Confrontation of theories of the origin of cancer. Modern theory of cancer Cancer is a complex of causes

Thus, independent researchers have proven that a cancerous tumor is capable of turning into flagellates. Academician E. Pavlovsky observed flagellates in the blood of sick people, which he identified as Trichomonas, and he wrote about this in textbooks for doctors.
The question is: do oncologists have enough brains to connect these two facts?
The answer is not enough.
Why is there not enough? - Because the bosses don’t tell, on whom the salary depends. And the authorities have their own regional authorities, on whom the distribution of finances and material resources depends.
But Svishcheva is an independent researcher and her followers are just as independent.
Slaves are dumb - we are not slaves.

I am posting an article about bioresonance on the forum, and it also mentions the treatment of cancer patients. The reader can find more extensive material about bioresonance on the specialized website “Computer and Health,” where in the “Other” section I cover the topic “Computer diagnostics and therapy.” I would like the Social Democrats to pay special attention to this method, since the future of Russia’s health lies with it.


In our difficult times, when unique industries inherited from the past are curtailing and collapsing in Russia, when the state voluntarily abandoned healthcare, when many scientists and specialists, finding themselves in a desperate situation, are forced to realize themselves in the West “for good money,” it is simply hard to believe that we may have decent achievements elsewhere. But the Russian mind does the incredible, creates even in the most unfavorable conditions. This is confirmed by the experience of the IMEDIS Center (Intelligent Medical Systems), which is headed by Yuri Valentinovich Gotovsky, professor of the Department of Computers, Networks and Systems of Moscow Power Engineering Institute. For more than a quarter of a century, he and his employees have been developing and implementing methods of energy-information diagnostics and treatment, constructing smart devices that have no analogues abroad.
“Bioresonance therapy is one of the examples of the flexibility and volume of Russian thinking, sensitivity and receptivity to the new,” she says in pure Russian. — The center and its equipment are leading in the world; so far there are no more advanced developments than Russian ones. In the West, medicine is too conservative, and enormous efforts are required to move it forward. In Russia, new things take root quickly. This does not surprise me, since in many areas of science, in particular in physics, Russian priorities have traditionally reigned. The Russian mind is distinguished by its natural freedom, openness, and relaxedness, but often your process of implementation is somewhat slow and lags behind the birth of ideas. In this particular case, the instruments and methods show that the scientists and doctors associated with the center are thinking and implementing new ideas at a faster pace.”
The starting point for bioresonance therapy (BRT) was the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which considers a person as a single biofunctional system associated with the environment, that is, the treatment takes into account not only his physical, but also his emotional and spiritual state. According to the Center’s statistics, up to 86 percent of patients can be completely cured. In Kyiv, my student took 96 cancer patients in the third and fourth stages and brought 81 patients back to their feet.”
Considering that in homeopathy the effect is achieved through the correct choice of a drug, which, by its vibrational frequencies, resonates with the patient’s body, Yu.V. For the first time in the world, Gotovsky carried out not only the selection of drugs, but also their production using special advanced equipment, laying the foundation for electronic homeopathy. Thanks to bioresonance therapy, electronic homeopathy enters our lives. The doctor has the opportunity to use systems containing information on homeopathic medicines. Depending on the diagnosis, the system itself recommends to the doctor a list of 27 thousand medicines and materials from German, French, Italian and other leading homeopathic companies (!). All original electromagnetic spectra of these drugs are stored in selector memory chips. The spectra of physiological and pathological vibrations can be recorded on various storage media: water, homeopathic cereal, saline solution, etc. and used as medicines in the intervals between treatment sessions using the equipment.
“The future lies in a reasonable combination of classical and electronic homeopathy,” says Yu. Gotovsky. Computer color-musical psychotherapy also turned out to be effective, in which the President of the International Academy of Integrative Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Moscow professor Sergei Shushardzhan achieved brilliant results. Using electronic devices, accurate express diagnostics are carried out, and therapeutic music is selected.

experience the proposed treatment. In case of positive treatment results, the experience can be disseminated for wider use.

Article about celandine

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Matthias Rath's complaint to the International Court of Justice regarding the issue of cancer.

Until recently, cancer was considered a fatal diagnosis. Thanks to recent advances in natural treatments and cell medicine, the situation has changed radically. It is clear that the defendants deliberately neglected medical research into generic therapies for this disease and excluded them from the list of options in favor of ineffective drugs, allowing the cancer epidemic to continue to grow as one of the most lucrative markets. Because of the extreme nature of the crimes committed by the defendants in connection with the cancer epidemic, they are presented here in more detail.
It has been scientifically proven that the mechanism of development of all types of cancer is the same - the use of collagen-absorbing enzymes. Therapeutic use of the natural amino acid lysine, especially in combination with other generic micronutrients, can block these enzymes and inhibit the spread of cancer cells. All types of cancer studied have responded to this therapy, including breast, prostate, lung, skin, fibroblastoma, synovial sarcoma and other forms of cancer.
The only reason this medical breakthrough has not been developed and used to treat cancer patients around the world is that these substances cannot be patented and therefore will not be beneficial. Moreover, effective treatment of any disease leads to its disappearance and the destruction of the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical market.
Selling pharmaceuticals to cancer patients is particularly fraudulent and malicious. Under the pretext of treating cancer, masking “chemotherapeutic” toxic substances, including mustard gas derivatives, are used in patients. The fact that these toxic agents simultaneously destroy millions of healthy cells in the body is carefully hidden.
In view of this fact, the following implications have been deliberately considered and taken into account. First, the global cancer epidemic will continue to spread, providing the economic basis for a multimillion-dollar business in the disease.
Secondly, the systematic use of toxic agents in the form of chemotherapy will cause a wave of new diseases in cancer patients taking these toxic substances.
Thanks to this strategy, the market for pharmaceutical drugs designed to treat dangerous side effects of drugs (including infections, inflammation, bleeding, paralysis, etc.) is larger than even the market for chemotherapy drugs. Thus, the defendants used a developed scheme of deception to harm patients with cancer for financial gain.

Among the many titles on your forum on page 7 in the topic “Confrontation of theories of the origin of cancer” there are materials that are constantly updated mainly by Boris and sometimes by me. It would seem, what could cancer topics have to do with the political work of Social Democrats, whose main concern is gaining popularity among the people? It has. And the most direct thing. Because the cancer problem has long been not so much a scientific problem as a social one. It is enough to mention the complaint of the famous doctor Matthias Rath to the International Court of Justice about genocide against people by medical means, including through their destruction by cancer. Information about this complaint is available in our topic, and you can also read the complaint itself:
This genocide is being implemented most “successfully” in Russia, which in terms of cancer mortality per capita ranks second in the world after Hungary (“Russian Journal of Oncology”, 2000, 5) and this despite the fact that oncology officials constantly report on great successes in oncological science, the creation of new antitumor drugs and achievements in the prevention of cancer. The result of their activities is as follows. Here are the words from an interview with the deputy. Director for Scientific Work of the Russian Oncology Research Center (RONC) A.Yu. Baryshnikov (that is, he is the Deputy Chief Oncologist of the Russian Federation), which he said in Rodnaya Gazeta 5 (40) of February 6, 2004: “In Russia now every year 425 thousand people fall ill, and 350 thousand die from the disease.” That is, the survival rate for cancer in Russia is 17.65% - out of six people with cancer, only one survives. Here oncologists can say: What can be done about this if the disease is so incurable? But this is 3 times less than in the USA! In the United States, cancer survival rate is now 56%. Here our oncologists will object, they say, Americans spend much more money on treatment than our people can afford. According to some estimates, in the USA, an average of 300 thousand dollars is spent on the treatment of one cancer patient, and still almost half of them die. The disease is complex and expensive.

