Scene for the New Year in retro style. Party in the style of the USSR: forward to the fun past

We all remember Ryazanov’s wonderful comedy “Carnival Night”, in which the factory employees stage a real carnival show in the House of Culture with jokes, laughter and unbridled fun, despite problems and troubles! Perhaps you also want to become heroes of something similar? Are you attracted by the voice of that time, is this aged New Year's scent close to you? Then you stopped by just in time to see our little light.

We offer you a holiday in retro style, the Soviet era of the 60s - the time of the legendary "Blue Lights", music and films that have become eternal, good humor and, of course, the amazing human unity inherent in the people of our country on New Year's Eve. And you will fill the holiday with a charge of the most sincere and strong emotions and excellent mood!


Guests receive invitations in envelopes with Soviet stamps and New Year's symbols in retro style.


Stylization for the Blue Light program of the 60s (serpentine, balls, bright decorations, spruce branches, decorative snowflakes). The hall contains the decoration of a huge clock. Small tables are positioned so that everyone can see each other.

The stage is decorated in the style of “New Year's Lights” and “Carnival Night”, or resembles a “scene in a Soviet cultural center”: a massive curtain, a “homemade” festive inscription made of colored foil on the backdrop, and many multi-colored balls.

New Year tree, decorated in accordance with the traditions of Soviet times: toys in the form of animals, candies, candles and crackers.

Also creating a special atmosphere:

  • Stands with a humorous employee honor board, a humorous wall newspaper (photo collage), and children's black and white photographs of employees with funny comments;
  • Curtains made from colored palettes, vinyl records, antiques and all kinds of retro paraphernalia.

Meeting with guests

  • Animator girls dressed in 60s style. They hand out carnival paraphernalia to the guests - boas, fans, masks, tinsel.
  • Caricature artists who will capture guests on paper in retro style.

New Year celebration

  • Congratulations from the company management;
  • Spectacular laser show and multimedia show on plasma screens. Bright changing frames demonstrate a dynamic video about the company.
  • A humorous, pre-recorded video about the pre-holiday routine of employees;
  • Presentation of a humorous New Year's horoscope for employees;
  • The arrival of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and their own music and dance number in the style of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”;
  • Awarding the best employees in the comic categories “Best Leading Worker of Production”, “Stakhanovite-2007”, “Drummer Employee” and others. Presentation of specially made badges.
  • Friendly New Year's Eve with sparklers under volleys of artificial snow.


  • Groovy dancing. The participants’ task is to dance a musical mix of famous dances from different countries: apple, lezginka, dance of little swans, dance of little ducklings, macarena, lambada, gypsy, sirtaki, belly dance, twist, rock and roll, can-can.
  • Pantomime-Cinema. The task for two participants is to use gestures to depict a famous scene from a certain Soviet film so that the audience can guess which film was intended.
  • Karaoke a cappella. Participants line up in 3 rows and sing a famous song. The first row sings first, the second sings along, then the third joins.
  • Competition for the most fiery “party” toast for employees.
  • A comic auction for “scarce” New Year’s products with the company logo: condensed milk, green peas, chocolates.

Show program

  1. Performance by interesting and talented musicians (live music);
  2. Comic parody scenes;
  3. Musical enthusiasm from the group in the style of “Cabaret-Duet Academy”;
  4. Show ballet to classical music;
  5. A medley of favorite songs about the New Year (“Carnival Night”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, etc.);
  6. Performance by VIA, popular in Soviet times.

The final

  • New Year's fireworks;
  • Disco!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Italian associations. Who can name more associations associated with Italy (spaghetti, pizza, mafia, shoes,...
  • Wedding... What could be more beautiful for two loving hearts than this long-awaited event...
  • Our most popular scenario for celebrating the New Year is still the carnival with Grandfather...

We offer you an option for celebrating the 2019 New Year's Eve in retro style. Decorate the hall in the style of the 1930s-80s. Use old photographs and things from the Soviet era to decorate the room.

Scenario for New Year 2019 celebration in retro style

The New Year holiday in retro style is opened by the presenters, who congratulate guests on the New Year and invite them to travel back to the recent past. Guests are invited to take part in the “Guess the Melody” competition and name the songs after listening to the first few notes. Famous songs from the Soviet era are performed.

Then a competition begins, the participants of which need to determine which song is from which movie. These could be the songs “Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence” (the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”), “Somewhere in the White World” (the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”), “Your Honor, Lady Separation” (the film “White the sun of the desert"), "So many golden lights on the streets of Saratov" (the film "It Happened in Penkovo") and others.

Next, the script for the New Year 2019 in retro style continues the “Catchphrases” competition. Participants are divided into teams that must continue the catchphrase from the film (“They’ll screw you, but don’t steal,” - the film “Beware of the Car”; “Without water, neither here nor there,” - the film “Volga-Volga” and other).

