On the procedure for purchasing and issuing vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation. Our family has two disabled children. Can you tell me what is the best way to apply? Is it possible to withdraw a submitted application?

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III. The procedure for distribution, accounting and issuance of vouchers

11. The distribution of documents for rehabilitation and recovery treatment in a sanatorium through voluntary medical insurance among regional departments, customs authorities located in Moscow and the Moscow region, and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is carried out by the GUTO. Documents for receiving the specified treatment are sent to the customs authorities quarterly as they are received.

12. The plan for the distribution of vouchers to medical and recreational institutions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia is approved by the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

13. Officials and employees specified in paragraph 2 of these Recommendations submit applications and receive vouchers at the place of service (work), pensioners of customs authorities - at the customs authority from which they were retired, and in case of a change in place of residence after dismissal - at the customs office at the new place of residence.

Officials, employees and pensioners of customs authorities located in Moscow and the Moscow region, of the specialized state institution "Main Scientific and Information Computing Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia" submit applications and receive documents for rehabilitation and recovery treatment in a sanatorium in the SOC office of the Central Polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service Russia.

14. Officials, employees and pensioners who were wounded (concussion), mutilation or illness during their service in the customs authorities have a priority right to be provided with vouchers.

15. The office of the sanatorium-selection commission of the Central polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia submits all documentation on rehabilitation and restorative treatment for consideration by the Central sanatorium-selection commission.

16. Vouchers are issued in completed form with the signature of the person responsible for issuing the vouchers and with the seal of the customs authority where the voucher was issued. Corrections in the voucher must be made with an appropriate entry and certified with a seal.

17. A person who has received a voucher, upon returning from a sanatorium-resort institution, is obliged to submit a “return coupon for the voucher” or a document replacing it, signed by the head of the sanatorium-resort institution and certified by a seal, at the place where the voucher was received.

18. Customs authorities must fully use the allocated limit of vouchers for sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation treatment.

If it is impossible to use the received documents for rehabilitation and recovery treatment, the person referred for treatment must inform the sanatorium selection commission in writing, no later than 20 days before arrival, and submit documents justifying the refusal.

The return of documents confirming the right to treatment in a sanatorium to the GUTO is allowed in exceptional cases and no later than 2 weeks before the start of treatment with an accompanying document explaining the reason for the return.

19. GUTO has the right to reduce the quota for rehabilitation treatment for the next quarter to those customs authorities that have not fully used it without good reason.

20. Confirmation of receipt of documents for rehabilitation and recovery treatment in a sanatorium through voluntary health insurance is sent by the regional customs department by mail to the GUTO.

21. Documents for rehabilitation treatment in a sanatorium through voluntary medical insurance are subject to accounting in accordance with the Instructions for budget accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 26, 2004 N 70n.

22. The regional customs department sends a report on rehabilitation treatment through voluntary health insurance (Appendix 7) to the State Customs Service on a monthly basis before the 5th of the next month.

This Regulation does not apply when sending employees to sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

2. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation, as well as for after-care directly after inpatient treatment, are purchased at sanatorium-resort institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation that have licenses to carry out medical activities and certificates of conformity for food issued in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery in sanatorium-resort institutions is 14 - 24 days;

For persons with diseases and consequences of spinal cord injuries, according to the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the health care institution that referred the patient for sanatorium-resort treatment, the duration of sanatorium-resort treatment can be increased to 45 days.

3. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation are purchased by employers (hereinafter referred to as insurers) in accordance with the statements of employees and in the presence of medical reports issued by the relevant health care institutions.

The purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums for children with their parents is carried out in accordance with medical reports for the sanatorium treatment of the child.

Regional branches of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) provide assistance to policyholders in obtaining information about available sanatorium and resort institutions, and, if necessary, other assistance in resolving issues of purchasing vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment and rehabilitation.

4. The insured, at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds, shall independently pay for full or partial payment of the cost of a voucher for sanatorium treatment or health improvement for employees and members of their families, based on the cost of staying in a sanatorium establishment for one person per day and the duration of stay, established by the federal the law on the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year, as well as based on the allocations for these purposes provided for by the regional branch of the Fund to the policyholder.

5. Allocations for sanatorium-resort treatment and health improvement of employees and members of their families are established for the policyholder by the regional branch of the Fund within the total amount of allocations provided for by the regional branch for these purposes in accordance with the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year, taking into account the expenditure by the policyholder of funds guaranteed by the state benefits, the needs of employees for sanatorium treatment and health improvement, and the provision of vouchers in previous years.