But is this really so? Our topic provides data that from 1893 to 1917, the American oncologist Dr. Williams Colley, using a vaccine he created based on streptococcal bacteria, had only 6 deaths per 1000 cured patients with cancer of various types (that is, a survival rate of 99. 4%), while the death of patients at the initial stage of vaccine use was mainly due to ignorance of the exact dosage of the vaccine. Moreover, Colley had the right to treat only late-stage cancer patients. The above survival rates for Russia are the result of treatment of patients with stage 1-2 cancer, since people with advanced stages are sent home to die. Colley made no secret of his vaccine - hundreds of his articles on the treatment method were published in the scientific press, but all this was forgotten due to the fact that his vaccine was too cheap - its cost was comparable to the postage costs of sending it. The low price of cancer treatment could not please the cancer mafia. That is, the cancer problem was practically solved back in pre-Soviet times, and in all subsequent years, oncology has gone into the jungle of its oncogenetic theory and is still wandering in this dark forest.

Boris and I consider this topic extremely important, since it is very attractive to the electorate, since it affects the interests of every person. I will give examples. Boris participated in the site's forum for about a year, and thanks to his participation, several cancer topics became very popular - the number of messages was in the thousands. Last December we were kicked out of this forum and these topics almost died out there. All attempts by progressive Soviet and Russian scientists to create their own anti-cancer vaccine were harshly suppressed, their authors were persecuted, and their laboratories were dispersed. Moreover, this is still being done, an example of which is the dispersal at the beginning of 2004 of the laboratory of Doctor of Sciences Vasily Britov, who created his own version of an anti-cancer vaccine, the effectiveness of which in treating stage 1-2 cancer reaches 90-95%, and stage 3 cancer - up to 70%. . Most likely, the vaccine created by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Kozlov (he is the director of the Institute of Clinical Immunology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) together with his staff will be deleted from scientific circulation. They created an anti-cancer vaccine with an effectiveness of curing stage 3-4 cancer of various localizations, reaching up to 80%.

Russia is a leader in this area and is getting phenomenal results. In fact, social democrats are learning for the first time that the greatest medical revolution is currently taking place in medicine, the likes of which have not been seen in the last several thousand years, and the journalists are silent, as if nothing is happening. It would be useful for Social Democrats to know about this, otherwise they are too divorced from real life and the needs of the people and are hovering somewhere in their own political clouds.

In general, it is useful to combine any technique with bioresonance - the effect will be immediately visible in diagnostics. Otherwise, oncologists still run around with a ruler and measure once every three months. But after a chemotherapy session, they will take you for bioresonance only 3-4 weeks later - the body is in complete chaos after chemotherapy.


CONSTIPATION: Some worms, due to their shape and large size, block some organs. A severe worm infection can block the common bile and intestinal tracts, leading to infrequent and difficult bowel movements.

ANEMIA. Some types of intestinal worms attach themselves to the intestinal mucosa and suck nutrients from the host. Being in the body in large quantities, they can cause quite a large loss of blood, which leads to iron deficiency or pernicious anemia.


We present new articles that speak about the growing public interest in the problems of cancer, and alarm in connection with its catastrophically rapid growth. It is worth noting that many of the researchers' results confirm in detail my theory about the nature of cancer. A quick glance at all the articles is enough to see the imperfection of methods for diagnosing and treating cancer. This is due to only one thing. There is no general theory of cancer formation and its etiopathogenesis. What is described below is a long-past stage in our research. Further, our remarks and comments will be given in italics.

Breast cancer most often occurs in women whose older relatives have not had it. This refutes the common belief that a hereditary factor is decisive for this disease. Genetic factors do not play a role in the development of breast cancer. Australian oncologists have proven this, reports Top News. During the study, experts analyzed data from almost 20 thousand mammograms taken by women over 20 years. Among those diagnosed with breast cancer, 72% were the first to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their family; their older relatives did not suffer from it. Previously, it was widely believed that family heredity was one of the main risk factors. In this regard, doctors recommend that all women, without exception, conduct monthly self-diagnosis of the condition of the mammary glands. “Most ladies are confident that if there is no history of breast cancer in their family, then they have nothing to worry about. But this is not true,” said study leader Vicki Pridmore. She added that if lumps are felt in the breast, axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, or discharge from the breast is observed (except during periods of pregnancy and lactation), you should immediately contact a mammologist. In addition, every two years it is highly advisable to consult a doctor for a professional examination. Previously, in my articles and books, I wrote that it is not genetics, but disrupted protein folding that is the main link in the pathogenesis of cancer. The latter is disrupted due to the introduction into living matter of a huge number of xenobiotics (artificial molecules, and a myriad of modulated EMFs (communications, household appliances, etc.). Moreover, these factors primarily contribute to the transformation of L-proteins into D-proteins and chimeric proteins (a mixture of the right and left-handed polarized models). Genetics - drifts, protein folding - rapidly moves in living matter, in which the main driver is the autowave process (solitons). Further. A large amount of fat in the menu of young girls threatens the development of breast cancer in the future. This is due to the accelerated development of milk glands due to irregular tissues. By irregular tissues, the author of the article probably meant benign tissue growths...

An unbalanced diet in youth can lead to breast cancer in women in the future. This was stated by American scientists from the University of California, reports Daily Mail . They conducted experiments on young mice. They were given food enriched with fatty acids that cause metabolic syndrome, a condition that affects many obese people. It was found that a large amount of fat in food stimulated the premature development of mammary glands in rodents. At the same time, their tissues formed incorrectly, which became a risk factor for cancer. “There is now an epidemic of childhood obesity in many countries, and girls are starting to grow breasts earlier as a result. This could be dangerous,” said the study's lead author, Dr. Russ Hovey. Scientists explain that incorrectly formed adipose tissue provokes the growth of abnormal cells. Also, excessive fluctuations in insulin levels can have carcinogenic properties. Fatty acids similar to those that the mice received are present in large quantities in industrial baked goods and many refined high-calorie foods, experts emphasized. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK. It accounts for 16% of all cancer cases. Almost all patients are female, but in 2009 several hundred men were diagnosed with breast cancer.

Currently, this type of cancer is often completely curable thanks to early detection and new effective therapies. Abnormal cells and an increase in the number of breast cancer in women and even men indicate that by eating modern food, a person absorbs a huge amount of xenobiotics, thereby dooming himself to death from cancer. Even after being cured of cancer, one cannot guarantee against its recurrence and the emergence of a new cancer... Due to the extremely large number of people and the irrational social structure, modern people cannot receive food directly from the fields and farms... And even if they did, it would be there in the fields, vegetable gardens, ponds, barnyards, farms, everything grows on artificial molecules, and everyone uses water almost universally contaminated with xenobiotics, salts of heavy metals, surfactants, products of the pharmaceutical industry, etc... The air is saturated with the same, and EMF of different frequencies and power. It is worth paying attention to some details inherent in modern products. Packed in plastic, with bright labels, tasteless, non-perishable, odorless, colorful, with virtually no shelf life...

Cancer and fried food

Also, regular hair dyes can cause cancer, scientists have warned. Men who eat fried foods more than once a week have a one-third increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This was stated by employees of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, RBC writes with reference to The Daily Mail. Chips, fried chicken, battered fish and donuts contribute to the formation of an aggressive form of cancer that is life-threatening. The study showed that eating deep-fried foods once a week increases the risk of cancer by 30-37%. And if you eat such food less often than once a month, the danger is reduced. The scientists' conclusion is based on an analysis of the results of two scientific studies involving 1,549 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,492 healthy volunteers. The age of the subjects was 35-74 years. "This is the first study to show the relationship between eating fried foods and the risk of prostate cancer," said study leader Janet Stanford. According to her, frying foods produces harmful carcinogens that promote the formation of tumor cells. One such compound is acrylamide, others are heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can be found in meats fried at high temperatures.