You can hold the same competition a little differently - ask participants to determine which phrase was from which film (“Stole, drank, went to prison! Romance!” - Gentlemen of Fortune,” “Beauty is a terrible power!” - film “Spring”). The team that gives the most correct answers to the questions wins.

The New Year 2019 scenario in retro style continues the “Name the Dish” competition. Its participants will need to name dishes that were popular in the Soviet years, for example, the Olivier salad, the Herring under a Fur Coat appetizer, the Potato cake, the Anthill cake and others. The team that scores the most points wins.

The next competition for a New Year's scenario in retro style is dedicated to Soviet-era prices. Participants will need to name products, things or services that could be bought for different amounts - 1 kopeck (a glass of sparkling water, a box of matches), 2 kopecks (a call on a pay phone), 3 kopecks (a tram ticket, a glass of sparkling water with syrup), 10 kopecks (dairy ice cream), 15 kopecks (loaf of bread), etc.

Scenario for the New Year 2019 holiday in retro style continues with dancing. One or more dance couples perform square dance, waltz, twist and other dances from different years. Then the presenters show several dance steps, and the participants of the holiday perform dances from the Soviet era.

Today it is very fashionable to organize themed parties. We invite you to plunge into the past and spend New Year in USSR style. We will tell a story, show a photo, offer a script and menu, select clothes and fun competitions.

Before you arrange New Year in USSR style, we need to remember the story, how it was, where it all began.

New Year in the style of the USSR: history

The New Year in the USSR was somewhat different than today, more general. If you had the opportunity to visit several hundred apartments scattered throughout the Union on New Year's Eve, you would be amazed at how equally the holiday is celebrated everywhere. Everyone who remembers how the New Year was celebrated in the USSR knows this atmosphere of a universal holiday, the smell of tangerines on the balcony, optimistic programs on TV, Olivier salad and chocolates on the Christmas trees.

Officially, the tradition of celebrating the New Year was returned to Soviet citizens only in 1935, and became widespread only 20 years later. After all, January 1 became a day off only in 1947, and only then did residents of the USSR have the opportunity to properly celebrate New Year’s Eve. And since a rich table was an indispensable attribute of any holiday in Soviet times, most citizens of the Soviet Union began to truly celebrate only when the card system was finally abolished, and a sufficient amount of food and New Year’s food sets appeared in stores!

Besides, New Year in the USSR is, in fact, a city holiday. This is understandable: for a villager, December 31st and January 1st are no different from other winter days. Even if it was possible to refuse to perform obligatory daily rural work, it was not for the sake of an annual holiday - but only for a much rarer occasion, for example, for the sake of a wedding or the birth of a child.

Therefore, it is possible to talk about the Soviet tradition of celebrating the New Year only from the beginning of the 1960s, when the share of the urban population in the country exceeded the share of the rural population. Moreover, it was in the 60s, with the beginning of Khrushchev’s “thaw”, that the right to private life and private holidays began not only to be recognized, but also to become part of the official ideology. And the stream of young specialists who poured into previously purely rural areas of the country to build new cities and factories, brought with them the urban tradition of celebrating the New Year.

New Year in the style of the USSR: traditions

The first main tradition is "Blue Light". Since 1964, it has become an annual New Year's program, and for twenty years it was the songs and jokes from this television program that accompanied the Soviet New Year's holiday.

The second tradition is the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath.” Eldar Ryazanov's comedy was not only firmly associated with New Year's Eve (it was shown annually, only the start time of the show changed), but it itself served as the source of some traditions of decorating the house for the New Year.

New Year in USSR style: menu

The third tradition was the food set for the New Year's table - the so-called “order”. Since the heyday of the national New Year celebration occurred in the mid-70s with their beginning shortage, the main source of products were “orders” that were issued at the place of work (by the way, such sets were issued almost exclusively in cities, which also worked to consolidate the image of the New Year year as a purely urban holiday).

Traditionally, the “order” included one or two jars of sprats, a box of chocolates, a bottle of “Soviet champagne”, a loaf of boiled smoked or raw smoked sausage, a pack of Indian tea “with an elephant”, “Lemon drops” and sometimes a jar of red caviar. At the same time, tangerines began to be perceived as a purely New Year’s delicacy: the USSR received the bulk of these fruits in the form of exports from Morocco, where the main harvest ripens in November-December.

New Year in USSR style: photo

However, it’s worth correcting yourself: perhaps the earliest New Year’s tradition - not new, but revived - was the custom of placing a live spruce in the house for the New Year. After the anti-religious campaign of the late 20s and early 30s, it was only in 1935 that the Soviet government again began to promote this custom. Since Christmas trees for sale were specially grown, they were also in relative short supply, and therefore were bought at the first opportunity, and not at a convenient time. A common sight, for example, in Moscow was people who, one and a half to two weeks before the New Year, carried Christmas trees tied with twine into the subway, bought for the occasion.

