Why women's breasts itch: possible causes. Nipples after breast augmentation Nipple pain after breast surgery

Many women dream of beautiful and large breasts, so they decide to take such radical measures as breast augmentation. But, a complication often occurs, which is called double bubble after mammoplasty. In addition, if the operation was performed by an unqualified plastic surgeon, various problems may arise. But even if mammoplasty was performed by a first-class doctor, no one can guarantee that the postoperative period will pass without consequences. In any case, surgery is a serious burden on the body.

Pain after mammoplasty is normal. The tissues gradually begin to heal and return to normal. If your chest has been hurting for too long, then this is a reason to consult a surgeon.

Some women complain that their back hurts. Most surgeons consider this reaction of the body as normal. After some time, the soreness should go away.

A burning sensation in the breast after mammoplasty may also be normal, but it is better not to risk it and see a doctor.

Plastic surgery has come a long way. Complications after surgery are quite rare if the procedure was performed by a qualified specialist. But no one is immune from failure. If the number of unpleasant symptoms after the procedure begins to increase, you need to contact your doctor again.

Sometimes a slight increase in body temperature after surgery is considered normal. Because surgery is a serious stress for the body. The temperature may persist for several days. In this case, there is no need to panic; after a while everything will return to normal.

Consequences of mammoplasty

Plastic surgeries often lead to necrosis of the skin. As a result of gravity, the implant exerts strong pressure directly on the skin of the mammary glands. Blood supply is disrupted and necrosis occurs. The process can last 2–3 months, or it can last up to 5 years. The consequences of breast augmentation can be eliminated through additional surgery and insertion of an implant under the pectoral muscle.

When breasts are enlarged through plastic surgery, the nipples may lose sensitivity. This is due to the fact that a nerve was affected during the operation. Often sensitivity is restored after some time.

Complications after breast augmentation occur when sensitivity is not restored for a long time or when a woman has had her breasts enlarged, hypersensitivity appears that was not there before.

Breast augmentation surgery is called mammoplasty. Like any surgical intervention, it can be accompanied by a number of postoperative complications, one of which is pain. Pain after breast augmentation usually lasts about a week. As a rule, after 7 days the pain should disappear. However, there are exceptions that require specialized assistance.

Pain syndrome, normal

On the day when the operation has already been performed, the woman, as a rule, does not complain of pain, because... Anesthesia continues to work. The next day or even on the day of the intervention, pain appears in the evening.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure and the location of the implant, the intensity of pain can vary from a slight feeling of discomfort or heaviness to severe, unbearable pain. The intensity is also affected by the patient's pain sensitivity threshold. Some women are able to endure pain without complaining, while for others the extremely low threshold of pain sensitivity does not allow them to remain silent. Usually the pain persists for 3 to 4 days. Every day it becomes less and less noticeable. After a week, if you don’t put pressure on your chest, it practically doesn’t bother you anymore. Throughout the entire pain period, the patient should be observed by a doctor. It doesn’t matter where this happens - in a hospital or in a clinic. This will allow the doctor to diagnose the pathological process at an early stage, if it has developed, and take the necessary measures.

If the pain is very severe, then the doctor recommends taking painkillers until the condition returns to normal. If the prescribed medications do not alleviate the condition of the woman undergoing surgery, then this is an alarming sign; you must inform your surgeon about this.

Pain after breast augmentation may be accompanied by numbness of the breast tissue. The location of the breast implant does not matter: under the muscle or under the gland. In any case, the skin of the mammary gland stretches, taking on a new shape. When stretching is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, pinching or even pain, such a condition cannot be called pathological. This is the body's response. Stretching the skin can negatively affect the condition of the nerve fibers. The 4th intercostal nerve is most often affected. The prosthesis causes it to stretch or compress, which ultimately leads to a temporary loss of sensation in the inside of the breast and nipples. In 3% of women, nipple numbness persists throughout their lives after breast augmentation. According to statistics, numbness disappears after 2 - 4 weeks.

Painful sensations can also be evidence of stretching of the pectoral muscles, My breasts are enlarged and hurt. This symptom is diagnosed in women who have had an implant installed under the muscle fibers. The artificial element stretches the muscle fiber, which in the initial stages is accompanied by spasms and convulsions, which provoke pain. Women are very worried about such sensations, but if they are eliminated with painkillers, there is no reason to worry. In order for the pain after breast augmentation to disappear as soon as possible, you need to start moving as quickly as possible. The muscles will begin to work, and the process of getting used to the implant will speed up. The longer you stay in bed, the longer the pain will persist. However, the movements do not imply active physical activity. Sudden hand movements are prohibited. Short daily walks indoors or outdoors will be enough.