In addition, even ordinary hair dyes, used by millions of women, can be very dangerous. This was announced by scientists from Green Chemicals, writes Astro Meridian. They found that chemicals called "secondary amines" found in hair dyes can react with tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes and other air pollution to form one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. This compound can penetrate the skin and remain on the hair for weeks, months or even years after the dye is applied. In addition, according to the calculations of this group of researchers, an increasing number of hair dye consumers are becoming victims of allergies, sometimes even fatally. According to researchers, a third of women regularly resort to hair coloring, so the scale of this disaster can be enormous. A 2009 study found that women who use hair dyes have a 60 percent higher risk of blood cancer. Here I agree with the authors of the article with minor additions. Yes, frying, etc. The “delights” of cooking undoubtedly produce carcinogens from ordinary products if they are not subjected to strong heat treatment, or overnight it will be mentioned - the microwave oven! This generally produces radiolysis of all products placed there. Regularly eating microwaved food is guaranteed to cause cancer! Moreover (!!!) all these “stoves” are full of holes, i.e. in some places they let through those very waves that in themselves are carcinogens... I can only say one thing about hair dyes. Hair and nails are living derivatives of the skin!!! They have their own metabolism and are an exact reflection of the strategic processes occurring in the body! Any diagnosis can be made using nails and hair. Therefore, by applying artificial dyes to the hair and impregnating it, a woman dooms herself to cancer... Because the hair loses its main characteristics - dissymmetry and anisotropy. As I already wrote in my books: pregnant women, cancer patients and old people are similar in hyperpigmentation (increased pigmentation of the skin, mucous membranes), brittle, thin hair that does not fit into the hairstyle and fragile nails, swelling and acromegaly (enlargement of the hands, feet, lips )… The article about hair dyes also confirms my theory about the etiopathogenesis of cancer.

Refined foods cause skin rashes. This primarily applies to white bread, potatoes, carbonated drinks and some dried fruits. One of the reasons for the appearance of acne may be the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index. American nutritionists found this out, reports the MEDVesti website. They conducted a meta-analysis of a number of studies conducted over the past few decades. Based on the results obtained, scientists have added to the list of products harmful to the condition of the skin. If previously it was known that the occurrence of acne is provoked by sweets and fatty foods, now the list has been supplemented by milk and refined, highly purified foods. Among them are white bread, potatoes, carbonated drinks. Carbohydrates from them quickly enter the blood and cause sharp hormonal fluctuations, affecting glucose levels. It is noted that the glycemic index refers to the rate at which the body absorbs carbohydrates. The faster glucose enters the blood, the higher this indicator. In addition, a high GI indicates that this product, when ingested, raises blood sugar levels. Products with a very high GI also include beer, dates, and sweet pastries. The lowest index is for most vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini. Comments are unnecessary... But it is worth recalling the fact about the “side” of glucose polarization! The organisms of all living creatures on earth assimilate only left-polarized amino acids, and only right-polarized sugars! They simply do not notice other derivatives. You can eat five kilograms of right-handed amino acids and left-handed sugars, but not a single gram will stay in the body! Glucose is the “gasoline” for all types of metabolism, and the regular intake of large and easily digestible forms of glucose contributes to the “burnout” of metabolism. Cancer also madly loves glucose... Therefore, by eating easily digestible carbohydrates (they are also called fast carbohydrates), people “grow” cancer and diabetes with their own hands...

Malignant kidney tumors are among the leaders in the annual increase in incidence among cancer diseases in the Russian Federation. However, patients rarely receive modern therapy. In most cases, an outdated and ineffective technique is used. In Russia, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of cases of newly diagnosed kidney cancer, and the mortality rate from this disease is also increasing. Such data were announced at a round table meeting dedicated to current legislative issues and problems of the state strategy for the treatment of patients with cancer. Among malignant neoplasms there are leaders in annual increase in incidence. Kidney cancer is one of them, noted the leading researcher at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Russian Cancer Research Center. N.N. Blokhina, board member of the Society of Oncologists and Chemotherapists Dmitry Nosov. - Diagnostic algorithms are being improved, but at the same time there are no significant advances in antitumor therapy. D. Nosov explained that the average annual increase for kidney cancer is on average 2.71%, while in general for cancer diseases this figure does not exceed 0.64%. In turn, the head of the urology department of the Moscow Oncology Research Institute named after. P.A. Herzen, Professor Boris Alekseev said that the availability of effective therapy for kidney cancer is extremely important. However, immunotherapy is still used to treat inoperable patients in Russia - an outdated technology that does not produce tangible results, but is also very expensive. - It has already been proven that targeted therapy is more effective. This is treatment with drugs that target tumor cells. This method increases survival by 2-2.5 times compared to immunotherapy,” emphasized B. Alekseev. Meanwhile, according to expert data, targeted drugs are provided to only 2% of kidney cancer patients who have appropriate indications. The round table participants agreed that it is extremely necessary to ensure patients’ access to modern medicines in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the emphasis should be on the introduction of new drugs into practical medicine, which will expand the possibilities of individualizing therapy. There is no doubt that gathering around a table is a good thing... Especially a round one, at which even oncologists themselves recognize some methods as obsolete... However, for some reason they cannot recognize all existing methods except surgery as obsolete? The main terrible complication of kidney cancer is relapses, metastases to the lungs and bones. Death is terrible and painful. The beautiful word targeted therapy is also practically powerless against cancer. This is another “wishful thinking”... Our statistics say. All patients with kidney cancer who received non-linear medicine drugs are alive.

Oncologists from the USA have developed a test that allows diagnosing certain types of cancer using a breath test. It has been tested in patients with lung and breast cancer. Lung and breast cancer can be diagnosed using a breath test. The first tests of such a test were carried out by American scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Cancer Institute of Emory University, reports the Medical Xpress portal. The study involved 50 women, half of whom were healthy and half of whom had malignant tumors in the lungs. The air samples they exhaled varied in the content of volatile organic compounds. Similar studies have recently been conducted among women with breast cancer; in 78% of cases, scientists were able to determine the diagnosis using a breath test. In this case, the patient breathes into a special device. Chemical compounds in the exhaled air are examined using a special sensor. The process combines two methods - gas chromatography (separation of complex substances from each other) and spectrometry (identification of chemical composition). In cancer patients and healthy people, the chemical composition of exhaled air is different. According to the developers of the test, a simple and inexpensive breath test will allow cancer to be detected at an early stage, when it is curable in more than 70% of cases. The study authors note that the results need to be tested with a larger number of volunteers. The new test can then be used in clinical practice. This article, more than any other, confirms the narrowness of the accepted scientific paradigm in research into the nature of cancer. Everything is based only on molecular biology and biochemistry... These outdated diagnostic methods are the product of an incorrect scientific paradigm, inertia of thinking and immortal bureaucracy... Having conducted tens of thousands (!!!) of studies on our METSIS device, we have proven its 100% accuracy. In all respects, it clearly surpasses all available diagnostic methods in terms of simplicity, cheapness, speed, objectivity, and sensitivity. We are currently legalizing it in Israel and Europe. After it is adopted for use in oncology, all “modern devices” for diagnosing (and treating) cancer will be exhibited in the museum of medicine, as an edification to posterity on how to gracefully answer global questions of natural science.

Men are 12% more likely to die from cancer and have a greater risk of getting it overall. In particular, this applies to cancer of the stomach, pancreas, lungs and seven other types. Cancer in both sexes has the same forms, but recently the incidence of cancer in men has begun to increase exponentially. The Medvest website reports this. The corresponding study was conducted by American doctors from Cornell Medical College in New York. Since 2003, they have monitored a number of cancer patients with ten types of tumors, including the stomach, pancreas, and lungs, and came to the conclusion that men are more susceptible to cancer. In addition, cancer in the stronger sex is 12% more likely to lead to death. This has been proven in seven types of cancer. “This situation is due, among other things, to the characteristics of male metabolism,” concluded one of the study authors, Professor Sharoh Sharyat. In addition, men are more often susceptible to bad habits, which is also a carcinogenic factor.

