The train doesn't stop. Economic situation in Ukraine now and in the future

Currently, more and more people are asking the question: what awaits Ukraine in the future? This country is living a very busy life now: Euromaidan, protests, rallies of civilians, changes in power... When and how will the unrest in the state end? How will relations between two related peoples, Russian and Ukrainian, develop in the future? What lengths are the Ukrainian leadership willing to go to in order to normalize the situation in the country? Let's try to make a forecast of the political and economic development of the state.

Ukraine: chronicle of events

Where did it all start? On November 28-29, 2013, the Eastern Partnership Summit was to be held in Vilnius, dedicated to the signing of an association agreement between and Ukraine. But a few days before this, the government of the country announced the suspension of preparations for this significant event for the state. On November 21, the first protest rally took place in the center of Kyiv, the main goal of which was to support European integration. The Eastern Partnership summit did take place. But an association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union was not signed there. A new wave of protests began.

Among the protesters, a split emerged between “moderates” and radicals. On December 1, on the Maidan, the latter seized the House of Trade Unions and the building of the Kyiv Rada. Now people were not only in favor of signing an agreement on Ukraine’s accession to the EU, but also demanded the resignation of the current government led by President Viktor Yanukovych. But there were also those who were against the rapprochement of the state with the countries of the European Union. They saw the future of Ukraine in close cooperation with Russia. At that time no one dared to make a forecast of its further development. Meanwhile, protests and clashes between radicals and militias on city streets continued. As a result, the Verkhovna Rada removed Viktor Yanukovych from power at the end of February, amended the country’s Constitution and appointed Speaker Alexander Turchynov as acting president. This caused a controversial assessment in world politics. As is known, Moscow opposes such actions of the Ukrainian government, calling them illegitimate. The US and EU support today's leaders in Kyiv. How will events develop next? Citizens of the state see the future of Ukraine differently.

What awaits the country after the elections on May 25?

Viktor Yanukovych was forcibly removed from power. Moreover, he had to leave his homeland to save his life. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, one of the main leaders of the opposition on the Maidan, became the head of the government. On May 25, presidential elections will be held in Ukraine. The main contenders for the post of head of state have emerged. This is ex-prime minister and oligarch Petro Poroshenko. Let's try to find out how the upcoming elections will affect the future of Ukraine. After Maidan, the intensity of passions in the country only increased. Western political scientists are confident that the presidential elections and subsequent reforms in Ukraine will lead to normalization of the situation and stabilization of the currently collapsing economy. Presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko has a very high trust rating among his compatriots. Many political scientists believe that he will win the elections. According to some political scientists, he will begin his work by resuming the issue of returning Crimea to Ukraine. This will invariably have a negative impact on relations between Russia and Square. Moreover, it will contribute to the latter's rapprochement with the EU. At least, the first thing he is ready to do after becoming president is to establish a visa-free regime with the countries of the European Union.

Yulia Tymoshenko has less chance of winning the elections, since many are sure that they are opposed to her remaining in this post. This is how politicians speak about the future of Ukraine if she becomes the head of state: “A strong presidential power will be formed in the country. All government structures will be subordinate to it. Tymoshenko's policy will be oriented towards the West. As for Russia, Madam President will build “warm” and trusting relations with her in order to extract the maximum benefit from them. In particular, this applies to gas prices. Thus, this woman will successfully maneuver between the EU and Russia.”

Economic situation in Ukraine now and in the future

Russian media never tire of repeating information that the financial condition of Ukraine today leaves much to be desired. The country's economy is destroyed. It is entirely dependent on loans and material assistance from Europe and the United States. Perhaps this information about the financial situation in Ukraine is exaggerated, but the fact that the country vitally needs outside support to avoid default is very similar to the truth. Let's try to predict the economic future of Ukraine. The analysts' forecast in this regard is disappointing. The European Union today is trying with all its might to provide all possible assistance to the national economy of Ukraine. These include loans, assistance in reducing dependence on Russian gas, and reduction of customs duties on Ukrainian goods imported from the country. However, this help is not free of charge. You have to pay for everything. And in the near future, Ukraine will have to pay for all these “good deeds”: repay debts with interest and make significant changes to social policy that infringe on the financial interests of ordinary citizens. As a result, according to experts, the country will be driven into an even deeper economic crisis. Over time, the EU will refuse to help Ukraine, since all measures to restore its national economy will be ineffective. European countries will no longer want to risk their own material well-being for the sake of one state. What awaits Ukraine in the future in this case? This is where a country whose government is today trying to nullify Moscow’s influence on the situation in the state will most likely be forced to ask for help from Russia. In the meantime, President V. Putin declares that he does not refuse to financially support Ukraine. But the Russian government can provide loans to its neighbor only if a legitimate government is formed there.

Map of Ukraine after the split: forecast

Just recently, few people believed that Crimea would again become Russian. But today this is exactly the case. And the countries of Europe and the United States should recognize this as a fait accompli. On May 11, 2014, referendums were held in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, as a result of which the citizens of these regions declared their sovereignty. But do world politicians recognize this fact? And what will happen now to the newly created Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics? Will they join Ukraine as independent entities or will they turn to the Russian government with a request to accept them? Political scientists believe that quite recently it was possible to prevent the collapse of the country through federalization and granting greater rights to the regions. But today the situation is that Crimea is lost to the state, and there is a high probability of alienation of the southeast, whose population does not all support the current government of Kyiv.