And of course, the famous phrase can be attributed to the New Year traditions of the times of the USSR “Here is a gift (food, souvenirs, etc.), but it’s for the New Year!” The same total shortage taught Soviet citizens that they need to buy what they need not on the eve of a holiday, but when the opportunity arises, it’s better to let it sit. Food was stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony, things were stored in closets or pantries, Christmas trees were hung outside the window or on the same balcony. Almost all family members knew what would be given to whom for the holiday, but this did not diminish the joy: the very opportunity to receive a new thing made me happy!

New Year in the style of the USSR: how it was

... The final credits of “The Irony of Fate” are floating on the TV screen, the champagne is sent to cool outside the window or in the refrigerator, vases with the indispensable Olivier salad (quick, satisfying and almost without the use of scarce products!), “custom-made” sprats and sausage are placed on the table. A few minutes later the doorbell rings: the first guests have arrived. Surely they brought with them a jar or two of salad for the New Year's table or homemade pies: a table put together by contribution was also a Soviet New Year's tradition. As, in fact, was the custom of celebrating the New Year with a friendly company: in those years, few could boast of their own large apartment, as well as the opportunity to set a rich table alone, so the holiday was celebrated in a wide friendly circle - it was both more convenient and simpler.

After the feast, many groups went out into the street, going for a walk or just in the yard - to take a break from the feast in the interval between hot and sweet. Often companies began to roam around different floors of the building: often high-rise buildings were departmental or belonged to enterprises, and most residents knew each other well from working together. By this time, the children usually had already gone to bed: although January was the time of the New Year's school holidays, children were still not allowed to stay up past midnight.

New Year in the style of the USSR: children's New Year trees

Oh, yes, about schoolchildren!.. Just as traditional as Olivier and tangerines were New Year’s “trees” - theatrical performances for schoolchildren, held from mid-December to mid-January in city recreation centers. The level of performances depended on what artists the organizers were able to find, but the most important pleasure from visiting the “Christmas tree” were the gifts - confectionery sets packed in elegant cardboard boxes. The best and main “Christmas tree” was considered to be the one held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Tickets for it were practically not available for free sale, but were distributed among enterprises, going to managers and production leaders. The level of the performance at this “Christmas tree” was the highest, and the gifts were the richest: every year new unique plastic packaging was made for them, often representing approximate copies of the Kremlin towers.

But other “Christmas trees” delighted the children no less - primarily because of the gifts. By the way, children often received only part of the delicacies from the set, and parents saved the best sweets for New Year's Eve.

Probably precisely because the New Year was the most common holiday in the USSR (except perhaps Victory Day, but it began to be celebrated only in 1965), people of the older generation still remember it with nostalgia. Those who were schoolchildren during the late stagnation remember well the joyful anticipation that filled the days before the New Year.

After all, it was not just a holiday - it was also an opportunity to try dishes that are rare on other days, receive some new thing as a gift, and finally, just chat with friends without any political overtones - not like May 1 or November 7! Even the New Year’s televised address by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev or “on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Soviet government” was perceived only as a preface to the chiming clock, heralding the onset of midnight - and the New Year, the most desired and free holiday...

New Year in the style of the USSR: instructions for execution

1. Invitations to a New Year's party in the style of the USSR

Select pictures with Soviet symbols and make a collage. IN in a small size it is suitable as an invitation, but if you make it larger, it will already be a decoration for the room.

2. Meeting guests at a New Year's party in the style of the USSR

A ceremonial meeting can be organized, for example, in the costume of a leader of all times and peoples, in the form of a pioneer leader. This will immediately fill the space with positive energy.

Especially if the role is played with talent, with an imitation of the chosen hero’s voice, appropriate cliched slogans accompanied by bravura music.

The highlight of the evening is a book for registering guests. IN At the end of the event you will be able to leave your positive feedback here.

3. New Year in the style of the USSR: room decoration

Decorating a room for a theme party is not so difficult, because there are still plenty of items from the USSR era, gathering dust in the far corners of mezzanines and storage rooms.
So, preferably cover a round table with a red tablecloth and place a decanter with cut glasses. We put Soviet postcards under glasses or glasses. We decorate the walls with posters with typical slogans of that time, portraits of members of the CPSU Central Committee and the Politburo, and red banners.

You can hang a lampshade with fringe above the table. A gramophone, radio, or reel-to-reel tape recorder is welcome.

4. New Year in the style of the USSR: clothes

Classic Komsomol kit:

  • white top, dark bottom,
  • shorts and a light shirt with a red cap, a pioneer tie,
  • polka dot dresses combined with low-top patent leather shoes,
  • jackets with patches on the sleeves, jeans,
  • “shot” trousers, “banana” trousers,
  • A brown school dress with an apron is the kind of thing that will complement the look of a themed party.