Deaths from lung cancer among European women are rising and will reach a peak by 2015. This is due to the fact that in the 60-70s of the last century, many of them became addicted to smoking. However, after a decade, the trend will decline: a new generation of European women depends less and less on cigarettes. Whereas previously women in Europe most often died from breast cancer, now in some countries it is more often due to lung cancer. These are the results of a study by an international group of oncologists from EU countries, reports the BBC. According to their calculations, in 2013, more than 82.6 thousand European women will die from lung cancer, and almost 88.9 thousand from breast cancer. At the same time, a reverse trend is already visible in the UK and Poland, and by 2015, according to forecasts, it will spread throughout Europe. Experts say this is due to the fact that in the 60-70s of the last century, many women began to smoke. However, due to the fact that in recent years smoking has gone out of fashion in developed countries, and the authorities are actively enacting anti-smoking laws, after some time the incidence of lung cancer should decline. According to researchers, this will happen around 2025. Overall, scientists found that people in European countries are becoming more likely to experience cancer. At the same time, mortality from them is decreasing, as medicine is constantly improving methods of treating such patients. However, despite the overall positive dynamics, mortality from lung cancer among residents of EU countries is still increasing. The percentage of deaths in patients with malignant tumors of the pancreas is also high, since this type of cancer is not yet treated very effectively. This applies to both women and men. Oncologists emphasize that smoking and diabetes are to blame for about a third of diagnoses. Other causes of cancer have so far been little studied. I completely agree with the authors of the articles. However, the main cause of cancer is still a damaged environment. By the way(!) depressions and phobias that half of earthlings suffer from are of a “physical” electromagnetic and “chemical” (xenobiotic) nature. Michurin died when he fell from a tree while picking tomatoes. Humanity may die under the car for which it works day and night...

All rights reserved Kutushov M.V., 2013.

Prof. Kutushov M.V.

“There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge.”


Cancer is often talked about, including on television, when this disease concerns famous people. Everyone knows what a serious, debilitating disease it is, not only for the patient, but also for his loved ones.

The scale of this problem is attracting increased attention due to the persistent trend of increasing incidence worldwide.

Here are some statistics for 2012:

In 2012, 525,931 new cases of malignant neoplasms were identified in Russia (54.2% in women, 45.8% in men), which is 16.0% more than in 2002.

At the end of 2012, 2,995,566 patients were registered in territorial oncological institutions in Russia.

The cumulative prevalence rate was 2,091.0 per 100,000 population.

Differences in the age structure of morbidity among male and female populations become clear after 30 years of age.

The proportion of malignant neoplasms aged 30-49 years in the group of sick women (13.8%) is higher than in the group of sick men (8.5%).

In the age group of 60 years and older, 66.1% of cases of the disease are diagnosed in the male and 62.0% in the female populations.

In all patients under the age of 30, hemoblastosis (32.3%), malignant tumors of the brain and other parts of the nervous system (9.7%), cervix (7.1%), and thyroid gland (6.7) most often develop. %), ovary (4.3%), bones and articular cartilage (4.0%), connective and other soft tissues (3.6%), skin melanoma (3.3%).

In the age group of 30-59 years, the largest proportion are malignant neoplasms of the breast (15.7%), trachea, bronchi, lung (10.1%), skin (10.0%), stomach (5.9%), cervix (5.6%) and body (5.2%) of the uterus, hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue (4.9%), kidney (4.5%), colon (4.5%).

In the structure of morbidity among elderly people (60 years and older), tumors of the skin (16.5%), trachea, bronchi, lung (11.1%), breast (9.2%), and stomach (7.9%) prevail. .


There are many theories about the origin of cancer

Mutation theory of cancer

The mutation theory of cancer associates the occurrence of malignant tumors with breakdowns in the genetic structure at different levels, the emergence of mutant cells that, under unfavorable conditions for the body, bypass the defense mechanisms and give rise to a cancerous tumor.

Theory of chemical carcinogenesis

This theory considers chemical environmental factors as the main cause of failure of the mechanisms of cell division and the body's immune defense.

Viral theory of cancer

In oncology, a theory of the viral nature of cancer has been formed, based on modern advances in virology, which have revealed the presence of viruses in a number of malignant tumors. Among them, cervical cancer is one of the most common tumors.

Theory of trauma and chronic tissue irritation

The physical theory of cancer explains the occurrence of neoplasms by acute or, more often, chronic trauma, long-term mechanical effects on body tissues.

Theory of violation of organ formation

It is based on the assumption of a direct relationship between cancer and the destructive effects of various chemical, physical or biological factors on the fetus during its formation.

Theory of immune disorders

This theory sees the root cause of cancer not so much as the emergence of mutant cells, but rather as a violation of the body’s defense systems for their detection and destruction.

Theory of Dr. Rieke Gerd Hamer (Germany)

Dr. Hamer's research radically contradicts many existing theories of conventional medicine. His theory of the disease is explained by the interaction between the psyche, brain and the corresponding organ, when the “trigger mechanism” is psycho-emotional trauma - the so-called “biological conflict”.

If our emotional experiences are somehow reflected in our organs, then it cannot be that the brain, as the main computer, does not participate in this process.

Turning to a computed tomography scan of the brain, he discovered that all our so-called “biological conflicts” leave visible traces in the brain - ring-shaped foci, the center of which is always the points of the brain that control the functioning of our organs.

Theory of Dr. Tullio Simoncini (Italy)

Dr. Tullio Simoncini [Rome, Italy] has proven through many years of research that cancer is a fungus of the genus Candida. Modern nutrition through sugars, carbonated drinks, meat, grains creates an acidic environment in the body, favorable for fungi and bacteria.

The theory of MAISU academician V.N. Zhuravlev

First, due to misdirected aspirations in life, stress develops and one’s own resonance gradually increases, then posture is seriously disturbed, then many muscle blocks appear, and then there is a predisposition to the formation of tumors due to impaired local blood circulation in these tissues.

And only then, when a person begins to see only the negative in everything, wandering cancer cells that are in a dormant state in any body get into these tumors. They are activated in the absence of immune system cells in the tumor and begin to grow until they damage the structures of nearby tissues. This is where cancer reveals itself as pain.


However, from the position of information-wave theory, additions are necessary.

There cannot be one cause of cancer - it is a complex of reasons that cause changes in the structure of the genome - the totality of hereditary material contained in a human cell.

The formation of an oncological process is always preceded by disturbances in the human body. Carcinogenic substances are present in the air and water, and they enter the environment mainly with emissions and wastewater from industrial enterprises, fuel combustion products, and tobacco smoke; ultraviolet rays cause many types of mutations.

Many foods contain harmful chemicals and GMOs (genetically modified organisms), flavorings and preservatives, raising agents and artificial colors, etc.

Pesticides contribute to the development of hormonal disorders, are toxic to the nervous system and can cause significant brain damage.

Civilization provides great opportunities by introducing into our lives the achievements of scientific and technological progress in all spheres of human activity.

Dozens of technical devices that we use constantly have a negative impact on the body through ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION:

on the streets, in transport, at home - we are shrouded in electrical wires everywhere.

The number of cellular repeaters is huge, they operate continuously and all human systems and organs are exposed to their influence.

Throughout Russia, you can be reached at any time by mobile phone, and this only confirms the impossibility of avoiding the influence of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Our eyes and brain, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, hematopoietic organs and immune system, as well as the natural rhythm of the body are exposed to the invisible influence of electromagnetic radiation every day and every minute.

Research by many scientists confirms the growth of malignant tumors in people who are constantly exposed to electromagnetic signals.

GEOPATHOGENOUS ZONES, where the electromagnetic background exceeds permissible standards tens of times, have a very serious impact on humans.

As a result of a long stay in such an area - the location of sleeping and working places, storage and preparation of food - the human body receives a geopathogenic load, which is one of the triggers for the most serious diseases, incl. cancer ().

What cannot be seen, heard, or touched fully includes the BIOPATHOGENIC FACTOR - what is generally called “spoilage” (see articles “Biopathogenic factor and its consequences” and).

This is the negative energy-informational impact of one person on another, which has recently become an “epidemic” and from which no one is immune.

Most often, the formation of a cancer cell occurs due to a genetic failure, which is facilitated by a biopathogenic factor (BPF).