What awaits Ukraine in the future? What changes are time to make to the country's map? According to the astrologer, the economic crisis in this country will last until 2020. After its completion, the political map of the world will be transformed. In 2014, the state will be divided into three parts. One of them will become part of Russia, as we see now in the example of Crimea. The second part will refuse to obey Kyiv and will form its own administration, which we are seeing at the moment in the Donbass. Over time, as the astrologer says, the state may also lose this territory. It is possible that Ukraine itself, after emerging from the global economic crisis, will cease to exist as a state. Just like the EU. This is the subjective view and forecast of Pavel Globa.

What threatens Ukraine with the loss of its eastern territories?

After the referendum on May 11, Donetsk and Lugansk declared their independence. This begs the question: what awaits Ukraine in the future if it completely loses these areas? Political scientists on this issue express a unanimous opinion: the state will not be able to fully repay loans provided by the EU and the USA. The IMF directly warns Kyiv that if it loses the eastern regions, additional financing for the country's economy may be required. After all, up to 30% of the state’s industrial enterprises are concentrated in the Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk regions. According to Russian analysts, the future of Ukraine lies in the federalization of the country. This is what can save her from a split.

Ukraine and its influential “patrons”

The European Union and the United States actively support the current government of Kyiv, blaming Russia for destabilizing the situation in the country. For their part, they are introducing more and more new sanctions against Moscow, thereby wanting to “intimidate” the Russian Federation and remove it from influencing the politics of Ukraine. What are the leaders of Europe and the United States guided by in this? Do they really have only one goal: to save this state from bankruptcy and split? Let's try to analyze the current situation and find out how this assistance will affect attempts to overcome the economic and political crisis in Ukraine?

Most Russian political scientists agree that the United States has only one goal in this “game”: to draw Ukraine into NATO and station the organization’s units near the borders with Russia. Many analysts are coming to the conclusion that this may well happen soon. The country will join NATO, and Washington will have the opportunity to control Moscow’s actions by placing military bases near the borders of the Russian Federation. As for the second important patron of the country, here too everything is very clear. The EU and Ukraine are supposed to open their markets to each other. European Union countries are looking for new points of sale for their goods. In this case, Ukraine with its 46 million population will contribute to positive dynamics in the EU economy. But there is another common goal among the “guardians” of this state: the weakening of the Russian Federation, which has recently played an increasingly important role on the world stage. President V. Putin is confident that the future of Ukraine and Russia lies in close business cooperation and support between the two countries. Two kindred peoples must deal with the current contradictions in politics and the economic crisis with a united front. This is exactly what he calls on Russians and Ukrainians to do. If we touch upon the predictions of astrologers and psychics, then most of them do not see Ukraine in the After analyzing the conditions for joining this organization and weighing the country’s capabilities now, we can conclude that this merger is unlikely to ever happen.

Ways out of the crisis

How to solve all the pressing problems of Ukraine now? The current government of the country convinces the population that the solution is to join the EU. Allegedly, you just need to be patient, get through this difficult time of cutting social benefits and increasing rents, and then everything will be fine. The European Union and the United States will give money to revive the state’s economy and begin its growth. And ordinary citizens believe that soon they will live like Europeans, buying quality goods and receiving a decent salary. But is it? Unrest in the country continues. after the Maidan it has already changed. The Russian Federation has decided to protect Russian-speaking citizens. The result of this is already known - Ukraine lost Crimea, where more than 70% of Russians live. Now she may also lose Donbass, which will have a most negative impact on the country’s economy. There can be only one way out here, according to many Russian political scientists: the government must turn its face to the people, stop the punitive operation in the east and take into account all the aspirations of its people. Russian Interior Minister Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly discussed with the US Secretary of State ways to overcome the political and socio-economic crisis in Ukraine. The main one is the federalization of the country. This is exactly what many representatives of the East are striving for. The Ukrainian economy will undergo great changes in the future. Many analysts are sure of this today. But how it will develop further depends on what decisions will be made today by the Kyiv government.

The mood of today's leaders of Ukraine

How do the people who are in power in Kyiv today see the further development of the country? These are the forecasts they make for the future of Ukraine. The country's Foreign Minister Andrei Deshitsa says that Moscow constantly receives instructions on how Kyiv should act in a given situation. This situation, in his opinion, should be eliminated. The European Union and the United States will help Ukraine in this. It is in the European Union that the diplomat sees the future of his country. Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk also agrees with him. He says that the country should join the EU, and not the Customs Union at all. The acting President of Ukraine at this time, Alexander Turchynov, also opposes Russian interference in the affairs of his country. Thus, we can conclude that the current leaders of Ukraine are committed to rapprochement with the European Union and are against cooperation with the Russian Federation.

Relations between Ukraine and Russia in the near future

How will all the events taking place in the country today affect the connection between two related peoples? After all, the majority of ordinary Ukrainian citizens support their government, which opposes rapprochement with Russia. Will the plans of the EU and the USA, the main point of which, by some measures of individual politicians, is to quarrel between two fraternal peoples, come true? “The West is not interested in the fate of Ukraine after Maidan,” says Ukrainian Choice leader Viktor Medvedchuk. European leaders are going to great lengths to implement their goals. And the fact that Ukrainians and Russians will hate each other will only benefit them. But, as many political scientists today are sure, events in the country will not have a big impact on their relations. Moreover, soon it will be Russia that will help Ukraine emerge from the crisis. This will happen when the West refuses to further finance the “unreliable” state. It is then that Ukrainians will understand who their “true friend” is.