See also:

5. New Year in USSR style: menu

According to the scenario, at a party in the style of the USSR, of course, there should be treats that were placed on the table during the most solemn moments in Soviet times. Boiled hot potatoes, Iwasi herring with onion and sunflower oil, Kiev cutlets, Olivier salad with boiled sausage, sprats, “Mishka in the North” candies.

5. New Year in the style of the USSR: music and cinema

Music of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s of the last century is one of the main components of a Soviet-style party, which accompanies almost the entire event. It can “light up” those dancing at a disco or just be a background for guests to communicate.

It would be nice to watch your favorite Soviet film comedy on the big screen, for example, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” or “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession,” quoting famous phrases in chorus. And

6. New Year in the style of the USSR: scenario

Not a single entertainment event in Soviet times was complete without competitions, so this party should have them too.

For example:

  1. - Make a toast on behalf of the rulers, accompanying it with long, prolonged applause.
  2. - Continue with a quote from a movie, a famous slogan, a statement by the leader of the country, etc.
  3. - Solve a Rubik's cube at speed.
  4. - Remember TV shows from Soviet times.
  5. - List the names of newspapers and magazines of the USSR.
  6. - Decipher the abbreviations: Komsomol, GTO, BAM, NKVD, etc. (your own interpretation is possible)
  7. - Come up with a burim with rhymes like: OBKhSS - CPSU, constitution - -revolution, etc.
  8. - Demonstrate your ability to jump rope or play rubber band.

The winners of the competitions are rewarded with small symbolic gifts.

A well-organized event will bring you a lot of joy and pleasant memories. And most importantly, it will allow close people of different generations to get closer.

Q1.Good afternoon!
Q2. Hello, dear comrades!
Q1. This is exactly how, in the spirit of that time, we decided to address our audience today
Q2.: Friends, do you remember your first impression of watching the well-known film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”? Or, as Khrushchev firmly promised to build communism in the USSR by 1980, but, as one joke says, the Olympics got in the way?
IN 1. And a touching song about a bear for the closing of this Olympics?
AT 2. Tonight is for those who remember the country where gasoline was cheaper than soda with syrup!!!
Q 1: We invite you to return to the USSR again! Visit a festival of memories and nostalgia...
Q 2: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and the spirit of pioneering! Plunge into the golden time!
Q 1: Today, throughout this evening, we invite you to remember what was popular during the Soviet Union!
Q 2: And, of course, no evening will be truly bright in the evening without a good mood. So, are you ready?
Q 1: Then we start our concert
TOGETHER: “Hipsters NEW”
Q1: Why NEW?
Q 2: because today we will remember not only the golden time of the dudes of the 60s, but we will also go through the recent past... after all, even the 90s can already be called a retro era... which also had its own style...

Albina Khusnutdinova – Gray eyes.

Q 2: Let's plunge into the not-so-distant 90s...
Q1.Do you remember how everyone lived then?
Q2.What did you wear and how did you get the food?
Q 1: Yes, everything was different before.....
Q 2: New artists began to appear on the stage, some of them had great success - Hands up, Zemfira, the Strelki group, Irina Saltykova, gr. Bravo and many others...
Q 1: I suggest you remember how it was

Nikolai Malinovsky – I’m just what you need.
In 2: Perestroika, new Russians in crimson jackets with gold chains on Mercedes,
Q 1: Chewing gum “Turbo” and “Love is”... let’s remember some things from the 90s:
Adiki – Adidas sneakers,
Soap dishes – Rubber sandals.
Palm - Women's hairstyle. The hair was gathered into a ponytail at the crown of the head, secured with a colored elastic band(s), then fluffed out in the shape of a palm tree.
Laces are parents.
Bicycle shorts are short, tight pants.
Kapor is a women's headdress-hood (the fluffy form of an angora).
Varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
Zuko, Yuppii, Invite – dry drinks.
What products were included in the food order? (packages of “Buckwheat”, Tea “With a Baby Elephant”, sausage “Doctorskaya”, jars of “Riga Sprats”, “Bulls in Tomato”)…
Q 1: and as a rule, food was put on the shelves almost always before the holidays...
Q 2: oh, how do you know???? /leave/

T\K\ “Stars” – Kolyada.