The biopathogenic factor primarily affects the pituitary gland, the main endocrine gland, which plays the role of a tracking and switching mechanism that determines at what level genetic defects should be eliminated.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation, geopathogenic zones and the impact of FFT lead to blocking:

Energy channels - a person stops receiving energy from the outside;

The energy centers from which energy flows to the organs are blocked - they are forced to work in “emergency” mode;

The vibrational frequency of cells decreases - their immune system, which must identify and destroy infections, viruses and tumor cells, is disrupted.

If we also take into account congenital defects of anti-cancer antibodies, or their absence, previous viral infections, in which the structure of cell membranes is disrupted, which are subsequently reproduced as “defective”, as well as toxic factors (carcinogens, unfavorable environment, smoking), this is the complete picture occurrence of cancer.

Any tumor process, regardless of its location, is a disease of the entire body and is accompanied by disturbances in all body systems.

Malignant tumors lead to a progressive deterioration of the patient’s condition, a state of general exhaustion and damage to various organs by metastases.


Unfortunately, people rarely pay attention to symptoms such as discomfort, fatigue, weakness, dysfunction of individual organs, and painful sensations, because real pain appears in the later stages of cancer, when nerve endings are involved in the process.

With rapid weight loss, over several months, the tumor synthesizes biologically active substances that disrupt normal metabolic processes.

EARLY DIAGNOSIS provides a great advantage: the earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chance of complete recovery and saving life.




Lungs' cancer

Every year, about 1 million people develop lung cancer. Russia is a country in which the number of smokers prevails compared to other countries in the world. In Russia, every tenth woman smokes, 53% of boys and 28% of girls. “Cancer from smoking” affects not only the lungs, but also the stomach, mouth, larynx, kidneys and digestive tract.

For any signs of lung disease (infection, difficulty breathing, obstruction - blockage of the airways), a chest x-ray is necessary, but to detect a tumor - CAT - Computer Axial Tomography.

Breast cancer

The risk of developing breast cancer in the general population is estimated to be one in eight. However, it increases sharply (to a level of one in three) in the group of women whose close relatives have had cases of breast cancer before the age of 50, as well as among those who have mutations in certain genes.

Women should start getting breast exams at a clinic every three years from age 20 to 40. And after the age of forty, it is recommended to undergo breast examinations and mammograms every one to two years.

Cervical cancer

Risk factors for cervical cancer are human papillomavirus and chlamydial infections, smoking, taking birth control pills, weakened immunity, early pregnancy, and the presence of cervical cancer in relatives.

Examination for oncocytology - it is necessary to take a cervical smear three years after the start of active sexual life or no later than 21 years of age. Moreover, it must be taken every one to two years. After three consecutive healthy smear results, you can increase the difference in testing time to once every two to three years after thirty years. If smears have been negative for 10 years, you can stop testing after age 70.

Colon and rectal cancer

People over 50 years of age are at highest risk, as well as those who have inflammatory bowel diseases - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, rectal polyps and hemorrhoids.

Fecal occult blood tests should be performed annually after age 50, as well as sigmoidoscopy every five years and colonoscopy every 10 years.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common disease among older men. Risk factors are family predisposition, previous sexually transmitted diseases, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, dietary features (red meat, high calcium content, etc.), high body mass index, sedentary lifestyle.

At risk are welders and galvanizers, workers in printing houses and rubber production - they have to come into contact with high levels of cadmium. The development of prostate cancer is influenced by cadmium, which is present in tobacco smoke and alkaline batteries.


Diagnosis of tumors in the body can be done using various methods:

Ultrasound examination is used for the preliminary diagnosis of tumors of internal organs.

X-ray examination reveals tumors of various organs.

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Screening using MRI is the main tool for the initial detection of malignant cancers and benign tumors throughout the body.

CT diagnostics - Computed Tomography provides clearer images of organs, soft tissues, bones, blood vessels, etc.

Diagnostics PET-CT - Positron Emission Tomography - the study determines how organs function and the state of body tissues, showing the level of activity in different colors and degrees of brightness.

Despite the high information content of these methods, accurate diagnosis requires histological analysis - sampling of tumor tissue.

In gynecology, a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix is ​​performed - it can be used to diagnose the early stages of the cervix.

However, no diagnostic method can 100% exclude the presence of malignant cells. All types of tomographic examinations, even the most modern ones - PET-CT, do not detect tumor foci less than 1 mm in diameter.

Diagnosis of cancer, unfortunately, is possible at a stage when something has already formed, and treatment - when the cancerous tumor has not developed strongly.

And here it can come to the rescue INFORMATION-WAVE DIAGNOSTICS, which uses methods that allow a comprehensive examination of the body and diagnosis of the occurrence of cancer at the genetic and cellular level.

The sooner you find out what type of cancer you are genetically predisposed to, the better your chance of minimizing your risk of developing it, since the genes that cause tumor growth can be turned off.

In general, three out of four people over 55 are diagnosed with cancer, which is about 77% overall.

February 4th is World Cancer Day, which aims to remind people of the dangers of this deadly disease.

In 2005, 7.6 million people died from cancer on Earth, with 70% of deaths occurring in “low- and middle-income” countries. By 2035, 24 million people will develop cancer every year. Deaths will rise to 13 million per year.


This information is intended for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. Patients should not use this information as medical advice or recommendations.

Cancer hypothesis

L.V. Volkov

It just so happened that I had to come face to face with this disease: a very close person fell ill. For five years, we lived with this problem every day and tried to do everything possible and available for a cure. Therefore, one involuntarily had to be interested in achievements in this area (mainly through the INTERNET), various hypotheses of the occurrence and development of these diseases, prospects and timing for obtaining reliable means and methods of treatment. Since the scope of my activity lies outside medicine, although it is scientific, in order to adequately understand what I had to learn, I constantly consulted with specialists of the relevant profile.

In my opinion, at the moment, medical science does not have a convincing answer to a number of extremely important questions and there is no theory that would give a systematic answer to them.

Among these questions, the following seem to be the most important:
1. What are malignant neoplasms and what explains their wide variety of species?
2. How does the disease transfer (metastasis) from the primary focus to other organs?

Without answers to these key questions, the search for methods and means of treatment is essentially conducted “in the blind.”
At the moment, the solution to the first question comes down mainly to explaining the causes of the occurrence and development of cancer using various theories (irradiation, general deterioration of the environmental situation, the presence of cancer cells in a “dormant” state in every body, decreased immunity, excessive nervous load, pathogenic fungi, infections, etc.)
The disease transfer process is mainly explained by the migration of cancer cells. The fact that a certain type of malignant tumor most often gives metastases to certain organs is not taken into account (it is understood that metastasis depends on the location of the tumor and is associated with the peculiarity of the passage of the lymphatic and circulatory system: where the vessels lead, cancer cells migrate there).

Analyzing the information received and reflecting on the above questions, the conclusion inevitably arises that researchers of the problems of malignant neoplasms have undeservedly ignored one of the possible hypotheses, which can provide answers to the questions posed and, it seems, has the right to more careful study.

At all stages of human development, viruses and bacteria were his constant companions. A consequence of this realization was the hypothesis of the viral (infectious) origin of cancer, which, as far as I know, has received limited recognition.
At the same time, viruses and bacteria (which were and are the cause of many diseases of the flora and fauna of the planet) are not the only biological objects that existed and developed simultaneously with human evolution. Among these objects, a significant place has always been occupied MUSHROOMS, many of whose species still create serious problems for it. Among such problems, it is enough to note fungal diseases (types of fungi) of the skin, nails, hair, etc.

But if these fungal diseases have the property of being localized, then in the case of malignant neoplasms it seems appropriate to consider the hypothesis that we are dealing with specific types of fungi, which may have one special property, which makes them the cause of human illness with this terrible disease.

If we consider mushrooms that grow in the forest, then their spores, once in favorable soil, which is a relatively “dead” environment, begin to germinate in the form of threads - mycelium, creating a mycelium. That is, by taking nutrients from the “dead” soil, forest mushrooms build a network of living cells.
Fungi that cause various fungal diseases of humans and animals act similarly, with the only difference being that they build their network by taking the necessary substances from living tissue. That is, in fact, they represent a separate class of mushrooms.