Political scientists about the future of Ukraine

It will be interesting to listen to the opinions of experts about what awaits the fraternal country in the future. A German political scientist defines the fate of Ukraine in the future this way: “The country will not agree to rapprochement with Moscow, since this is not beneficial for it. Ukraine sees more advantages in close cooperation with the European Union. And all unrest after the presidential elections will be suppressed.” One thing is clear - the state is now faced with a choice. And its further development will depend on it. And here is how political scientist Vladimir Belyamov talks about what awaits Ukraine in the future: “The country is facing federalization. This is the only sure way out of the crisis.” Most experts are inclined to the same opinion. The political scientist says that regardless of the election results, the future president will have to “deal with the oligarchic federation in the country.” In other words, the head of state will have to maneuver between the interests of Ukrainian business tycoons.

Astrologers and psychics about the future of Ukraine

It is now difficult to predict how the difficult situation in Ukraine will be resolved. Astrologers and psychics are already making forecasts for the development of the state for the coming year. Most of them see the future of Ukraine after Maidan in the political and economic rapprochement of the country with Russia, and not at all with the EU. But this will happen no earlier than mid-2015, says Igor Nikishin, director of the Pavel Globa Ukrainian Astrological Institute. He also predicts great changes in both the political and economic sectors over the next two years. Nazar Lebyak, a participant in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” declares that this year will be quite peaceful and calm for Ukrainians. But numerologist Lyudmila Savina noted that 2014 and 2015 will be difficult, but decisive, for Ukraine. At this time, the basic principles for the development of the state in the future will be laid down.

Let's sum it up

Now let’s summarize the forecast regarding what transformations the politics and economy of Ukraine will undergo after the Maidan. Both political scientists and psychics agree that the worst for the country is already behind us. They claim that there will be no repeat of the Maidan, and the entire 2014 will be relatively calm for the state.

The union of Ukraine with the European Union will most likely never happen, despite the fact that the current government is determined to do so. Ukraine will appreciate good advice from Russia on how to overcome the crisis in the country after, not earlier than 2015-2020. The state faces a lot of hard work and transformations ahead, but Ukraine will still survive this difficult time and cope with its problems. The EU will most likely cease to exist as an economic entity. The United States will lose its status as a world leader. And Russia faces a new stage of development. And it will not take place without the participation of Ukraine.

Of course, most people believe in facts and what they can see with their own eyes. But there are also those who firmly believe in predictions and predictions. Scientists and researchers from all over the world collect piece by piece the predictions of various psychics and seers, whose predictions have come true more than once. Today we are a power buried in corruption and decline. The country is on the verge of collapse. People read newspapers every day, watch television news, hoping to see at least some words about a positive and happy future for the country. There are also those who do not read newspapers or watch TV. Such people turn to seers and see what people with psychic abilities predicted this time.

Especially, people began to believe in the power of predictors when they predicted the split of the state into several parts. They said that many nations would suffer and a war would start. After all these events have happened, it is difficult not to believe in the power of the seers. The end of the crisis, by the way, was also predicted a very long time ago. Those who were able to decipher these messages were amazed at what was happening.

Predictions for the future of Ukraine for 2019 from Vanga

The seer Vanga is considered one of the most influential and truthful predictors in the world. At a fairly young age, she miraculously became blind, as a result of which she received extrasensory abilities. Later, various people began to come to her for health practices, ranging from the poorest to the richest people in the world. She didn't take money for it. She only accepted gifts from the bottom of her heart. The healer constantly received guests in need and was a very kind and sensitive person.

Vanga predicted prosperity and growth in people's well-being for Ukraine, despite the war. She said that atrocities would go away and peace would come when honest and brave rulers came to power. But before that we must go through a rather difficult, thorny path. Most of the state will be on the verge of bankruptcy (which we can see right now).

Many experts associate this forecast with 2019, since presidential and parliamentary elections will take place in 2019. This year will be a turning point in the modern history of the state.

Vanga’s words are worth listening to, since it was she who predicted the crisis and war in the country.

Nostradamus' prediction regarding Ukraine for 2019

The seer Nostradamus is one of the most famous and respected people in human history. We can see that many of his predictions have come true. Especially, the world was shocked by his prediction about “flying birds” marked by “airplanes”. Although the work of the seer is still being studied, most people still believe and trust him.

Nostradamus predicted a new government for Ukraine. These will be completely new faces who have not been in politics before and have a completely different view of the world. The state will become the epicenter of all problems, but behind them will come peace and prosperity. The country will offer other states a new political vector of development. It will be something different, unlike other political systems. Such a large-scale event will cause a lot of positive moments around the world and excite minds.

Predictions of the Molfars, the most ancient Carpathian magicians

Molfars are the most famous shamans belonging to the most powerful castes. Nowadays, it is quite problematic to find a real molfar, but far in the mountains you can still find a true keeper of knowledge.

The Molfars predicted the end of the conflict in Donbass in 2019. Earlier, in 2014, shamans stated that the war should not last more than 5 years. 2019 is exactly 5 years since the beginning of those events that shook absolutely the whole world. After the end of the war, the state will have to rebuild itself and an era of prosperity called “Golden” will begin. All those who wanted a split will soon get what they deserve and dark times will come for them. Everyone will receive a hundred times more than what they have done. There will be a very long peace. For many years to come, everyone will be equal.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions

Edgar Cayce - American clairvoyant. His peculiarity is that he spoke his predictions in a dream, or more precisely, falling into a hypnotic sleep. It is noteworthy that after sleep he could remember absolutely nothing. He hired a special person who wrote for him everything that Edgar Cayce said in his sleep. Thus, he soon became known as the “Sleeping Psychic.”