In 1: we continue the tour through the years... we move to the 80s... remember how they rolled bell peppers into jars...
Q 2: And now the bell pepper himself is throwing tantrums, asking for 20 thousand dollars for a concert and driving around in a white limousine.
Q 1: And “Prima”? They used to smoke “Prima”, but now they are expelling it from the Bolshoi Theater...
Q 2: Yes, they used to do a lot of things that you wouldn’t even think of doing now.
Well, for example, remember the soda fountains. There was also a faceted glass - one for everyone. Today it would never even occur to anyone to drink from a common glass!
Q 1: But before, everyone drank from these glasses... It’s a common thing! And no one was afraid of catching some kind of infection...
Q 2: We drank juice at the grocery store. The most delicious was tomato, and the spoons for salt were in a glass of water.
AT 2. A pie with jam – isn’t it a miracle? You'll never guess from which side the jam will come out!
IN 1. and remember the boy pissing on the toilet door...
AT 2. TV “Rubin” - you take pliers and tyn-tyn-tyn!..: And such a miracle, a string bag of meat behind the window?
IN 1. Or a small window from the kitchen to the bathroom - what to see there?
B 2: ...Smoke is pouring out, there is an acrid smell throughout the apartment. Are the pioneers learning to make a fire? No. In fact, this is a process of you-zhi-ga-ni-ya. The usual thing!
Q 1: Just millions of Soviet children burned out postcards for their beloved mothers on March 8th. “Mommy, I congratulate you on International Women’s Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and I wish your son a bicycle...”

Vladik Stasenok - Lucy.

In 2: 80s...I am associated with Alla Pugacheva..
Q 1: And we cannot leave our concert without a song from the legendary Alla Borisovna... Of course it will be Harlequin...
Q 2: But I didn’t guess... throughout her creative life, Alla Pugacheva performed many good and beautiful songs... and here is one of them.

Natalya Samsonova - You.

Q 2: You remember Soviet films well, don’t you? And now we will check this.
Q 1: Say the famous phrase from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession,” which Ivan the Terrible said when he saw the newly built Moscow.
Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!
Q 2: List all the positive qualities of the main character Nina from the film. “Caucasian captive”, which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.
Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and simply beautiful.
Q 1: Who did the main character work in? “Gentlemen of Fortune” before he became a notorious prisoner nicknamed Associate Professor.
Answer: the head of a kindergarten.
Q 2: Sing your favorite song by Semyon Semyonich from the film. “The Diamond Hand”, which he brilliantly performed at the “Iva” restaurant.
Answer: A song about hares.
Q 1: Where did Evgeniy Lukashin go every year on December 31st with his friends from the film. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!".
Answer: To the bathhouse.
Q 2: “What disgusting, what disgusting this is yours...” - what did Ippolit mean from the film? "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" calling it “disgusting”.
Answer: Jellied fish.
Q 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, aka Goga, aka Gosha, aka Yuri, aka Gora, aka Zhora, lives here?” – from which film? this quote.
Answer: “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears.”
B 2: “- Girl, ah, girl, what’s your name?
- Tanya.
“And I’m Fedya!”
Answer: - What a fool!

Alexander Shcherbakov - Anastasia.

Q1: In the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully. And now they have become too serious, and this despite the huge number of humorous programs that have filled our television
B2 Although there are still TV shows that we can watch from that time, these are KVN, and the “What Where When” club, Good Night Kids...
Q 1: Speaking of kids... Now our youngest participants will take the stage... and they are making their debut today... So we ask you to support them with thunderous applause.

T\K "Buttons" - Hussars.

Q 1: It's time to remember the old movie. A lot can be said about those kind, naive and noble films.
In 2. Computer graphics and special effects were not so developed then - but this did not prevent the creation of masterpieces in films such as “The Diamond Arm”, “Gentlemen of Fortune” or “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”.
Q 1: And if you remember such a wonderful film as “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” While watching this film, which matured over time and became filled with wondrous aromas, nostalgia and charm, the younger generation really learned how people lived in the USSR.

Q 2: In one year, 1975, the following were filmed in the USSR:
“Afonya”, (dir. Georgy Danelia)
“The Star of Captivating Happiness”, (dir. Vladimir Motyl)
“Hello, I’m your aunt!”, (dir. Viktor Titov)
“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, (dir. Eldar Ryazanov)
“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, (dir. Georgiy Kalatozishvili)
“They Fought for the Motherland” (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk)
“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, (dir. Leonid Nechaev)
“The Camp Goes to Heaven”, (dir. Emil Loteanu)
“There, beyond the horizon”, (dir. Yuri Egorov)
“Finist - Clear Falcon”, (dir. Gennady Vasiliev)
“We didn’t go through this” (dir. Ilya Frez)
Q 1: and this is not a complete list of films created during these years... but there was so much wonderful music...
Q 2: Especially for children... Orange song, Song about a grasshopper, Gena's crocodile song, Forest deer and many others.

Lera Mineeva - Forest deer.

Q 1: In the 70s, jazz orchestras were replaced by groups of electric musical instruments. Accompanied by them, the mass song sounded in a new way.
Q 2: Without vocal and instrumental ensembles, the history of popular music cannot be fully represented. The 70s were a turning point in the history of popular music.
Let's remember VIA of those times... After all, it was Vocal-instrumental ensembles that became popular in those years...
Funny boys
Singing guitars
Good fellows
Leisya, song... The list can be endless...
Q 1: But on the eve of the great holiday, we will remember one wonderful song of that time...