According to my assumption, there is another, hitherto unstudied, class of specific mushrooms, which are the cause of cancer and their diversity. A special property of this class of fungi is that their “seedlings” (the term “spores” may not be applicable to this class of fungi; then it would be more correct to speak of “oncological-biological material”), once in a living organism, it begins to build its network through biochemical or/and genetic modification of cells, taking the necessary substances and energy also from living tissue.

Since the human body is continuous in the sense that it is possible to build a path from any point to any organ by changing neighboring cells, then fungi that cause cancer over some time can become entangled in such “paths” of changed cells adjacent to each other, the whole body. At the same time, it is almost impossible to identify such “paths - mycelium” of altered cells with modern diagnostic tools. Certain types of diagnostics make it possible to determine the presence of cancer cells in the body, but they are not able to identify cells with altered proteins or with genetic disorders, since the altered cells are not yet cancerous (recently, materials in which abstracts of the results are increasingly found on the Internet studies where cancer is associated, among other things, with various types of proteins).

These are not yet cancer cells, but from them, under favorable conditions, the latter develop (apparently, such a case occurred with the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, who, after undergoing a course of treatment for cancer, stated that no cancer cells were found in his body, but subsequently metastases were the cause of his death).

Important questions are the source (natural reservoir) of these fungi and how do they enter the body?
As noted above, presumably they have always existed among living organisms belonging to both fauna and flora. Suffice it to recall champignons, oyster mushrooms, Aspergillus mushrooms, etc. It is also known that trees, grasses and other flora are susceptible to diseases caused by fungi.

However, I have not yet been able to get acquainted with studies that would differentiate between fungi that use the substances of living and dead cells to build mycelium, and carry out biochemical and/or genetic changes in living cells. Moreover, the possibility of the existence of this class of fungi, as far as my competence allows to judge, was not considered at all.

Now, regarding the question of disease development and metastasis(the sources I have read claim that about 80% of cancer deaths are caused by metastases).
According to my assumption, after oncological-biological material of this type of mushroom enters the body, a person may not get cancer for some time, or may not get sick at all for the rest of his life. However, his body will contain a network of “paths - mycelium”, which can penetrate almost all organs. The reason for the body’s resistance to the development of cancer most likely lies in the immune system, or more precisely, in the power of the “immune airbag,” which is different for all people. This can be represented in the form of diagram 1.
In the diagram below, the horizontal line represents the level of human immunity. The peaks of the broken line characterize the pressure of the “mycelium” of the fungus on various organs, which in this case are not yet able to “hack” (or “pierce”) the immune system. Although the body is affected by the fungus, the disease does not develop, as it is restrained by the immune system.
As the immune system weakens, it “breaks through” and the disease develops (Scheme 2), i.e. the body of the fungus grows, which is a cancerous tumor.

Scheme 1.

Scheme 2

The presence of a tumor and its treatment causes a further decrease in immunity. As a result, the mycelial pressure “breaks through” the immune system, possibly in several places at the same time, and metastases (i.e., additional fungal bodies) occur in other organs (Scheme 3).
Since these types of fungi have significant diversity, their pressure, which is restrained by the immune system, falls to the greatest extent on those organs that are most favorable for the development of the fungal body (and, accordingly, metastasis). This appears to explain the propensity of different types of cancer to metastasize to certain organs.
This hypothesis also makes it possible to explain the presence of the so-called “wandering cancer,” when tumors of different nature appear simultaneously in the body: the body simply happens to be affected by different types of fungi of a given class.
In principle, everything stated above is the main essence of the proposed hypothesis.

Scheme 3.

In conclusion, I would like to express a few considerations that seem important to me. I apologize in advance if anything seems too amateurish. I am writing about this only because suddenly these arguments will give someone a useful idea and will at least help a little in finding fairly effective methods for diagnosing and treating this terrible scourge.

1. If the stated hypothesis is at least partially correct, then oncological diseases, at least some of them, are contagious and can be transmitted from person to person through the transfer of oncological-biological material through standard channels.
An indirect confirmation of this is the significant increase in recent years in the number of diagnosed cancer diseases, which gives reason to even talk about an epidemic. In fact, the situation can be explained as follows: as methods for diagnosing and treating these diseases improve, as well as the effectiveness of the drugs used, the survival rate increases. As a result, the number of contacts between sick and healthy people increases and, accordingly, the likelihood of the latter becoming infected with cancer increases.

2. Currently, the existing understanding of the development of cancer can be represented in the form of the following chain: the occurrence (the reasons are stated in various theories of cancer) of the primary focus (tumor) - the transfer of cancer cells to other organs or tissues - the occurrence of metastases as a result.
If the stated hypothesis is correct, then the development of the disease looks like this: penetration of oncological-biological material into the body – germination (entanglement) of the body in a network of mycelium paths – emergence of a primary focus – development of metastases from altered cells.
In this case, the causes of cancer, set forth in various theories, are essentially factors that determine the magnitude and intensity of carcinogenic pressure on the body, thereby accelerating the decrease in immunity and the emergence of a primary lesion as a result of damage to the body by specific types of fungi.

3. The future of early diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases, it seems, is associated with finding methods for identifying and destroying (or reverse transformation) “tracks - mycelium,” as well as the development of immune prevention. For these purposes, it is necessary to create comprehensive scientific teams, including, along with doctors, also biologists, biochemists, physicists, immunologists, mycologists, etc.

4. Identification of “tracks – mycelium” may be associated with the discovery of substances that allow them to be marked in some way for subsequent scanning. These could be chemical substances, and also, possibly, some physical methods that cause resonant vibrations of the changed cells (while spending a lot of time in the oncology clinic in Khabarovsk, I heard several times complaints from those being treated about a deterioration in their health when listening to certain music).

Best regards, L.V. Volkov

P.S. If someone would like to make a “compliment” about me and this material, this is possible at the address.

Cancer is not a death sentence, but the most serious reason to change... Konstantin Vladimirovich Yatskevich

Creators and developers of new theories, technologies and methods of cancer treatment

In this section, I would like to give some advice and guidance to all theorists and practitioners of both conventional and alternative oncology, as well as the creators of new theories of carcinogenesis and developers of the latest technologies and methods of treating oncological diseases.

Dear colleagues, yes - yes, exactly colleagues, I was not mistaken.

I call you colleagues, my dears, for the reason that I myself, at one time, tried my hand at solving this universal human task and problem, being, in my sincere conviction, at the peak of my intellectual development and the peak of my strength.

How could it be otherwise, because for me it was truly a worthy challenge - a challenge to one of the most difficult problems and mysteries that has not yet been solved by all of humanity. And, therefore, an indirect (or maybe not indirect) confirmation of the genius of the developer of the most correct theory and the “savior of mankind” from such a terrible and almost incurable illness.

How could it be otherwise, because everyone knows that the one who is the first to solve this problem will have a monument made of “pure gold” erected during his lifetime. Isn’t this a worthy reason to show off your intelligence to the whole world, and even receive the much-coveted reward with the title of “benefactor and savior” of all mankind? Isn’t this a chance and a reason to deservedly receive a lifelong “title of genius” with a golden crown of “the wisest,” no, “the wisest of the wise”?

So, my dear colleague, specialist and developer, at that time it seemed to me, as perhaps it seems to you now, that I see and understand better than many others the depth, complexity and at the same time brilliant “simplicity” of the cancer problem.

It seemed to me at that time that my theory and concept of carcinogenesis was absolutely correct, confirmed by practice and could be adopted by many conventional oncology specialists and patients.

It seemed to me at that time, as perhaps it seems to you now, that in this way I, too, could really make my “modest” contribution to solving the problem of the century and all of humanity.

It seemed to me naively at that time that I could really really help many people with cancer, and as a result there would be a little less pain and suffering in this world, and at the same time I would become a famous and simply respected person, but...