He said only one thing about Ukraine: a conflict will begin between two fraternal peoples and it will last for a very long time. The prophet, unfortunately, did not say when this conflict would end.

Predictions of the future of Ukraine for 2019 from famous, modern seers

Sergey Shevtsov-Lang(astrologer) declares that it is in 2019 that the long war will end and the long-awaited peace will begin. This will happen due to the movement of the planets and the change of astrological zones.

Valery Moskovchenko(astrologer) argues that the world is completely in the hands of the people. Perhaps there will be a new Maidan. We must try to avoid it, since the country is already exhausted. A new protest may arise due to changes in power and elections. The people must clearly and truthfully defend their position and not be afraid to express their opinions. So new people will come to power, removing all the unscrupulous oligarchs and dishonest rulers. Peace and prosperity will soon come. Exchange rates will stabilize slightly in 2019 and inflation will subside. It will become a little easier.

Natalia Nesterenko(a famous astrologer) says that in 2019 drastic changes will begin, which will depend not so much on internal as on external factors. There is no clear answer to the question of what will happen in Ukraine in 2019. Either positive changes or negative ones can come. But that there will be changes is certain.

Tuva(shaman) declares: they will begin to speak more fully and truthfully about Crimea. The peninsula will become the epicenter of the conflict. Two significant forces will fight in Crimea. Whoever wins will show the whole world.

Vlad Ross(psychic) ​​- “Positive changes will begin in Ukraine in 2019. The conflict in Donbass will begin to be resolved much faster than before. This will be facilitated by a change of government. Crimea will most likely have to be forgotten for very long centuries, but Donbass will begin to slowly return to the country. A small but positive shift will begin in the economic sphere of the state.

Pavel Globa(astrologer) argued that 2019 will not end well for Ukraine. “Old faces” who were already at the helm will come to power, and this will not bring any positive aspects. The crisis will make itself felt. The currency will continue to fall, but there will be no complete inflation. We will have to forget about the territories that ended up in Russia.

Groin also spoke about the future. The psychic said that the country would lose its territories by giving them to another state, but this would only benefit it. The state will begin its development from scratch. The crisis will come to an end and people will finally be in good spirits.

Athonite elders, who often gave their worldwide forecasts regarding wars, peace and politics, this time gave a fairly clear answer: in 2019 a new person will come to power, who will be different from the previous deputies. He will be honest, ambitious and patriotic. There is a chance for the revival of a new Rus', the capital of which will still be Kyiv.

Famous magician Maxim Gordeev noted a few, few statements: “Ukrainians need to take the elections very seriously. They will be the turning point in the current life of the state. Oligarchic power definitely needs to change. Only with the help of truly high-quality reforms can something change in the country. 2019 is a better time than ever to change the microclimate in the country.

These were the predictions about the future from the most famous astrologers, psychics and seers in the world. Remember, the main thing is to believe in yourself and do good deeds. That's when positive changes will begin.

Prophecies and predictions about the future of Ukraine: the shocking truth

Genuine prophecies and predictions about the future of Ukraine have nothing to do with pseudo-visions and “astrological calculations” of the oracles of Chaos

Our country today, without a doubt, is experiencing the most tragic days of its history. The Internet is simply teeming with predictions of all kinds and persuasions from “clairvoyants”, astrologers, tarot readers, numerologists who gloomily predict the imminent collapse, or even the death, of Ukraine.

It is no secret that today “correct” astrology and “necessary” prophecies are actively promoted through the media and the Internet by the intelligence services of many countries around the world. In the interests of their countries, of course. And the people believe them. And he retells it in full at bazaars, train stations and smoking rooms for frontline office workers. And then, through this filter of outright nonsense, “with knowledge of the matter,” journalists seed everything “what the people are talking about” in the official media. This is how myths that are alien to us are created, which circulate in the public consciousness and poison the national mentality. Therefore, a person who is seriously concerned with the future is simply obliged to figure it all out. And if necessary, he must confidently walk through the jungle of astrology and the history of prophetic clairvoyance. Let's look at everything thoroughly in order.

1. What can you actually learn about the future of Ukraine from astrology?

On August 24, 1991, the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was adopted. This date is not only the official birthday of our country. It also carries a very specific energy-informational load, in which the sacred mission and future of our people are encrypted. This is what serious, not tabloid karmic astrology says.

On this day, the Sun was in the sign of Virgo, and this means that Ukraine is involved in the mystery of growing a whole ear filled with many grains from a single grain. The ear of bread, as you know, is one of the archetypal symbols of our country. Her life is subject to the natural harvest cycle. Part of this cycle is suffering, suffering. Therefore, it is no coincidence that our history is filled with tragic events.

The Sun in Virgo is also a call from above, obliging us to improve the state apparatus, the healthcare sector and applied science. In the era of Aquarius, Ukraine will achieve amazing success in these areas. The Sun in Virgo also determines the characteristic features of our Ukrainian mentality - love of order, some pettiness, a heightened sense of responsibility, an idealized “knightly” understanding of public duty. This same circumstance creates in many of our fellow citizens a desire to gossip, envy, boringness, greed, and a tendency to penetrate into forbidden areas.