Alsou Khazieva – A soldier is walking through the city

Q 2: The rhythms of the new songs are beautiful,
Love them and sing them,
But the years test the word,
And in your hobbies.
Q 1: Don’t forget the old songs,
They will tell you a lot
They were sung with an accordion and a guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
Q 2: They were blown around the world by the wind,
But in our years, in our days,
For bright joy and sadness,
They will come to you as friends.

Guzel Sultanova - Tenderness.

Q 1: Eh, what kind of dancing were there in those years...
Q 2: They are still classics of choreographic art - Twist, rock and roll, and from Russian - this is of course a round dance and a lady... classics...

T/C “Buttons” – Lady.

Q 1: In the 50s and 60s, a large number of musical comedy films were created.
The songs that sound in them become, one might say, “folk”.
Q 2: Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds
And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - “Carnival Night”
In the dark blue forest, where the aspen trees tremble - “The Diamond Hand”
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - “Iv.Vas”
I don’t know when spring will come - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
Somewhere in this world - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
Your Honor, Lady Separation – “White Sun of the Desert”
What were you like - “Kuban Cossacks”
If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"
Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
There are so many golden lights - “It happened in Penkovo”
Fatigue is forgotten - “New Adventures of the Elusive”
Hey sailor! - "Amphibian Man"

Dinara Marsutdinova - Hey, sailor!

Q 1: Songs from different years... Those that we always love to listen to and sing. They have been part of our lives since childhood.
At 2: 60 years... On the concert stage, on the radio and from the first LPs, kind lyrical melodies are heard - about a peaceful and happy life, friendship and love... The country was revived and sang songs from Youth and Student Festivals, songs that came from the silver screen, and after - from the screens of still black and white televisions - they were first heard in the legendary “Blue Lights” and during broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

ANS. Elegy – Willows.

Q 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of us.
Q 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together. I give you options for song lines, and you continue them.
People meet...
At the edge of the forest...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...
Summer wanders through the alleys...
We will go, we will rush….
Q 1: And there are songs that can be recognized literally from 2 letters. Let's try.
Oh... the viburnum is blooming
Oh... frost
And... in our yard
Eh... it’s good to live in a Soviet country
We... honestly want to tell you
There... where the maple makes noise
Everything... kings can
No be sad
Q 1: Well done, you sing simply wonderful. And we continue to sing old songs from good and kind films.

Alexandra Ovchinnikova - The girls are standing.

Q 1: No matter how strange it may seem, in recent years the boogie-woogie dance has become very widespread and fashionable...
Q 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people...
Q 1: It became fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone... Because it was the time of the Hipsters.

T\K "Yoldyz" - Boogie-woogie.

Q 1: Soviet songs are loved by people of all ages and professions.
Q 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become our true friends. They are with us both in joy and in moments of sadness.
In 1: The most meaningful, deep ones become the musical call signs of Time. In the language of poetry and music they write a song chronicle of our deeds. Singers give life to the song.
Q 2: The search continues, just as the influx of new young forces on the stage continues - the key to its development, its future. The audience applauds the new pop talents, pinning their hopes on them.
Q 1: Who can say whether they will come true?
Q 2: Considering the characteristics of previous years, it is impossible, of course, to establish direct connections between the old and new stage, but we must not forget that there were wonderful masters on the stage. Their names should be next to the names of those who take the stage today, bringing joy to the audience.
Q 1: And today they performed for:
Dance group “Yoldyz”, Guzel Sultanova, Albina Khusnutdinova, Dinara Marsutdinova, Dance group “Zvezdochki”, Alsou Khazieva, Alexandra Ovchinnikova
Vladik Stasenok, Valeria Mineeva, Alexander Shcherbakov, Dance group “Knopochki”
Ensemble__Elegy, Nikolai Malinovsky
The hosts of the concert are Viktor Praporov and Natalya Samsonova.
Q 1: Allow me to give the floor to the Director of our Center for National Cultures, Dania Galimzyanovna Musina. /presentation/

Q 2: Our dear friends! Our retro concert has come to an end... We would like to thank our friends - patrons of the arts, this:........
And of course you, our dear viewers! After all, you are our best and true friends!

Final Song! "Friendship"
Thank you for your attention!
See you again!

The script for the program “I live in the USSR” will appeal to all those who were born in the 1960-1970s.

The use of this scenario would be appropriate at a corporate party, birthday party, and also as the theme of an entertainment program to be held in a cafe.

The scenario “I live in the USSR” will allow you to gather at one table people with similar interests, who have something to remember and talk about, something to laugh at and be sad about.

This is a great idea for a virtual return to the times of childhood and youth.

It will be useful for the younger generation to learn, see, try and feel how people and parents lived in the distant 70s of the last century.