...after exactly seven years of daily and persistent work on this problem - work that completely absorbed all my time and all my strength; which sometimes brought me to an extreme degree of physical, moral and mental exhaustion - work that constantly plunged me headlong into the very abyss of suffering and hell, during which I lost my parents and myself came close to death, having suffered a severe heart attack , - work from which I was repeatedly completely turned inside out, when I experienced severe mental stress and the deepest depression with sleepless nights, when alcohol simply did not affect me, at all and in any quantity, when a whole group of psychologists and confessors was powerless to restore my emotional and psychological imbalance and alleviate my condition - work from which I simply did not want to live in this world and in this world anymore...

...only after all this, one day, as if “completely by accident and suddenly,” a “simple” and uncomplicated understanding came to me, not of the complexity, but of the ingenious simplicity of this problem.

I would tell you, reader, in more detail how this happened, how “they” came and talked some sense into me, but I’m afraid you’re not ready for this yet, and therefore you either won’t believe me or, even worse, you’ll think it my hangover delirium. Don't be scared, this is not nonsense. These are those “little miracles” and “unexpected meetings” that occur in the most secluded and hidden corners of our consciousness, located on the periphery and at the very border of our mental abilities, where the train of our everyday thoughts does not penetrate.

However, after all this, all my reasonable calculations, calculations and rational conclusions regarding the theory and practice of fighting cancer that I created with a smile seemed to me childish and holy naivety without quotes.

That same holy naivety with which a primary school student, receiving an A in natural history, is absolutely sure that he “knows” nature...

The naivety with which a student, successfully defending his course work, quite seriously believes that he is really “strong” in this topic...

The naivety with which a dissertation candidate who has successfully defended his thesis confidently considers himself “one of the greatest specialists” in this field...

The naivety with which the doctor of sciences and professor is convinced of his indisputable authority as the “largest” specialist not only in this field, but in almost everything...

That naivety with which an academician of several academies and a laureate of many awards quite seriously considers himself “close to the truth itself,” etc....

This chain of naivety, my dear, is not limited to the rational sphere alone. In the irrational sphere, the situation is practically the same.

With the same naivety, some esotericist, who for the first time entered the astral plane or saw his body from the outside, seriously considers himself a “powerful flying magician” and with the same naivety, an ordinary priest, who has risen to a high clergy position, somewhere deep in his soul gradually admits the thought of his closeness to God or even partnership with God... etc. and so on.

All these thoughts, my dear specialist, scientist or master, are in fact nothing more than our purely human and childish naivety, or rather, the naivety of our human way of thinking.

All this is naivety, only different levels of awareness, to which the truth itself, looking at them from the side and smiling almost the same way as a Mother smiles, looking at her playful child, has no serious business. The mother perceives them all only as her children, loving and playing any games with them completely frivolously, although they are all so serious in their thoughts and aspirations in relation to the truth.

All these naiveties, my dear reader, are in reality nothing more than the steps of one long ladder - an endless ladder of the evolution of knowledge and our ideas about such a complex, multidimensional and not always comprehensible world.

Do not fall into the trap of just one of the steps of evolution, colleague and developer.

When you want to do something solid and fundamental in life, always first look forward and try to find the outlines of the next evolutionary step beyond the horizon line. It will help you understand the relativity and conditionality of everything immutable and fundamental in science and especially medicine.

I told you all this, my dear inventor and specialist, so that you “simply” know how a person gets the possession of the truth in any matter. Truth actually costs nothing, because few rationally thinking people need it in life, and at the same time, it is very expensive.

Now, after this short lyrical-romantic opus, we will move directly to the problem of cancer and the so-called. "true theory" of carcinogenesis.

The first thing I want to tell you, dear specialist and developer of the latest cancer treatment methods, is that throughout your life (no matter how old you are now), a golden monument to the “savior of humanity from cancer” will not be erected to anyone in the world (including and you, of course), because this simply won’t happen.

Are you sad?

Don’t be sad, I’ll explain everything to you now.

This will not happen for the simple reason that at this stage of evolutionary and technological development, humanity simply does not have such energy-information capabilities.

The root causes and hidden mechanisms of carcinogenesis, unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time) have a multidimensional energy-informational, or rather vibrational nature, which goes beyond the limits of reason and the possibility of human understanding.

It (the nature of the root causes) does not lend itself, in principle, to a linear type of awareness.

The only thing that can be said about the root causes and hidden mechanisms of carcinogenesis is that they are associated with distortions and breaks in the primary energy-information connections of the multidimensional information structure of DNA.

It is extremely difficult for humanity to fight cancer at this stage of evolutionary development, primarily for the reason that this disease has a common evolutionary basis for all living matter and a bioinformational nature associated with the functioning of complex mechanisms of genetic memory and heredity.

In other words, the fight against cancer is, in essence, a fight against entropy and the highest evolutionary tools of Nature, and therefore, to some extent, it is a fight against evolution itself.

The fact is that the same higher information tools of evolution, which, on the one hand, ensure the diversity of living nature through the mechanisms of variability, adaptability and genetic memory...

...the reverse side fixes in the genetic memory the very changes (distortions) that occur with a given disease. It is these genetic memory mechanisms that make cancer hereditary.

A gross impact on these subtle information mechanisms is the essence of a gross interference in the evolutionary processes of adaptability and variability of species in accordance with the Highest Design. This is essentially a direct impact on the Highest Plan itself and on the course of evolution in living matter. This is essentially access to the highest, or more precisely, the Highest level of responsibility and awareness towards Nature.

That is why this level imposes a VERY SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY on any researcher and operator, since it is the level of responsibility of the Creator himself.

Today, more precisely, at this stage of evolutionary development, this level CANNOT STILL BE IN THE COMPETENCE OF HUMAN, because any modern person, including any academicians and professors, is FAR from PERFECT in his thinking.

Modern man is not yet ready for the Highest degree of responsibility before all of Nature and before himself, because for this he has not yet gone through a whole series of evolutionary stages of working with his human naiveties.

That is why the “golden monument” to the savior of humanity from cancer will not be erected to anyone in the near future.

You are probably already interested in the question of whether it is possible today to understand the mechanisms of carcinogenesis?

I will answer this question for you.

Understanding these mechanisms is to some extent possible, but this is a matter of the distant future - that future when the complete energy-information structure of DNA, which has a multidimensional nature, will be discovered, when the language of higher bioprogramming itself will be discovered - the language of vibrational communication of primary DNA structures with cellular structures, when it is deciphered and understood, only then will it be possible to talk about controlled and programmable apoptosis, about program learning (bioprogramming) and targeted cellular specialization using bioprogram tools.

Only then will it be possible to try to communicate with any cells of the body on You. But all this is ahead, and on the way to this, MANY more secrets, amazing secrets await us.

Now, you understand, my dear specialist and scientist, that to trust any modern researcher with his linear way of thinking, with his materialism and polarized views, with his isolation from the Truth, to trust the level of the highest “bioprogramming” is NOT ONLY REASONABLE, BUT ALSO CRIMINALLY DANGEROUS, because he The level from which any cellular specialization of any living organism can be controlled in dirty hands, or rather dirty minds, can become the most terrible bioinformational weapon. In minds that are dirty and uncleaned from Ego, possession of this Level can bring a lot of destruction, troubles and suffering to all living beings, including Man himself.

That is why this Level of bioinformation capabilities is RELIABLE AND VERY STRONGLY PROTECTED for any linear approach with its materialism, with its Ego and other human naiveties.

I’ll say one more thing, in order to reach this level of possibilities, the linear type of consciousness needs to go through a special “cleaning” Program - the Sacrifice Program - the Crucifixion Program - the Christ Program and in this way develop God in oneself, or more precisely, activate informationally his qualities in DNA structure.

That is why any modern scientist and developer of various technologies for “saving” humanity from cancer needs to grow, grow, grow and grow to this level...

...moving consistently through all the steps and levels of his human and scientific naivety.