The sign of Virgo reveals the mystery of the descent of the solar Logos to Earth, its imprisonment in matter for a great mission. The Immaculate Virgo represents the most fertile of all the signs of the Zodiac. Like Mother Earth, She feeds and equips all the inhabitants of the planet, without needing anyone’s instructions on this matter. And it is no coincidence that since ancient times Ukraine has been the European custodian of “solar” religions and cults - Aryan and Slavic paganism, Mithraism, Christianity. And in the more than two-thousand-year-long era of Aquarius, she will remain the defender of Orthodoxy and the integrator of various movements of Christianity. On its lands in the future a new solar religion of the Trinity will be born, synthesized from the doctrine of the incarnate Logos and fundamental scientific theories about the structure of the visible and invisible cosmos. This process is beginning now, as evidenced by the flourishing of all kinds of schools and spiritual movements in Kyiv and Crimea. I was not mistaken - in Crimea. Because our peninsula is sacred, Ukrainian.

Ukraine-Virgo sent her sons and daughters to areas of the globe rich in fertile black soil - to the Kuban, the south of the Voronezh and Kursk regions, the steppe Altai, the Amur region, the south of Canada, the north of the USA, Argentina, Northern Australia, South Africa. Of the 35 million Ukrainians who currently live outside their homeland, 90% are settled not spontaneously, but in clearly defined areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is on these lands that advanced, environmentally friendly methods of agricultural production will develop at the end of the 21st century. From here the “era of satiety”, which half of modern humanity dreams of, will spread across the world.

In astrology, the ruling planet of Ukraine, as a Solar Virgo, is Proserpina (Transpluto). The period of approach of this celestial body to the Sun is 600 years. From ancient astronomical chronicles it is known that Proserpina was observed as a bright star in 1054 - a time when Kievan Rus was at the apogee of its heyday. 1054-600 falls on 454 AD. - a period of mass “exodus” of Slavic tribes from the lands of the Dnieper region to Asia and Western Europe. 1054+600=1654 - the peak of the liberation war of the people of Ukraine under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. 1654+600=2254 is the year of birth on the territory of Ukraine of the new religion of the incarnate Logos, with which humanity will develop and ennoble its Earth and near Space.

In the 21st century, in international relations, Ukraine, led by the fragile and dreamy Virgo, will show excessive restraint, occasionally falling into romantic illusions that more powerful countries - Russia, the USA, and then China will help it solve its internal problems. In fact, she will always solve all her problems herself.

At the time of the birth of independent Ukraine, the Moon was in the sign of Aquarius. This means that our people are ready to defend their freedom in the future at any cost. We will always be able to understand the constructive aspirations of other peoples and help in their implementation. In addition, throughout its future history, Ukraine will have to develop “subtle” technologies for resolving acute political, social and interethnic problems, as well as information technologies in the strict sense of the word.

On Ukraine’s birthday, the Black Moon (Lilith) was in the sign of Capricorn. This means that the main karmic mistake to which our people are predisposed, and which will cause us major troubles in life, is the substitution of the highest ideals of conciliarity and integrity with the momentary expediency of individual political decisions.

Everything that Ukraine achieves in domestic and foreign policy by methods of despotism, deceit and cynicism, suppression of individual freedom will sooner or later collapse, since it violates the laws of the Universe, and, therefore, is doomed to self-destruction. Abuse of power by our elite, sophisticated deception of the population, restrictions on freedom of speech and human rights aggravate our dark collective karma and doom the country to difficult trials in the future. It is these mistakes made in the past, which are being repeated now and may be repeated in the near future, that create fertile ground for potential international partners of Ukraine to limit independence, direct pressure on public opinion and leadership, as well as blatant interference in internal affairs. Therefore, periodic restrictions on the economic and political independence of Ukraine by external influences, which hit the pockets of the oligarchs, are a reminder of the need to more definitely follow their world-historical mission; a kind of healing pill for the presumptuous pseudo-elite.

At the time of the birth of independent Ukraine, the White Moon (Selena) was in the sign of Virgo. Consequently, our country can strengthen its contacts with the forces of Light only if it intensifies Healing at the state level - an advanced health care system similar to the Cuban one, accessible to the entire population, promote pluralism in spiritual life and actively participate in international humanitarian projects and peacekeeping missions. Caring for pensioners, sick and elderly citizens should become the core of the state policy of Ukraine. Otherwise, the Laws of Cosmic Retribution will bring the country frequent changes of governments, parliamentary squabbles, natural disasters and man-made accidents.

On August 24, 1991, the Ascending Lunar Node was in the sign of Capricorn, and the Descending Node was in the sign of Cancer. This means that our ethnic group lacks self-restraint in the name of higher ideals. In order to turn the current events into a mode of maximum favor for us, as a people, it is necessary to realize our world-historical mission, which is to develop fundamentally new political (Universals of national unity, round tables), social (free advanced medicine, state patronage sick and elderly citizens) and information technology, the development of environmentally friendly agriculture, as well as the creation by the 23rd century of the prerequisites for the emergence of the world religion of the Incarnate Solar Logos. Lower instincts, bad emotions, excessive (at the wrong time and to the wrong person) sensitivity, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, conservatism, blind attachment to the past, pseudo-patriotism, nationalism and the hope of quickly receiving undeserved material benefits from the powerful must be eradicated from social and individual psychology. of this world. Otherwise, the forces of inhibition and stimulation of “shock therapy” of our national progress will be activated.