The evening program “I live in the USSR” includes a screening of video clips, games, competitions, and an 80s disco. An unforgettable atmosphere filled with smiles and memories of past years can work wonders even for those who are hopelessly fixated on their own affairs and problems, and have long forgotten how to smile and dance.

Decoration of the hall and organization of the program


  • Posters (you can buy them or download them on the Internet and print them yourself on a color printer).
  • Slogans (perhaps they remain in the archives of organizations or you can write them yourself).
  • USSR flag (most likely it can be found in the school archive or ordered through an online store).
  • Pioneer horns and drums (can be borrowed from the House of Creativity, the former house of pioneers).
  • Pennants.
  • Red carpets.
  • Velvet tablecloths.
  • Faceted glasses.
  • Aluminum cutlery.


  • Wall projector or large screen for watching video clips.
  • Stylized paper money of the USSR in denominations of 1, 3, 5 rubles (they need to be printed on a color printer).
  • Invitation cards.
  • Fashion show clothes.
  • Improvised money.
  • Price list.
  • Menu.
  • Stylized labels for vodka (made in the USSR according to GOST).
  • Diplomas.
  • Candles.
  • Photos from past years.

Quite useful for a museum:

  • Adding machine.
  • Abacus.
  • Samovar on coals.
  • Iron on coals.
  • Old radio.
  • Kerosene stove.
  • Antique lampshade.
  • Rubber boots.
  • Pioneer or Komsomol badge.
  • Bust of Lenin or Stalin.
  • Inkwell.
  • A fountain pen.
  • Old suitcase.
  • Map or atlas of highways of the Soviet Union.

In addition to the stylized design, according to the author’s idea, it will be necessary to prepare an impromptu museum, the creation of which should involve all those who arrive at the party.

To be invited to a party, you need to prepare invitation cards and hand them out in advance so that the invited people have enough time to prepare and think through their outfit. It is desirable that program participants dress in the style of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

At the entrance, guests can be invited to tie pioneer ties, which can be easily sewn from a piece of red fabric.

The evening program lasts 2.5-3 hours.


Good evening, dear Comrades! Greetings to all those who decided to plunge into their childhood and youth. Those who remember how we lived then, how we were friends and what we valued. Welcome to the era of the USSR! I'll ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounds.


We will start our evening, as I promised you, with very bright and positive emotions. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself in childhood and adolescence, remember what surrounded you and made you happy, remember your school friends and girlfriends. So, sit down comfortably, I ask everyone to pay attention to the screen.

N and the video clip “First iPhone” starts on the screen.


Today at our evening there will be thematic competitions and quizzes. I have money in my hands. Each correct answer to the quiz and participation in the competition will certainly be paid for. With the money you receive, you can purchase certain goods. There is a price list on the bar counter.

Well, now, dear Friends, Comrades, Citizens and Citizens, the first and, perhaps, the most serious quiz of today's event. Let's remember some historical facts. I have 10 questions for you, the price of each answer is 5 rubles.

Quiz "Top 10"

  1. Day, month, year of formation of the USSR? (Answer - December 30, 1922).
  2. How many republics joined the Union initially? (Answer – 4 republics). For answering which republics they were, another 5 rubles are given. (answer - RSFSR, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Transcaucasian).
  3. Which 4 republics were the last to join the Union in 1940? (Answer: Moldova and the Baltic republics).
  4. How many republics were united under the flag of the USSR? (The answer is 15 republics at the time of the collapse of the USSR).
  5. Name the leaders of the USSR in the order in which they were in power? (Answer: Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev).
  6. Under which leader was Prohibition introduced? (Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev). For the answer in which year this happened, another 5 rubles are given (answer: 1985).
  7. Under which leader were food stamps introduced? (The answer is under Gorbachev).
  8. Which republic was supposed to become the 16th in the USSR? (The answer is Bulgaria).
  9. Date of the end of the USSR? (Answer - December 26, 1991).
  10. When and where was the document on the dissolution of the USSR signed and what was it called? (Answer - on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed in Belarus near Brest, which went down in history as Belovezhskaya, on the collapse of the USSR and on the formation of the CIS).

The song “I was born in the Soviet Union” by O. Gazmanov is playing.


My friends, I ask you to return your attention to the screen. Let us remember the flags of the Soviet Republics together. Each correct answer is worth 3 rubles. (Pictures depicting the flags of the union republics must be downloaded in advance).

Quiz “Flags of the USSR”

A flag is shown on the monitor, and the audience answers which republic it belonged to. The price of a correct answer is 3 rubles.


Well, now a short break. Those interested can visit our makeshift museum, as well as shop at the bar using the banknotes they have won. The most interesting things await us ahead.

Musical pause. Background music from previous years plays for 15-20 minutes.


A moment of attention, Citizens and Citizens, our next quiz will be slightly fun and even comic in nature. It's called "I Remember How It Was." I ask everyone to take an active part. For each correct answer you receive 1 ruble.