6. Expenses for paying the cost of vouchers for sanatorium treatment and health improvement of employees and members of their families in excess of the norms established by the federal law on the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year are borne by the insured from other sources.

7. The distribution and issuance of vouchers to employees for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation, the payment for which is made from compulsory social insurance funds, is carried out taking into account the provision of vouchers to the employee no more than once a year on the basis of a decision of the commission (authorized) for social insurance of the insured. This commission is formed from representatives of the employer, trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees.

Certain categories of employees, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are provided with vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation as a matter of priority.

8. A voucher for sanatorium treatment in a sanatorium for children with their parents is issued to a working parent for joint treatment with a child aged 4 to 15 years inclusive. In this case, expenses from compulsory social insurance funds are doubled and are made within the limits of the allocations established for the policyholder for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation.

9. For a working disabled person of the first group, the second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment for the person accompanying him is paid on the terms of providing the voucher to the disabled person.

10. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation are filled out in the prescribed form and issued by the insured’s accounting department no later than the period necessary for timely arrival at the place of sanatorium-resort treatment or rehabilitation.

The document confirming the employee’s stay in a sanatorium-resort institution is a tear-off coupon for a sanatorium-resort voucher, returned by the employee to the policyholder who issued the voucher.

11. Vouchers for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment are purchased by regional branches of the Fund under agreements with specialized sanatoriums (departments), transferred to health authorities (institutions) in accordance with their applications and concluded contracts, and issued by health care institutions free of charge to employees undergoing treatment.

The referral of workers for follow-up treatment directly after hospital treatment to specialized sanatoriums (departments) is carried out in the manner determined by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

12. Mandatory social insurance funds spent on paying the full or partial cost of vouchers for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation for employees and members of their families in violation of these Regulations are not accepted for credit by the regional branches of the Fund.


to the Acquisition Regulations,

distribution, issuance of vouchers

for spa treatment

and employee health improvement

and their family members

diseases for which further treatment is carried out at the expense of compulsory social insurance

With changes and additions from:

Diseases of pregnant women at risk

Unstable angina

Acute myocardial infarction

Acute cerebrovascular accident

Operations on the heart and great vessels

Surgeries for peptic ulcers of the stomach, duodenum, removal of the gallbladder

Operations for pancreatitis (pancreatic necrosis)


Orthopedic, traumatological operations for defects and malformations of the spine, plastic surgery of joints, endoprosthetics and re-endoprosthetics, replantation of limbs

General provisions

1.1. This Procedure was developed with the aim of optimizing the activities of organizing recreational activities for students of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University".

1.2. The main goal of this area of ​​activity is to provide quality recreation and health improvement for students studying at SFU, resolve issues of their social protection, stimulate active socially useful activities, as well as ensure their cultural leisure and recreation during the holidays, broaden their horizons and involve them in moral and patriotic programs. education.

1.3. Vouchers for students' recreational activities are purchased using federal budget funds.

1.4. Full-time students of SFU studying at the expense of the federal budget can apply for participation in health programs.

1.5. According to clause 8.6.2 of the current Collective Agreement of SFU, the distribution and issuance of vouchers among students for holidays in boarding houses, holiday homes and sports and recreation camps is carried out by the trade union organization of SFU (students' trade union organization). The trade union organization of SFU (student trade union organization) delegates the powers to collect applications and form holiday lists to the trade union bureau of faculty students.

1.6. The basis for allocating a voucher is the student’s personal statement (Appendix No. 2).

The procedure for distribution of health vouchers

2.1. Applications from students for recreational recreation are accepted at faculties (in structural divisions). Applications after the specified period are accepted only for unclaimed (“last minute”) vouchers in the trade union organization.

2.2. The deadline for submitting applications from students is set by the governing body of the students of the trade union organization.

2.3. The right to rest is primarily granted to students who do not have debts, who have submitted applications for the first time, students of socially vulnerable categories, as well as those who have merit in educational, scientific, social, cultural, creative and sports activities.

2.4. The distribution of vouchers for recreational holidays is carried out at a joint meeting of the dean’s office and the trade union bureau of students of the faculty (structural unit) by voting. The meeting is announced at least 7 days before the date of the meeting. All students who have applied for leave have the right to attend the meeting.

2.5. The number of health vouchers for a faculty (structural unit) is distributed in proportion to the number of students studying full-time at the expense of the federal budget.

2.6. Extracts from the minutes of joint meetings of the dean's office and trade union bureaus of students of faculties (structural divisions) for recreational recreation are approved by the chairman of the students' trade union bureau, certified by the dean (deputy dean for social and educational work) and must be placed on the faculty bulletin board.