This is the “karma” of Ukraine, encoded in the date of its birth. And all of the above is one of the most reliable astrological interpretations of our future. Made in the best traditions of stargazers. You say, far-fetched and funny? But the ancient prophets and Taras Shevchenko have been talking about such events in Ukraine for 500 years.

2.The future of Ukraine in the prophetic tradition

An analysis of prophecies concerning the future of both the entire human civilization as a whole and its individual ethnic groups allows us to say that the events that are ahead of our present on the “arrow of time” are in no way strictly determined, predetermined or ordained by Divine Providence. This circumstance is connected with the very nature of time. At “critical points” of development (bifurcation points) of any phenomenon, event or process, the future is parallelized into many vectors of events and acquires a probabilistic character.

This circumstance is well known to all those who seriously study prophecy. The same Michel Nostradamus remarked on this occasion: “As for the future, the truth cannot be completely definite.” All texts that contain prophecies, including the sacred Books of humanity, bear the imprint of fractality. This means that with the same result they can be “overlaid” on future events of different scale and content. In addition, the accuracy of any predictions depends on many factors: the talent of the prophet himself, the nature of the event (the more insignificant it is, the worse it is predicted), the level of influence on the object or subject that is being considered, various factors and, finally, the distance from the observer of the events that are predicted.

Therefore, only taking into account all of the above can one perceive the following prophecies regarding the future of Ukraine, prepared at one time by the Research Institute of Classical Astrology (Kiev, Andrey Popravko, 2001).

Although not very often, astrologers and prophets of the past remember Ukraine. Michel Nostradamus, in many of his quatrain poems, talks about events that concern the future of Ukraine, but does not directly name it. Therefore, regarding many modern interpretations and prophecies of the great astrologer of the past, doubt arises: are they really talking about our country? However, there is a direct, quite specific, mention of Ukraine. We are talking about quatrain 95, century III, which is translated from Old French as follows:

More's Law will gradually fade away

Then the second one [will come]

more seductive

Borisfen will be the first to come to install

[With his] talents and tongue [this]

attractive law.

More's Law can be interpreted as a doctrine of utopian socialism. But what does “different law” mean? In order to more or less clearly answer these questions, you need to turn to another prophecy of M. Nostradamus, set out in prose: “... and in the month of October such a great revolution will take place that they will think that the force of gravity has lost its natural direction, and it will plunge into constant darkness, this will be preceded by spring events, and then extraordinary changes will occur, changes of reigns, great rebellions, the multiplication of New Babylon... and this will happen for only seventy-three years and seven months.” “New Babylon” is, undoubtedly, the Soviet Union, 73 years and 7 months of existence of which are considered from the dispersal of the Russian Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks to the failure of the August 1991 putsch and the mass withdrawal of republics from the USSR. However, few people noticed that this quote continues with the following content: “... and then sprouts, which has been barren for a long time; starting from the 50th degree, and which will renew the entire Christian Church. And great peace, union and harmony will be established...." But this new “golden age” will be preceded, as will be said later, by long periods of difficult trials.

The following lines describe our times: “Countries, cities and villages, kingdoms and provinces will depart from their past path to become free, fall deeper into slavery, and will be secretly dissatisfied with each other.”

What is important for us here are statements about a country that “has been barren for a long time” and one that is at the “50th degree.” It is not difficult to guess that here we are talking about the latitude of Kyiv.

Thus, according to Nostradamus, Ukraine must renew the Christian religion and establish a “new law” in the world - new, as it seems, principles of the world order and international order.

The prophecies set out in some other primary sources coincide with all of the above. The predecessor of Nostradamus - the great healer, alchemist, mystic philosopher and astrologer Paracelsus(1493-1541) there is such a prophecy regarding Ukraine: “In that country [of the Scythians], which no one has ever thought of as a country in which something significant can happen, the Grand Cross will shine with radiance over the oppressed and humiliated. This should happen 500 years after my (Paracelsus) death And". In 500 years - that's in 2041. And further: “ The Divine Radiance will flare up from the Mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans, and all inhabitants of the Earth will see it».

It would be fair to note that the names “Scythia” and “Hyperborea” have the same relation both to Rus'-Ukraine and to later Rus'-Muscovy. In ancient times and the Middle Ages they were related to our land. But both historical toponyms can be interpreted in another way. In the Middle Ages, only the names “Muscovy” and “Tartaria” had a certain relationship to Russia.

It is the latter name that is used by an even older (XIV century) astrologer-prophet, the Florentine Ragno Nero, author of the collection of prophecies “The Eternal Book”. There, in particular, there is the following prophecy: “At the end of the 20th century, the world will bow to Satan. Many white people will be fascinated by this religion (communism - author). The main center of temptation is the country of Tartary.” If in the 14th century the prophets clearly distinguished between Hyperborea and Tartary, then with a high degree of certainty it can be argued that in Paracelsus’s predictions regarding the Holy Divine Cross, we are talking specifically about Ukraine.

The mention of the Mountain of the country of the Hyperboreans confirms our thought, as in ancient historical and spiritual literature the Kiev hills were called the Mountain, as, for example, it is written about this in the “Veles Book”: “... we went to the Mountain, to Kiev.”

We also find an interesting prophecy about Ukraine, which fully corresponds to the spirit of the ancient tradition, in the work of the Great Kobzar - Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko. Thus, in the mystery “Great Lioch” there are the following lines that date back to October 21, 1845:

“So laugh about Ukraine

Outside people!

Don't laugh, strangers!


Fall apart... and from behind her

Ukraine will rise.

