s personality”, it contributed to civil socialization

This project is only part of the large work on a serious problem that we are implementing together. The project participants correctly identified the solution scheme: school and family with active support from the state. There are certain positive changes. But we cannot stop there. Even more effort is needed.

IV. Summarizing. Homemade rear

To summarize, I would like to say that a social project is a very useful, interesting and effective method. Use it in your work. I suggest working on the following topics:

2. Demographic problem

3. The fate of the city is in our hands

4. Connection between generations

5. All the colors of life (prevention of asocial phenomena)

Create a project algorithm:

How long will it take to complete this project?

What can the student do independently, and what will you help him with?

What resources does the student have (what does he already know and can do, what does he not yet know and can’t do, how can he acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities)?

What increments in subject knowledge will the student acquire?

What general academic skills will be developed during this project?

What is social significance

Synonyms for the word “social significance”

Making the Word Map better together

Hello! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thank you! I began to understand the world of emotions a little better.

Question: is well-groomed something positive, negative or neutral?

Synonyms for the word “social significance”:

Sentences containing "social significance":

  • So, maybe the social significance of these few events was so great that all other events pale in comparison to them?
  • First of all, this is due to the prevalence of the disease and the social significance of glaucoma.
  • Only recently have scientists begun to realize the social significance of archaeological research.
  • (all offers)