Pain syndrome, pathology

Sometimes, due to medical negligence or due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician, the patient may develop a postoperative infectious process, accompanied by pain. In this case, the pain syndrome will be considered pathological. In this case, the affected breast becomes excessively swollen and hot to the touch. In the projection of the postoperative scar, pronounced hyperemia (redness) is observed. The pain is characterized as prolonged and severe, and prescribed painkillers do not help cope with it.

If a woman experiences these symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, in this case, antibacterial treatment is prescribed, and sometimes a repeat operation is required to remove and replace the prosthesis. If a purulent process (abscess) has developed, then it is necessary to open it - antibiotics will not help in such a situation. To understand the diagnosis, you should definitely visit a doctor as early as possible. Reasons for chest pain

It was noted above that neurological pain associated with stretching of nerve fibers is the norm. However, if the pain persists for more than a month, then medical attention is required. Conventional painkillers will not help here. Additionally, ice compresses, a course of massage, special patches with lidocaine and local anesthetics in the form of ointment or cream are prescribed. Neurological pain has a shooting character, it is accompanied by a burning sensation, and spreads along the stretched nerve, towards the nipple. In addition to these activities, physical therapy courses may be added. They have a beneficial effect on the trophism of nervous tissue, helping it recover more quickly.

Sometimes situations arise when a woman tolerated the postoperative regimen normally. The examination did not show any pathologies. However, after a year or several years, she begins to feel unpleasant or even painful feelings. As a rule, such pain appears after active physical activity, which occurs due to pulled muscle fibers or rupture of the capsule surrounding the artificial element in the chest. It is not difficult to determine the location of pain. To do this, it is enough to palpate the mammary gland. Such pain is undoubtedly pathological, but medical help is most often not needed. As a rule, the pain syndrome goes away on its own after a certain period of time, without affecting the condition of the female body as a whole.

Any surgical intervention can be accompanied by damage to the lymphatic ducts, mammoplasty is no exception. If the damage is minor, then the body recovers on its own. With significant damage, large quantities of serous fluid begin to accumulate around the implant. Such clusters are called seromas. Seromas cannot be called a serious complication, but the compressive effects of this pathological focus can cause a severe attack of pain. The pain is dull, aching in nature. Visually, the mammary gland prone to seromas appears swollen. If the accumulation of fluid is significant, then a puncture is prescribed - puncture of the gland and suction of a certain amount of secretion. Puncture has been used in medicine for a long time. Clinically, after its implementation, no complications are observed, so there is no need to be afraid of the procedure.

Another pathological condition is the development of capsular contracture. The reasons for its occurrence are:

1. The appearance of hematomas after a breast augmentation procedure. They persist after the resorption of dense fibrous material, which contains calcium elements.

2. Accumulation of a large volume of serous fluid during the process of detachment of subcutaneous tissue.

3. Incorrectly selected breast implant, when its size is significantly larger than the prepared surgical field.

4. Incorrect, negligent actions of the operating doctor.

5. Failure to comply with the postoperative regimen by the patient.

6. Inflammatory process in the postoperative period.

7. Rupture of the artificial prosthesis and spillage of silicone liquid into the space between the implant and the fibrous capsule.

Painful sensations after breast augmentation very often accompany capsular contracture. In addition to pain, there is a pronounced deformation of the mammary gland. Typically, this condition occurs in a woman after a certain period of time: after 1 - 2 years. There are 4 degrees of contracture known in the literature. In case of mild (grade 1) medical intervention is not required, the condition returns to normal on its own. For grade 2, it is recommended to undergo a course of massage, physiotherapeutic treatment, anti-inflammatory therapy in the form of injections and vitamin therapy. In severe cases with pronounced deformities, the only treatment will be repeated surgery.

To reduce the risk of developing postoperative complications, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor:

1. Compression underwear should be worn immediately after surgery. Bras with underwires are strictly prohibited, because... they critically disrupt lymphatic drainage.

