Drawing on the topic I am a businessman. “I am a future entrepreneur! Or Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" - presentation

Today the Ministry of Economy announced the winners of the children's competition “I Draw Business”. The winners were Pavel Yakovlev, Valery Matyuk, Anna Povorotnaya, Valery Tolmachev, Valeria Roslyakova and Maxim Nekhaichik.

Flights to the Moon are a profitable business! ("Business of the Future"). Author: Yakovlev Pavel - 8 years old, State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2 of Mogilev”

The selection of works for the competition took place throughout June. 430 drawings took part in the competition, most of them from the Minsk region. The most active were children aged 8 to 12 years. The drawings had to correspond to one of four topics: “Business of the future”, “How I will start my own business”, “My dad is an entrepreneur” and “My mother is an entrepreneur”.

The winners of the competition were determined by a jury formed by the Department of Entrepreneurship, headed by Director Peter Arushanyants.

Hotel for animals "Paradise" ("How I start my own business"). Author: Valery Matyuk - 9 years old, State Educational Institution "Dvornoselskaya Kindergarten - Secondary School", village of Dvornoye Selo, Miory district, Vitebsk region

About 91% of the pictures in the three topics except “Business of the Future” depicted small businesses. It was very rare to see “cinema” images of bankers and executives of large companies with characteristic “status” accessories. However, the competition experts noted the “dollarization” of children’s consciousness: the overwhelming majority of the drawn monetary units could guess the American currency by its characteristic color and icon.

"My dreams" ("How I will start my own business"). Author: Tolmachev Valery - 7 years old, State Educational Institution "Elementary School No. 2 of Zhlobin", Gomel Region

The most drawings were sent on the topic “How will I start my own business” - 252. The most popular areas of entrepreneurship among children were the service sector - 58% and agriculture - 17%. In total, about 70% of children's works depicted catering, the beauty industry, and hotels for animals. Also, every fifth drawing fell under the concept of social entrepreneurship, which is developing in Belarus.

"Summer clothing collection" ("My mother is an entrepreneur"). Author: Roslyakova Valeria - 10 years old, State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Novopolotsk”, Vitebsk Region

As Deputy Minister of Economy Irina Kostevich noted, in the works of participants in the topics “My Dad is an Entrepreneur” and “My Mom is an Entrepreneur,” two views of children on the activities of their parents are visible: the success of their parents’ entrepreneurial activities and employment, lack of time to communicate with children.

"Dad at work" ("My dad is an entrepreneur"). Author: Nekhaychik Maxim - 8 years old, boarding school No. 13 in Minsk for children with hearing impairment

All winners will be invited to the award ceremony of the National Competition “Entrepreneur of the Year”, where they will be awarded valuable prizes. They are also planning to organize an exhibition of children's works sent to the competition.

Cafe "Lux" ("How I start my own business"). Author: Anna Povorotnaya - 10 years old, State Educational Institution “Creativity Center for Children and Youth of the Smilovichi Township”, Chervensky District, Minsk Region
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The Belarusian business portal BEL.BIZ, together with the children's entertainment center COSMO, as part of the World Entrepreneurship Week, which this year will be held in Belarus for the first time, is holding a children's drawing competition on the theme “I am a future entrepreneur.”

The task of the young artists is to talk about businessmen they know, express their attitude towards entrepreneurship, and show what the advantages of labor are when a person works for himself.

The competition will become a kind of study of child psychology, which should illustrate whether Belarusian children have formed the concept of entrepreneurship as such. What do Belarusian guys associate with the words “business” and “businessman”.

A big role in holding the competition is given to the teacher, educator, and parents. Before the child starts work, it is necessary to discuss this topic with him and guide him.

Children who:

e-mail: [email protected]
Minsk, st. Pionerskaya, 41-201, Business Communications Center BEL.BIZ.
Minsk, st. Timiryazeva, 123/2, 6th floor, children's entertainment center COSMO.

2) Fill out the questionnaire, which will indicate the name of the participant, his age, contact information (address, phone, e-mail) and the name of the creative work.

The works will be evaluated by a professional jury in the following age categories: children under 7 years old; from 7 to 12 years.

The winners of the competition will receive valuable prizes.

Each participant will receive a surprise and an invitation to the holiday, which will take place on November 18, 2011 at 18.00 at the children's entertainment center COSMO. As part of the celebration, an award ceremony will take place for the winners of the “I am a future entrepreneur” drawing competition.

Special guests will be invited to this event - children from the Istoki children's village. The children will not only take part in a drawing competition, but will also prepare creative performances that will pleasantly surprise everyone present. Everyone, without exception, will be able to enjoy the children's show program, try to get out of the maze, win at the slot machines, and also have a good refreshment with sweets, because ahead of them there will still be a real disco and all the attractions of the children's entertainment center COSMO! Smiles, cheerful laughter and a joyful atmosphere are guaranteed.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is an entrepreneurial movement covering almost all countries of the world. It is designed to inspire young people to take bold initiatives, discover their abilities, and appreciate the opportunities available to develop their business. World Entrepreneurship Week in Belarus will be presented with master classes, presentations by international speakers, seminars and round tables. The main event of the Week will be the International Entrepreneurship Forum, which will be attended by representatives of the government, foreign embassies, large corporations, universities, business associations and business people of the country.