These are the conditions, my dear, that are necessary to curb cancer. This is the main “difficulty” of solving the problem of cancer on Earth at the present stage.

You've probably already asked yourself another question: what can you really do today?

Good question and I will answer it for you.

First of all, do not rack your brains over solving this problem at its root and entirely, especially by creating new and super-new theories, and at the same time a “super panacea” with “miracle technologies” for treating cancer. These are all “children’s games” of our human naivety.

Today, humanity is still IN PRINCIPLE NOT READY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF CANCER BOTH TECHNOLOGICALLY, MORALLY AND SPIRITUALLY, but it, of course, in no way should give up the very attempts to search for means and methods of combating this disease.

In this work, after the famous 11:11 window, he should move not one way, but TWO WAYS AT THE SAME TIME:

Develop both existing and new technologies to combat cancer, while...

DO NOT FORGET about those who are sick today and right now.

Do you understand me?

Oncologists and doctors must understand a simple thing - if cancer in the world at this stage of evolutionary development is only 50% curable, taking into account the five-year survival rate, then for the second half and 50% of patients it is, accordingly, INCUREABLE. This division exists for a reason. The fact is that 50% of the ability to cure cancer lies in the person himself. These are internal human capabilities that have not yet been tapped technologically, but which can be tapped using information technology and integrative methods.

This half of patients today throughout the post-Soviet space are deprived of real relieving (palliative) and additional (complementary) care.

It is for this half of patients that we need to care not so much about “treatment” (in the known sense of the word), AS ABOUT IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF THEIR LIFE and the possible extension of survival.

In other words, humanity must RIGHT NOW, along with the development of technologies for “cancer treatment,” begin to develop technologies and methods for improving the quality of life of patients, because they are suffering RIGHT NOW and there are a lot of them and their number will grow. Their suffering and pain is the pain of their loved ones and relatives and this is the PAIN of the WHOLE EARTH. That's what “our friends” say.

You should know, developer, that these doomed patients will not really receive any real help from science, medicine and the same developers of “super technologies” and “super panaceas” like you, but THEY CAN RECEIVE human help.

RIGHT NOW, they are in dire need of many types of not only therapeutic, but psychological, social, complementary and palliative care.

This is absolutely true, believe me.

And in this direction, oncology, medicine and talented people have a huge field for creativity and development.

Yes, I'm talking about the development of an integrative approach, complementary and palliative care. These are real fronts of work not for tomorrow, but FOR TODAY. These are real directions for help and for investing money in REAL HELP FOR PEOPLE AND IN REAL HUMAN (personal) TECHNOLOGIES.

Now a few words about successes on the scientific front.

I have some good news from our "friends".

Taking into account some global changes of a cosmogenic nature (window 11:11) that have occurred in the information structure of human DNA, in the near future the total number of people in the world who will be able to recover from cancer on their own will increase. Subsequently, with the formation of a new informational human race and the parallel development of information and bioinformation technologies, the number of self-healing people will gradually increase.

Thus, in scientific oncology in the near foreseeable future, TWO POSITIVE TRENDS will emerge:

Purely technological and

Purely human (personal).

On the one hand, development will move towards genetic engineering and nanotechnology for the correction of proto-oncogenes. This process will be carried out in three main directions:

2. Search for possible ways to interact with the genome as a unique system for encoding and storing biological information.

3. Creation of effective bioinformation technologies for influencing the structure of the genome and DNA. The impetus for the development of this direction will be numerous discoveries of mechanisms for the transfer of biological information into the cell nucleus, for the activation of genes involved in cell growth, differentiation and development.

The curious thing, my dear researcher, is that there will be many mechanisms for transferring this information to the primary level, but the most curious thing will be that the human genome itself, of all the mechanisms and methods of influence, will best respond to human speech and singing, i.e. on linguistic commands, but science will not be able to find the source of synchronization of all commands in the near future.

And on the other hand, there will be the development of personal technologies or special information technologies for targeted use in the treatment of internal human factors: FACTOR OF INTENTION AND WILLPOWER.

The intersection of genetic, bioinformation and human (personal) technologies will be the creation and development of unique technologies for interaction with the information structure of DNA. These are technologies of GLP or gene-linguistic programming.

This process will not be revolutionary. He will go slowly but steadily. Step by step, like a game map, the entire mechanism of the most complex program-information structure of DNA, which is multidimensional in nature, will be revealed. It is the multidimensionality of the information structure of DNA that is the main problem in its study and understanding.

In other words, in the near future in oncology there will be a fusion in one approach (which today is called complex) of the most physiological technologies for tumor destruction and bioinformation technologies for correcting the DNA structure and consciousness of the patient.

Look for yourself today, a specialist and developer, if you really want to help people and progress only in this fusion, and not separately. Because taken separately, these technologies are ineffective.

Don't stick to one psychology, one religion or one technology, keep this whole fusion in your field of vision.

By destroying the tumor, without correcting the DNA structure, you will doom the patient to an inevitable relapse with the promise of a complete cure. And if you try to activate the human factor and restore the DNA structure without stopping the progression of the tumor and without getting rid of it at a critical moment, you will lose the patient even before he feels the effect of information restoration.

If you are an attentive developer, you must have noticed one interesting trend. Recently, oncology and psychology have begun to intersect more and more. Many interesting discoveries have appeared in related and borderline disciplines - multidimensional psychology, multidimensional medicine, etc., new areas of medicine have appeared - psychoneuroimmunology, bioinformatics, etc., many psychologists and psychotherapists have entered the field of oncology, who began to develop such areas of activity as psycho-oncology, psychotherapy cancer, etc. It was psychologists who began to try to formulate new concepts and theories of carcinogenesis: the theory of alienation, the theory of fear, the theory of chaos, etc.

Does this tell you anything?

If not, then I'll tell you.

This is the beginning of the development of the human factor in oncology. This is a very strong and very powerful factor, believe me. He has a very bright future in oncology, I assure you of this.

Do you know why?

Because this is a technology used in oncology human factor– this is the essence of Divine technology.

Do you remember that a little earlier I told you that the level of “Higher Bioprogramming”, which allows you to talk to the cells of the body in You, is the level of God?

So, my dear specialist and developer, God is so Generous and Loving that He shared this Higher function with each person personally, placing in him a part of this Higher function and opportunity.

Know that in every person and patient, in the structure of his DNA, this same “Higher Programmer” sleeps, or rather, his segment.

Moreover, this Higher bioprogram function can be used by default ONLY by the patient himself and the patient. This is a kind of Gift to him (like any other person) from God and this is his personal Divinity.

Now you understand that in order to help a person cope with his illness, this function of the “Higher Bioprogrammer” must be awakened in him.

It can be awakened only by two higher information tools: Faith and Intention.

Therefore, parting words to you, theorist and practitioner, when you create your own theories, technologies or panaceas, do not forget about this.

Don’t forget that without using the human factor, without Faith and Intention, it is impossible to cure cancer by any means.

Therefore, when creating or applying your theories, “super technologies” or “super panaceas”, always help people gain Faith, help them strengthen the Intention to fight the disease.

For to each according to his Faith, and may he who believes in Salvation be saved.

That's all, actually, what I wanted to tell you.

Dear reader, now I, by and large, no longer care about any theories of carcinogenesis, just as I don’t care about the assessments of my work by other developers.

I have already found, first of all, for myself what I was looking for, and I have completed the task set specifically for myself.

Your work in this direction is purely your goal and purely your task. I have nothing to do with them and do not want to have anything to do with them.

I already firmly know that absolutely everything in this world has its cause and effect, and therefore is extremely fair:

If there is an entrance to suffering in this world, then there is also an exit to joy,

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author Igor Pavlovich Samokhin

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From the book Unconventional cancer treatment. Methodology of N. Shevchenko and other original methods author Igor Pavlovich Samokhin

From the book Unconventional cancer treatment. Methodology of N. Shevchenko and other original methods author Igor Pavlovich Samokhin

From the book Unconventional cancer treatment. Methodology of N. Shevchenko and other original methods author Igor Pavlovich Samokhin

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