And the darkness of captivity expands,

The world of truth will shine..."

The striking thing here is that the future of Ukraine T.G. Shevchenko connects it precisely with the spiritual revival, the renewal of Christianity (“The Church-house will fall apart”) and, again, that Divine, spiritual light that will then illuminate the world (“The Light of Truth to Illuminate”).

Skeptics will object: this is all astrology, prophets, poets, but scientists have never spoken about anything like this. Not true! The most terrible lie, which is very beneficial for someone today. The outstanding Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Chmykhov (1953-1994), based on the rich archaeological and historical material personally obtained through painstaking research, concluded that the main civilizational task of the territories of the Northern Black Sea region, and, therefore, of Ukraine, is the formation of qualitatively new ideas, worldviews, philosophies, religions.

In addition, Nikolai Chmykhov developed the theory of cosmogeosocial cycles, according to which every 532 years (very close to the astrological cycle of Proserpine) humanity moves to a new stage of historical development. Such transitions, accompanied by powerful social and civilizational upheavals, begin, as a rule, in the territories of the Middle East and the Northern Black Sea region, and then spread throughout Europe. He also indicated the exact date of such a transition - 2015!

Thus, the great prophets and thinkers of the past assigned special significance to Ukraine in God’s Providence and spoke about the territory of our country as a catalyst for the revival of the Earth on a spiritual basis.

In our context, it would also be interesting to turn to Chinese writing as a specific sign system with predictive functions.

The name “Ukraine” is conveyed by three hieroglyphs: 乌克兰, which are pronounced (in Latin transcription as “Wukelan”, and written as “Ukraine” -


- 乌 - wu - black, black; raven, crow; Varuna is a Vedic “dark” deity who was revered by our ancestors;

- 克 - ke - be able to, be capable of, win, overcome;

- 兰 - lan - good smelling flower, orchid.

As we can see, these three hieroglyphs reflect, on the one hand, the historical code of Ukraine (from the dark past, which Varuna personified, through suffering and struggle - into a future blossoming with honor and respect from the whole world). On the other hand, they focus on its sacred, archetypal features. In this sense, Ukraine acts as the patron of agriculture (blackness, black soil, just land), the knight of the spiritual values ​​of European civilization, as well as the personification of the beauty and femininity of the latter’s culture (flower). This real flower of humanity will spread its exquisite aroma throughout the world (“subtle” political, social and purely information technologies (sign systems)).

Let us answer the question: when will Ukraine be able to rise to its “full height” to fulfill its world-historical mission?

In the “Veles Book,” the oldest historical monument of Russian culture, there are the following words:

“Dazhbog did not give mortals

know the future

Therefore let us praise his wisdom

And let's remember the old..."

As for the past, over the seven and a half thousand years of its history, Ukraine had several ups and downs:

- Tripolie, Aratta (from the middle of the 5th to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC);

- Scythia, Skolotia (VI-IV centuries BC);

- Ruskolan, Antia (II - V centuries AD);

- Kievan Rus (X-XII centuries AD);

- Cossack Ukraine (XVI-XVII centuries AD).

During these historical periods (especially the last three), Ukraine either led world civilization or reached the level of development of advanced countries. Based on this sacred periodization of our history, specialists from the Research Institute of Classical Astrology, whom we have already mentioned, proved that Ukraine, like any education that has archetypal roots, develops cyclically. And in Ukrainian history, as we have already noted, a cycle lasting 600 years (the Proserpina cycle) dominates. Continuing our previously outlined line of historical peaks of the 4th century AD (the time of settlement of Slavic tribes throughout Europe and Asia) - 11th century AD. (the heyday of Kievan Rus) - XVII century AD. (Cossack State), we then get the century of the next upsurge - the 23rd century. (Paracelsus - 2041). But this century is the “peak time,” and the heyday, as astrology proves, begins one or two centuries earlier. It is interesting that Daniil Andreev attributed the establishment of the “Rose of the World” - an international spiritual movement that would unite the dogmas of all religious and philosophical teachings of a bright orientation - to approximately these distant times. At the same time, the “Rose of the World” is a World Federation of States that harmoniously regulates economic and social movements in the interests of the spiritual development of the individual. Therefore, it would be quite logical to assume that Ukraine, and not Russia, is that flower with the refined aroma of the “Rose of the World”, which will become the initiator and catalyst of a new world order on the principles of universal spirituality.

We are still very far from these bright times. The people of Ukraine today defend their independence, their values, their culture. But all the prerequisites for the future are beginning to take shape now. They are formed through suffering, destruction, blood. And Vera. I believe in God's Providence and the great future of the holy land - Ukraine.

VLADIMIR STRELETSKY, writer, journalist, researcher of the unknown

Created 12 Aug 2015

Each of us strives to lift the veil of secrecy at least for a moment and look into the future. This interest is easy to explain, because today we live in a time of rapid change, when it is impossible to predict future changes. Every day conflicts break out and are resolved, states gain and lose their territories, and the scientific community every now and then presents the next revolutionary novelty. It’s easy for an ordinary person to get lost in such a whirlpool of events, not to mention predicting the future.

Despite the improbability of the facts of foresight, people with this amazing gift still sometimes appear in our world. You won’t meet such amazing psychics on the street or in the subway. They are born extremely rarely, and lead thousands of followers.

Today, there are only a few people known who have truly great clairvoyant talent, whose prophecies have already come true. Despite the fact that these seers lived many years ago, they saw through the centuries and often predicted the events that are happening to us now.