2. Physical movement should occur, but be moderate. No sudden movements.

3. During the week, you cannot wet the operating area, so showering is prohibited during this time.

Sometimes drug therapy (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, painkillers), physiotherapy or massage may be required. But all this should be done on the recommendation of a doctor. Any independent “therapeutic” (in quotes) interventions are strictly prohibited!

While expecting a child, most women who have had plastic surgery on their breasts ask the question: “How will it affect breastfeeding?”

Is breastfeeding possible after breast plastic surgery?

Women planning to have plastic surgery on their breasts are told that they are guaranteed to be able to feed their baby and there won’t be any problems. But this approach is not entirely correct.

The vast majority of women who have undergone breast plastic surgery in the past do not have any problems with lactation and are able to provide the child with the necessary amount of milk. And some will require additional stimulation measures. If a woman cannot give the baby a sufficient amount of milk, then doctors recommend introducing complementary foods for the baby. It is not possible to calculate in advance the options for developing the situation.

Before deciding on plastic surgery, it is necessary to discuss with the surgeon the further possibility of feeding the child and select the appropriate technique for performing mammoplasty. It all depends on the tissues that are affected during the operation.

Mammoplasty and breastfeeding

Periareolar incision

In many cases, doctors make an incision along the edge of the areola. This technique can negatively affect milk production in the future. This is explained by the fact that such a cut can cause damage to the nerve endings of the mammary gland responsible for the process of producing breast milk.

The extent to which the nerve endings will be damaged with such an incision depends on many factors, but first of all, on whether the incision was made on a specific area of ​​the areola or whether the entire areola was affected, and whether the nipple was displaced during plastic surgery. An incision is made in this area of ​​the chest to make the scar less noticeable. But an operation performed in this way has more serious consequences of the intervention, and the pain from such an incision is much stronger.

Breast augmentation

Plastic surgery for breast augmentation usually does not have negative consequences for subsequent breastfeeding. Modern techniques make it possible to position the implant in such a way that it does not affect the breast tissue. Silicone implants are located just behind the gland, under or on the chest muscle.

For women who decide to undergo breast augmentation, it is important that the ducts and nerve endings are not damaged during the operation. If they are not significantly affected, then this will not affect the amount of milk. When an operation is performed due to a lack of tissue forming the gland, the issue of insufficient lactation is associated with it, and not with the mammoplasty performed.

Breast reduction

Plastic surgery to reduce the gland can reduce breast milk production. The likelihood of this increases if the nipple was moved to another location during mammoplasty, because the nerve endings located in the areola and nipples may be damaged. It is important whether mammoplasty affects the mammary gland and adjacent ducts.

But, over time, nerves are able to regrow and restore damaged nerve connections. But this process is quite slow.

Also, during pregnancy, the gland tissue may increase slightly.

If one of the glands was removed due to a serious illness associated with oncology, then the other breast will cope with this task perfectly. With a double amputation, feeding becomes impossible.

Methods that do not require surgery

Breast lift with threads

The procedure can correct the shape of the breast. This method has appeared recently, but most plastic surgeons are already using it in practice. The threads are inserted to a shallow depth (3-5 mm) and therefore cannot disrupt nerve connections. But this method has its contraindications, so it is imperative to consult a competent specialist.


Introduction of vitamin injections into the deep layers of the epidermis, which will moisturize dry skin and the breasts will look beautiful and elastic. A vitamin cocktail will speed up skin regeneration processes and increase the production of collagen and elastin.


A procedure in which the chest muscles are exposed to high-frequency current pulses. This method is perfect for people who cannot correct their breast shape through physical activity. Stimulation is carried out with a special device - a myostimulator.

All these techniques do not affect the mammary glands and cannot have a negative impact on breastfeeding.

Many women, after plastic surgery to enlarge the mammary gland, are worried that milk stagnation will occur. But mammoplasty has no effect on this. If, during plastic surgery, nerve connections were damaged or there are large scars, then you need to properly organize the process of breastfeeding and put the baby to the breast, following all the rules, otherwise problems with the outflow of milk may arise. All diseases associated with milk stagnation in operated women are treated using traditional methods.

The best option for a woman who has had plastic surgery and is preparing to become a mother is to find a specialist who deals with breastfeeding issues, who can give competent advice on all issues of interest and provide the necessary assistance after the birth of the child.

After all, breastfeeding is a process that should bring only positive emotions.