Quiz “I remember how it was”

1. What did the leaders of the CPSU promise to every family in the USSR?

  • Apartment*
  • car
  • Passbook

2. Who didn't play hockey in the Soviet Union?

  • Old man
  • Coward*
  • Loser

3. Thanks to what program did Soviet people learn about what was happening abroad?

  • Manners and morals
  • Life over the hill
  • International panorama*

4. Today it is called UBEP, but what was this government called during the USSR?

  • OBKhSS*

5. If we believe Nikita Khrushchev, then the following event should have happened in 1980?

  • Olympics
  • Communism*
  • End of the world

6. What were secret institutions called in the USSR?

  • Mailbox*
  • Postal trailer
  • Postal addressee

7. What military-patriotic game did Soviet children play?

  • Pioneer Dawn
  • True Komsomol member
  • Zarnitsa*

8. What did the three poplars stand on in the Soviet film?

  • On Bobrikha
  • On Khvoschikha
  • On Plyushchikha*

9. What company were the first televisions in the USSR?

  • Ruby
  • Electron*

10. Who said but didn't do « Life has become better, life has become more fun! » ?

  • Stalin*
  • Gorbachev
  • Brezhnev

11. What was the name of the example of the masterpiece from the chefs of the USSR?

  • Romantic dinner
  • Communist Lunch
  • Tourist breakfast*

12. How much did it cost to travel on the metro during the stagnant period of the Union?

  • 5 kopecks*
  • 1 ruble
  • 10 kopecks

13. Where did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev clatter menacingly with his boot?

  • At the Pentagon
  • In the White House
  • At the UN*

14. What information about a citizen of the USSR was allowed to be included in a passport?

  • Religion
  • Blood type*
  • Criminal record

15. Construction of the century BAM what does the letter A mean?

  • Angarskaya
  • Amurskaya*
  • Atlantic

16. What was the affectionate name for elementary school students in the USSR?

  • Schoolchildren
  • October*
  • September

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk*.


Well, excellent results, and the mood in the room is simply wonderful, as I see it. You did an excellent job and we already have candidates for graduation. Yes, yes, at the end of the formal part of the evening, I will present three diplomas to the most active participants in our wonderful evening.

And now it’s time for everyone to take a little break from mental work and smile! I invite two participants to hold the next competition, and I ask everyone else to support the participants or join them.

A game« Charger»

To carry it out, you will need to say a sound recording that was played every morning on the radio in the Soviet Union. You can find it on the Internet.

Leading: Wonderful. The bones were crushed. You can eat and dance a little!

Musical break 15-20 minutes. Dance music from the 80s is playing.

Leading: It's time to remember the movies of yesteryear. They are probably familiar to everyone from childhood, or maybe not from childhood, but if we don’t remember, then we will remember. Let's listen carefully! The correct answer costs 3 rubles. Go!

Game "Guess the melody"

To play the game you will need a selection of songs from familiar films and cartoons of past years. In this scenario, 30 audio files were used.

Leading: My dears! Unfortunately, our lives are designed in such a way that we are created from birth for separation! Let us now remember those who left us for another world. I will ask the room to turn off the lights, turn off all your mobile phones and light the candles that are on each table.

Watch the video clip “Departed Actors.”

Leading: Now, my friends, a short musical break, and you can help yourself, communicate and wet the parched organs of the body. Don’t forget to save up your winnings and shop at the bar. I'll get back to you soon.

Musical pause.

Leading: I am with you again and ask those who wish to participate in the next competition, which is called “New Life According to the Old Model.” I ask brave thinkers and dreamers to come to me and take cards with abbreviations from the times of the USSR. You will need to come up with a new transcript for them. The price of the game is 3 rubles.

Game “New life according to the old model”

Citizens and Citizens must come up with new decodings for well-known abbreviations. For example: GTO - ready to hug you, and so on. Use cards of the CPSU, VDNKh, DOSAAF, Komsomol and others. All participants receive a 3 ruble banknote.


We did a great job. Now let's relax and enjoy looking at ourselves from the outside. Please sit down comfortably and give all your attention to the room. We're starting a fashion show!

A fashion show will require preliminary preparation of clothes from the times of the USSR. You can find it in your parents’ old suitcases, grandmothers’ closets, or ask your friends. We assure you that it is quite possible to find it. If you still can’t find it, you can replace the fashion show with a video of the same name. You can also replace the fashion show with the “I’m taking a photo” video.


The solemn part of the evening entitled “I live in the USSR” has ended. Next in our program is the 80s Disco and Diploma Presentation: 1. To the forefront of dance work. 2. Competition activist. 3. Excellence in dance work.

Approximate menu:

  • Aspic;
  • Salad "Olivier";
  • Jellied fish;
  • Boiled potatoes with dill;
  • Sausage slices;