2.7. If a student refuses the allocated voucher at his own request, the voucher goes into free distribution as unclaimed. A student on the additional list can apply for it.

2.8. A student studying full-time at the expense of the federal budget has the right to apply for only one preferential health voucher during the summer (winter) holidays.

2.9. Vouchers are issued according to extracts from the minutes of joint meetings of the dean’s office and trade union bureaus of students of faculties (structural divisions) with a passport and student ID.

2.10. Unclaimed (“last minute”) vouchers, after being sold according to the main lists, are issued within the established time frame if you have a passport, student card and a certificate of study on a budgetary full-time basis.

2.11. A student who was previously granted a voucher during the summer or winter holidays during his studies may be re-granted a voucher in the absence of a competition for applications for vacant positions in shifts and upon the presence of a petition from the students' trade union committee.

2.12. Graduate students who have never taken advantage of the right to recovery during the entire period of study can apply for priority receipt of a preferential voucher during the winter holidays if there is a vacancy and they meet one of the criteria set out in Section 3.

2.13. Candidates for group leaders for student recreational activities are approved by the First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (the head of the main structural unit) on the proposal of the trade union organization (students' trade union organization).

(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2002 N 192,

dated 01.04.2003 N 182, dated 01.02.2005 N 49, dated 06.01.2006 N 3,

dated July 15, 2008 N 531)

1. These Regulations determine the procedure and conditions for providing employees and members of their families, at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds, with vouchers for:

sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery for the prevention of diseases (hereinafter referred to as sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery);

sanatorium-resort treatment due to the need for sanatorium follow-up treatment (hereinafter referred to as follow-up treatment) immediately after inpatient treatment of diseases according to the list according to the appendix.

This Regulation does not apply when sending employees to sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

2. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation, as well as for after-care directly after inpatient treatment, are purchased at sanatorium-resort institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation that have licenses to carry out medical activities and certificates of conformity for food issued in the manner established by law Russian Federation.

The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment and recovery in sanatorium-resort institutions is 14 - 24 days.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2002 N 192)

(see text in the previous edition)

For persons with diseases and consequences of spinal cord injuries, according to the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the health care institution that referred the patient for sanatorium-resort treatment, the duration of sanatorium-resort treatment can be increased to 45 days.

3. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation are purchased by employers (hereinafter referred to as insurers) in accordance with the statements of employees and in the presence of medical reports issued by the relevant health care institutions.

(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2002 N 192, dated April 1, 2003 N 182)

(see text in the previous edition)

The purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums for children with their parents is carried out in accordance with medical reports for the sanatorium treatment of the child.

Regional branches of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) provide assistance to policyholders in obtaining information about available sanatorium and resort institutions, and, if necessary, other assistance in resolving issues of purchasing vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment and rehabilitation.

4. The insured, at the expense of compulsory social insurance funds, shall independently pay for full or partial payment of the cost of a voucher for sanatorium treatment or health improvement for employees and members of their families, based on the cost of staying in a sanatorium establishment for one person per day and the duration of stay, established by the federal the law on the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year, as well as based on the allocations for these purposes provided for by the regional branch of the Fund to the policyholder.

5. Allocations for sanatorium-resort treatment and health improvement of employees and members of their families are established for the policyholder by the regional branch of the Fund within the total amount of allocations provided for by the regional branch for these purposes in accordance with the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year, taking into account the expenditure by the policyholder of funds guaranteed by the state benefits, the needs of employees for sanatorium treatment and health improvement, and the provision of vouchers in previous years.

6. Expenses for paying the cost of vouchers for sanatorium treatment and health improvement of employees and members of their families in excess of the norms established by the federal law on the Fund’s budget for the corresponding year are borne by the insured from other sources.

7. The distribution and issuance of vouchers to employees for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation, the payment for which is made from compulsory social insurance funds, is carried out taking into account the provision of vouchers to the employee no more than once a year on the basis of a decision of the commission (authorized) for social insurance of the insured. This commission is formed from representatives of the employer, trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees.

Certain categories of employees, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are provided with vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation as a matter of priority.

8. A voucher for sanatorium treatment in a sanatorium for children with their parents is issued to a working parent for joint treatment with a child aged 4 to 15 years inclusive. In this case, expenses from compulsory social insurance funds are doubled and are made within the limits of the allocations established for the policyholder for sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation.

9. For a working disabled person of the first group, the second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment for the person accompanying him is paid on the terms of providing the voucher to the disabled person.