In this article we have collected the most interesting information concerning the Ukrainian state from the most authoritative visionaries of the past. Some of them are positive, others say the opposite, but, nevertheless, they exist and only time will establish the final truth.

General points

In view of the latest events taking place in Ukraine, more and more people are interested in the future fate of this beautiful state. People want to know when the protracted military conflict will finally end, the economic situation will improve, and politicians will stop lying and start working for the benefit of the people, and not for their own profit.

Few people know, but this crisis, as well as its end, were predicted long ago, and everyone who was able to correctly decipher the prophecies guessed in advance about the possibility of what is now happening.

Despite some disagreements, most of the most respected soothsayers agree on one thing: Ukraine as a state will survive, strengthen and flourish over the years. Naturally, for this, the citizens of this power will have to endure many hardships and resist the onslaught of ill-wishers, but in the end, the reward for titanic efforts will be a great and developed country.

Vanga's prediction

Bulgarian, is one of the most famous and recognizable soothsayers of recent times. Despite the complete blindness acquired in childhood, she perfectly saw the fate of every person and always helped with practical advice to every pilgrim who came to her with a request.

Sometimes this amazing woman predicted the future of entire nations, and these prophecies, as a rule, came true. Her first prediction was the exact determination of the time of the beginning of the Second World War, after which thousands of people around the world believed in her gift.

Vangelia received those in need of help until her death. Over the years, several hundred thousand people visited her house, and all these people remained, immensely grateful to the blind seer.

The Bulgarian soothsayer prophesied a very difficult, thorny path for Ukraine. She foresaw a bloody conflict within the country, saying the following words: “War will happen and many people will suffer. Misfortunes will come from everywhere. Many nations will be affected by the conflict. People will become poor, they will walk around without clothes and will not find any fuel or light for themselves.”

At the same time, the clairvoyant foretells the end of the crisis: “The atrocities will end, peace and prosperity will come when honest rulers rise to power.” Experts are confident that these words are addressed specifically to, which will become a turning point in the history of Ukraine.

Besides everything else, Vangelia predicted the imminent collapse of one of the Eastern European countries, but did not name a specific state. What is known is that this power is located near the Black Sea and is connected from several different parts.

Nostradamus's prediction

Nostradamus is one of the most famous and mysterious seers in human history. He lived in Europe several centuries ago, but the works he wrote to this day excite the minds and imagination of most people. In his quatrains, the mystic described in a veiled form the future of most of the world's states, and according to researchers, many of his predictions have already come true.

Nostradamus prescribed Ukraine one of the central roles in the coming process of changing the world order. He argued that it was this country that should become the root cause and main impetus for the introduction of a new political system. Although the predictor in his works avoids directly naming states, experts are confident that this is exactly what he describes in his quatrains.

Molfar's Prediction

Carpathian Molfars are one of the most ancient and powerful castes of fortune tellers. For centuries, they have protected the wisdom of our ancestors and used this knowledge to foretell the future of both individuals and entire nations. Unfortunately, in our time it is difficult to find a true bearer of these traditions, however, high in the mountains there are still people who are able to give clear answers to the most intimate questions.

According to Molfar, the current crisis in Ukraine will last exactly five years, after which the state will be completely rebuilt, and a new “golden” period will begin in its destiny. Enemies who want to dismember the state will themselves suffer from their atrocities and will lose much more than they took away. It will all end in a lasting peace in which everyone will be equal.

Video section

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

Crimea and Donbass will not be returned, poverty is like in Albania, collapse in 15-20 years

Political scientists, sociologists and demographers told reporters a forecast about the future of Ukraine, made on the basis of research at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting and the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This was reported by a correspondent of the Federal News Agency (FAN) from the scene.

Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, answering a question about the future of Ukraine, refuted the optimistic statements of Petro Poroshenko and members of the country’s government.

“Ukraine has two options for the future: we will live like in Albania or like in Macedonia. We will never be Poland, we will not be Germany, and we will not be Turkey either. But the Albanian model suits us well. This is where we are heading,” said the president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center.

Kiev political scientist Sergei Belashko, director of the Agency for Social Communications, predicted the collapse of the state.

“Regarding the future of Ukraine: this state doesn’t have much time left. Such a state, if you look at history, exists from 25 to 40 years, such a cycle,” predicts the director of the Agency for Social Communications.

Olga Balakireva, head of the department for monitoring studies of socio-economic transformations at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, also upset optimists.

“I think that over the next 20-25 years little will change. The country will continue to be in the high level of uncertainty that it is now. I don’t see any options for returning Crimea in the near future, as well as the territories of Donbass - there will be the option of Transnistria. If we look in the longer term, I see the risk of the collapse of the state of Ukraine. There are also many factors that cannot be assessed and verified, and this carries additional risks,” said Olga Balakireva.

Ella Libanova, director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

“I am absolutely convinced that the population of Ukraine will continue to decline. I don't see any way for the government to prevent this. The birth rate is 1.6, but even if it is 1.7, this does not fundamentally change anything,” the demographer emphasized.

In addition, Libanova said that she expects a surge in migration to Ukraine from African and Asian countries.

“I want to warn you right away so that no one has any illusions - migrants from African and Asian countries are waiting for us. I understand perfectly well that such a migration will cause a lot of problems. Ukrainians are not multicultural, they are monoethnic, and it will be difficult for them to calmly survive such a neighborhood,” warned the director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Stepan Kotsaba