If pain occurs after mammoplasty, this will certainly alert the woman who has undergone such an operation. But this symptom is not always alarming and dangerous, although in some cases it does signal problems.

Breast augmentation or mammoplasty is a fairly common plastic surgery that many women decide to undergo if they are not happy with the size or shape of their natural breasts. Surgical intervention is not the most difficult, and yet it involves violations of the integrity of tissues, so in any case it is associated with certain risks.

During mammoplasty surgery, a silicone implant is placed into each breast through an incision. It is placed under the soft tissue of the chest or under the muscles. But with either one or the other location option, the integrity of the skin and soft tissues is violated, which determines the rehabilitation after the operation. It includes such inevitable phenomena as:

  • swelling
  • hematomas
  • hyperemia
  • stretched skin can be itchy, sometimes very itchy

The breasts after mammoplasty will hurt in any case, and this is absolutely normal, because the body reacts to such an unnatural and crude intervention. The structure of the soft tissues is disrupted; they are forced to change their structure and become deformed, as they are pushed back and partially compressed by the installed implant. The skin is greatly stretched, which is also accompanied by pain. As they heal, some women experience itchy post-surgical scars.

If breast augmentation surgery was successful and the woman’s health is normal, the initial recovery usually takes about 2-4 weeks. Acute pain in the mammary glands that accompanies the patient in the first days after mammoplasty disappears within a week.

Next, slight pain is observed, and normally it persists for 2 weeks, after which all unpleasant sensations disappear. Severe swelling may occur within 1-2 months. But the final result is usually assessed only six months later, when each implant takes its final place in the chest, and the tissues recover after the intervention and acquire their natural structure.

Possible complications

Complications of mammoplasty do not occur very often and are caused by several reasons, such as the presence of contraindications to the operation, non-compliance with the doctor’s instructions after surgery, as well as the low professionalism of the surgeon and his lack of necessary knowledge, skills and tools.

Frequent complications

The most common consequences of mammoplasty are:

  • Infection of postoperative sutures is possible when the surgeon uses unsterile instruments or due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the sutures after the intervention (if the surgeon’s instructions are not followed). This complication develops quite quickly and is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling, pain, redness, and the formation of pus. Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate symptoms.
  • Formation of keloid scars on the chest. They differ from ordinary scars, are easily palpable and stand out strongly on the surface of the skin. Scars form due to the formation of a large number of connective tissues associated with hereditary predisposition and individual characteristics of the body.
  • Bruises on the mammary glands. A hematoma is formed due to damage to blood vessels and accumulation of blood under the skin. Small bruises resolve on their own within 2-3 weeks. Significant hematomas are removed surgically.
  • Seroma is an accumulation of serous fluid in the soft tissues of the mammary glands, caused by damage to the lymphatic vessels during mammoplasty surgery. With this complication, the breast may increase in size, swell greatly, fluid can be palpated in it, and an elastic seal can be felt.
  • Asymmetry after mammoplasty can develop if one implant was installed incorrectly or shifted in the breast after surgery due to non-compliance with doctor’s instructions, for example, after overheating or, conversely, hypothermia, intense physical activity, compression, wearing incorrectly selected underwear. In addition, asymmetry of the mammary glands is also likely due to differences in the work of the pectoral muscles: for example, if one arm is used more actively and is constantly tense, then the breast located on its side will be larger.

Less common complications

  • Breast sagging usually occurs in mature patients and is associated with existing significant stretching of the skin or with its sagging and decreased elasticity, as well as with the installation of incorrectly selected implants (usually too small). The consequence is eliminated by tightening the skin or replacing a breast prosthesis.
  • After plastic surgery, nipples may lose sensitivity. This is possible when the nerve endings or fibers located in the area of ​​the nipple-areolar complex of the breast are damaged.
  • Increased body temperature, feverish state. Such complications of mammoplasty occur when the inflammatory process spreads due to infection of tissues and blood. To eliminate them, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.
  • Fibrous capsular contracture of the breast develops in rare cases and is characterized by the formation of a large amount of connective tissue surrounding the installed implant. This is a kind of individual reaction of the body to mammoplasty. If the contracture is minor, no assistance is required. If there is an obvious defect, replacement of the prosthesis is recommended. More often, such consequences develop when using completely smooth implants.
  • Rupture of the breast prosthesis. Previously, such cases were common, but at the moment, high-quality durable implants are used to enlarge the mammary glands, which are not subject to mechanical stress and retain their shape for a long time.
  • Contouring of a breast prosthesis. It is characterized by highlighting of the edges of the implant and occurs due to an incorrectly selected overly large prosthesis or due to a significant and sudden weight loss.
  • Skin ripples on the chest or, as it is otherwise called, ripping. It looks like some kind of corrugated surface that can be clearly felt. And this complication develops as a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, a thin layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue of the mammary glands, or an overly large prosthesis.
  • Symmastia is a connection between two mammary glands that develops due to their initial close proximity or the use of large prostheses.

What to do to relieve pain

Pain during the week after breast enlargement is normal, but this does not mean that you should endure it. If the sensations in the chest are sharp and strong, then, on the advice of a doctor, you can take painkillers, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often recommended, which not only eliminate pain after mammoplasty, but also relieve swelling, and also stop inflammatory processes and minimize the risks of dangerous complications.

If your breasts hurt badly 2-3 weeks after mammoplasty surgery, you should consult a doctor and consult with him. He will conduct a thorough examination and evaluate the condition of the mammary glands to identify abnormalities.

In case of serious consequences, they will need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Thus, in case of suppuration and inflammation, removal of serous fluid or pus is indicated. Tissues are also disinfected in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms whose activity triggered pathological processes.

Important: to relieve pain after mammoplasty at home, you should not use cold or warm compresses, massage, hot showers and other procedures, as they can lead to tissue damage and the spread of the inflammatory process.

How to avoid complications

In order for the breast to recover faster after mammoplasty, and dangerous consequences of breast enlargement do not occur, several rules of prevention should be followed:

  1. Carefully choose a surgeon, since the results of mammoplasty depend on his professionalism and skills.
  2. Strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions: avoid overheating and hypothermia of the chest, do not visit solariums, the beach, saunas and baths, limit physical activity, wear specialized compression garments at first, regularly visit a specialist for routine examinations.
  3. Choose your bra carefully: it should match the size of your breasts, support them and not squeeze them.
  4. To enlarge your bust, use implants of suitable sizes produced by well-known and well-established companies.

Breast pain after mammoplasty can be normal, but sometimes it is a sign of complications. Monitor your condition and consult a doctor in time if necessary.

  • Decreased nipple sensitivity

Women seeking mammoplasty usually focus on improving the size or shape of the breasts rather than preserving breast sensation. This explains the fact that in the first six months patients do not complain of such problems. At the same time, the risk of loss of sensitivity is quite high when using access through the nipple areola to enlarge the bust, performing mastopexy (lift) and reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction). The likelihood of such a complication increases in women with severe ptosis and initially large breast size. According to statistics, a decrease in nipple sensitivity or its complete loss occurs in every seventh woman who has undergone mammoplasty.

There are 2 hypotheses to explain this phenomenon:

  • neuropraxia of sensory nerve fiber receptors is secondary to traction caused by the heaviness of the thoracic parenchyma;
  • Stretching of the nipple and areola during enlargement leads to a reduction in the density of nerve fibers, resulting in a decrease in sensitivity.

The thoracic nerves have a complex anatomical structure. Surgical manipulations in the trocal area can negatively affect them. The nipples are objectively and subjectively the most sensitive part of the breast and are important for a woman’s social life. A decrease in their response to stimuli or a complete loss of sensation will also affect erectile function, which for some patients can be a serious drawback. In addition, there is no evidence that this is in any way affected by the use of oral contraceptives, smoking, or the patient's age.

Restoring nerve function can take from 2 months to 2 years. During this time, the patient may feel discomfort, expressed in tingling, an active reaction to stimuli (heat, mechanical friction, etc.).

Modern possibilities of plastic surgery make it possible to perform remodeling of the mammary glands while preserving the nutrient stalk and nerve bundles located in the trocal area.

This or that method of correcting aesthetic defects of the breast depends on the anatomical characteristics of the patient and the result she is striving for. The task of the plastic surgeon is to choose the optimal solution that will not only improve the appearance of the mammary glands, but also allow maintaining its functionality, including the possibility of breastfeeding and nipple sensitivity. It is impossible to accurately predict the outcome of the operation and eliminate risks. However, the experience and qualifications of a plastic surgeon are invaluable in this regard.